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Kaizen Methodology

Tyco Electronics Operating Advantage

Linking Operational Levers to Performance Improvements

Kaizen Methodology

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-1


Kaizen Methodology

1. Overview of kaizen

2. Kaizen Event Roles

3. Preparing for a successful kaizen

4. Appendix - kaizen Event Week

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-2

Kaizen Facilitator Page 1

Tyco Electronics – Global Operations TEC-406-716 / November 2008 / Rev. B
Kaizen Methodology

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, you will be

able to
• Define Kaizen
• Define roles and responsibilities of persons
involved in the kaizen event
• Understand what is required prior to an event
• Know the path to take to prepare for an event
• Implement a kaizen Event

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-3

What Is Kaizen?
Kaizen means breaking apart the current situation,
analyzing it, and quickly put it back to make it better

“Change” “Good”

“Change for the better”

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Kaizen Methodology

What Is A Kaizen Event?

A kaizen Event is a rapid focused improvement

activity done by a cross functional team and
lead by a kaizen Facilitator
• It takes 3 to max 5 CONSECUTIVE days
• It requires UNINTERRUPTED team member
• FOCUS on reducing waste and
• Little or no money is spent (no CER’s)
It provides
• Dramatic reductions in cost, inventory, and flow

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-5

To realize breakthrough Improvements in a
SMALL selected AREA New
uo u s Improv

Breakthrough –
Kaizen EVENT
Standard vement
tin uo u s Impro

Breakthrough – Kaizen EVENT


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Kaizen Methodology

• An area is selected top down (from Value Stream Map)
by senior management
• Detailed preplanning 6 weeks in advance with all follow-
up items to be completed within 4 weeks after the event
• A kaizen Event Project Charter and Agenda is prepared
and signed
• Communication to people in the kaizen area and kaizen
team members minimum of 2 weeks in advance
• Everyone works together to implement improvements
• Each Event ends with a short presentation
to management
• The Process Owner is accountable for sustaining
the results
• Senior management regularly reviews the results of all
kaizen events

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-7

Why Do Companies Use Kaizen?

Increases competitive advantage by

• Reducing costs
• Improving quality
• Increasing customer satisfaction
• Decreasing safety incidents
• Determining where best to invest capital
• Improve ergonomics
Utilize all employee talent within the organization
Create a culture of continuous improvement!

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Kaizen Methodology

Potential Benefits Of Kaizen

Key Results to Be Expected with a Soundly

Implemented and Well Maintained Lean
Production System
• 20% - 30% Productivity Improvement Yearly
• 30% - 50% Reduction in Space Requirements
• 50% - 60% Improvement in Product Quality Indices
• 70% - 90% Reduction in WIP Inventory
• Cut Lead Time From Weeks to Hours- Any Model
on Any Day
• Significant Improvement in Customer and
Employee Satisfaction Levels

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-9


Kaizen Methodology

1. Overview of kaizen

2. Kaizen Event Roles

3. Preparing for a successful kaizen

4. Appendix - kaizen Event Week

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-10

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Kaizen Methodology

Kaizen Event Roles

The Roles are identified on the

top of the kaizen Project Charter
• Sponsor
• Process Owner
• Kaizen Event Team Leader
• Kaizen Facilitator
• Kaizen Team Members

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• Should be the highest level manager within the site
• Has knowledge and understanding of Six Sigma/
Lean principles
• Verifies that the objective and the scope of the
event are aligned with the organization’s
improvement roadmap
• Resolves any resource issues for the team
(“run interference”)
• Breaks down and removes any roadblocks and
barriers that are encountered by the team
• Attends and conducts periodic progress reviews

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Kaizen Methodology

Process Owner
The Process Owner is a management representative
that has direct responsibility for the area/process

• Is responsible for the event planning with support from
Lean Practioner/Black Belt/kaizen Facilitator
• Provides uninterrupted team member participation
• Empowers the team to make rapid changes
• Removes barriers for the team and event
• Prepares the area for the event
• Provides follow-up at regular intervals to ensure gains
are maintained and action items completed
• Supports the Measurement and tracking results
• Ensures improvements are sustained!!

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-13

Kaizen Event Team Leader

The employee nominated by the site manager to lead the

kaizen Event

• Keeps the team focused and organized throughout the event
• Keeps the focus on the goals and the daily expectations of the event
• Keeps track of the schedule in half day increments and reviews with
the kaizen Facilitator at least twice daily
• Acts as the repository of information as it is gathered throughout
the event
• Keeps notes on all ideas generated during the event
• Makes sure that all opinions are heard and seriously considered
• Makes sure that assignments are properly distributed among
team members
• Keeps the event fun and productive!

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Kaizen Methodology

Kaizen Facilitator

• Assist in Lean training to support the event
• Keeps the team focused on schedule and
achieving the event objectives
• Moderates discussions
• Captures ideas and discussions
• Sub-divides the skills of the team as necessary
(data analyst, etcetera.)
• Assigns actions for team members

The facilitator is not a Passive team member! They

must orchestrate the successful outcome of the event!

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-15

Kaizen Team Members

• Use facts and data to make decisions
• Provide fresh ideas
• Be aggressive in creating and
implementing your visions
• Don’t say “We can’t”
• Be an active participant
• Celebrate the team’s successes

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Kaizen Methodology

Kaizen Team Selection Tips

• Team representation from all shifts

• Team knowledge of the process that is
being improved
• Team skills (as needed) – technical,
analytical, interpersonal
• Team diversity and balance
• Consider the process owner’s inputs
• Team size varies depending upon the event
• Usually range from 5 – 9 members
• Other Subject Matter Experts and Key
Stakeholders are available
• Volunteers? Specialists?

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-17


Kaizen Methodology

1. Overview of kaizen

2. Kaizen Event Roles

3. Preparing for a successful kaizen

4. Appendix - kaizen Event Week

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Kaizen Methodology

General Requirements

• Understand the management objectives – what

you are trying to accomplish and why.
Set goals!
– BUT: phrase the goals without stating
a solution
• Communicate a daily agenda and work to it
• Team members must take a sabbatical from
their “day jobs”. No cell phones nor pagers.
• No part-time participation. You learn by doing,
no full time observers. People are either part of
the team or they are called in as subject matter
experts if needed

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Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Six Weeks Prior

• Schedule initial area evaluation with
area managers/Business Unit Manager
• Set initial meeting date/time/place

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Kaizen Methodology

Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Five Weeks Prior

• Make follow-up calls verifying initial meeting
• Gather forms and supplies
• Hold initial area evaluation with
managers/supervisors, including initial
process walk
• Contract with area managers regarding
willingness to perform event
• Identify target process

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Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Four Weeks Prior

Finalize, Review and Approve the Project Charter
• Review the Value Stream Map (VSM) implementation
plan and finalize the target area and Lean Tools to
be deployed
• Work with the scheduling group to provide a production
window within which to conduct the event. Provide
alternative plan for production during the event
• Determine generic team requirements including member
backgrounds and number of people required for the scope
of the event
• Meet with management to determine specific makeup
of team
• Notify other facilities if additional people are needed

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Kaizen Methodology

Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
4 Weeks Prior Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Kaizen Event Charter

Sponsor Contact Details
Process Owner Contact Details
Kaizen Team
Contact Details
Facilitator Contact Details

Team Members

Business Unit Site / Location

Event Dates Charter Rev Date
Conference Calls

Element Description Details

1. Event Name Unique identifier for event

2. Process
Description of process and location

3. Objective What improvement is targeted?

Start and end points of target

process for example: geographic,
4. Event Scope
product, functional, demographic

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-23

Notify Team Members

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

3 Weeks Prior
• Process Owner
– Speak with each team member to get buy-in
– Make sure that the members are aware of long hours
– Ease any apprehensions team members may have
about participating
– Collect pre-event data
– Check that the production window for the event is OK

• Notify other facilities if additional people are needed

• Site Manager sends a written notice to all team members

(see example notification on following slide), and schedule
the management team to attend close-out meeting

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Kaizen Methodology

Preparation For The Event

Example of Written Notification to Team Members

Congratulations! You have been selected to
participate in an upcoming kaizen Event to take
place in (name of facility) from (start date) to (end
date). The event will focus on (description of the
event). Please get back to me within the next
week if you are not able to make the considerable
personal commitment required to make this a
successful and rewarding event to all concerned.
We will have a preliminary meeting on (date of
meeting/location for the meeting) to review the
scope of the event and how it fits into our overall
improvement plans. I hope to see you there!”
– Addressed by the site manager

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Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Two Weeks Prior

• Meet with team
• Site manager should do the introduction
– Display and review the VSM and then review the business needs that
are causing you to focus in this area (supported by the Lean Leader/
MBB or BB as required)
– Explain what Lean Tools will be deployed during the upcoming event.
Explain how this event fits into the VSM implementation plan and
what the goals are for this event
– Explain the level of commitment required by each team member
for days, times, “getting dirty”, etcetera. Specific start and stop times
should be clear
• Prepare kaizen week agenda
• Revalidate with the scheduling group that production can be interrupted
• Secure replacements if any members can not fully commit to the event
• Confirm the production window has been scheduled

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Kaizen Methodology

Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Week Prior to the Event Activities

• Take baseline digital photographs of the targeted areas.
These will be used for before and after comparison
purposes at closeout
• Provide training to Kaizen Event Team Leaders on their
roles and responsibilities during the event.
• Have team conduct baseline scoring for the area
• Confirm event agenda
• If required, conduct a 5S+1 event on targeted areas. It’s
best to do this the week before the main event, and it
should be done by the team, not janitorial staff
• Print training materials for the following week
• Calculate any potential savings and update Project
Charter and enter project in TEBIT

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-27

Preparation For The Event

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Week

Week Prior to the Event Activities

Arrange for the following
• Lunch/refreshments for the kaizen Event week
• Meeting area with the VSM and implementation
plan visible
• Flip charts, markers, transparency materials
• Storyboards and Project Charter displayed in the
kaizen Event area
• Materials for the shop cleaners, rags, paint,
visual boards, etcetera
• Computer projector and/or Overhead projector

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Kaizen Methodology

1. Overview of kaizen

2. Kaizen Event Roles

3. Preparing for a successful kaizen

4. Appendix - kaizen Event Week

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-29

Example – 1 Week Kaizen Event Agenda

Day 1 Kick Off/Introduce Team
Kick Off and Data analysis Present objectives (set by senior management)
Train the team (might be done in advance)
Data/Base-Line Analysis/Waste analysis

Day 2 Finalize Baseline

Develop Improvement Plan Brainstorm improvements based on
identified waste
Define Improvement Plan

Day 3 Execute Implementation

Implementation Assigned Accountabilities and Timing

Day 4 Training and Monitoring Process Changes

Continue Implementation Document Project Benefits
Review and Fine Tune Process
Update the Control Plan and S.O.P.

Day 5 Finalize project and report-out

Report-Out and define Follow-up Present Plans and Actions/Results to Date
30 Days Review Plan

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Kaizen Methodology

Example – Typical Kaizen Event Agenda

Kaizen Agenda
S T Monday S T Tuesday S T Wednesday S T Thursday S T Friday

07:30 07:30 Go-Team Meeting 07:30 Go-Team Meeting 07:30 Go-Team Meeting 07:30 Go-Team Meeting
08:00 Management Kickoff 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00
08:30 08:30 08:30 08:30 08:30
09:00 Discuss Charter 09:00 09:00 09:00 09:00
09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30
10:00 Lean Training 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00
10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00
Data Review
11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30
13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00
13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30
14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00
14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30
15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 Management
15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 Presentation
16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00
Finance Review Event Wrap-up
16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30
17:00 Progress review 17:00 Progress review 17:00 Progress review 17:00 Progress review
% % % % %

Status Green Making good progress / on-track

Status Yellow Slow progress / slightly off track
Status Red Encountered road blocks / off track

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-31

The Kaizen Event Week

The week of the event

• Kick off should be an introduction by the site
manager describing the goals of the event and
committing support to its success
• At least twice daily the team leader should meet
with the kaizen Facilitator to update on progress
• Site manager should be available for the progress
review meeting at the end of each day
• Make sure that report out (closing) presentations
are e-mailed to offsite participants at least two
hours in advance
• Organize a small celebration of the
achievements of the event

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Kaizen Methodology

Day 1 - Kick Off

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

Have the site manager kick off the event

• Goal: Site manager gives a brief overview of the
goal, for example, reduce inventory, reduce
changeover time, improve quality, etcetera
• Empowerment: Site manager must make the
team feel at ease to make decisions
• Resources: Site manager must provide the team
with required resources on demand
• Encouragement: Site manager should
demonstrate confidence in the team’s ability to
meet the challenge
• Support: Site manager should be available to
assist as needed during the week

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Team Training
Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Kaizen Facilitator provides overview training for Lean

• This training should set the foundation for the rest of the
event. (kaizen Facilitators should solicit support from their
Lean Leader, MBB, BB as required)
• The training overview should only cover the basic concepts
– Team does not need to become experts in Lean
• There will be questions and perceptions from the team, the
kaizen Facilitator should address these with the support of
their Lean Leader, MBB or BB as required
• In addition to the lean overview, concentrate on the training
that pertains to the event, for example
– Quick Changeover
– Kanban

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Kaizen Methodology

Current Baseline
Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Data Collection
– Certain data will have been collected prior to the
event and will be documented in the Project Charter
• Examples: Cycle times, Inventory Levels,
Operational Activities
– If additional data is needed, quickly develop a plan
to collect it - a day can quickly be lost gathering data
– If data validation is required, have the team go and
collect a few samples to back up the data

• Conduct Progress Review Meeting

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Day 2 – Improvement Plan

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Quickly review the work done on Day 1

(GO-Team Meeting)
• Develop the Improvement Plan (Detailed Plans)
– Keep the team focused on the goal (reduce
inventory, reduce changeover time, develop
a cell, etcetera)
– Brainstorming: if the team is not moving
forward (solicit support from your Lean
Leader, MBB or BB if required)
• Conduct Progress Review Meeting

As the kaizen Facilitator, you

must guide the team to develop
an aggressive improvement plan

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Kaizen Methodology

Day 3 – Implementation
Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Quickly review the work done on Day 2 (GO-

Team Meeting)
• This is the main day that changes are made to
the process
• Get the process back up and running for
observation if possible
• Observe the changes
• The team should be out working!
• Conduct Progress Review Meeting

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Day 4 – Continue Implementation

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Quickly review the work done on Day 3

(GO-Team Meeting)
• Complete Implementation
– Complete any last minute activities
• Evaluate changes made during the event
– Measure and document the change
• Refine changes made
– Adjust if needed
• Develop Control Plans and S.O.P. to sustain
the changes
– Do not leave these issues open – get them
agreed and signed off

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Kaizen Methodology

Day 4 – Continue Implementation

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Capture all the actions that were not 100%

completed in the event
• Assign a person’s name to each item
• Assign date for item to be completed
• Establish a weekly action list review process
with team
• Prepare notification of training for HR and
certificates for presentation to the team
• Conduct Progress Review Meeting

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Action List Example

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

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Kaizen Methodology

Day 5 – Report Out

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Quickly review the work done on Day 4

(GO-Team Meeting)
• Prepare Report Out
– Title Page – Project Title + Team
– Project Charter
– Tools Used and Benefits derived
– Results – Data + Before and After
– Next Steps - kaizen Newspaper

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Day 5 – Report Out

Day Day Day Day Day
1 2 3 4 5

• Finalize Report-Out
– 15 minute Report-Out to Site
Leadership Team
• Final Walkthrough of Area


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Kaizen Methodology

TDI Cycle Time and Inventory Reduction Kaizen

Wilsonville, Oregon

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-43

TDI Cycle Time And Inventory

Reduction Kaizen

Kaizen Charter
Element Description Details
1. Event Name Unique identifier for event TDI Cheetah Cycle Time and Inventory Reduction
2. Process Description of process purpose, TDI assembly operations including test, tip grinding, QC,
Description locations etc packaging and SMT
> 50% reduction in cycle time (minimum reduction 25%)
3. Event Objective What improvement is targeted? > 50% reduction in inventory (minimum reduction 25%)
Improved material flow tracking
Start & end points of target Inventory includes raw materials, WIP and FGI.
process. Any geographic, Cycle Time is from when a shop order is opened until it’s closed.
4. Event Scope
product, functional, The cable plant SMT and Assembly are included.
demographic etc boundaries
5. Benefits of What benefits would be brought Shorter lead times for the customer.
improving the to the business by improving Less money tied up in inventory
process the process?
Baseline metrics and targets so that improvements can be tracked
Metric Baseline Target Kaizen Results
6. Process Metrics Inventory: $135k WIP Target: > 50% 33% Reduction
WIP Min: > 25% Projected $90k WIP
Cycle Time: 51d C/T for Browser Kit Target: > 50% 50% Reduction
System Lead Time 600-0222-00 Min: > 25% Projected 26d C/T

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Kaizen Methodology

TDI Cycle Time And Inventory

Reduction Kaizen

Sub-assembly flow After

• 5 fewer part numbers after

flattening the BOMs
• WIP down 33%: $135k to $90k
• C/T reduced 50%: 51d to 26d
for the 600-0222-00
• Travel reduced 70%: 5400 ft to
1600 ft for the 600-0222-00
• Production will be driven by
600-0222-00 demand not
forecast based on MRP

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TDI Cycle Time And Inventory

Reduction Kaizen
Line Reconfiguration
Line Reconfiguration Results:
¾Product travel reduced 40% (from 456 ft to 268 ft)
¾Test and Packaging moved onto the assembly line (QA to follow)
¾Eliminated one bench and performed a 5S station organization/cleanup

Before Moving After Moving

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Kaizen Methodology

TDI Cycle Time And Inventory

Reduction Kaizen
Kaizen Newspaper

What (outstanding action items) Who (owner) When (due date)

ECN/Change BOMs and Assy Scott Reichard 6/29

Finance approval of cost savings model Gary Corgan 6/29

Move QA Gary Corgan 6/29

Floor Stock Zeno Morgante 7/31

Integrate Grinding Ross Beiger 7/31

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Kaizen Event

GO-Meetings and Progress Review

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Kaizen Methodology

GO Work Group Morning Startup Meeting

• GO = “Getting Organized”- Meeting

• 10 minutes (stand up meeting – no
chairs; no chat)
• Restate the daily targets for the group
– Safety
– Production
• Previous day / shift quality, material,
equipment, and resource issues
• Provide status of open issues
– Work group action sheets
– Accelerated change (kaizen) events
– Recognition of individuals

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Daily Progress Review

What is it?
• Update “Daily Progress Report” at the end of the day
• 10 minute Meeting with the team and Site
Management at the end of each day
• Briefly review what has been accomplished and
achieved during the day
• Set a clear agenda for the next day
• Discuss bottlenecks/support needed

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Kaizen Methodology

Daily Progress Review – Example Report

KAIZEN Event / Daily Progress Report

TE Form 5
Work Area:__________________________________ Date:_______________________________________
Team #:_____________________________________ Takt Time:___________________________________
Project Description:____________________________________________________________________________

Metric Start Target Daily Progress % Notes

1 2 3 4 5 Change
2. Inventory

3. Cycle Times

4. Productivity
5. Space
(Sq Ft; Sq M)
6. Setup Time

7. Lead Time
8. People Travel
(Feet; Metre)
9. Product Travel
(Feet; Metre)
10. Volume
11. Crew Size

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Kaizen Event

Follow up

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Kaizen Methodology

Kaizen Event Follow-up

Days Following the Event

• Conduct a weekly Review Meeting for each of the next
4 weeks or until all Action Items are closed
– Kaizen Event metrics
– Status of Action Items
– Unexpected issues
– Validation of Control Plan and SOP
• Electronic copies of close out documents should be
archived by the management designee
• Implementation plan should be updated
• The Site Manager should target the next event and
start the cycle over again

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Types of Kaizen Events

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Kaizen Methodology

Value Stream Mapping

• The purpose of this event is to enable more
efficient flow of materials and information by
– Conducting detailed observations on the
information paths starting with the customer
and the material flow paths starting with the Value Stream Mapping
supplier all the way through order fulfillment
Team Makeup
– Observing waste from the customer’s
perspective and documenting it at each
process step
– Observing barriers to flow and documenting
them Operators
– Creating a Future State vision utilizing the
principles of Lean Sales
– Creating a detailed implementation plan that
methodically works toward achieving the
future state in a step by step fashion over a
12 month period

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Value Stream Mapping (Continued)

• In carrying out this event the team
members will
– Go through training in the fundamental
Lean concepts
– Make direct observations of information and Value Stream Mapping
material flows, process waste, and inventory Team Makeup
throughout the value stream
– Create detailed Current and Future
state maps
– Create an implementation plan

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Kaizen Methodology

Standard Work Event

• The purpose of this event is to make a more
productive workplace by:
– Eliminating the waste associated with
workers doing Non-Value Added activities Std. Work Event Team
– Improve quality by assuring a consistent Makeup
manufacturing process


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Standard Work Event (Continued)

• In carrying out this event the team
members will
– Conduct a 5S+1 event on the area
– Observe material flow and production Std. Work Event Team
processes in great detail both directly and Makeup
through a video tape
– Reorganize the work to be more efficient
– Modify the work area to reduce travel
distances and support flow
– Put visual tools in place that convey Engineers
information is a simple, timely, and relevant Leadership
manner Other

– Document the new methods and

train workers

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-58

Kaizen Facilitator Page 29

Tyco Electronics – Global Operations TEC-406-716 / November 2008 / Rev. B
Kaizen Methodology

5S+1 Event
• The purpose of this event is to make a
more productive workplace by:
– Assuring that everything that’s needed
to do daily work is close at hand
– Eliminating the inefficiency associated 5S+1 Event Team Makeup
with having items in the workplace
that are not used on a frequent basis
– Organizing needed items so that they
are easily found and identified
– Implementing a systematic method of Facilities
sustaining the organization so that it is Maintenance
constantly improved and regression is Other


Rev B November 2008 KF 113-59

5S+1 Event
• In carrying out this event the team
members will:
– Make direct observations of items in
work area and asses their need
– Conduct a THOROUGH CLEANING 5S+1 Event Team Makeup
of the work area and all items within it
– Paint areas and equipment that do not
look excellent
– Implement a visual system of
maintaining the high level of Facilities
organization achieved throughout Maintenance
the event Other

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-60

Kaizen Facilitator Page 30

Tyco Electronics – Global Operations TEC-406-716 / November 2008 / Rev. B
Kaizen Methodology

Total Productive Maintenance Event

• The purpose of this event is to create a
more efficient workplace by continuously
improving the reliability and capabilities
(Effectively) of production equipment
• In carrying out this event the team
TPM Team Makeup
members will:
THE EQUIPMENT (5S+1). This is done
to enable a detailed inspection of the
– Assess all items that are in need Workers
of repair Engineering
– Paint equipment and generally make it Other

look like new Leadership

– Repair as much as possible during the

event and schedule the remaining items

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-61

Total Productive Maintenance Event

• In carrying out this event the team
members will
– Modify the equipment to make it easy
for the workers to conduct daily status
TPM Team Makeup
– Analyze historical uptime, productivity,
and quality data
– Modify equipment design, PM,
Operating procedures to improve
Overall Equipment Effectively
– Create an instruction set (Standard Workers
Work) that maintains the level of order Engineering
that was achieved during the event Other
– Train process workers and mechanics in
the revised process

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-62

Kaizen Facilitator Page 31

Tyco Electronics – Global Operations TEC-406-716 / November 2008 / Rev. B
Kaizen Methodology

Quick Change-Over “QCO/SMED”

• The purpose of this event is to make a more
productive workplace by:
– Reducing the amount of time required to
change over the machine for a new product QCO Event Team
– Improve quality by eliminating adjustments
and mistakes
• In carrying out this event the team members will:
– Conduct a 5S+1 event on the area
– Observe a setup in great detail both directly
and by video recording the actual setup Setup
– Reorganize the work to be more efficient
– Modify the equipment to reduce setup time Other
– Document the new methods and train workers

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-63


Rev B November 2008 KF 113-64

Kaizen Facilitator Page 32

Tyco Electronics – Global Operations TEC-406-716 / November 2008 / Rev. B
Kaizen Methodology

Kaizen Event Summary

• Kaizen is an accelerated and intense improvement initiative that utilizes
the lean tools in a team environment
• It focuses on improving cost, quality and delivery performance by
eliminating waste
• It can be applied to any focused business area:
– The manufacturing floor
– An administrative process
– Product design
– Process design
– Warehouse
• Kaizen Events can be extremely effective when they are:
– Supported by Senior Management
– Properly planned
– Communicated intensively
– Executed according to this training
– Followed up to ensure permanence

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-65

Kaizen Event Summary

Kaizen Means Thinking

“Now Things are the Worst ever”
And ... Have Some Fun Doing It

Rev B November 2008 KF 113-66

Kaizen Facilitator Page 33

Tyco Electronics – Global Operations TEC-406-716 / November 2008 / Rev. B

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