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It is widely believed that the life span on average is rising in advanced

countries. Since there are many issues for both citizens and community associated
with this practice, many steps can be taken to address the risks.
The first threat that an ageing population can pose, especially to working
people is burden creation caused by an increasing number of the elderly. These
groups are unable to work effectively and earn as much money as the young, which
may lead to a labour shortage and put a great amount of pressure on working class.
The ageing population can also negatively affect their physical and mental health
due to the burden they suffer.They are prone to being exhausted and suffering
several psychological illnesses, particularly serious depression. Increasing life
expectancy can negatively affect society, specifically, economic growth is likely to
be reduced significantly due to lack of labor force. In addition, governments may
spend a great amount of money providing the elderly with pensions and subsidies
as a result of the ageing population.
Anticipating the threats of rising longevity, some actions need be taken to
address the issues. The first possible solution is to complement the domestic labour
force by hiring foreign workers, which helps alleviate the burden of workers and
enhance their health quality. This also exerts a positive impact on mitigating the
reduction of economic growth and maintaining a stable economy for nations.
Additionally, governments should increase the retirement age so that funding for
pensions for aged people is no longer necessary. Besides, to tackle the matters of
the increasing life expectancy, authorities can adopt some policies related to
raising the birth rate to ensure the balance between the young and elderly.
In conclusion, despite several issues that the ageing population brings about,
there are some appropriate measures that can handle the potential risks.
1, Problems of international tourism
+ Environmental issues: There are many tourists who are not conscious, so they
litter everywhere, causing damage to the environment and biodiversity such as
water and soil pollution
+ Increase incidences of crimes and risks of terrorism: The increasing flow of
tourists creates conditions for criminals to sneak into the station and commit
crimes against tourists. Some people in local communities rob tourist of their
valubles such as cameras and jewelry because they are in unfamiliar territory.
+ Influence their health: Tourists are likely to suffer from health challenges due to
change of environment, contagious diseases may be spread as well. (covid)
2, Common environment problems in country
+ air pollution: The main sources: transportation (The increase in the use of
personal transport such as motorbikes, cars, trucks), industrial production,
construction, agricultural production cause the environment to become seriously
polluted, specifically in major cities HCMC, Hanoi.
Therefore, many citizens are infected with heart disease, stroke, lung cancer →
linked to air pollution
+ water pollution: improper waste management (waste water from industrial plants
is discharged directly to the environment without treatment) -> polluted water → a
leading cause of cancer
+ land degradation: agricultural and non-agricultural land → become degraded →
the unreasonable use of chemical fertilizers + pesticides
+ Climate change: the weather has become increasingly abnormal in recent years.
The rainy season and the floods came late, occurred repeatedly and lasted longer
than usual → cause huge damage to property and people
Because of global warming, the greenhouse effect, humans’ activities
3, Problems of globalization
+ Increase unemployment rate: The outsourcing of labor lead to job loss in
industrialized countries, where labor is more expensive. Many locals have lost their
jobs or been forced to accept lesser wages and poorer working conditions
+ Unable to adjust a new world of globalization: Laborers whose skills are less
relevant in a global marketplace will have a hard time adjusting to a world
dominated by globalization.
+ High Investment Costs: Globalization and international expansion are generally
very expensive, It requires businesses to invest a lot of their resources into
designing and implementing an effective globalization strategy. Roads, electrical
grids, broadband internet, water, and sanitation may need to be upgraded or
+ Environmental Issues: Global transportation networks and increased market
demand means more use of fuels, contributing to higher exertion of greenhouse

4, Problems of using too much techonology

+ Unemployment in some areas: For example, in the banking sector, there are
ATMs to withdraw money, there are machines to support customer services, so
there is no need for employees. This leads to the banking industry no job,
+ Too dependent of technology lead to the decrease in ability to finish tasks and
solve problems:
People have become more lazy in doing their jobs. For example, using computers
has led people do not perform any simple mathematical calculations.
The use of technology is not always perfectly right, technology is sometimes
wrong. For example, if an employee is too dependent on the computer, letting the
computer solve it all, when the computer malfunctions or has an error, the
inexperienced employee cannot solve it.
+ Customers’ personal in4 is easily stolen: Can not ensure the security: Employee
are not willing to work physically and entirely depending on computer, which
sometimes creates major problem such as, hacking the information by others.
If they put it through handwriting, it's never been hacked.
+ Vulnerable to diseases: Sitting in front of a computer screen for too long without
exercise will lead to a number of diseases such as obesity, eye-sighted, back pain,

5, Problems of the new media (journalists)

+ Possible sources of misinformation: Journalists often write false articles or
intentionally exaggerate such information by using negative language. Their
purpose is to attract readers, stir up public opinion to bring profit and popularity to
their newsroom, regardless of what the truth is.
+ Causing stiff competition in term of media: It is obvious that the introduction of
a new medium will become a challenge to the old media. They compete for
popularity, revenue, usage frequency, etc.
+ Serious impact on certain individuals: For example, people who are falsely
reported in an article will be criticized and scolded by citizens even though they
have done nothing wrong. Children easily access false and inappropriate
information, which is not suitable for their age, causing psychological and physical

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