Module Information Mental Health September 20

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Module Information

Leadership for Transition to Registration

(Mental Health) 6NU565

Staff contacts......................................................................................................................... 1
Module Specification.............................................................................................................. 1
Description of the module.......................................................................................................3
Student Voice......................................................................................................................... 3
Your Voice.......................................................................................................................... 3
You Said It. We Did It.........................................................................................................3
Module Evaluation.................................................................................................................. 4
Module Assessment Description............................................................................................4
Assessment Schedule............................................................................................................5
Assessment Criteria............................................................................................................... 5
Assessment Rubric................................................................................................................6
External Examiners................................................................................................................7

Staff contacts
Module Leader KR: Stephen Quartey 

Module Leader CF: Fiona McCandless-Sugg

The section in the Academic Regulations – Part O Student Entitlement and Responsibilities
for HE says that you should usually expect to be responded to within 48 hours (2 working

Sensitivity: Internal
Module Specification
Module Title  Leadership for transition to Date of Approval  26/01/2023. 
registration (Mental health) 
Module Code  6NU565 Module Level  6  Credit value  20 
Module Delivery  Online/Distance ☐   Blended/Face to Face ü  Work-Based
Mode  Learning ☐ 
  This module will examine aspects of leading and managing within
Module inter-professional teams to improve care coordination and delivery and
Description  will develop the ability of the practitioner to influence quality
Consolidation of skills and knowledge underpinning nursing practice
will prepare students for transition to Newly Qualified Nurse status and
entry to the professional register within their field of practice.  
   On successful completion of the module, students will be able to: 
Module Learning 1. Critically evaluate the role of a registered practitioner in
Outcomes  influencing, leading and managing organisational aspects of
2. Critically discuss and apply underpinning theories relating to
management, leadership and quality improvement.   
3. Critically analyse contemporary law and policy used to
influence organisational change and demonstrate the development
of political awareness in relation to initiating change 
  The indicative content of this module includes: 
Module Content   Frameworks for leadership and management   
   Coordination and delegation within teams   
 Clinical prioritisation   
 Conflict management and negotiation - difficult
 Quality improvement – philosophy, aims,
tools, strategies and methodologies.    
 Quality care evaluation.  
 Political awareness  
 Change management, acting as agents for quality,
innovation, and change in nursing practice    
 Improving care through leadership: Clinical governance,
appraisal, managing concerns and complaints, duty of
candour and whistleblowing.   
 Service users’ and lay carers perspective and views on
service delivery.   
 Supporting staff through coaching and clinical supervision.   
 Preceptorship.   
 Professional identity, upholding the identity of the
 Self-care, resilience and self-compassion   
 Learning, teaching and assessing.   
 Revalidation.   
 Health economics  
 Understand and act in accordance with the NMC (2015)

Sensitivity: Internal
  Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities  25% 
Module Learning Guided Independent Study     75% 
and   Placement Learning  0% 
  Component 1: COURSEWORK 
Module Summary of Assessment Method:  Presentation 
Assessment  An individual recorded presentation on an identified area for change or
service improvement leading to improved outcomes 
Weighting:  100 % 
Assesses Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 & 3   
Reading List  Link to Aspire 

Description of the module

A variety of learning experiences will be offered to you through 8 classroom and/or
digital based sessions. These will be facilitated by academic staff that have expertise in the
topic and are registered practitioners within health care, encompassing your specialist area
of practice. Opportunities to develop your skills will be available to you through a variety of
mediums, including group work, self-directed study, IPL, simulation, peer review and
As this is a 20-credit module you will be in university one day per week over an 8-week
period. This module is considered a field specific module and as such, the majority of your
learning will take place within your field of practice, focusing specifically on aspects of care
that are relevant to your field.  
A detailed and up to date module timetable is available on Blackboard.

Student Voice
Your Voice 
We welcome your feedback on all aspects of the programme that you are studying on. A key
opportunity to voice your ideas and experiences and contribute to programme development
is via your student representatives in Programme Committees. The Programme Committee
involves staff, students and key stakeholders from the subject area who help make
decisions about the operation of the programme. The Programme Committees are
scheduled to occur a minimum of three times a year. If your student representative is unable
to attend the Committee, they can send in a report and have discussions with the
Programme Leader. The Programme Leader will write a Programme Self Evaluation
Document (PSED) which amongst other things is based on your feedback. This report is
considered and approved by the Programme Committee before the final version is submitted
to the University Centre for Quality Assurance and reviewed by the College’s Quality and
Enhancement Committee.
We really welcome your feedback and ask that you pass this on to your student
representatives or the Chair of the Programme Committee directly. We also encourage you
take part in this committee by becoming a Student Representative for your year. If you
decide to become a representative, you will receive formal training by the Union of Students.

Sensitivity: Internal
You are also encouraged to communicate with your module leaders / programme
leaders as appropriate with regard to your ideas and experiences of the programme. 
You Said It. We Did It  
Throughout the year we will ask you to tell us all about your experience here at the
University of Derby. Your opinions are really important to us, and we are constantly making
changes as a result of your feedback to improve your experience.
Make sure to keep an eye out for a chance to have your say in the next Feedback and
Survey campaigns, which will be running throughout your time at the University of Derby. 

Module Evaluation
During your module, you will be asked to complete 2 formal surveys.
The first is a Mid-Module Evaluation, which helps us to understand how we might improve
the delivery of this module for you.
The second is a Module Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ), which is a formal requirement and
serves as an indication of your satisfaction. This is conducted via EvaSys (online survey
automation software) and you will receive an invitation to participate via email. You can
access the MEQ via the link to ‘My Surveys’ from the Module Homepage. The results from
the MEQ will be used to Quality Assure your course and play an important part in continual
improvement of our provision.
Both surveys are important, and we strongly encourage you to engage with them.

Module Assessment Description

Summative Assessment Level 6 
  On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: 
1. Critically evaluate the role of a registered practitioner in influencing, leading, and
managing organisational aspects of healthcare.   
2. Critically discuss and apply underpinning theories relating to
management, leadership, and quality improvement.    
3. Critical analysis of contemporary law and policy used to influence organisational
change demonstrating the development of political awareness in relation
to initiating change 
The indicative content of the module has been developed to ensure that students can
achieve these learning outcomes with this being assessed via the summative assessment
outlined below.  

Sensitivity: Internal

Assessment Schedule
When will I get the feedback? 
Your work will be marked and internally moderated and the target date for you to
receive unratified feedback is three weeks after submission date (this date might change
because of unforeseen circumstances but if so, you will be informed of this in advance).  You
will be able to see these results in UDo Course resources. Instructions about how to get this
feedback can be found in the Assessment tab in Blackboard. External moderation will still
need to take place prior to the mark being confirmed at the Assessment
Board. Your finalised ratified results should be available to view via PeopleSoft within
2 working days of the Board meeting. 

 Formative assessment due 2nd May 2023 by 12 noon.

Feedback by 15th May 2023.
 Summative assessment due 8th June 2023 by 12 noon.
Feedback 29th June 2023.
 Second attempt due 27th July 2023 by 12 noon.
Feedback 17th August 2023

What if I am having some problems meeting deadlines? 

If you are struggling to meet your deadlines due to circumstances beyond your control, you
can apply for a Request for Additional Consideration (RAC). Please access the link below for
further advice and information:

Please inform the module leader that you are making an RAC application. 
What happens if I am referred? 
You will usually be given a referral opportunity, but this will be confirmed on an individual
basis. Please contact the module leader for advice if you find yourself in this position.  
What do I do if I have to resubmit? 
Re-submission information (i.e. what you need to do) will be posted on
Blackboard after you receive your results. You are strongly advised to seek tutorial
support if you find yourself in this position. 

Assessment Criteria
The work should use appropriate sources from the literature and placement to meet
programme requirements for academic level and referencing.  

Sensitivity: Internal
Coursework 1 
Within this assessment, you are being asked to identify an area for change or a service
improvement from within the field of mental health nursing that will lead to improved care
coordination and delivery.  This is an individual recorded presentation using PowerPoint
application. You will be expected to utilise what you have learnt within the module and
consolidate learning from previous modules to evidence your professional
knowledge, values, and attributes in relation to influencing, leading, and
managing organisational aspects of care.   
Within this assignment you will be expected to support your work with the relevant literature
working within the academic regulations to produce a quality piece of academic work.  

Achieving the required level 

Learning Outcomes 
The first consideration is to achieve the learning outcomes of the module. These are set
out above but are also in the module specification at the end of the handbook. Work that
does not evidence that the learning outcomes have been achieved will not pass. 
These are the constituents of good academic work. Meeting these will enable the
achievement of the learning outcomes. They are: 
 Clear legible presentation. 
 Good use of spelling, grammar and language throughout. 
 Logical progression and structure of arguments. 
 An introduction, a well-developed structured discussion, and a
conclusion summarising the work. 
 The introduction should include an exploration of the focus of the assignment and
discuss the way the study has been approached. 
 A coherent flow of information/discussion with clear links back to the topic. 
 Evidence of a range of relevant supporting reading  
 Use of accurate, evidence-based information to support the arguments made  
 Correct use of the Harvard referencing system  

Plagiarism in assessed work  
When you submit assignments, you will be asked to confirm that you have read and
understood the University regulations regarding plagiarism. For more information, please

Where and how can I get tutorial support? 
For support with this module the module tutor will offer guidance and tutorial support. This
maybe in the form of one-to-one tutorials or group tutorials.  

Other Study skills support and suggested resources 


Sensitivity: Internal
The library offers a range of study skills support for all University of Derby students. There is
the opportunity to attend drop-in sessions both online and on campus. They cover key study
skills such as ‘how to reference correctly’, ‘developing academic writing skills at university’,
‘using work and excel’ and many more. There is also a section on the website entitled
‘Enhance your learning skills toolkit’, this contains activities, guides and videos on a wide
range of study skills, digital skills. And research topics, including vitiation and referencing,
academic writing, finding information and using Microsoft office. 

Assessment Rubric
Please see Blackboard Course Resources for copies of marking scales/ guidance
used.  Separate guidance will also be provided regarding the submission of a recorded

External Examiners
The External Examiner for Leadership for Transition to Registration is Steve Bown, Sheffield
Hallam University.
Under no circumstances should students make contact with the External Examiner

Sensitivity: Internal

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