Rhcsa Cheatsheet PDF File System Command Line Interface

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A reader of my blog who shall be named C.D. sent me his RHCSA study notes. C.D. will be taking
the EX200 eam here in a few days! and thus didn"t offi#ially $oin the 20%2 Red Hat Study &uddy
grou'! howe(er he wanted to share his ra'id)fire study guide for others to benefit from.

*he study notes are in #a'sule form and follow C.D."s understanding of the E200 ob$e#ti(es. *hey
#an be a good guide for anyone looking to e(aluate their own readiness for the offi#ial eam.

+lease understand that these notes were #om'iled by an indi(idual in 're'aration for taking the
RHCSA eam. *his is sim'ly a study guide that attem'ts to 'ro(ide answers and information based
on the ,eam ob$e#ti(es" 'ro(ided on Red Hat"s website. *his information does not 'ro(ide s'e#ifi#
information about what is or what is not on the RHCSA eam. *his is not a -brain dum' or some
other form of #heat sheet.

Behold, the notes:

1) Understand and use essential tools
Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax

• C*R/)A/*)%1 rom system #onsole! swit#h to 34.

• C*R/)A/*)52)671 rom system #onsole! swit#h to a terminal.
• A''li#ations )8 System *ools )8 *erminal1 rom 34! a##ess a terminal.

Use input-output redirection

• #md 8 file1 Redire#t stdout of #md to file.

• #md 28 file1 Redire#t stderr of #md to file.
• #md 88 file1 A''end stdout of #md to file.
• #md 288 file1 A''end stderr of #md to file.
• #md 98 file1 Redire#t stdout and stderr to file.
• #md : file1 Redire#t #ontents of file to stdin of #md.
• #md% ; #md21 Redire#t stdout of #md% to stdin of #md2.
• #md% ;9 #md21 Redire#t stderr of #md% to #md2.

Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text

• gre' string file1 Dis'lay lines in file that #ontain string.

• gre' )( string file1 Dis'lay lines in file that do not #ontain string.
• gre' )i string file1 Case in sensiti(edsear#h.
• egre'1 re' with etended regular e'ressions.
• fgre'1 re' without regular e'ressions.

Some simple Regx rules! "A complete understanding o# Regular xpressions is $eyond the
scope o# this document!)

• ,<string=1 Sear#h for lines beginning with string.

• ,5a)>A)?7=1 Sear#h for any line #ontaining a letter.

• ,5<a)>A)?7=1 Sear#h for any line not #ontaining a letter.

• ,50)@7=1 Sear#h for any line #ontaining a number.
• ,5<0)@7=1 Sear#h for any line not #ontaining a number.
• ,50)@750)@7=1 Sear#h for any line #ontaining at least two numbers in a row.

Access remote system using ssh and %&'

• ssh userhost1 /ogin to host as user (ia SSH.

• (n#(iewer host1dis'lay1 Conne#t to dis'lay on host (ia BC.
• ssh )/ 'ort1host1'ort userhost1 Conne#t to dis'lay on host (ia BC o(er SSH.

(og in and switch users in multiuser runleels

• su )1 Swit#h to root user and load root user"s 'rofile.

• su  user1 Swit#h to user and load user"s 'rofile.
• su )# ,#ommand=1 Run #ommand as root user.
• su )# ,#ommand" user1 Run #ommand as user.

Archie, compress, unpac*, and uncompress #iles

• g>i' file1 Com'ress file using g>i'.

• b>i'2 file1 #om'ress file using b>i'2.
• g>i' )d file.g>1 De#om'ress file using g>i'.
• b>i'2 )d file.b>21 De#om'ress file using b>i'2.
• tar #(f file.tar dir1 Create ar#hi(e file.tar of #ontents of dir.
• tar #(f> file.tar.g> dir1 Ar#hi(e with g>i' #om'ression.
• tar #(f$ file.tar.b>2 dir1 Ar#hi(e with b>i'2 #om'ression.
• tar (f file.tar dir1 Etra#t ar#hi(e file.tar into dir.
• tar (f> file.tar.g> dir1 Etra#t g>i' #om'ressed ar#hi(e.
• tar (f$ file.tar.b>2 dir1 Etra#t b>i'2 #om'ressed ar#hi(e.
• star )attr )HFeustar )# )fFfile.star dir1 Ar#hi(e with SE/inu.
• star ) )fFfile.star1 Etra#t ar#hi(e with SE/inu.
• star )> )fFfile.star.g>1 Etra#t g>i' #om'ressed ar#hi(e with SE/inu.
• star )$ )fFfile.star.b>21 Etra#t b>i'2 #om'ressed ar#hi(e with SE/inu.

'reate and edit text #iles

• 8file1 Create file with no #ontent.

• (i file1 Edit #ontent of file.

'reate, delete, copy, and moe #iles and directories

• 8file1 Create file with no #ontent.

• rm file1 Delete file.
• #' file% file21 Co'y file% to file2.

• m( file% file21 Go(e file% to file2.

• mkdir dir1 Create dire#tory dir.
• mkdir )' dir%dir2dir1 Create a series of dire#tories.
• rmdir dir1 Delete an em'ty dire#tory.
• rmdir )' dir%dir2dir1 Delete a series of em'ty dire#tories.
• rm )r dir1 Re#ursi(ely delete a dire#tory and it"s #ontents.
• m( dir% dir21 Go(e dire#tory dir% to dir2.

'reate hard and so#t lin*s

• Hard)links #reates a se#ond #o'y of the file with identi#al inode.

• Soft)links #reates a redire#t to the original file.
• ln file% file21 Creates files2 as a hard)link of file%.
• ln )s file% file21 Creates file2 as a soft)link of file%.

(ist, set, and change standard ugo+rwx permissions

• ls )l1 /ist files and in#lude information about 'ermissions.

• #hown user file1 Changes owner of file to user.
• #hown )R user dir1 Re#ursi(ely #hanges owner of dire#tory and #ontents.
• #hown user.grou' file1 Changes owner of file to user and grou'.
• #hown )R user.grou' dir1 Re#ursi(ely #hanges owner of dire#tory and #ontents.
• #hgr' grou' file1 Changes grou' owner of file to grou'.
• #hgr' )R grou' dir1 Re#ursi(ely #hanges grou' owner of dire#tory and #ontents.
• #hmod 'ermissions file1 Changes 'ermissions of file.
• #hmod )R 'ermissions dir1 Re#ursi(ely #hanges 'ermissions of dire#tory and #ontents.
• umask1 Dis'lays #urrent umask.
• umask mask1 Sets umask to mask.
• Iith #hmod or umask! the 'ermissions or mask are a three digit number.
• *he first digit is for owner! the se#ond is for grou'! the third for all others.
• Ea#h number is made by adding together the numbers of following 'ermissions1 J F read! 2
F write! % F ee#ute.
• #hmod KKK sets thos 'ermissions
• e1 #hmod 6J0 is read and write for owner! read for grou'! no a##ess for all others.
• umask KKK are the 'ermissions subtra#ted from the default 'ermissions L666M of a newly
#reated file.
• e1 umask 002 means news files are #reated with the 'ermissions 66J.

(ocate, read, and use system documentation

• man to'i#1 Dis'lays manual 'age for to'i#.

• man K to'i#1 Dis'lays manual 'age for to'i# within numbered #ategory.
• whatis to'i#1 /ists manual 'ages with to'i# in title.

• a'ro'os to'i#1 /ists manual 'ages relating to to'i#.

• et##ron.dailymakewhatis.#ron1 Regenerates manual 'age database.
• info to'i#1 Dis'lay info 'age about to'i#.
• usrshareinfo1 /o#ation of all a(ailable info 'ages.
• usrsharedo#1 /o#ation of more ad(an#ed 'a#kage s'e#ifi# do#umentation.

) perate running systems

Boot, re$oot, and shut down a system normally

• reboot1 Reboot the system immediately.

• shutdown )h now1 Shutdown the system immediately.

Boot systems into di##erent runleels manually

• runle(el1 Dis'lays the #urrent runle(el.

• init K1 Changes to s'e#ified runle(el.
• At R3& menu! 'ress -e or -a to edita''end boot kernel o'tions.
• A''end a runle(el K to end of R3& o'tions to boot into that runle(el.
• Runle(el 01 Halt
• Runle(el %1 Single)user mode
• Runle(el 21 Gulti)user mode! limited ser(i#es
• Runle(el 1 Gulti)user mode! networking
• Runle(el J1 3ndefined
• Runle(el N1 Gulti)user mode! X%%
• Runle(el 61 Reboot

Use single-user mode to gain access to a system

• At R3& menu! 'ress -e or -a to edita''end boot kernel o'tions.

• A''end single to end of R3& o'tions to boot into single user mode.
• A''end initFbinsh to end of R3& o'tions to not load init files.

.denti#y, ad/ust priority, and *ill processes!

• 's )u user1 /ist all 'ro#esses running as user.

• 's )au1 /ist all running 'ro#esses.
• 's )al1 /ist all running 'ro#esses and 'arent 'ro#ess information.
• ni#e )n K #ommand1 Run #ommand at s'e#ified 'riority le(el.
• reni#e K +4D1 Changes 'riority le(el of 'ro#ess to s'e#ified 'riority le(el.
• reni#e K )u user1 Changes 'riority le(el of all of user"s 'ro#esses to s'e#ified 'riority le(el.
• *he default 'ro#ess 'riority le(el is 0.
• *he highest 'ro#ess 'riority le(el is )20.
• *he lowest 'ro#ess 'riority le(el is %@.
• kill +4D1 Sends a signal to s'e#ified 'ro#ess.

• killall 'ro#ess1 Sends a signal to all running 'ro#esses of that name.

• *he default signal sent to 'ro#esses is S4*ERG.
• Other signals #an be sent by adding the flag )S4A/.
• %1 S4H3+
• 21 S44*
• 1 S4P34*
• 61 S4A&R*
• @1 S4Q4//
• %J1 S4A/RG
• %N1 S4*ERG LdefaultM
• to'1 /ists all running 'ro#esses in an intera#ti(e en(ironment.

(ocate and interpret system log #iles

• (arlog1 /o#ation of system log files.

• lastlog1 Out'uts information about most re#ent login of ea#h user based on information in
• utm'dum' btm'1 Out'uts information about failed login attem'ts based on information in
• utm'dum' wtm'1 Out'uts information about logins based on information in (arlogwtm'

Access a irtual machine0s console

• (irt)manager1 34 'rogram for #ontrolling (irtual ma#hines.

• (irsh list all1 /ists all (irtual ma#hines.
• (irt)(iewer ser(er1 Dis'lay gra'hi#al #onsole for(irtual ser(er.

Start and stop irtual machines

• (irt)manager1 34 'rogram for #ontrolling (irtual ma#hines.

• (irsh start name1 Starts a (irtual ma#hine.
• (irsh destroy name1 Shutdown a (irtual ma#hine.
• (irsh list all1 /ists all (irtual ma#hines.

Start, stop, and chec* the status o# networ* serices

• ser(i#e name start1 Starts network ser(i#e.

• ser(i#e name sto'1 Sto's network ser(i#e.
• ser(i#e name restart1 Restarts network ser(i#e.
• ser(i#e name reload1 Reloads the #onfiguration files for network ser(i#e.
• ser(i#e name status1 Dis'lays status of network ser(i#e.

) 'on#igure local storage

(ist, create, delete, and set partition type #or primary, extended, and logical partitions

• fdisk1 De're#ated utility for mani'ulating 'rimary! etended! and logi#al 'artitions.
• 'arted1 Current utility for mani'ulating 'rimary! etended! and logi#al 'artitions.
• *he fdisk and 'arted #ommands are intera#ti(e and ha(e their own built)in hel' files.
Consult man 'ages for further o'tions.

'reate and remoe physical olumes, assign physical olumes to olume groups, and create
and delete logical olumes

• '(#reate de(hd1 Create 'hysi#al (olume from de(i#e.

• '(remo(e de(hd1 Remo(e 'hysi#al (olume from an /BG.
• (getend (olumegrou' de(hd1 Create (olume grou' with 'hysi#al (olume or add 'hysi#al
(olume to eisting (olume grou'.
• (gredu#e (olumegrou' de(hd1 Remo(e 'hysi#al (olume from (olume grou'.
• l(#reate )/ si>e (olumegrou'1 Create a new logi#al (olume from (olume grou'.
• l(dis'lay (olumegrou'1 Dis'lay information about (olume grou'.
• l(remo(e de((olumegrou'(olume1 Remo(e a logi#al (olume from (olume grou'.

'reate and con#igure (U2S-encrypted partitions and logical olumes to prompt #or password
and mount a decrypted #iles system at $oot

• dd ifFde(urandom ofFde(hd bsF%G1 ill 'hysi#al (olume with random data.

• #ry'tsetu' luksormat de(hd1 /3QS)en#ry't 'hysi#al (olume.
• #ry'tsetu' luksO'en de(hd label1 /abel /3QS)en#ry'ted 'hysi#al (olume.
• mkfs.etJ de(ma''erlabel1 ormat labelled /3QS)en#ry'ted 'hysi#al (olume.
• et##ry'ttab1 Configuration file for /3QS)en#ry'ted (olumes.
• et#fstab1 Configuration file for (olumes mounted by system.
• mount1 Dis'lays all (olumes #urrently mounted on system.
• mount )a1 Gount all (olumes defined in et#fstab
• fstab entries are s'a#e delimited1 de(i#e mount'oint fsty'e o'tions dum' fs#k
• fstab eam'le1 de(sda%  etJ defaults!a#l % %
• #ry'tab entries are s'a#e delimited1 label de(i#e
• #ry'tab eam'le1 #ry't(olume de(sdb%

'on#igure systems to mount #ile systems at $oot $y Uniersally Uni3ue .4 "UU.4) or la$el

• blkid1 ind the 334D of a de(i#e.

• e2label de(ma''er(olume label1 /abel a (olume.
• umount de(hd1 3nmount a de(i#e.
• et#fstab1 Configuration files for (olumes mounted by system.
• fstab entries are s'a#e delimited1 de(i#e mount'oint fsty'e o'tions dum' fs#k
• fstab eam'le1 de(sda%  etJ defaults!a#l % %

Add new partitions and logical olumes, and swap to a system non-destructiely

• *he fdisk and 'arted #ommands are intera#ti(e and ha(e their own built)in hel' files.

Consult man 'ages for further o'tions.

• '(#reate de(hd 'hysi#al(olume1 Create a 'hysi#al (olume from de(i#e.
• (g#reate (olumegrou' de(hd1 Create a (olume grou' from a 'hysi#al (olume.
• l(#reate )/ si>e )n logi#al(olume logi#al(olumegrou'1 Create a logi#al (olume of si>e in
(olume grou'.
• swa'on )s1 Dis'lays swa' de(i#es #urrently on system.
• swa'on )( de(hd1 Add swa' de(i#e to system.

5) 'reate and con#igure #ile systems

'reate, mount, unmount, and use ext, ext, and ext5 #ile systems

• mkfs.etK de(hd1 ormat de(i#e as etK ile System.

• mount )o rw )t etK de(hd mount'oint1 Gount"s de(i#e of etK format in ReadIrite mode
to mount 'oint.
• umount de(hd1 3nmounts de(i#e.

6ount, unmount, and use (U2S-encrypted #ile systems

• Gounting a /3QS)en#ry'ted file system is identi#al to mounting a regular file system!

e#e't you will be 'rom'ted for a 'ass'hrase.

6ount and unmount '.7S and &7S networ* #ile systems

• mount )t #ifs ser(ernamedir mount'oint (erbose )o userFusername1 Gounts a C4S

filesystem to mount 'oint.
• mount )o rw )t nfs ser(ername1dir mount'oint1 Gounts a S filesystem to mount 'oint.
• umount mount'oint1 3nmounts a mount'oint.

'on#igure systems to mount ext5, (U2S-encrypted, and networ* #ile systems automatically

• blkid1 ind the 334D of a de(i#e.

• et##ry'ttab1 Configuration file for /3QS)en#ry'ted (olumes.
• et#fstab1 Configuration file for (olumes mounted by system.
• mount1 Dis'lays all (olumes #urrently mounted on system.
• mount )a1 Gount all (olumes defined in et#fstab
• fstab entries are s'a#e delimited1 de(i#e mount'oint fsty'e o'tions dum' fs#k
• fstab eam'le1 de(sda%  etJ defaults!a#l % %
• #ry'tab entries are s'a#e delimited1 label de(i#e
• #ry'tab eam'le1 #ry't(olume de(sdb%

xtend existing unencrypted ext5-#ormatted logical olumes

• l(dis'lay1 Dis'lays infomration about logi#al (olumes on system.

• l(etend )/ si>e de((olumegrou'(olume1 Etends logi#al (olume by si>e.
• l(etend )/ si>e de((olumegrou'(olume1 Etends logi#al (olume to si>e.

'reate and con#igure set-8.4 directories #or colla$oration


• #hmod gs1 Changes a dire#tory to be set)4D.

'reate and manage Access 'ontrol (ists "A'(s)

• ilesystem must su''ort A##ess Control /ists.

• Add ,a#l" to o'tions in et#fstab and remount filesystem if this o'tion is not already set.
• mount )o remount mount'oint1 Remounts a mount'oint that is in use! a''lying any new
• et#fstab1 Configuration file for (olumes mounted by system.
• getfa#l file1 Dis'lays the A##ess Control /ists LAC/sM set on a file.
• setfa#l )m A1C1/ file1 Sets the A##ess Control /ists LAC/sM set on a file.

4iagnose and correct #ile permission pro$lems

• ls )l1 Dis'lay file 'ermissions.

9) 4eploy, con#igure, and maintain systems

'on#igure networ*ing and hostname resolution statically or dynamically

• setu'1 Command line system for #onfiguring networking related o'tions.

• et#hosts1 /o#al looku' table for stati#ally defined hosts.
• et#resol(.#onf1 Configuration file for resol(ing hosts.
• etssys#onfignetwork1 Configuration file for system networking settings.
• et#sys#onfignetwork)s#ri'ts1 Configuration files for interfa#e s'e#ifi# networking settings.

Schedule tas*s using cron

• #rontab )l1 Dis'lays #rontab for #urrent user.

• #rontab )e1 Edits #rontab for #urrent user.
• Cron entries reuire si s'a#e delimited o'tions.
• Ea#h o'tion #an either be a T! something within the range! a #omma se'arated list in(ol(ing
the range! or di(ision math in(ol(ing the range.
• *he #ommand will be triggered whene(er all #onditions mat#h.
• %1 Ginute L0)N@M
• 21 Hour L0)2M
• 1 Day of Gonth L%)%M
• J1 Gonth L%)%2M
• N1 Day of Ieek L0)6! starting at SundayM
• 61 Command to be ee#uted.
• eam'le1 0  % %)%22 T #ommand! will run #ommand at 100am on the first day of e(ery
other month.

'on#igure systems to $oot into a speci#ic runleel automatically

• et#inittab1 Edit to make runle(el #hanges 'ermanent.


.nstall Red at nterprise (inux automatically using 2ic*start

• system)#onfig)ki#kstart1 34 for #reating ki#kstart files.

• rootana#onda)ks.#fg1 Qi#kstart file for running system at time of #reation.
• or a bare metal ki#kstart enter R3& an add the following line1
• ksFhd1sdba%ks.#fg1 3se a ki#kstart file on the lo#al disk.
• ks)#drom1ks.#fg1 3se a ki#ksart file on the #drom.
• ksFft'1ser(erks.#fg1 3se a ki#kstart file on an *+ ser(er.
• ksFnfs1ser(erks.#fg1 3se a ki#kstart file on an S ser(er.
• ksFhtt'1ser(erks.#fg1 3se a ki#kstart file on a web ser(er.
• or (irtual ma#hines add an o'tion to (irt)install similar to baremetal ki#kstart o'tions1
• e1 ) -ksFQ4CQS*AR*O+*4O ksde(i#eFE*HERE*DEB4CE i'F4+ADDRESS
netmaskFE*GASQ gatewayFA*EIAU
• *here are numerous ki#kstart o'tions a(ailable. Running ,system)#onfig)ki#kstart
rootana#onda)ks.#fg" is your best bet short of memori>ing all o'tions.

'on#igure a physical machine to support irtual guests

• yum )y install lib(irt lib(irt)#lient 'ython)(irtinst emu)k(m (irt)manager (irt)to' (irt)

(iewer1 4nstall 'a#kages needed for hosting QBGs.
• yum )y install emuT (irtT lib(irtT 'ython)(irtinst1 4nstalls all 'a#kages related to hosting
• mod'robe k(m1 Adds kernel module for hosting QBGs.

.nstall Red at nterprise (inux systems as irtual guests

• (irt)manager1 34 'rogram for #ontrolling (irtual ma#hines.

• (irsh list all1 /ists all (irtual ma#hines.

'on#igure systems to launch irtual machines at $oot

• (irsh autostart name1 Configures (irtual ma#hine to start at boot.

• (irsh autostart disable name1 Disabled (irtual ma#hines from starting at boot.

'on#igure networ* serices to start automatically at $oot

• #hk#onfig list1 /ists all installed network ser(i#es.

• #hk#onfig ser(i#e on1 Configures network ser(i#e to start at boot.
• #hk#onfig le(el K ser(i#e on1 Configures network ser(i#e to start in s'e#ified runle(els.
• #hk#onfig ser(i#e off1 Disables network ser(i#e from starting at boot.
• #hk#onfig le(el K ser(i#e off1 Disables network ser(i#e from starting in s'e#ified runle(els.

'on#igure a system to run a de#ault con#iguration ;;< serer

• yum )y install htt'd 99 #hk#onfig htt'd on 99 ser(i#e htt'd start1 4nstall and start htt'd!
and set to start on boot.
• (arwwwhtml1 /o#ation of files ser(ed by H**+ ser(er.

• irewall1 O'en 'orts V0 for H**+ and JJ for H**+S! using i'tables.
• SE/inu1 Gake sure SE/inu #ontets are #orre#t for all files ser(er! ,man htt'dWselinu"
for more (arious o'tions.

'on#igure a system to run a de#ault con#iguration 7;< serer

• yum )y install (sft'd 99 #hk#onfig (sft'd on 99 ser(i#e (sft'd start1 4nstall and start
(sft'd! and set to start on boot.
• (arft'1 /o#ation of files ser(ed by *+ Ser(er.
• irewall1 O'en 'orts 20 and 2% for *+D! using i'tables.
• SE/inu1 Gake sure SE/inu #ontets are #orre#t for all files ser(er! ,man ft'dWselinu" for
more (arious o'tions.

.nstall and update so#tware pac*ages #rom Red at &etwor*, a remote repository, or #rom the
local #ile system

• rhnWregister1 Register system with Red Hat etwork.

• yum install 'a#kage1 4nstall 'a#kage from yum re'ository.
• et#yum.re'os.d1 Dire#tory #ontaining information relating to yum re'os.
• r'm )3(h 'a#kage.r'm1 3'grades R+G 'a#kage from lo#al file system.
• r'm )i(h 'a#kage.r'm1 4nstalls R+G 'a#kage from lo#al file system.

Update the *ernel pac*age appropriately to ensure a $oota$le system

• e(er u'date the kernel 'a#kage! always install a new kernel.

• r'm )i(h kernel.r'm1 4nstalls a new kernel from an r'm 'a#kage.
• yum install kernel1 4nstalls a new kernel from a yum re'ository.

6odi#y the system $ootloader

• bootgrubgrub.#onf1 Configuration files for system boot loader.

=) 6anage users and groups

'reate, delete, and modi#y local user accounts

• useradd user1 Adds user to system.

• userdel user1 Deletes user from system.
• usermod o'tions user1 Godifty a user.
• usermod o'tions1
• )d dir1 Changes the user"s home dire#tory.
• )e UUUU)GG)DD1 Changes the e'iration date of user"s a##ount.
• )f K1 Changes the number of days after 'assword e'iration that user"s a##ount is
disabled! 0 for immediately! )% for ne(er.
• )g 4D1 Changes the user"s main grou'.
• ) 4D1 Comma se'arated list of additional grou's that the user belongs to.
• )l newuser1 Changes the user"s login name to a new name.

• )/1 /o#ks the user a##ount! 're(enting logins.

• )s shell1 Changes the user"s login shell.
• )u 34D1 Changes the user"s 34D.
• )31 3nlo#ks the user a##ount! allowing logins.
• )? seuser1 Changes ther user"s SE/4nu user ty'e.

'hange passwords and ad/ust password aging #or local user accounts

• 'asswd1 Change your 'assword.

• 'asswd user1 Change user"s 'assword.
• #hage user1 Change user"s 'assword aging.

'reate, delete, and modi#y local group and group mem$ership

• grou's user1 /ist whi#h grou's a user belongs to.

• grou'add grou'1 Create grou'.
• grou'del grou'1 Delete grou'.
• grou'mod )n newgrou' oldgrou'1 Change the name of a grou'.
• grou'mod )g 4D grou'1 Change the 4D of a grou'.
• grou'mems )g grou' )a user1 Add a user to grou'.

'on#igure a system to use an existing (4A< directory serice #or user and group in#ormation

• yum )y install o'enlda')#lients1 4nstall the reuired O'en/DA+ #lients.

• system)#onfig)authenti#ation1 34 for #onne#ting system to eisting /DA+ dire#tory
• 4t is 'ossible to #onfigure /DA+ #onne#tions manually! but using system)#onfig)
authenti#ation is your best o'tion for the RHCSA eam.

>) 6anage security

'on#igure #irewall settings using system-con#ig-#irewall or ipta$les

• system)#onfig)firewall1 34 'rogram for modifying firewall settings.

• 4+*ables are #om'le when used from the #ommand line. 3sing the ,system)#onfig)firewall"
or ,setu'" are your best o'tions for the sim'le firewall #onfigurations reuired for the
RHCSA eam.

Set en#orcing and permissie modes #or S(inux

• getenfor#e1 Dis'lay SE/inu enfor#ing mode.

• setenfor#e K1 *oggle SE/inu enfor#ing mode on or off.
• et#selinu#onfig1 Gake 'ermanent #hanges to SE/inu enfor#ing mode.

(ist and identi#y S(inux #ile and process context

• ls )l?1 /ist file 'ermissions! with SE/inu information.

• 's )?u user1 /ist all 'ro#esses running as user! with SE/inu information.

• 's )?au1 /ist all running 'ro#esses! with SE/inu information.

• 's )?al1 /ist all running 'ro#esses and 'arent 'ro#ess information! with SE/inu

Restore de#ault #ile contexts

• semanage f#ontet )a )t #ontet -dirL.TM1 Sets the SE/inu #ontet of a dire#tory and it"s
• restore#on ) )R )( dir1 Re#ursi(ely restores SE/inu #ontet of a dire#tory and it"s

Use $oolean settings to modi#y system S(inux settings

• getsebool )a1 /ists all SE/inu boolean settings and #urrent status.
• setsebool )+ boolean on1 Sets SE/inu boolean to on.
• getsebool )+ boolean off1 Sets SE/inu boolean to off.
• togglesebool boolean1 *oggles SE/inu boolean on or off.

4iagnose and address routine S(inux policy iolations

• ausear#h )m a(# )# #ommand1 Sear#h for SE/inu 'oli#y (iolations asso#iated with
• sealert )a (arlogauditaudit.log1 Detaild des#ri'tions of SE/inu 'oli#y (iolations found in
• (arlogauditaudit.log1 /og file #ontaining information about SE/inu 'oli#y (iolations…

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