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dicate that although BEF infection occurs in buffalo, the mor- of the aqueous concentrate with 6 portions of ethylacetate

bidity rate is lower than for cattle and the virus is less (each 500 ml) and concentration of the combined organic ex-
pathogenic. Reports of buffalo infected in the field tend to tracts gave a dark-reddish-coloured gum (4 g). The latter was
support these results. A widespread BEF epidemic which dissolved in 50% aqueous ethanol and applied, in 5 lots, to a
swept through south east China in September-October 1987 fractionating column (30 cm length, 50.8 mm diameter) filled
caused severe disease with 80 to 90% of the cattle in each herd with reverse phase silica gel'.
being affected (Chang Zeji, personal communication). The components of the mixture were eluted from the col-
However, the prevalence of disease in buffaloes was con- umn with 40% aqueous methanol at approximately 7 ml/min.
sidered to be much lower and the clinical signs were milder. The eluate was continuously monitored with a refractive index
The results reported here are in contrast to the experiments detector. Bryotoxin A eluted from the column at approximate-
described by Young (1979) in which clinical disease could not ly 800 to 1100 ml. Concentration of this fraction under reduc-
be induced in 3 buffaloes infected with BEF. The reasons for ed pressure from the 5 lots gave 341 mg (0.017% of the star-
these differences are not known although differences in virus ting mass) of pure bryotoxin A, identical in all respects by
strain or infectivity may play a role. chromatographic (thin layer chromatography on silica gel and
We wish to thank Mr Huang Junyao, Director, Foshan City reverse phase silica gel) and spectroscopical (proton nuclear
Animal Husbandry Bureau and his staff for the use of their magnetic resonance) comparisons with authentic material sup-
facilities. This work was partly supported by the Australian plied by RJ Capon, Australian National University.
Centre for International Agricultural Research, Project No The preparation of bryotoxins B and C (as a non-separable
8455. mixture) required 2 chromatographic steps. Extraction with
aqueous ethanol, filtration, concentration and extraction into
ethylacetate were carried out as described above. The residue
Bai W , Tian F, Wang C, Jiang C and Zhang Z (1986) - Proc 4th was dissolved in 60% aqueous methanol and applied, in 5 lots,
Symp Arbo Res Aust. Ed by TD St George, BH Kay and J Blok, p to the reverse phase column. The components of the mixture
279 were eluted with 60% aqueous methanol. The first 800 ml
Cybinski DH and Card G P (1986) - Proc 4th Symp Arbo Res Aust. were discarded and the following 500 ml collected, which con-
Ed by TD St George, BH Kay and J Blok, p 289 tained all of the bryotoxins B and C. This fraction was concen-
Cybinski DH, St George TD and Paul1 NJ (1978) Aust Vet J 5 4 1
trated under reduced pressure and the residue (491 mg from 5
Mackerras IM, Mackerras MJ and Burnet FM (1940) - Bull Counc
Sci Ind Res 136 lots) dissolved in ethylacetate and chromatographed on silica
Malviya HK and Prasad J (1977) - Indian Vet J 54: 440 gel 60 (70-230 mesh, 32 cm length, 40 mm diameter) with
Mohan RN (1968) - Vet Bull 38: 567 ethylacetate as eluent. Fractions, each of 10 ml,were collected
St George TD, Standfast HA and Cybinski DH (1978) - Aust Vet J
54: 558 and checked for content and purity of bryotoxins B and C by
St George TD (1981) - In: Virus Diseases of Food Animals a World high performance chromatography. Fractions containing
Geography of Epidemiology and Control Ed by Gibbs EPJ these were combined and concentrated yielding 103 mg
Academic Press, London, p 541 (0.005vo of the starting mass). Identity with authentic
Tian F, Jiang C, Zakrzewski H and Davis SS (1987) - Aust Vet J 6 4
159 bryotoxins B and C was again established by chromatographic
Uren MF and Murphy GM (1985) - Vet Microbiol 10: 505 and spectroscopic comparisons.
Young P (1979) - Aust Vet J 55: 349 Four weaned calves, 3 females and 1 male, 3 to 4 months old
(Accepted for publication 14 June 1989) and with a mean weight of 74 kg (range 64 to 83 kg) were used
in a dosage experiment in accordance with national guidelines
for the care and use of experimental animals (Anon 1985). The
techniques of husbandry, clinical examination, heart rate
The toxicity for cattle of bufadienolide cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, clinical pathology, necropsy
and histopathology employed were those used previously
glycosides from Bryophylrurn tubiforurn flowers (McKenzie and Dunster 1986, 1987).
The calves were injected through the left flank into the
rumen. For dosing with bryotoxin A , 250 mg was dissolved in
Queensland Department of RA McKENZlE 6 ml ethanol and injected into a female calf weighing 64 kg
Primary Industries, the late FP FRANKE (3.9 mg/kg). A male control was injected with 6 ml ethanol
Animal Research Institute, P J DUNSTER alone. For dosing with bryotoxins B and C combined, 280 mg
Yeerongpilly, Queensland 4105 was dissolved in 1 ml dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and in-
jected into a female calf weighing 73 kg (3.8 mg/kg). A female
Three bufadienolide cardiac glycosides, named bryotoxins control was injected with 1 ml DMSO alone. DMSO was used
A, B and C, occur in the flowers of the poisonous plant as the solvent for bryotoxins B and C because of their limited
Bryophyllum tubiflorum (mother-of-millions) (Capon et al solubility in ethanol. The doses of bryotoxins used were
1985, 1986). These bryotoxins also occur in flowers of other estimated from the data of McKenzie and Dunster (1986) and
species of Bryophyllum and in leaves, stems and roots of these McKenzie et al (1987) to be those likely to be present in a
plants (McKenzie et a1 1987). The syndrome resulting from in- fatally-toxic dose of whole B. tubiforurn.
gestion of B. tubiflorum by cattle is consistent with cardiac The calf given bryotoxin A became lethargic and developed
glycoside poisoning (McKenzie and Dunster 1986). However, inappetence, ruminal atony and diarrhoea by 10 h after dos-
it is unclear if the diarrhoea and omasal lesions noted by ing. These signs persisted for the rest of the experiment. The
McKenzie and Dunster (1986) are also due to cardiac faeces were mucoid with occasional flecks of blood. From 3
glycosides or whether there are other toxins causing these ef- days after dosing, both heart block, which was manifested by
fects. Consequently we sought to determine if the known missing beats on auscultation, and a jugular pulse were noted
bryotoxins from B. tubiflorum were capable of reproducing occasionally. On the tenth day after dosing, drooling of saliva,
the effects produced by the plant itself. If these compounds tachycardia and dyspnoea occurred. The calf was weak and
were shown to account for the disease, the need for further very lethargic and was killed with intravenous pentabarbitone.
searching for toxins and the subsequent animal experiments Changes noted in electrocardiograms with time after dosing
would be reduced o r removed. were lengthened PR intervals (first degree atrioventricular
B. tubiflorum flower heads collected in 1985 in the Moreton block), shortened QT intervals (Figure l ) , reversed T wave
region of south-eastern Queensland (Queensland Herbarium polarity and depressed S T segments (both persistent from day
Voucher BRI 361717) were frozen and stored at -2OOC. 4 onwards) and intermittent second degree atrioventricular
Frozen plant material ( 2 kg in 200 g lots) was macerated for 5 blocks (types 1 and 11) on days 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 and 9. Plasma concen-
min in a blender with 50% aqueous ethanol (10 x 1 litre). The
resulting slurry was filtered with suction and the filtrate con-
~~ ~

Matrex@silica C18,6nm pore diameter, 35-70 pm particle size,

centrated under vacuum to about 500 ml. Repeated extraction Amicon Corporation, Danvers, Massachusetts, USA
374 Australian Veterinary Journal. Vol. 66, No. 1 I , November, 1989
[rations of urea and creatinine increased steadily and those of lace 1 2
calcium decreased steadily during the experiment (Figure 2).
Plasma concentrations of bilirubin increased erratically
(Figure 2). Plasma activities of glutamic oxaloacetic tran- P
saminase and creatinine phosphokinase and plasma concen-
trations of glucose increased slightly above normal limits only
on the tenth day after dosing. The values of other plasma con-
stituents remained within normal limits.
At necropsy, subendocardial haemorrhages were seen over
the papillary muscles of the left ventricle. There was extensive p-d
ulceration of the edges and surfaces of the ornasal leaves.
Many ulcers had perforated the leaves completely. Some con-
gestion and petechiae occurred in the abomasal fundus. A few
atelectatic lobules were noted in each lobe of the lungs. The
liver appeared slightly orange in colour and the bile was viscid
and with a gritty texture. Histological findings were scattered
foci of degeneration and necrosis in the myocardium of both
ventricles and the septum accompanied by swollen vascular
endothelial cells in the left ventricle, fatty change and swelling
of hepatocytes which was more pronounced towards the
periphery of acini and a few scattered accumulations of bile in
canaliculi. No renal lesions were detected.
The calf given bryotoxins B and C combined became restless
and stopped feeding within 1 h after the injection. Its ruminal
movements were weak with fewer than one contraction noted
every 2 min. By 2 h, abdominal pain was indicated by the calf
kicking at its flanks and dyspnoea with a double expiratory ef-
fort had commenced. Its respiratory rate quickened from 16
per min before injection to 36 per min and its heart rate
similarly from 36 to 68 per min. On an electrocardiograph
taken 2 h after injection, the amplitudes of some QRS com-
plexes and T waves were almost double those before injection
and the polarity of some QRS complexes was reversed. The
dyspnoea persisted and the calf collapsed and died 4 h after
the injection of toxins. No samples were obtained for clinical
pathology. No lesions were seen at necropsy. Both control
calves remained normal.
This study demonstrated that dosing with bryotoxin A
reproduced the effects of eating the plant itself, particularly
the diarrhoea and omasal ulcerations over which there was
some doubt (McKenzie and Dunster 1986, 1987). This con-
firmed that the bufadienolide bryotoxins are responsible for
the toxicity of B. tubiflorum and that the presence of no other
toxin needs to be postulated to account for the syndrome.
Renal dysfunction resulting in the steadily increasing
plasma urea and creatinine concentrations and decreasing
plasma calcium concentrations may have been caused through
a reduced glomerular filtration rate by either autonomically-
mediated renal vasoconstriction, renal vasoconstriction from

10 1

a m-

0 I w’
€ 6
- 4


0 m loo 180 24 m
0 H m after do- (houn)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time after dosing (hours) Figure 2. Changes in the plasma concentrations of urea,
creatinine, calcium and total bilirubin of a calf given bryotoxin
Figure 1. Changes in PR (0) and QT (X) intervals of the elec- A. The first datum point on each curve represents the mean
trocardiograph of a calf given bryotoxin A. The first datum value of 3 daily samples taken before dosing. The horizontal
point on each curve represents the value obtained before dos- lines represent the margins of the normal range of these values
ing. in cattle of similar age.

Australian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 66,No. 11, November, 1989 37s

the direct effects of the cardiac glycoside on vascular smooth lack of information on urinalysis in the healthy koala. This ar-
muscle or by poor blood flow from the intoxicated heart. ticle attempts to redress that situation by providing data on
Renal dysfunction also may have caused the omasal lesions. urinalysis in captive healthy koalas. In addition, some data are
Such non-renallesions of uraemia are not described in the pro- provided on captive and free-living koalas suffering with un-
minent texts on veterinary pathology (Jones and Hunt 1983; complicated and complicated cystitis.
Jubb et a1 1985) but have been seen in ruminants with renal Urinalysis was performed on twenty urine samples collected
failure (AA Seawright personal communication). The non- over seven visits from 14 healthy captive koalas held in a
renal lesions recognised in cattle with uraemia are colitis and wildlife park. One animal had urine collected three times while
oedema of the stomach and proximal intestines (Jubb et a1 four had it collected twice. Eleven of the samples were pro-
1985). Dogs and cats with chronic uraemia develop ulcerative cessed for bacteriology. The animals were 19 months to 5
necrotic stomatitis (Jubb et a1 1985). years of age and were fed on eucalyptus leaves with fluid sup-
The increases in plasma bilirubin and the hepatic changes plementation (a milk compositemade up in about 100-150 mls
detected are more difficult to accept as the results of simple of water), Eight were female and six male. In addition,
cardiac dysfunction. Liver damage has not been recorded in urinalysis was performed on two adult female captive koalas
natural cases of Bryophyllum spp poisoning (McKenzie and with external signs of mild cystitis. Limited results for
Dunster 1986) but one calf dosed with B. daigremontianum urinalysis and bacteriology were obtained also from one 18
flower heads developed cholangitis (McKenzie et al 1987). months old male and two adult females free-living on the
The rapid death of the calf injected with bryotoxins B and C north coast of New South Wales. All 3 were ultimately
combined probably was due partly to rapid absorption from presented for necropsy due to cystitis complicated by renal or
the rumen mediated by the DMSO solvent used. The syn- genital disease. Urine from captive koalas was collected early
drome produced was almost identical with fatal poisoning of morning just after feeding of supplementary fluids.
calves given flower heads of the hybrid B. daigremontianum x Midstream voided samples were collected in clean disposable
B. tubiflorum (McKenzie et all987). These hybrid flowers ap- kidney dishes, transferred to sterile urine containers and chill-
parently contained only bryotoxins B and C and the dose given ed at 4.C until examined. Catheterisation was attempted on
would have supplied about 660 mg (9.5 mg/kg body weight) of one visit, but discontinued as koalas with any urine in their
toxins (McKenzie et a1 1987) - more than twice the dose given bladder micturated during the catheterisation process.
in the present study. Urinalysis was performed within three hours of collection.
We thank SJK Peucker and AD Ostrofski for help with calf Gross examination of urine was performed in a graduated test
husbandry, WH Ward for haematology, HL Kramer and staff tube. Specific gravity was determined, using a hand-held
for clinical chemistry, G Brown for help with toxin extraction, refractometer (American Opticals TS Meter), on urine diluted
K Schultz and G Madill for histological sections and RJ with distilled water (one to one or one to two). Turbid urine
Capon, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National was centrifuged prior to this procedure. Chemical analysis was
University for supplying pure bufadienolides for confirming performed using Labstix, Clinitest, Acetest, Ictotest (all Ames
the purity of our extracts. This work was partly supported by Co, Miles Laboratories Australia), Whatman pH paper and
the Queensland Department of Primary Industries New In- the sulphosalicylic acid (SSA) test for protein (Varley 1967).
itiatives Fund. Sediment was examined according to previously prescribed
methods (Fairburn et al 1983) except that the concentration
References ratio was varied (one in two to one in 20) depending on the
Anon (1985)-Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for amount of urine collected.
Experimental Purposes, National Health and Medical Research For bacteriology, air-dried urine smears were examined with
Council/CSIRO/Australian Agricultural Council, Australian
Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Burke’s modification of the Gram Stain. Urine was cultured
Capon RJ, Macleod JK and Oelrichs PB (1985)-J Chem Res (M) 11: using a 5 mm platinum loop to inoculate 5% sheep blood agar
3666 plates. The plates were incubated for 24 h and organisms were
Capon RJ, Macleod JK and Oelrichs PB (1986)-Aust J Chem 39: identified by colony morphology and Gram Stain. In addition,
Jones TC and Hunt RD 11983b--Veterinarv Patholom. 5th edn. Lea routine biochemical tests (Cowan 1975) and motility were
and Febiger, Philadelphia ’ employed for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae.
Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC and Palmer N (1985)-Pathology of The amount of urine collected from healthy captive koalas
Domestic Animals. 3rd edn. Academic Press. Orlando, Florida varied from one to 41 ml. Sex and age differences were not ap-
McKenzie RA and Dunster PJ (1986)--Aust Vet J 63: 222 parent. There was a faint to strong odour, presumably related
McKenzie RA and Dunster PJ (1987)-Aust Vet J 64: 21 1
McKenzie RA, Franke FP and Dunster PJ (1987)--Aust Vet 564: 298 to eucalyptus metabolism. The urine appearance varied from
transparent to turbid and was usually light to moderate
(Accepted for publication 14 June 1989) yellow, One sample was light amber. Specific gravity varied
from 1.062 to 1.135 with a mean of 1.087. The koala with a
reading of 1.135 was not being given supplementary fluids.
The Labstix gave a consistent pH reading of 5 whereas What-
Urinalysis in captive koalas man’s pH paper (4-6) gave values ranging from 4.5 to 5.5 with
a mode of 5 . Urine samples tested by Labstix were negative for
blood and bilirubin. Protein readings on the Labstix varied
Department of Veterinary Pathology, PJ CANFIELD from 0.3 g/l (+) to over 20 g/l (4+) with a mode of one g/l
University of Sydney, DR GEE (2 +). The corresponding SSA tests were all negative for pro-
New South Wales 2006 DI WIGNEY tein except for a trace on one occasion (corresponding to a 2+
reading on the Labstix). Ketones on the Labstix varied from
One of the more common disease problems facing captive 0.5 mmol/l (trace) to 16 mmol/l (large) with a mode of 4
and free-living koalas is cystitis (Brown et al 1987; Canfield mmol/L (moderate). The Acetest for ketones, however, was
1987). Cystitis is responsible for frequent micturation and soil- consistently negative. Glucose on the Labstix was negative ex-
ing around the opening of the common vestibule (Dickens cept for one trace ( 5 mmol/l). In contrast, the Clinitest gave
1975) and is commonly diagnosed without laboratory testing. values ranging from a 0.25% (trace) to 1.00% (3+) with a
However, laboratory tests are needed to determine ap- mode of 0.75% (2+).
propriate treatment and the possibility of complications for Variably concentrated sediment generally had uniden-
affected koalas. Biochemical and haematological data in cases tifiable debris, scattered squamous and transitional cells, and
of uncomplicated cystitis and cystitis complicated by renal or erythrocytes and leukocytes at less than one per high powered
genital disease have been presented by Dickens (1978) and field (HPF; 400 x magnification). Amorphous crystals, round
Obendorf (1983) but these two authors present limited infor- crystals (resembling calcium carbonate) and small elongate
mation on urinalysis, despite both acknowledging its rectangular crystals (Figure 1) were present in 12 samples. The
usefulness. Hesitation to use urinalysis could be due to the last described crystals were not identified as they failed to
376 Australian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 66, No. 11, November, 1989

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