GoogleCloud Slides

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CS-833: Cloud Computing

Asad W. Malik
Associate Professor
Department of Computing (DOC),
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS),
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Pakistan
Cloud Services Launched by Google & Amazon

Cloud Computing 2
Cloud Computing Overview

Cloud Computing 3
Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing 4
IaaS Computing

Cloud Computing 5
PaaS Computing

Cloud Computing 6
IaaS vs PaaS

Cloud Computing 7

§ Software as a service applications, aren't installed on

your local computer
§ They run in the cloud as a service and are consumed
directly over the internet by end users.

Cloud Computing 8
IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS

Cloud Computing 9
Google Network

Cloud Computing 10
Google Cloud’s Infrastructure


Cloud Computing 11
Region and Zones

§ Regions are collections of zones. Zones have high-

bandwidth, low-latency network connections to other zones
in the same region.
Cloud Computing 12
Cloud Storage

§ Cloud Storage lets you place data within the Europe

§ Stored redundantly in at least two geographic
locations, separated by at least 160 kilometers

Cloud Computing 13
Zones and Regions

§ Number changed every year

Cloud Computing 14
Environmental Impact

§ Google Cloud's network is built on physical infrastructure.

§ All those racks of humming servers use huge amounts of energy.
Altogether, existing data centers use roughly 2% of the world's
§ Google works to make their data centers run as efficiently as
§ Google's data centers were the first to achieve ISO 14001
► standard maps organization to enhance its environmental
performance through improving resource efficiency and
reducing waste
► Example: Google's data center in Hameenlinna Finland, most
advanced and efficient data center. It's cooling system, uses
seawater, reduces energy use

Cloud Computing 15
Virtual Private Cloud

Cloud Computing 16
Virtual Private Cloud

Cloud Computing 17
Virtual Private Cloud

§ This capability can be used to build solutions that are

resilient to disruptions, yet retain a simple network layout.

Cloud Computing 18
Compute Engine - IaaS

Cloud Computing 19
Virtual Machine

Cloud Computing 20
Compute Engine Billing

Cloud Computing 21

Cloud Computing 22
Compute Engine

Cloud Computing 23
Scaling virtual machines

Cloud Computing 24
Scaling virtual machines

Cloud Computing 25

§ How do your customers get to your application when it

might be provided by four VMs one moment, and by 40
VMs at another?

Cloud Computing 26
Load Balancer

Cloud Computing 27
Load Balancer

Cloud Computing 28
Load Balancer

Cloud Computing 29
Load Balancer

Cloud Computing 30

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