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GEC 124

Science, Technology and Society

Submitted by: JENELYN S. PALOMARES BSN – 2, B


Will you eat GMOs? Why or why not?

First of all, according to the Food and Drug Administration, a GMO meaning
genetically modified organism, is a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its
genetic material (DNA) changed using technology that generally involves the specific
modification of DNA, including the transfer of specific DNA from one organism to another.
In simple term, they are the organisms that are enhanced by science and technology to
gained a quality product for the people.
Will you eat that kind of product? For me, yes, because base on my research there
is no evidence that a crop is dangerous to eat just because it is genetically modified. Since
it was discovered, there is no such case of illness, diseases, or deaths that has connection
of consuming modified crops. Although, according to there have been a
few studies claiming damage to human or animal health from specific foods that have
been developed using GM. But the claims were not about the GM method itself, but about
the specific gene introduced into the crop, or about agricultural practices associated with
the crop, such as herbicide treatments. Therefore, defending this form of alteration is still
a difficult task for researchers and scientists because it will have an impact on human
lives. GMOs have been a topic of debate and controversy for several years. Supporters
argue that genetically modifying crops can increase their yields, enhance their nutritional
value, and make them more resistant to pests and diseases. On the other hand, opponents
argue that GMOs could have unknown effects on human health and the environment. The
good thing is, all reliable evidence or sources produced to date shows that currently
available GM food is at least as safe to eat as non-GM food. Especially, from a scientific
perspective, many studies have concluded that GMOs are safe for consumption. Several
reputable organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American
Medical Association (AMA), have endorsed the safety of GMOs. These organizations have
also stated that GMOs have the potential to offer significant benefits in terms of food
security and sustainability. And, as a student of the science field, I believe in the job that
researchers and scientists do, I am confident that if GM products are not safe for human
use, they will find a way to make them safer. Additionally, based on my research, GMOs
can have benefits also such as increased crop yield and resistance to pests, which can help
address food shortages and reduce the use of harmful pesticides. However, safety is a
first, so regulations and safety standards are in place to ensure that GMOs are thoroughly
tested and evaluated before they are approved for use in food.
In conclusion, the scientific consensus shows that GMOs are safe for human
consumption and have not been shown to cause any harmful effects on human health.
And whether or not someone would choose to eat GMOs is a personal choice. However,
based on the scientific evidence available, GMOs are considered safe for consumption by
several reputable organizations, so I don’t see any problem with that.

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