Garnier Advt Analysis

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Guiding question: How does this advertisement use text and visual language to appeal to its

target audience?

The advertisement mentioned above is visually appealing, attractive, and grabs the audience's
attention. It is likely that the ad was featured in a magazine, and it works effectively to attract
readers. The primary aim of the advertisement is to make women feel dissatisfied with their
hair by presenting a model with long, silky, and alluring hair. In American culture, hair is a
crucial cosmetic feature, and women are always seeking innovative products to help them
achieve the latest hairstyles. Like many hair-product advertisements, this one capitalizes on
women's concerns about their hair to promote a brand that promises to boost their self-
confidence, increase their vitality, and enhance their physical appeal.

The advertisement is aimed at a broad age range of individuals. The magazine's target
demographic is adult women between the ages of 18 and 40 who are interested in fashion,
elegance, and romantic relationships. The primary reason for targeting this audience is that
many of them may feel self-conscious about their bodies. Although individuals within this
age range are mostly interested in style, the advertisement effectively showcases stylish hair
and creates an image of a fashionable hairstyle.

The advertisement's visuals are highly attention-grabbing, featuring bright colours, large text,
and a model-like woman. The green-coloured Garnier logo indicates that the ad's creator was
mindful of the background colour, and wanted to ensure the logo's colour was clear. The
text's size is significant because it is easily legible to viewers; smaller text would not be as
effective. The advertisement also includes a close-up shot of the shampoo molecule to give
the audience a brief overview and reinforce the promised results. Additionally, an umbrella is
used in the ad to symbolize protection against humidity, and the presence of water on the
umbrella suggests that the product is already preventing moisture.

One of the most crucial elements of the image is the text, which plays a vital role in attracting
the reader's attention. The text employs the term "proven" to underscore the fact that there is
scientific evidence to back up the product's effectiveness. The term "proven" typically
connotes trustworthiness, credibility, and reliability. Furthermore, the statement "48 hour
sleek" uses time to provide a guarantee of effectiveness, while "sleek" denotes smoothness.
The inclusion of the statistic "98% humidity" is used to highlight the guarantee, and such a
high percentage adds to the trustworthiness of the claim. This makes the product more
appealing to the audience due to the inclusion of such high statistics.

The text written on the right-hand side of the advertisement exudes an alluring and persuasive
tone, urging readers to acquire the product. The phrase "Advanced fruit science" implies that
extensive research and expertise were necessary to create the product. The mention of "argan
oil from Morocco" indicates that a new ingredient has been incorporated into the product,
making it distinct from previous versions. Furthermore, it appeals to the audience by
highlighting the unique qualities of the ingredients, emphasizing that they were specially
sourced from Morocco. Such skilful use of language by the writer is impactful, attracting
more attention and generating a desire for the product.
To conclude, the advertisement is a very impactful, needful, and outstanding. The use of
makers words and use of bright colours calls for attention. Hence this is a very successful
advert that aims at a target audience and achieves it required goal.

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