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Unit-1 let's Be Friends


1) Bruise
2) Appear
3) Prick
4) Butter
5) Ginger
1) Strong x weak
2) Bright x dull
3) Arrived x departed
4) Hoarse X soothing,mellow
5) Fright x fearlessness
6) Usual x unusual
7) Leapt x fall
8) Isolate x integrate

Comprehension ÷
Answer the following questions –
1) Did Hari have friends? Why/why not?
1A) No, Hari did not have any friends because of his
behaviour. Had Hari been polite and friendly, the children wouldhave
befriended him.

2) If you were left alone by your classmates, how would you feel?

A) If I were left alone by my classmates I would feel sad. And wish that I
immediately connect with someone.
3) How did the seaside creatures teach Hari
a lesson?

A) The seaside creatures hurt him by nipping

with their sharp claws when he was trying to
be friendly. When he was crying and yelling
in pain they were pleasant and had fun. Then
he realized the pain his classmates suffered.
He learnt the lesson of how people hate
those who enjoy at the suffering of others.

4)Do you think Hari has changed? Give

reason for your opinion ?
4A) Yes, I think Hari has changed. The reason
for my opinion is he decided not to pinch
anyone anymore.
Textual exercises ÷ GRAMMAR
Page no- 12

2nd bit page no 13 – Fill in the gaps withnecessary

articles ÷
Dear Teja,
I am fine, and hope to hear the same from you. Pupils
of our class went for a picnic to the seaside last week.
I was left alone. So, I went to a sandy corner and sat
down. My mother packed me an egg ,a cake and a
chocolate. At that time, a large sandy lobster crawled
out of the pool. All the sea animals tried to shake
hands with me. But, they pricked me till I was black
and blue . They taught me a lesson, not to hurt
Complete the passage with the given words÷
[Immediately, heavily, fast,slowly, badly]last Sunday
it was raining heavily . We asked our driver to drive
slowly but he drove fast . The car hit a cyclist and
injured him badly . We took him to a nearby hospital
immediately. Page no -14Page no ÷
14 slot -1 discourse [Description ]Slot -2 discourse [
Page no – 16
111 ] Hari went to Raghu . He wanted to be Raghu's
friend. Here is a part of the conversation that took
place between them. Complete and role-play it.
Hari – Raghu , please don't go away.
Raghu – But , I have some urgent work.
Hari – Please ,talk and play with me.
Raghu- No, you will pinch and prick me.
Hari- No friend. I am changed now.
Raghu - It's good to hear that. Self realisation happens
out of understanding.
Hari – Yes , friend. It's true. Now I understood why I
had to be lonely.
Raghu – From now on everyone will love to be friends
with you.
Hari – Thanks to the sea creatures that made me
realise my mistake.

Use capital letters , full stop(.), comma(,), question
mark (?), wherever necessary and rewrite the
following sentences .
1A ] Where does Arjun live ?
2A ] Rajani is standing in the verandah .
3A ] Kamala brought toys,puzzles and chocolates for
her daughter.

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