STS NEW Information Age2

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Information Age

GEC 007
At the end of the discussion, you are expected
1. explore the development of information age;
2. reflect on the positive and negative effects
of social media in our lives; and
3. suggest ways on how to be an advocate of a
responsible user of social media
Pre-test (True/False)
1. Johannes Gutenberg was the inventor of
printing press.
2. The beginnings of mass communication can
be traced back to the invention of the
printing press
3. Alan Turing was an English mathematician
who was hired by the government to break
the enigma Code
4. MySpace is an instant-messaging
Give examples of words that
are associated to information
Key in your answers/microphones
What is information age?
Key in your answers/microphones
What is information age?
It is a period in the last quarter of the 20th
century when information became effortlessly
accessible through publications and
through management of information by
computers and computer networks
Describe the picture
What led to information
Key in your answers
What is printing press?
A device that applies pressure to an inked
surface lying on a print medium, such as
cloth or paper, to transfer ink.
Without the invention of the printing press,
what do you think our society looks like?
Key in your answers/microphones
Significance of the printing
1. Fast and easy dissemination of information
which led to the permanent reformation of the
structure of society

2. Rise of literacy among people (leaders)

3. It threatened the political and religious

authorities which led to tremendous social
change through wide circulation of information

4. Mass production of books, materials and etc.

Background of Information
Allied and Axis powers

Lack human computers for military calculations

Harvard Mark 1-general purpose

electromechanical computer capable of
computing in seconds

Britain-needed mathematician to crack German

Enigma Code
German made it more complicated
Key people who contributed to
information age
1. Alan Turing
-English mathematician
-hired in 1936 by British government

-invented “Bombe” - an electromechanical

-to decipher encrypted messages of the
German Enigma machine

- shortened the war in two years

2. Steve Wozniak
-co-founder of Apple I
- designed the operating system, hardware,
and circuit board of the computer

3. Steve Jobs
-to sell the Apple I as fully assembled printed
circuit board
What is social media?
Please answer using mic/ public chat
Social Media
websites and applications
enable users to create and share content or to
participate in social networking
What social media do you
usually use?
Key in your answers/microphones
Share video on information
Watch and understand
Write your insights
1. AOL-an American web portal and online
service provider
2. Yahoo messenger
3. MSN messenger
4. Windows messenger

1. Facebook
2. Friendster
3. MySpace
With all these various social media
platforms nowadays, what do you
think are the effects in our lives?
Please use mic/public chat
Positive Effects
1. develops communication skills
2. make friends/connections with families
3. pursue areas of interest
4. share thoughts and ideas
Negative Effects
Suggest ways on how to be an advocate
of a responsible user of social media

Insights for the lesson (use the ILOs)
Define the concepts of biodiversity and
Discuss the three types of biodiversity
Explain the importance of protocols


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