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<b>Title:</b> Bathing time <br><br /><b>Author:</b> <lj user="Yurikamome19"> <br><br

/><b>Pairing:</b> YamaJima<br><br /><b>Rating:</b> pg-13<br><br /><b>Genre:</b> not smut :D

<lj-cut text="Chapter 4">

Taking a bath together isn’t something rare in japan, people do it a lot when they’re in onsen. There is
even mixed public bath where man and woman can relaxing in the onsen together. Between Nakajima
family, the brothers still bathing together sometimes, thanks to that brother complex older brother who
keep asking his younger brother to take a bath together. It’s not something strange for Yuto to do it,
that was why when he was having a photoshoot in Hawaii with his senpais and fellow johnny’s juniors
he was casually join his roommate when he took a bath, and that (un)lucky junior was no other than
Yamada Ryosuke.

The young Yamada Ryosuke just couldn’t say no to his senpai and reluctantly said yes. He was sitting and
hugging his knees close to his chest on the corner of the bathtub while Yuto was sitting on the opposite
side, talking about where they would go tomorrow in their free time after photoshoot was ended. If
you’re asking what was Ryosuke thinking about at that time, the pure chibi little head was lost in
thought about how <i>normal</i> boys in their early teens taking a bath together. <i>Japanese takes a
bath together in onsen, right...</i> he said to himself, making a rational though about this weird
accident. <i>but it’s not onsen and...and...</i>

Maybe because Ryosuke was thinking about it too much, he collapsed on the bathtub and his body
slipping down into the hot water. The chibi Yamada Ryosuke could hear a faint voice which was calling
him, then he saw his grandfather in front of him, taking his hand and pulled him up from the water.

“Yama-chan!” Yuto shook the shoulders of his close friend, but the chubby boy didn’t open his eyes.
“what should I do? what should I do?” Yuto was panicking, he felt the fear creeping inside his heart, the
fear of losing his bestfriend. “baka Yuto, calm down!” Yuto slapped his own cheeks to clear his mind,
“what I need to do for the drowning victim is...CPR” the skinny boy mumbling to himself and his eyes
falling down to Ryosuke’s lips. Yuto unconsciously gulped and then leaning down to give CPR and
<i>save</i> his bestfriend. That was when he found out that Ryosuke still breathing regularly and it for
some strange reason he was so disappointed.

Chibi Nakajima Yuto taking his friend’s smaller body from the water and wrapping an overly big
bathrobe over his little body then piggy-backing him to the bed. “why are you sleeping? Though I
brought so many games with me so we can playing it together” Yuto pouted and kneeled beside the
bed, staring to the sleeping Ryosuke who was starting to mumble about his Ojii-chan.

That was how they took a bath together and it didn’t that weird anymore for Ryosuke when Yuto joined
him in the bathroom after that, though the former still felt so wrong about it. When Yuto sorted out his
feelings toward Ryosuke and the older one realized he has the same feelings to him too, somehow
Ryosuke didn’t want to take bath together again and always locking the bathroom’s door. It was a long
journey for Nakajima Yuto to finally being allowed to take a bath with him again.
The water gushing out from the bathtub when Yuto dipping his body into the water, he folded his arms
on the side of the bathtub and put his chin on it, grinning like a fool while looking at his boyfriend who
was washing his body. The brown haired boy was too immersed in cleaning his body and didn’t feel that
intense stare of his taller boyfriend at all. Taking care of the skin is one of the important things an idol
needs to do, Ryosuke believes in that and he is always spending a lot of time in washing his body.

The jet of the water from the shower washing off the soap and shampoo from Ryosuke’s head. the
bubble drifting from his head to his shoulder, tracing on his chest and streaming lower to his stomach
then *cencored*. Yuto was enjoying the sight so much, he was grinning while studying his pretty
boyfriend’s body, scanning every inch of it.

“don’t stare!” Ryosuke found out that Yuto had been staring to him and he was spraying the water from
the shower to him. Yuto chuckled while defending his face with his hands then splashing the water from
the bathtub to his boyfriend. The water war was started and continuing for a couple of minutes before
Yuto’s mom knocked on the door and told them to be quiet.

“yabai, I forgot that we’re in your house” Ryosuke said in a low tone, shutting off the faucet and stopped
their water war.

“it’s okay. My mom is already familiar with the noise in the bathroom. Me and Raiya always playing
around in the bathroom too” Yuto said, assuring his shorter boyfriend. “come in” he took his boyfriend’s
hand and taking him into the bathtub, making the water splashing out of the bathtub. They were sitting
separatedly on each corner of the bathtub, with their legs touching each other under the water. “you
remember the first time we took a bath together?” Yuto asked randomly,

“un, I won’t forget that dready memory for the rest of my life” Ryosuke answered with a slight teasing
pout on his face,

“oi, what do you mean with that?” Yuto chuckled, knowing so well his tsundere boyfriend’s attitude.
“but you’re right at one point, it was indeed rather scary because you fainted on the tub”

“I was thinking a lot at that time”


“about the weird senpai who suddenly wanted to take a bath together with me”

“me?!” Yuto pointed to himself,

“then who else?” Ryosuke rolled his eyes,

“I was so scared when you fainted and even thought to do CPR to you”

“huh? but you didn’t do that, right?”

“I didn’t”
“yokatta” Ryosuke sighed in relief,

“what do you mean?” Yuto scooting closer to Ryosuke, sitting right in front of him who was immediately
folding his legs.

“I didn’t want my childhood memories to be corrupted by getting a kiss from another boy. Anyway, if
you did CPR at that time probably I would avoiding you forever. Taking a bath together was weird
enough for me at that time, let alone if I knew that you pressed your mouth on me”

“uwa, you hurt me. I really worried about you at that time and I was really didn’t think about any perv
things at all” Yuto pouted, “but wait a minute, if you were thinking about it that meant that
you were already have a feelings to me”

“is that even matter now?” Ryosuke asked, wanted to dodge Yuto’s curiosity of when he started to fall
for him.

“yes. Because if you liked first then what was the meaning of your cold attitude and avoiding me after I
confessed to you three years ago? That was hurting me a lot”

“you really want to know?” Ryosuke stared to Yuto with a pair of serious eyes

“absolutely” Yuto nodded, became serious all of a sudden,

“then I won’t tell you” Ryosuke said then chuckling to his boyfriend’s ‘huh’ looks,

“you...” Yuto tickling Ryosuke’s waist and the shorter boy giggling while trying to stop him, water
clacking around them, splashing out of the bathtub when Ryosuke attacking Yuto too and the bathroom
filled with their laughter and giggles. “gotcha” Yuto said when he caught Ryosuke’s wrist, stopping him
from tickling his waist. The older boy’s face reddened because of too much laughing and staying in the
hot water, his slightly red cheeks and wet lips stirring something inside him in an instant. “now I
remembered,” Yuto spoke out while looking down to Ryosuke,


“I really didn’t think about anything when I joined you in the bathroom at that time in hawaii. But when
you collapsed and I didn’t get to give you CPR...I was so disappointed. Because somehow I wanted to
feel your lips” Yuto admitted,

“yappari, you’re not so innocent at all at that time” Ryosuke chuckled,

“yeah, but you were also responsible for that” Yuto cupped his cheek,

“why should I?”

“because your lips was so tempting and I couldn’t resist. I’m so glad that I can feel your lips whenever I
want it now” Yuto leaned down, catching Ryosuke’s smile before he closed his eyes and entwined their
lips together.
Yuto was sure he was still pure little child when he asked Ryosuke to take a bath together. But his pure
little heart was slowly turning into something else along with the time they were spending together.
Both of them didn’t know since when their feelings turned into love, wanting to possess the other,
wanting to keep the other for themselves.

“ah, they’re finally going silent” Raiya said in the living room, his older brother’s laughing voice with his
bestfriend in the bathroom was so noisy and he couldn’t hear the sound of the television he was
watching at all. But the innocent Raiya didn’t know that ‘going silent’ didn’t mean that they ‘do nothing’
there. Going silent was also means that they were doing something that would be dangerous to be

a/n: random story is random >_< </lj-cut>

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