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Département de stratégie, responsabilité

sociale et environnementale
École des sciences de la gestion
Université du Québec à Montréal

International Management and Culture
Fall semester 2021
Wednesday 18h00-21h00

Coordinator: Soumaya Ben Letaifa

Lecturer: Benoit Chalifoux, EMBA

The objective of this course is to make the student aware of technological, sociological, political,
ideological, religious and historical dimensions that affect managerial practices in different
countries. The course not only covers the cultural and national dimensions that differentiate
human groups by their behavior, but also the consequences in business management. The course
aims to acknowledge the relativity of management principles that are often presented as
universal, and to help students comprehend how each country generates philosophies and
managerial strategies that are unique and why these differences are one of the aspects of the
international management.
The objective of the course is to help students to construct their own coherent, individual
perspective of the substance and increase their cultural awareness.
This course also helps students to develop skills related to managing in a national and
international context and to be capable of:
1- Defining clearly the concept of 'culture' and integrating the technological, sociological,
political, ideological, religious and historical dimensions.
2- Understanding the diversity and complexity of cultures.
3- Better diagnose and manage the cultural challenges in personal and professional life.
4- Being open to different managerial practices around the world and understanding the
organizational imperatives and policy related to each cultural context.
5- Developing personal growth through reflection and introspection on self-esteem, identity
and social and organizational behavior.

Each session will include:
1- A brief review of the last class
2- An interactive presentation of the new concepts
3- A workshop on a case study or on a current event related to the theme of the course
4- Discussion and group dynamics

The readings necessary for the integration of the different theoretical contents are identified on

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 2


Element of assessment Percentage Date

180 seconds 20% Individual assessment
presentation Scheduled in three waves -
See on Moodle
Team workshop 15% Team assessment
Case study Workshop-
3 of November 2021
Team research project 15% Team assessment
Hard copy -
15th of December, 2021
Oral presentation 20% Team assessment
Last course Wednesday,
15th of December, 2021
Final exam 30% Individual assessment
1st of December, 2021


A) 180-SECOND PRESENTATION (Individual project)

Your assignment is to Identify a topic related to something seen in class that you’re
interested to learn more about (soft skills, politic, economic, culture, diversity, sport,
language, conflict, etc.), and present it to the class in a concise, well-prepared verbal
presentation lasting between 150 to 180 seconds (3 minutes maximum).

The goal is to help you develop the ability to:

– Communicate your ideas effectively to a large group;

– Describe your idea to a non-specialist audience;
– Crystallise your thoughts about the topic you selected.

 A single static background PowerPoint slide is permitted. No slide transitions nor
 No additional electronic media (e.g. sound or video files);
 No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment);
 Presentations exceeding 3 minutes and 15 seconds are disqualified;
 Presentations are to be spoken word (eg. no poems, raps nor songs);
 Countdown starts when presenter starts talking.

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 3


The Workshop is a team effort. It consists of a case study that will be performed using analytical
grids that will have been addressed in class. All documentation including Internet access is



Criteria Description Percentage

Presentation Physical presentation of the report 10%

Proficiency Quality of language 20%

Originality Interest in the subject, relevance 20%

Accuracy Ideas and directions 20%

Ability to make connections with the theory seen

Analysis in class, links with other courses, use of the 30%
concepts, explanations, arguments

Team project:

Each group (4 or 5 students per team) will be presented their project on a country research that
will be determined by the professor. See the document: Details for the team project for the entire
description of the group project.

Oral presentation of the research project:

The research report is a team project. Each team member will have to talk about a section of the
presentation. This presentation is a formal presentation by the group (max 20 minutes for the
presentation). It is highly important to respect the allotted time: 15-20 minutes, and make sure
to cover the key elements of your research. Each presentation will be followed by a question
period (10 minutes), and all members will be invited to get involved during this exchange to
provide clarifications and, or answers.

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 4

Team conflict management
The election of a project manager is recommended to facilitate communication and coordination.
The Professor will not intervene to solve any conflicts. Conflict resolution is an important of your
learning process. Finally, it is expected in this course DSR4700 to form multicultural teams to
experience the cultural diversity concepts viewed in class and their impact on team management.

The final exam is intended to assess learning at the end of the session. It has two sections:
(1) The first section contains multiple choice questions
(2) The second section presents a case study.
No documentation is permitted

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 5

During the sessions: Consult MOODLE before each class, because the content can be improved
depending on the level of advancement of the group!

Sessions Date Description of the course

Course Outline Presentation

Session 1 08-09-2021 - Introduction to the course and the participants
- Ice breaking group exercise

The Audacity of Stepping Outside of your Comfort Zone

Developing your Soft Skills (part 1)
Session 2 15-09-2021 - Course objectives and requirements
- The foundation of human skills
- Workshop in group (Identify your 3 R’s)

Developing your Soft Skills (part 2)

- The human skills toolbox of your human skills
Session 3 22-09-2021
- The tipping point of human skills development
- The purpose of human skills development

Session 4 Coaching session

Nation, Culture, and Identity: Anthropological Exploration

The Intercultural Analysis in Management:
Hofstede, Trompennaars & Iribarne Models

Session 5 06-10-2021 - Understand the different intercultural models

- Identify your own tendencies related to each of these
- Identify shifts in your style to accommodate others
- Workshop in group

Part 1
Part 2
Guest Speaker: Jean-Pierre Polonovski
Session 6 13-10-2021 The journey of an expatriate around the world
This session will take place on Zoom at 19h30

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 6

Cross-Cultural Competence
The Culture Map
- Test your cross-cultural competence
Session 7 20-10-2021
- Coping with dilemmas in different context and cultures
- Workshop in group

The Culture Map (part 2)

Guest speaker: Bernard Truong
A real business case on the culture map
Session 8 27-10-2021
- Test your cross-cultural competence
- Coping with dilemmas in different context and cultures
- Workshop in group
Workshop Case Study - Mid-term Exam
Session 9 03-11-2021
All documentation permitted (including Internet access)
What if Diversity is Your Best Asset?

- Test your unconscious biases

- Perspective-taking
Session 10 10-11-2021
- Self-awareness
- Collaboration better
- Workshop in group
Wave 1: 180 seconds pitch
Culture and Business Etiquette
Part 1
Guest speaker: Jean Champagne
Navigating through a complex sea of change
Session 11 17-11-2021
Doing business in North America
Doing business in Europe
Doing business in Latin America
Wave 2: 180 seconds pitch
Culture and Business Etiquette
Part 2

Guest speaker: Daniel Nadeau

Familiarize yourself with the unknown
Session 12 24-11-2021
Doing Business in Asia
Doing Business in Africa
Doing business in the Middle East
Wave 3: 180 seconds pitch

Final Exam
Séance 13 01-12-2021
No documentations are permitted (including no Internet access)

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 7

Session 14 08-12-2021 No class/coaching session in team

Session 15 15-12-2021 Oral Presentations

Mandatory book:
o Meyer, E. (2014). The Culture Map, PublicAffairs
o Some course material will be made accessible via the course homepage on Moodle:

How to succeed
The student must maintain an average of 55% or more for all of the evaluations planned for this
course. Otherwise, the note E will be attributed.

E-mail consultation
The students have the responsibility to check their UQAM e-mail and visit Moodle to familiarize
themselves with important messages about the course.

Barème de notation du Département de stratégie, responsabilité sociale et environnementale :

A + = 90 and more; A = 85 to 89.9; A - = 80 to 84.9; B + = 77 to 79.9;

B = 73 to 76.9; B - = 70 to 72.9; C + = 67 to 69.9; C = 63 to 66.9;
C - = 60 to 62.9; D + = 57-59,9; D = 55 to 56.9; E = 54.9 and less.

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 8


Plagiat :
Les nouvelles directives sur le plagiat seront appliquées. La note Échec sera attribuée au travail
plagié. Il est de votre responsabilité de vous assurer de ne pas copier d’autres travaux et de citer
vos sources lorsque requis.

Règlement 18 sur les infractions de nature académique

Tout acte de plagiat, fraude, copiage, tricherie ou falsification de document

commis par une étudiante, un étudiant, de même que toute participation à ces
actes ou tentative de les commettre, à l’occasion d’un examen ou d’un travail
faisant l’objet d’une évaluation ou dans toute autre circonstance, constituent une
infraction au sens de ce règlement.
La liste non limitative des infractions est définie comme suit :
 la substitution de personnes ;
 l’utilisation totale ou partielle du texte d’autrui en le faisant passer pour sien ou sans indication de
référence ;
 la transmission d’un travail aux fins d’évaluation alors qu’il constitue essentiellement un travail qui a
déjà été transmis aux fins d’évaluation académique à l’Université ou dans une autre institution
d’enseignement, sauf avec l’accord préalable de l’enseignante, l’enseignant ;
 l’obtention par vol, manœuvre ou corruption de questions ou de réponses d’examen ou de tout autre
document ou matériel non autorisés, ou encore d’une évaluation non méritée ;
 la possession ou l’utilisation, avant ou pendant un examen, de tout document non autorisé ;
 l’utilisation pendant un examen de la copie d’examen d’une autre personne ;
 l’obtention de toute aide non autorisée, qu’elle soit collective ou individuelle ;
 la falsification d’un document, notamment d’un document transmis par l’Université ou d’un document
de l’Université transmis ou non à une tierce personne, quelles que soient les circonstances ;
 la falsification de données de recherche dans un travail, notamment une thèse, un mémoire, un
mémoire-création, un rapport de stage ou un rapport de recherche.

Les sanctions reliées à ces infractions sont précisées à l’article 3 du Règlement no 18

Vous pouvez consulter sur le site des capsules vidéos qui vous en apprendront
davantage sur l’intégrité académique et le R18, tout en vous orientant vers les ressources mises à
votre disposition par l’UQAM pour vous aider à éliminer le plagiat de vos travaux.

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 9

Politique 16 sur le harcèlement sexuel
Le harcèlement sexuel se définit comme étant un comportement à connotation sexuelle unilatéral
et non désiré ayant pour effet de compromettre le droit à des conditions de travail et d’études
justes et raisonnables ou le droit à la dignité.

La Politique 16 identifie les comportements suivants comme du harcèlement sexuel :

1. Manifestations persistantes ou abusives d’un intérêt sexuel non désirées.

2. Remarques, commentaires, allusions, plaisanteries ou insultes persistants à caractère sexuel

portant atteinte à un environnement propice au travail ou à l’étude.

3. Avances verbales ou propositions insistantes à caractère sexuel non désirées.

4. Avances physiques, attouchements, frôlements, pincements, baisers non désirés.

5. Promesses de récompense ou menaces de représailles, implicites ou explicites, représailles

liées à l’acceptation ou au refus d’une demande d’ordre sexuel.

6. Actes de voyeurisme ou d’exhibitionnisme.

7. Manifestations de violence physique à caractère sexuel ou imposition d’une intimité sexuelle

non voulue.

8. Toute autre manifestation à caractère sexuel offensante ou non désirée.

Pour plus d’information :

Pour rencontrer une personne ou faire un signalement :

Bureau d’intervention et de prévention en matière de harcèlement :
514-987-3000, poste 0886

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 10

Regulation no 18 on infringements of academic nature

Any act of plagiarism, cheating, copying or falsifying documents made by a student, as well as any
participation to such action or attempt to commit them, during an exam or any homework which
is part of the evaluation or any other circumstances, constitute an infringement in the sense of
this regulation.

The list of infringement is defined as follows and is not limited to:

• Person substitution;
• Total or partial use of someone else's text while pretending it is ours or without indicating any
• Hand a homework which is to be part of an evaluation while it has already been handed, partially
or totally, for an evaluation purpose at the University or in any other educational institution
except if an agreement has been made with the teacher.
• Obtaining by theft, operation or corruption, questions or answers of an exam or any other
document or material non authorized, or of an evaluation not deserved;
• Possession or utilization, before or during an exam, of any non-authorized documents;
• Utilization, during an exam, of the exam paper to another person;
• Obtaining a non-authorized help, no matter if it collective or individual;
• Falsification of any document, particularly a document released by the University, or from the
University to a third party or not, no matter the circumstances;
• Falsification of any research data in homework or any document submitted for evaluation,
particularly a thesis, report, dissertation, training report, or research report.

Sanctions related to these infringements are specified in Article 3 of Regulation no 18.

For more information on academic infringements and how to prevent them:

DSR-4700 – Benoit Chalifoux 11

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