UCC in Goa

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A common family law exists in Goa, the only state in India with an uniform civil code, and it is
applicable to people of all castes, religions, and genders. In Goa, Hindus, Muslims, and
Christians all adhere to the same laws regarding marriage, divorce, and succession. The
Portuguese Civil Code of 1867 was accepted and updated by the local legislature when Goa
joined the union territory in 1961. Goa views marriage as a contract between a man and a woman
that is recorded with the Civil Registrar’s office, with some restrictions on those who have been
found guilty of killing or helping to kill a former spouse.

Secularism and Uniform Civil Code

The primary objection against UCC adoption is that it conflicts with India’s secularism. A lot of
individuals think that if we adopt a single civil code, one religion will eventually rule the world.

Should other States adopt the approach of Uniform Civil Code?

Goa has been appreciated by the Supreme Court as a “shining example” of a civil code that is
universally understood. A universal code that would rule all of India was what the constitution’s
framers had in mind. The other states ought to make an effort to develop a unified code, like Goa
has done, which will guarantee fundamental ideals like gender justice and equality. This will
guarantee that the outdated personal laws that discriminate against women no longer exist.

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