Allen Amendment 1 To B25-0395 B25-0396

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__________________________ __________________________

Councilmember Janeese Lewis George Councilmember Charles Allen

Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau




DATE: July 11, 2023

OFFERED BY: Councilmember Charles Allen

TO: B25-0395, the “Prioritizing Public Safety Emergency Amendment Act of

2023”/B25-0396, the “Prioritizing Public Safety Temporary Amendment
Act of 2023”

VERSION: X Introduced
___ Committee Report
___ Committee Print
___ First Reading
___ Amended First Reading
___ Engrossed
___ Enrolled
___ Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute


Section 5 (p. 3, lines 63-71) is amended to read as follows:

“Sec. 5. Section 1501 of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for the District of
Columbia Establishment Act of 2011, effective October 3, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-28; D.C. Official
Code § 22-4234), is amended by adding a new subsection (b-5) and (b-6) to read as follows:
““(b-5) By October 1, 2023, and on a quarterly basis thereafter, the CJCC shall submit to
the Mayor and the Council and post on its website a report that includes the following information,
in accordance with existing law:
““(1) Aggregate programmatic data on process and outcome of programs, including
diversion; and

““(2) Aggregate outcomes of alternative dispositions and sentencing agreements.
““(b-6) The CJCC shall post the following year-to-date data on its website monthly,
beginning with the earliest year for which CJCC is able to obtain historical data:
““(1) Arrests for violent crimes committed by juveniles and adults, by offense; and
““(2) Gun violence and homicide counts and rates citywide and by ward,
neighborhood, and police service area.”.”


District and federal agencies maintain a wealth of internal data related to gun violence and violent
crime, very little of which is shared publicly. This amendment would require the Criminal Justice
Coordinating Council (“CJCC”) to publish monthly on its website, beginning with the earliest year
for which CJCC is able to obtain historical data, (1) arrests for violent crimes committed by
juveniles and adults, broken down by offense, and (2) gun violence and homicide counts and rates
citywide and by ward, neighborhood, and police service area. This data is already collected but is
primarily shared internally within CJCC. Basic information about violent crime committed by
juveniles and adults, gun violence, and homicides will inform public perspectives on historical
trends, and hopefully, contextualize agency and political decision-making.

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