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1. Who is the main character?

2. H ow many people were there?

3. What did person number 1 claim?

4. What did person number 2 claim?

5. What did person number 3 claim?

6. Who spent their entire life savings buying shark meat?

7. When did all of this happen?

8. H ow did you know the answer to question number 7?

9. Who invited who?

10. H ow did you know the answer to question number 9?

1. Miss Shinyahigamito Caranota
2. 4, if you count Miss Shinyahigamito Caranota too.
3. Person number 1 said, he didn’t take the meat, and he was invited by person
number 2
4. Person number 2 said, there was going to be a huge party.
5. Person number 3 said, he was invited too by person number 2 because
person number 2 said to person number 3 that there was going to be a
6. Miss Shinyahigamito Caranota was the one who spent her entire life
savings buying shark meat.
7. The meat was gone at 03:01.
8. Because, the video said, Miss Shinyahigamito Caranota fell asleep at 02:56,
and 5 minutes later, the meat was gone. 02:56 + 5 minutes = 03:01
9. Person number 1 and number 3 invited person number 2
10. Because, the meat was gone at 03:01. Person number 1 and 3 said they were
invited by person number two at Today, 04:58 AM. It doesn’t make sense,
because it is not even 04:58 AM yet. Person number two said he was invited
here at Today, 01:10 AM. Person number 2 kinda make sense, so MAYBE
person number 1 and 3 invited person number 2…



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