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N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 1


PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
Element: BOTTOM DISH Step: 7 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: BOTTOM DISH

Elliptical Head Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 4.169 bars | Int. Design Temperature 170 °C
Material SA-240 316L | Ext. Design Temperature 170 °C
Length 40.000 mm. | External Pressure Chart HA-4
| UNS Number S31603
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm. | Allowable Stress (ope) S 112.5 N./mm^2
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm. | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 115.1 N./mm^2
Inside Diameter Di 830.000 mm. | Actual Stress 16.1 N./mm^2
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 10.8000 mm. | Spec. Nominal Thk. 12.000 mm.
Surface Area 8978.8 cm^2 | SG of Contents 0.000
Element Volume 96506.5 cm³ | Weight of Contents 0.0 Kgf
Empty Weight 91.9 Kgf | Operating Weight 91.9 Kgf
| Aspect Ratio 2.00

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 100 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %


Tolerance for Formed Heads per UG-81(a):

Head inner surface maximum deviation outside the specified shape, 1.25% of D: 0.408 mm.
N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 2
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
Element: BOTTOM DISH Step: 7 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.204 mm.

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*D*Kcor)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c)
= (4.17*830*1)/(2*112*1-0.2*4.17)
= 1.5385 + 0.0000 = 1.5385 mm.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.169 bars
= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*112*1*10.8)/(1*830+0.2*10.8)
= 29.2 - 0.17 = 29 bars

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*115*1*10.8)/(1*830+0.2*10.8)
= 29.9 bars

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*D+0.2*t))/(2*E*t)
= (4.17*(1*830+0.2*10.8))/(2*1*10.8)
= 16.062 N./mm^2

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) + c per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (4.17*415)/(112*1-0.6*4.17)+0
= 1.541 mm.

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.169 bars
= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (112 * 1 * 12 )/(415 + 0.6 * 12 )
= 32 - 0.17 = 31.8 bars

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 6.118 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of Table UHA-44 for Elongation limits.

SA-240 316L, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Tolerance for Formed Heads per UG-81(a):

Head inner surface maximum deviation outside the specified shape, 1.25% of D: 0.408 mm.
Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.204 mm.

External Pressure Results for: BOTTOM DISH

Elastic Modulus from Chart: HA-4 at 170 °C: 182017440 KPa.

| |
Results for Maximum Allowable Ext. Pressure | MAEP |
Tca | Outer Dia | Do/t | Factor A | Factor B |
10.800 | 851.60 | 78.85 | 0.0017614 | 54.24 |
MAEP = B/(K0*Do/t) = 54.2/(0.9 *78.9 ) = 7.64 bars

| |
Results for Required Thickness | Tca |
N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 3
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
Element: BOTTOM DISH Step: 7 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

Tca | Outer Dia | Do/t | Factor A | Factor B |

10.189 | 851.60 | 83.58 | 0.0016617 | 53.65 |
MAEP = B/(K0*Do/t) = 53.7/(0.9 *83.6 ) = 7.13 bars

Note: This segment of the vessel core was part of a jacketed segment
and the design external pressure and MAWP were adjusted. Please
see the Jacket/VB calculation for more information.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 4
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
Element: SHELL Step: 8 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: SHELL

Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 4.169 bars | Int. Design Temperature 170 °C
Material SA-240 316L | Ext. Design Temperature 170 °C
Length 1231.000 mm. | External Pressure Chart HA-4
| UNS Number S31603
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm. | Allowable Stress (ope) S 112.5 N./mm^2
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm. | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 115.1 N./mm^2
Inside Diameter Di 830.000 mm. | Actual Stress 17.6 N./mm^2
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 10.0000 mm. | Spec. Nominal Thk. 10.000 mm.
Surface Area 32872.1 cm^2 | SG of Contents 1.400
Element Volume 666165.2 cm³ | Weight of Contents 1193.9 Kgf
Empty Weight 327.5 Kgf | Operating Weight 1521.4 Kgf

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 100 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %


Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (4.17*415)/(112*1-0.6*4.17)
= 1.5414 + 0.0000 = 1.5414 mm.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 5
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
Element: SHELL Step: 8 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.169 bars

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (112*1*10)/(415+0.6*10)
= 26.7 - 0.17 = 26.6 bars

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (115*1*10)/(415+0.6*10)
= 27.3 bars

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (4.17*(415+0.6*10))/(1*10)
= 17.552 N./mm^2

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 1.190 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of Table UHA-44 for Elongation limits.

SA-240 316L, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

External Pressure Results for: SHELL

Elastic Modulus from Chart: HA-4 at 170 °C: 182017440 KPa.

| |
Results for Maximum Allowable Ext. Pressure | MAEP |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
10.000 | 850.00 | 1109.17 | 85.00 | 1.3049 | 0.0013015 | 51.18 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*51.2 )/(3*85 ) = 8.03 bars

| |
Results for Required Thickness | Tca |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
9.132 | 850.00 | 1109.17 | 93.08 | 1.3049 | 0.0011372 | 49.79 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*49.8 )/(3*93.1 ) = 7.13 bars

| |
Results for Maximum Stiffened Length | Slen |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
10.000 | 850.00 | 1837.79 | 85.00 | 2.1621 | 0.0007581 | 45.54 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*45.5 )/(3*85 ) = 7.14 bars

Note: This segment of the vessel core was part of a jacketed segment
and the design external pressure and MAWP were adjusted. Please
see the Jacket/VB calculation for more information.

Cylindrical Shell From Jckt to 30 Ext. Chart: HA-4 at 170 °C

Elastic Modulus from Chart: HA-4 at 170 °C: 182017440 KPa.

| |
Results for Maximum Allowable Ext. Pressure | MAEP |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
10.000 | 850.00 | 231.00 | 85.00 | 0.2718 | 0.0075144 | 67.91 |
N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 6
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
Element: SHELL Step: 8 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*67.9 )/(3*85 ) = 10.7 bars

| |
Results for Required Thickness | Tca |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
1.655 | 850.00 | 231.00 | 513.45 | 0.2718 | 0.0004462 | 39.79 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*39.8 )/(3*513 ) = 1.03 bars

| |
Results for Maximum Stiffened Length | Slen |
Tca | Outer Dia | Slen | Do/t | L/D | Factor A | Factor B |
10.000 | 850.00 | 5548.04 | 85.00 | 6.5271 | 0.0002257 | 20.54 |
MAEP = (4*B)/(3*(Do/t)) = (4*20.5 )/(3*85 ) = 3.22 bars

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 7
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
External Pressure Calculations: Step: 11 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

External Pressure Results Summary:

External Pressure Calculation Results:

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

External Pressure Calculations:

| | Section | Outside | Corroded | Factor | Factor |

From| To | Length | Diameter | Thickness | A | B |
| | mm. | mm. | mm. | | N./mm^2 |
10| 20| No Calc | 851.6 | 10.8 | 0.0017614 | 54.2366 |
20| Jckt| 1109.17 | 850 | 10 | 0.0013015 | 51.1786 |
Jckt| Jckt| 1109.17 | 850 | 10 | 0.0013015 | 51.1786 |
Jckt| 30| 231 | 850 | 10 | 0.0075144 | 67.906 |
30| 40| No Calc | ... | 30 | No Calc | No Calc |
40| 50| No Calc | ... | 40 | No Calc | No Calc |
50| 60| No Calc | 844.4 | 7.2 | 0.0011843 | 50.21 |

External Pressure Calculations:

| | External | External | External | External |

From| To | Actual T. | Required T.| Design Pressure | M.A.W.P. |
| | mm. | mm. | bars | bars |
10| 20| 10.8 | 10.1885 | 7.13102 | 6.61 |
20| Jckt| 10 | 9.13179 | 7.13102 | 6.99 |
Jckt| Jckt| 10 | 9.13179 | 7.13102 | 6.99 |
Jckt| 30| 10 | 1.65548 | 1.033 | 10.7 |
30| 40| 30 | 14.097 | 1.033 | No Calc |
40| 50| 40 | 27.0764 | 1.033 | No Calc |
50| 60| 7.2 | 2.29014 | 1.033 | 4.76 |
Minimum 4.76

External Pressure Calculations:

| | Actual Length | Allowable Length | Ring Inertia | Ring Inertia |

From| To | Bet. Stiffeners | Bet. Stiffeners | Required | Available |
| | mm. | mm. | cm^4 | cm^4 |
10| 20| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
20| Jckt| 1109.17 | 1837.79 | No Calc | No Calc |
Jckt| Jckt| 1109.17 | 1837.79 | No Calc | No Calc |
Jckt| 30| 231 | 5548.04 | No Calc | No Calc |
30| 40| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
40| 50| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
50| 60| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

Elements Suitable for External Pressure.

For vessels with Jackets, the External Design Pressure

includes the core vacuum pressure. The External MAWP is the total
allowable external pressure for that segment minus the core vacuum
pressure. The External MAWP can be less than the External Design
pressure and this is acceptable given that the actual thickness
is greater than the required thickness.
N4-SMT-03 (MP1), N4-SMT-04 (MP2) 8
PV Elite 25 Licensee: #
FileName : SS316L -500 LTRS ----------------
External Pressure Calculations: Step: 11 9:15pm Jul 1,2023

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

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