Written Assigenment Unit 4

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Written Assignment Unit 2

Carel Haumann

University of the People

UNIV 1101-AY2021-T1

Prof. Celeste Frye (Instructor)

September 29, 2021


Summary – Case Study

Nasira a 25 year old graduate landed a procurement specialist job with K9 Dura-Corp

based in Michigan. The company provided pet products that were only assembled in their plant.

The fabric lining for the dog beds were manufactured elsewhere which closed down. Nasira’s

objective was to source this fabric lining as soon as possible to prevent delays with distribution.

After some research she found two sources that met the style criteria. The two companies as


Fab-Right Inc, a company based overseas, the fabric they use are perfect for their lining

and as stated chew-proof. But there is also concerns raised by Nasira about the employees that

are exploited in terrible working conditions, poorly paid and there is no information about their

environmental impact study on the manufacturing process.

All-Fabric Inc, a company based locally, the fabric they use are not durable and a

chewing hazard for the dogs. The manufacturing process was contaminating the local water

supply. Residents are waiting for action from the Government.

Nasira’s supervisor made it clear that the company’s employee’s jobs and her position are

at stake and that it is in her hands to make the right decisions to prevent delay.

Strategy to come up with solution

Problem-Solving is a very important strategy, this will help you to organize and plan

your strategy to approach your problem by using an Action Checklist.

1. Define the problem:

Let’s identify the problem.

Collect information in detail.


Come up with examples.

Sort out the information logically.

2. Identify solutions

Use logic to identify goals

Identify consequences

Identify facts

Differentiate between solutions

3. Solution

Use facts and evidence gathered

Support and contemplate possible solutions

Defend and support your solution


By using the action list the options were limited in this case study. I recommend that

Nasira use Fab-Right Inc to source the fabric that is perfect for the pets. Although there are many

concerns but there is an opportunity that K9 Dura-Corp could build up a relationship with Fab-

Right and concerns can be discussed with them and a partnership to improve their workplace and

provide impact studies on the manufacturing process until both companies are content.

Word Count: 362


Chapter 7: Critical thinking and evaluating information. (n.d.). Lumen Learning. Retrieved

September 26, 2021, sourced from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/austincc-


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