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Chapter 1 @.1 What is Cloud computing? Ans. in Comper scence, Cc cosine vac 4 96 of lett sappy is oasoureed. er a a to wony where the elect oH Sans mate, oF transported. Every month, rey The ies tehind Cloud comping we slorage. computing power, or sper! cevircoments, without Raving 10 worry hs thse 8 cova hey consid, Cloud computing is usvally Internet cvs cloné is 2 metaphor for the Inlemet en jw che interes is described in computer network disgrams: which means «18 an computing. The abstraction hiding the complex infeasiectare of suvle c! computing in which rete yon internet. Is 2 ss prorides “s allowing users te access exh ot gy cial ervices Tnveraet ("in the toni) ‘technologies behind thsse sie out computing 1. a ate caligm, | model For enabling all user sted pons af Fiyarable rewmteos (such as ctype steer fe apphestions an service 4 ioc tsionead wait mania tin soon 7 Taek Cloud computing aB.y0% " oss competing capabitine 7 asin ee uivatcly-owued cloud, of one hie Gas e+ emer tus making dateaceessints mes! cit oud computing relies on sharing! cues 1 al vonsisteney: and economy of scale, sim y. Cloud lung atlows companies 16 avd a infeessructurs casts. AS ones = izations 10 focus on thes cote PHS AES Jn expending resources on comprier infrssruetire and avsimtena Cloud computing allows enterprises te ce! the * sop") atone ap sun foster, with improved manageability > jess os vntonance, that it enables 1 teams to more rapid'y ate > psnees 1 meet Auctuating and unprevictible fusiness deni ate! Coud peers ‘ppicaliy use a “pay modet Uwieapectedly high charges if admins with cloud-pricing models. Jus could lead to fs aie ot familiarized 1 2009 the availability uf high-apact computers and storage devices as wel asthe videsprea sloption wars, Kow-cast ‘of hardware virtualization, service oriente:’ architecture, and ‘amonomic and utili competing. Compani ‘can scale up as comput computing fed 10 a growth in Clovd ig needs increase Basics of Cloud Computing | am tue scab fos rain when demands decrease. In 2013. ws reported that Cho computing ad tecome a highly demanded service or tly Sve the advantages of high computing per | eteap cost of services, thigh performance, scalability. end | accessibility as wen as aatlbiity ar | dns. o -18 Clow computing as per NIST. Clood computing is a mol for enchling vbiguitou convenien,, on-demand network acsess to a shared pool configurable computing resources (eg. networks, servers, slorage applications and services) that ean be rapidly provisioned and released with unimal management effort or service provider imeraction | @.3 Explain the term On-premise | Ans. Cloud is @ distin and remotely sccessible environmen Hence cloud provides an option for the IT resour: ‘eployiaent on ven side ‘When an IT resoutee is hosted in an (T emterprise within ws organizational boundary, i is considered ro be located sof rem festuprise Wishnonn as un ‘The tenn on-premise can be sted 25 the Jowi ty eonverting iri clol-based TT resource visi) Sometimies, few redunaat TT resources may exist in ‘bath on-premise as wells cloud based en ivenments Q.4 Explain the types of Scaling, Aas, Seatiny the bin ol TP resource to handle: continues istoesing oF dos tsi, demands of wap There te wo pes of scan 1. Horizontal Scaling In this type of scaling, same type of IY resouteey are allocated or released ao per the requirement The process of allocating the IT resources horvantally 1s krow as scaling out, The process of completely replaced by another IT resource with higher or lower Canady. The process of upgradation or complete replacement of ‘an IT resouree by another IT resource with higher capacity is known 2s scaling up. The process of up down gradation or complete replacement of an IT resource by another IT resource with lower capacity is known as sealing down, In cloud environments, vertical scaling is generally not much used due to more downtime which is required for scaling up oF ‘down, In Fig, 1.2, IT resource isa virtua server which has initially five CPUs is scaled up by replacing it with a more powerful IT ee i i. RO 02 seme Fig. 1.2: Vertical Scaling Q.5 Differentiate between Horizontal and vertical Resource replication and automated scaling. | ‘Additional IT No additonal resources ate resources are required | | required. His not timited by the | Its ited by tie | capacity of kardware. | capacity of hardware .6 Explain the term Cloud Service. - Ans. For security reson, some TT rescues which side within lo ae made unable for remote acess. Fr example daub or «physi sere which exis within hut a accesle ony 10 TT sources which we present he sone Cl cloud serve cn be considered a an Tres ven can be socesed realy via clon. tis aly fee and broad cnc than the ter I fs. Aco service can ea Single Web tse stv sppaton which is imo wie help messaging pros or vit sere (emt poi fo alse ol frig envionment wan Remote accessed webservice Remoletydcceesea vinval over ‘acting 2s a coud service ‘acting a5 dou service Fig. 13 : Cloud Service 0.7 Explain cloud computing applications. ‘Ans. : Applications of cloud computing 1. Online Fle Storage There are mumber of examples of sites lke: MediaFire rmegauphed,hofie, éShated, rapidshare, yourflebost which help to hast ils such a8 documents, images, presentation, videos, et “The inkeraces provide ae very simple to vse, and these sites help users to upload and download files. 200GB of storage space is siventouses with ile size of 2GB. 2. Photo Editing Software ‘There are some famous online photo editing software such as Picnik, Pixir, ete. which are absolutely free. Such software provides features like image cropping, changing size of image, rolaton depending upon degrees, special effects, adition as well scaling. Ans. : Difference between Horizontal and vertical scaling Horizontal Sealing | _ Vertical Sealing | Less expeasive More expensive | because ofthe use of | because of the need of commodity hardware | specialized servers. | compone as editing features, Paint tools and other adjustment featares are also provided by some of them. Is possible to edit he bighess pe al Aa and contrast, and users ca layer the images. For this purpose Pix, provides various high-level, complex features which are easy 10 3. Digital Video Software ‘A free application named Hl is avaiable For videos which ane free on the web. It i posible for cloud users to downlad popular moves, television show’ as well as docunetaies and jy them on the web-browser like Google Chrome. Hult isa joint venture of three firms via - Fox tnetainment Group, NBC Universal and ABC Ine. There ae aso some other video sts sich 18 WatchMoviesOnline, YouTute, Google video, 4. Twitter-Related Appl ‘There are number of twiterselated applications like bitly which can convert lengthy URL in a shor unigue URL. User is redirected tothe real website after clicking this URL, But in some cases it may be dangerous as hackers can adé_ malicious attachments of programs with it, There is an agreement of Ly with ‘Twit, 0 let twitter users for using shortened URLs. One more site named Twitpic is present which lets the aser to upload pictures to be linked from twitter. For this purpose it uses twitr's log ‘generates small URLs which can be called from twnter's icroblogging 5. Creating Image Album To hast images on the web, number of applications are available such as flicks, photobucket, webshots, imagebam and ziddu, These sites are under the roof of cloua which allows users to ‘arrange images into albums as well as crete siSeshows for free 6. Web Application for Antivirus Cloud Anivis is an example of cb application for anivins. Panda Security - a Spanish company is efaor of hs application which offers fantnaiytsave le system from vrs and also detects and fies a system whichis ead infected ith malware of any different forms of éomputr ves. PC Worl res ths application a the best Fe aves application. This application canbe downloaded int the stems, andthe inspection of malware can be done by sending the ioration regarding the feo the cd datacenter 7. Presentation Software For presentation purpose, an online free application is availble named Sliderocket. User can impor Microsofts PowerPoint presentations using this application It is possible 10 access the presentation from anywhere in the world a tis a web- tased cloud application, But inthe fie version there s no facility ‘o.di presentations offline forthe cloud uses 8. Word Processing Appi Writeboard is an online word processing as well as document ‘iting application. This application allows muliple users to access, adem ‘and simultaneously edit and save the document, but the focument will have different versions. This i is application does not Drovide facility to impor the word files. Gramm 7 tion 9, Finding a Way on the Map Searching directions as well a locations on the web, is one ‘move important area where clowd applications are useful There are runber of famous sites soc as mapquest, Google Maps, and Yabo Maps. These are considered asthe most useful free online applications which ae useful for milion of users in several ways by giving information about direction and paths and help users to teach their destinations. 10, E-Commerce Software Cloud based application helps ues as well a e-business to provide instance respanse to market opportunities and challenges which are faced by e-commerce. Inespective of selection of ‘computing solution, the fee online application must be able to acess customer dal, product data, fulflment systems as well as, several other operational systems sos to support e-commerce. The ‘e-commerce applications which are Clourbased offer IT firms, and business leaders to evaluate new opportunites without the need of big amount of upfront investment @.8 Explain involvement of Cloud Computing in an organization. ‘Ans. : CClovd computing cannot be considered as onesie isa affair As the hardware and software configuration used in an enterprise is different from the enterprises regular affair; the needs ‘of cloud computing will aso be different ‘When You Can Use Cloud Computing Lae CH, ~~ Compute clouds allows you to access applications maintained ‘on a providers equipment Fig. 14: Compute Cloud There ave number of factors which decides whether to use loud computing or not 1. Costbeneit atin 2. Speed of detivery 3. How much capacity will be used 4. Whether the data i regulated 5. The corporate and IT structure of organization There may be occasions when the requitement of ‘organization is an ideal match for cloud computing. But sometimes loud computing may not bea good match to te requirements of ele ee ES organization. Here we will se both for what organization can use =. received by the load balance, it just forward dhe request to one of the servers inthe round-robin mechanism. If the requests on the website increases, more servers can be introduced, to which the loa balancer can distribute requests. With the help of same technique, most ofthe TaxS solutions offer on- demand scaling and load balancing. {@.32 What are the advantages of laaS solutions ? Ans. : laa solution has folowing avantages (i) Noneed ofan expensive as well s staf intensive datacenter Ci) Hardware scalability is easy and leble (Gi) Reduced hardware cost (iv) On-demand, pay-as-you-go seaability (0) Need of less staff (i) Adhoe test environment suitability (iy Absolte system administration and management 0.33 Write note on Identity management - as -a- service (IDaas). Ans Nowadays in mst ofthe organizations, to peform number of tasks users have to log in to several different systems. In those organizations some systems may be based on cloud, some may be local server based, and some may be accessible using different ‘In handling multiple servers, the challenge is that users ye username anid devices. hhave to remember as well as manage more than ont ‘password! combinations Further, whenever any employee leaves the company, it's responsibilty ofthe IT staf to coon nate withthe HR. department to make suce that alle accounts of the cespective user have been disabled, ID management (User identity management) is considered as tedious. time consuming, and expensive, Since last decade, organizations have started to emerge to provide identity (or identification) 2s a service ((DaaS), or cloud-based ID management Chapter 2 : Data Storage and Security in Cloud 1 White a note on cloud File System with architectures. ‘Ans. : In computing, 2 filesystem conuols how data is stored and revived. Without a file sytem, information placed in a storage ‘medium would be one large body of data with no way to tell where ‘one piece of information stops and the next begins, By separating the data into pieces and ving each piece a name, the information is easily isolated and identified. The structure and logic rules used to manage the groups of information and their names ar called as “filesystem” CClood supports distributed file sytem which isa file system that allows many clients to have access to data and supports operations (create, delete, modify, read, write) on that data. Each ata file may be pation into several pars called chunks. Bach chunk may be stored on diffrent remote machines failitaling the parallel execution of applications. Typically, data s stored in files in a hierarchical tre, where the nodes represent directories. There se several ways to share files ina distributed architecture : each solution must be suiteble for a cenain type of application, of 1B - 5 TB, To reduce Intency ‘Amaron $3 provides Reduced Redondancy Storage (RRS). The data is stored in rion segregated buckets. Hence the number of resources are saved and increases the application efficiency for the subscribers which nay be at diferent Jocation. It provides strong secunty of epionaly store data trough authentication. ‘89 API and competing services Competing services have got an effective rise because of the ‘Amazon $3 2nd tooling based on the S3 APL. The standard Programming ivterface 1s used by these. services: underlying technologies ané supporting business models helps 10 diferatate then, however ‘Competing service providers are enabled by the cloud storage standard (like electrical and networking standards) to design their services and provide following benefits (A set of rules are provided to increase competition It ‘encourages market entry of smaller companies (ii) The innovations of developers, cloud storage & tool vendors, are encouraged which helps them to concentrate on improvement of quality of product and services rather than focusing on compatiblity. ii) The economies of scale in implementation are allowed. (ie, it a service provider fis an outage oF as tools of client uiow and requie faster OS or tools, the swapping the sofions canbe done Civ) In espons to demands af he market plac, timely solutions for delivering functionality are provided Exaniples of competing $3 compliant storage implementations include (i) Pore Storaes FishBlade 6) Minio Object ie (ii) Notas Hybnd Storage iv). Sealy Ri the general security disadvantages of clout based solutions? Ans. Disadvantages cf clovd based solution 1. Country or jurisdietion The ion of clowd:based resources is sometimes considered as confusing aspect. If location of hosting of loud-based resources is a remote country, then one must be ‘concerned sith the laws as well as the government stability of pa icular country. Also if the cloud resources reside ‘ore than one state, there may be questions of jurisdiction feyarding the legal matter, 2 Multitenant risks Mulitenant solutions are used by number of cloud-based service providers that means same resources lke database can be used by multiple customers. Because of this, one ‘company’s data might expose to another company du to any ‘pplication error, Also if there is sharing of data storage device, there is possibilty that data of one company may expose to another company. 3. Malicious insiders In spite of best human-elations effor of a cloud soiution Provider, some problems may aise because of malicious ‘employees, Base! on the roe of such malicious employee, 0 ‘company's cloud-based data may be at risk. 4. Vendor tock in Based on the way of storing data of an organization by the

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