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UNITS Writing Questions Speaking Questions

1. Getting acquainted 1. What is a custom in your 1. Imagine you are going to travel
country for greeting someone to another country. What
you have never met before? country is it? Why did you
What is acceptable behavior for choose it? What are you going
meeting a stranger? Use at least to do when you get there? Say
two sentences to describe how at least four sentences.
to greet someone new. 2. Pretend I’m a visitor to your
2. Tell about a thrilling, country. Tell me about the
fascinating, or frightening customs here. Talk about
experience you’ve had. Write at greetings, exchanging business
least two sentences. cards, addressing people, and /
or small talk.
2. Going to the movies Read the situations. Write at least one 1. Think about the movies you
sentence for each situation. have most enjoyed. Do you
1. You arrive late to meet a friend. have a favorite genre or not?
Apologize and give a reason for What makes you like or dislike
being late.
2. Your friend has asked you to go
to a horror movie. Tell your

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friend whether or not you like a movie? Say at least four
this genre of movie and why. sentences.
2. What kind of movies do you
most enjoy? Why?

3. Staying in hotels You are going on a vacation with your Imagine you are staying at a hotel and
family or a good friend. Write at least you need some services and/or things
five sentences about the hotel where brought to your room. Call the front
you will stay. For example, write about desk and tell them at least three things
the type of room you will need and any you need.
features or services you want the hotel
to have.

4. Cars and driving 1. Write about someone you know Think about your favorite kind of car.
who is a very good or a very What is special about this car? Why do
bad driver. Discuss his/her you like it? Say at least four sentences.
driving habits. Write at least
four sentences.

2. What are some things a safe

driver does? What are some

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things a safe driver does NOT
do? Write at least five

5. Personal care and appearance What do you do to look and feel good? On a Saturday afternoon, would you
For example, do yoga, go to a salon, rather go to a spa or to a fitness center?
etc. Write at least five sentences. Explain why.

6. Eating well Write about two famous dishes from Describe some foods that you can’t
your country. Describe the taste of the stand and some foods that you’re crazy
dishes and why you like them. Write at about. Say at least five sentences.
least five sentences.

7. Personality Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Think about different personality traits
Give reasons to explain your answer. (friendliness, honesty, politeness).
Write at least five sentences. Which traits do you like the most?
Which traits do you dislike the most?
Talk about people you know who have
these traits.

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8. The arts Describe a piece of art that you like or Talk about two famous artists and their
don’t like. Why do/don’t you like it? work. Tell about what inspired them,
Write at least five sentences. what kind of art they created, etc.

9. Living in cyberspace Do you think that people’s lives are What do you know about computers?
better because of computers? Give Are you good with computers? Why or
reasons to explain your answer. Write why not? Is there anything you don’t
at least five sentences. know how to do that you’d like to

10. Ethics and values 1. Write about some of your personal 1. What would you do if you found a
values. Write at least five sentences. wallet with identification and a lot of

2. Imagine that you found an money in it?

expensive piece of jewelry on the 2. What would you do if a clerk

street. What do you think you would charged you less than the correct price

do and why? Write at least five for something?


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