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General Chemistry 100 1st Quarter, 1st Semester

Instructor: Jay M. Cavan Lecture Notes No. 3

Topics: Electronic Structure of Atoms

I. Main Energy Levels, Sublevels, and Orbitals
II. Quantum Numbers
III. Electron Configurations and Orbital Diagrams

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the session, the students will be able to:
I. Describe the electronic structure of atoms in terms of main energy levels,
sublevels, and orbitals
II. Use quantum numbers to describe an electron in an atom
III. Draw an orbital diagram to represent the electronic configuration of atoms

I. Main Energy Levels, Sublevels, and Orbitals

As electrons move about an atom’s nucleus, they are restricted to specific regions within
the extranuclear region of the atom. Such restrictions are determined by the amount of
energy the electrons possess. The space in which electrons move rapidly about a nucleus
is divided into subspaces:
• Main energy level or shell is a region of
space about a nucleus that contains
electrons that have approximately the
same energy and that spend most of their
time approximately the same distance
from the nucleus.
Electron shells are numbered 1, 2,
3 and so on, outward from the nucleus.
Electron energy increases as the distance
of the electron shell from the nucleus
increases. The maximum number of electrons that an electron shell can
accommodate varies; the higher the shell number (n), the more electrons that can
be present.
In higher-energy shells, the electrons are farther from the nucleus, and a
greater volume of space is available for them. The lowest-energy shell (n = 1)
accommodates a maximum of 2 electrons. In the second, third and fourth shells,
8, 18 and 32 electrons, respectively, are allowed. The relationship is expressed by
the formula below:
(Where n is the shell number)

• Sublevel or subshell is a region of

space within an electron shell that
contains electrons that have the
same energy. The shells are
analogous to the floors of the
apartment complex, and the
subshells are the counterparts of the
various apartments on each floor.
The number of subshells within a
shell is the same as the shell
number; shell 1 contains one
subshell, shell 2 contains two subshells, shell 3 contains three subshells, and so
Subshells within a shell differ in size (the maximum number of electrons
they can accommodate) and energy. Subshell size (type) is designated using the
letters s, p, d, and f. Listed in this order, these letters denote subshells of increasing
energy and size. An s subshell can accommodate 2 electrons, a p subshell 6
electrons, a d subshell 10 electrons, and an f subshell 14 electrons.
Both a number and a letter are used in identifying subshells. The number
gives the shell within which the subshell is located, and the letter gives the type of

Main Energy Level Number of Sublevel Kinds of Sublevels

1 1 (s sublevel) 1s
2 2 (s and p sublevels) 2s, 2p
3 3 (s, p, and d sublevels) 3s, 3p, 3d
4 4 (s, p, d, and f sublevels) 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f

• Electron orbital or atomic orbital is a region of space within an electron subshell

where an electron with a specific energy is most likely to be found. In the apartment
complex analogy, if shells are the counterparts of the floor levels and the subshells
are the apartments, then electron orbitals are the rooms of the apartments.
An orbital, independent of all other considerations, can accommodate a
maximum of 2 electrons. Thus, an s subshell (2 electrons) contains one orbital, a
p subshell (6 electrons) contains three orbitals, a d subshell (10 electrons) contains
five orbitals, and an f subshell (14 electrons) contains seven orbitals. The orbitals
in the same subshell (e.g., the three orbitals in the 3p subshell which are also
called 3p orbitals) have the same energy and are called degenerate orbitals.

Energy Sublevel Number of Maximum Number of Maximum Number of

Level Orbitals Electrons Per Sublevel Electrons Per Shell
1 1s 1 2 2
2 2s 1 2 8
2p 3 6
3 3s 1 2 18
3p 3 6
3d 5 10
4 4s 1 2 32
4p 3 6
4d 5 10
4f 7 14

Orbitals have distinct shapes that are related to the type of subshell in which
they are found.

II. Quantum Numbers

According to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, it is not possible to give the exact

position of an electron and its energy at the same time. However, the probability of finding
the electron in an orbital of given energy can be determined.
Quantum numbers are required to describe the distribution of electrons in
hydrogen and other atoms. Principal quantum number, angular momentum quantum
number and magnetic quantum number are used to describe atomic orbitals and to label
electrons that reside in them. Spin quantum number (fourth quantum number) describes
the behavior of a specific electron and completes the description of electrons in atoms.
• Principal quantum number (n) refers to the main
energy level of an orbital and can have integral
values 1, 2, 3, and so forth. This also relates to the
average distance of the electron from the nucleus
in a particular orbital. The larger the n is, the
greater the average distance of an electron in the
orbital from the nucleus and therefore the larger the
• Angular momentum quantum number or
azimuthal quantum number (l) represents energy
sublevels and tells us the shape of the orbitals. The values of l depend on the value
of the n. For a given value of n, l has possible integral values from 0 to (n – 1).
Example, if n = 3, there are three values of l, given by 0,1, and 2.

• Magnetic quantum number (ml) describes the orientation of the orbital in space.
Below is the example of orbitals with the same subshell that differ in orientation.
Within a subshell, the value of ml depends on the value of l. The ml can have
integral value from -l to +l, including 0. A faster way of determining the number of
ml values per sublevel is by using the formula 2l + 1. Example, if l = 2, there are [(2
x 2) + 1] = 5, there are five values of ml, namely, -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2. If l = 1, there
are [(2 x 1) + 1] = 3, there are three values of ml, namely, -1, 0, and 1.

• Spin quantum number (ms) describes the spin of electron. When an electron is
assigned to an orbital in an atom, it may take either of the two possible orientations.
It can be +1/2, represented by an upward arrow (clockwise spin), or -1/2,
represented by a downward arrow (counterclockwise spin).

III. Electron Configurations and Orbital Diagrams

There are many orbitals about the nucleus of an atom. Electrons do not occupy these
orbitals in a random, haphazard fashion; a very predictable pattern exists for electron
orbital occupancy. There are three rules for assigning electrons to various shells,
subshells and orbitals.
• Aufbau principle states that the electrons subshells are filled in order of increasing
• Hund’s rule states that electrons occupy the orbitals of a subshell (degenerate
orbitals like the three 2p orbitals or the five 4d orbitals) such that each orbital
acquires one electron before any orbital acquires a second electron. All electrons
in such singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin.
• Pauli exclusion principle states that no more than two electrons may exist in a
given orbital—and then only if they have opposite spins. No two electrons in the
same atom can have the same of quantum numbers.

Electron configuration of an atom describes

how the electrons are distributed among the
subshells. Electron configurations are not
written out in words; rather, a shorthand
system with symbols is used. Subshells
containing electrons, listed in order of
increasing energy (Aufbau principle), are
designated by using number-letter
combination (1s, 2s, or 2p). A superscript
following each subshell designation indicates
the number of electrons in that subshell.

Orbital diagram is a notation that shows how many electrons an atom has in each
of its occupied electron orbitals.

Educational Videos:

Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom
Quantum Numbers, Atomic Orbitals, and Electron Configurations
What are the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle, and Hund’s Rule?
Writing Electron Configuration
Electron Configuration Exceptions


Brown, Theodore et al (1994). Chemistry: the Central Science. Englewood cliffs, NJ:
Chang R. Chemistry (2010). Jakarta: McGraw-Hill.
Nucum, Zenaida (2017). General Chemistry 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City: C &E
Publishing Inc.
Padolina, Ma. Christina et al (2010). Conceptual and Functional Chemistry, Modular
Approach. Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
Stoker, Stephen (2012). General Chemistry. Pasig City: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd
(Philippine Branch).
Photo Credits:

(Orbital Shapes)
(Electron Shell, Subshell and orbitals)
(Principal Quantum Number)
(Name of Orbital, Electron Configuration of O, F and Ne)
Chang R. Chemistry (2010). Jakarta: McGraw-Hill.
(Electron Shell)
(Electron Configuration, Orientation of p Orbitals)
Stoker, Stephen (2012). General Chemistry. Pasig City: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd
(Philippine Branch).
(Table 6.2, Table 6.3, Figure 6.25)
Brown, Theodore et al (1994). Chemistry: The Central Science. Englewood cliffs, NJ:


The multitude of information in this lesson material that includes definitions, explanations,
examples, and pictures were obtained from the cited references and online sources.
Thus, all recognitions shall be given to the cited authors, publishers, and content
proprietors who provided correct and accessible information that promotes quality
education for all. This lesson material is not for sale.

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