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Group Evaluation Form

Please follow the directions carefully and fill out the form completely.
Your Name: _______________________________________________________
Group identification (group name or title of paper): _______________________
This group evaluation form is absolutely confidential. Please complete it individually and in
private. This form will be submitted via LMS 01 day after presentation day or as announced by
Whenever groups work together it is inevitable that some members will do a little more work
than others and some members will do a little less. We can think of this as a normal range of
contribution to the group. However, sometimes people make such an important contribution to
the group that they go above the normal range (i.e. “above and beyond the call of duty”). They
are really heroes or superstars who stand out for their exceptional contributions. On the other
hand, some people make such a weak contribution to the group that they fall below the normal
range . These people make a very small contribution to the group, or even hinder that group,
and should not get a full share of the credit for the group’s work.
Are there any people in your group who fall outside of the normal range of contribution and
stand out from the group in either a positive or negative way?
___ Yes
If so, who are they, what did they do, and how much do you believe this should impact their
grade? ________________________________________________________________________

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