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IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag.

Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.


SCOPE________________________________________________________________________ 2
PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS ___________________________________________________ 2
SINGLE UNIT: ______________________________________________________________________ 2
PARALLEL SYSTEM: _______________________________________________________________ 3
1: DISPLAY OFF _______________________________________________________________ 3
WITH UPS__________________________________________________________________________ 4
WITH FREQUENCY CONVERTER ___________________________________________________ 4
2: DISPLAY ON ________________________________________________________________ 4
WITH UPS__________________________________________________________________________ 5
WITH FREQUENCY CONVERTER ___________________________________________________ 6
UPS CALIBRATION ____________________________________________________________ 7
1 LCD panel Contrast_________________________________________________________________ 7
2 Set the size of the UPS _______________________________________________________________ 7
3 Input voltage calibration _____________________________________________________________ 7
4 Bypass voltage calibration____________________________________________________________ 7
5 DC voltage calibration_______________________________________________________________ 7
6 Battery voltage calibration ___________________________________________________________ 7
7 Offset TA of battery calibration _______________________________________________________ 8
8 Offset output phase calibration _______________________________________________________ 8
9 Inverter voltage calibration __________________________________________________________ 8
10 UPS output measure voltage calibration ______________________________________________ 8
11 Output phase calibration Inverter – Bypass ____________________________________________ 8
12 Output current calibration __________________________________________________________ 8
13 Battery current calibration __________________________________________________________ 9
14 RS232 test ________________________________________________________________________ 9
15 SNMP test ________________________________________________________________________ 9

IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 2/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

This document gives a procedure to replace the system card for all ups type “MPS” and frequency
This procedure refers to replace the system card, verify the firmware version, programming the card
and calibration the ups.
This procedure must be carried out only by trained personnel.

Do not attempt to perform maintenance operations inside the UPS when the mains supply is
connected or the UPS is operating in battery mode. For maintenance operations close the SWMB
switch and open all of the input and output switches, also remember to open the battery breaker or
fuses located in the battery cabinet. Always ensure that no dangerous voltages are present by
measuring with a multi-meter.
High voltages are present inside the equipment even when the input and battery switches are open

After disconnecting the mains (AC) and battery (DC) supplies, authorised service
personnel must wait at least ten minutes for capacitor discharging, before attempting to
gain internal access of the UPS.


In case of installations with only one ups, before to change the system card, it is very important to
know if it is possible to cut off the output load or it needs to continue the load feeding by closing
SWMB, to operate as following:

Removing card with SWMB open

• Open SWOUT, SWBY and SWIN,
• Disconnect the box battery,
• Wait 10 minutes to discharge the capacitors,
• Remove all flat cables that go to connectors J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6. Remove the
system card, put a new card and connect all flat cables.
Removing card with SWMB closed
• Check the bypass line before closing SWMB
• Close SWMB,
• Open SWOUT, SWBY and SWIN,
• Disconnect the box battery,
• Wait 10 minutes to discharge the capacitors,
• Remove all flat cables that go to connectors J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6. Remove the
system card, put a new card and connect all flat cables.
Removing card with frequency converter
• Open SWOUT and SWIN,
• Disconnect the box battery (if there is),
• Wait 10 minutes to discharge the capacitors,

IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 3/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

• Remove all flat cables that go to connectors J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6. Remove the system
• Put a new card and connect all flat cables except the cables that go to connectors
In case of installations with two o more ups operating in parallel, it is very important to know if
opening one unit, it possible to continue the load feeding from the other units or it needs to operate
closing SWMB.

Removing card with other operating parallel ups inits

• Open SWOUT, SWBY and SWIN,
• Disconnect the box battery,
• Wait 10 minutes to discharge the capacitors,
• Remove all flat cables that go to connectors J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6. Remove the
system card, put a new card and connect all flat cables,
Removing card with SWMB closed on parallel system
• Check the bypass line before closing SWMB
• Close SWMB on all units,
• Open SWOUT, SWBY and SWIN on the unit on which it needs to operate,
• Disconnect the box battery,
• Wait 10 minutes to discharge the capacitors,
• Remove all flat cables that go to connectors J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6. Remove the
system card, put a new card and connect all flat cables.

When you place a new system card on the UPS panel, it is important to use the metal screw fixing,
only in the hole between connectors J1 and J4;
UPS instruction: After placing the card and after inserting all connectors close the SWBY and wait
that the front panel will be ON.
Frequency converter instruction: After placing the card and after inserting all connectors (except
the connectors J3,J4) close the SWIN. If the panel will be ON it will show a message “Input control
board not recognized”.
If the panel do not switch ON, it can be that the system card is not feed or the memory it is
completely cleared.
Look at the logic power supply to see it some green leds are ON, to understand if the problem is the
power supply or the problem is the memory cleared.
If the panel will show some message it is also possible that the system card is programmed for
another model. Look to the next point to operate:

If the card has the memory completely cleared it needs also to calibrate the system card reference
voltage, before it is very important loading a correct new firmware and calibrating the UPS;
• With a multimeter, check on the system card (“2032”) that between the point katode “DZ1”
and GND (external of the quartz “X1”) there is a 5V ±0.25V,
• Adjust the trimmer “RV1” to have 4.600V ±2mV between the pin 8 of “JP2” and GND
(external of the quartz “X1”),

IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 4/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

• Check that between the pin 6 “JP2” and GND (external of the quartz “X1”) there is 2.3V
• Put a jumper on JP1-1,
• Reset the system card closing (short circuit) the pin 1 and 2 of JP2,
• On PC, start MSFLASH to send a new firmware,
• When the MSFLASH program stars, it will start using the last loaded firmware, if that
firmware is not correct one push on “Exit”, go to “File” and load the correct firmware file
“...hex”, also set the Options -> Communication parameters to 9600 baude rate.
Before to sending the new firmware to the UPS, it is suggest check the next point:
• If a card is present in the SNMP slot is better remove it,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 436215, push the buttons 7,
• Push the buttons 5 to set RS232 = 9600 baud,
• Push the buttons 6 to set Echo RS232-1 = 0, Echo RS232-2 = 0,
• Push the buttons 6 to set Ident. = 0,
• When the correct firmware will be loaded, check the Program name and Checksum and
activate the button “Jumper JP1-1”,
• Wait some minutes up to the firmware loading,
• When the loading is finished, remove the jumper JP1-1 on the system card, and reset the
system by closing (short circuit) the pin 1 end 2 of JP2,
• Verify that the diode led “S0” will be flashing,
• Check that the UPS is in “DEBUG MODE”, if is not in “DEBUG MODE” push on display
the buttons 3,5 and insert the code 251553,
• Push the button 6 and check the date/time, if is not correct push the buttons 3,5 insert the
code 436215 and change it:
• Close SWIN,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 251553, to go in normal mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515, to go in set mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151541 and start UPS calibration,
• Open SWIN,
• Connect the flat cables J3,J4,
• Close SWIN,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 251553, to go in normal mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515, to go in set mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151541 and start UPS calibration,

If the card has just programmed it needs also to calibrate the system card reference voltage, check if
the firmware version (with the button 7 on display panel it is possible know the firmware version),
before calibrating the UPS;
• With a multimeter, check on the system card (“2032”) that between the point katode “DZ1”
and GND (external of the quartz “X1”) there is a 5V ±0.25V,
• Adjust the trimmer “RV1” to have 4.600V ±2mV between the pin 8 of “JP2” and GND
(external of the quartz “X1”),

IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 5/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

• Check that between the pin 6 “JP2” and GND (external of the quartz “X1”) there is 2.3V

With a correct firmware:
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515 “SET”,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 253651 and push 3 to reset all data memory (if the
firmware is old version, this message “push 3…” doesn’t show on display),
• Check that the UPS is in “DEBUG MODE”, if is not in “DEBUG MODE” push on display
the buttons 3,5 and insert the code 251553,
• Push the button 6 and check the date/time, if is not correct push the buttons 3,5 insert the
code 436215 and change it,
• Close SWIN,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 251553, to go in normal mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515, to go in set mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151541 and start UPS calibration,

With a wrong firmware:

• Put a jumper on JP1-1,
• Reset the system card closing (short circuit) the pin 1 and 2 of JP2,
• On PC, start MSFLASH to send a new firmware,
• When the MSFLASH program stars, it will start using the last loaded firmware, if that
firmware is not correct one push on “Exit”, go to “File” and load the correct firmware file
“...hex”, also set the Options -> Communication parameters to 9600 baude rate,
Before to sending the new firmware to the UPS, it is suggest check the next point:
• If a card is present in the SNMP slot is better remove it,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 436215, push the buttons 7,
• Push the buttons 5 to set RS232 = 9600 baud,
• Push the buttons 6 to set Echo RS232-1 = 0, Echo RS232-2 = 0,
• Push the buttons 6 to set Ident. = 0,
• When the correct firmware will be loaded, check the Program name and Checksum and
activate the button “Jumper JP1-1”,
• Wait some minutes up to the firmware loading,
• When the loading is finished, remove the jumper JP1-1 on the system card, and reset the
system by closing (short circuit) the pin 1 end 2 of JP2,
• Verify that the diode led “S0” will be flashing,
• Check that the UPS is in “DEBUG MODE”, if is not in “DEBUG MODE” push on display
the buttons 3,5 and insert the code 251553,
• Push the button 6 and check the date/time, if is not correct push the buttons 3,5 insert the
code 436215 and change it:
• Close SWIN,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 251553, to go in normal mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515, to go in set mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151541 and start UPS calibration,

IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 6/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.


With a correct firmware:

• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515 “SET”,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 253651 and push 3 to reset all data memory (if the
firmware is old version, this message “push 3…” doesn’t show on display),
• Check that the UPS is in “DEBUG MODE”, if is not in “DEBUG MODE” push on display
the buttons 3,5 and insert the code 251553,
• Push the button 6 and check the date/time, if is not correct push the buttons 3,5 insert the
code 436215 and change it,
• Open SWIN,
• Connect the flat cables J3,J4,
• Close SWIN,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 251553, to go in normal mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515, to go in set mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151541 and start UPS calibration,

With a wrong firmware:

• Put a jumper on JP1-1,
• Reset the system card closing (short circuit) the pin 1 and 2 of JP2,
• On PC, start MSFLASH to send a new firmware,
• When the MSFLASH program stars, it will start using the last loaded firmware, if that
firmware is not correct one push on “Exit”, go to “File” and load the correct firmware file
“...hex”, also set the Options -> Communication parameters to 9600 baude rate,
Before to sending the new firmware to the UPS, it is suggest check the next point:
• If a card is present in the SNMP slot is better remove it,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 436215, push the buttons 7,
• Push the buttons 5 to set RS232 = 9600 baud,
• Push the buttons 6 to set Echo RS232-1 = 0, Echo RS232-2 = 0,
• Push the buttons 6 to set Ident. = 0,
• When the correct firmware will be loaded, check the Program name and Checksum and
activate the button “Jumper JP1-1”,
• Wait some minutes up to the firmware loading,
• When the loading is finished, remove the jumper JP1-1 on the system card, and reset the
system by closing (short circuit) the pin 1 end 2 of JP2,
• Verify that the diode led “S0” will be flashing,
• Check that the UPS is in “DEBUG MODE”, if is not in “DEBUG MODE” push on display
the buttons 3,5 and insert the code 251553,
• Push the button 6 and check the date/time, if is not correct push the buttons 3,5 insert the
code 436215 and change it,
• Open SWIN,
• Connect the flat cables J3,J4,
• Close SWIN,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 251553, to go in normal mode,
• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151515, to go in set mode,

IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 7/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

• Push the buttons 3, 5 and insert the code 151541 and start UPS calibration,

1 LCD panel Contrast
Panel LCD contrast Offset : +0
1=Exit, 2= -> (Next), 7-/8+
Set LDC panel contrast with the buttons “7,8”; to continue push 2,

2 Set the size of the UPS

n.batt.12V= 33, Nominal power kVA=200
1<,2>, 7-/8+
Set the UPS size with buttons “7,8”; to continue push 2,
Wait one minute than the UPS start,

3 Input voltage calibration

V.SWIN: Vin1=230V; Vin2=232V; Vin3=234V
1<,2>, (+ 0)3-4+; (+ 0)5-6+;(+ 0)7-8+
With a multi-meter in AC configuration, measure the input voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N.
Adjust the values on display with the buttons “3-4”, “5-6”, “7-8” and see that the maximum
different will be ± 2V, push the button 2 to go a next step,

4 Bypass voltage calibration

Go to the next step with frequency converter calibration
V.SWBY: Vby1=220V; Vby2=221V; Vby3=222V
1<,2>, (+ 0)3-4+;(+ 0)5-6+;(+ 0)7-8+
With a multimeter in AC configuration, measure the bypass voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N.
Regular the values on display with the buttons “3-4”, “5-6”, “7-8” and see that the maximum
different will be ± 2V,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

5 DC voltage calibration
DC voltage: Vdc_rad=449V; Vdc_inv=448
1<, 2>, (+ 0)5-/6+; (+ 0)7-/8
With a multimeter in DC configuration, measure the DC voltage (+, -) on a bus bar.
Regular the values on display “Vdc bat” and “Vdc inv” with the buttons “5-6”, “7-8” and see that the
maximum different will be ± 1V,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

6 Battery voltage calibration

Go to the next step with frequency converter calibration
Ext. battery voltage: Vbat_ext = 407V
1<, 2>, (+ 0) 7-/8+
With a multimeter in DC configuration, measure the DC voltage (+, -) on a battery terminals.
Regular the values on display “Vbat_ext” with the buttons “7-8” and see that the maximum different
will be ± 1V,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,
IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 8/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

7 Offset TA of battery calibration

Go to the next step with frequency converter calibration
Ibat.Zero: charge 19.97A; disch.= 0.00A
1<, 2>, (+ 0)5-/6+; (+ 0)7-/8+
Set the values “charge” and “discharge” on display to zero with the buttons “5-6”, “7-8”. Is very
important that the values is not negative,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

8 Offset output phase calibration

ph.adj.:p3=- 123, p2=+ 2, p1=+ 111
1<,2>, SWOUT-->OFF=0, adjust=0
Wait a moment , look a message on display and close SWOUT,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

9 Inverter voltage calibration

Vinv.=230.0V; K1=+ 14, K2=+ 14, K3=+ 14
1<,2>, 3-/4+, 5-/6+, 7-/8+
With a multimeter in AC configuration, measure the inverter voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N.
Regular the values on display with the buttons “3-4”, “5-6”, “7-8” and see that the maximum
different will be ± 0.5V,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

10 UPS output measure voltage calibration

SWOUT:Vout1=230V; Vout2=229V; Vout3=228V
1<,2>, (+ 0)3-4+;(+ 0)5-6+;(+ 0)7-8+
With a multimeter in AC configuration, measure the inverter voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N.
Regular the values on display with the buttons “3-4”, “5-6”, “7-8” and see that the maximum
different will be ± 0.5V,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

11 Output phase calibration Inverter – Bypass

Go to the next step with frequency converter calibration
Auto adjusting inv. bypass phase: 0
1<,2>, SWOUT-->OFF
Wait a message on display to “open SWOUT”, open and wait a second message “close SWOUT”,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

12 Output current calibration

Adj. out1= 2.0A; out2= 2.0A; out3= 2.0A
1<,2>,(A% < 20%); (A% < 20%); (A% < 20%)
If is possible take a 40% of load (not possible if SWMB closed, set in a second moment),
With a probe of current in AC configuration, measure the output current L1, L2, L3. Regular the
values on display with the buttons “3-4”, “5-6”, “7-8” and see that the maximum different will be ±
Remove the load, and push the button 2 to go a next step,
IT-MPS-SYS-CARD-rev.00 Pag. 9/9
Subject : System card replacement and calibration on MPS models
Operator: Riccardo Bassi, Date: 13/10/08 Approved: M.Scarpone
Variations: first edition.

13 Battery current calibration

Go to the next step with frequency converter calibration
Ibat.gain: charge 19.97A; disch.= 0.00A
1<, 2>, (+ 0)7-/8+
If is possible take a little load (not possible if SWMB closed, set in a second moment),
With a probe of current in DC configuration, measure the battery current. Open SWIN and regular
the values on display (discharge) with the buttons “7-8”, in a second time close SWIN and regular
the values on display (charge) with the buttons “7-8”,
Remove the load, and push the button 2 to go a next step,

14 RS232 test
Test RS232:RX1=0, RX2=0, DCD1=0, DCD2=0
1<,2>; Insert cable from port 1 to 2
Verify that on display LCD there is “RX1=0, RX2=0, DCD1=0, DCD2=0”,
Jumper the connector RS232-1 and RS232-2 with a pin to pin RS232 cable (male/female),
Verify that on display LCD there is “RX1=1, RX2=1, DCD1=1, DCD2=1”,
Push the button 2 to go a next step,

15 SNMP test
Slot Test: RX1=0, DCD1=0, DCD2=0
1<,2>; Insert test card into slot2 (AUX)
Is not important, push the button 2 to go a next step,
And push the button 1 to exit to calibration menu.

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