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Booklet : A Test Code : 6201 1

16 APRIL, 2023
Time : 3 Hrs. XII_A, B, C, D, E, DPS_PCM_Adv. Pattern MM : 204

Subject-Mathematics Part : 1
Partial Marks +1 for darkening a bubble corresponding to each correct option, provided No incorrect option
is darkened.
Q1 Which of the following function(s) is/are periodic with period p?
(a.) f x = sin x (b.) f x = cos sin x
(c.) f x = cos x (d.) f x = x + p (where [.] ® G.I.F.)
Q2 Let a function be defined on the set of all integers satisfy f 0 ¹ 0 , f 1 = 3 and
f x × f y = f x + y + f x - y for all integers x and y, then
(a.) f 2 =7 (b.) f 3 = 21 (c.) f 7 = 843 (d.) f 4 = 47
Q3 Which of the following have no domain?
(a.) h x = ln ln cos x
(b.) f x = -1
sec sgn e - x
(c.) g x = cos -1 2 - x (where {.} denotes F.P.F.)
(d.) f x = log x -1 2 - x - x , (where [.] denotes G.I.F.)
Q4 Let f : -1,1 onto [3, 5] be a linear polynomial which of the following can be true?
æ1ö æ 1ö
(a.) f 0 ¹4 (b.) f ç ÷+ f ç- ÷ = 8
è2ø è 2ø
æ 1ö 7 æ 15 ö 1
(c.) f ç- ÷ = (d.) f ç ÷=
è 2ø 2 è4ø 4
Paragraph for next 2 Questions (one correct answer) (+3, -1)
Consider the function y = f x = x - 6 x + 5
Q5 The domain of definition of the function g x = ln f x
(a.) -¥, 1 (b.) 4, ¥ (c.) R (d.) R - x |1 £ x £ 5
Q6 Range of the function y = ln f x is
(a.) R (b.) [0, ¥ ) (c.) [1, ¥ ) (d.) [–4, ¥ )
ì æ 1x 1
- öü
ï x 2n ç e - e x ÷ï
Q7 f x =í 2 n +1 ç 1 1 ý
, x ¹ 0 and n Î N is
2n - ÷
ï x sgn x ç x ÷
x ï
î è e + e øþ
(a) odd function (b) even function (c) constant function (d) none of these
Q8 n +1
Let f satisfy f n + 1 = -1 n - 2 f n , n ³ 1 . If f 1 = f 1001 ,
find f 1 + f 2 + f 3 + ....... + f 1000
-100 -500 -200 -400
(a.) (b.) (c.) (d.)
3 3 3 3
æ 2x ö
Q9 If f x = tan -1 x + cot -1 x + sin 3x + cos ç ÷ , then
è 3 ø
(a.) f x is periodic with period 6p (b.) f x is periodic with period 2p
(c.) f x is non-periodic (d.) f x is periodic with period
Q10 Range of the function f x = tan -1 x + -x + 2 - x + is (where [.] denotes G.I.F.)
é1 ù ì1ü é1 ö ì1 ü
(a.) êë 4 , 2 úû (b.) í ý È [2, ¥)
(c.) êë 4 , ¥ ø÷ (d.) í , 2 ý
î4 þ
k f4 k 2009
Q11 Let f k =
and g k =
1- f k
+ f k
4 , then the sum åg
k =0
k is equal to

(a.) 1004 (b.) 2008 (c.) 2009 (d.) 1005

Q12 Range of f x = cos -1 log x . (where [.] denotes G.I.F.)
(a) (b) p (c) 0 (d) None of these
1 æ sin x sin x ö
Q13 Period of the function f x = ç + ÷
2 çè cos x cos x ÷ø
(a.) 4p (b.) 2p (c.) p (d.)
Q14 The domain of f x = log 10 × 3x - 2 - 9 x -1 - 1 + cos -1 1 - x is
(a.) (0, 2) (b.) [1, 2] (c.) (0, 1) (d.) [0, 1]
Paragraph for next 2 Questions (one correct answer) (+3, -1)
2 2
Let f : R ® R be a function, satisfying f x- y = f x - 2 x f y + y 2 "x, y Î R Answer the
Q15 A possible value of f 2012 is
(a.) 2010 (b.) 2012 (c.) 2008 (d.) 2006
Q16 Number of possible functions that satisfy above functional equation is
(a.) four (b.) Three (c.) Two (d.) One
Integer Answer Type(+4, -1)
This section Contains 4 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a NUMERICAL VALUE. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round off the value to two decimal places.
Q1 If y = f x is a polynomial function of degree 5 satisfying simultaneously f 1 = 9 , f 2 = 8 ,
f 3 = 7 , f 4 = 6 , f 5 = 5 and if f 0 = 0 , then value of f 6 is
Q2 Number of roots of sin x = x + x is (where x Î [-2p, 2p] )
Q3 f : R ® R be a real function given by
f x = x + 25 + x + 20 + x + 15 + x + 10 + x + 5 + x - 5 + x - 10 + x - 15 + x - 20 + x - 25 , then
find minimum value of f x .
é 29 ù é 30 ù é 91 ù 100 x
Q4 Let x Î R for which ê x + ú + êx + ú + ....... + ê x + ú = 546. Find . (where [.]
ë 100 û ë 100 û ë 100 û 170
Subject-Physics Part : 2
Paragraph for next 2 Questions (one correct answer) (+3, -1)
A point charge q1 is placed inside the cavity 1 at the centre and
another point charge q2 is inside cavity 2 off centre. A point
charge q is placed outside the conductor.

Q1 The charge on outer surface of the conductor would be :

(a) Q + q1 + q2 and non-uniformly distributed
(b) Q + q1 + q2 and its uniform or non-uniform distribution depends upon location of q 1 and q2
(c) Q + q1 + q2 would be distributed uniformly
(d) Q + q1 + q2 and the distribution depends upon the location of q1, q2 and q
Q2 the charge appearing on the inner surface of the cavities 1 & 2 respectively is
(a.) Uniform in both 2 & non uniform in 1 (b.) Non Uniform in both 1 & 2
(c.) Uniform in both 1 & non uniform in 2 (d.) Uniform in both 1 & 2
Paragraph for next 2 Questions (one correct answer) (+3, -1)
A spherical cavity runs inside a uniformly positively charged solid spherical of
radius R. Radius of cavity is r and separation between the centre of sphere and
cavity is a. The figure shows cross-sectional view . The volume charge density for
the system is r. Now answer the following question –

Q3 Consider any point P inside the cavity in a cross-sectional plane as shown in figure given in the above passage.
Direction of field at point P is
(a.) From point C1 to P (b.) From point C2 to C1
(c.) From point C2 to P (d.) From point C1 to C2
Q4 Magnitude of electric field intensity inside the cavity is
ra rr rR ra
(a.) (b.) (c.) (d.)
2e 0 3e 0 3e 0 3e 0
Partial Marks +1 for darkening a bubble corresponding to each correct option, provided No incorrect option
is darkened.
Q5 Two free point charges +q and +4q are placed a distance x apart. A third charge is so placed that all the
three charges are in equilibrium. Then
(a.) It should be placed at (2x/3) from smaller charge between them.
(b.) It should be at (x/3) from smaller charge between them
(c.) unknown charge is -9q/4
(d.) unknown charge is -4q/9
Q6 The electric field on the surface of a solid uniformly charged sphere of radius R is E. The
electr ic field at a distance R/4 from the sur face due t o sphere ma y be :

(a.) (b.) (c.) 16E (d.)

Q7 A non- conducting solid sphere of r adius R is unifor mly charged. The magnitude of the electric
field due to the sphere at a distance r from its centre :
(a.) decreases as r increases, for R < r < ¥
(b.) incr eases as r incr eases, for r < R
(c.) decreases as r increases, for 0 < r < ¥
(d.) is discont inuous at r = R.
Q8 Two point charges are located on the x-axis. The first is a charge +Q at x = –a. The second is an
unknown charge located at x = +3a. The net electric field these charges produce at the origin has a
magnitude of 2keQ/a2. What are the possible value(s) of the unknown charge?
(a.) +27 Q (b.) +8Q (c.) +9Q (d.) –9Q
Q9 In the figure shown A ring has uniformly distributed charge. Along
its axis an oppositely charged rod small length is kept . It is
released from the position shown. Only electric force due to ring
acts on the rod. Ring is kept fixed.
(a.) The rod will perf orm oscillations only if the rod is uniformly charged.
(b.) The rod will perf orm SHM even if it is non uniformly charged.
(c.) The rod will perf orm oscillation but not SHM.
(d.) The rod will perf orm SHM if it is unifor mly charged.
Q10 A semicircular wire is uniformly char ged with linear charge densit y
dependent on the angle q from y-direction as l = l 0 |sinq |, where l 0
is a constant. The electric field intensit y at the centre of the arc is

l0 l0
(a.) 4 pÎ R ( - ĵ ) (b.) (c.) 6 pÎ R ( - ĵ ) (d.)
0 0

Q11 A particle of charge - q & mass m moves in a circle of radius r ,

around an infinitely long line charge on linear charge densit y
+ l . Then time per iod will be :

1 m
m 4p m 3 1 2k l q 2p r 2k l q
(a) T = 2p r (b) T2 = r (c) T= (d)
2k l q 2k l q 2p r m 1
(where k = )
4p Î0
Q12 Three large par allel plates have uniform surface
charge densities as shown in the figur e. Find out
electr ic f ield intensity at point P.

4s 4s 2s
(a.) - (b.) (c.) k̂ (d.) - k̂
Î0 Î0 Î0
Q13 The net charge given to an isolated conducting solid sphere:
(a.) may be distributed uniformly on the surface
(b.) must be distributed uniforml y in the volume
(c.) may be distributed uniformly in the volume.
(d.) must be distributed uniforml y on the surface
Q14 Six charges q, q, q, – q, –q and –q are to be arranged on the
vertices of a regular hexagon PQRSTU such that the electric
field at centre is double the field produced when only charge
‘q’ is placed at vertex R. The sequence of the charges from P
to U is
(a.) –q, q, q, q, –q, –q (b.) q, q, q, –q, –q, –q
(c.) –q, q, q, –q, –q, q (d.) q, –q, q, q, –q, –q
Q15 Which of the following graphs shows the correct variation of electric field as a function of x along the axis of a
uniformly and positively charged ring of radius R and charge Q.

(a.) (b.)

(c.) (d.)

Q16 Two concentric conducting thin shells of radius R and 2R carr y

charges +Q and + 3Q respectively. The magnitude of electric field at
a distance x outside and inside fr om the surface of outer sphere is
same. Then the value of x is -

(a.) (b.) (c.) (d.)

Integer Answer Type(+4, -1)
This section Contains 4 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a NUMERICAL VALUE. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round off the value to two decimal places.
Q1 A square loop of side ‘l’ having uniform linear charge density ‘l‘ is
placed in ‘xy’ plane as shown in the figure. There is a non uniform
r a
electric field E = ( x + l) where a is a constant. Find the
resultant electric force in µN on the loop if l = 10 cm, a = 2 N/C
and charge density l = 2µC/m.
Q2 Two large spherical object of charge Q each (uniformly
distributed) are fixed as shown in figure. A small point charge
–q having mass m is projected from point A heading towards
centre C2 of second sphere. The minimum velocity of point
mass so that it can reach upto second object at point B is
n KQq
then calculate n.
3 5mR
Q3 Two identical small beads each have mass m and charge q. When
placed on a fixed hemispherical bowl of radius R with frictionless
nonconducting walls, the beads move, and at equilibrium they are
distance R from each other. Determine the charge on each bead (in
µC). Take m = 9 3 mg, R = 10 m.
Q4 Consider a cube of side a = 0.1 m placed such that its six faces are given by equations
x = 0, x = +a, y = 0, y = +a, z = 0 and z = +a, placed in electric field given by
E = x 2iˆ + yˆj N/C. Find the electric flux crossing out of the cube in the unit of
10 – 4 Nm 2 /C.
Subject-Chemistry Part : 3
Partial Marks +1 for darkening a bubble corresponding to each correct option, provided No incorrect option
is darkened.
Q1 Which of the following statements are true?
(a.) Density of crystal always increases due to substitutional impurity defect
(b.) In an anti-fluorite structure anions form FCC lattice and cations occupy all tetrahedral voids
(c.) If the radius of cations and anions are 0.2 Å and 0.95 Å then coordinate number of cation in
the crystal is 4.
(d.) An atom/ion is transferred from a lattice site to an interstitial position in Frenkel defect.
Q2 Following three planes (P1, P2, P3) in an FCC unit cell are shown :

Consider the following statements and choose the correct option that follow :
(a.) P2 contains only octahedral voids
(b.) P3 contains both octahedral and tetrahedral voids
(c.) P1 contains no three dimensional voids
(d.) P2 contains only tetrahedral voids
Q3 What is not true about amorphous solids?
(a.) They have high degree of rigidity
(b.) They do not have sharp melting points
(c.) They exhibit isotropy
(d.) They undergo clean cleavage
Q4 As per the following figure which of the following is/are correct?

(a.) Meniscus of BaCl2 solution rises and that of AgNO3 solution falls in due course of time.
(b.) A white ppt of AgCl is formed on BaCl2 side
(c.) A white ppt of AgCl is formed on AgNO3 side
(d.) No ppt is formed on either side
Paragraph for next 2 Questions (one correct answer) (+3, -1)
One of the most commonly used methods for expressing the concentrations is molarity. It is the number of
moles of solute dissolved in one litre of a solution.
When the concentration is expressed as the percent of one component in the solution by mass it is called
mass percentage (w/w).
Q5 The molarity of 20% (W/W) solution of sulphuric acid is 2.55 M. The density of the solution is :
(a.) 1.25 g cm–3 (b.) unpredictable (c.) 2.55 g cm–3 (d.) 0.125 g L–1
Q6 In what ratio should a 6.5 N HNO3 be diluted with water to get 3.5 N HNO3?
(a.) 7 : 6 (b.) 6 : 5 (c.) 6 : 7 (d.) 5 : 6
Paragraph for next 2 Questions (one correct answer) (+3, -1)
In the given figure two dimensional arrangements of the units in the crystal lattice is shown below.

Q7 With respect to point(x) in the two dimensional arrays which of the following is are correct?
(a) The number of next nearest neighbours with respect to point x is four and they are at the distance of
2 a.
(b) The number of next to next nearest neighbours with respect to point x is four and they are at the distance
of 2a.
(c) The number of next to next to next nearest neighbours with respect to point x is eight and they are

at the distance of 5 a.
(d) All of the above
Q8 With respect to point (x) in the three dimensional lattice the number of next to next nearest neighbours
(a.) eight; at the distance of 3a (b.) twelve; at the distance of 2 2 a
(c.) four; at the distance of 2 a (d.) eight; at the distance of 2 2 a
Q9 When a solution containing w gm of urea in 1 kg of water is cooled to –0.372ºC, 200 gm of ice is
separated. If kf for water is 1.86 K kg mol–1, w is
(a.) 6.0 gm (b.) 9.6 gm (c.) 12.0 gm (d.) 4.8 gm
Q10 How many unit cells are present in 39.0 g of potassium that crystallises in body centered cubic
structure.(atomic weight K-39)
(a.) NA/4 (b.) 0.75 NA (c.) 0.5 NA (d.) NA
Q11 ‘C’ represent the height of the HCP unit cell and ‘a’ represent edge length of the hexagonal surface of
the HCP unit cell. What is the value of C/a ?
3 32 8 2
(a.) (b.) (c.) (d.)
2 3 3 3
Q12 At what angles for the first order diffraction, spacing between two planes respectively are l and ?
(a.) 90º, 30º (b.) 90º, 0º (c.) 30º, 90º (d.) 0º, 90º
Q13 The mass of a non-volatile solute (molecular mass = 40) which should be dissolved in 114 g octane to
reduce its vapour pressure to 80% will be
(a.) 40 g (b.) 10 g (c.) 30 g (d.) 20 g
Q14 Figure shows a cube of unit cell of CCP arrangement with some atoms marked 1, 2, 3. Which of the
following statements is true.

(a.) Atom 2 is nearer to 1 than to 3

(b.) Atom 2 is equidistant from atoms 1 & 3
(c.) All atoms lie on a right angled triangle
(d.) Atom 3 is twice as far from 1 as from 2
Q15 A binary compound of elements X and Y crystallises in such a way that X atoms form hexagonal unit
cell. and Y atoms are present in tetrahedral voids. The formula of the compound is
(a.) XY3 (b.) XY4 (c.) X3Y (d.) XY2
Q16 pH of 0.1 M monobasic acid is measured to be 2. Its osmotic pressure at a given temperature T K is
(a.) 0.01 RT (b.) 1.1 RT (c.) 0.11 RT (d.) 0.1 RT
Integer Answer Type(+4, -1)
This section Contains 4 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a NUMERICAL VALUE. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round off the value to two decimal places.
Q1 Relative decrease in vapour pressure is 0.4 for a solution containing 1 mole AB in 3 mol H2O,
therefore AB is ionised at the extent of x percent. Find the value of x.
Q2 A certain substance 'A' tetramerises in water to the extent of 80%. A solution of 2.5 g of A in 100g of
water lowers the freezing point by 0.3ºC. The molar mass of A is (given that Kf =1.86 K-Kg/mole)
Q3 A binary solid (A+B–) has a rock salt structure. If the edge length is 400 pm and radius of cation is
75pm, the radius of anion in pm is

Q4 1.2 kg ethylene glycol was added in a car radiator containing 9 litre water. The freezing of

water was just prevented when car was running in the Himalayan valley at temperature –4ºC. Sudden
thunderstorm in the valley lowered the temperature to –6ºC. Calculate the amount of ice (in kg)
separated. (given that Kf = 1.86 K-Kg/mole)

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