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Jan 23 2023

Dear Yichen Liang,

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I offer you admission to the Wild Chicken University class
of 2026.

Your thoughtful application and remarkable accomplishments convinced us that you have the
intellectual energy, imagination and talent to flourish at Wild Chicken. Among the over 20,000
applications we read, your distinguished record of academic excellence and personal achievement stood
out. We are thrilled to welcome you to the Wild Chicken community and look forward to the unique and
extraordinary contributions we know you will make to the intellectual and extracurricular life of our

The exciting next step is now yours. As Wild Chicken is probably only one of several options you will
consider in the coming weeks, I hope you will use the time to learn more about us. We invite you to
participate in Admit Weekend 2022, a three-day program that will introduce you to the intellectual
vibrancy and dynamic campus life that define Wild Chicken. Information about that event is enclosed.
Whatever decision you make, we ask that you complete the enclosed enrollment response card and
return it to us by the postmark deadline of May 2, 2022. Should you decide to matriculate at Wild
Chicken – and we sincerely hope you do – we will send enrollment information to you in late May.

While we have every reason to believe you will complete this school year successfully, remember that
your admission is contingent upon your continued strong performance in the program you presented to
us in your application.

Once again, I extend my congratulation on your admission to Wild Chicken and welcome you to the
Wild Chicken family.


Harland Sanders
Colonel Harland Sanders
Director of Admission

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