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AIAA 94-2271

Steady State Vibration

of A Duct Conveying Fluid

Stacy L. Williams
John Peddieson, Jr.
Sastry S. Munukutl,
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, TN

25th AIAA Fluid Dynamics

.. June 20-23, 1994 / Colorado Springs, CO
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American institute of Aeronautlcs and Astronautics
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024


Stacy L. Williams*,? John Peddieson, Jr.* and Sastry S. Munukutla*vt

Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee 38505

ABSTRACT and the axial motion is supplied either by the beam itself or
by internal fluid flow appear to lead to the simplest
The title problem is formulated by treating the duct as governing equations. The differential equations for these
a straight Euler beam which is fixed at one end and situations have constant coefficients and involve only one
subjected to harmonic excitation at the other. Distributed space variable. The title problem can, therefore, serve as
viscous damping is included in the model. A general a useful model problem for developing physical
system of differential equations is developed and several understanding and determining the usefulness of alternate
methods of solving these equations are discussed. An solution techniques. The present work was camed out in
approximate analytical solution is then obtained for the case that light.
of small fluid mass and small viscous damping. Based on In the remainder of the paper various aspects of the
this steady state solution, amplitudelfrequency plots are governing equations are discussed, some methods of
presented and used to illustrate the influence of various solution are proposed, and an approximate analytical
parameters on predictions. It is observed that the severities solution is obtained for small damping and a small fluid to
of the lowest resonances decrease with increasing flow duct mass ratio. Some representative results, based on this
velocity. solution, are presented graphically. An interesting finding
is that the intensities of the lowest resonances appear to
INTRODUCTION decrease rapidly with increasing axial flow speed.

This paper is concerned with steady state forced GOVERNING EQUATIONS

- vibration of a duct conveying fluid. The duct is modeled

as an Euler heam which is fixed at one end and subjected
to harmonic excitation at the other. Work on the related
Consider a tubular Euler beam of length L, area A,
moment of inertia I, density p , and modulus of elasticity Y
problem of free vibration of a duct conveying fluid has subjected to distributed damping characterized by a
been summarized in the recent review article by coefficient 7 and conveying a fluid of density pi at a speed
Paidoussisl . Ui through a flow area Ai. Let Lx denote position, vov (vo
The problem of transverse vibrations of a duct being chosen so as to produce a unit end excitation) denote
conveying fluid is one of a class of problems in which axial transverse displacement, and (@A+piAi)/(YI))lhL2t denote
motion can affect transverse vibrations of a beam or shell. time. Then the equation of the duct's elastic line can he
The axial motion can he supplied by the stmcture itself (as written (see, for instance, Gregory and Paidoussis') in the
in the case of a hand saw blade), by internal axial fluid dimensionless form
flow (as in pipe lines and jet engines), or by external axial
flow (as in towed cables and nuclear fuel rods). Several of 2
attv + N3 a,v + 2 N IN2axtv + N , axxv +axxxxv = 0 (1)
these situations are also reviewed by Paidoussis'.
While problems of free. vibration involving axial motion
have received considerable attention, little work can he
found on problems of harmonically forced vibration.
N' = ( P ~ A ~ / ( Y I ) ) " * u ~ LN,, = i / ( i + p ~ i ( p ~ ~ ~ ) ) l ' ~
Three representative papers are those by Chen2, Pao
and Tran3, and Bishop and Fawzy4. The first and N~ = ? I L ~ / ( Y I ( ~ A + P ~ A ~ ) ) ~ / *
second of these dealt with various aspects of the external (2)
flow problem while the third was concerned with the The appropriate boundary conditions are
internal flow problem. It is the lack of information
discussed above that motivated the work reported herein. v ( o , t ) = 0, a,v(o,t) = 0 , axxv(i,t) = o
The cases in which the stmcture is a horizontal beam v ( i , t ) = c o s ( o t ) or a x x x v ( i , t ) = -cos(wt)

*Department of Mechanical Enginccring

where w is the dimensionless forcing frequency. The first
tCcntcr for Elcctric Power of Eqs. (3d) corresponds to a prescribed end displacement

Copyright" 1994 by Stacy L. Williams, John Pcddicron, Jr. and

S a a l y S. Munukulla. P u b l i s h d by the Arncrican Inrtitule of 1
Acmnautics and A$tronsuticr, Inc. wilh pcrminrion.
while the second corresponds to a prescribed end force. study the related free vibration problem (See, for instance,
Substituting the steady state solution Paidoussis'). It results in a set of linear algebraic equations
(the number of such equations depending on the number of '4
v(x,t) =F(x)cos(wt)+G(x)sin(wt) (4) normal modes included in the assumed solution) which has
to be solved numerically to determine the steady state
into Eqs. (1) and (3) leads to the problem response. Again, it is probably simplest to work with
formulation (5) to implement such a procedure.
F i V + N ; F " - w 2 F + w ( 2 N 1 N 2 G ' + N 3 G )= O All of the procedures discussed above have advantages
and disadvantages. The approach based on exact solution
G iv + N:G" -w2G -w (2N1N2F' + N 3 F ) = 0 of the characteristic equation avoids approximations and
contains information about all resonances but is
F(O)=G(O) = F ' ( O ) = G ' ( O ) = F " ( l ) = G " ( l ) = O algebraically and numerically complex. The perturbation
approach is limited in its range of applicability but can
F ( l ) = 1,G(1) = O or F"'( 1) = - l , G " ' ( l ) = O
easily accommodate higher resonances. The shooting
Equations (5a,b) are two linear coupled differential approach is exact but cannot easily be extended to
equations with constant coefficients to solve for the real multidimensional problems. The modal analysis approach
functions F and G. It is, of course, possible to express is easily applied to multidimensional problems but involves
Eqs. (5) in the alternate form increasing computation as the number of modes is increased
(as must be done to deal with higher resonances).
4"' + N ;+" - w2+ - i w (2N I N2+' + N34) = 0 In the present paper attention is focused on the
(6) perturbation procedure. As stated previously this method
+(O) = +'(O) =+"(I) =0 leads to a closed form solution. It is extremely helpful to
+(l) = 1 or +"'(1) = -1 have such closed form solutions to use as standards of
comparison for numerical techniques of the types discussed
where above.
+=F+iG (7)
Equation (7a) is a single linear differential equation with
constant coefficients to solve for the complex function +. Substituting W

Several methods of solving this problem are discussed

below. 6 = +o exp(Xx) (8)
The straightforward method of solution appropriate for
(& and X being constants) into Eq. (6a) leads to the
linear differential equations with constant coefficients leads
characteristic equation
to a characteristic equation which must be solved
numerically. Several forms of the solution are possible
dependin on the types of roots obtained. X4 + N; X2 -2i w N I N2X - w (w + iN3) = 0 (9)
Chen proposed a perturbation approach. A variant of
The parameters N2 and N3 (respective measures of fluid
this procedure (applied to the solution of the characteristic
mass and damping) were treated as small quantities and a
equation discussed in the previous paragraph) leads to a
perturbation procedure was employed to express each root
closed form solution in the present situation.
as the sum of the corresponding root for N2=N3=0 and
Pa0 and Tran3 employed a direct numerical solution.
two small corrections. The results are
They used a shooting procedure in conjunction with a
RungeiKutta method to solve the initial value problems
XI,,= *p1+i(qitrl),X3,4= T r2+i(kp2-q) (10)
associated with successive iterations. For linear problems
the iterative aspect of the procedure can be removed by
finding four specific solutions corresponding to four
fictitious initial conditions at x=O and using superposition P I , ~ = ( ( W ~ + (2)N112~ / ~N,2/2)l/2
to satisfy the four boundary conditions at x = l . This
appears to be a promising approach. The formulation (5) in q =NIN2w/(2(w2+(N?/2)2) I12) (1 1)
terms of real dependent variables is probably preferable in
this case.
Bishop and Fawzy4 employed modal analysis (based on
the normal modes of an undamped beam with no axial
motion). This approach has also been used extensively to It should be pointed out that the perturbation approach e
- described above breaks down near w=0 under certain
circumstances. An alternative perturbation about the static
solution (which is not discussed herein for the sake of
brevity) was employed to deal with this difficulty.
matrix increases each time a new resonance is to be
included. The fact that the dimension of [D] remains the
same is one of the main advantages of this methodology.

The solution associated with Eqs. (10) can be expressed RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
compactly in terms of the hyperbolic functions
The figures to be discussed subsequently represent plots
H I =cosh(plx), H2 =sinh(plx) of an amplitude parameter
H3 = cosh(r,x), H4 = sinh(r2x)
N4 = IN:/(Nlcos(N1)-sin(Nl))l ((F2(1) (16)
and the trigonometric functions + G * ( ~ ) ) / ( F ~ ~+ ~
G(, #I ,)* ( I ) ) ) ~ / ~
versus a frequency parameter
TI =cos(p2x),T2 =sin(p2x).T3 =cos(rIx)
T4 = sin(rlx) T5 =cos(qx), Tg =sin(qx) N ~ = I /2
w (17)
as When plotted in terms of these parameters the results for
both sets of boundary conditions are identical and all satisfy
F = ( ( D I H I +D,H,)T3 +(D,Tl +D4Tz)H3 the condition N4(0)= 1.
+ ( D , H ~ + D ~ H I ) T ~ + ( - D ~ T I + D ~ T ~ ) H ~ Figure
) T ~ 2 shows typical behavior of the first resonance.
+ ( -(D1 H2 + D,H, IT4 ( -D3 Tz +D4T1 )H4
It can be seen that the strength of the resonance decreases
quickly as the flow velocity increases. This indicates that
+ ( D s H I +DsH~)T,+(D~T~+DsTI)H~)Ts (14)
axial flow serves as a damping mechanism for the first
G = ((DIHz+D~H,)T~+(-D,T,+D~TI)H~ resonance. The position of the resonance moves somewhat
- (DsHI + D . s H ~ ) T +(D,Tz+DsTi)H,)T,
~ to the right with increasing axial flow. Figure 2 is
representative of the behavior predicted for several
+ ( ( D I H I+ D Z H Z ) T ~ - ( D ~+D4Tz)H3
parametric combinations in the course of the present work.
+ ( D s H z + D s H l ) T 4 +(D,T,-DsT,)H,)T,
Figures 3 and 4 show the first four resonances for two
v damping coefficients. The maximum amplitudes of the
where the D’s are constants. Equations (14) could, of
peaks decrease rapidly with resonance number. As
course, be expressed in numerous alternate forms because
expected, the maximum amplitudes of corresponding peaks
rl , < < 1 and q < < 1 . The philosophy adopted herein was
decrease with an increase in damping. It can be seen that
to use the exact forms of F and G associated with the
the higher resonant amplitudes are so small that the
approximate roots (10) and to differentiate only the
detection of the higher resonances is somewhat difficult.
functions H I , H,, T I , and T2 when computing derivatives
Figures 5-11 show a typical set of resonance cnrves
of F and G. Expressions are thus developed which are
illustrating the influence of increasing flow velocity. The
consistent to the same order as that resulting from the
scale for all these figures is chosen so as to accommodate
method of multiple scales (see, for instance, Nayfeh6).
the large peak exhibited by Fig. 8. (For clarity the data
Substituting Eqs. (14) into Eqs. (5c-j) yields
presented in Fig. 4 is rescaled and presented as Fig. 6.) A
IClID1 = [ E l (15) tendency of the first two resonance strengths to decrease
with increasing flow speed is evident. For NI= 3 the first
where [C] is a square matrix with elements depending on w, resonance has practically disappeared. For N1=6 the
N I , N2, and N,; ID] is a column vector with elements D I , second resonance has also practically disappeared. It is
D,, ,,., D8; and [E]is a column vector. The forms of both clear that a given axial flow speed does not provide the
[C] and [E) depend on the boundary conditions. For the same level of damping to each resonance. While there is
displacement excitation they can he written as shown in an overall tendency of each resonance peak to decrease, this
Fig. 1. The hyperbolic and trigonometric functions does not happen in a uniform way. That is evident in the
appearing therein are all evaluated at x = l . The behavior of the second and third peaks which first increase
corresponding expressions associated with the force and then decrease. This behavior is representative of a
excitation are similar and are omitted for the sake of large number of parametric combinations considered.
brevity. The D’s can be determined from Eq. (15) by Similar behavior was reported by Bishop and Fawzy4.
matrix inversion. This was accomplished numerically. It Since the problem considered by them is somewhat
should be pointed out that information about all resonances different from the present one, no direct comparison of
is contained in Eq. (15). This is in contrast to the modal results is possible. According to Bishop and Fawzy4, the
analysis procedure in which the size of the associated very large amplitude of the second resonance in Fig. 8 is

associated with the onset of flutter instability in the solution were used to demonstrate that this perturbation
corresponding free vibration problem. Figure 4 of the method could predict the features reported by previous / , .
paper by Pa0 and Tran3 also appears to show a similar investigators using other methodologies. Chief among these
phenomenon which, however, is not mentioned by the features were the facts that the intensities of the lowest
authors. The amplitude parameter employed in that paper resonances decrease quickly and the resonance locations
is a ratio of two displacements rather than a change significantly as the flow speed is increased. It is
displacementiforce ratio as used herein. This makes a clear hoped that the closed form solution reported herein will he
comparison of the results of the two papers difficult. The useful as a standard of comparison for numerical techniques
qualitative similarity of the present results to those of that must he developed for the solution of general problems
previous investigators lends confidence to the perturbation of transverse vibration of structures involving axial motion.
It can be observed that the first resonance location REFERENCES
moves slightly to the right while the other three move
noticeably to the left. It is clear that one must take the 'Paidoussis, M. P., "Flow-Induced Instabilities of
amplitude and resonance location changes associated with Cylindrical Structures," Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol.
axial flow into account when designing against resonance. 40, No. 2, 1987, pp. 163-175.
It is to be expected that the reSonance locations for ?hen, S.-S., discussion of "Vibration of Support
harmonically forced vibration should correspond to the Excited Tubes in Coaxial Flow," Jourrml of the Engineering
natural frequencies associated with free vibration. Some Mechanics Division of the American Society of Civil
comparisons were made with free vibration results reported Engineers, Vol. 97, No. 5, 1971, pp. 1579-1582.
by Gregory and Paidoussig. The values of N, used by 3Pa0, H. P., and Tran, Q., "Response of a Towed Thin
these investigators were less than unity hut, unfortunately, Flexible Cylinder in a Viscous Fluid," Journal of the
large enough to he somewhat outside the range of validity Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 53. No. 5, 1973, pp.
of the approximate solution discussed herein. Good I44 1-1444.
qualitative agreement was observed nevertheless. This also 4Bishop, R.E.D., and Fawzy, I., "Free and Forced
lends confidence to the perturbation methodology. Oscillations of a Vertical Tube Containing a Flowing
Fluid," Truiisacrioris of the Royal Society of Londori, Vol.
CONCLUSION 284 A, 1976, pp. 1-47. W

'Gregory, R. W., and Paidoussis, M. P., "Unstahle

In the foregoing several aspects of the problem of steady Oscillation of Tubular Cantilevers Conveying Fluid,"
state transverse vibration of a tubular beam conveying fluid Proceedirigs of the Royal Society of Loritlon, Vol. 293A,
were discussed. In particular, an approximate closed form 1966, pp. 512-527.
solution was obtained for a beam which is fixed at one end %ayfeh, A . H., Perturbation Merhod.s, John Wiley and
and harmonically forced at the other. Results based on this Sons, New York, 1973, Chapt. 6.

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
V‘ 0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1
o p 1 0 p 2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 -p1p20
[CI - 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

+T5 HlT3 H2T3 H3Tl

H2T4 H1T4 -H4T2
P:H1T3 p:H2T3 -P2H3T1

e:H2T4 p:H1T4 p22H4T2

+ T.5

Fig. 1 Matrix and vector appearing in Eq. 15.





1 1.4 1.8 2.2 26 I
1.2 1.6 2 2.4 28
Fig. 2 First resonance amplitude vs. frequency.

I N,=l

35- I N,=0.1
1I N3=0.05




*!-- i I I
Fig. 3 Amplitude vs. frequency.

N, =O
90- N,=0.1
80- N,=O.l





Fig.5 Amplitude vs. frequency.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1 0 1 1

Fig. 6 Amplitude vs. frequency.



0 -jn_
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 1011

Fig. 7 Amplitude vs. frequency.










1 i j A j 6 7 8 9 rb 1'1
Fig. 8 Amplitude vs. frequency.

Fig. 9 Amplitude vs. frequency.
Fig. 10 Amplitude vs. frequency.

1 W
IN, =6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2

Fig. 11 Amplitude vs. frequency.

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