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Sa » Kavdana tan Eo cieiy ‘s vehwanatiran eth pande Trols bate 4 Technslegy Halryst _ Depadoront 4 Comprbu dideate + Enag Shb ! Deatqyn Onde Analyt, 9 Algoidhin. Srbtode : [is (642) Sod Wome > prod. Yaunvees» “hafta - 4 * Tan dogo Menue-L . via. Explato aay telre notation! ta detail Wht exanaple. ead ftom] Sele: We have ‘dhe * following Asymph He notatfon : : 4) Bey Oh Co) ii) Be ‘omega (0) . iD) Big theta (WY : 3) Bq Oh Co) Notab on A function +tn) u “path do be é 0 glo) derived by. “1(0). ©&gn)) if tn) u 7 bundled abe by dome ~ Cong Jan anal Hele AOD fr atk tage op. he iP wthere ertcl Some — postive tonttont. cand Lome moo negative _, Hoheger. No seth = dat tt) Se gin) ; fo “an ny Graph given helow represent — Big oh notalue C. Gn) ttn) tramp: Hn) = 1o0n +5 replacing LS OPK nm —_— C gin) = loon +5H.- = loon +9 . = tolo rf) < Cs gto) : Fhur feplier thect toonto < lon, for, NAS tr Call | gm)ea , ooze ' , -$&) € olny) | Ve - Ho) £ Btn). it) oy megs Do tatoo (op) A jackin tw) t ead to be 2G oy denoied vy 4a) € 2G om), wf e109 a ‘pounded’ — below oy fome — pasitbre lonshaa mullile of gin) fos AU late no, ve. if Here enich Some. positive tonu-tont’ Cand Some “nor segabve. ioteger no guch | dha a Go) y, Cegln) © for “Aly n%-h0 The above Capron too Cin be eepremed gtapl de (ga Le ttn? , oq tn) ' 1 no J” . OF range va fle) = leno on, loon +5 2 f90r). dow D%0 pe. Fn) C+g tn) here C= t06 , gindre , Oo=% t,d&) € 2. Gin) be. fo) £2), Gi) Big? hela Nolan 4 jualin Lb) uw gatd te bein & (gin) denoted by ttm) € (gin). | aca bounded | above. ¢ — below aby ome poct hve conetant sult ples 4 gn) jor "at luge n, Ve. 14 Here venlect . pedttive: “Constant ¢, $02 and aon negative hdyger” no uch tha en qm £ tt) 2c ged por all Ar, The above PAprescioy | Cary be | eapremed arp Micali Os a 3 euanpl. ofet F002 loons 190 49 & 1000 +6 ‘£ lel jou Oe © se C1 gin) £ Fin) 2 ca gn) Cy = 100 : C2=tol no oo nto) € &(g&))-n he fend £ eln) “Tb Outline an algovtihm, te : Figd mart mum , ; of 2 elements and obtoro ie tigwe Compleretty 5010) Agora a a a (3m) gaa element (AEB nD, Bk Delertdine ‘the valve d the: large Clement 2 A given Array we) HE Tnput’ array “ACo 9-13 i oxtpe valve” 9 vey gest obmont -in A maival < Afo) hoo tT 1 fh nr do’ ie act) > marval » manval < ace) a Fo | ether nwaval : The eft dency, can be calcutoled aa. “ Fallowe _ Spb In hla, problem, x 4 wp put Go | Sep2 Basic. -opetation tO ia f2 ACh). > raaval + Step? : Eath time the Contant tnltec’ he logy Fhe. basic voyetaben* “Ui enendid tale tot Telit n-i do / ie ALD & maavas nol 2 HN = L, a ie . = n-i-l €L o tn) = on-t, itp 4 1 The otal nomber of times te baad c "0 gpealion UL Ckeuwtad tremainr Sane both & “bet cae 4 word care go fie) by expremed using 6 “po tallig The above tonelraint can be tatisfed ey Wg ke Zoya’ Zien Where Cy.=. 3, C251, gin) =n ee OD s Ba Detign — algorithey . fox “tower. of Hanof prsblea and obtain tine complexity as, Crowd HO Bigot : a Tomes of Heol to, “Gourte peony , “au / N Propote » a move” ancl hero source td dest 0 Input: number ‘of ~ clicks D ; no ont : click — movement © > Psst). , wrtte (" move. olive brow Cource!, bipy? destnaher) ve here « ond if o : Tover vo} Hanns Ln, Source, dest deny) rite C move ise”, delt) , Toner efttanoi (n-1 , Huy, source Act) © Analyst wnt . . The deme spidey Can be Caleutaled ay Lhown below . Sept The, patameler to be, considered ton, Which oo, raped nam ber of disks Sep2 2 the baste per aliory cl the enoverrcnd of dic’, . 8 hep > Total number’ of “cick movements ean be pptained wn, the Yeturreate’ gelation y n," trem", oute , "fo", 4in)- j eee ened 4-1) +L 4 4-9. Herve The above velthico Can le bniten as We | jPoe) te ee +1 SRerwde Oe The above seturence velatis Can be tolved lrg reyeated cubuishibiors © ag t)s tlm -\ 4 4 FALAbl-2 41) 42 = 2? 4(n-2) 4 244° 22% (at(n-3) 42] 4944 " 22 kind + 224244 a fal fag : : e alo fags BBA NAT) 4d pa ee Be De geowreluee geet The getomedrc seniet Cn be solved words” Bag (-D . 0 : ro a ° ‘Mel, Ter, ost set 8 - an agit tay ai tint) +9'_) eet Fen-1 . 2 te 2° 4 on- (7) ay ae tn “or rant se turer | eet Ty tert -I - n-! Pg a ea etd ny a a nttnys a°-1 Lice Dumber of click: movimerlr te bert Cade & Lame op writ Cle ,. 0 diy te (aP-1) 7 ow ola) "2b Prove the theorem : til) € OCginr) and Fol) € 0(g2ln)) then il) + Palo) -€ omar L4iln) _ q2inds, . (tom) Bate ott ul Pprstder pour arbitrary number Oa2 , bibr - . 7 TR ar eb | arZbr Shen . aythr co mons bibrf The abe fact Can be wed ty colve” 4A Hens, We fro that The funchiy $n) th sard bh be bq th B qe) denoted Oy 4), £ gun) ith thot there ens} A — gevidive, Qorolad Cf pocvhve” Fokeger no datishye the lo nphaint Pty) EC-Giny for al 0700: . wy gives fA, Filey. € orgy) ., Lo, by asp Filey 4 01. die —O a y Quin, that fotn) ca tater), oo $t0) £02. gin) for Ny 2 —_@ GE ty alm y, . Cle. manger, 624 / ie nemargn,, 02] -@ by -addaig © ¢@® be have “Pim ffoln) SC1. glo) 4 C2. gro) £ C8 xgih) + 63-g2¢tn) 3 [ qdn) +92(n)] (32% bun itn) ,g2mI inn @ Sine Fi) F420 C03. 239 mat LQ ln) 1 42tnoJ , by dette tion , a Fito) +O) “2 of mar dg 1Cn) grl0r) Where C= 203 25 mart er, cr} $ Doe muta, nr} In - IN a . MobuLe — 1 ts ‘ o 3a Design a “weeuxive calgeridtimn toy binary Seacech and Calulal, Lime» aa aoe fiom] Solo: Algorintbars ee Binoy - bench, Cisero, a, 6) : c f Puspose ! Search Pov ae Viten je the Web a ‘Enpat “Hem - element do be searched Q — let 3 elemencds” bos inunbea by clement fhe Wiel. Noowpak © VP SueerPab teairch }° postion M crehined, “oWerroue --b ~ G redmed “low Go htgn en-). Phils“ Clorog e high)” mid < (low + Abgh)/y ee nha midtd - 1b Wen < Alroid’] high < wid -1 the . a . © [ois << mtd + - endif thd wh¥ ke vehwn - 4 Analusur 1) Be care oceurd Whey Ween tbe tearched y Praes- fo he mtadle ‘ofthe array . £0 he tolal numter of Loraparrhs on a bey 2 Time comple fy ue eee BW) bree) tare @ccurs then “te bey to be geautheh "co efiRen ad the fiut portlibo or at the lat] peflio i thé avray. The tune complatly 6 geen by © Jottorsriy voumente cetatis, - : — TH)2 f 2 abe) Thats pherdide we coWwe ‘above reudtente Atloctrors “Us rAy aepeatted sates hid, : ‘ tinde [4 ¢(nip) ae 4'([ "h) pera reet (*%) a ( %2) ~ Bt 4 (Ps) sat +(2) 46) = i++ (2) at t-2° es tole fat (Me) = tet ates t ne hore g' = Fate bg 0 both fide pe get» lg p= bg? Tos leq 9 405) = lag oth 40) 3 leq © | x Time Compleat eg ae 6C by o) . Sb with “He algerithen Foe, eneeguiorl onl Trae 60, HAC), 10, 36, BE, FC, 30, [re] ol?” ext diy . Mergenvet Ca low , nigh) a . 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The Aopoleg, é cad Sort vt a! dyectia acyelte graph CDAG) @e=tv,e) & a dine ved uery af art verter Such Rat foc wrong edge (uw) lo graph G he viekea “ape bejore Me Veeden, Sw To The oxduetiy! | A ogolagicat Soot ea geaph - tan be viewed al an oxdeviog ot vertees | aor & horizontal Ling co tho ae “divected edger 4° fen let do aig a For he qeaph grey the Lepoteg teat Bitatned. wating, fhe allgesithen gqytn belo -: Toplagicat Sort tare DFE Authed Can be obtarned Lawre) potiowrg, “obec ; Select ony: axbitvary reckr 2. Whoo a vest GQ Wicfted for the dnt Ginie + ou pushed Toe cs | -Pohen a vein. econ (a dank end ts samoed Rom Ae Sache - A+ Repeat “he sedac Jor ar reeteer oF Hee> - S, Rerewe the order 4 Ackeled tern . fo get the “Lopate equ : Sovt Can be ly y= adj(sCiop) Nodes Viel s | popl stack) | | Shack a == a pe i Q b a,b - i | ab e abe ~ | be ~ aibye pe | x5 q ab 8 4 — .| | a 1b, 4 ¢ aber tet Io bg Ff = abe git £ | (a,b 4 _ aby 6,9, F + pare - ab egrt — b | | a Se. . Ab 09,8 ,¢ la,e _ aihe rg be 16 a b= aibyb, FF )C Mow th the aaeh, ne have. verde. heck Ja nol vented , puch Hondo Hee Oath og add bv o ol _ a vbi8ed hea i joa - a b6,4,F 1644] a “the order th HhEch Wc weeds cer ae doled Obdarnd from lart © Column phy ane | ey bead To prlog teat ordir & obferred by sore tng the Popped eecleo, AAC bog at 96 MODULE — IN «sen Pink he optrinah “ZB — fo the Enap sack, Toatanee nzt, Maid wh greedy uated. object ' \ 2 3 | alee ens hebght o|3|F\|F{t)|]4]s pot io | s | & [Ft |] 6 | 8 Skt Sept + Conpule the profet [rset rain per each object : obj [wetgie poke | Rates t 2 fo Sie 2 3 & 1266 3 Sy ls 3 4 4 4 L Ls ! 6 & 4 Ig As + i 3 Sepa) Lode ou Mens & the descending oecus 3 Ade prohtt welgis aati. objects objed s objeds lye 2 objet # object 2 é eae one 1286 Obj ok 4 4 A Sepa ard {Flog the banprach by poheg objects One by ones Knaptoct ! objects 6 Knaprack tkeAght | ow | @ L a _ 16 [objet s & ee Ig jobject © object L 1b 10 [oljed's | ofject 4, obj ¢ | 94 = objeas objel! , objed 6, | Aq - Obes 4 object ¢ objects ,objecl ¢, = | So __ object 3, object 4 _ } abet ©, objects , objects, cA object B, objec) 4 object 2 Now dhe Froeplack capactoy dhe felled w O14, bd bed 4 Nas Ne tga oh ot. cue @ jtackiona Krapeack — Prblem, even He action a1 any Hem Can be daten $0, trapcack — wh ll Contours jotlors veg iting Kobjedls ,objeh! , objects , objet2, jet +, object 2 /UI8) object 47 Dial cost 9 braptack = Ste ee xt eq eh = S38 Pod the siinlenurn Spanning ee “tru kats algevithor ae” [10m] ral 3-4 4Ae [i @ [>be 12, © an te gen geaph fave au mn veitiar, We febect Hl = Felree cdg ex to the mloimum fyanning® deee. Ae g os ate Selectecl te algoothn> Sheps cet of MST i= a athena tg +14 216-48 fag Z Ca Conthuct a Hutter, Code or. che pollorrng fae data - = 7 ys fiom] chaencteu LAL) ¢ D |- | Prebabt tty [0-4 [ 6 [v2 jones |» iy Ende he Jer! #OnCheAD 4 devde. resoiolilooiolo. Hub, , Hiutlog steph! Cw vee are crealid ty Chartier, Ae, 6, Pj- aoa (ore-4] feve-a] [ores Crone} SHtp2: Taentithy “eer wih, Smaller Prequentier f- mate tne Wo tem as let cheld and Be ook au Ke atght child Step 2: Steck Aoe-thes, awe le aut prequencizy G male Wee o/ {az04 } Bes] [bees] [oto [e:0.a] We Sepa t Now among Whe probabflilis 6:45 0 ute 40865 Bde g0.d6+ mre Least: qyequenLita fo fom @ Arve‘ thing thom Now | We Fabrbate We Codu ovd obtained chwadt, a )efoc D: Prababilly | 0-4 | o. | [fodewvnd | 0 | 189 | LOs2 [ots | oe | I lo t yu | for Lo Ltt 2 Bytpde The’ hong tol ABA CKBAD: O 100 0 1110190 0 Roc B 4A Dp Equivaled chamaetn wee eee cig ede [tat et Oodlolllooloelo } loo | | OL Olliooloelo| oO | peli {Ootoro por | - pELAoloLo 110 * OfFO010) O joo Fol | 2) oO. Aeioded tring W- BAD—ADA. 6b Cateutate the fefel=bl- PI Set ee OMe AIRC eR Acasa i Ss Ivew -S Jacvd« Pye, gaan red i | 1 atu) oft) is Toh: 4 | = = [3a (63 Foyt, 22¢ AbI-mn(m ate) =o! priy-9 |, 7 | | JAN] = winless, 4-410) =U | 4 } | (2) = minl 6, 40) = = |ptate A \ { ica min (4430) HA | (S134! 10, a be |afol= ani (09 1 L-t66) = 20 pt] 2 he | u I , ¢ £101 (go RS) =. | | | ALD = tr (00,144) =9) ee | | | fon. romain 4 | if3,),2 10,4 30 = m(ee, 2420) PhI92 49% | a | 1 lita) nin (34, 24408) 234 | | ] | ' a + : 3,12, 4] 0 Alo) = min (44, | 10,44 340) = =a] 7 4 an —_ ~ ——— ~ 4 S13) 214, = - a) lo ee = 6 oy ' - LL J Shortest-p cats a E332 1.250 Cort = 4-pl0 4is+20 = 44 OZ “Module - 4 a Explards she gentsal Procedure t Solve , a mt gah pooblero Utiy backtar ch* approach hth fo er ee ; [ tora _Golubig Ss ocet bpetig). be 0. eninien te oat peo Rar veektr. to} fav. let beast Ct, 5) ‘be he toe a, pli) rem bachroaud agpmask we oblaw : Bott tr) = mio "of Blot! crt, i+ ela, joe Levies 5 out 4 vesces At Lage 3 Ave buet} G4) = min{ bead Gree, beast 62,6) 2 6l3, 65 eri {Athy 342% 5 min6 3,4? 24 obtaind fom reler 3 Diag (3,4) = min{ bia 0129-4 C0397, bined ¢3)3)-46 (3,7), boost (2.4 el F)} ein £442, $44) 24119 cinind " ala etl, Oblaned peered : bw (3\8)2 ming beast (2,2) *C02)8), Prost) econ ay, boot (2dae ley} : ela {Athy Sthy, 248] , = rib Zlo, [4 LY =10, blunt pu 2 ee Steps Cov a yecticed - ad Hage § bioay L4,4) = anid beoet (BBV ¢ECA) beortla,#) 464 AY , emit M46 N44) emindic, 8 clo obtanid le b + 7 wet (4110) = mL bros (3,6)4 6 (6,10), beat (3/4) + CC 4419), bee (213 JE C( 8 rd) Fab LARS, aa | 104 3 amin Uy «4 ple Dbhasred gor 6 at, best C411) eming beost (3,8) +cl8H102 = mmfl0-46) le, OBarned por 2 Step & + Cost § vere ab Sage £ bwet (62) =w ief boot (4,4) 4014112), bloat (410), + Clto,!2) , butt Ca en, 1204 cals f S44) 1442 | 1645)! =m L149, 16 214 = 16, oblund joe recer to he now tabulate att Cort in table Vv ltl, is [4a [s [él evaloryty bed | o 14 + [2 2 Af" [to les [tg fe [re a |! rf de ft fepe ptf fete Uy Tro als) a. Als2)=t0 * pats obbaméd 'u ACA 0 26 (3736310 ~b A(3,6) =3 Aly) =1 Hb Conehrick 00 opRenal binary Search free — foe othe fotlas iy Dems 4\B8 |e} o Prbabilthas [5-1 | o-2 [O4 [O38 Soludwo 2 There ate 4 aodu, now as Ae Pll Dunder the rods ABC O 1,2)2,4> 4 cake 9, stupleatly 24 The ett sabes ‘ “est “fable ase a quwen below 1 40 ae ' fi 4 | 2 62 2 2 3. 2 . ‘ a 4 s . “ 5 0 , rot © 8 OF Fable = oot’ tabl c{i,ol 2 C0211 0 cf3,27 =o Wag pemula er, fay se da C (4,2) 2 . f(n41 09 oa cls 4) 26 * - . . 7 Cut) 26-1 C0227 20-2 C63,3) s0-4 CC4, AT 20-9 vein jorula ce, 7) =PCc) “he root Fable RC, mee foal 2 nea) 3 4 “tag frruda RE T= Klow Let ha soupy ete, 7) argo wary porn : eof t . ele, J) cnte felted ene eh tere? 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Wad Cees CI L¥qat (alQDP “IVs (w'NI € & e\t te EE my App pay + ATE fq borgpavae yf, FF (ve $s (vga ster lye Gib owe LCChId+ (EM+ [thd Culs}9+(e!z4 2) (GIS CEld + bed Clbqo+ (tz) petesy “ChbIdt [eldy (t+ Eves ci'cy Jp omva(vejo | es oy Pua op rvs Qe 3 af Gx Lis by Xe mp nue > pede 4 we tir bh xupaw Prasele yay: pdurn onypyaliyo pod womeys Med ye pangdyy a: wdend jj . Cp 490! ve) mphoyy oxpyodyy [wot } pow myo TY of py NY YE rrepxp srpiog pol o cnypdlye siphojg dyna v3 Fae tomaybe= | fwgdez kot as 1 aiyo| apo pa07 ny a pwr ay EPVJEE> Evy pg wry wm aay Pua ob. | | | | Jr Rae 40 o=1 do fe F 20 de ntde Jee J He fon-t do ACE FT = mia Cate gl, Ay kD nd dk ate, ') end Ar end fox 8b Apply heukeu algostien Je Compl sens thive Closure 1 dhe gfaph belers . I &—8 (rom “The AcKjacency may ik jor the girin qeeh & "6 1 60 © Ool © 0 0 | Lo Spl) TO Ymd pad froma , conritle alae 4 at colum dared FCA bel 2. Ab) =I Wondant Mab © o] © ' © o L Oo 1 0 Oo oO eee 1 I Shp? ? ehcp wm yaa pat hom vera b , Woattdu Bh no1 & bh Column S| ee a=) 3 aAdel (Aiba! ¥ (bade! fetddded myntant malvia o1el © oo] 6 6 oO [ | LTytd path fom Vor, ¢, Couidu cH ro “ach Oluma - 19 the @how hatin, thee ere tiaaee from ¢ edn Cher hole . Lo 00 honge ty value. L To fad pal Pron veterd, Condy do”? rr 4 dth Column (@ad=) ¢ Ca alel (4a) zl (dds ¢@b=1 “@b)=1 AV § ede, 2 Cacdes AV bed dre) (4,49=| bidder 4 (dads Cha)e1 bidet 4 bd21 cH yy ay (bade! F (Ade) (BO = (bd)el & Cd adel (ba) = The rowtant malin us 1 of Fa oe 0 0 © 0 \ rot au loa qa What th a. Hand oatan chy cust Preilem-? Whal Uo dhe predure ty find — Hae Honi an creat st 8 gap? {ho ml soudein Hand Ventas CFscutt problm b & prsblry ty ped hanuirltontan cycla % a.g wey gaps + Hanae Us niac Gy Ua Tourd. Hity path atong 9 edger q G * that viet eve vere once b ruhvire to th Stat gosto 5 th Jair PrBen, Ase” check — Joe the ak. possi Aha lho ntan Cycles fis A giving Graph . gosh Nent value ch) fl afick- é a pay ko TH alk )s0, then no veel hay yet Jeen ausiqned dowlnd- Aji treaties x1 G antignd do the nak datghert nimbrred renter tohtich does roy already Rppemr ch XC fb & Coamected by an edge de xlk Hh oteewue xfkl=0, Uf Ken , Heo x(k] & Connechd do x 1). f repeat xe) -(xEk1 49 mod tn) } SF (xk) 2 0) thon rohan ', T8 CG CxCk-1 5 wkd) 40 ) hea { distoct valves. fe fet tees do MP Cxlfl = Ce] tron break 5 ik Geb) Wo SF & (xtn3, x01) fo?) Yr Teh j { ate t( fake) } Alger Hang Yeni Cig) NThis Og Hors we he recurcire foemulacerr, % bace back. do ped aul She Haut Horta Cycles of a gia - The geaph & Shred as an adjatenty halx G Chin viel. 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