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Theo Khung năng lực Ngoại ngữ 6 bậc
dùng cho Việt Nam
(Tài liệu lưu hành nội bộ)

TP. Hồ Chí Minh, tháng 3 năm 2020

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Cuốn đề cương hướng dẫn ôn tập tiếng Anh theo định dạng VSTEP bậc 4 được biên soạn nhằm
cung cấp đầy đủ kiến thức tiếng Anh nâng cao như ngữ pháp, cấu trúc câu, bài tập ngữ pháp, định
dạng bài thi, cách tính điểm, bảng mô tả năng lực ứng với điểm thi, đồng thời hướng dẫn cách làm
bài với 4 kỹ năng: Nghe, Nói, Đọc và Viết và các bài thi mẫu tiếng Anh VSTEP bậc 3-5. Với những
phương pháp làm bài và kinh nghiệm được chia sẻ trong cuốn sách này hi vọng sẽ giúp ích cho
người học ôn luyện và đạt được tiếng Anh bậc 4 theo khung năng lực ngoại ngữ 6 bậc dành cho
Việt Nam như mong muốn.

Tác giả

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LỜI GIỚI THIỆU ............................................................................................................2
I. CẤU TRÚC BÀI THI VSTEP 3-5 ................................................................................6
II. CÁCH TÍNH ĐIỂM BÀI THI VSTEP 3-5 ..............................................................7
III. BẢNG QUY ĐỔI ĐIỂM THI VSTEP 3-5 ...............................................................7
CHƯƠNG II. CÁC CHỦ ĐIỂM NGỮ PHÁP KỲ THI VSTEP .........................................9
I. ĐỘNG TỪ..............................................................................................................9
1.1. Nội động từ ....................................................................................................9
1.2 Ngoại động từ .................................................................................................9
II. CÁC THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ, CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG, CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN.................................9
III. DANH TỪ ...........................................................................................................11
3.1. Khái niệm ....................................................................................................11
3.2. Phân loại danh từ .........................................................................................11
3.3. Cách sử dụng danh từ trong tiếng Anh ........................................................12
4. Hình thức của danh từ ....................................................................................12
IV. TÍNH TỪ, TRẠNG TỪ VÀ CÁC DẠNG SO SÁNH ..................................................14
4.1. Tính từ .........................................................................................................14
4.2. Trạng từ .......................................................................................................14
4.3. Các dạng so sánh .........................................................................................16
V. ĐẠI TỪ VÀ ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ ..........................................................................17
5.1. Đại từ ...........................................................................................................17
5.2 Đại từ quan hệ ..............................................................................................18
VI. GIỚI TỪ .............................................................................................................18
6.1. Định nghĩa giới từ .......................................................................................18
6.2. Vị trí của giới từ ..........................................................................................18
VII. LIÊN TỪ ............................................................................................................19
7.1. Khái niệm ....................................................................................................19
7.2. Phân loại liên từ ...........................................................................................19
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1. Environmental pollution ....................................................................................20
2. Socal media ........................................................................................................21
3. Politics ................................................................................................................23
4. Food and diets ...................................................................................................24
5. Education ...........................................................................................................26
6. Economics ..........................................................................................................28
CHƯƠNG IV: BÀI THI NGHE VSTEP BẬC 4 .......................................................31
I. BÀI NGHE PHẦN 1 ...............................................................................................31
1.1. Cấu trúc .......................................................................................................31
1.2. Ví dụ ............................................................................................................31
II. BÀI NGHE PHẦN 2 ..............................................................................................31
2.1. Cấu trúc .......................................................................................................31
2.2. Ví dụ: ...........................................................................................................32
III. BÀI NGHE PHẦN 3 .............................................................................................32
3.1. Cấu trúc .......................................................................................................32
3.2. Ví dụ: ...........................................................................................................33
IV. BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH ........................................................................................34
CHƯƠNG V: BÀI THI ĐỌC VSTEP BẬC 4 ..............................................................41
I. CẤU TRÚC ĐỀ THI .............................................................................................41
II. KĨ NĂNG ĐỌC CẦN THIẾT .................................................................................42
2.1. Đọc lướt lấy ý chính (Skimming) ................................................................42
2.2. Đọc nhanh lấy dữ liệu chi tiết (Scanning ) ..................................................43
III. CÁC DẠNG CÂU HỎI ĐỌC .................................................................................44
3.1. Câu hỏi tìm ý chính .....................................................................................44
3.2. Câu hỏi tìm thông tin chi tiết .......................................................................45
3.3. Câu hỏi suy luận ..........................................................................................46
3.4. Câu hỏi từ vựng ...........................................................................................46
3.5. Câu hỏi quy chiếu ........................................................................................47
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3.6. Câu hỏi xác định vị trí thông tin ..................................................................47
3.7. Câu hỏi mục đích, thái độ của tác giả .........................................................48
CHƯƠNG VI. BÀI THI VIẾT VSTEP BẬC 4 .............................................................62
I. CẤU TRÚC ĐỀ THI .............................................................................................62
II. BÀI VIẾT PHẦN 1.................................................................................................62
2. 1. Bài mẫu: .....................................................................................................62
2.2. Yêu cầu bài viết thư.....................................................................................63
III. BÀI VIẾT PHẦN 2 ..........................................................................................64
3.1. Bài mẫu .......................................................................................................64
3.2. Yêu cầu bài viết luận ..................................................................................64
IV. BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH ........................................................................................66
CHƯƠNG VII. BÀI THI NÓI VSTEP BẬC 4 .........................................................69
I. CẤU TRÚC ĐỀ THI .............................................................................................69
II. TIÊU CHÍ CHẤM BÀI THI NÓI ..............................................................................70
2.1. Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .................................................................................70
2.2. Ngữ pháp (Grammar) ..................................................................................70
2.3. Phát âm (Pronunciation) ..............................................................................70
2.4. Mức độ lưu loát (Fluency) ...........................................................................71
2.5. Tổ chức nội dung diễn đạt (Organization of contents) ................................71
IV. BÀI MẪU NÓI PHẦN 1 (Social interactions - 3’) ................................................72
4.1. Câu hỏi nghi vấn (Yes/No Questions) .........................................................72
4.2. Câu hỏi Wh- Questions ...............................................................................72
4.3. Ngôn ngữ liên kết ........................................................................................73
4.4.Các chủ đề bài thi Nói phần 1: .....................................................................73
V. BÀI MẪU NÓI PHẦN 2 (Problem – Solutions -4’) ...............................................75
5.1. Ví dụ ............................................................................................................75
5.3. Thực hành ....................................................................................................76
VI. BÀI MẪU NÓI PHẦN 3 (Topic development 5’) ...............................................77
CHƯƠNG VIII. ĐỀ THI MẪU ...................................................................................80
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Theo quyết định số 729/QĐ/BGDĐT của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, ban hành ngày 11 tháng
3 năm 2015. Bài thi Vstep bậc 3-5 gồm 4 kỹ năng: Nói, Nghe, Đọc và Viết
Kỹ Số câu
năng Mục đích Thời gian hỏi/nhiệm Dạng câu hỏi/nhiệm vụ
thi vụ bài thi bài thi
Nghe Kiểm tra các tiểu kĩ Khoảng 40 3 phần, 35 Thí sinh nghe các đoạn trao
năng Nghe khác phút, bao câu hỏi đổi ngắn, hướng dẫn, thông
nhau, có độ khó từ gồm thời nhiều lựa báo, các đoạn hội thoại và
bậc 3 đến bậc 5: gian chọn các bài nói chuyện, bài
nghe thông tin chi chuyển các giảng, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi
tiết, nghe hiểu thông phương án nhiều lựa chọn đã in sẵn
tin chính, nghe hiểu đã chọn trong đềthi.
ý kiến, mục đích của sang phiếu
người nói và suy từ trả lời.
thông tin trong bài.
Đọc Kiểm tra các tiểu kĩ 60 phút, 4 bài đọc, Thí sinh đọc 4 văn bản về
năng Đọc khác nhau, bao gồm 40 câu hỏi các vấn đề khác nhau, độ
có độ khó từ bậc 3 thời gian nhiều lựa khó của văn bản tương
đến bậc 5: đọc hiểu chuyển các chọn đương bậc 3-5 với tổng số
thông tin chi tiết, đọc phương án từ dao động từ 1900-2050
hiểu ý chính, đọc đã chọn từ. Thí sinh trả lời các câu
hiểu ý kiến, thái độ sang phiếu hỏi nhiều lựa chọn sau mỗi
của tác giả, suy ra từ trả lời. bài đọc.
thông tin trong bài và
đoán nghĩa của từ
trong văn cảnh.
Viết Kiểm tra kĩ năng 60 phút 2 bài viết Bài 1: Viết một bức thư/ thư
Viết tương tác và điện tử có độ dài khoảng
Viết luận (viết sản 120 từ. Bài 1 chiếm 1/3 tổng
sinh). số điểmcủa bài thiViết.
Bài 2: Thí sinh viết mộtbài
luận khoảng 250 từ về một
chủ đề cho sẵn, sử dụng lí
do và ví dụ cụ thể để minh
họa cho các lập luận.

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Bài 2 chiếm 2/3 tổng số
điểm của bài thi Viết.
Nói Kiểm tra các kĩ năng 12 phút 3 phần Phần 1: Tương tác xã hội
Nói khác nhau: Thí sinh trả lời 3-6 câu hỏi
tương tác, thảo luận về 2 chủ đề khác nhau.
và trình bày một Phần 2: Thảo luận giải pháp
vấnđề. Thí sinh được cung cấp một
tình huống và 3 giải pháp đề
xuất. Thí sinh phải đưa ra ý
kiến về giải pháp tốt nhất
trong 3 giải pháp được đưa
ra và phản biện các giải
pháp cònlại.
Phần 3: Phát triển chủ đề
Thí sinh nói về một chủ đề
cho sẵn, có thể sử dụng các
ý được cung cấp sẵn hoặc tự
phát triển ý của riêng mình.
Phần 3 kết thúc với một số
câu hỏi thảo luận về chủ đề


- Mỗi kỹ năng thi: Nghe, Đọc, Viết và Nói được đánh giá trên thang điểm từ 0 đến 10,
làm tròn đến 0,5 điểm.
- Điểm trung bình của 4 kỹ năng, làm tròn đến 0,5 điểm, được sử dụng để xác định
bậc năng lực sử dụng tiếngAnh.
➢ Bậc 3 (tương đương B1 theo Khung tham chiếu châu Âu): 4.0 - 5.5
➢ Bậc 4 (tương đương B2 theo Khung tham chiếu châu Âu): 6.0 - 8.0
➢ Bậc 5 (tương đương C1 theo Khung tham chiếu châu Âu): 8.5 - 10


Điểm Bậc năng Mô tả tổng quát

trung lực
Dưới 4,0 Không xét Không xét khi sử dụng định dạng đề thi này.

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Có thể hiểu được các ý chính của một đoạn văn hay bài
phát biểu chuẩn mực về câu từ, rõ ràng về các chủ đề
quen thuộc hay gặp trong công việc, học tập v.v... Có
thể xử lí hầu hết các tình huống xảy ra lúc đi lại tại khu

4,0 – 5,5 3 vực có sử dụng tiếng Anh. Có thể viết văn bản đơn giản
liên quan đến các chủ đề quen thuộc hoặc cá nhân quan
tâm. Có thể mô tả được những trải nghiệm, sự kiện, mơ
ước, hi vọng, hoài bão và có thể trình bày ngắn gọn các
lí do, giải thích cho ý kiến và kế hoạch của mình.

Có thể hiểu ý chính của một văn bản phức tạp về các
chủ đề cụ thểvà trừu tượng, kể cả những trao đổi kĩ thuật

6,0 – 8,0 4 thuộc lĩnh vực chuyên môn của bản thân. Có thể giao
tiếp ở mức độ trôi chảy, tự nhiên đạt đến mức các giao
tiếp thường xuyên này với người bản ngữ.

Có thể hiểu nhiều loại văn bản khó, dài, và nhận biết
được hàm ý. Có thể diễn đạt lưu loát, tức thì, và không
thể hiện rõ rệt việc phải tìm từ ngữ diễn đạt. Có thể sử
dụng ngôn ngữ linh hoạt và hiệu quả phục vụ các mục
8,5 – 10 5
đích xã hội, học thuật và chuyên môn. Có thể viết được
các văn bản rõ ràng, chặt chẽ, chi tiết về các chủ đề phức
tạp, thể hiện khả năng sử dụng tốt các kiểu tổ chức văn
bản, liên từ và các phương tiện liênkết.

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1.1. Nội động từ
- Là các động từ (Verd) mà bản thân nó đã hoàn thiện về mặt nghĩa, không đòi hỏi có tân
ngữ (Object) hay bổ ngữ ( Complement) đi kèm.
Ví dụ (Ex): The lesson starts in 15 minutes.
- Là các động từ có thể chưa hoàn thiện về mặt nghĩa, yêu cầu có bổ ngữ đi kèm. Bổ ngữ
C. này có thể là danh từ (N) hoặc tính từ (adj) trong hầu hết các trường hợp. Các bổ ngữ
cung cấp thêm thông tin mô tả cho chủ ngữ (S) của câu.
Ex: Mr. Railey is (V) the manager (C) of the Sales Department.
- Các nội động từ phổ biến có bổ ngữ đi kèm
Nhóm mang nghĩa become Become, come, fall, get, grow, make, run, turn
Nhóm mang nghĩa remain Remain, hold, keep, lie, stand, stay
Nhóm mang nghĩa seem Seem + (to be), appear, turn out + (to be)
Nhóm thể hiện quan điểm, tri nhận Feel, look, smell, sound, taste

Ex: Her face turned red when he pointed out her mistakes.
The dish you made looked strange but tased good.

1.2 Ngoại động từ

- Là các động từ đòi hỏi có tân ngữ (O) đi kèm.
Ex: Ms. Benson explained (V) the new schedule (O).
- Một số ngoại động từ có thể có hai tân ngữ: bring, give, inform, lend, offer, pass, send,
show, take, teach, tell.
Ex: Please pass(V)me(O) the salad bowl (O).
- Một số ngoại động từ có một tân ngữ đi kèm một bổ ngữ của tân ngữ: find, keep, see,
watch, hear, listen to, feel, smell
Ex: People found (V) the performance (O) interesting (C).

- Trong câu chủ động, chủ ngữ là chủ thể của hành động, trong câu bị động, chủ ngữ là đối
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tượng chịu tác động của hành động.


Dạng / Thì
(Hiện Tại đơn) (Quá Khứ đơn)
(+) S + V [-s/-es] S + V-ed / V2
(-) S + don’t / doesn’t + V (-inf) S + didn’t + V (-inf)
(?) Do / Does + S + V(-inf) …? Did + S + V (-inf) …?
Bị động …am / is / are + PP… …was / were + PP…
- yesterday
- always, usually, occasionally,
- last: last week, last Sunday…
Nhận biết - ago : two months ago, five years
- every: every day, every year…
- once…, twice…, 3 times…
- in the past , when…
Dạng / Thì
(Hiện Tại tiếp diễn) (Quá Khứ tiếp diễn)
(+) S + am / is / are + V-ing S + was / were + V-ing
(-) S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing
(?) Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing …? Was / Were + S + V-ing …?
Bị động …am / is / are + being + PP… …was / were + being + PP…
- At that moment, at + (time in the
- now, at present past)
Nhận biết
- at the / this moment - When / As + (simple past):
Ex: When I came, she was crying..
Dạng / Thì
(Hiện Tại hoàn thành) (Qúa Khứ hoàn thành)
(+) S + has / have + PP S + had + PP
(-) S + hasn’t / haven’t + PP S + hadn’t + PP
(?) Has / Have + S + PP …? Had + S + PP…?
Bị động …has / have + been + PP… …had been + PP…

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- after + (past perfect), (simple past)
- before + (simple past), (past
- just, already, ever, yet, recent(ly),
- By the time
Nhận biết - since, for: since 1995, for 9 years
- When + Vpast; S + Had + PP
- so far, up to now, from then
- Until
- S +had + no sooner +PP than S +
Dạng / Thì
(Tương Lai đơn) (Tương Lai hoàn thành)
(+) S + will + V (inf) S + will have+ PP
(-) S + won’t + V (inf) S + won’t have + PP
(?) Will + S + V (inf)…? Will + S + have + PP…?
Bị động …will be + PP… …will be + PP…
- tomorrow - by the end of this month
Nhận biết
- next week, next Monday… - by + (time in the future)
3.1. Khái niệm
- Danh từ trong tiếng Anh là từ dùng để chỉ người, vật, việc, địa điểm… Danh từ làm chủ
ngữ, tân ngữ trực tiếp, tân ngữ gián tiếp, bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ: (đứng sau các động từ
“tobe” và “become”) và làm bổ ngữ cho tân ngữ.
Ex: house, teacher….
3.2. Phân loại danh từ
- Danh từ chung (common nouns): là những danh từ chỉ người, việc và địa điểm.
Ex: dress, shirt…..
- Danh từ riêng (proper nouns): là những tên riêng để gọi từng sự vật, đối tượng duy nhất,
cá biệt như tên người, tên địa danh, tên công ty…. danh từ riêng phải viết hoa chữ cái đầu.
Ex: Microsoft, Mr. David Green, La Thành street, Greentown Hospital, Town House
Hotel, City Park….
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- Danh từ trừu tượng (abstract nouns): là danh từ chung nhằm gọi tên một ý tưởng hoặc
một phẩm chất. Các danh từ trừu tượng thường không được xem, ngửi, tiếp xúc hoặc nếm.
Ex: joy, peace, emotion, wisdom, beauty, courage, love, strength, character,
- Danh từ tập thể (collective nouns): gọi tên một nhóm hay một tập hợp nhiều người, nơi
chốn, hoặc đồ vật.
Ex: crew, team, navy, republic, nation, federation, herd, bunch, flock, swarm, …
3.3. Cách sử dụng danh từ trong tiếng Anh
- Danh từ làm chủ ngữ trong câu.
Ex: Lan taught me English.
- Danh từ làm tân ngữ trong câu.
Ex: She reads an interesting book.
- Danh từ làm bổ ngữ trong câu.
Ex: He is a doctor.

4. Hình thức của danh từ

4.1. Danh từ đếm được
- Một danh từ được xếp vào loại đếm được (countable noun) khi chúng ta có thể đếm trực
tiếp danh từ ấy. Phần lớn danh từ cụ thể đều thuộc loại đếm được. Chúng có dạng số ít
(Single) và danh từ số nhiều (Plural).
a. Danh từ đếm được số ít
- Là danh từ chỉ có một. Thông thường, danh từ đếm được số ít thường có các mạo từ a,
an hoặc one đứng trước. Danh từ đếm được số ít không được thêm -s/-es
Ex: a book, a flower, a pen, one hat.
- Cách sử dụng mạo từ a/an:
+ Mạo từ a/an đều có nghĩa là một (giống như one).
+ Mạo từ an: được sử dụng trước một danh từ đếm được số ít bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm.
Có 5 nguyên âm chính: u, e, o, a, i
Ex: an eraser, an apple, an umbrella, an orange.

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+ Mạo từ a: được sử dụng trước một danh từ đếm được số ít bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm.
Ngoài u, e, o, a, i thì đều là phụ âm.
Ex: a book, a pencil, a house, a boy.
b. Danh từ đếm được số nhiều:
- Là danh từ chỉ hai vật trở lên. Khi đổi từ số ít sang số nhiều ta thêm -s và –es đằng sau
danh từ
Ex: pencils, houses, boys, chickens.
- Cách thêm -/-es vào danh từ:
+ Để chuyển từ danh từ đếm được số ít sang danh từ đếm được số nhiều, chúng ta chỉ cần
thêm -s/-es vào đuôi của danh từ. Tuy nhiên, không phải lúc nào cũng có thể tuỳ ý thêm -
s/-es mà phải thoả mãn các quy định sau:
- Danh từ tận cùng bằng -o, -x, -s, -z, sh, -ch: chuyển sang số nhiều bằng cách
thêm -es
Ex: a potato → potatoes; a bus → buses; a box → boxes.
- Danh từ tận cùng là -o nhưng chỉ thêm -s: khi trước -o là nguyên âm (u, e, o, a,
i), hoặc đó là các từ mượn tiếng nước ngoài.
Ex: a photo → photos; a radio → radios; a bamboo → bamboos; …
- Danh từ tận cùng là phụ âm –y: thì ta chuyển -y thành -i trước khi thêm -es.
Ex: lady → ladies ; story → stories
- Danh từ tận cùng là -f hay -fe: thì khi chuyển sang số nhiều ta thay -f và -
fe bằng -ves
Ex: leaf → leaves, knife → knives
Ngoại lệ: roofs (mái nhà); gulfs (vịnh); cliffs (bờ đá dốc); reefs (đá ngầm); proofs (bằng
chứng); chiefs (thủ lãnh); turfs (lớp đất mặt); safes (tủ sắt); dwarfs (người lùn); griefs (nỗi
đau khổ); beliefs (niềm tin)
4.2. Danh từ không đếm được
- Danh từ không đếm được (Uncountable nouns) là những danh từ chỉ đối tượng không
đếm được. Vì thế chúng chỉ có dạng số ít mà không có dạng số nhiều.

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- Danh từ không đếm được dùng chỉ đối tượng trừu tượng (như sự tin tưởng, lời khuyên…)
hoặc những tập hợp (như hành lý, vật dụng…)
Ex: water, rice, oil, wine, milk, powder, food, energy, furniture.
- Các từ hạn định được dùng với danh từ không đếm được: the, some, any, this, that, none,
much (thường dùng trong câu phủ định, câu hỏi), a lot of, plenty of, a large amount of,
(a) little, less….than, more….than.
4.1. Tính từ
- Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho N, đứng trước N: potential customers
- Tính từ được sử dụng như thành phần bổ ngữ: remain silent
- Tính từ đứng trước danh từ và trật tự của tính từ như sau: Opinion (nhận xét, ý kiến) >
Size (kích thước) > Quality (chất lượng) > Age (tuổi) > Shape (hình dạng) > Color (màu
sắc) > Participle Forms (thì hoàn thành) > Origin (xuất xứ) > Material (nguyên liệu) > Type
(loại) > Purpose (mục đích sử dụng).
Ex: black Italian leather training shoes.
- Sau động từ: (be và các động từ như seem, look, feel)
Ex: He looks happy

4.2. Trạng từ
-Trạng từ dùng để chỉ tính chất/phụ nghĩa cho một từ loại khác trừ danh từ và đại danh từ.
Ex: She speaks English well.
- Trạng từ (Adverd) bổ nghĩa cho hầu hết các thành phần (V, adj, adv, câu, số lượng) nhưng
không bổ nghĩa cho danh từ ( Noun).
- Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho thành phần nào thì đứng trước thành phần đó.
- Khi bổ nghĩa cho V, trạng từ đứng trước hoặc sau V.
Ex: The prices of housing will slightly increase next month
- Hầu hết các trạng từ là do tính từ (adjective) tạo thành bằng cách thêm "ly" đằng sau để
chỉ "cách” “manner".
Ex : slow ---> slowly
intelligent --> intelligently

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+ Nếu tính từ tận cùng bằng "le", thì thay chữ "e" bằng chữ "y"
simple --> simply
subtle --> subtly
+ Tính từ "Good" là không theo quy tắc
good --> well
+ Có những trạng từ giống y hệt tính từ: high, low, hard, better, fast.
4.2.1. Trạng từ chỉ cách thức (manner)
- Diễn tả cách thức một hành động được thực hiện ra sao? (một cách nhanh chóng, chậm
chạp, hay lười biếng ...) Chúng có thể để trả lời các câu hỏi với How?
Ex: He runs fast.
4.2.2. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian (time)
- Diễn tả thời gian hành động được thực hiện (sáng nay, hôm nay, hôm qua, tuần trước ...).
Chúng có thể được dùng để trả lời với câu hỏi WHEN? (Khi nào?)
Ex: When do you want to do it?
- Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian thường được đặt ở cuối câu (vị trí thông thường) hoặc vị trí đầu
câu (vị trí nhấn mạnh)
Ex: I want to do the exercise now.
4.2.3. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (frequency)
-Diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên của một hành động (thỉng thoảng, thường thường, luôn luôn,
ít khi ..). Chúng được dùng để trả lời câu hỏi HOW OFTEN?(có thường .....?).
Ex: How often do you visit your grandmother?
4.2.4. Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (place)
- Diễn tả hành động diễn tả nơi nào, ở đâu hoặc gần xa thế nào. Chúng dùng để trả lời cho
câu hỏi where? Các trạng từ nơi chốn thông dụng là here, there,out, away, everywhere,
somewhere... above (bên trên), below (bên dưới), along (dọc theo), around (xung quanh),
away (đi xa, khỏi, mất), back (đi lại), somewhere (đâu đó), through (xuyên qua).
Ex: I am standing here.
4.2.5. Trạng từ chỉ mức độ (grade)
- Diễn tả mức độ (khá, nhiều, ít, quá..) của một tính chất hoặc đặc tính; chúng đi trước tính
từ hoặc trạng từ mà chúng bổ nghĩa. Trạng từ chỉ mức độ cho biết hành động diễn ra đến
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mức độ nào, thường các trạng từ này được dùng với tính từ hay một trạng từ khác hơn là
dùng với động từ.
Ex: This food is very bad.
4.2.6 Trạng từ chỉ số lượng (quantity)
- Diễn tả số lượng (ít hoặc nhiều, một, hai ... lần...).
Ex: My children study rather little.
4.2.7. Trạng từ nghi vấn (questions)
- Là những trạng từ đứng đầu câu dùng để hỏi, gồm: When, where, why, how: Các trạng từ
khẳng định, phủ định, phỏng đoán: certainly (chắc chắn), perhaps (có lẽ), maybe (có lẽ),
surely (chắc chắn), of course (dĩ nhiên), willingly (sẵn lòng), very well (được rồi).
Ex: When are you going to take it?
4.2.8. Trạng từ liên hệ (relation)
- Là những trạng từ dùng để nối hai mệnh đề với nhau. Chúng có thể diễn tả địa điểm
(where), thời gian (when) hoặc lí do (why).
Ex: I remember the day when I met her on the beach.
4.3. Các dạng so sánh
4.3.1 So sánh ngang bằng
S+ be+ as + adj/ adv + as
Ex: John is just as qualified as the other candidates for the position.
4.3.2 So sánh hơn
- So sánh giữa 2 đối tượng
Tính từ ngắn: Tính từ dài:
adj/ adv + -er + than More + adj/adv + than
Ex: Given the high price of gasoline lately, renting a car is not cheaper than taking
the train.
5.3.3 So sánh hơn nhất
Tính từ ngắn: Tính từ dài:
the adj/ adv + -est the most + adj/adv
Ex: That was the most boring movie I’ve seen.

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4.3.4 So sánh kép: càng, càng
The + so sánh hơn, the + so sánh hơn
Ex: The richer he becomes, the more selfish he is.
4.3.5 So sánh với các tính từ bất quy tắc
Tính từ/ Trạng từ So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất
Good/well Better best
bad Worse worst
Many/much More Most
Little Less Least
Far Farther/ further Farthest/ furthest
Ex: I like your interpretation better than mine.


5.1. Đại từ
- Các loại đại từ
Số Ngôi Đại từ Tính từ Đại từ Đại từ Đại từ phản
làm S sở hữu làm O sở hữu thân
Ít Thứ nhất I My Me Mine Myself
Thứ 2 You Your You Yours Yourself
Thứ 3 He/She His/ her/ Him/her/ His/ Himself/herself/
/It its it hers/ --- itself
Nhiều Thứ nhất We Our Us Ours Ourselves
Thứ 2 You Your You Yours Yourselves
Thứ 3 They Their Them Theirs Themselves

- Cách sử dụng Đại từ phản thân:

+ Đại từ phản thân được sử dụng để thay cho tân ngữ khi chủ ngữ và tân ngữ là cùng một
đối tượng: He helped himself escape from the paparazzi.
+ Sử dụng khi muốn nhấn mạnh vào chủ thể của hành động: He usually repairs his car
+ Sử dụng trong các cụm từ đi kèm giới từ: by oneself, in itself, for oneself…

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5.2 Đại từ quan hệ
6.2.1. Các loại đại từ quan hệ
N Làm S Sở hữu Làm O
Chỉ người Who Whose Whom
Chỉ vật, động vật Which Whose/ of which Which
Cả người, vật và That --- That
động vật
N + that/ which What --- What

6.2.2 Các trạng từ chỉ quan hệ

Đứng sau N/ Đại từ Trạng từ chỉ quan hệ Giới từ + which
Thời gian + ngày When At/in/on which
Địa điểm Where At/in/on which
Nguyên nhân Why For which
Cách thức How The way in which

6.1. Định nghĩa giới từ
- Giới từ (preposition) là một bộ phận lời nói giới thiệu một giới ngữ. Một giới từ được đặt
vào câu sẽ chỉ ra mối quan hệ giữa những điều được đề cập trong câu ấy.
Ví dụ: trong câu “The cat sleeps on the sofa” (Con mèo ngủ trên ghế sofa), từ “on” là một
giới từ, giới thiệu giới ngữ “on the sofa”.
6.2. Vị trí của giới từ
- Giới từ có vị trí đứng riêng của mình trong câu, dưới đây là vị trí của một số giới từ cơ
bản trong tiếng Anh.
+ Trước danh từ: In the morning
+ Sau động từ: Có thể liền sau động từ, có thể bị 1 từ khác chen giữa động từ và giới từ:
The book is on the shelf.
+ Sau tính từ: I am not worried about living in a foreign.
- Các giới từ thường gặp
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In - Sử dụng với thời gian: các buổi trong ngày, tháng, mùa, năm, thập kỉ, thế kỉ
Ex: In the morning , in summer, in 2019, in the 21st century…
- Với nơi chốn: thành phố, thị trấn, quốc gia, lục địa, đại dương…
Ex: In Hanoi, in Vietnam..
- Một số cụm từ thường gặp: in my opinion, in the future, in general, in person,
in the past, in front of, in the middle of, in the meantime, in detail, in the end,
in time, in stock.
On - Sử dụng với thời gian: các ngày, ngày tháng năm
Ex: on Monday, on March 17, 2020.
- Một số cụm từ thường gặp: on foot, on vacation, on the market, on time, on
duty, on the other hand, on a business trip, on sale, on schedule, on a diet, on
At - Sử dụng với thời gian: giờ cụ thể
Ex; at 9 o’clock
- Với nơi chốn: địa chỉ cụ thể, địa điểm
Ex: at the station, at work, at the airport, at the meeting, at the door.
- Một số cụm từ thường gặp: at last, at most, at risk, at a low price, at work,
at first, at least, at the moment, at the same time, at all times.
For + Noun chỉ mục đích: for free, for sale, for rent
By + phương tiện giao thông, phương thức thanh toán: by car, by credit card


7.1. Khái niệm

- Liên từ là những từ dùng để nối các từ, các cụm từ hay các mệnh đề với nhau. Nếu không
có liên từ, ta bắt buộc phải diễn đạt những ý phức tạp bằng những câu đơn, gãy gọn, dẫn
đến các ý không được liền mạch và thiếu độ ăn khớp, đó cũng chính là vai trò quan trọng
nhất của liên từ (conjunction).
Ex: It has rained heavily for 2 days, so we delayed our travel to that island.

7.2. Phân loại liên từ

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7.2.1. Liên từ đẳng lập
- Liên từ đẳng lập dùng để nối các phần trong câu có cấu trúc tương đương nhau. Các liên
từ thuộc nhóm này bao gồm: and, nor, so, but,….
- Liên từ đẳng lập luôn đứng giữa hai từ, hai mệnh đề cần liên kết trong câu.
Ex: We wanted to go out for overnight party, but our parents didn’t allowed.
- Giữa hai mệnh đề hoặc phần của câu dài được liên kết bằng liên từ phải có dấu phẩy. Tuy
nhiên, với câu ngắn, ta có thể lược bỏ dấu phẩy.
Ex: We don’t understand what he means, so we decide not to participate in his team.
- Trong một dãy liệt kê, liên từ and đứng trước từ cuối cùng dãy liệt kê.
Ex: We have beef, salad, soup, and some tropical fruit for dinner.
7.2.2. Liên từ phụ thuộc
+ chỉ thời gian: when, before, as soon as, while, after, whenever, as, once, until

Ex: The session will begin as soon as everyone is seated.

+ chỉ điều kiện: if, unless, providing/provided that, so long as, in case:

+ chỉ mục đích: so (that), in order that

+ chỉ nguyên nhân: as, because, now that, since

+ chỉ hệ quả, kết quả: so adj/adv that, such + N + that:

+ chỉ sự nhượng bộ: although, even though, though, while:

1. Environmental pollution
Words/ Phrases Meanings
- Environmental pollution :ô nhiễm môi trường
- Contamination :sự làm nhiễm độc

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- Protection/preservation/conservation :bảo vệ/bảo tồn
- Air/soil/water pollution : ô nhiễm không khí/đất/nước
- Greenhouse : hiệu ứng nhà kính
- Government's regulation: : sự điều chỉnh/luật pháp của chính phủ
- Shortage/ the lack of : sự thiếu hụt
- Wind/solar power/energy: : năng lượng gió/mặt trời
- Alternatives : giải pháp thay thế
- Solar panel : tấm năng lượng mặt trời
- Woodland/forest fire : cháy rừng
- Deforestation : phá rừng
- Gas exhaust/emission : khí thải
- Carbon dioxin : CO2
- Culprit (of) : thủ phạm (của)
- Ecosystem : hệ thống sinh thái
- Soil erosion : xói mòn đất
- Pollutant ;chất gây ô nhiễm
- Polluter : người/tác nhân gây ô nhiễm
- Preserve biodiversity : bảo tồn sự đa dạng sinh học
- Natural resources : tài nguyên thiên nhiên
- Greenhouse gas emissions : khí thải nhà kính
- A marine ecosystem : hệ sinh thái dưới nước
2. Socal media
Words/ Phrases Meanings
- (be) Beneficial to human beings :có lợi cho con người
- (be) Profoundly influenced by : (bị) ảnh hưởng sâu sắc bởi
- (to) Access social media : truy cập vào mạng xã hội
- (to) Become epidemic : trở thành đại dịch

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- (to) Deliver message to people : mang thông tin tới cho mọi người
- (to) Effectively protect : bảo vệ hiệu quả
- (to) Escape into the imaginary worlds : thoát ra ngoài thế giới tưởng tượng của cái gì
of sth: đó
- (to) Make great inroads into : xâm nhập lớn vào
- (to) Meet the new demands: : thỏa mãn nhu cầu mới
- (to) Promote products and services : quảng bá các sản phẩm và dịch vụ
- (to) Provide useful information : cung cấp những thông tin hữu ích
- (to) Raise awareness about sth : nâng cao nhận thức về vấn đề gì đó
- (to) Regulate advertising : điều chỉnh quảng cáo...
- (to) Restrict advertisements for sth: : hạn chế quảng cáo về cái gì đó
- Antivirus software : phần mềm chống vi rút
- Basic human needs : những nhu cầu căn bản của con người
- Broadcast journalist : phóng viên truyền hình/ truyền thanh
- Communication channel : kênh thông tin liên lạc
- Consumer behavior : hành vi của người tiêu dùng
- Cyber information system : hệ thống thông tin trên máy tính/trên mạng
- Cyber-security : bảo mật thông tin
- Daily newspaper : báo hàng ngày
- Electronic magazine (e-zine) : báo điện tử, báo mạng
- Electronic media : phương tiện truyền thông điện tử
- Forms of electronic media : các dạng truyền thông điện tử
- Game show : trò chơi truyền hình
- In shaping our lives : định hình cho cuộc sống của chúng ta
- Live broadcast : truyền hình trực tiếp, phát sáng trực tiếp
- Local newspaper : tờ báo địa phương
- Malicious software : phần mềm độc hại

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- Mass media : phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng
- National broadcaster : đài truyền hình quốc gia
- News broadcast : chương trình tin tức
- News on entertainment sector : tin tức về lĩnh vực giải trí
- Non-commercial purpose : mục đích phi thương mại
- Online information : thông tin trực tuyến
- Online payment methods : phương thức thanh toán trực tuyến
- Personal mobile device : thiết bị di động cá nhân
- Private information : thông tin cá nhân
- Reality show : truyền hình thực tế
- Satellite television (TV) : phát sóng truyền hình qua vệ tinh
- Social networking site : trang web mạng xã hội
- Talk show : trò chuyện trên truyền hình
- The arrival of the audio-book : sự xuất hiện của sách nói, sách ghi âm
- The globalization process : quá trình toàn cầu hóa
- The instant gratification: : sự hài lòng tức thì
- The latest news bulletin : các bản tin mới nhất
- The spread of culture and lifestyle : sự lan truyền của văn hóa và lối sống
- The usefulness of the media : sự hữu ích của phương tiện truyền thông
- The wealth of news : sự đa dạng (phong phú) của tin tức
3. Politics
Words/ Phrases Meanings
- Asylum : tị nạn chính trị
- Ballot : bỏ phiếu kín
- Bill : dự thảo luật
- Bipartisan : hai đảng
- Campaign : chiến dịch tranh cử

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- Coalition : sự liên minh
- Constitution : hiến pháp
- Coup d'état : cuộc đảo chính
- Democracy : nền dân chủ, chế độ dân chủ
- Dictatorship : chế độ độc tài, nền chuyên chính
- Dissolution : sự giải tán, giải thể
- Election : sự bầu cử, sự lựa chọn
- Electorate : toàn bộ cử tri, khu bầu cử
- Gerrymander : sự sắp đặt chuyên chế
- Government : chính phủ, nội các
- Grassroots : người dân thường
- Human rights : nhân quyền
- Civil liberty : quyền tự do của công dân
- To enforce a rule : thi hành một điều luật
- International recognition : sự công nhận của quốc tế
- Incumbent : người có phận sự, chức trách
- Landside : thắng lợi lớn
- Law : luật pháp
- Lobby : các vận động hành lang
- Monarchy : nền quân chủ, chế độ quân chủ
- Nominee : ứng cử viên
- Opposition : phe đối lập

4. Food and diets

Words/ Phrases Meanings
- Acculturation : Sự tiếp nhận và biến đổi văn hóa
- Ancient monument : Di tích cổ

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- Art show: : Buổi biểu diễn văn nghệ
- Artworks shop : Cửa hàng mỹ nghệ
- Assimilate : Đồng hóa
- Civilization : Nền văn minh
- Cultural assimilation : Sự đồng hóa về văn hóa
- Cultural exchange : Trao đổi văn hóa
- Cultural festival : Lễ hội văn hóa
- Cultural heritage : Di sản văn hoá
- Cultural integration : Hội nhập văn hóa
- Cultural misconception : Hiểu lầm về văn hóa
- Cultural specificity : Nét đặc trưng văn hóa
- Cultural uniqueness : Nét độc đáo trong văn hóa
- Culture shock : Sốc về văn hóa
- Discriminate (against smb) : Phân biệt đối xử (với ai)
- Eliminate : Loại trừ
- Ethical standard : Chuẩn mực đạo đức
- Exchange : Trao đổi
- Fine art handicraft articles : Đồ thủ công mỹ nghệ
- Folk culture : Văn hóa dân gian
- Full satisfaction guaranteed : Bảo đảm hoàn toàn thỏa mãn
- Garments : Đồ may mặc
- Historic site: : Di tích lịch sử
- Intangible cultural heritage of : Di sản văn hóa phi vật thể của nhân loại
- Integrate : Hội nhập
- International and domestic tours : Các tua du lịch quốc tế và nội địa
- National identity : Bản sắc dân tộc

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- New Year’s Eve : Đêm giao thừa
- Offering/sustenance : Đồ cúng
- Oral tradition : Truyền miệng
- Tourism trips in and out of the : Du lịch trong ngoài tỉnh
- Prejudice : Định kiến, thành kiến
- Race conflict : Xung đột sắc tộc
- Racism : Chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc
- Rattanwares : Đồ làm bằng mây
- Ritual : Lễ nghi
- Show prejudice (against smb/smt) : Thể hiện thành kiến (với ai, cái gì)
- Song and dance troupe : Đội ca múa
- Stone stelae : Bia đá
- Tet pole : Cây nêu ngày Tết
- be derived from : Được bắt nguồn từ
- be distorted : Bị bóp méo, xuyên tạc
- be handed down : Được lưu truyền
- be imbued with national identity : Đậm đà bản sắc dân tộc
5. Education
Words/ Phrases Meanings
- Academic transcript : bảng điểm
- Certificate : bằng, chứng chỉ
- Credit mania / credit-driven practice : bệnh thành tích
- Ministry of education : bộ giáo dục
- Tutorial : dạy thêm, học thêm
- Distance education : đào tạo từ xa
- Vocational training : đào tạo nghề
- Evaluation : đánh giá

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- Distinction : điểm giỏi
- High distinction : điểm xuất sắc
- Plagiarize : đạo văn
- Teaching aids : đồ dùng dạy học
- Class observation : dự giờ
- Realia : giáo cụ trực quan
- Civil education : giáo dục công dân
- Continuing education : giáo dục thường xuyên
- Class head teacher : giáo viên chủ nhiệm
- Tutor : giáo viên dạy thêm
- Visiting lecturer : giáo viên thỉnh giảng
- School records : học bạ
- Performance : học lực
- Teacher training workshop : hội thảo giáo viên
- Graduation ceremony : lễ tốt nghiệp
- Certificate presentation: : lễ phát bằng
- Extra curriculum : ngoại khóa
- Enrollment : nhập học
- Professional development : phát triển chuyên môn
- District department of education : phòng giáo dục
- Teaching staff room : phòng nghỉ giáo viên
- Department of studies : phòng đào tạo
- Hall of fame phòng truyền thống : phòng truyền thống
- Learner-centered : phương pháp lấy người học làm trung tâm
- Cheating (in exams) : quay cóp (trong phòng thi)
- Student management : student management
- Post graduate : sau đại học
- Provincial department of education :sở giáo dục
- Education inspector : thanh tra giáo dục

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- Group work : theo nhóm
- Best students' contest : thi học sinh giỏi
- University/college entrance exam : thi tuyển sinh đại học, cao đẳng
- High school graduation exam : thi tốt nghiệp THPT
- Objective test :thi trắc nghiệm
- Subjective test: thi tự luận : thi tự luận
- Socialization of education : xã hội hóa giáo dục
- Practice hands-on practice: thực hành : thực hành
- Practicum: thực tập (của giáo viên) : thực tập (của giáo viên)
- Integrated / integration: tích hợp : tích hợp
- Complementary education văn hóa : bổ túc văn hóa
6. Economics
Words/ Phrases Meanings
- account holder : chủ tài khoản
- active/ brisk demand : lượng cầu nhiều
- administrative cost : chi phí quản lý
- affiliated/ Subsidiary company : công ty con
- agent: : đại lý, đại diện
- average annual growth: : tốc độ tăng trưởng bình quân hàng năm
- capital accumulation : sự tích luỹ tư bản
- central Bank: : ngân hàng trung ương
- circulation and distribution of products : lưu thông phân phối hàng hoá
- confiscation : tịch thu
- conversion : chuyển đổi (tiền, chứng khoán)
- co-operative : hợp tác xã
- customs barrier : hàng rào thuế quan
- depreciation: : khấu hao
- depression: : tình trạng đình đốn
- distribution of income : phân phối thu nhập

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- downturn : thời kỳ suy thoái
- dumping : bán phá giá
- earnest money : tiền đặt cọc
- economic blockade : bao vây kinh tế
- economic cooperation: : hợp tác ktế
- effective demand : nhu cầu thực tế
- effective longer-run solution : giải pháp lâu dài hữu hiệu
- embargo : cấm vận
- excess amount : tiền thừa
- finance minister : bộ trưởng tài chính
- financial crisis : khủng hoảng tài chính
- financial market : thị trường tài chính
- financial policies : chính sách tài chính
- fixed capital : vốn cố định
- foreign currency : ngoại tệ
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Tổng sản phẩm quốc nội
- Gross National Product (GNP) : Tổng sản phẩm quốc dân
- guarantee: : bảo hành
- hoard/hoarder: : tích trữ/ người tích trữ
- holding company : công ty mẹ
- home/foreign market : thị trường trong nước/ ngoài nước
- indicator of economic : chỉ tiêu phúc lợi ktế
- inflation : sự lạm phát
- instalment : phần trả góp mỗi lần cho tổng số tiền
- insurance: : bảo hiểm
- interest: : tiền lãi
- International economic aid : viện trợ Kinh tế quốc tế
- invoice : hoá đơn
- joint stock company : công ty cổ phần

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- joint venture : công ty liên doanh
- liability : khoản nợ, trách nhiệm
- macro-economic : kinh tế vĩ mô
- managerial skill : kỹ năng quản lý
- market economy : kinh tế thị trường
- micro-economic : kinh tế vi mô
- mode of payment : phuơng thức thanh toán
- moderate price : giá cả phải chăng
- monetary activities : hoạt động tiền tệ
- mortgage : cầm cố , thế nợ
- national economy : kinh tế quốc dân
- national firms : các công ty quốc gia
- non-card instrument : thanh toán không dùng tiền mặt
- non-profit : phi lợi nhuận
- obtain cash: : rút tiền mặt
- offset : sự bù đáp thiệt hại
- on behalf : nhân danh
- open cheque : séc mở
- operating cost : chi phí hoạt động
- originator : người khởi đầu
- outgoing : khoản chi tiêu
- payment in arrear : trả tiền chậm
- per capita income : thu nhập bình quân đầu người
- planned economy : kinh tế kế hoạch
- potential demand : nhu cầu tiềm tàng
- preferential duties : thuế ưu đãi
- price-boom : việc giá cả tăng vọt
- per capita income : thu nhập bình quân đầu người
- payment in arrear: trả tiền chậm : trả tiền chậm

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- preferential duties: thuế ưu đãi : thuế ưu đãi
- rate of economic growth: : tốc độ tăng trưởng ktế
- the openness of the economy : mở cửa của nền ktế
- transnational corporations : các công ty siêu quốc gia
1.1. Cấu trúc
✓ Số lượng câu: 08 ( câu 1-8)
✓ Dạng bài nghe: nghe 8 hướng dẫn hoặc thông báo ngắn
✓ Dạng câu hỏi: trắc nghiệm chọn A, B, C hoặc D
✓ Số lần nghe: 01
Để làm tốt phần Nghe phần 1 thí sinh cần phải nắm chắc kiến thức nắm chắc thông tin
cách nói giờ, thời tiết, làm quen các thông báo ở sân bay, nhà ga, quảng cáo ngắn…
1.2. Ví dụ
Câu hỏi 1. Where can visitors see the ducks?
A. in their cages
B. in the pond
C. in the field
D.near the dusbins
Câu hỏi 2: How does the speaker get to work?
A. He drives to work
B. He walks
C. He takes a bus
D. He takes a taxi
2.1. Cấu trúc
✓ Số lượng câu: 12 ( câu 9-20)
✓ Dạng bài nghe: nghe 3 cuộc hội thoại. Có 4 câu hỏi trong mỗi hội thoại
✓ Dạng câu hỏi: trắc nghiệm chọn A, B, C hoặc D

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✓ Số lần nghe: 01

2.2. Ví dụ:
Câu hỏi 1: Nghe một hội thoại giữa hai người hàng xóm về cuộc chạy bộ
9. How is Natasha going to work today?
A. She is taking the bus.
B. She is taking the train.
C. She is running.
D. She is driving her car.
10. Why did Colin go back to use public transport instead of running to work?
A. He felt tired.
B. He found running to work was bad for his health.
C. He wanted to save time.
D. He liked keeping fit at the gym.
11. What does Natasha wear at work?
A. a tracksuit and trainers
B. a shirt and trousers.
C. a suit.
D. casual clothes.
12. What does Natasha think about the race next month?
A. It will be good fun.
B. It will give big prizes.
C. It will make her relaxed.
D. She can make friends at the race.
3.1. Cấu trúc
✓ Số lượng câu: 15 ( câu 21-35)
✓ Dạng bài nghe: nghe 3 bài nói chuyện hoặc bài giảng. Có 5 câu hỏi cho mỗi bài nói
chuyện hoặc bài giảng
✓ Dạng câu hỏi: trắc nghiệm chọn A, B, C hoặc D

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✓ Số lần nghe: 01
3.2. Ví dụ:
Câu hỏi: Nghe thông tin về một bến cảng
21. Why did a port originally develop at Manham?
A. It was safe from enemy attack.
B. It was convenient for river transport.
C. It was densely populated.
D. It had a good position on the sea coast.
22. What caused Manham’s sudden expansion during the Industrial Revolution?
A. the improvement in mining techniques
B. the long-term reputation of the port
C. the increase in demand for metals
D. the discovery of tin in the area
23. Why did rocks have to be sent away from Manham to be processed?
A. limited storage capacity
B. shortage of fuel
C. poor transport systems
D. lack of skills among local people
24. What happened when the port declined in the twentieth century?
A. The workers went away.
B. Traditional skills were lost.
C. Buildings were used for new purposes.
D. A bigger port was built in the neighbor area.
25. What did the Manham Trust hope to do?
A. discover the location of the original port
B. provide jobs for the unemployed
C. rebuild the port complex
D. destroy all the remainder of the old port

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Directions: This is the listening test for levels from 3 to 5 of the Vietnam’s 6-level
Language Proficiency Test. There are three parts to the test. You will hear each part once.
For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time
for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have 5
minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
SECTION 1 Questions 1-8
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options and a short
recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You now have 48
seconds to look through the questions and the options in each question.
1. When can Suzy come to dinner?
A. on the 9th
B. on the 16th
C. on the 19th
D. on the 23rd
2. Which day will they go to the cinema?
A. Thursday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Saturday
3. How much is a ticket for tonight’s match?
A. €9
B. €10
C. €12.50
D. €20
4. Where does Paul live?
A. House No. 33
B. House No. 32
C. House No. 31
D. House No. 30
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5. Which train will the woman take?
A. the 11.30 train
B. the 12.45 train
C. the 1.45 train
D. the 2.15 train
6. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
A. snowy
B. sunny
C. cloudy
D. rainy
7. What will they buy at the supermarket?
A. some biscuits
B. a cake
C. some fruit
D. some ice cream
8. Which T-shirt does the woman buy?
A. white, short sleeve
B. dark, short sleeve
C. white, long sleeve
D. dark, long sleeve
PART 2-Questions 9-20
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for
each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversations only ONCE.
Questions 9 to 12. You will hear an interview with a woman called Amy Rowntree, who
works as a fashion designer.
9. Amy decided to become a fashion designer while ….
A. she was still at school.
B. she was working in a shop.
C. she was running a fashion show.
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D. she was designing her own clothes.
10. According to Amy, what the most important skill for a designer?
A. remaining patient in difficult situations
B. understanding how clothes are made
C. knowing about different materials
D. knowing how to use the suing machine
11. What does Amy particularly like about her work?
A. working with many famous models
B. having her name recognised
C. being able to sell her designs
D. seeing her clothes on display
12. How does Amy feel about today’s fashion?
A. She feels clothes should be more attractive.
B. She believes clothes need more decorations.
C. She’s pleased sports clothes are popular.
D. She would like clothes to be more practical.
Questions 13 to 16. You will hear a radio interview with a man called Harry Park,
who is talking about the adventure travel company he runs.
13. Harry first became interested in adventure travel because his father….
A. talked a lot about the places he’d been to.
B. gave him adventure stories to read.
C. worked in a travel company.
D. took him to a lot of new places.
14. Why did Harry decide to start an adventure travel company?
A. He expected to make a lot of money.
B. He hoped to do more travelling himself.
C. He wanted to share his experience with others.
D. He was encouraged to start his own business.
15. Who suggested the name for Harry’s company?
A. a friend
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B. his wife
C. his father
D. a customer
16. When Harry visits a place, what does he try to do?
A. give the local people jobs
B. take modern equipment
C. avoid damaging the area
D. change the local people’s lifestyle
Questions 17 to 20. You will hear a radio interview with a teenage surfer called Abby
17. Abby first decided to go surfing when ….
A. her dad offered to teach her.
B. she saw some local competitions.
C. local surfers asked her to join them.
D. her mother gave her money for a surfboard.
18. What did Abby discover when she started surfing?
A. It was good to try different surfboards.
B. She needed more equipment than she’d expected.
C. She had to bring her own surfboard.
D. Her local surfing school was expensive.
19. What does Abby say about surfing in the winter?
A. No one surfs because it is cold then.
B. The sea is warm enough where she lives.
C. The beaches are very quiet then.
D. She wears a special suit for winter surfing.
20. How did Abby feel about surfing the enormous wave?
A. disappointed she didn’t have right board.
B. worried at first by the size of the wave.
C. scared about falling off her board.
D. afraid of the pain when she fell off the board.
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PART 3-Questions 21-35
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. There are five questions
for each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You
will hear the talks or lectures only ONCE.
Questions 21-25: You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students.
21. Why is tonight’s disco special?
A. It’s Sam’s birthday.
B. It’s the last week of the course.
C. It starts earlier than usual.
D. He had a friend there.
22. Where will the football match take place?
A. at Henry’s College
B. in a park
C. at the sports centre
D. unfavorable weather condition
23. After the football match, the students will….
A. go to a pizza restaurant
B. have a party at the college
C. celebrate on the beach
D. call food for all team members
24. What time does the train to Thornton leave?
A. 12.15
B. 12.45
C. 1.20
D. 12.00
25. What should the students bring to the picnic?
A. salad
B. drinks
C. glasses
D. bread rolls
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Questions 26-30: You will hear an announcement about a train trip through a
26. How long does the train ride last?
A. 15 minutes
B. 45 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 90 minutes
27. What was the important industry of Oldsville in the past?
A. Food
B. Tourism
C. Rail
D. Oil
28. What can people see which are close to the train?
A. Animals
B. Desert plants
C. Local people
D. Old wooden bridges
29. What can people see when the train goes over the bridge?
A. The river
B. The local stores
C. Large rocks
D. Souvenirs
30. Passengers can buy refreshment from….
A. the stores at the station
B. the stores on the train
C. the vending machine
D. the man who is speaking
Question 31 to 35: You will hear a talk by a security worker from Sydney airport
who is introducing the day-to-day operation of the Australian Quarantine Service.
31. What is the main purpose of the service?
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A. to provide people with comfort
B. to persuade people to fly
C. to educate people
D. to help people release stress
32. How many people are working at Sydney Airport?
A. 200
B. 360
C. 440
D. 206
33. Dogs are chosen because of their ….
A. friendliness
B. intelligence
C. ability to stay calm
D. skill at locating narcotics
34. How many postal items were processed last year?
A. about 4,400
B. about 52,000
C. about 72,000
D. about 170
35. People carrying items that are not allowed….
A. will get arrested.
B. will get refused on board.
C. will be financially punished.
D. will be given a warning.

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Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút bao gồm cả thời chuyển câu trả lời sang phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm
Đề thi xây dựng theo hình thức trắc nghiệm, mỗi câu hỏi có 04 phương án lựa chọn A, B,
C, D. Độ dài các bài đọc từ 400-550 từ.

Phần Số lượng Thông tin chi tiết

1 10 Một bài đọc
Độ dài: ~ 450 từ
Chủ đề: cuộc sống hằng ngày
2 10 Một bài đọc
Độ dài: ~ 450 từ
Chủ đề: khoa học tự nhiên hoặc khoa học xã hội
3 10 Một bài đọc
Độ dài: ~ 450 từ
Chủ đề: khoa học tự nhiên, khoa học xã hội hoặc các
chuyên ngành khác

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4 10 Một bài đọc
Độ dài: ~ 500-550 từ
Chủ đề: mang tính chuyên ngành hoặc văn chương
Tổng 40


2.1. Đọc lướt lấy ý chính (Skimming)
- Skimming là dùng mắt lướt qua các dòng thông tin từ trên xuống dưới để hiểu ý chính và
nội dung tổng quát của bài chứ không đi sâu vào nội dung. Khi dùng kĩ năng skimming,
người đọc chú ý đến các nhóm từ thay vì các từ riêng lẻ.
- Khi nào cần sử dụng kĩ năng skimming:
+ Khi bạn gặp một đoạn văn quá dài mà thời gian thì giới hạn thì Skimming là một
công cụ hữu ích. Skimming giúp bạn giảm thời gian đọc và thay vì chú tâm đến chi tiết,
bạn chỉ lướt qua tiêu đề (title), câu chủ đề (topic sentences) và câu cuối (concluding
sentences) để nắm được ý chính của bài đọc.
+ Skimming giúp bạn đọc được nôi dung chính cũng như quan điểm mà tác giả muốn
nêu lên trong từng đoạn, xem tác giả đang phản đối, đồng tình hay trung lập, nắm bắt được
những thông tin quan trọng qua đó quyết định được bạn nên đi sâu vào đọc đoạn đó hay
không. Do đó, khi gặp các câu hỏi dạng main ideas, matching headings/summaries,
skimming sẽ giúp bạn đưa ra câu trả lời nhanh chóng và chính xác.
- Kỹ thuật Skimming có thể thực hiện qua 3 bước:
+ Bước 1: Đọc phần tiêu đề (title) của bài viết đó, sau đó đọc đoạn mở đầu để xác
định nội dung chính trong bài viết.
+ Bước 2: Đọc câu chủ đề (topic sentences) của từng đoạn, câu chủ đề thường là câu
đầu tiên của bài text. Nhưng đôi khi đạn văn lại được mở đầu bằng câu hỏi hay câu dẫn, thì
khi đó topic sentences lại thường nằm cuối đoạn.
+ Bước 3: Đọc vào đoạn văn, chú ý trả lời các câu hỏi who, what, which, where, when,
why. Chú ý đến các danh từ, con số, các từ được in đậm hay viết hoa vì những từ nay chứa
thông tin quan trọng.
- Lưu ý:
Trang | 42
+ Bỏ qua các từ bạn không hiểu nghĩa. Tập trung vào những từ mà bạn không biết sẽ
làm giảm tốc độ đọc của bạn.
+ “Skim” các động từ trong câu. Sự thay đổi của động từ là dấu hiệu cho thấy nội
dung của đoạn văn đang thay đổi.
+ Skim các phần cuối của các câu: thông thường, câu sau sẽ nối ý câu trước, một câu
thường được chia thành hai thông tin: phần đầu câu tiếp tục thông tin của câu trước và phần
cuối câu đưa ra thông tin mới. Vì vậy, chú ý vào phần cuối của đoạn văn.
+ Hiểu logic trình bày của bài bằng cách dựa vào các signal words (từ dấu hiệu) như:
because, firstly, secondly, finally, but, then, includes và những từ chỉ thời gian khác. Những
từ này sẽ giúp cho người đọc nhanh chóng nhận ra đoạn văn được trình bày theo cách nào:
listing (liệt kê), comparison–contrast (so sánh-đối lập), time-order (theo thứ tự thời gian),
và cause-effect (nguyên nhân-kết quả).
2.2. Đọc nhanh lấy dữ liệu chi tiết (Scanning )
- Scanning là đọc thật nhanh để lấy những dữ liệu cụ thể, những thông tin chi tiết
trong bài khóa.
- Khi nào cần dùng kĩ năng scanning:
+ Scanning thường được sử dụng khi tìm kiếm các dữ liệu như tên riêng, ngày, thông
số, hoặc các từ trong bài khóa mà không cần đọc và hiểu được những phần khác của bài
hoặc đối với các câu hỏi thí sinh đã hoàn thành kĩ năng skimming thì áp dụng kĩ năng
scanning để tìm được đáp án chính xác.
+ Scanning rất hữu ích khi tìm câu trả lời cho các dạng câu hỏi như thông tin chi tiết.
- Các bước Scan hiệu quả:
+ Bước 1: Phân tích câu hỏi và tìm từ khóa (key words) hay từ chứa nội dung (content
words), các từ này thường là danh từ (nouns), động từ (verbs), và tính từ (adjectives).
+ Bước 2: Xác định xem thông tin đó có trong đoạn văn nào của bài đọc theo trí nhớ
sau phần Skimming và “quét” nhanh một lượt để định vị chính xác vị trí của thông tin cần
+ Bước 3: Dừng lại trước thông tin cần tìm và đọc cẩn thận những câu có liên quan
đến để hiểu rõ điều mà tác giả đang muốn nói và trả lời câu hỏi. Chú ý đến những câu trúc
câu phức vì chúng thường khiến người đọc bối rối và nhầm lẫn trong việc xác định thông
Trang | 43
tin tìm kiếm.
- Lưu ý:
+ Luôn ghi nhớ mình đang tìm kiếm thông tin gì.
+ Chú ý đến loại thông tin đang tìm kiếm – đó là những con số, ngày tháng, địa điểm
hay tên riêng.
+ Phân tích cấu trúc của bài đọc (bằng Skimming) để định vị được vị trí chứa thông
tin dễ dàng hơn.
+ Lướt mắt qua nhiều dòng cùng một lúc. Khi thấy câu chứa thông tin bạn đang tìm,
dừng lại đọc kỹ toàn bộ câu đó và câu có liên quan.
+ Đừng cố hiểu nghĩa khi lướt qua những đoạn lớn của bài text. Phân vân nhiều về
mặt ngữ nghĩa của từ sẽ làm bạn mất nhiều thời gian khi làm bài.
3.1. Câu hỏi tìm ý chính
- Các câu hỏi tìm ý chính thường có dạng:
+ What is the main idea of the passage?
+ Which of the following would be the best title for this article?
+ The main idea of this passage is that…
+ Which of the following best states the subject of this passage?
+ The passage mainly discusses...
+ What is the topic of the passage?
+ What is the subject of the passage?
+ What is the author's main point in the passage?
+ With what is the author primarily concerned?
+ Which of the following would be the best title?
trong bài, hoặc thông tin đưa ra trái với thông tin được đề cập trong bài.
- Ví dụ:
+Đoạn đọc: Basketball was invented in 1891 by a physical education instructor in
Springfield, Massachusetts, by the name of James Naismith. Because of terrible weather in
winter, his physical education students were indoors rather than outdoors. They really did
not like the idea of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and challenge
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of a game. Naismith figured out a team sport that could be played indoors on a gymnasium
floor, that involved a lot of running, that kept all team members involved, and that did not
allow the tackling and physical contact of American* style football.
+ Câu hỏi: What is the topic of this passage?
A. The life of James Naismith
B. The history of sports
C. Physical education and exercise
D. The origin of basketball
3.2. Câu hỏi tìm thông tin chi tiết
- Các câu hỏi tìm thông tin chi tiết có thể ở dạng khẳng định (+) hoặc phủ định (-).
Câu hỏi
(+) + What…? Where…? When…? How long…? How many/much…?
+ It is stated/indicated/ mentioned in paragraph X …
+ Which of the following is true according to the text?

(-) + Which of the following is NOT stated/ mentioned...?

+ All of the following are true EXCEPT.....

- Ví dụ:

+ Doạn dọc: Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and
sizes and made from a variety of materials. The oldest known flutes are, about 20,000 years
old, they were made from hollowed-out bones with holes cut in them. In addition to bone,
older flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood.
Today flutes are generally made of metal, and in addition to the holes they have a
complicated system of keys, levers, and pads. The instrument belonging to well-known
flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal, it is made of gold.
+Câu hỏi: According to the passage, the oldest flutes ……
A. had holes cut in them
B. were made of metal
C. were made 200,00 years ago
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D. had a complicated set of levers and pads
3.3. Câu hỏi suy luận
- Câu hỏi tìm suy luận thường có dạng:
+ Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
+ Which of the following would be the most reasonable guess about…?
+ It is probable that…
+ It can be inferred from the passage that…
+ In the paragraph 2, the author implies/suggests that…
+ What probably happened...
+ It is most likely that....
- Ví dụ:
+ Đoạn đọc: The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree
really is. Each year, a tree produces a ring that is composed of onejightcolored wide band
and one dark-colored narrow band. The wider band is produced during the spring and
early summer when tree stem cells grow rapidly and become .larger. The narrower band
is produced in fall and early winter when cell growth is much slower and cells do not get
very large. No cells are produced during the harsh winter and summer months.
+ Câu hỏi: It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100
narrowbands, then it is….
A. a century old
B. two centuries old
C. fifty years old
D. two hundred years old
3.4. Câu hỏi từ vựng
- Câu hỏi tìm từ vựng thường có dạng:
+ The word (or phrase) “X” in paragraph Y is closest in meaning to …
+ The word (or phrase) “X” in paragraph Y could best be replaced by…
- Ví dụ:

+ Đoạn đọc: Professor Richmond's hobby is philately. The professor has been quite
interested in collecting stamps for a number of years.
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+ Câu hỏi: The word "philately" in line 1 could best be replaced by

A. a philanthropic attitude

B. a common profession

C. stamp collection

D. teaching classes

3.5. Câu hỏi quy chiếu

- Các câu hỏi quy chiếu thường có dạng:
+The word “X” in paragraph Y refers to…
+What does the word “X” in paragraph Y refer to?
+“X” = it, its, this, that, these, those, who, which, that, one, ones, they, them, their…
- Ví dụ:
+ Đoạn đọc: Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents
help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for
him. They even drive him 50 kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. MMael's mother
knows very little about music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestta.
However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.
+ Câu hỏi: The word "They" in line 2 refers to…….
A. violin lessons
B. concert
C. Michael's parents
D. parents in general
3.6. Câu hỏi xác định vị trí thông tin
- Các câu hỏi xác định vị trí thông tin thường có dạng:
+ Where in the passage (is X mentioned/ does the author mentionX) …?
- Ví dụ:
+ Đoạn đọc: The words "capital" and "capitol" are confused in spelling and in
meaning by a lot of people who try to use them. Both their spellings and their meanings are
quite closely related. A "capital" is the location of the center of government, while a

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"capitol" is the actual building where the government officials meet. Thus, in the United
Stops, for example, the Capitol building is located in Washington, D.C., which is the capital
city of the United States.
+ Câu hỏi: Where in the passage does the author define the word “capital”?
A. Lines 1
B. Lines 2-3
C. Line 4-5
D. Line 5
3.7. Câu hỏi mục đích, thái độ của tác giả
- Câu hỏi xác định mục đích thường có dạng:
+ The author wrote this passage to …?
+ Why does the author mention …?
+ The author's main purpose in paragraph 2 is to…
- (Câu hỏi xác địnhthái độ thường có dạng
+ What is the author's opinion / attitude …?
+ Which of the following most probably reflects the author's opinion …?
- Ví dụ:
+ Đoạn đọc: Military awards have long been considered symbolic of royalty and thus
the United States was a young nation just finished with revolution and eager to distance
itself from anything tasting of monarchy, there was strong sentiment against military
decoration. For a century, from the end of the Revolutionary War until the Civil War; the
United States awarded no military honors. The institution of the Medal of Honor in 1861
was source of great discussion and concern. From the Civil War until World War I, the
Medal of Honor was only military award given by the United Statesgovernment, and today
it is awarded only in the most extreme cases of heroism. Although the United States is still
somewhat wary of granting military awards, several awards have been instituted since
World War I.
+ Câu hỏi: The author’s purpose in this passage is to
A. Describe the history of military awards from the Revolutionary War to the
Civil War.
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B. Demonstratre an effect of America’s attitude toward royalty.
C. Give an opinion of military awards.
D. Ouline various historical symbols of royalty.
PASSAGE 1 – Questions 1-10
A new study, conducted by scientists from Oxford University, the Chinese Academy
of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Center for Disease Control, has warned that a third of
all men currently under the age of 20 in China will eventually die prematurely if they do
not give up smoking.
The research, published in The Lancet medical journal, says two-thirds of men in
China now start to smoke before 20. Around half of those men will die from the habit, it
In 2010, around one million people in China died from tobacco usage. But researchers
say that if current trends continue, that will double to two million people - mostly men -
dying every year by 2030, making it a "growing epidemic of premature death".
But co-author Richard Peto said there was hope - if people can be persuaded to
quit."The key to avoid this huge wave of deaths is cessation, and if you are a young man,
don't start," he said.
In many parts of China, meals often fit a comfortable pattern. After putting down their
chopsticks, men commonly push their chairs back from the table and light cigarettes. No
wonder China has struggled to impose a smoking ban in public places. Here, relationships
are often built amid clouds of smoke.
Expensive brands of cigarettes, often decorated with gold detailing on the cartons, are
given as gifts. And ordinary brands are affordable to all but the very poor, costing just 2.5
yuan ($0.4; £0.25) a pack.
In a country where smoking is so ingrained in daily life, few understand the harmful
effects of tobacco use. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 25% of
Chinese adults can list the specific health hazards of smoking, from lung cancer to heart

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Perhaps it should come as no surprise, then, that only 10% of Chinese smokers quit
by choice. Instead, most are forced to give up their cigarettes because they're too sick to
continue.While smoking rates have fallen in developed countries - to less than one in five
in the US - they have risen in China, as cigarettes have become more available and
consumers richer.
Authorities have shown concern over the rise, with Beijing even introducing a public
smoking ban. But efforts have been hampered by the habit's popularity, and its usefulness
as a source of tax - the government collects about 428 billion yuan (£44 billion, $67 billion)
in tobacco taxes each year.
Globally, tobacco kills up to half of its users, according to the World Health
1. How many Chinese men start to smoke before the age of 20?
A. one-third
B. two-thirds
C. half
D. all of them
2. What does the word “those men” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Men who smoke under the age of 20
B. Men who smoke above the age of 20
C. Men who give up smoking
D. Men who smoke in public
3. By 2030, how many men in China may die from smoking every year?
A. one million
B. two million
C. three million
D. four million
4. In many areas of China, when do men usually smoke?
A. Before a meal
B. After a meal
C. Before they go to sleep
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D. When they get up
5. According to WHO, only_______ of Chinese adults can list bad effects of smoking.
A. one-third
B. one-fourth
C. one-fifth
D. a half
6. “Beijing” refers to
A. China
B. The city of Beijing
C. The Chinese government
D. People who live in Beijing
7. What is Richard Peto’s attitude toward smoking in China?
A. He doesn’t believe that people will give up smoking
B. He is disappointed with the Chinese government.
C. He thinks that people possibly stop smoking if they see reasons.
D. He is sure about the rise of future deaths in China.
8. Which of the following words does the word “hamper” have closest meaning to?
A. basket
B. assist
C. prohibit
D. restrict
9. What is the writer’s purpose?
A. To argue over smoking policy in China
B. To support smoking in China
C. To warn and prevent smoking in China
D. To report the result of a research paper
10. What does the writer imply about Chinese government?
A. They do not want to stop people from smoking.
B. They have tried to stop people from smoking in public but with little success.
C. They have tried to close tobacco companies.
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D. They do not care about smoking.
PASSAGE 2 – Questions 11-20
The evidence that humans are causing global warming is strong, but the question of
what to do about it remains controversial. Economics, sociology, and politics are all
important factors in planning for the future.
Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) today, the Earth would still
warm by another degree Fahrenheit or so. But what we do from today forward makes a big
difference. Depending on our choices, scientists predict that the Earth could eventually
warm by as little as 2.5 degrees or as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
A commonly cited goal is to stabilize GHG concentrations around 450-550 parts per
million (ppm), or about twice pre-industrial levels. This is the point at which many believe
the most damaging impacts of climate change can be avoided. Current concentrations are
about 380 ppm, which means there isn't much time to lose. According to the IPCC, we'd
have to reduce GHG emissions by 50% to 80% of what they're on track to be in the next
century to reach this level.
Is this possible?
Many people and governments are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases, and
everyone can help.Researchers Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow at Princeton University
have suggested one approach that they call "stabilization wedges." This means reducing
GHG emissions from a variety of sources with technologies available in the next few
decades, rather than relying on an enormous change in a single area. They suggest 7 wedges
that could each reduce emissions, and all of them together could hold emissions at
approximately current levels for the next 50 years, putting us on a potential path to stabilize
around 500 ppm.
There are many possible wedges, including improvements to energy efficiency and
vehicle fuel economy (so less energy has to be produced), and increases in wind and solar
power, hydrogen produced from renewable sources, biofuels (produced from crops), natural
gas, and nuclear power. There is also the potential to capture the carbon dioxide emitted
from fossil fuels and store it underground—a process called "carbon sequestration."

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In addition to reducing the gases we emit to the atmosphere, we can also increase the
amount of gases we take out of the atmosphere. Plants and trees absorb CO2 as they grow,
"sequestering" carbon naturally. Increasing forestlands and making changes to the way
we farm could increase the amount of carbon we're storing.
Some of these technologies have drawbacks, and different communities will make
different decisions about how to power their lives, but the good news is that there are a
variety of options to put us on a path toward a stable climate.
11. The word “we” in paragraph 2refers to
A. humans
B. economists, sociologists, and politicians
C. animals
D. scientists
12. According to paragraph 2, how many degrees could the Earth warm up?
A. 2.5
B. 2.5 or 10
C. 10
D. from 2.5 to 10
13. According to paragraph 3, why should we stabilize GHG concentrations around
450-550 parts per million?
A. to avoid the most serious effects of climate change
B. to avoid all damaging impacts of climate change
C. to mend the most damaging impacts of climate change
D. to stop climate change
14. What does “which” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. current concentrations
B. that current concentrations are about 380 ppm
C. 380 ppm
D. ppm
15. Why does the author mention Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow?
A. To introduce two researchers in the field
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B. To proves that researchers are working to reduce GHG emission
C. To introduce one way to reduce GHG emission
D. To introduce Princeton University
16. What stabilization wedges are NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. create environment-friendly materials
B. capture and store carbon dioxide underground
C. increase the use of renewable energy
D. grow more trees
17. What does “them” refer to?
A. researchers
B. humans
C. renewable resources
D. wedges
18. What is the best title for this passage?
A. Arguments over Global Warming
B. Global Warming and its Causes
C. Global Warming Solutions
D. Global Warming’s Effect on Earth
19. “Sequestering” has closest meaning to
A. absorb
B. isolate
C. release
D. emit
20. Why does the writer mention “drawbacks” in the last paragraph?
A. To introduce the disadvantages of solutions in the following paragraph
B. To emphasize the disadvantages of the solutions in the previous paragraph
C. To recommend readers not to use the solutions
D. To emphasize the advantages of the solutions in different contexts
PASSAGE 3 – Questions 21-30

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Art communicates to us primarily through our eyes. We look at art, and we try to find
some meaning in the experience. If we are to begin to think about art more seriously, we
might do well to become more aware of the process of seeing itself.
Science tells us that seeing is a mode of perception, or the recognition and
interpretation of sensory data-in other words, how information comes in our senses, and
what we make of it. In visual perception our eyes take in information in the form of light
patterns; the brain processes these patterns to give them meaning. The mechanics of
perception work much the same way for everyone, yet in a given situation we do not all see
the same things.
We can take great pleasure in merely looking at art, just as we take pleasure in the
view of a distant mountain range or watching the sun set over the ocean. But art, unlike
nature, is a human creation. It is one of the many ways we express ourselves and attempt to
communicate. A work of art is the product of human intelligence, and we can meet it with
our own intelligence on equal footing. This is where study comes in.
The understanding of process - the how - often contributes quite a lot to our
appreciation of art. If you understand why painting in watercolor may be different from
painting in oil, why clay responds differently to the artist's hands than does wood or glass -
you will have a richer appreciation of the artist's expression.
Knowing the place of a work of art in history - what went before and came after - can
also deepen your understanding. Artists learn to make art by studying the achievements of
the past and observing the efforts of their contemporaries. They adapt ideas to serve their
own needs and then bequeath those ideas to future generations of artists. For example,
Matisse assumed that his audience would know that Venus was the ancient Roman goddess
of love. But he also hoped that they would be familiar with one Venus in particular, a
famous Greek statue known as the Venus de Milo.
An artist may create a specific work for any of a thousand reasons. An awareness of
the why may give some insight as well. Looking at Van Gogh's The Starry Night, it might
help you know that Van Gogh was intrigued by the belief that people journeyed to a star
after their death, and that there they continued their lives. "Just as we take the train to get
to Tarascon or Rouen," he wrote in a letter, "we take death to reach a star." This knowledge
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might help you understand why Van Gogh felt so strongly about the night sky, and what
his painting might have meant to him.
But no matter how much you study, Van Gogh's painting will never mean for you exactly
what it meant for him, nor should it.Great works of arthold many meanings.The greatest of
them seem to speak anew toeach generation and to each attentive observer. The most
important thing is that they mean something for you, that your own experiences, thoughts,
and emotions find a place in them.
21. According to paragraph 2, the process of visual perception
A. is not the same for all people
B. begins with patterns of light
C. is not very scientific
D. requires other senses to function
22. What did Matisse reinterpret?
A. A goddess from mythology
B. A painting by another artist
C. An ancient sculpture
D. A man in history
23. The word “them” in the last paragraph refers to
A. each attentive observer
B. thoughts and emotions
C. a lifetime ofexperiences
D. great works of art
24. The word “bequeath” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. make out
B. pass on
C. look over
D. take in
25. The author mentions all of the following ways to enhance the appreciation of art

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A. understanding the artistic process
B. becoming familiar with the history
C. experiencing the art by copying
D. knowing about the life of the artist
26. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. Visual perception of sensory material
B. The historical context for artistic expression
C. Studying Van Gogh's The Starry Night
D. The appreciation of works of art
27. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted
statement in the passage?
A. We see images differently because of the mode of perception.
B. Although we see images differently, the mode of perception is similar.
C. Since the mode of perception is similar, we see images in the same way.
D. When the mode of perception is the same, we see the same images
28. Why might Van Gogh have painted The Starry Night?
A. To symbolize the journey of life after death
B. To create a dramatic contrast with the sky
C. To place a strong image in the foreground
D. To include nature from his early experience
29. The word “intrigued” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. very pleased
B. very confused
C. very interested
D. very surprised
30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. Greatest art works are impossible to understand.
B. The author shows negative feelings toward contemporary art.
C. People need knowledge to understand art.
D. What we see in art is determined by our emotions, experiences, and thoughts.
Trang | 57
PASSAGE 4 – Questions 31-40
Antibiotics block the life cycle of bacteria that invade the human body. The first of
these antibiotics, penicillin, works by blocking the molecules that construct the cell walls
of particular bacteria. The bacteria, with incomplete cell walls, are not able to reproduce.
When penicillin was introduced during World War II, it was truly a "miracle drug."
Until that time, anyone who was cut or wounded stood a great risk of infection. Once
penicillin became available, the situation changed. Wounded soldiers, children with ear
infections, and many others began to benefit from the ability to block the growth of bacteria.
While humanity may have won that particular battle against bacteria, the war is far
from over. The reason is that in any bacterial population, there are bound to be a few
bacteria that, for one reason or another, are not affected by a particular antibiotic. For
example, they may have a slightly differently shaped enzyme that builds cell walls, so that
penicillin will not fit onto that particular shape of the enzyme. These bacteria will not be
affected by that particular drug.
For that small group, the antibiotic is a real godsend. It doesn't affect them, but it does
wipe out all of their competition. They are thus free to multiply, and, over time, all of the
bacteria will have whatever properties that made those individuals resistant.
Traditionally, medical scientists have dealt with this phenomenon by developing a
large number of antibiotics, each of which intervenes in the bacterial life cycle in a slightly
different way. Consequently, if you happen to have a bacterium that is resistant to one
antibiotic, probably it will succumb to the action of another. You may, in fact, have had the
experience of going to a doctor with an infection, being given an antibiotic, and then finding
that it didn't work. In all likelihood, all your doctor had to do then was prescribe a different
antibiotic and everything was fine.
The problem is that as time has passed, more and more bacteria have become resistant
to antibiotics. In fact, currently, there is one strain of bacteria- Staphylococcus-that is
resistant to every commercially available antibiotic except one, and in 1996, a bacterium
with lowered resistance to that last antibiotic appeared in Japan.
The appearance of drug-resistant bacteria is not particularly surprising; in fact, it
probably should have been anticipated. Nevertheless, in the late 1980s, there was a general
Trang | 58
sense of complacency among scientists on the antibiotic question. Little profit was to be
made by developing the one-hundred-and-first antibiotic. Drug companies concentrated
their efforts on other areas. Therefore, a gap developed between the production of new
antibiotics and the development of resistance among bacteria.
By the early 1990s, this gap was recognized and highlighted in several national news
magazines. More companies returned to develop new kinds of antibiotics, and currently, a
number are undergoing clinical trials. By early in the twenty-first century, some of these
new drugs will start to come on the market, and the problem will be "solved," at least for
the moment.
Additional research will focus on the processes by which cells repair the constant
damage to DNA, but the computer design of new drugs, the development of new antibiotics,
and techniques to combat bacteria should remain a top priority.
31. How do antibiotics treat infections?
A. They interfere with the reproductive cycle of bacteria.
B. They construct cell walls to resist bacteria.
C. They inject enzymes that explode in affected cells.
D. They increase the mitosis of healthy cells
32. The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to
A. whatever properties
B. resistant bacteria
C. their competition
D. those individuals
33. The word “anticipated” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. predicted
B. concealed
C. investigated
D. disregarded
34. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?
A. The "miracle drug" penicillin
B. Drug-resistant bacteria
Trang | 59
C.Staphylococcus infections
D. Gene therapy treatments
35. According to paragraph 4, why do some bacteria benefit from antibiotics?
A. The antibiotic eliminates competing bacteria, allowing resistant bacteria to reproduce.
B. The resistant bacteria compete with the antibiotic, and the bacteria become stronger.
C. The competition helps the resistant bacteria to multiply by reproducing with the resistant
D. The properties of the antibiotic are acquired by the bacteria, making it resistant to the
36. The word “complacency” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. consensus of agreement
B. fear of consequences
C. lack of concern
D. awareness of potential
37. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted
statement in the passage?
A. Some antibiotics affect a population of bacteria more efficiently than others.
B. There are several reasons why some bacteria do not respond to most antibiotics.
C. The effect of antibiotics on bacteria is to bind them together into one population.
D. A small number of bacteria in any sample will probably be resistant to a specific
38. The author mentions all of the following reasons for drug resistant bacteria to
appear EXCEPT….
A. there was not enough profit incentive for companies to continue developing new
B. statistically, some drug-resistant bacteria will occur naturally in any large population of
C. the newer antibiotics were not as strong and effective as the original penicillin-based
D. competing bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics, allowing resistant bacteria to prosper.
Trang | 60
39. It can be inferred from the passage that
A. research to develop new antibiotics will not be necessary in the future
B. the scientific community was not surprised by the resistant strains of bacteria
C. antibiotics are not very expensive when they are made available commercially
D. it takes years for a new drug to be made available commercially for consumers
40. Which of the following statements is NOT a main idea of the passage?
A. Many strains of bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotics currently available.
B. Funding for the production of new antibiotics has been allocated to drug companies.
C. The first antibiotics were very effective in blocking the reproduction of bacteria.
D. New antibiotics are being developed to combat bacteria that resist the older antibiotics.

Trang | 61
Thời gian làm bài: ~60 phút
Đề thi gồm 02 phần. Phần 1: Viết thư; Phần 2: Viết văn nghị luận

Phần Thang Hệ Thông tin chi tiết

điểm số
1 10 1 Thời gian làm bài (khuyến nghị): ~20 phút.
Độ dài: tối thiểu 120 từ.
Chấm điểm: 10/30.
Yêu cầu: Thí sinh viết một bức thư/email trả lời một bức
thư/email cho sẵn hoặc một bức thư/email gửi cho người
khác nhằm hỏi thông tin hay thực hiện những
nhu cầu giao tiếp khác nhau. Nhiệm vụ này kiểm tra kĩ năng
viết tương tác.
2 10 2 Thời gian làm bài (khuyến nghị): ~ 40 phút.
Độ dài: tối thiểu 250 từ.
Chấm điểm: 20/30.
Yêu cầu: Thí sinh viết một bài luận về một chủ đề của đề bài,
dùng kinh nghiệm và hiểu biết cá nhân để củng cố lập luận.
Nhiệm vụ này kiểm tra kĩ năng viết luận (viết sản sinh).


2. 1. Bài mẫu:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Trang | 62
You received an email from your English speaking pean-friend- Audrey, asking about
your new puppy

It’s great to recieve your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long
time. I was busy preparing for final exams. I also try to help my
parents with the housework since they are busy all day. What a great
news you have a new puppy! I really love puppies because they are
cute. What’s the name of your puppy?. Have you decided to give it
a name yet? Who gave you such a wonderful gift? Also do you have
any difficulties looking after it?

Write an email responding to Audrey.You should write at least 120 words. You do not need
to include your name or address.
2.2. Yêu cầu bài viết thư
- Bài viết thư được đánh giá theo 4 tiêu chí: Taskfullfilment ( mức độ hoàn thành bài viết
thư), Organizition (tổ chức bài viết. Vocabulary (từ vựng) và Grammar (ngữ pháp). Vì vậy,
bài viết thư có những yêu cầu cụ thể sau:
+ Bài viết cần trả lời được hết các yêu cầu của đề bài cụ thể là bao gồm tất cả các ý
chính. Nếu bỏ qua bất cứ nội dung của câu hỏi nào, bài viết sẽ được xem là chưa đạt yêu
cầu về mức độ hoàn thành yêu cầu của đề bài. Do đó, bài viết sẽ không thể đạt điểm cao.
+ Tổ chức bài viết hợp lý là yêu cầu quan trọng của bài viết thư. Tiêu chí này chấm
điểm bố cục bài viết thư, thể hiện qua việc phân chia các đoạn, tính mạch lạc và liên kết
trong bài viết. Việc phân chia các đoạn kết hợp với tính mạch lạc trong nội dung diễn đạt
và các câu các đoạn trong bài viết được liên kết chặt chẽ với nhau bằng các phương tiện
liên kết giúp cho người đọc dễ dàng hiểu được các nội dung diễn đạt.
+ Tiêu chí từ vựng được đánh giá việc có sử dụng đa dạng các từ hoặc cụm từ
(collocation) hay không. Như vậy, để đạt được điểm cao cần phải sử dụng đa dạng về từ
vựng, bao gồm cả các từ phổ biến, đơn giản và các từ có cách sử dụng phức tạp, ít phổ biến.
Việc tránh lặp lại các từ, cụm từ trong bài viết sẽ mang lại tác động tích cực đến điểm số.

Trang | 63
+ Tiêu chí ngữ pháp được đánh giá qua việc bài viết có sử dụng đa dạng và chuẩn xác
các cấu trúc trong văn phạm tiếng Anh hay không. Trong bài viết thư, thay vì chỉ sử dụng
các câu đơn, việc sử dụng các câu ghép và câu phức sẽ khiến bài viết đạt điểm cao hơn.
Việc hạn chế các lỗi sai về mặt ngữ pháp như về mạo từ “a, an, the”, giới từ, thời động từ,
dấu câu cũng tác động rất lớn tới điểm số của bài viết.
- Ví dụ với đề thi mẫu ở phần trên, cần xác định các yêu cầu sau:
+ Yêu cầu 1: : cần hoàn thành bức thư với các nội dung trả lời đầy đủ các yêu cầu của
bài. Cụ thể, các câu hỏi trong bức thư của Sam cần có thông tin phản hồi bao gồm: (1)
What’s the name of your puppy?. (2) Have you decided to give it a name yet? (3) Who gave
you such a wonderful gift(4)Ddo you have any difficulties looking after it?
+ Yêu câu 2: cầu xác định văn phong viết thư: trang trọng hay thân mật dể có format
thư gồm mở đầu, thân bài và kết thư cho phù hợp
+ Yêu cầu 3: cần trả lời đầy đủ các yêu cầu của bài sử dụng từ vựng phong phú, ngữ
pháp đa dạng các thì, dùng nhiều cấu trúc câu phức và câu ghép, tránh dùng nhiều cấu trúc
câu đơn.
3.1. Bài mẫu
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic.
Smoking is considered highly dangerous to our health because it impacts the
smoker and the people around them. Therefore there should be some strict controls
about smoking in public places.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
3.2. Yêu cầu bài viết luận
- Đọc kỹ yêu cầu của đề bài và gạch chân các từ khóa

Trang | 64
- Xác định chủ đề của bài luận là gì? Dạng bài viết là gì? Thảo luận, nguyên nhân- hệ
- Lập dàn ý cho câu trả lời
- Bài viết luận được viết đủ theo 4 tiêu chí: Taskfullfilment ( mức độ hoàn thành bài viết
thư), Organizition (tổ chức bài viết. Vocabulary (từ vựng) và Grammar (ngữ pháp).
+ Bài viết luận cần trả lời được hết các yêu cầu của đề bài cụ thể là bao gồm tất cả các
ý chính. Ví dụ, với đề thi mẫu ở phần trên, cần hoàn thành bài luận với các nội dung trình
bày tác hại của thuốc lá tới sức khỏe ủa bản thân và cộng đồng(bad effects of smoking on
our health and people around us), sau đó đưa ra những giải pháp để hạn chế việc hút thuốc
lá nơi công cộng. Nếu chỉ viết về tác hại của thuốc lá lên sức khỏe bản thân thì bài viết
được voi là không đáp ứng đủ yêu cầu đầu bài
+ Tổ chức bài viết hợp lý cũng là yêu cầu quan trọng của bài viết luận. Bố cục bài
luận, tính mạch lạc và liên kết văn bản trong bài viết thông qua các phương tiện liên kết là
những nội dung cụ thể được đánh giá bởi người chấm theo tiêu chí này. Bên cạnh đó, việc
phát triển ý cho từng luận điểm với những minh họa, giải thích, ví dụ phù hợp sẽ ghi điểm
cho bài viết.
+ Từ vựng được đánh giá qua việc có sử dụng đa dạng các từ hoặc cụm từ (collocation)
hay không, việc lựa chọn các từ/cụm từ có phù hợp với bài luận hay không và người viết
có mắc các lỗi chính tả hay không. Như vậy, để đạt được điểm cao, cần phải sử dụng đa
dạng về từ vựng, bao gồm cả các từ phổ biến, đơn giản và các từ có cách sử dụng phức tạp,
ít phổ biến. Các bài luận thường yêu cầu sử dụng ngôn ngữ học thuật với văn vong tương
đối trang trọng nên các từ và cụm từ được sử dụng cũng phải trang nhã và mang tính học
thuật. Việc tránh lặp lại các từ, cụm từ trong bài viết thông qua cách diễn đạt lại
(paraphrasing) hoặc sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa, từ trái nghĩa sẽ mang lại tác động tích cực lên
điểm số.
+ Ngữ pháp phạm cần được sử dụng đa dạng và chuẩn xác các cấu trúc trong văn
phạm tiếng Anh hay không. Bài viết luận cần thể hiện khả năng sử dụng đa dạng các cấu
trúc trong tiếng Anh thay vì chỉ sử dụng các câu đơn giản và câu ngắn.
- Sau khi viết xong, cần đọc lại bài viết để soát lỗi theo những nội dung gợi ý sau:
Bài viết đã …………
Trang | 65
✓ viết đủ từ chưa?
✓ trả lời hết được tất các phần trong câu hỏi chưa?
✓ thêm “s” vào ngôi thứ 3 ở thì hiện tại chưa?
✓ sử dụng đúng mạo từ (a, an, the) chưa?
✓ thêm “s” và tất cả các danh từ số nhiều chưa?
✓ sử dụng giới từ đúng chưa?
✓ sử dụng thì đúng chưa?
✓ sử dụng cấu trúc phong phú chưa?
✓ sử dụng vốn từ phong phú chưa?
✓ sử dụng các từ nối da dạng chưa?
4.1. Bài 1
You have received an email from a friend, Max, asking some information about you and
your friends. Read part of his email below:
I totally enjoyed my time with you and it was great to meet all your friends. I’d
love to hear some news about them. How are John and Peter?. Have they
released a new album yet?. And what about Judy? Did she get a job as a language
teacher at a school ? I know she really wants this job. What are Richard and Ann
doing? Have they got married yet? I guess they are planning to travel around the
world next year, right?. I often think about all of you, guys and a great time we
had together. Please keep me up to date on everyone. Hope to hear from you

Write an email responding to Max. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need
to include your name or address.
Write about the following topic.

Trang | 66
It is said that single parent can raise their children just as well as two parents. While others
believe that having one parent may affect children because kids raised by single parents
may be more likely to have certain psychological and developmental problems.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

4.2. Bài 2
You have received a letter from Natasha – a local journalist, asking some information about
your concert at your college. Read a part of her letter below:
I am pleased to say that I am able to come to your college concert on 6 th July.
Our readers are always interested in this event. I would be grateful if you could
give me a little more information about the concert. What kind of music will be
performed? I will need to take some photos, so could you tell me when I will
have the best chance to do this?. Also could you let me know who I could
interview?. I look forward to hearing from you

Write an email responding to Natasha. You should write at least 120 words. You do not
need to include your name or address.
Write about the following topic.
Time management is a skill that enables students to use their time productively and
efficiently. Therefore, time management skill is encouraged to be as an academic subject
in schools. What do you think?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

Trang | 67
4.3. Bài 3
You recieved a letter from friend Robert, asking some information about your visit to
Canada next month. Read a part of his letter below.

My friends and I are going to a sports camp in the mountains in August. We’d
love you to join us there. We can sleep in tents and play sports such as football,
basketball, badminton and so on. Which would you prefer? One more thing, we
can cook together in the evenings, so is there something special from your
country that you could cook?. You could fly over to Canada a few days before
the sports camp and stay with me in my house. What would you like to do before
we go camping? Let me know I can make some plans

Write an email responding to Robert. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need
to include your name or address.

Write about the following topic.
Happiness is defined as an abstract concept, thus happiness can have a different meaning
for any of us. Some people say that money can buy happiness while other disagree. What
do you think?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

Trang | 68
Thời gian: ~12 phút. Đề thi gồm 03 phần.
Phần Thời gian Thông tin chi tiết
1. Giao tiếp 3 - Nội dung: Trả lời phỏng vấn với 6 câu hỏi thuộc 2 chủ
xã hội đề
- Kĩ năng kiểm tra: Trả lời phỏng vấn, giao tiếp xã hội,
giải thích và mô tả một vấn đề cụ thể
2. Thảo luận 4 - Nội dung: Một tình huống với 3 lựa chọn để giải
giải pháp (1 phút quyết vấn đề nêu ra trong tình huống. Thí sinh đưa ra lập
chuẩn bị) luận về giải pháp thí sinh cho là tối ưu cho vấn đề nêu
trong tình huống và lập luận tại sao không chọn các giải
pháp còn lại.
- Kĩ năng kiểm tra: Lập luận trình bày quan điểm, giao
tiếp xã hội, đàm phán
3. Phát triển 5 - Nội dung: Một dàn ý cho trước dưới dạng sơ đồ tư duy.
chủ đề (1 phút Thí sinh dựa trên dàn ý cho trước hoặc/và có thể sử dụng
chuẩn bị) dàn ý riêng của mình để phát triển chủ đề. Sau khi thí sinh
trình bày xong, giám khảo hỏi 1-3 câu hỏi liên quan tới
nội dung chủ đề.
- Kĩ năng kiểm tra: Lập luận trình bày quan điểm, nói độc
thoại dài, trình bày về một vấn đề, phát triển và mở
rộng chủ đề, mô tả sự vật, hiện tượng, tương tác xã hội,
trả lời câu hỏi.
Tổng: 12’

Trang | 69

2.1. Từ vựng (Vocabulary)

- Nhiều người thường hiểu nhầm rằng mức điểm phần này phụ thuộc vào số lượng từ được
sử dụng trong bài nói. Tuy nhiên, thực tế không phải như vậy. Mức điểm cao phụ thuộc vào
chất lượng từ vựng và cách sử dụng từ hợp lí như thế nào, có thể đạt điểm cao trong tiêu
chí này khi thể hiện được các tiêu chí cụ thể như sau:
+ Khả năng dùng những từ ít thông dụng (less common words);
+ Lượng thành ngữ (idiomatic language);
+ Diễn đạt lại các từ vựng có sẵn mà không làm thay đổi ý nghĩa hoặc mất đi ý nghĩa
của các từ vựng sẵn có (paraphasing);
+ Khả năng bàn luận về những chủ đề không thông dụng (unfamiliar topics);
+ Khả năng lựa chọn từ vựng đa dạng và linh hoạt.

2.2. Ngữ pháp (Grammar)

- Để đạt kết quả cao ở phần thi Nói kỳ thi VSTEP, cần hoàn thành 2 tiêu chí là “đa dạng”
và “chính xác” của ngữ pháp. Có rất nhiều yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới điểm số như sau:
+ Cấu tạo câu (sentence formation);
+ Sử dụng các loại mệnh đề;
+ Sử dụng cấu trúc phức hợp;
+ Sử dụng nhiều thì linh hoạt;
+ Ít mắc lỗi;
+ Mức độ mắc lỗi (level of error) – có mắc các lỗi cơ bản hay nghiêm trọng.

2.3. Phát âm (Pronunciation)

- Nhiều người cảm thấy tự ti bởi họ cho rằng họ không sử hữu giọng nói chuẩn (accent) hay
phát âm của họ là hoàn toàn sai. Tuy nhiên, trong giao tiếp tiếng Anh, giọng nói có ảnh
hưởng vô cùng quan trọng nhưng không phải là yếu tố duy nhất để đánh giá khả năng sử
dụng tiếng Anh của một ai đó. Nhiều người phát âm sai nhưng sai hoàn toàn khiến người
sử dụng tiếng Anh khác không thể hiểu là điều hiếm gặp. Vì vậy, cần phải tự tin và làm chủ
khả năng diễn đạt của mình để ghi điểm ở tiêu chí này. Những yếu tố sau cầu phải đảm bảo
trong phần thi nói của thí sinh:
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+ Phát âm cần dễ nghe và giám khảo có thể hiểu được những điều thí sinh nói;
+ Chú ý tới trọng âm từ, trọng âm câu, ngữ âm và ngữ điệu của lời nói.

2.4. Mức độ lưu loát (Fluency)

- Tiêu chí này đánh giá phần diễn đạt ở những điểm chính sau:
+ Khả năng diễn đạt lưu loát những câu dài hoặc ít gặp khó khăn khi diễn đạt các câu
+ Sự gián đoạn của lời nói (ngập ngừng, ngắt quãng, bỏ lửng);
+ Tốc độ nói;
+ Khả năng sử dụng từ nối (discourse markers);
+ Số lần tự sửa lỗi (self-correction).

2.5. Tổ chức nội dung diễn đạt (Organization of contents)

- Việc tổ chức tốt nội dung là một điều quan trọng trong giao tiếp nói vì thế bài thi Nói của
kỳ thi VSTEP đánh giá năng lực diễn đạt qua tiêu chí tổ chức nội dung diễn đạt. Đây lại là
tiêu chí thường ghi điểm nhiều nhất. Tiêu chí này đánh giá khả năng diễn đạt qua các yếu
tố sau:
+ Có khả năng phát triển ý cho chủ đề nói;
+ Có khả năng tổ chức các ý một cách mạch lạc và logic;
+ Có sử dụng các phương tiện liên kết trong lời nói;
- Tạo ấn tượng tốt đẹp với giám khảo: cười tươi, biểu cảm thân thiện, duy trì tốt giao tiếp
bằng mắt, tự tin trả lời câu hỏi.
-Thể hiện sự chú ý tới các câu hỏi: quan tâm đến những gì người giám khảo nói thông qua
ngữ điệu câu trả lời: giọng nói cao, thấp, hoặc duy trì giọng đều đều tùy lúc.
- Để tránh thời gian “chết” trong khi suy nghĩ tìm ý, thí sinh có thể sử dụng chiến lược lấp
khoảng trống bằng các câu dẫn/ cụm từ đệm (Let me think; I suppose that…; In fact, I’ve
never thought about that before but I believe that…)
- Phát triển câu trả lời hợp lý bằng cách cung cấp thêm thông tin cho câu trả lời, nhưng
không nên quá dài. Ví dụ: câu trả lời “I come from HCM” chưa phải là câu trả lời thỏa

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đáng và đạt điểm cao. Thay vào đó, có thể mở rộng câu trả lời của mình ra bằng cách cung
cấp thêm thông tin, ví dụ: “I come from HCM, which is the biggest city in Vietnam”

IV. BÀI MẪU NÓI PHẦN 1 (Social interactions - 3’)

4.1. Câu hỏi nghi vấn (Yes/No Questions)

- Cách thức trả lời: Trả lời: Yes/ No Lý do  Ví dụ minh họa cho lý do đó
Ex 1 : Do you think people should use public transport?
Yes, I totally agree that people should use public transports such as, taxi, buses,
train and so one since these convenient vehicles would save a huge amount of
money as well as it would definitely reduce the air pollution
Ex2: Do you enjoy your job?
 Well, most of the time I enjoy my job due to. it’s very rewarding to be able to help
people every day and the students here are very hardworking and fun to teach,
but you sometimes have lessons that do go so well and the money could always be

4.2. Câu hỏi Wh- Questions

- Cách thức trả lời: Đưa ra câu trả lời và các thông tin bổ trợ cho câu trả lời: khi nào (When),
tại sao (Why), với ai (Who), như thế nào (How), cái gì (What), ở đâu (Where)....

Ex 1 : What do you like about your hometown?

 You know the best thing about living in my hometown is that everything is at
your fingertips.What I am try to say is that everything is totally convenient
Besides, I just adore the local cuisine which is served by friendly local people.
However, I’m a little bit afraid that I can’t stand the traffic jams during rush
Ex2: Where would you go to buy flowers?”
 It would depend on the occasion or event, and who I was buying them for. If it
is just a small gift for someone and it isn’t a particularly special event, then I
will probably pick some flowers up at the supermarket because it is very
convenient. If it is for an important event, or someone really special, then I guess
I will go to a florist where I can find something a little different or out of the
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4.3. Ngôn ngữ liên kết
- Trong phần thi tương tác xã hội, giám khảo sẽ hỏi và yêu cầu trả lời ngay mà không có
thời gian chuẩn bị. Những cách sau sẽ giúp có thêm thời gian để suy nghĩ vừa có thể trả lời
câu hỏi một cách trôi chảy và tăng tính liên kết, đa dạng trong lời nói.
-Dùng các từ chỉ ý kiến:
Personally I think, …
In my opinion
From my point of view, …
To be honest/To tell the truth, …
I would say that … / I would say that it really depends …
I guess it would depend on …
To the best of my knowledge, …
As far as I am concerned, …
- Nhắc lại câu hỏi hoặc dùng từ/cấu trúc đồng nghĩa
Ex: A: What do you like doing in your free time?”
B: What I like doing in my spare time, …well I like playing football….
- Cụm từ kéo dài thời gian
Let me think/ see…
You see......
You know….
How can I say ……..
Now, what’s the word……

4.4.Các chủ đề bài thi Nói phần 1:

- What is your job?

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- How long have you been working as ......... (candidate’s job)?
- Why do you like your job?
- Where do you come from?
- Do you like living in... (candidate’s hometown)?
- What is it famous for?
Leisure activites
- What do you like doing in your free time?
- Why do you like doing it?
- How much time do you spend doing that?
- Where do you come from?
- Do you like living in... (candidate’s hometown)?
- What is it famous for?
- What sports do you like best? Why?
- Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why?
- Do you know why people like to play sports?
- Do you like music? Why/Why not?
- What is the most popular kind of music in your country?
- How is music good or not good for people?
TV programmes
- How many hours a day do you watch television?
- Which programmes do you like?
- Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?
Favourite places
- Where do you usually go when you have spare time?
- Are there many interesting places where you live for people to go at weekends?
- In what way is café a great place for people to enjoy their free time?
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- Do you try to follow the latest fashion?
- What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
- Which do you prefer, shopping in a small shop or a supermarket?
Food and drink
- What food do you like?
- Do you like eating fast food or home cooked food? Why?
- What do you often cook for your family?
V. BÀI MẪU NÓI PHẦN 2 (Problem – Solutions -4’)
5.1. Ví dụ
Situation: Your friend is going to England for a year and you want to buy her a going-away
present. Three items are suggested:
- a camera
- an English grammar book
- a sweater
What is the best option for you? Explain the option you have chosen
(Tình huống: Bạn của bạn chuẩn bị sang nước Anh một năm và bạn muốn mua cho cô ấy
một món quà. Có 3 lựa chọn: (A) một chiếc máy ảnh, (B) một cuốn sách ngữ pháp tiếng
Anh, (C) một chiếc áo. Bạn sẽ lựa món quà nào là thích hợp nhất ?)
Từ ví dụ mẫu, ta có thể thấy, bạn sẽ có 1 tình huống với ba lựa chọn A, B và C. Khi tình
huống được đưa ra, bạn sẽ có 1 phút để chuẩn bị, nên tập trung vào các từ khóa A, B, C và
tập trung đưa ra minh chứng để bảo vệ cho lựa chọn tốt nhất (Ex: A), đồng thời cũng phải
tìm lý do giải thích tại sao bạn lại không chọn 2 lựa chọn còn lại ( Ex : B và C)
5.2.Trình bày mẫu:
I am thinking of present to buy for my friend, as she is going to stay in England for
a year. There are three options, which I am considering: a cemara, an English grammar
book and a sweater.
The first option is a cemara. She has a passionate interest in photography. So with
a camera in her hand, she will be able to take pictures everywhere she goes in England.
But the drawback is that a cemara is unaffordable forf a student like me. A good cemara

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costs no less than 5 million dong. Cheaper as it is, An English grammar book might be the
same helpful as a cemara. As she will have to use this language all the time to communicate
with people in England, a book on common English structures and sentences, for example,
will make her more confident. However, she might have this item already in her lugguage
and I don’t think a grammar book is special enough to be a present. Although a sweeter is
slightly more expensive than a book, its price is still considarable and therefore can be a
good choice. England is known for its freezing, snowy winter. A sweeter can help keep her
warm in the harsh weather. Moreover, when she puts on the sweeter, she may think of me
as well as our beautiful friendship.
After weighing the three options, I think a sweeter will be my gift for my friend
because it is useful. Also, it helps to bring back memories and has resonable price.

5.3. Thực hành

Ex 1: If you won the lottery of 1 million USD, what would you do with the money? There
are THREE options for you to choose:
- Buy a new house
- Start a business
- Deposit the money in the bank
What is the best choice? Explain the option you have chosen.
Ex 2: You have just received a sum of money from your father as a birthday present. How
would you use the money? There are THREE options for you to choose:
- To buy a laptop for your study
- To buy a fashionable smart phone
- To save up for future
What is the best choice? Explain the option you have chosen.
Ex 3: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students in your
city. There are THREE options for you to choose:

- photograph

- swimming

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- dancing
What is the best choice? Explain the option you have chosen.
3 (Topic

development 5’)
6.1. Ví dụ: Reading should be encouraged among teenagers.

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Kết thúc phần trình bày, giám khảo hỏi thêm thí sinh 3 câu hỏi liên quan đến chủ đề
Follow –up questions:
- What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’ generation
and those read by your generation?
- Do you think that governments should support free books for all people?
- In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading?
6.2 Trình bày bài mẫu:

The habit of reading seems to be fading because of modern technology. However,

teens should engage with reading for following reasons.
First of all, the habit of reading allows young people to widen their understanding.
In fact, everything they achieve from books would fill their head with new information.
Next, reading habit would be method to free adolescence’s mind. No matter how
much stress they have at a school, at home, in their relationships, it all just slips away when
they lose themselves in a great story.
Another good point of reading habit is the memory improvement it brings. When you
read a book, you have to remember characters, their backgrounds as well as their
ambitions, history, etc. It is undeniable that it is a good method to practice memorization
Lastly, teens would improve focus and concentration through reading books. When
they read a book, all of their attention is focused on the story. As a result, their ability to
concentrate would increase.
To sum up, the youth should be inspired to read books, magazines, newspapers, or
all other kinds of materials due to the benefits it brings.

6.3. Thực hành

Bài 1:
Topic: it is very important to learn a foreign language nowsadays

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Follow-up questions
- Do you like learning Enlgish?
- What is the best way to learn a second language?
- When is the best age to learn a new language?

Bài 2:
Topic: Smoking is one of the most serious problems that are killing people all over the

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Follow-up questions
- Do you smoke?
- Why do people smoke?
- What should we do to prevent smoking?


8.1 Đề thi mẫu số 1

(Levels 3 – 5)
Time permitted: 40’
Directions: In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your
ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in this section
with special directions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated
or implied by the speakers in the recording.
There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a chance to check your
work. The recording will be played ONCE only.
Time allowance: about 40 minutes, including 07 minutes to transfer your answers to your
answer sheet.
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PART 1-Questions 1-8

Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions. There
is one question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose the right
answer A, B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in
the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.
Now, let’s listen to an example. On the recording, you will hear:
Woman: Hello. This is the travel agency returning your call. You left a message about the
holiday you’ve booked, asking which meals are included in the cost during your
stay at Sunny Hotel.Lunch and dinner are free but if you wish to have breakfast
in the hotel, you will need to pay an extra amount of money, depending on what
you order. Let me know if I can help you with any other information. Goodbye.

On the test book, you will read:

Which meal is NOT included in the price of the holiday?
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner D. All
The correct answer is A. Breakfast. Now, let’s begin with the first question.
1. Which present has the girl bought her mother?

A. earrings
B. a watch
C. silver jewelry
D. a pen
2. What will the prize be in the painting competition?
A. a wildlife film
B. a concert
C. “Stars” series
D. Animals of the future
3. Which photo does the girl dislike?
A. that of two of them on the beach
B. that of her wearing a dress

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C. that of two of them on the boat
D. that of them buying souvenirs
4. What should the students take on the school trip?
A. ticket, fruits and money
B. money, fruits and coloured pencils
C. fruit, drinks and coloured pencils
D. change, food and drink and coloured pencils
5. Which subject does the boy like best?
A. Chemistry
B. Math
C. Geography
D. None
6. What time is the dance class today?
A. 4:15
B. 4:45
C. 4:30
D. 5:15
7. Which vegetables do they decide to put in the curry?
A. celery, pepper, carrot
B. celery, pepper
C. pepper, carrot, cauliflower
D. celery, pepper, cauliflower
8. How did the girl get to school?
A. by car
B. by bus
C. by bike
D. by motorbike

PART 2-Questions 9-20

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Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for
each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversations only ONCE.

Questions 9 to 12. You will hear an English woman called Britta talking to an
interviewer about her life in Berlin, the capital of German.

9. What does Britta say about living in Berlin?

A. She can’t sleep at night because of the traffic noise
B. She pays much for living there.
C. She misses the museums and theatres in Bonn
D. She likes living in a big, busy city
10. The area of Berlin when Britta lives is
A. a rather expensive place to live
B. a good place to eat out
C. a long way from the city center
D. a quiet corner of the city
11. How does Britta usually travel around in Berlin?
A. She walks
B. She uses her bicycle
C. She uses the train
D. She uses the bus
12. Britta says that her nephew, Philippe, likes going
A. to the park with her
B. to the shops with his parents
C. to a gallery with her
D. to the shops with her
Questions 13 to 16. You will hear an interview with a writer.
13. Jack keeps fit by
A. exercising everyday

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B. running every morning
C. going for a walk
D. going swimming
14. Jack eats his lunch
A. at the same time every day
B. away from his computer
C. while he is writing
D. in his office
15. Jack likes to write
A. only in his office
B. in different places
C. in the kitchen
D. in his office
16. What does Jack do after he’s finished a novel?
A. He goes away on his own
B. He stops writing for a while
C. He takes his family for a vacation
D. He starts writing something else

Questions 17 to 20. You will hear two friends chatting about a television series
17. How has the woman's opinion of the show changed over time?
A. It's become more positive.
B. It's become less positive.
C. It is neutral all the time
D. It is negative all the time.
18. What does the man think of the story?
A. It's very well written.
B. Too many characters died.
C. He can't remember much about it.
D. It is very good
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19. What is the one negative thing about the show for the man?
A. They spent too much money on the special effects.
B. The episodes were too short.
C. The content was predictable
D. There weren't enough episodes.
20. Why does the man think the writers have fewer ideas for stories now?
A. Because they're saving their ideas to make a Hollywood film.
B. Because they aren't copying the books.
C. Because they're copying the books.
D. Because they do not have much money.

PART 3-Questions 21-35

Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. There are five questions
for each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You
will hear the talks or lectures only ONCE.

Questions 21-25. You will hear a man telling a Christmas story.

21. Ray Anderson witnessed ______.

A. an automobile accident
B. an explosion
C. a home fire
D. a fighting
22. Ray saved the baby by _____.
A. pulling the baby out of the window
B. calling the police and fire department
C. holding the baby out of the flame
D. putting out the flames with a fire extinguisher
23. What happened to Ray?
A. He was burned over much of his body.
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B. He suffered from smoke inhalation.
C. He was killed immediately by the fire.
D. He had extensive head injuries.
24. Who is Aaron?
A. He is Karen's older brother.
B. He was adopted by Sandra Jenkins.
C. He was rescued from the fire.
D. He is Ray Anderson's son.
25. That fateful Christmas Eve, Ray Anderson was _____.
A. taking goods to the needy
B. cutting down Christmas trees
C. serving at homeless shelter
D. observing people doing charity.

Questions 26-30. You will hear a man talking about homelessness.

26. What sometimes affects our ability to have compassion for the homeless?
A. few opportunities to volunteer
B. little contact with people everyday
C. a simplification of tragedy
D. poor understanding of the homeless
27. About ______ people are homeless in the United States.
A. over 500,000
B. over 400,000
C. 450,000
D. about 300,000
28. About _____ percent of people who are homeless suffer from a mental health
A. 20
B. 15
C. 25

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D. 35
29. Even though 25% of the homeless have jobs, they ______.
A. sometimes can't find jobs that interest them
B. don't earn enough money to pay for their expenses
C. often have to travel a long way to their workplace
D. are fired by their employers
30. Randall talks about a time when he and his wife _____.
A. volunteered at a homeless shelter
B. bought dinner for a man
C. gave money to the poor
D. offered a shelter for a homeless

Questions 31-35. You will hear a talk show about Learning languages
31. The man's book is called "Learning Languages _____."
A. with Ease
B. at Breakfast Time
C. every morning
D. over Eggs and Toast
32. This conversation probably takes _____.
A. on TV
B. in a classroom
C. in an auditorium
D. at a private office
33. One of the most important points of language learning is ____.
A. coming up with a study plan
B. attending a good language program
C. exposing oneself to the target culture
D. imitating native speakers
34. Dr. Adams suggests that students _____.
A. travel overseas
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B. have realistic learning goals
C. interact with native speakers
D. learn at least five new words a day
35. _______ would help Dr. Adams in his own study.
A. Moving around while learning
B. Reading books and magazines
C. Seeing modes of patterns
D. Listening and discussing ideas
End of the test.
(Levels 3 – 5)
Time permitted: 60 minutes

Directions: In this section you will read FOUR different passages. Each one is followed by
10 questions about it. For questions 1-40, you are to choose the best answer A, B, C or D,
to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Answer all questions
following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
You have 60 minutes to answer all the questions, including the time to transfer your answers
to the answer sheet.

PASSAGE 1 – Questions 1-10

Kolkata (previously known as Calcutta) is the famous capital of West Bengal in India
and the home of nearly 15 million people. The traffic jams and engine fumes begin early in
the morning with long lines of private cars, public buses, taxis, three-wheeled scooters and
pedicabs. There aren’t many alternatives. You can catch a train through the city or take the
underground but sooner or later you have to go on foot and walking in Kolkata is a
dangerous activity. As the drivers race towards pedestrians, they blow their horns. The
sound never stops from morning to night.
So when I crossed a small road on my first day in the city, I was surprised because I
heard a bell – not a horn. It was a tiny man pulling a rickshaw. He stopped and picked up
two children from the front door of their house and then, with great strength, pulled them
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to school. For many people, the rickshaw is a symbol of Kolkata and they have many
advantages. When the traffic is bad, rickshaws find a way through the traffic. If you miss
your bus and there aren’t any taxis, you can always find a rickshaw in Kolkata. Rickshaws
are also very popular with local shoppers. The driver takes you from your house to the
market and waits for you. Then he loads all your purchases, drops you off outside your
home and helps you unload. No other type of public transport offers this kind of service.
You also see lots more people getting on and off rickshaws during the monsoon
season. That’s the period from June to September when Kolkata gets heavy rainfall.
Sometimes it rains for 48 hours without a break. In the older parts of the city, the roads
flood. The water can rise as high as people’s waists in the worst part. When it’s this bad,
anything with an engine is useless. But the rickshaw drivers never stop working, even with
water all around them.
But not everyone thinks rickshaws are a good thing. Some local officials and
politicians want to ban rickshaws on ‘humanitarian grounds’. They believe it is wrong for
one man to pull another person when there is modern transport in the city. However, there
is a problem with this plan. Many of the rickshaw drivers come from the countryside with
no job and no qualifications. The only job they can find in Kolkata is pulling a rickshaw. If
the city bans rickshaws, these men won’t have a job or income. So for the moment, the
people of Kolkata still go by rickshaw.
(rickshaw: a two-wheeled wooden cart, pulled by a person on foot, usually used in the
narrow streets of busy town centres)
1. Which word best describes Kolkata?
A. Noisy
B. Quiet
C. Clean
D. Safe
2. Which of the following could best replace the word “alternatives” in paragraph 1?
A. Opportunities
B. Options
C. Differences
Trang | 89
D. Similarities
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Rickshaws have a lot of benefits
B. Rickshaw is the symbol of Kolkata.
C. Rickshaw is not popular in Kolkata.
D. Rickshaw drivers provide a lot of services.
4. The author was……………….when he saw a rickshaw and its driver.
A. aware
B. amazed
C. frightened
D. shocked
5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE about rickshaws?
A. They are better in traffic jams.
B. They are good for shopping.
C. They always travel during the monsoons.
D. They are cheaper than other public transport.
6. The phrase “without a break” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by…………
A. continuously.
B. moderately.
C. increasingly.
D. suddenly.
7. Why do some people want to ban rickshaws?
A. Because rickshaws cause pollution
B. Because rickshaws cause traffic jams
C. Because there is modern transport in the city
D. Because they think pulling rickshaws is cruel.
8. Why don’t local officials and politicians ban rickshaws?
A. There isn’t much employment for the drivers.
B. The tourists want them.
C. Local people need them in the monsoon season.
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D. The drivers don’t want to go back to the countryside.
9. What is the best title for the reading passage?
A. Last days of the rickshaw
B. Transportations in Kolkata
C. Kolkata – The capital of West Bengal
D. Traffic jams in Kolkata
10. According to the passage, where do many rickshaw drivers come from?
A. Kolkata
B. The countryside
C. Bengal
D. Big cities

PASSAGE 2 – Questions 11-20

The wicked queen in the tale of Snow White is famous for her rhetorical question:
“Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?” But her dream of eternal youth
is an elusive one - as the years roll by the human body slowly but surely shrinks, sags and
droops as cells mutate and die. Hearing, mobility, mental agility, muscle and brain mass all
decline. The queen is on a trajectory common to most living organisms, apart, that is, from
a humble, often overlooked creature of the seashore - the sea anemone.
Usually the anemones didn't live long but in the right conditions it could have been a
very different story. “As far as we know, these are immortal animals,” says Dan Rokhsar,
professor of genetics at the University of California, Berkeley. “They don't have old age.
They live forever and proliferate, just getting bigger.” If you cut off their tentacles, they
grow new ones. Even if you cut off their mouths they grow new “heads.” As long as they
are not poisoned or eaten, as is often the case, they seem to go on and on.
Instead of ageing, anemones seem to stay young and fully functioning. "If I look at a
sea anemone today and compare it to a week later the same structure will be there but many
of the cells will have been replaced.” How it does this isn't clear. “We would love to be

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able to find a gene or pathway that allows it to avoid ageing,” says Rokhsar. But he and his
team are still searching for that Holy Grail.
Even if they do find what they are looking for, would it shed any light on the human
ageing process? Actually, anemones are more similar to humans than many people realise.
"Sea anemones are the simplest animals we know of that have a nervous system - it's not
organised in the same way as ours, but they do have a network of neurones that allows them
to respond to stimuli and be very active predators," says Rokhsar. "Sea anemones share a
lot with us. We found a lot of similarities we had not seen when comparing humans to fruit
flies or nematodes," says Rokhsar. There are parallels in the way the genomes are
organised and the way the genes are structured, revealing a link that "goes back at least 700
million years".
But there are philosophical questions too. "To what extent is immortality for a sea
anemone and immortality for a human the same kind of thing?" asks Rokhsar. A sea
anemone simply lives in the moment. People, however have thoughts, memories and
consciousness that they want to retain. Keeping these bright and present in our regenerating
bodies may not be something the anemone can help with. "That," says Rokhsar, "is a much
taller order."
11. Why does the author mention the queen in Snow White?
A. To introduce sea anemones
B. To prove that she is wicked
C. To raise reader’s interest on the reading passage
D. To explain why she is famous
12. Which of the followings is closest in meaning to the word “decline” in paragraph
A. increase
B. decrease
C. raise
D. remain
13. According to paragraph 2, anemones……
A. usually live long.
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B. can grow back their heads and tentacles.
C. are different in stories.
D. need right conditions to live.
14. According to the Rokhsar, what would happen if anemones are not poisoned or
A. Their heads get bigger.
B. They live forever.
C. They grow new tentacles.
D. They go to live on another rock.
15. What does the word “Holy Grail” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. A sacred cup
B. A new medicine
C. A way to stay young forever
D. A gene that anemone has?
16. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
A. Anemones are similar to humans in many ways.
B. Many people realise that anemones can live forever.
C. Anemones may make humans stay young forever.
D. Sea anemones are active predators.
17. The word “parallels” in paragraph 4 could be best replaced by which of the
A. Different
B. Similar
C. Same
D. Identical
18. According to the passage, how are anemones similar to human beings?
A. Both have similar genomes organization and genes structure
B. Both have a nervous system.
C. Both are active predators.
D. Both started to link with each other 700 million years ago.
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19. Which of the following best expresses meaning of the highlighted sentence in the
last paragraph?
A. Sea anemones may become extinct in the future.
B. A sea anemone does not have consciousness, thoughts, or memory.
C. Structure of sea anemones does not change with time.
D. Cells of anemones keep regenerating.
20. What does the word “these” in the last paragraph refer to?
A. Philosophical questions
B. Anemones
C. Thoughts, memories and consciousness
D. Our aged bodies

PASSAGE 3 – Questions 21-30

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre is a popular topic for people interested in theater and
history. However, the Global Theatre as we know it today is not the same building that was
used originally. In fact, the Globe was situated in many different places during its history.
When the rental agreement on the original location ended, one of the actors bought a
theater called Blackfriars, which was located in another part of town. However, many
complaints from neighbors and the town council led to a petition that requested that the
acting group move their company out of town. Upset with this news, the actors returned to
the original theater, took most of it apart, and then moved the materials across the Thames
river to Bankside, where they proceeded to construct the next version of the Globe.
This endeavor, though, did not go smoothly. The owner of the original Globe Theatre,
who had rented it to the actors, took the acting group to court. He wanted the actors to pay
the damage they had done to his building. In the end, however, the actors won the case and
continued to construct their “newly-acquired” theater. Later, the actors split their plays
between the original theater and the new Globe.

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In 1612, the original Globe burned to the ground. How did this happen? Historians
believed that a cannon that was shot during a performance of the play Henry VIII started a
large fire. Yet, the Globe Theatre still survived. However, it was shut down by the Puritans
in 1642 and later destroyed during the English Civil War of 1643.
In May of 1997, Queen Elizabeth II officially opened a newly constructed version of
the Globe with a production of Henry V. [A] This is the Globe Theatre that people visit
today. The queen wanted the new theater to be much like the old one. [B] The new model
is very similar to the original theater. For instance, it is also a three-story building. Also, it
has seating for 1,500 people. [C] In its first season, the theater attracted 210, 000 people.
There are some important things to remember when visiting the Globe today. Since
the theater was reconstructed to be very similar to the original theater, some customer may
not find the seating or experience to be as comfortable as in a typical modern theater. For
example, plays are not canceled due to bad weather. Therefore, if the day is extremely hot
r if it is raining (remember, it is an outdoor theater), the play will continue as scheduled.
Secondly, there are many stairs that theater-goers must climb to get to and from their seats,
which can be very tiring for some. Finally, if you are watching the play from the “yard,”
you are not allowed to use an umbrella or even to sit down. Certainly, visiting the Globe
today promises visitors an exciting experience, much like visiting this theater hundreds of
years ago.
21. As it is used in paragraph 2, the word “part” is closest in meaning to….
A. role.
B. area.
C. dividing line.
D. piece.
22. The word “proceed” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to….
A. continued.
B. began.
C. marched.
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23. The word “acquired” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by which of the
A. Stolen
B. Bought
C. Discovered
D. Obtained
24. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
highlighted sentence in paragraph 4?
A. However, the effort to make a new Globe Theatre was expensive.
B. Consequently, the new theater project was never completed.
C. This effort, consequently, was too difficult to accomplish.
D. This project, however, was not easily accomplished.
25. In which year was the original Globe damaged by fire?
A. 1609
B. 1613
C. 1643
26. Based on information in paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the Puritans?
A. They loved Shakespeare.
B. They lived in America.
C. They did not like plays.
D. They wore black clothes.
27. The word “its” in paragraph 5 refers to……..
A. the season.
B. the program.
C. the theater.
D.the play.
28. According to the passage, what is true of the original Globe Theatre?
A. It was not popular at first.
B. It had three levels.
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C. It was in downtown London.
D. The tickets were not very expensive.
29. What does the word “their” in paragraph 6 refer to?
A. Stairs
B. Seats
C. Actors
D. Audience members
30. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To inform people about Shakespeare
B. To tell people about the history of the Globe Theater
C. To talk about the theater in English
D. To describe acting in the 17th century
PASSAGE 4 – Questions 31-40
Holmes and Rahe developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to
measure life change as a form of stress. (A) The scale assigns numerical values to 43 major
life events that are supposed to reflect the magnitude of the readjustment required by each
change. In responding to the scale, respondents are asked to indicate how often they
experienced any of these 43 events during a certain time period (typically, the past year).
The person then adds up the numbers associated with each event checked. (B)
The SRRS and similar scales have been used in thousands of studies by researchers
all over the world. (C) Overall, these studies have shown that people with higher scores on
the SRRS tend to be more vulnerable to many kinds of physical illness - and many types of
psychological problems as well. (D) More recently, however, experts have criticized this
research, citing problems with the methods used and raising questions about the meaning
of the findings.
First, the assumption that the SRRS measures change exclusively has been shown to
be inaccurate. We now have ample evidence that the desirability of events affects
adaptational outcomes more than the amount of change that they require. Thus, it seems

Trang | 97
prudent to view the SRRS as a measure of diverse forms of stress, rather than as a measure
of change-related stress.
Second, the SRRS fails to take into account differences among people in their
subjective perception of how stressful an event is. For instance, while divorce may deserve
a stress value of 73 for most people, a particular person’s divorce might generate much less
stress and merit a value of only 25.
Third, many events listed on the SRRS and similar scales are highly ambiguous,
leading people to be inconsistent as to which events they report experiencing. For instance,
what qualifies as “trouble with the boss”? Should you check that because you’re sick and
tired of your supervisor? What constitutes a “change in living conditions”? Does your
purchase of a great new sound system qualify? The SRRS includes many “events” that are
described inadequately, producing considerable ambiguity about the meaning of one’s
response. Problems in recalling events over a period of a year also lead to inconsistent
responding on stress scales, thus lowering their reliability.
Fourth, the SRRS does not sample from the domain of stressful events very
thoroughly. Do the 43 events listed on the SRRS exhaust all the major stresses that people
typically experience? Studies designed to explore that question have found many significant
Fifth, the correlation between SRRS scores and health outcomes may be inflated
because subjects’ neuroticism affects both their responses to stress scales and their self
reports of health problems. Neurotic individuals have a tendency to recall more stress than
others and to recall more symptoms of illness than others. These mean that some
correlations between high stress and high illness may simply reflect the effects of subjects’
In the light of these problems, researchers have attempted to develop improved
versions of the SRRS. For example, the Life Experiences Survey (LES), assembled by
Irwin Sarason and colleagues, has become a widely used measure of stress in contemporary
research. The LES revises and builds on the SRRS survey in a variety of ways that correct,
at least in part, most of the problems just discussed.

Trang | 98
31. Based on information in paragraph 1 and 2, what can be inferred about a person
with a score of 30 on the SRRS?
A. A person with a higher score will experience less stress than this person will.
B. It is likely that this person has not suffered any major problems in the past year.
C. The amount of positive change is greater than that of a person with a score of 40.
D. This person has a greater probability to be ill than a person with a 20 score.
32. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to . . .
A. changes.
B. measures.
C. events.
D. outcomes.
33. The word “diverse” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to . . .
A. necessary.
B. steady.
C. limited.
D. different.
34. In paragraph 4, the author uses divorce as an example to show ………
A. how most people respond to high stress situations in their lives.
B. the serious nature of a situation that is listed as a stressful event.
C. the subjective importance of a situation listed on the scale.
D. the numerical value for a stressful event on the SRRS.
35. In paragraph 5, how does the author demonstrate that the response events on
the SRRS are not consistent?
A. By asking questions that could be answered in more than one way
B. By giving examples of responses that are confusing
C. By comparing several ways to score the stress scales
D. By suggesting that people do not respond carefully
36. According to paragraph 7, why is the SRRS inappropriate for people with
A. They are ill more often, which affects their scores on the scale.
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B. Their self-reporting on the scale is affected by their neuroses.
C. They tend to suffer more stress than people without neuroses.
D. Their response to stress will probably not be recorded on the scale.
37. The word “assembled” in the passage is closest in meaning to . . .
A. announced.
B. influenced.
C. arranged.
D. distributed.
38. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the SRRS as
compared with the LES?
A. The SRRS includes a space to write in personal events that have not been listed.
B. The SRRS features a section for specific populations such as students.
C. The SRRS assigns numbers to calculate the stress associated with events.
D. The SRRS has hints to help people recall events that happened over a year ago.
39. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the author’s opinion
of the SRRS?
A. There are many problems associated with it.
B. It is superior to the LES.
C. It should be studied more carefully.
D. The scale is most useful for students.
40. Where could the following sentence best be added into the passage?
“This sum is an index of the amount of change-related stress the person has
recently experienced.”
Choose (A), (B), (C), or (D).
A. (A)
B. (B)
C. (C)
D. (D)

Trang | 100
(Levels 3 – 5)
Time permitted: 60’

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have received an email from your English-speaking pen-friend John, who is planning to come
to your country for a one-week holiday.

Hi! How are you doing? I’ve got one week free this summer and I’d really like to spend
my time touring around your country. How can I get to your house from the
airport?.Another thing, I will also need somewhere to stay – but not too expensive, of
course. Every one says that food in your country is the best, so if you could have free
time, would you take me a street food tour or travel around with me ? It would be great
if you could.

Write an email responding to John. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include
your name or address.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic.

Smoking is considered highly dangerous to our health because it

impacts the smoker and the people around them. Therefore there
should be some strict controls about smoking in public places.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task fulfillment,
Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

This is the end of the writing test

(Levels 3 – 5)
Trang | 101
Time pertmitted: 12’


Now, the test begins.
Let’s talk about your name.
- Who gave you your name?
- Do you like you name?
- Does your name have any special meaning?
Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about your hometown.
- What's the name of your hometown ?
- How long have you been living there?
- Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Why?
Situation: If you won the lottery 1 million dollars, what would you like to do with this
amount of money?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Buying a new house
- Opening a restaurant
- Travelling around the world
What is the best choice? Explain the option you have chosen.
Topic: Students’ life is the best time of our life

Trang | 102
Follow –up questions:
- Do you often cook at home?
- Would you prefer to dine in or dine out?
- What are some disadvantages of eating at home?

8.2. Đề thi mẫu số 2

(Levels 3 – 5)
Time pertmitted: 40’

Directions: In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your
ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in this section
with special directions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated
or implied by the speakers in the recording.
There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a chance to check your
work. The recording will be played ONCE only.
Time allowance: about 40 minutes, including 07 minutes to transfer your answers to your
answer sheet.

PART 1-Questions 1-8

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Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions. There
is one question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose the right
answer A, B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in
the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.
Now, let’s listen to an example. On the recording, you will hear:
Woman: Hello. This is the travel agency returning your call. You left a message about the
holiday you’ve booked, asking which meals are included in the cost during your
stay at Sunny Hotel.Lunch and dinner are free but if you wish to have breakfast
in the hotel, you will need to pay an extra amount of money, depending on what
you order. Let me know if I can help you with any other information. Goodbye.

On the test book, you will read:

Which meal is NOT included in the price of the holiday?
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner D. All
The correct answer is A. Breakfast. Now, let’s begin with the first question.
1. What was damaged in the storm?
A. the car
B. the house’s roof
C. the window
D. the ladder
2. What present does the man decide to take?
A. flowers
B. chocolate
C. a plant
D. nothing
3. Which sport is not included in the price of the holiday?
A. horse riding
B. golf
C. windsurfing
D. all are free.
Trang | 104
4. Which postcard will they send?
A. the one with a picture of the castle
B. the one with a view of the beach and town
C. the one with gardens
D. the one with the cottage and flowers
5. Where do they decide to go?
A. an exhibition of clothes
B. an art gallery
C. a sculpture exhibition
D. photograph exhibition
6. What will the boy do first?
A. go to the tennis club
B. buy some new handle bars
C. help his friend
D. go to the library
7. Who did the man see yesterday?
A. Jane’s boyfriend and his mother
B. Jane
C. Jane and her boyfriend
D. Jane and her mother
8. Where’s the computer?
A. inside the box
B. on the desk
C. on the table
D. in the bedroom

PART 2-Questions 9-20

Trang | 105
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for
each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversations only ONCE.

Questions 9 to 12. You will hear an interview with an organizer at a tennis club.

9. Chris hopes to
A. encourage people to join the club
B. discover new talented players
C. find more people to teach players
D. help people have fun
10. The teaching programme
A. is offered to people with membership only
B. is available to people wanting to learn on their own
C. must be paid for in advance
D. is only for groups of players
11. From spring, the tennis club is going to?
A. introduce junior club night
B. encourage parents to help with teaching
C. provide snacks on junior club night
D. welcome parents to join
12. The junior competition is
A. intended as practice for more serious competitions
B. for advanced players only
C. held in March
D. not competitive

Questions 13 to 16. You will hear a woman, Vanessa, talking about a journey she
made with her husband, Robert, and her baby, Ben.
13. Vanessa was worried that
A. they wouldn’t be prepared.
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B. the conditions would be bad
C. there would not be enough space
D. the baby would get ill.
14. How did Vanessa feel when they reached Singapore?
A. She wondered if she should fly home.
B. She was worried about the boat.
C. She enjoyed the break from travelling.
D. She decided to give up the boat trip.
15. Because of spending so much time on the boat, the baby
A. Learnt to walk late.
B. Doesn’t play by himself.
C. Only likes certain food.
D. Only climbed upstairs.
16. What is Vanessa’s advice for people sailing with children?
A. Don’t take more than one child.
B. Have them in safe rooms.
C. Go for a short time.
D. Don’t let children get bored.

Questions 17 to 20. You will hear two friends, A and B, talking about their heroes.
17. Mary Anning's discovery was important because it showed that
A. fossils could teach us about the past
B. an animal could become extinct
C. the shape of the coast was constantly changing
D. women could practice science
18. Mary Anning didn't write a famous book because
A. she was too busy exploring the cliffs
B. she did not have enough money to publish a book.
C. she did not have access to a formal education
D. she believed only men could be scientists
Trang | 107
19. Kailash Satyarthi first saw the problems of child slavery when he was
A. younger than 6 years old
B. 6 years old
C. 11 years old
D. 26 years old
20. Because of their work, two of Kailash Satyarthi's
A. friends were injured
B. children were attacked
C. colleagues were jailed
D. co-workers were murdered

PART 3-Questions 21-35

Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. There are five questions for
each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the talks or lectures only ONCE.

Questions 21-25. You will hear a man retelling his travel log.

21. The man feels _____ about traveling overseas.

A. anxious
B. apprehensive
C. sick
D. relaxed
22. The man learned how to ______ in the marketplace in the first city.
A. bargain
B. exchange money
C. sell goods
D. deal with the customs
23. People often stared at the man because he _____.

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A. carried a big backpack
B. looked different than others
C. spoke with a strong accent
D. was curious about the locals
24. The man found it difficult to _____.
A. cross the road
B. catch the bus
C. find a taxi
D. adapt to the traffic
25. The man discovered that all people want to _____.
A. learn new languages
B. make new friends
C. develop other skills
D. talk about cultures

Questions 26-30. You will hear a talk about senior citizens

26. Dr. Howard Miller is a professor of _____.
A. psychology
B. sociology
C. history
D. anthropology
27. Dr. Miller's grandfather feared ______.
A. leaving his home of many years
B. the loss of his wife
C. the decline of his health
D. the impossibility of taking care of himself.
28. Societies tend to value things that are _____.
A. new
B. creative
C. expensive
Trang | 109
D. old-fashioned
29. According to Dr. Millar, how does the old feel about the so-called “golden years”
A. It is the best time of their life
B. It is associated with loss
C. It is a time of independence
D. It is a time of principal success
30. Dr. Miller wants to have _______ for the elderly in the community.
A. pension improvement
B. better medical care
C. meaningful roles
D. entertainment

Questions 31-35. You will hear a talk about how to make a greener world.
31. Protecting the environment is a concern of politicians, government leaders, and
A. powerful nations
B. residents
C. companies
D. city dwellers
32. One of the three keys in protecting the environment is
A. increasing need on recycled goods
B. growing a home garden
C. conserving public resources
D. being less interfered by technology
33. ______ can't be recycled very easily.
A. Egg cartons
B. Fast food wrappers
C. Tin cans
D. regular paper
Trang | 110
34. Companies can be supported to recycle more if they are given ______.
A. loans of low interest
B. cheap land to grow
C. higher tax
D. new equipment
35. One final problem is finding companies that ______.
A. have enough employees trained in recycling
B. have financial potential for recycling
C. have advanced technology for recycling
D. are interested in using recycled goods
End of the test.
(Levels 3 – 5)
Time pertmitted: 60’

Directions: In this section you will read FOUR different passages. Each one is followed by
10 questions about it. For questions 1-40, you are to choose the best answer A, B, C or D,
to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Answer all questions
following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
You have 60 minutes to answer all the questions, including the time to transfer your answers
to the answer sheet.
PASSAGE 1 – Questions 1-10
It’s often said that we learn things at the wrong time. University students frequently
do the minimum of work because they are crazy about a good social life instead. Children
often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring. They have to be given gold
stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be brided to take axems. But the story
is different when you are older.
Over the years, I’ve done my share of adult learning. At 30, I went to a college and
did courses in History and English. It was an amazing experience. For starters, I was
paying, so there was no reason to be late - I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers
Trang | 111
if the tutor was late, not the other way round. Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for
an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a nuisance. I wasn’t frightened to ask questions,
and homework was a pleasure, not a pain. When I passed an exam, I had passed it for me
and me alone, not for my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was entirely
Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got
rusty. But the joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds
of other things sicne you were young. It has learnt to think independently and flexibly and
is much better at relating one thing to another. What you lose in the rust department, you
gain in the maturity department.
In some ways, age is a positive plus. For instance, when you are older, you get less
frustrated. Experience has told you that, if you are calm and simply do something carefully
again and again, eventually you will get hang of it. The confidence you have in other areas
– from being able to drive a car, perhaps – means that if you cannot, say, build a chair
instantly, you don’t, like a child, want to destroy your first pathetic attempts. Maturity tells
you that you will, with application, eventually get there.
I hated piano lessons at school, but I was good at music. And coming back to it, with
a teacher who could explain why certain exercises were useful and with musical concepts
that, at the age of ten, I could never grasp, was magical. Initially, I did feel a bit strange,
thumping out a piece that I’d played for my school exams, with just as little comprehesion
of what the composer intended as I’d had all those years before. But soon, complex
emotions that I never knew poured out from my fingers, and suddenly I could understand
why practice makes perfect.
1. It is implied in paragraph 1 that
A. parents should encourage young learners to study more
B. young learners are usually lazy in their class
C. young learners often lack a good motivation for learning
D. teachers should give young learners less homework
2. The writer’s main point in paragraph 2 is to show that as people grow up
A. they have a more positive attitude towards learning
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B. they cannot learn as well as young learners
C. they tend to learne less as they are discouraged
D. they get more impatient with their teachers
3. The phrase “For starters” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by
A. First and foremost
B. At the starting point
C. At the beginning
D. For beginners
4. While doing some adult learning courses at a college, the writer was surprised
A. to get on better wih the tutor
B. to feel learning more enjoyable
C. to have more time to learn
D. to be able to learn more quickly
5. In paragraph 3, the word “rusty” means
A. impatient because of having nothing to do
B. not as good as it used to be through lack of practice
C. staying alive and becoming more active
D. covered with rust and not as good as it used to be
6. The phrase “get there” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. arrive at an intended place with difficulty
B. achieve your aim with hard work
C. have the thing you have long desired
D. receive a school or college degree
7. All of the following are true about adult learning EXCEPT
A. adult learners have fewer advantages than young learners
B. adults think more independently and flexibly than young people
C. experience in doing other things can help one’s learning
D. young people usually feel less patient than adults
8. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that maturity is a positive plus in the learning
process because adult learners
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A. pay more attention to detail than young learners
B. are able to organize themselves better than younger learners
C. are less worried about learning than young learners
D. have become more patient than young learners
9. It is implied in the last paragraph that when you learn later in life, you
A. should expect to take longer to learn than when younger
B. can sometimes understand more than when younger
C. are not able to concentrate as well as when younger
D. find that you can recall a lot of things you learnt when younger
10. What is the writer’s main purpose in the passage?
A. To encourage adult learning
B. To show how fast adult learning is
C. To describe adult learning methods
D. To explain reasons for learning
PASSAGE 2 – Questions 11-20
Millions of people are using cellphones today. In many places, it is actually considered
unsual not to use one. In many countries, cellphones are very popular with young people.
They find that the phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobile
phone shows that they are cool and connected.
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health
professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may
suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In E ngland, there has been a serious
debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity
of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.
On the other hand medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some
people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be
detected wih modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at
young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks. He
would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for

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about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family
doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer’s doctor didn’t agree.
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful ? The answer is radiation.
High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones.
Mobile phone comapanies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too
small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it’s the best to use mobile
phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your
mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and
convenient, espeicially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning
lable that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it’s wise not to use your mobile
phone too often.
11. According to the passage, why are cellphones especially popular with young
people ?
A. they keep the users alert all the time
B. they make them look more stylish
C. they are indispensable in everyday communications
D. they cannot be replaced by regular phones
12. What are the changes possibly caused by the cellphone mainly concerned with ?
A.The smallest unites of the brain.
B. The arteries of the brain.
C. The mobility of the mind and the body
D. The resident memory.
13. What does the word ‘means’ in the passage refers to?
A. Method
B. Expression
C. Meaning
D. Transmission
14. What does the word ‘potentially’ in the passage refers to?
A. Obviously
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B. Privately
C. Certainly
D. Possibly
15. Why did the writer mention ‘negative publicity’?
A. To refer to widespread opinion about bad effects of cellphones.
B. To talk about the negative public use of cellphones.
C. To refer to poor ideas about the effects of cellphones.
D. To refer to information on the lethal effects of cellphones.
16. What have doctors tentatively concluded about cellphones ?
A. Cellphones may change their users’ social behaviours
B. Cellphones may change their users’ temperament.
C. Cellphones may cause some mental malfunction.
D. Cellphones may damage their users’ emotions.
17. What happened to the man mentioned in the passage ?
A. He abandoned his family.
B. He suffered serious loss of mental ability.
C. He could no longer think lucidly.
D. He had a problem with memory.
18. According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful ?
A. Their power of attraction.
B. Their invisible rays.
C. Their radiant light.
D. Their raiding power.
19. What did the writer advise mobile phone users to do ?
A. Keep off mobile phones regularly.
B. Only use mobile phones in medical emergencies.
C. Never use mobile phones in all cases.
D. Only use mobile phones in urgent situations.
20. Which could be the most suitable title for the passage ?
A. Mobile Phones : a Must of Our Time
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B. The Way Mobile Phone Work
C. Technological Innovations and Their Price
D. The reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular
PASSAGE 3 – Questions 21-30
Most journeys in Britain and the US are made by road. Some of these are made on
public transport but most are made by private car.
In Britain many people rely on their cars for daily local activities, a.g. getting to work,
doing the shopping, and visiting friends. People living in urban areas may use buses, trains
or, in London, the Underground, to get to city centers, mainly because traffic is often heavy
and it is difficult to find anywhere to park a car. Some places in the country may have a bus
only two or three times a week so people living there have no choice but to rely on thier
In the US large cities have good public transportation systems. The El railroad in
Chicago and the underground systems of New York, Boston, San Francisco and
Washington, DC are heavily used. Elsewhere, most Americans prefer to use their cars.
Families often have two cars and, outside major cities, have to drive fairly long distances
to school, offices, banks, etc. Many college and even high-school students have their own
Long-distance travel in Britain is also mainly by road, though railways link most
towns and cities. Most places are link by motorways or other fast roads and many people
prefer to drive at their own convenience rather than use a train, even though they may get
stuck in a traffic jam. Long-distance coach/bus services are usually a cheaper alternative
to trains, but they take longer timeand may be less comfortable. Some long-distance travel,
especially that undertaken for business reasons, may be by air. There are regular flights
between regional airports, as well as to and from London. A lot of freight is also distributed
by road, though heavier items and raw material often go by rail.
In the US much long-distance travel is by air. America has two main long-distance
bus companies, Greyhound and Trailways. Amtrak, the national network, provides rail
serveices for passengers. Private railway companies such as Union Pacific now carry only
freight, though in fact over 70% freight goes by road.
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The main problems associated with road transport in both Britain and the US are
traffic congestion and pollution. It is predictd that the number of cars on British roads will
increase by a third within a few years, making both these problems worse. The British
government would like more people to use public transport, but so far they ahve had little
success in persuading people to give up their cars or to share rides with neighbours. Most
people say that public transport is simply not good enough. Americans too have resisted
government requests to share cars because it is less convenient and restricts their freedom.
Petrol/gasoline is relatively cheap in the US and outside the major cities public transport is
none of people’s expectations, therefore they see no reason to use their cars less.
21. Which of the following means of transportation is preferred by the majority of
people living in Britain and the US ?
A. Road
B. Sea
C. Rail
D. Air
22. According to the passage, people in London may be more interested in using the
Underground than in having their own cars due to
A. Cheap tickets
B. Long distances
C. Heavy traffic
D. Air pollution
23. Where in the US are the public transportation systems good ?
A. Large cities
B. Large states
C. Some states
D. All cities
24. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage ?
A. Few college students in the US have their own cars.
B. The undergroundsystems are popular in some major US cities.
C. Most Americans prefer to drive their cars outside large cities.
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D. Families in the US often have more than one car.
25. The phrase ‘at their own convenience’ in paragaph 4is closest in meaning to
A. At an early time and nearby place
B. At the latest time and nearest place
C. At the afstest time and nearest place
D. At an appropriate time and place
26. Which of the following is TRUE about the transport in Britain ?
A. Trains are usually cheaper than long-distance coach services.
B. There are no regular flights between regional airports.
C. Heavier items and raw materials are often transported by train.
D. Long-distance travel in Britain is only by road.
27. According to the information in paragraph 5, from how many modes of transport
can long-distance travellers in the US choose ?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. One
28. It is stated in the passage that the major problems of road transport in Britain
and the US are
A. Speeding and bad roads.
B. Drin-driving and traffic jams.
C. Traffic jams and pollution.
D. Accidents and pollution.
29. According to the passage, people in Britain refuse public transport because
A. they think it at no time meets their needs.
B. they see no reason to use their cars less.
C. petrol is relatively cheap in Britain.
D. they like to share rides with neighbours.
30. The word ‘they’ in passage 4 can be best replaced by
A. Major cities.
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B. Americans.
C. The government.
D. Neighbours.
PASSAGE 4 – Questions 31-40
Any rock that has cooled and solidified from a molten state is an igneous rock.
Therefore, if the Earth began as a superheated sphere in space, all the rocks making up its
crust may well have been igneous and thus the ancestors of all other rocks. Even today,
approximately 95 percent of the entire crust is igneous. Periodically, molten material wells
out of the Earth's interior to invade the surface layers or to flow onto the surface itself. This
material cools into a wide variety of igneous rocks. In the molten state, it is called magma
as it pushes into the crust and lava when it runs out onto the surface.
All magma consists basically of a variety of silicate minerals (high in silicon-oxygen
compounds), but the chemical composition of any given flow may differ radically from that
of any other. The resulting igneous rocks will reflect these differences. Igneous rocks also
vary in texture as well as chemistry. Granite, for instance, is a coarse-grained igneous rock
whose individual mineral crystals have formed to a size easily seen by the naked eye. A
slow rate of cooling has allowed the crystals to reach this size. Normally, slow cooling
occurs when the crust is invaded by magma that remains buried well below the surface.
Granite may be found on the surface of the contemporary landscape, but from its coarse
texture we know that it must have formed through slow cooling at a great depth and later
been laid bare by erosion. Igneous rocks with this coarse-grained texture that formed at
depth are called plutonic.
On the other hand, if the same magma flows onto the surface and is quickly cooled by
the atmosphere, the resulting rock will be fine-grained and appear quite different from
granite, although the chemical composition will be identical. This kind of rock is called
rhyolite. The most finely grained igneous rock is volcanic glass or obsidian, which has no
crystals. Some researchers believe this is because of rapid cooling; others believe it is
because of a lack of water vapor and other gases in the lava. The black obsidian cliffs of
Yellowstone National Park are the result of a lava flow of basalt running head on into a

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glacier. Some of the glacier melted on contact, but suddenly there also appeared a huge
black mass of glassy stone.
31. In the first paragraph, the author mentions that
A. a thin layer of magma flows beneath the Earth's crust
B. the minerals found in igneous rock are very common
C. the Earth began as a molten mass
D. igneous rock is continually being formed
32. The word "invade" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. move into
B. neutralize
C. cover
D. deposit
33. The word "contemporary" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. vast
B. natural
C. existing
D. uneven
34. The word "it" in line 13 refers to
A. granite
B. surface
C. landscape
D. texture
35. Granite that has been found above ground has been
A. pushed up from below the crust by magma
B. produced during a volcanic explosion
C. gradually exposed due to erosion
D. pushed up by the natural shifting of the Earth
36. Which of the following is produced when magma cools rapidly?
A. Granite
B. Plutonic rock
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C. Rhyolite
D. Mineral crystals
37. The word "finely" in line 18 is closest in meaning to
A. Minutely
B. Loosely
C. Sensitively
D. purely
38. Which of the following is another name for volcanic glass?
A. Plutonic rock
B. Crystal
C. Lava
D. Obsidian
39. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
A. Crust (line 2)
B. Granite (line 11)
C. Mineral crystals (line 13)
D. Erosion (line 17)
40. This passage would probably be assigned reading in which of the following
A. Geography
B. Biology
C. Geology
D. Archeology

(Levels 3 – 5)
Time pertmitted: 60’

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Trang | 122
You have just received a letter from your English pen-friend Peter, accepting your invitation to
come and stay with you on New Year celebration. Read part of his letter below.

Thanks very much for the invitation to stay with you and your family for a few days
on Christmas – of course I’d love to come!
I’ve already booked my flights, and I will be arriving at 2.30 p.m on the 22th of
December. As you know, I’ve never been abroad during Christmas holidays so I have
no idea what to do. What’s the weather like there at that time of year? What kinds of
clothes should I bring then? Anyway, what kinds of gifts are good for the first time of
meeting with your family?

Write an email responding to Peter. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include
your name or address.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic.

Some young people tend to have a year of travelling before they start work
or university and see it as a chance to broaden their knowledge. Others
think that this decision is totally waste of time. Discuss your views.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task fulfillment,
Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

This is the end of the writing test

(Levels 3 – 5)
Time pertmitted: 12’


Now, the test begins.

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Let’s talk about housing
- Do you live in a house or a flat?
- Who do you live with?
- Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about weather
- What's the weather like today?
- What's your favourite weather? Why?
- Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?
Situation: You are going to have a birthday party. You are thinkking about the place to
celebrate your birthday party.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- In a restaurant.
- At home .
- At work.
What is the best choice? Explain the option you have chosen.


Topic: Time management is an important skill in our life

Follow-up questions:
- How do you plan your work/ your study?
- How do you balance work with your personal life?
Trang | 124
- Should we teach time-management at schools ? Why? Why not?
Thank you. That is the end of Part III and also the end of the speaking test. Good luck!


1. Cambridge. (2010). First Certificate in English. Cambridge University Press.

2. Cambridge. (2010). Preliminary English Test. Cambridge University Press.

3. Cravens, M., Driscoll, L., Gammidge, M. & Palmer, G., (2008). Listening Extra.(6th)

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Intermediate parts only)

4. Cravens, M., Driscoll, L., Gammidge, M. & Palmer, G., (2008). Reading Extra. (6th)

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Intermediate parts only)

5. Cravens, M., Driscoll, L., Gammidge, M. & Palmer, G., (2008). Speaking Extra.

(6th) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Intermediate parts only)

6. Murphy, R., (2003). Basic Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University


7. McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F.,(1999). English Vocabulary in Use - Pre-Intermediate.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

8. Websites





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