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aN hay He Wisconsin Reporter Dut ve {n the otchle, for tbe parveot 1s ripe. Vou XI. Osuxosn, Wis. Mavis, 190. SS”S”CS™SCS*WN ‘The Wisconsin Reporter, - The Wisconsin Tract Society, Osuxosu, Wiscon 8. D. HARTWELL, Eorvos. Baptism at Bethel. TH. May 4, there were two tized at Betbel by Prof. Tenney and the writer. These were all students in the school, or else had been during the year. ‘Asscene so beautiful as was this one, is sel- dom witnessed. The day smiled as only a lovely, budding May-day can smile, and the whole assembly of about two hundred people were in accord with the glory of the day. On starting {rom the school building, after a discourse on the subject of baptism, the congre- Eation was organized for marching to the water, ‘with the candidates as a singing choir at the head of the columa. Going forward, they sang, “Blessed Lord, How Much We Need Thee," jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry," and Instly, ‘ake Me as I A\ The brook at the bridge, situated at the northwest corner of the school farm, afforded plenty of water for the rite, On its’ bank the people aligned themselves, with the little folks in front margin, while the candidates, the ad- ministrators, a choir for singing, and necessary -d space on the other side. rit of solemnity and joy rested upon all present Prof. Tenney ordained last summer, but had aot unt immersed by h alll eyes. were wet condition prevailed to the close of the service, Among’ the candidates was an Oneida Indian girl, who came to the school {rom a settlement west of Green Bay. She is ap earnest Christian, and is preparing for evangelistic work among her people. We trust that she will be faithful in this calling May this church aod school witness siilar occasions, as time carries us on to the end of this glorious work. Wn, Covert. The Wisconsin €amp-Meeting. "HE Wiscoosja Camp-Meeting, to be held at Grand Rapids, June 12-23, will be one of the most important meetings ever held in the state. All of our churches which have not elected their getegates should do so at once Remember that each church is entitled to one delegate, and one additional for each fifteen members in the church, We desire to have our business done earl the weetiug, The first coufereuce meeting be held Thursday, the 13th. So we hope to see our delegates there promptly at the begioniog of the meeting. Many very important matters will be considered at this time, so itis highly important that the delegates be there at the beginning of the meeting. The meeting will be a short oue at the most, commencing oa the evening of the 12th and closing the evening of the a3¢d. ‘We have made application, and expect to se- cure a reduction on all the leading roads in the state—no doubt the usual rate of one fare and a third. Watch the Reronrer for particulars in regard to this matter. The Camp-Meeting committee and a few others expect to gather on the grounds May 29, 0 a5 to have everything in readiness at the appointed time of the mes More in regard to this important meeting later. W. S. Snreve, Chairman of Committee, REDUCED RATES. In response to our application for reduced to our annual Camp-Mecting at Grand ceived from the West- id to favor us with arate of a fare and one-thied for the rousd.thip from al is in Wisconsin on the certificate plan. fetificates will be honored which show the a ‘THE WISCONSIN REPORTER. purchase of going tickets June 12 to 18, io- clusive. Particulars of arrangements e fiven{fa(deta| iu(duetimes eee * R. T, Dowsers, Transportation Agent. DELEGATES. In case church clerks have not received blank credentials enough lor each delegate, they may report the names of delegates, and they will be Seated just the same, This matter should be attended to at once. S. D. Haxmwenty Conference Secy: ITEMS OF INTEREST. Prof. E. A. Sutherland, met with the Academy: Board last week at Bethel. Elder W. H. Thurston held quarterly mect ing at Wauioma last Sabbath. Miss Clara Sorensen of Neenah was a caller at the office on Sunday the 12tb. “We are glad to Jearn that Elder Herrmann is improving, and we hope he may soon be able to continue his work. Prof, J. E. Tenney went to Graysville, Tenn., ast week for a short council with the edu- cational board of the Academy there. Elder Reed was called to Appleton on the Joth ult, to preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Pauline Treffer, who died on the 27tb, Elder H, W. Reed held quarterly with the Neenah church a week ago las path, A general attendance was enjoyed. "Elder H. W. Reed came down from Neenab last Friday afternoon, and held a Bible study in the evening at the home of Brother AcMfoody in this city. lder B. J. Cady went to Neenah on Monday. of this weeli where be will hold several meetings Guring the week, in some of which he will use the stereopticon. Sister Elvie Mullen has again taken up Bible work in Eau Claire, from which place she was Thliged to leave the work last summer on ac- Count of an attack of typhoid fever. Because of the additional duties at the office in connection with the canvassing work, Brother G. W, Stilson, a member of the stenography Ghee of Woodland Academy, has been asked fo connect with the office force until camp- fhecting, aad is rendering valuable assistance. ‘Norice.—Owing to the resignation of Brother Maas as Slate Agent, the work he has thus lain side will be carried by the writer until the Camp-Meeting. Therefore all canvassers, and those desiring to engage in the work, or to make inguiry concerning office. S. D. Haurwett. Graco Kellogg called at the office 1 week White on her wa from_Fau Claire, ira she ae Deco Sngafet Ie rong ha te- toertrome to Topon. Sister Kellogg hae re (Gaed her portion with the coslersoce place she expects to sail Brother and Sister J. V. Maas, having 2¢- cepted. the eall of the General Conference to Simcatine, expect to sail about the middle of Juke, ‘This necessitated their severing their co; Jaron with this confercace, which they did last "Academy on Tuesday. We with these workers who I cendeared themselves in the bearte of th tevsaimtances; but remembering ‘the Geld is aia naurid,” we do not feel they are lost to us, is cur interests are thus represented in another portion of the field. week, leaving the are all sorry to past The Tithe. ‘Tus tithe that has come in during the frst week in May amounts to over one thousand Millers. This, together with what was reported: ject weck as having been received during the pastth of April, makes a total of $4227.44 Fe~ ceived thus far this quarter. ee We are glad for the showing, but how much larger it might be if all who profess to be God's petuliar people for this time would render voto Bed that which is holy usto Himself, May the Gay soon come when all we who pledged our- Sahes to be true to God show it by willingly, giadly, anxiously bringing to the Lord’s house fhe thes aod the offerings that there may be neat in abundance. Mas. R. T. Dowsurr. FROM THE FIELD. FENNINORE, GRANT CO. ie takes things too seriously,” is the com plaint which the relatives of a prominent citizen Bring against him. He has read the “Outlock” Sigos, the two pamphlets, has almost completed Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation, and has ordered a copy of The Great Nations of Today. He is sick, and I could not sce him today, but I thanked God when I found out that tle mag taking the Third Angel's message sly.” “The other day a preacher of another denom- tion banded mea small sum of money, say- that was the Lord's money—a tithe, and he was going to give it tome. Iseat for a book, ‘The Bastera Question, om purpose to loam to ‘him, and it has fully converted him from a dan- should write me at the ‘THE WISCONSIM REPORTER anaes 1 thiok he will accept uh ganas he can inventigato tees raise the Lord that he ia watering the sec sown, and I believe it will ere oog pee eu is glory. Auvano D. Wascorn. _ The meeting at Plainfield was held May 3-5, inclusive, according to appointment, The 01 fide wtendance was good, as well ax that of our ‘own people. Elder F. H. Westphal was present and Fendered valuable help. Ho had a large map of the world, and spoke twice on the ci toms, condition and needs of other the close of the Sunday evening servi lection was taken for the gospel work abro amounting to $5.05. ‘We appreciate very much the privilege of meeting the brethren and sisters and frien alter seven years of separation, and our coming. together at this time bas beea good for us al The Lord met with us and blessed and encour- aged us in the work. O] for more faith to grasp tite promises of God aad move on in the work of saving souls: “Being Billed with the fruits of Fghtsousneas, which ave by Jesus Chris, unto ER Glory and praise of God By tig request of Elder Reed, [go to, Wau: tom) ‘nd ‘hold quarterly mectiog Sabbatb and Sindy, Bldgs F, H, Westphal and fail leave, this we Ti hate ot eansasy thee new eid of Taber. Tere us remember one another wherever we are; paying that God may work i us his wi Sod ls pleasure, WH, Taons Since Jeaving the General Conference have held three meetings with the Milton Junction church. Elder B. J. Cady from the South Sea Yslands gave us a lecture on the natives and their work, which was enjoyed by all, and the missionary spirit was revived. ‘From May rd to the 6th I have held quar- terly meeting with the church at Stoughton, We bad a grand time. The blessing of the Lord made us rich. Three united with the church by letter, and one who has lately ac- Eepted the truth by eoafession of faith. Others are interested, for which we praise the Lord. ‘The Church has started out well of late with a pros- pperous church school. I think there are brighter Gays for the church at Stoughton. There has been much seed sown; and surely there must be harvest time, an ingathering of precious souls. F, Srenneps. PLUM city AND LUND. ‘As the members of Plum City church are scattered over quite a large area of ground, we have plenty of territory to work. As we ba no church building, and as somo of thi bers live in the vicinity of Lund, we have two Sabbath schools, which meet together every fourth Sabbath in the month. By so doing we to keep in touch with each other, Con mostly of foreigaers, those visiting our ‘school can have their choice about the swe have them ia English, Germaa re taken for general dis- are that boncst s0\ ceive the truth. E. A. BELean, tribution. Our pr may open their hearts ‘te powniNo scitoot. ‘The Dowaing school, peginning Feb. 15, was of short duration —much to our regret, but we hope a good work has been done. A "Fi cre were ooly four families to support it at fret Two of these moved away, leaving but fEgE pupils to attend school. One of the two ens were left told us be must have the school: soot ot which be had given us the use until Be tpoald have to leave the place on which be then lived. ‘Money was olfered to pay the teacher for an- other month," if a building could be had, but 23 Sone could be found, the school closed at, the BEE or two months. Nothing else could be a d Bee sister told me of her dealings with her too eileen, concerning the public schoo Sa eeets a family of six children, and is Bes, ju khse world’s goods but rich in faith, The Pook ie eawed ince so strongly that sbe should cae ePilaren oot of the public school, that ae aeening she could not ask Hlim to go with Fanaa nia: sChildven, 1 cannot ask God (ee eheae with you. L must either stop pr fo.8e tosou must stop going to public school.” PB St me there was ao show for a church Acolt and it was very hard, especially for the sreee tal vo submit to her mother, a8 se was cuecag for her common-school diploma. These Two cifldcen atiended: the church school wl Soe’ began, aad thie, young lady desires to Wed Rie tthool. at Woodlend Academy and HRbme's worker for Christ, but her mother is Unable to send ber Ave there fome who will help her? feel sure\you will not regret the money speat. If Sty ate desirous of Helping, write me for her athe and address. Thope'to hear {rom some ot you. Benrua Prise. Stabley, Wis “/Men and women are wanted now who are as true to duty as the needle to the pole,—menand women who will work without having their way smoothed and every obstacle removed." a ‘THE WISCONSIN REPORTER. “The Great Empires of Prophecy PROM BABYLON TO THE PALL oF ROME” ‘Tas inthe ttle of ovr now history texte now history text. book, by Alonzo T, Jones, “The Great Empires, of Prophecy,’ the history that is foretold in the rophecics of tho great-emplees ithe book ot Baniel Babylon, MelosPerviss Grecia, Roe tnd the ten divisions ofthe Homa, Empire More thao ighty of tho standard hstorane and authorities on the history of the respective tplres of the. prophecy, epéus ta the ook In foe langue, so tat ie ry ays Of history, ie fulflimeat of the propicea Er the book of Daniel. perc [Ave You interested. ia the book of Daoil? You cad net afford tobe wituout tha nook TEvetyimislecr, every ‘ible, arbor, every studeot of the beck of Deaiel, ad every audent St history, sede this bool. It contains 712 fnrge patee, besides 1 full-page mape, made es: pedal forthe book by the author aad prioted Te fror thro to thirtes colors, The bask fp assed ta oe style of binding, udltheipace eel) $00 “adie all orders to the Wisconsia Tract Society, 205 High Stret, Oshkosh, Wis. Principles of True Science. ———t ms is the title of a compilation of testi: monies on the subject of science and nature. Tt consists of 332 pages bound in red leather, so that it is very durable, and is also of convenient size to carry about. ‘Only a small number of these books were printed, so that the price is higher than it would Gtberwise be. It will be sent to any address postpaid for one dollar. Christian workers and. feachers should avail themselves of the oppor tunity of procuring this book, as it contains the principles of true science, which will enable them to more readily discera between the science which is in harmony with the Bible and ‘Science which is according to the world. Tn order to secure a copy of this work it will be necessary for you to order at once, as the edition is very small and several of the books have already been taken. It is especially adapted for the use of teachers in our cburch Sehools. All orders should be addressed to Prof, M. E. Cady, Healdsburg, Cal. Wanted. ‘Tue name and address of every Seventh-day ‘Adventist farmer. ‘The American Medical Mi: sionary College is just, starting a little paper, a copy of which is wished to send to every Seventh-Day Adventist farmer. The subscrip- tion price will be ten cents ayear, The frst be sont {reo to every farmer who number wi ill ben cores sa einen eee a afer oleae eae eye sepa et eee eae ta eee at cad ae a ee cao eee The Bulletin. Sonte of the friends have written in and said, that it it were possible, they would ike to have copies of The Bulletia. We are glad to tell you that we are still able to fill orders. Tho Bulletin ‘should be ia the home of every Seventh-Day ‘Adventist family, for it contains instruction which is very timely. Sister White's artic alone are worth the price of the paper. this office. Address GOOD HEALTH Everybody wants it who hasn'tit. BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM FOODS: AND SANITAS NUT FOODS Everybody wants ther ‘ust road this ofr. We will give you $15.00 worth for $6.00. We want you wlth five other persons in Jour vicinity to send together for six Fane Pasty ‘Boss packed ia one large box weighing 100 pounds, to be acat to one address, ‘This eaves you freight and. express, Bach person paya $1.00 and gets Good ‘Health tor one year, nai $1.50 worth of Sasitariom: fooda and other articles, Just thiok of It! Each persoa geta $2.50 for $1.00, We could aot do this only. Dist the manufacturers baye made as a preseat of these articles to use for thie purpose. No matter wwiiere you live you can accept this offer of a FREE Banizy Box. We do not pay freight or express. Tf you can't get six, get ax many as you can. We will accept one aubscriptioa and send box to any Tadreas for $109, Tet each subscriber if convenient, Sead us the names of fve persons likely to be inter should be without Good Health and (he Fastty Box. The freight rate to points in Wisconsin ranges from S7 to &2 ceats per {00 pounds, Where several boxes are seat together to one address, the cost is bat a trifle to each one. We have low expreaa rates where only one box is ordered, Sead us your orders at once; you will ms ‘be disappointed. Cut out this clipping. GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING Co. ttle Creele, Mich.

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