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Summary: two popular boys in their high school who were actually also a rival and hating the

team up to get rid of their persistent countless obsessed fangirl/boy by pretending to dating each other.

Plot: two popular boys in high school, always competing since they get into the school because they’re
used to be the most popular in their school but this time there are two people who are popular in the
school and they always being compared to each other. They’re rival in their first year, actually they’re
feels disturbed with countless fans want to eat them alive. In the second year when they’re accidentally
kissed because of they get together in a three feet run, their fans somehow retreating a little and they
heard the gossiping that two popular boys dating each other makes them give up. So they find out a way
to reject their fans, to pretend to be dating! XD let’s pairing InooYama again~

Uhm, Inoo and Ryosuke broke up because Inoo said that Ryosuke’s feelings toward him is a little bit
heavy and it’s pressuring him. he is too attached to him and it’s getting hard for him to breath and going
out with him. Yuto said that it’s pretty normal to get attached to someone he loves because that’s
exactly how love works, wants to always be with his partner anytime. Ryosuke: that’s child’s thought
nakajima. In adult’s relationship we should give privacy to our partner. Yuto: then what’s so wrong with
loving him the way you like, if you did that the way he likes, you will be tired of that. I think love is about
being yourself. Ryosuke: but what’s so wrong about want to be good for him, in front of him? practicing
how to cook for him, it can’t be wrong to make the one you love happy, because I love to see him happy
and I want to do something to make him happy. Yuto: that’s good, but restraining yourself of contacting
him just because he said it’s annoying is a little bit wrong for me. I mean, if it’s me, I won’t reject my
lover’s call or messages, because I love him.

<b>Title:</b> untitled (yet) <br><br /><b>Author:</b> <lj user="Yurikamome19"> <br><br

/><b>Pairing:</b> YamaJima for now, probably I’ll give more pairings later<br><br /><b>Rating:</b> pg-
13<br><br /><b>Genre:</b> NON-ANGST

<lj-cut text="Ch. 1">

YY high school is the usual high school you can find anywhere in the world, the lessons, uniform,
buildings...all of those things are something you will say ‘ordinary’. But the extraordinary part of this
school won’t be found out if you’re not the student of the school. This is only a secret between us, but in
this school there are two ikemen who are said as the human version of angels or too-perfect-to-be-a-
human boys or flawless-until-it-makes-you-couldn’t-stop-flailing or...any words you can use to express
their handsome-ness (?).
The already noisy cafeteria is even more noisy with the girls screaming and squealing when two boys
walking inside the lunch hall with their fingers interlacing together intimately.

“oh my God, they looks so good together” a girl said,

“mou, I still can’t believe that Nakajima-kun is dating Yamada-kun. Why two popular boys in school
should get together?! It’s unfair!” other girl is complaining, getting several nods and glares as well by the
other girls and boys inside the lunch hall.

Both of the boys heard those buzzing and just walking to an empty table to eat their lunch set. “hai,
Yuto-kun say aa~” Ryosuke lifted a spoonful of rice in front of Yuto and the taller boy gladly opens his
mouth and eat it.

“curse you Nakajima Yuto! how dare you to take my angel” a boy on the other table said, banging his
hand on the poor surface and chewing off his own necktie, obviously needs to get a ‘managing emotion’
lesson right away.

“I won’t regret anything and die peacefully if Yamada-kun feed me like that” other boy said, literally
dreaming that he is the one who is sitting in front of Ryosuke.

“forget it minna, he is taken by Nakajima and we can’t do anything” another boy who wears a glasses
said, asking his friends to accept it though he is actually has some voodoo doll in his house to curse Yuto
every night.

A more cursing and squealing filling the lunch hall when Yuto kissed Ryosuke’s cheek, taking the rice on
the corner of his lips with his tongue. The brown haired boy looks so lost after Yuto did that, then
hanging low his face shyly, earning ‘kawaii~’, ‘Gosh!’ and ‘fuck!’ from the others. Well, haters always
appear anywhere and their job is to hate.

Two most popular boys in the school dating each other is the most unfortunate news for the other
students, because it means that they can’t win whatever they did to catch their attention. Moreover,
they’re so lovey-dovey everywhere and it’s even irritating for them. But the the other half of the student
is completely swooning by their cuteness, because two popular boys got together and stick to each
other is doubling their value, two ikemen walking together is always better than one.

When they finished their lunch, the couple is walking upstairs to the rooftop and as soon as they close
the door of the rooftop and make sure that no one following them, they’re swatting off their interlacing
fingers. “dammit Nakajima! Why you kissed me earlier?!” Ryosuke half shouting to the taller boy,
rubbing his lips continuously with a disgusted looks.

“and you! what the hell with that ‘hai, open your mouth’ thing?! You’re acting like a girl and it gave me
goosebumps!” Yuto retorted back,

“you said what?! I did that so everyone will be more convinced if we’re dating”

“you did it too much!”

“ha?! Then what you did to me earlier, kissing is prohibited! We agreed about it before! no kissing or
anything above that! you crossed the line!”

“recall it Yamada, our agreement is <i>no kiss on the lips</i>! I didn’t kiss your lips! It’s <i>almost</i>
kiss your lips”

“okay, fine! But remember, if you kiss me there I’ll kill you right away” Ryosuke glared to Yuto,

“are you sure you can do that, chibi?!” Yuto snorted out, standing in front of him and looking down
mockingly to him,

“of course, you walking skeleton. Do you know the recent poll in school? I got first place for the best
body because you have nothing in your body but bones!” the brown haired boy looks up to the taller,
didn’t intend to get insulted just because their height difference.

“he~ but you’re also got the first place for the most chubbiest boy in the school and I got the first place
in the model-like category. If you want to boast about your popularity, grow a little bit more shortie”
Yuto tapped Ryosuke’s head and smirking to him, Ryosuke is almost blow up when some girls find them
on the rooftop and bugging them to go with them after school, “I’m so sorry, but we have a date after
school. Ne, honey” Yuto circling his arms around Ryosuke’s waist, smiling all too sweet to him though his
eyes saying ‘shortie, shortie, shortie’ to him,

“ah sou? I thought you just didn’t want to go home alone because you’re afraid of the rumor which said
that there is a ghost spotted in the corner of the block to the station” Ryosuke tilted his head cutely to
Yuto, everything he had said is just a made up story to embarrassing Yuto.

“what’re you saying sweety? I never said that~” Yuto squeezed Ryosuke’s waist, and the latter wincing

“gomen~” Ryosuke answered and <strike>hugging</i> pinching Yuto’s hands while smiling cheerfully.

Eh? what is their relationship? Hmm, to put it simple it’s a couple on the outside and rival in the inside.
This messy relationship started about five months ago when they met in the ceremony for the new
student in YY high school. The girls and the boys started squealing and talking about how beautiful he is
when he was walking inside the school’s hall. Yamada Ryosuke already used to the attention from the
girls or even from the boys, he is always be the most popular boy in his schools before and he loves that
attention, as long as they didn’t stalk him home or invading his privacy.

“oh my God, he is so tall. My type!” a girl exclaimed and it made him wondering,

<i>hm? Tall? Usually people didn’t call me tall, just cute or beautiful or pretty or cool but NEVER they
use the word tall to praise me</i> Ryosuke thought.

On the other hand, Nakajima Yuto was smiling to the girls who were squealing over him. <i>ah, I will be
the most popular boy here too for sure</i> he grinned inside his heart. just like Ryosuke, Yuto is the
most popular boy in his previous schools too and he was sure no one could beat him here.
“you prefer him? if it’s me then I prefer that brown haired boy, he is so cute and it makes me want to
spoil him forever” a statement from another girl around him was make him rather irritated, ever since
he was born he is always be the one and only choice, no one ever say that she or he prefer the other
person than him.

<i>pardon me?</i> Yuto furrowed his eyebrows, wondering who was that boy they was talking about
because it was definitely not him. His pride as the boy who is always be number-one-in-looks starting to
get annoyed by those gossiping which was talking about other boy.

Ryosuke was looking around and checking who was the boy who probably would be his rival and at that
time Yuto was looking around too, with the same purpose as well. Between so many new student in the
hall their eyes met and after scrutinizing each other’s appearance they knew that the other was the one
who would be their rival in this new school. A spark of rivalry suddenly ignited in their heart, <i>this is
interesting, let’s see who will get the king crown in this school</i> both of them flashed a fake smile
while decided that they would definitely won’t lose from the other.

Since then they’re always competing in every subjects possible, they counted their fans and the love
letters they got everyday and comparing the number which is... unbelievably equal. Yuto is a little bit
more popular among girls and Ryosuke is quite popular among boys too, all thanks to his somewhat girly
face which he is never proud of. They were acting like a usual classmate in the other’s eyes but 180
degrees different when they’re alone. For some reasons the president of student council, Yaotome
Hikaru, supporting them when he was accidentally hear their secret <strike>conversation</strike>
quarrel on the rooftop. He makes a lot of polls or events to see who is the best between Yuto and

“It’s fun. It helps me killing the time in this boring school” Hikaru answered when Yuto asked him why is
he supporting them.

“and the student needs those events to release their stress of studying” Yabu Kota, the vice president of
student council added, convincing the two innocent boys that they’re just want to help them and didn’t
want any merit at all. But Yuto and Ryosuke didn’t know that Hikaru and the rest of student council
members are gaining money from the polls or events by selling their photos.

With the support of the student council, Yuto and Ryosuke’s popularity is even bigger than before. Their
pictures and news are always appear on the daily school’s newspaper and the student council forced
them to be a model of photography club and they’re selling their photobook everymonth. Oh yeah,
another things you have to note from YY school is that the school is owned by Yaotome and Yabu
corporations. You got it right, it’s owned by Yaotome Hikaru and Yabu Kota’s family, that’s why the
name is YY (why it didn’t surprise me?) pretty simple huh?.

Back to our two ikemen, tons of confessions and love letters, bunch of stalkers from their school and
even from the other schools, are only some little things they have to face everyday and they’re slowly
getting fed up by that. The craziness scale is totally different from when they were in elementary school
or junior high school, and all of that should be Yaotome Hikaru and the other student council members’

“fuck it, I’m tired of this” Ryosuke murmured on the rooftop. He was so tired of being chased
everywhere by the crazy mob and laying flat on the rooftop,

“me too” Yuto, who was laying beside him, answered. The taller boy was feel the same.

“I didn’t want to lose but those crazy fans are killing me”

“my thought exactly. If only we can find one way to keep going without them touching us...I’ll thanking
the God”

The door of the rooftop slammed open and a chibi boy’s head popped out from the door, it was Arioka
Daiki, one of the student council members, “what are you two doing here? The competition will start”
the chubby cheeked boy said, with pocky still sticked on the side of his mouth. That day was sport
festival in their school and both of them joined the 100 metre sprint competition.

Ryosuke sat up and stretching his body, “I won’t lose” he said to Yuto,

“me too. Let’s settle this Yamada” Yuto answered while walking behind the two chibis to the school

When the competition started, they were running as fast as they could but unfortunate accident
happened, the boy who run beside Yuto bumped to him which caused him to bump into Ryosuke who
run beside him and they rolled on the ground.

“kyaaa~” the girls squealing from the side of the yard and both of the boys didn’t know why people
screaming and gasping and murmuring loudly. They opened their eyes and see each other’s face
extremely close with their own and the most unexpected one was that their lips accidentally pressed
onto each other. They were stunned for a moment, blinking their eyes a couple of times before shoving
each other’s body away.

“Takaki! Did you get that?” Hikaru shouted to Takaki, the member of student council who is also the
president of photography club,

“don’t underestimate me Hikaru” Takaki answered, grinning while showing off his capture to Hikaru,

“yosh, it will sell like a pancake for sure” Hikaru smirked gleefully. As expected from the heir of a big
company, the businessman’s soul is running on his vein.

“we should put it in the next photobook too, from my raw calculation it will doubling our usual income”
Yabu said, already calculating the income.

“maybe we should take more photos of them together, from the squeals of the girls it seems that they
love this BL scene” Yabu turned his face to Hikaru and he got a thumb up for his plan from the leader.
“as expected from the vice president” Daiki praised Yabu while attacking him with puppy eyes attack so
he would get more share from the income.


<i>darn I kissed him! a boy! my rival!</i> Yuto thought while washing his mouth in the nearby faucet.
Ryosuke was washing his mouth beside Yuto then they were glaring to each other after they did that.

“I can’t believe it, it’s a nightmare” Ryosuke shook his head, trying to calming himself and forget what
had happened.

“it’s a nightmare for me too, Yamada” Yuto answered, they were locking their hands on each other’s
collar and ready to kill each other. A sudden voice intruded their fight and they were automatically
hiding behind a bush, a group of girls were coming while talking enthusiastically,

“oh my God, I still can’t get Yamada-kun and Nakajima-kun’s kiss scene out of my head” a girl with pony-
tail said to her friends, jumping on her toes excitedly,

“me too” her friend agreed while trying to hold her squeals,

“oh my God, if they’re dating for real maybe I will stop bugging them since they’re looking so good
together” the other girl, who was holding a pink colored phone with Yuto and Ryosuke’s photo as her
phone’s skin, swearing while holding up her hand. The two boys behind the bush recognized those girls,
they were the members of their fansclub in the school and always sticking close to them whenever they
see them around.

“I thought so too. Both of them are perfect and I don’t think I can beat Yamada-kun to get Nakajima-
kun’s heart” the girl who was wearing a white headband with ‘Yuto, fight!’ written on it said rather
sadly, half-heartedly accepting the fact that they’re looking good together.

“deshou~” the pony-tail girl said, completely supporting Yuto and Ryosuke’s ‘love’.

The girls kept gossiping and the boys they were gossiping were looking to each other, then smiling
because they knew they had the same thought. “Yamada, I think I have a nice idea to make them lose
their hope to us”

“don’t ever think that you’re the one who got a nice idea. Because I got pretty nice idea too”

Yuto turns his head to Ryosuke and caught a glint of mischievousness on his smile, exactly the same
expression he made at that time, “I think we’re thinking about the same thing”

“though I’m not really happy to have the same way of thinking like you, I think we really got the same
idea just now” Ryosuke said.

“so, should we pretends to be a couple?” Yuto shoved out his plan,

“why not? To make it even more exciting...the one who falls in love with the other will shout that he
lose from the other via school’s radio” the shorter boy said, challenging Yuto with his smug looks. He
was totally confident that the taller boy would fall in love with him. Hey, who won’t be falling for him,
Yamada Ryosuke?

Yuto rolled his eyes, “do you think that I will lose? In your dream! Let’s make a rules so you won’t use
this opportunity to get closer to me”

“huh? shut the hell up, you’re the last creature on the earth that I want to get closer to. Holding hands,
kissing and of course anything above that are prohibited”

“I don’t have any intention to do all of that with you, don’t worry. But think about it you fish-head, no
one will believe that we’re dating if we did nothing and acted as usual. Holding hands, kissing and
touching—oh Gosh I can’t believe I did this...the upper part of my body are okay with me. But if you
touched me on some strange parts, I’ll kill you”

“yikes! What are you saying? You creeps me out!” Ryosuke shuddered, “kissing on the lips is a big no for
me, everything you said earlier...I think I still can deal with that”

“why? Kissing on the lips is not that big deal. Don’t tell still didn’t get your first kiss?! Really?!”

“sorry to make you dissappointed, but I did it already. I just didn’t want to kiss random people,
especially you”

“whatever~ So, you take the challenge?” Yuto lifted up his fist in front of Ryosuke, waiting for his

“obviously, and I have no doubt that I’ll lose from you” Ryosuke bumped his fist to Yuto’s, sealed their

a/n: new fic just to take some time from angst <strike>because the next chap of esperanza is angst and I
still can’t switch my mood to angstXD</strike>

since I’m sucks at making title, can someone give me some idea about what I should entitle this fic?
Onegai~ </lj-cut>

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