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Visit at least one Online Storage Site designed for backup and file exchange, and at least one site designed
for digital photo sharing.
 Tour your selected sites to determine the features each service offers, the costs, the amount of
storage space available and the options for sending uploaded files to others.
Online Storage Site Services Storage Space
Google Photos 1. Automatic Backup - FREE 15 GB of storage
2. High-Quality Storage - 100GB (₱89 /mo, ₱889 /yr)
3. Efficient Organization and - 200GB (₱149 /mo, ₱1,499 /yr)
Intelligent Search using AI - 2TB (₱479 /mo, ₱4,799 /yr)
4. Assisted Editing - 10TB (₱4,799 /mo, ₱57,588 /yr)
5. Automatic generation of - 20TB (₱9,599 /mo, ₱115,188 /yr)
collages, animations, movies, - 30TB (₱14,399 /mo, ₱172,788 /yr)
and albums
5. Shared Libraries
6. Collaborative Albums
File Sharing Options
1. Shared Albums. Create shared albums and invite others to contribute photos and videos.
2. Direct Sharing. Directly share individual photos or videos with specific contacts or groups.
3. Link Sharing. Generate a link to a specific photo or video and share it with others.
4. Shared Libraries. Share an entire photo library with another person, allowing them to view and
automatically save photos and videos from the shared library to their own Google Photos account.
5. Collaboration. Collaborate with others on shared albums where they can add, remove, and edit the
content within the shared album.
6. Social Media Sharing. Directly share photos and videos from Google Photos to various social
media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
7. Export and Download. Export and download photos and videos from Google Photos to devices or
other storage platforms. This allows for offline access or sharing through alternative channels.

Online Storage Site Services Storage Space

Dropbox 1. File Storage and Syncing - FREE 2 GB of storage
2. File Recovery and Version - 2 TB Professional storage subscription
History ($16.58, ~₱881 /mo)
3. File Organization and Search - 3 TB Business Standard plan ($12.00,
4. File Security and Privacy ~₱637 /mo)
5. Dropbox Paper
- collaborative document-
editing tool that allows teams to
create, edit, and share
documents in real-time.
File Sharing Options
1. Shared Links. Create shared links to files or folders with others via email, messaging apps, or by
copying and pasting the link. Recipients can access the shared content by clicking on the link, even if
they don't have a Dropbox account.
2. Shared Folders. Create shared folders and invite others to collaborate. When a folder is shared, any
changes made by collaborators are automatically synced across all participants' accounts, enabling real-
time collaboration.
3. Request Files. Request files from others, even if they don't have a Dropbox account. 
4. Password Protection and Expiry Dates. Shared links and folders can be password-protected to add
an extra layer of security. 
5. Viewer Info and Notifications. Access to information about who viewed or accessed the shared
links or folders. Users can see viewers' names and email addresses, allowing them to track engagement
and monitor file access.
6. Commenting and Annotations. Collaborators can leave comments on shared files, facilitating
discussions and feedback. They can also directly annotate images and PDFs.
7. Integration with Productivity Tools. Integrated with Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. 
8. Granular Access Controls. Offers granular access controls, allowing users to specify different
levels of permissions for collaborators. Users can grant view-only access, editing rights, or full
administrative control over shared folders, depending on their needs.

Digital Photo Sharing Site Services Storage Space

Instagram 1. Automatic Backup Instagram does not offer storage space for
2. High-Quality Storage users' photos and videos; instead, they are
3. Efficient Organization and hosted on the platform. As for the
Intelligent Search using AI subscription fee, Instagram itself is a
4. Assisted Editing FREE social media platform available for
5. Automatic generation of users to join and use.
collages, animations, movies,
and albums
5. Shared Libraries
6. Collaborative Albums
File Sharing Options
1. Direct Messaging. Share photos, videos, and other media files privately with specific individuals or groups
through Instagram Direct.
2. Stories. Share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Users can add interactive elements such as
stickers, text, and filters to enhance their stories. Stories can be shared with all followers or specific groups
using the Close Friends feature.
3. Feed Posts. Share photos and videos on the profile feed for all followers. These posts can be accompanied by
captions, location tags, and hashtags to increase visibility and engagement.
4. IGTV. Share long-form videos and upload videos directly to IGTV or share previews of IGTV videos on
their feed, encouraging viewers to watch the full video on IGTV.
5. Explore Tab. Discover new content based on interests and preferences. Find and explore photos, videos, and
accounts that align with one's preferences, increasing the visibility of shared content to a broader audience.
6. Tagging. Tag other Instagram users in their posts, both in feed posts and stories.
7. Reels. Create and share short, entertaining videos. Add music, effects and edit videos to create engaging
content that can be shared with followers and potentially discovered by a wider audience through the Explore

Digital Photo Sharing Site Services Storage Space

Behance 1. Portfolio Showcase - FREE 100 GB of storage
2. Discover and Explore Other - Creators on Behance have the flexibility
Creative Works to set their subscription prices between $1
3. Creative Networking and $100 per month, with most creators
4. Job Opportunities choosing the $5 to $10 range.
5. Work in Progress
- allows users to share and Users can create a Behance account,
receive feedback on their upload their work, and engage with the
ongoing projects. creative community without any
6. Creative Challenges mandatory fees.
- also called as themed projects
where users can participate and
showcase their skills.
7. Adobe Integration
- seamlessly integrates with
Adobe's suite of design tools.
File Sharing Options
1. Shared Link. Create a shared link for a file and share it with others. Recipients can download the file using
the shared link without registering or signing up.
2. File Size Limit. SendGB allows users to send up to 20 GB in size, making it suitable for sharing large media
files, CAD drawings, video files, or reports with lots of graphics.
3. File Deletion. The sent files are automatically deleted from the servers after a specified period of 1 to 90
days, chosen by the user.
4. Multiple Recipients. Up to 500 files can be sent to 20 recipients simultaneously.
5. Password Protection. Users can set a password for each file transfer, adding an extra layer of security to
their shared files.
6. Speed. SendGB prioritizes speed in file sharing, allowing users to upload and download files at high speeds.
No speed restrictions are imposed, and users can take advantage of speeds up to 500 Mbps, depending on their
internet connection.
7. Mobile Compatibility. Users can send files from mobile devices without a mobile application, enhancing
convenience and accessibility.

 What are the benefits for using these types of online storage services?
ONLINE STORAGE SITE (Google Photos & Dropbox)
1. Data Backup and Protection. Provides a secure and reliable way to back up important files and data.
Storing files in the cloud protects them from potential loss due to hardware failure, theft, or natural
2. Accessibility and Convenience. Access files from anywhere with or without an internet connection. This
allows easy collaboration and sharing with colleagues, clients, or friends without physically transferring
files or carrying storage devices.
3. File Synchronization. Changes made to files on one device are automatically updated on other connected
devices, ensuring users always have the latest version of their files available.
4. Storage Space Expansion. Offers a significant amount of storage space, often more than what is available
on local devices. Users can store many files, including high-resolution photos, videos, and documents,
without worrying about running out of space.
5. File Sharing and Collaboration. Users can grant specific permissions to individuals or groups, control
access levels, and track changes made to shared files.
6. Version Control and Recovery. Ability to revert to previous versions of files. This can be useful in
accidental changes or restoring an earlier version. File recovery options are available in case of accidental
deletion or loss.
7. Security and Encryption. Integration of encryption protocols to protect files from unauthorized access.
Two-factor authentication and data redundancy are available to enhance security.
8. Scalability and Flexibility. Users can increase or decrease storage capacity as needed and benefit
businesses or individuals with changing storage requirements.

DIGITAL PHOTO SHARING (Instagram & Behance)

1. Showcase and Exposure. Users are introduced to a broad audience and exposure for their photos or
creative work. Sharing photos or artwork can gain visibility and potentially attract a larger audience or
client base.
2. Community Engagement. Offers opportunities for engagement with a community of fellow
photographers, artists, and creative individuals. Individuals can also receive feedback, comments, and
appreciation for their work, which can encourage the formation of connections and collaborations.
3. Creative Expression. Allows self-expression of creativity and showcases one's unique style through
photos or artwork. Users can experiment with different themes, styles, and techniques and receive
recognition for their creative vision.
4. Inspiration and Discoverability. By providing access to a wide range of creative content from other users,
these sources can serve as inspiration for your own projects. Users can discover new ideas, trends, and
artistic approaches that can fuel their creativity.
5. Networking and Professional Opportunities. Acts as virtual portfolios, enabling users to build a
professional online presence. They can attract potential clients, collaborators, or employers interested in
their work or artistic abilities.
6. Feedback and Improvement. Opens avenues for receiving constructive feedback and criticism from the
photos or artworks posted.
7. Storytelling and Narrative. Allows users to share their photos or artwork sequentially, creating visual
narratives or stories. This feature can enhance their ability to convey a message or evoke emotions through
a series of images.
8. Mobile Accessibility. Both are available as mobile applications, making it convenient to capture, edit, and
share photos directly from a smartphone. This mobile accessibility ensures users can engage with the
platforms anytime and anywhere.

 Can you think of any drawbacks?

ONLINE STORAGE SITE (Google Photos & Dropbox)
1. Dependence on an Internet connection. These platforms require a stable Internet connection to access
and manage stored files. Without an Internet connection, users may encounter difficulties or find it
impossible to retrieve or upload files.
2. Privacy and security concerns. Although reputable online storage providers implement security measures,
there is always an inherent risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, or hacking incidents.
3. Limited Control. Users entrust their files to the storage provider, relinquishing a certain degree of control
over their data. The provider may be able to access, scan, or analyze files for various purposes, such as
service improvement or enforcement of terms of use.
4. Storage Limitations. Typically, these services offer a predetermined amount of free storage space. If users
exceed this limit, they may be required to purchase additional storage or upgrade to premium plans.
5. Reliance on Third-Party Service. By utilizing online storage sites, users become dependent on these
providers. During technical issues, server outages, or service discontinuation, users may experience
disruptions in accessing their files and potential data loss.
6. Potential Costs. While many providers offer free storage options, users may need to pay for extra storage
space or advanced features. These costs can accumulate over time, especially for users with significant
storage requirements or those seeking additional functionalities beyond the basic offerings.
7. Limited Offline Access. Offline access options are often limited, necessitating users to download files in
advance or rely on synchronization features that may not be universally available across all devices or
operating systems.

DIGITAL PHOTO SHARING (Instagram & Behance)

1. Loss of Image Quality. Images are often compressed and optimized for online viewing. This compression
can lose image quality, especially for high-resolution or professionally edited photographs. The visual
integrity and details of the original image may be compromised when shared on these platforms.
2. Limited Copyright Control. Users must be cautious about copyright issues when uploading photos to
digital photo-sharing platforms. These platforms typically grant them limited control over their copyrighted
content, and there is a risk of unauthorized use or reproduction by other users. While platforms like
Behance provide watermarking and copyright notice options, complete protection may not be guaranteed.
3. Privacy Concerns. Users are required to share their photos publicly or with a selected audience. This poses
potential privacy concerns, especially for users who prefer to keep their personal photos limited to a private
4. Limited Editing Capabilities. Users seeking extensive editing capabilities, such as precise adjustments,
complex filters, or advanced retouching, may find the available options on these platforms limiting.
5. Distraction and Information Overload. These apps thrive on a never-ending flow of visual content,
which can cause users to become distracted and overwhelmed with information, making it difficult to
concentrate on individual photos or projects.
6. Platform Dependency. Users become reliant on the specific platform for sharing and showcasing their
work. In the event of changes in platform policies, service disruptions, or account suspensions, users may
experience limitations in accessing or managing their photos, potentially impacting their online presence
and audience reach.
7. Commercialization and Competition. Both Instagram and Behance are popular platforms attracting many
users, including professional photographers, artists, and creatives. This can result in a highly competitive
environment where users must stand out among numerous talented individuals. The commercialization of
these platforms may lead to a focus on popularity and commercial success rather than artistic merit or
personal expression.
8. Algorithmic Limitations. Algorithms are employed to curate and display content to users. This can lead to
prioritizing popular or trending content, and potentially overshadowing less known or niche works. Users
may find it challenging to gain visibility and reach their target audience organically due to these
algorithmic limitations.

 Would you or are you currently using any of these online storage services? Why or Why not?
Prepare a short summary containing the information and answers to the questions stated.
Yes, I am currently utilizing Google Photos and Instagram as digital photo sharing platforms. Google
Photos serves as my preferred option for storing my photos due to the limited storage capacity of my phone. By
using Google Photos, I can avoid running out of space when capturing picturesque sceneries, taking selfies, or
filming outdoor video projects. The process of individually deleting photos and relying on Apple iCloud would be
cumbersome and time-consuming. Instead, Google Photos offers more affordable plans and quicker loading times
for my images.
Google Photos allows me to organize my files efficiently by creating folders, tagging people, and categorizing my
photos. This enables easy access to my stored images whenever I need them. On the other hand, I utilize Instagram
primarily as a platform to share my pictures, enabling individuals with similar interests to discover my work. I am
particularly active on Instagram compared to other platforms because of the ability to add stories that expire within
24 hours. The inclusion of highlights on my profile is an appealing feature as it allows visitors to view my expired
stories and relive those moments. Additionally, Instagram's incorporation of reels and endless scrolling features,
similar to those found on TikTok, effectively captivate my attention, exposing me to a wide range of delightful
content such as food recipes, satisfying cleaning videos, humorous tweet screenshots, memes, and pop culture
As for Dropbox, I do not currently see the need to utilize it as it would stack up on top of my existing
monthly Google Photos subscription. I have grown accustomed to using Google Photos since it seamlessly
synchronizes across all my devices. However, I may consider utilizing Dropbox in the future for business purposes,
as my research has indicated that it offers collaborative features such as the ability to leave comments on shared files
and directly annotate images and PDFs, which are absent in Google Photos. Regarding Behance, although I have
created an account, I have not yet fully navigated the platform as I currently lack artworks to showcase on my digital
portfolio. In summary, my commonly used applications are Google Photos and Instagram. I have already subscribed
to Google Photos' 200 GB storage plan, and Instagram has proven invaluable in connecting with mutual friends and
acquaintances while also serving as an engaging pastime.

Research the current state of E-Paper.

1. What products are available now and what products are due out soon?
The adoption of e-paper displays has permeated various technological devices, including e-readers,
smartwatches, digital signage, transportation signs, menu boards, wayfinding, gas station price signs, digital
ID tags, and price boards. E-readers, such as Amazon Kindle, Kobo eReaders, and Barnes & Noble Nook, have
been designed to provide a conducive reading experience for books, newspapers, and magazines. These devices
have leveraged the benefits of e-paper technology, including its power efficiency and the ability to retain displayed
information even when powered off. The integration of e-paper displays has also extended to the realm of
smartwatches. Select smartwatch models, such as the Pebble and Sony FES Watch, have successfully incorporated
e-paper displays to prolong battery life. Compared to traditional LCD or OLED screens, e-paper displays consume
significantly less power, enabling smartwatches to operate longer without frequent recharging. Moreover, E-paper
displays have been observed in the domain of digital signage. Particularly suitable for static or content with low-
update rates, e-paper displays offer notable energy efficiency and readability advantages. Digital signage
installations often demand easily readable screens in various lighting conditions while minimizing power
consumption. E-paper displays satisfy these requirements, providing an optimal solution for static or infrequently
updated content that prioritizes energy efficiency and visibility.
Looking ahead, it is highly probable that the pervasive utilization of e-paper technology will significantly
influence the reading landscape, potentially leading to transformations in production of traditional paper-based
materials. Prominent examples of such materials include print books, newspapers, magazines, notepads,
notebooks, letters and correspondence, flyers, posters, packaging, labels, stationary, and legal and official
documents. As users increasingly gravitate towards the digital realm, the conventional methods of reading and
storing physical copies are likely to experience a decline. This shift can be attributed to a multitude of factors,
including the enhanced convenience, interactivity, portability, and accessibility offered by digital reading platforms.
As a result, the gradual transition from traditional paper-based media to digital formats is anticipated to persist and
shape the evolving landscape of academic, literary, and informational consumption.

2. Do you think businesses or individuals will choose to use e-paper products if the only incentive is a cleaner
environment? Or will there need to be an economic incentive, such as savings on paper and ink surpassing
the cost of e-paper?
While the pursuit of a cleaner environment possesses the potential as a motivator for businesses and
individuals to embrace e-paper technology, it may not singularly drive widespread adoption. For businesses, cost
savings are pivotal in selecting e-paper products over traditional paper-based alternatives. These savings encompass
reductions in paper and ink expenses, and other associated outlays such as printing, distribution, and storage. If
anticipated long-term savings can justify the cost of implementing e-paper solutions, businesses are more inclined to
undertake the transition. Individuals, too, may evaluate economic factors when electing to utilize e-paper products.
Such considerations include the financial advantages of digital books relative to their physical counterparts or the
potential for reusing e-paper items, thereby curtailing the need for recurrent procurements of traditional paper-based
materials. As awareness and apprehension regarding sustainability continue to surge, a heightened demand for
ecologically friendly alternatives exists. The environmental benefits of e-paper, including diminished paper waste
and decreased energy consumption, can significantly contribute to adopting e-paper products, particularly when
juxtaposed with economic advantages. In sum, the optimal scenario for the pervasive adoption of e-paper products
will likely entail a confluence of economic incentives, environmental awareness, and technological
advancements that augment the functionality and accessibility of e-paper solutions.

3. What applications do you think are the most appropriate for the use of e-paper technology? Prepare a one-
page summary of your findings.
E-paper technology, characterized by its low power consumption, sunlight readability, and paper-like
appearance, is finding diverse applications across various industries. One prominent application of e-paper
technology is in electronic reading devices, specifically e-readers. The unique properties of e-paper, such as its long
battery life and comfortable reading experience akin to traditional books, make it ideal for this purpose. On top of
that, the low power consumption of e-paper displays allows for extended reading sessions without frequent
recharging, while the readability in sunlight enhances the overall user experience.
Another domain that benefits from e-paper technology is retail stores, wherein Electronic Shelf Labels
(ESLs) utilizing e-paper displays can be implemented. ESLs offer the advantage of easy updating and dynamic
display of pricing, product information, and promotions. ESLs streamline store operations and enhance customer
engagement by eliminating the need for manual label changes.
Digital signage applications also witness the growing utilization of e-paper displays. The technology's low
power consumption and high visibility in various lighting conditions make it desirable for environments where these
characteristics are critical. E-paper-based signs can be found in transportation systems, public spaces, and
commercial establishments, providing information, directions, and announcements with optimal visibility and
energy efficiency.
E-paper technology extends its utility to smart packaging and labels as well. By incorporating e-paper
displays, packaging can provide dynamic, real-time information, such as temperature monitoring for perishable
goods or interactive labels that offer additional product details upon touch. This enables enhanced product
monitoring and engagement, contributing to improved consumer experiences.
Information boards and electronic posters are additional domains where e-paper technology finds
relevance. In public areas requiring frequent updates, such as museums, airports, train stations, and conferences, e-
paper-based displays can be utilized to provide schedules, directions, and announcements. The flexibility and ease of
updating content contribute to efficient and effective communication with the audience.
Industrial settings also leverage e-paper displays for various applications. Electronic price tags in
warehouses, production line status displays, and inventory management systems benefit from the integration of
e-paper technology. The ability to update information electronically enhances operational efficiency and reduces
manual efforts associated with traditional paper-based systems.
In a nutshell, the practical applications of e-paper technology span several domains, capitalizing on its low
power consumption, sunlight readability, and paper-like appearance. From e-readers and electronic shelf labels to
digital signage, smart packaging, information boards, and industrial settings, e-paper's unique features enable
diverse industries to capitalize on its low power consumption, visibility, flexibility, and user-friendly characteristics.

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Instagram. (2022). What is Instagram? | Instagram Help Center.
Key Features - Google Photos. (n.d.).
NW, 1615 L. S., Suite 800Washington, & Inquiries, D. 20036USA202-419-4300 | M.-8.-8. | F.-4.-4. | M. (n.d.).
Print books continue to be more popular than e-books or audiobooks. Pew Research Center. Retrieved June 19,
2023, from
vaughn, & Chua, V. (2018, July 31). Dropbox increases storage for select accounts. YugaTech | Philippines Tech
News & Reviews.
What is E-Paper Display Technology & How Does It Work? | Ynvisible. (n.d.).

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