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The $100
Swipe File
Volume No. 1

Welcome to My $100 Million

Copywriting Formula Swipe File
Volume 1
Over the past 30 years, my direct mail and email promotions have generated over $100 million
in subscription revenues.

These are the same copywriting samples that I use to coach my copywriting students on
my Million-Dollar Copywriting Formula.

Each one has been hand-picked by me to give you a bank of winning headlines, leads,
transitions, and arguments that you can turn to whenever you need inspiration for your next
email, landing page, or video sales letter.

The Great Retirement Betrayal. This was my first grand slam promotion. As you'll see,
it's written like a grandfather whose only goal is to make sure you don’t get ripped off by
bankers, brokers, and the government. When you read it, you’ll see how you, too, can
add this same friendly/fatherly tone to your sales letters, landing pages, and webinars.
Page 5

One Nation Under China is one of my best examples of using the Trojan Horse.
Written like a highly-charged news article, it slowly walks you down the order form using
a combination of fear and greed. It is one of my best examples of using the news hook
to move your readers to do a swan dive to the order form.
Page 29

Tap the Hidden Wealth Inside Your Paycheck was written and targeted at regular
everyday people who are trying to get ahead in life and just don’t know how. You’ll read
how I speak to them in a to-a-friend-from-a-friend tone. This launch package beat a
well-known A-list writer’s effort and was money for me for two years.
Page 48

The One Stock That Will Make You a Marijuana Millionaire is one of my best
examples of using a single stock story to sell a subscription to an investment newsletter.
The big takeaway here is how I use undeniable proof to make the case for owning this i
ncredible stock. Another two-year control.
Page 72

The New Science of Getting What You Want was self-promotion for a book I authored
15 years ago. In it, you’ll read how I use my credibility, track record, and the dream of
achieving success to walk the reader to the order form. You’ll also see how I integrate a
no-risk money-back guarantee throughout.
Page 81

The Fast Money 2020 $1 Million Giveaway is the transcript for a highly successful two-
person webinar/VSL. You’ll see how I use a conversational back-and-forth style to keep
viewers engaged in learning the secret trading strategy that will make them rich. Page

Oil Time Bomb to Blindside U.S. Investors was one of my favorite all-time promotions.
REASON: It uses my famous “either-or” news approach to bring in readers on both sides
of the argument. Prospects read every last word to see if they are right. This was a
three-year control using various headlines and was converted to a highly successful VSL.
Page 147

The Master Key to Marijuana Profits relaunched a struggling publication to incredible

success. The key to success was taking a macro-economic view and then drilling down i
nto the individual stock picks.
Page 165

The Lightning-Fast Profits Summit is the transcript for another highly successful
trading service VSL I wrote. Here you will see one of my biggest secrets at work: How
explaining how the trading mechanism works to prove to readers that this system will
make readers money. So powerful, you may forget this is an example and subscribe!
Page 184

The Retirement Club is one of my legendary email promotions that ran in various
formats for over a decade using a simple e-vite and landing page that transformed a
publication into a club by repositioning the offer.
Page 217

Individually, you’ll see first hand:

● My headline formula for grabbing readers by the throat

● How I use subheads and bullet points to keep the readers' interest throughout each
● How I drop “cookies” throughout each piece to build desire.
● How I close sale after sale with time-proven calls-to-action that work!


Together, you’ll find dozens of headline, subhead, landing page, and call-to-action ideas and
offers you can use to keep your copywriting strategies fresh and engaging.

My hope is that you can use the structure and format of my winning promotions as a
step-by-step guide to writing your next big winning email, landing page, or VSL.


Doug D’Anna, Copywriter and Creator of

The Million-Dollar Copywriting Formula

One Nation
(Under China)
China’s Long March to World Domination
What You Must Do Now to Protect Yourself and Profit
Wake up, America!

Hello. My name is Larry Edelson.

China’s on a long march to world domination and their pace is
accelerating, and it’s about to threaten your financial future and
our American way of life.

Over the past 12 months ...

China has surpassed Japan to become the world’s second largest
economy ... surpassed the United States to become the world’s
largest manufacturer ... and jumped light years ahead of the U.S.
space program by launching astronauts into space while
simultaneously building their own state­of­the­art space station
along with a new generation of ballistic missiles.

And it is growing economically and militarily stronger by the minute.

China is now home to the world’s fastest
growing economy ... the world’s fastest bullet
train ... the world’s fastest growing military ...
and now possesses the world’s greatest
deep sea exploration capabilities ... while
lending more money to governments and
firms than even the World Bank.

They are using their economic power to buy
up two­fifths of the world’s coal, zinc,
aluminum and copper as they threaten their
neighbors both militarily in the Sea of Japan
and economically around the world ...
systematically wielding their economic club against countries that challenge its interests in
territorial disputes and that defy its terms.

In a dispute over fishing rights, they punished the Philippines by blocking banana imports
from entering China, dealing a major economic blow to a country that exports more than
30% of its bananas to China.

Norway was punished for attending the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony honoring

Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo by imposing “new” veterinary inspections on Norwegian
salmon that cut imports by 60%.

Just this October, Japan was punished over the sale of the disputed East China Sea islands
by China pulling out of the International Monetary Fund summit. The chain reaction caused
Japanese stocks to drop nearly 2%.

This is how China is marching toward world domination — by flexing its economic muscles
while buying up the world’s resources and modernizing its military.

It’s only a matter of time before China’s uses the $2 trillion America owes it as a battering
ram to push its foreign policy objectives — not just in the Sea of Japan, but WHEREVER it
feels its interests are threatened.
The result won’t just steal more of our jobs or block more of our exports. It will also strike to
the core of our financial lives — our companies, our money and even our retirement.

And unless we see a dramatic change very soon, there’s very little the bankrupt U.S.
government can do to stop it.

Where you work ... where you live ... what car
you drive ... and what you pay for food,
clothing, and energy — you name it — will
be indirectly controlled by China because
they will soon control the money, the energy,
the natural resources, and ultimately much of
your financial life.

As you’ll see here, the only way you’ll
preserve your financial freedom is if you take
action yourself — TODAY.

That’s why I created this presentation: To
show you what China is doing right now to undermine your investments and what you must
do NOW to protect yourself and your family from China’s Long March to dominate the world
and destroy your wealth.

If the thought of the USA becoming a financial slave to China disturbs you, I would stop
reading now.

I guarantee my presentation will send chills down your spine as you learn about China’s
Long March to world domination.

Unlike a military victory that would turn our cities to rubble, the fallout from their economic
victory will crush every single dollar you’ve ever saved or invested.

Unless you take action now, the value of your investments, your savings, and your
retirement accounts could be wiped out.

Don’t think this can’t happen!

You’ve already seen the tremendous economic, technological and even military advances
China’s made in recent years and how they are wielding their economic power around the

The next steps they are taking could pull the plug on your financial future and set back your
savings for years.  

I know that many in the financial media will dismiss what I have to say out of hand and
dismiss me as some kind of extremist.

They said the same thing when I warned of China’s rise as early as the 1980s ... and when I
forecast the great bull market in gold since 2001 — not to mention the bursting of the tech
bubble in 2000, the great housing bust in 2007, and the European sovereign debt crisis in
2010 — each time saving my readers millions of dollars.

Each time, my financial research and global
economic outlook were right on the money.
Just as they were in 2009, when I said the
bear market was over and stocks soared
over 50%.

That’s why if you can take a few minutes to
hear me out, you’ll be among a handful of
American investors who will be able to turn
this crisis into profits, because by the time
the financial media covers this story, it will be
too late.

And while the steps in China’s quest have been many, again, their strategy comes down to
And while the steps in China’s quest have been many, again, their strategy comes down to
three shrewd and well­thought­out stages:  

1.  Control the U.S. economy, 

2.  Monopolize the world’s natural resources, and finally, 

3.  Destroy the dollar to achieve their ultimate financial superiority.

The first thing you should know is this: It’s not too late to protect yourself and profit, because
China is at least 12 months away from setting in motion the third step in their plan.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let me walk you through all three stages of their plan.  

That way you’ll have a better understanding of what’s about to take place and the kinds of
investments that will rise when China makes its final move. 

China’s Step #1: Gain Greater Control 
over the U.S. Economy.
You can see what China has done to do that every time you go to Costco, Wal­Mart, or
Lowe’s — flood the U.S. with cheap Chinese goods.

Can you find anything that’s made in the USA?

That’s no accident.

That’s just the first step in China’s takeover strategy: Flood the U.S. with cheap goods to
strip us of our manufacturing base so they can line their own pockets with trillions of our

According to Ed Gerwin and Ryan
McConaghy of the economic think tank,, their actions are clear
violations of World Trade Organization
(WTO) rules that have resulted in 5.6 million
lost jobs since 2001.

The 20 WTO complaints the U.S.
government has filed against China over the
past 11 years proves just that.

As a result, the Chinese have taken over
entire American industries.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ...

The manufacturing industry has lost 1.967 million jobs to China in four years, 

The textile industry has lost 43,488 jobs to China in the last four years, 

The food manufacturing industry has lost 44,133 jobs to China since 2008, and

The apparel manufacturing industry has lost 52,271 jobs to China since 2008.

All of which are unlikely to come back to the U.S., due to China’s lower­cost tax, financing,
labor, and currency advantages they’ve gained over a decade of one­sided trade practices.

You should see China’s 12th Five­Year Plan, implemented this year, that’s under way now.
Atlantic Magazine calls it “China’s New Plan for Economic Domination.”

It’s no wonder. It makes their previous currency manipulations and tactics look like chump
That’s because their new plan is an even bolder attack: A controlling interest in strategic
emerging industries: The very high profit sectors worth nearly $4 trillion that we’re counting
on to grow our own economy.

I’m talking about ...

Alternative energy, 

Alternative­fuel cars, 

New­generation information technology, 

High­end equipment manufacturing,

Advanced materials, and 

New energy technologies.

The Chinese are going to steal these advanced industries away from us using the same
illicit — and even illegal — tax and fiscal policies that have already cost us 5.6 million jobs.

All using the same tactics that filings at the U.S. Commerce Department show China has
used to gut the U.S. solar industry over the past five years.

1.  Mammoth government subsidies,  

2.  Massive cash grants, 

3.  Heavily discounted materials and utilities, 

4.  Multibillion­dollar low­interest loans, and 

5.  Outright dumping.

All while keeping their currency severely undervalued to grab more of our money!

They do this for every industry they sink their hooks into: Undercut U.S. companies by giving
Chinese companies an array of unfair — and sometimes illegal — subsidies, grants, and
loans while sticking it to us with mafia­sized tariffs.

Just look at the tariffs they place on U.S. goods:

45% on U.S. steel products

22% on U.S. automobiles

30% on U.S. motorcycles

30% on U.S. video, digital video, and audio recorders

Compare this with the far SMALLER tariffs we place on top of Chinese imports:

2% to 10% on yarns, cotton, and man­made fibers

10% to 18% on woven fabrics

10% to 17% on home furnishings

10% to 24% on travel goods

There you can see with your own eyes why the U.S. trade balance with China has
ballooned to $295 billion ... and why China is sitting on $3.2 trillion of our money!
Those numbers don’t include even the $48 billion worth of pirated U.S. software that the
International Trade Commission says cost U.S. businesses another 2.1 million jobs in 2009
So it’s also no surprise China's newest Five­Year Plan has been characterized by the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce and many major multi­nationals as another “blueprint for technology
theft on a scale the world has never seen.”

The kind of economic theft that could wipe out your savings in the blink of an eye!

You needn’t take my word for it.

The employees and investors in American Superconductor Corp. would tell you the same
thing — China will do whatever it takes to steal our jobs and our technology.

Here’s what happened to them.

When their biggest Chinese client refused to accept or pay for new shipments of their wind
turbine technology software, their technicians discovered the company had hacked the
source code for their software.

Why pay, when you can steal it free?

This rip­off not only cost the company $140 million in sales, it also triggered a 70% collapse
in the company’s stock value.

This is just one example of how some companies in China will lie, cheat, and steal, helping
China to control the U.S. economy on their road to world domination while wiping out the
investments of American investors.  

Rare events? Not even close! Gen. Keith Alexander, head of the military’s Cyber
Command, tells us that there are 155 more examples of Chinese cyber thefts they are
prosecuting now.

Sound scary?

Then consider this:

In October, after a year­long nonpartisan investigation, the U.S. House of Representatives
issued a strong warning to all U.S. corporations to stop doing business with China’s two
leading semi­conductor companies.

Why? Because these Chinese companies are unable to refuse demands by the Chinese
military to seed their communication equipment with spyware and malware that could
threaten America’s networks, including those used by the U.S. military.

When you add everything up, what China has done to gain greater control over the
American economy and your wealth is indeed very frightening.

As UC­Irvine Professor Peter Navarro puts it ...  

"In 2001 we let China into our markets here in the United States and,
since that time, we've shut down over 50,000 factories, lost 6 million
manufacturing jobs ... and got 25 million people in this country that
can't find a decent job, and we now owe $3 trillion to the world's
largest totalitarian nation."

Tragically, the U.S. government can’t do anything to stop China from
stealing our jobs, our industries, and our money — all thanks to the $2
trillion we now owe them.

The reason is simple: To debtors, creditors are dictators. And China is simply the world’s
biggest financial dictator of all!

You see ...

Without the trillions we borrow from them, America wouldn’t have enough money to pay its
bills, since America spends over $1 trillion annually — nearly 25% more than it takes in in
That’s how, and why, the Chinese can continue to keep the yuan undervalued, flood the
U.S. with cheap goods ... keep their factories humming ... collect trillions in U.S. dollars ...
and gain greater control over the U.S. economy to their heart’s desire.

No matter how much the U.S. cries in the press, there is nothing we can do to stop it. 

That’s just the first step in their Long March to world domination: Control the U.S. economy.

Their second step is equally frightening because of what they are doing RIGHT NOW with
the trillions they have stolen from us.

But as you’ll see, there’s an excellent opportunity here for you to safeguard your savings
and preserve your financial independence. In a moment, I will show you how to exploit and
profit from it. That way you’ll begin to see the big picture and how you can profit from China’s
Long March to world domination.

China’s Step #2: Monopolize 
the World’s Natural Resources.
You don’t need to have a Ph.D. in economics to know that if you control the world’s energy
supplies, you can control the world.   

The Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 proved just that, when OPEC stopped selling America oil in
retaliation for the U.S. selling arms to Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

The “oil shock” quadrupled gas prices almost overnight, forcing Congress to reduce the
national speed limit to 55 miles per hour while asking Americans to turn their thermostats
down to 68 degrees.

While the oil embargo is now a very distant memory, what’s not is this: The U.S. still imports
45% of its oil and is vulnerable to the whims of OPEC.

That’s a fact that has not been lost on the Chinese. That’s why the Chinese are out to stop
U.S. energy independence, as Forbes reported last August.

They are using their $3.2 trillion in foreign reserves to buy up the world’s energy resources
to do just that.

It’s an incredible Triple Crown win for the Chinese.

1.  They use their dollars to buy up the world’s energy reserves to meet their own growing
oil needs,

2.  They acquire assets that will go up when the dollar goes down, and, as a result,

3.  They can control the price we pay for oil, putting us even deeper in debt and more
beholden to their economic rule.

Economist Dambisa Moyo, author of Winner Take All: China's Race
for Resources and What It Means for the World, backs up what I say.

“Like a nineteenth­century colonial power, China has ranged the
world over to secure the resources needed to meet its

Since 1977, the Chinese have acquired interests in exploration and
production in Kazakhstan, Russia, Venezuela, Sudan, West Africa,
Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.

Today they buy 1.005 million barrels of oil per day from Saudi Arabia, 623,000 barrels of oil
per day from Angola, and 555,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran.

This year they have invested more than $17.5 billion in exploration contracts with Repsol
YPF, Nexen Inc., and Devon Energy Corp.
You should see the size of their Venezuelan and Canadian oil deals, which are projected to
be near $45 billion.

And that’s not even the half of it.

Earlier this year, they not only purchased an Aruban oil refinery from Valero, but also took a
$2.2 billion stake in Devon Energy, giving them a one­third stake in Devon’s oil and gas
fields from Louisiana to Michigan.

That’s on top of the $5 billion they paid to get their hands on Canadian oil sands, the $7
billion they paid for a share of Brazil’s deepwater oil assets, and the $2 billion purchase of
Canadian oil sands operator OPTI Canada in 2011.

This is oil that we were counting on to reduce our dependence on Arab oil but now it
belongs to China, too.

By buying up oil in our backyard, they are putting the U.S. over a barrel — forced to continue
to buy oil in the Middle East, with all its associated risks.  

And it’s not just the oil they’re buying up.
You should see the food stocks, grains, and precious metals that they are now hoarding.

$6 trillion in gold 

$316 billion in copper 

$278 million in aluminum 

$9 billion in iron ore 

$2.8 billion in soybeans

In fact, last year China invested $322 billion in nonfinancial investments, according to
Bloomberg, to “secure energy and commodity resources, buy technology, and build
internationally competitive businesses,” to which they added another $35 billion in the first
half of 2012.

As Gary Lamphier of the Edmonton Journal writes, their
ultimate goal is twofold:

“To fuel the country’s expanding industrial and
urbanization needs at home, while mitigating China’s
exposure to the U.S. dollar and other potentially volatile
paper assets.”

Of course, when I wrote about China trading dollars for assets
in Real Wealth Report in 2009 ... and how they were using this strategy to unwind their
dollar holdings to ultimately dump the dollar, everyone said I was nuts.

Yet, that’s exactly what China has been doing for the past three years: Using their war chest
of $3.2 trillion to buy up the world’s oil, gold, and other resource assets.

This strategy not only feeds the Chinese global growth machine, but also will give China
even greater economic leverage over the U.S. economy — and ultimately your financial

That’s because they will have virtually cornered the market on natural resources as they
ultimately reduce their dollar holdings to the detriment of the U.S.

That’s why the third step in their Long March to gain control of the global economy could be
the nail in the coffin for your financial future:

China’s Step #3: Destroy the U.S. Dollar 
to Achieve Their Ultimate Financial Victory.
This is why China is moving ahead at light speed to promote the yuan as the world’s next
reserve currency! And when that happens, it will set off a chain reaction of events that
smashes the U.S. dollar.

The outcome will blindside millions of Americans who have placed their financial future in

the full faith and credit of the U.S. dollar.

I don’t want to see this happen to you.

If you can play this right, the way I will show you, you could use this knowledge to safeguard
your savings and possibly double your money in 2013 as the dollar falls and gold, oil, and
commodities rise.  

But you’ll need to move quickly, because China is picking up the pace to implement the third
step in their Long March.

For more than 10 years, I have been telling my readers how China has been making huge
strides toward pushing its currency, the yuan, onto center stage — with the express intent
that one day it will knock the U.S. dollar from its perch as the world’s reserve currency.

That’s why China has been buying oil, gold, silver, and commodities on a massive scale
while systematically curtailing their dollar purchases, with one long­term goal in mind:

Replace the dollar with the yuan as the world’s reserve currency.

Do you realize what this means?

According to Lear Capital, the value of the U.S. dollar could lose as much as 90% of its
purchasing power because nations will no longer be required to settle their purchases in
U.S. dollars.

So they will no longer need to buy dollars.
When that happens, interest rates will blast
off and inflation will grip the country by the

As a result, the price you pay for gasoline,
food, electricity, and medicine will skyrocket
as the dollar collapses and the yuan
explodes higher in value.

The chain reaction will enable China to
scoop up more natural resources on the
cheap, further monopolizing the world’s
energy resources and dictating the price we pay for everything.  

That’s been the end game of their Long March to world domination since the beginning. I
repeat: Their plan is clear, to ...

1.  Control the U.S. economy,

2.  Use their reserve dollars to monopolize global resources, and

3.  Destroy the dollar to achieve their ultimate financial superiority.

When this happens, China will often be able to dictate to the U.S. and the rest of the world
whatever they want — since they will virtually control most of the world’s money and its
energy supplies.

And they are already starting to do just that!

In fact, just recently, China pulled out of the International Monetary Fund October 2012
meetings because of its heated dispute with Japan over three small islands near Taiwan.

According to Bloomberg, this is the latest sign that China will confront territorial and other
According to Bloomberg, this is the latest sign that China will confront territorial and other
disputes using their economic muscle.

To quote Chen Xingyu, an analyst at Phillip Securities Research in Shanghai, “It’s just a
way of the government making clear its stance and it is ready to use other supplementary
measures to assert itself ...”

And there is nothing the U.S. government can do about it.

My sources in China tell me that we are less than 12 months away from China taking its next
big steps on its Long March — to use its vast economic power against the United States in
its pursuit of world domination.   

You need only look at the speed at which China has been buying up energy resources and
signing yuan trading agreements to know what they say is true.

For example ...

In November 2010, China and Russia hammered out a $200 billion deal to use their
own national currencies instead of the U.S. dollar for bilateral trade.

In December 2011, China headlocked America’s largest trading partner, Japan, into
direct yen­yuan trading — bypassing the U.S. dollar altogether. 

In January 2012, China signed a yuan­for­oil deal with the United Arab Emirates worth
$5 billion — ending the petro dollar’s 38­year reign in the UAE. 

In March 2012, China signed a currency deal with Australia worth $31 billion. In June,
they signed a deal with Brazil worth another $31 billion. 

Also in 2012, China signed loan agreements with the BRIC nations for international
and cross­border trades, which HSBC estimates could boost the yuan share of trade
by 50%.

All as Britain — supposedly our nation’s best friend — is aligning itself with China, with
plans to make London the hub for trading China’s currency, as the BBC just recently

The bottom line here is this:

For every nation that substitutes yuan for dollars, many other countries will soon line up to
follow them.

Why wouldn’t they?

With the dollar falling 34% in value in the past 10 years, they have seen their purchasing
power collapse as well.

For example, simply by holding U.S. dollars in their coffers ...

The Japanese have lost $379 billion in purchasing power.
Type your question here 
The British have lost $92 billion in purchasing power.
and click below...

The Russians have lost $52 billion in purchasing power.

And Middle Eastern oil producers have lost as much as $90 billion in U.S. dollar
purchasing power.

With the U.S. government continuing to print money out of thin air, it’s only a matter of time
before the world moves to dump the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

I’m not the only one who is saying this; Iwan Aziz, head of the Asian Development Bank,
said the same thing during a CBN news report in July: “It’s only a matter of time.”

Especially now that both the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund also
support dumping the dollar too.
support dumping the dollar too.
Mark my words.

The shock wave could reduce the purchasing power of your dollars by 90% — just as the
purchasing power of the British sterling fell 90% in the early 1900s when the world dumped
it for the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

When that happens, hold on to your hat.

Consumer prices across the board will soar. You could end up paying $7, $8, even
$10 a gallon for gas. A pound of hamburger could jump to $9. A box of cornflakes
could cost you $12.

You could see home mortgage rates shoot through the roof too, jumping from 4% to
8% to even 12% — causing real estate prices to fall even further.

As a result, government services and payouts will be slashed, as rising interest rates
will make it impossible for the government to meet its debt obligations. Your monthly
Social Security check could turn into an IOU — just like those California issued in
2009 when they ran out of cash.

And while I can’t tell you the exact day China will launch their final economic offensive on
the dollar, I can tell you this: Central banks and Wall Street insiders are already preparing for
the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency right now.

Their gold purchases over the past 12 months seem to prove just that.

For example ...

India has purchased 773.5 tons of gold worth $41.6 billion.

France has purchased 6.9 tons of gold worth $376 million.

Germany has recently purchased 154.5 tons of gold worth $8.3 billion.

And nations of the greater China region — including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan,
Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam have followed suit — purchasing Type your question here 
828.3 tons of gold worth $44.7 billion. and click below...

This is why the smart money is buying up oil,
gold, and natural resources, to turn the
impending crisis into profits, as CNN just

You should be making these investments,
too, just as the world’s central bankers and
insiders do.

They’re no fools. They see the handwriting
on the wall and are repositioning their assets
to take advantage of China’s assault on the

I speak, for example, of billionaires George Soros and John Paulson, whose money
management firms just loaded up on 21.8 million and 884,000 shares of SPDR Gold Trust,

According to Bloomberg News, 44% of Paulson & Co.’s $24 billion fund is now positioned in

Then there’s the world’s greatest bond investor, Pimco’s Bill Gross,
who just told investors to buy gold in a September Bloomberg
interview, calling gold ...

“A better investment than a bond or a stock, which probably
will only return a 3 to 4 percent return over the next 5 to 10
will only return a 3 to 4 percent return over the next 5 to 10

Individual investors are beginning to catch on as well, with investors
adding nearly $3 billion to gold ETFs this past September.

It’s no wonder.

Bank of America just forecast gold will climb to $2,400 by the end of 2014, while Deutsche
Bank sees it jumping to $2,000 by 2015.

Those are conservative figures.

My own work, which has nailed almost every major move in gold’s new bull market, shows it
heading north of $5,000 an ounce by 2016.

I’m not the only one who sees today’s oil, gold, and commodities prices as tomorrow’s

Big­money hedge funds and other big speculators do too and are pouring into commodities
at light speed as well, plowing $6 billion into them the second week of September, $4 billion
a week for the two weeks prior to that, and $13 billion a week before that.

I’m not surprised.
Type your question here 
and click below...
According to CNBC, for the first time in 12 months, currency speculators are now shorting
the dollar.

The reason is simple: They see what China is doing behind the scenes — trading dollars for
oil, gold, and energy assets — and have positioned themselves to profit from the dollar’s
inevitable collapse, too.

For these reasons, if you don’t have a position in gold, energy, or food stocks, you
could find yourself in the poorhouse with the rest of the unwitting.

I will show you the best ways to do this in a moment.

But you’ll need to act quickly.

The reasons are compelling and clear ...

America has never been weaker financially or militarily. We’re in debt up to our
eyeballs, and our military is stretched too thin around the world.

China has never been stronger. They own trillions of our dollars, they control billions in
gold, and they have locked in gas and oil reserves around the world. 

While China is building huge reserves of oil and other resources, Washington is
blocking exploration, drilling, and production — and has even halted the construction
of the pipeline from Canada.

Our European allies have their own economic problems and are in no position to bail
us out. How can they? Their own currency, the euro, is on the brink of collapse, along
with the entire European Union. 

Political bickering has never been greater. The gridlock will continue to sink the
paralyzed U.S. and the noose of high deficits and entitlement spending will continue to
choke the life out of the economy. 

America’s financial position will only get weaker as our own central bank keeps
printing endless billions of dollars at the same time!

That’s the whole reason the Chinese are using their dollars to buy oil, gold, and
commodities RIGHT NOW, while behind the scenes they work to engineer a coup on the
dollar over the next 12 months.

When you add up what China has been doing over the past three years to trade dollars for
When you add up what China has been doing over the past three years to trade dollars for
gold and energy assets ...

The speed at which they’re negotiating currency deals ...

The actions of central bankers buying gold ...

And the amount of money hedge funds and Wall Street insiders are pouring into
oil, gold, and energy assets, too ...
Type your question here 
The facts tell me that the axe will fall soon. and click below...

Highly placed sources inside the banking system would tell you the same thing too,
directing America’s largest banks in August “to make plans for preventing collapse.”

And as Reuters also reported, emphasizing that “the banks could not count on government

So let me ask you a few questions.

Knowing what you know now ...

Will you be ready when China makes its final moves and the dollar collapses?

Will you be ready when oil and food prices skyrocket?

Will you be ready when China uses its financial power to dictate key aspects of your
financial life?

Please don’t think this can’t happen ...

Recent history is filled with incredible economic collapses that few people saw coming.

For example ...

In the 1900s, Germany’s Weimar Republic collapsed under the weight of political
instability and war reparations in accordance with the Treaty of Versailles.

In the 1920s, the United States suffered its greatest economic collapse, when the
banking system broke down, the stock market collapsed, and lending ceased —
ushering in the Great Depression.

In the 1980s, the Soviet empire collapsed due to failed economic policies,
brought about by its own Afghanistan quagmire and perceived need to match the
U.S. military buildup dollar for dollar.

In the 1990s, the Argentine economy collapsed from its spiraling public debt,
which the country was unable to pay back.

All this is very similar, in key respects, to some of the same financial situations the United
States finds itself in today!

Is our situation different today?

Of course it is.
But to think that we are invulnerable to similar kinds of disasters would be foolish and naïve
— especially given the $16 trillion we’re in debt and the choke hold the Chinese already
have on our economy and the rest of the world.

Tragically, by the time most Americans wake up to what is taking place around them, it will
be too late — just like in 2000 and 2007 — when major busts and stock market collapses
sent millions of unwitting Americans to the poorhouse.

While I’m proud that our warnings saved our readers millions of dollars in each of those
cases, countless others lost their savings, their investments, and their homes.

I don’t want to see you become a victim here, either.
I don’t want to see you become a victim here, either.

That’s the whole reason I created this presentation — not just to warn you, but also to show
you what you must do now to protect yourself and profit before China makes its next move.

Here at Real Wealth Report, we believe the only sure way to do that is to take the same
actions that the global central bankers, the insiders, and the Chinese government are taking.

Step 1. Sell any bonds if you have them; they will get crushed when the dollar
goes down and the Fed is forced to raise interest rates.

Step 2. Keep very few idle dollars on hand. Invest the bulk of your money in
dollar hedges, in the best assets that will rise as the dollar falls.

Step 3. Accumulate gold, natural resources, and food stocks as the Chinese,
central bankers, and hedge fund managers are doing, as they offer you the only
path to turn this crisis into profits.

Do this now.

Otherwise, when the day of reckoning comes it will be too late.

Since we started warning our Real Wealth Report readers about China’s rise more than a
decade ago, our readers have had many opportunities to profit by acquiring key resources
as China’s appetite for oil, gold, and commodities has risen.  

For example:

Aluminum Corp. of China, up 150% ... 

Alumina Ltd., up 105% ...

Southern Copper, up 147% ...

Eagle Bulk Shipping, up 73% ...

New Gold, up 84% ...

Rio Tinto, up 72% ...

Allied Nevada Gold, up 68% ...

Petro China, up 55%, and ...

CNOOC, up 53%.

Our gold and mineral plays have risen even more dramatically:

Gold, up 350% ...

SPDR Gold shares, up 298% ...

Northgate Minerals, up 271%, and ...

The Tocqueville Fund, up 146%.

Naturally, individual results would have varied depending on the prices received, and
commissions paid. And not all of our picks have preformed as well. And past performance is
never an indicator of future result, but we fully expect these natural resource plays to
continue to rise as China buys up more oil, gold, and resource assets; puts the squeeze on
the U.S. dollar; and ultimately rounds the corner on its Long March to economic dominance.

While I can’t tell you the exact day this will take place, I can tell you this: The action you take
today will determine your future.

To make sure you end up on the profit side of this economic situation, I’ve created a basic
survival guide that spells out step­by­step what you must do now to protect your wealth.  
survival guide that spells out step­by­step what you must do now to protect your wealth.  

It’s called Hard Target: How to Survive and Prosper During
China’s Attack on Your Wealth. I want you to have it free, for
personal reasons I will explain in a moment.

In it you’ll find the information and ammunition you need to protect
your family, your savings, and your investments when China
ultimately begins its attack on the U.S. dollar.

Your free report includes:

Six steps you must take now to protect your wealth ...

Six U.S. stock sectors that will most likely get blown to
smithereens when the dollar plunges ...

42 big­name blue­chip stocks you should avoid at all costs, and ... 

The WORST investment you could make today.

Plus the same basic emergency portfolio I’m using to turn this crisis into profits — featuring
select stocks, mutual funds, and currency investments that could multiply your money many
times over, including:

My top three gold stocks — buying them will be like buying gold at a 92% discount —

for as little as $145 per ounce!

My top four resources companies that will make a killing providing oil, strategic metals,
and chemicals to China ...

Three rare earth giants capable of multiplying your money many times over, and ...

Seven Western companies that are perfectly positioned to explode in value as China
begins exerting its influence on world affairs.

In my free report you’ll also find 16 more stocks I expect to explode higher in value as the
dollar dives, including:

My top five food and water stocks ... 

My top four energy companies ... 

My top four “must have” tech stocks, and ... 

The three financial stocks that will prosper as the U.S. economy struggles to survive.

Best of all, Hard Target: How to Survive and Prosper During China’s Attack on Your
Wealth won’t cost you a single penny.

In a way, I feel obligated to give it to you, since no one else is giving you the information you
need to survive and prosper. Not the financial media. Not the politicians. Not the

The government is not telling you to prepare, because they know that Americans selling
stocks and buying gold and natural resources would trigger panic that would sink the
economy even faster.  

The financial media is not telling you to prepare, because — let’s face it — they’re in
cahoots with the hedge funds, institutional investors, and Wall Street insiders who regularly
make their money off the backs of small investors, getting in way before you do.

So while they’re taking action to harden their own investment portfolios so they can make a
profit on the upside, they are leaving you in the dark — just as they did during the 1987
collapse, the 1989 sell­off, the 2000 debacle, and the 2008 financial crisis — to fend for
collapse, the 1989 sell­off, the 2000 debacle, and the 2008 financial crisis — to fend for

Your broker isn’t telling you, because frankly it’s his job to sell you investments that make
him or her the biggest commissions, not to protect your wealth; otherwise you would have
already known about China’s assault on your money and you would have already
repositioned your assets.

That’s why I want to send you a free copy of Hard Target: How to Survive and Prosper
During China’s Attack on Your Wealth so you can take the action you need to protect your
family and your finances before the you­know­what hits the fan.

To help you further turn this crisis into profits, I’m also going to give you these four additional
reports free.  

Free Report No. 2: The Great Energy Windfall of 2013

Look ...

With global oil demand expected to rise to 99 million barrels per
day by 2035 and China leading the way for 50% of this demand
growth, I’ve identified six energy stocks that could multiply your
money as oil prices inevitably rise, including:

The Australian company that some are calling
“Hydrocarbons­R­Us”; it’s a veritable one­stop shop that’s
getting rich keeping China’s gigantic economic machine
humming along at top speed! 

The coal giant that’s making investors richer by producing
and delivering millions of tons of coal to China’s electric power plants and more! 

The company that supplies power to 13 of China’s provinces. Shares are up 1,260%
since 2000 — enough to turn a $25,000 grubstake into more than $340,000!

My next report will help you profit from the coming rise in food prices.

Free Report No. 3: The Great Agriculture Jackpot of 2013

Thanks to massive demand from China, food stocks are already
exploding higher. As the dollar inevitably declines in value and
the financial crisis deepens, food prices are bound to go higher —
a lot higher.

The four companies I will introduce you to in this report should be
the biggest profit­takers of all, as each occupies a key position in
the farm­to­consumer food chain, selling China everything from
seeds to fertilizers to food production — everything China needs
to ensure its food security.

You will also find that as China scours the world to secure the
energy, base metals, and building materials needed to meet its
global ambitions, the fortunes of a number of construction companies, manufacturing
industries, and suppliers will shoot to the moon in 2013.

My fourth report will bring you the information you need to turn those situations into profits.

Free Report No. 4: The Great Materials Explosion of 2013

In the past 12 months, these material stocks are up as much as
42.42% — and I fully expect their fortunes to grow greatly as the
dollar falls and China locks up even more natural resources.

As you’ll see in this free report, adding these companies to your
holdings will give you a powerful one­two punch of owning both
materials companies and processors.
Of course, given the severity of the situation, no portfolio should
be without gold.

As you have seen in this special presentation, the world’s biggest
countries, central bankers, insiders, and investors are loading up
on gold in advance of the dollar’s demise.

You should too. You’ll find my top gold recommendations in my
fifth free report.

Free Report No. 5: The Great Gold
Bonanza of 2013

Please don’t buy a penny’s worth of
gold until you read this report.

All too often, investors jump into gold
thinking that they can’t get ripped off.
There are a lot of unscrupulous gold
dealers you’ll need to avoid.

In your free report, I will show you not
only where insiders place their bets,
but also:

How to avoid the biggest rip­offs when buying gold bullion coins ... 

The best way to buy gold in absolute privacy, and ... 

My confidential “short list” of reputable gold dealers.

Together, your five free reports will show you step­by­step not only how you can survive
China’s assault on your wealth, but also how you can come out of this crisis wiser and
wealthier than ever before.

While these reports together are valued at $395, I’m going to give all of them to you for
FREE — all for accepting a no­risk trial membership to my monthly Real Wealth Report
service, where our one and only one mission is simple:

To provide you with 100% independent research and in­depth analysis needed to protect
your wealth and maximize your profits.

Today’s presentation, One Nation (Under China), offers you a sneak preview of the kind of
complete economic analysis and investment recommendations we’ll bring you when you
join us.

As a regular Real Wealth Report member ...

Every day you’ll have my staff and me working behind the scenes to bring you crucial,
up­to­the­minute intelligence and breaking news on geopolitical developments that
will have a dramatic impact on your investments.

Every time world events affect our holdings, you’ll receive a flash alert from us
detailing the specific actions we’re taking to safeguard your wealth and maximize your

Every month, you’ll get my complete forecasts for where the dollar, oil, gold, and
commodities are headed, via my Real Wealth Report, along with our unhedged “Buy,”
“Sell,” and “Hold” signals for our entire Real Wealth Report portfolio.

Every 90 days you’ll also receive a V.I.P. invitation to my online briefings, where I meet
with my Real Wealth Report members to not only give you my advance forecast and
recommendations for the upcoming quarter but also answer your questions.

In addition, you’ll also receive a second free subscription to our daily online newsletter,
In addition, you’ll also receive a second free subscription to our daily online newsletter,
Money and Markets, where we bring you our unhedged, no­holds­barred news analysis and
investment recommendations every day the markets are open.

With the final steps of China’s Long March beginning in the next few months, I guarantee
that’s information you’ll want on a daily basis.

That’s why I’ve made it possible for you to join us here at Real Wealth Report for more than
half off our regular subscription price and receive all five of our wealth­saving reports valued
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My motive is very simple: To give you the ammunition you need to protect and preserve your
wealth in these dangerous times.

So instead of paying $198 for a full year’s worth of Real Wealth Report and $395 for my
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Not only is that a savings of $544, but at 13 cents a day, that’s below our publishing cost —
and fully refundable if what I’m forecasting here doesn’t come to fruition in the next 12
months. All of it is fully refundable right up to the last day of your subscription.


Call TOLL­FREE at 1­800­291­8545 
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I’ve set it up this way in hopes of winning your trust, because that’s how much I believe my
guidance will help you turn this crisis into profits.

If I’m right, joining me today will be one of the best financial decisions of your life.

If I’m wrong, you won’t have risked a dime.

Either way, you’ll get the next 12 months of Real Wealth Report, get to keep my five wealth­
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So there’s no way you can lose by joining me today.

It’s all a part of the commitment I made to protect and grow readers’ wealth when I started
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I’ve made it very easy, convenient, and risk­free for you to profit from our forecasts and
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Over the past 34 years, I’ve helped my readers protect and build their wealth through Wall
Street’s biggest financial crises.
The thanks I have received from my readers over the years are truly humbling. Rev. James
B. of Powhatan, Virginia, wrote me personally to say ...

“Confidence in your honest predictions has helped to allay any worries about losing my
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Longtime subscriber Randy O. of Irving, Texas, also wrote me to say how our advanced
forecasts and timely recommendations have helped him secure his family’s future ...

“I began subscribing to Real Wealth Report before gold was at $300 an ounce, so you know
my portfolio is up several hundred percent.”

New subscriber Mike C. of Inverness, Illinois, is equally glad that he’s joined.

“I’ve only been a subscriber for a couple of months. So far I'm very impressed. Those moves
saved me approximately $50,000 in the last two months.”

For these reasons, I hope you will join me today too, because now is not a time to take a
wait­and­see approach.

As you’ve seen here, China has already implemented the first two phases of their Long
March plan and is actively working on starting up the third phase now.
It’s only a matter of time before China takes their final steps in their Long March to economic

When that day comes, it will blindside investors like a sledgehammer from the darkness. I
don’t want to see that happen to you.

I guarantee that downloading my survival guides and following our recommendations
TODAY will not only shield you from the fallout of China’s assault on the dollar, but could
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I’m sure you’ll agree that at 13 cents a day, the safety and protection a full year’s
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In closing, I want to thank you for investing your time reading One Nation (Under China), and
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Best wishes,

Larry Edelson
Editor, Real Wealth Report


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From: Doug D'Anna

Subject: Fw: The One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire
Date: January 12, 2021 at 5:10 PM
To: Doug D'Anna

The One Stock That Could Make

You a Marijuana Millionaire
How FDA approval and a pipeline of breakthrough marijuana
medicines are about to send this stock soaring another 1,303%

Dear Investor,

If you don’t take a small position in this marijuana stock, you’ll Hilary Kramer,
regret it for the rest of your life. whose
Over the past five years, this company’s stock has risen 1,303%
advisory service has
and is set to repeat these great gains over the next five.
delivered over 137
That’s a big claim, I know. double-digit winners
since 2011, has identified another
But not when you understand how this $3 billion Mari-Pharma
breakout winner for immediate
1. Developed the world’s first prescription marijuana medicine
that’s now approved for treatment in 29 countries outside As you’ll read here in this special BUY
the United States. ALERT, this $3 billion Mari-Pharma
company is not only months away from
2. Possesses a pipeline of eight additional clinical-stage
cannabinoid product candidates, many of which have been receiving the world’s first FDA-
granted Orphan Drug Designation status by the FDA. approved marijuana medicine but also
has over 60 patents that could give it a
3. Locked up the patent rights to a number of cannabis-
monopoly-like position for virtually
derived medicines under development, including treatments
for Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, every cannabis-based medicine for
diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, prostate treating or curing everything from
cancer, and schizophrenia and... Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple
sclerosis to numerous forms of cancer.
4. May be months away from bringing the USA’s first FDA-
approved cannabis-formulated treatment for epilepsy to the
If you can get in now, before it receives
FDA approval, you could see a $10,000
This is why Goldman Sachs not only rates the company a BUY, but investment and grow into $1 million or
goes one step further, writing that it’s “set to fly high.” more over the next 10-20 years.

The reason is simple. Read on for the full story…

That’s because they see, as we do, the company using its vast
patent rights to shape the future of medical cannabis no differently than Tesla has shaped the future for electric cars.

When you look at the company’s patent that covers the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, you’ll
understand what I mean.

That’s because the company’s patented cannabis extraction method not only covers all the active components of
cannabis, including THC, CBD, terpenes, sterols, triglycerides, alkanes, and flavonoids…

… but also allows it to claim ownership of cannabis as a drug in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

D li h t thi ?

Do you realize what this means?

This patent could give it a monopoly-like position for virtually every cannabis-based medicine for treating or curing
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

When you consider that the Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis treatment markets are expected to exceed
$40 billion over the next five years, the investment potential gives me goose bumps.

That’s only one of the patents the company has received for what we call its Mari-Pharma discoveries. The one it filed in
2013 could give the company a monopoly in the treatment of prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer as well.

When you consider that the cancer treatment market is expected to reach $150 billion a year by 2020, you can
understand why I’ve been telling my readers that this one stock, when held for the long term, could make them
marijuana millionaires.

Your Timing Here is Perfect

You couldn’t ask for a better time to add this company to your holdings, as it may be just months away from receiving
FDA approval for its breakthrough cannabis-formulated epilepsy drug.

When I say breakthrough, I mean it.

Clinical testing found that this new epilepsy drug reduces seizures by 54% and without the side effects of fatigue and
nausea that are associated with current medical treatments.

This is why one well-respected industry analyst projects that this company’s cannabis-formulated drug could generate
peak annual sales of around $3 billion.

At that rate, the stock could see its earnings jump a whopping 2,900% in the first year alone, turning the company from
a $3 billion operation to one with a market cap of $30 billion.

While I can’t tell you the exact day that it will win FDA approval for its cannabis-based epilepsy treatment, I can tell you
this: now is not the time to take a wait-and-see approach.

With Wall Street expecting the company to generate 1,317% sales growth next year and two top analysts raising
the company’s earnings for both this year and the next, word may be beginning to leak out.

That’s the whole reason I sent you this special alert, to show you just how big the potential is for making money here.

When I say BIG, I mean it.

You see, this would be the first company anywhere in the world to obtain FDA approval for cannabis-
formulated epilepsy medicine. The company has finished its Phase Three trials and is simply waiting for
the decision to come by the end of the year.

When this drug is approved, it will not only open the door to other FDA-approved marijuana medicines but also could
give this company a monopoly on most of them—thanks to the patented formulary processes the company has been
developing over the past decade.

Which is why Goldman Sachs writes the company is “set to fly.”

Here’s the best part.

Because eight states have legalized recreational pot use, nobody is talking about the medical use. It's completely off the
radar. The only reason I know about it is because I've been a Wall Street insider for the past 30 years.

Because I’m in direct contact with the key players on Wall Street, I can tell you with unparalleled certainty that you may
never see this kind of opportunity in your life again.
I guarantee the returns will knock your socks off.

Welcome to GameChangers
My name is Hilary Kramer, and I’ve been bringing my readers gems like this ahead of Wall Street since 2011.

If my name sounds familiar it’s because you’ve seen me on CNBC, CNN or the Fox News Channel, read my market
insights in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Bloomberg, or Forbes, or read one of my best-selling investment
books, Ahead of the Curveor The Little Book of Big Profits from Small Stocks.

If there’s just one reason why the financial media seeks me out, it’s because my forecasts and stock picks are
amazingly accurate—handing my readers more than 137 double-digit winners since 2011.

When these interviewers ask me the secret to my success, my answer is simple: We invest in undiscovered gems that
are turning whole industries upside down. Game-changers, if you will, that are changing the way we work, live and

Radical innovators like …

Apple, which has not only revolutionized the music, tablet and smartphone industries but has rewarded
investors with 973% gains since 2007.

Amazon, whose online sales disrupted the retail business, growing 1,989% in the past 10 years.
Priceline, whose online travel service changed the way the world travels, rising 2,913% since 2007.
Tesla, which single-handedly revolutionized the electric car market, handing investors 1,233% over the same
time period.

Netflix, whose online streaming technology put the video rental industry out of business, with 4,149% gains
since 2007.

This is why I can tell you with unmatched certainty, our newest recommendation falls into that same category.

What makes me think so?

You need only look at the rapid pace of marijuana legalization in the U.S. Already 28 states allow medical marijuana.
When the final tally comes in, that amounts to nearly $7 billion a year in sales. Industry experts forecast medical
marijuana sales will hit $22 billion by 2020—for a 214% increase in three years.

In my years of investing, I’ve never seen a sector with stronger, faster growth potential.

And it’s all because FDA-approved medical marijuana will give doctors a powerful new weapon that could potentially be
more effective than the current treatments for medical conditions including glaucoma, anxiety, arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s
disease, PTSD, stroke, concussions, trauma, and more.

But won’t legal recreational pot undermine the medical marijuana industry?

No. The opposite is true.

You see, recreational pot is like a street drug designed just to get you high.

However, medical forms of the drug synthesize compounds found in marijuana to treat a number of
different conditions. The best comparison I can offer is OxyContin, which your doctor prescribes for pain
and which comes from the same opium poppy as heroin.

Most Americans don’t know this, but of the 150 top prescription drugs, 74% come from plants like marijuana.

According to the National Cancer Institute, 70% of the drugs introduced in the United States over the past 25 years are
derived from natural sources.

In fact, plant-derived anti-cancer drugs such as Taxol, which is derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree and is
credited for saving at least 30,000 lives per year in the United States, are credited with $1.6 billion in annual sales.

That’s what makes our newest recommendation such a game-changer. Once it receives FDA approval, this first drug
treatment could overturn the entire medical marijuana industry—giving the pharmaceutical industry the green light to
enter the market, which is expected to be worth $22 billion in three years.

As a result, medical marijuana dispensaries (where you now find a witch’s brew of untested treatments) would give way
to real medicines that have passed FDA testing and that you could pick up at your local CVS or Walgreens and even
have covered by insurance.

With scientists finding that compounds contained in marijuana could have a big impact on AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer’s
disease, arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, and multiple sclerosis, my hands
itch in anticipation of the profits that are headed our way—especially when you consider these treatment markets are
worth more than $150 billion!

This Is Why the Big Institutional


Investors Are Loading Up

Especially now that Goldman Sachs has given the company such a glowing BUY rating.

Just look:

Top Institutional Holders

Holder Shares Date Reported % Out Value

Capital Research Global Investors 3,017,604 Dec. 30, 2016 11.99% 337,217,247

Scopia Capital Management LP 2,084,567 Dec. 30, 2016 8.28% 232,950,362

Prudential PLC 2,050,212 Dec. 30, 2016 8.14% 229,111,191

FMR, LLC 1,715,265 Dec. 30, 2016 6.81% 191,680,863

Deerfield management 928,192 Dec. 30, 2016 3.69% 103,725,456

Viking Global Investors, L.P. 910,831 Dec. 30, 2016 3.62% 101,785,364

Bank of America Corporation 656,291 Dec. 30, 2016 2.61% 73,340,519

JANUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC 651,482 Dec. 30, 2016 2.59% 72,803,113

Capital World Investors 635,800 Dec. 30, 2016 2.59% 71,050,650

Price (T. Rowe) Associates Inc 466,894 Dec. 30, 2016 1.85% 52,175,404

Together they own millions of shares worth over $1 billion. This rush to own this company hasn’t been lost on the mutual
fund managers either.

Holder Shares Date Reported % Out Value

Smallcap World Fund 1,976,400 Sep. 29, 2016 7.85% 262,327,564

New Economy Fund (The) 1,114,054 Sep. 29, 2016 4.43% 147,868,382

Fidelity Select Portfolios — Biotechnology 1,069,498 Oct. 30, 2016 4.25% 125,548,369

American Funds insurance Ser-Global Small

687,950 Sep. 29, 2016 2.73% 91,311,600
Capitalization Fund

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund 281,567 Oct. 30, 2016 1.12% 33,053,149

Federated Kaufmann Fund 280,000 Jul. 30, 2016 1.11% 36,409,600

Price (T. Rowe) Health Sciences Fund 262,271 Sep. 29, 2016 1.04% 34,811,228

Janus Global Life Sciences Fund 248,766 Dec. 30, 2016 0.99% 27,799,600

iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF 207,274 Sep. 29, 2016 0.82% 27,511,477

Advantage Funds, Inc. — Dreyfus Opportunistic Small

179,704 Sep. 29, 2016 0.71% 23,852,111
Cap Fund

They own nearly as many shares for the same reason. And it’s all because this company is not only pre-positioned to
dominate the medical marijuana industry.

That’s why I suggest you get in now, too, as my research shows…

This Company’s Profits Could Soar 1,000%

And that’s from just the sales of their one epilepsy drug I mentioned earlier.

With the company already possessing 60 patents directed to marijuana extracts, extraction technology, pharmaceutical
formulations, drug delivery, and the therapeutic uses of cannabinoids, this company could ultimately become the Gilead
of medical marijuana.

If Gilead’s 9,915% profits over the past 20 years are any indication of the profit opportunity that’s at hand, you’d be
foolish not to take a position in this $3 billion Mari-Pharma juggernaut.

Of course, I can't promise this company will deliver 9,915% like Gilead has. Few companies ever do. However, if it were
to jump just 1/10th over the next 20 years I guarantee you’ll be smiling all the way to the bank

to jump just 1/10th over the next 20 years, I guarantee you ll be smiling all the way to the bank.

This is why shrewd insiders and institutions like Capital Research Global Investors, Bank of America, and FMR
LLC are all backing up the truck here.

The reason is simple.

These big-time insiders and savvy money managers know, better than anyone, how this company’s advanced research
and patents could shape the future of medical marijuana…and the big money this company is set to make.

That’s why, together, they’re all in to the tune of over $1 billion.

But time is running out for you to get in on the ground floor.
The company could receive FDA approval of its epilepsy drug at any time. Once it
does, you’re going to see its stock price jump, as Goldman Sachs puts it, “high.”

To make sure you don’t miss this, I've put together a special report titled The One
Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire that will give you a
panoramic overview of the kind of wealth this company’s patents and cannabis-
based medicines could generate, including its name and stock symbol, and why
this long-term investment would make a great addition to your retirement account.

The report is yours absolutely free. All I ask in return is that you give my
GameChangers investment research advisory service a risk-free try.

If you’ve never seen GameChangers before, it’s a one-of-a-kind investment advisory that focuses on finding companies
that are turning industries on their heads—companies that have the potential to be the next Apple, Amazon, Netflix, or


graduated from the garage but are still a long way from inclusion in the big indexes.

Those are exactly the opportunities we target—companies that are not only disrupting their industry but are also light-
years ahead of their closest competition.

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll add our newest recommendation to your holdings now. Because once the word gets out
and the herd rushes in and starts buying, you could miss the company’s next 1,303% rise.

Frankly, that’s our goal: to get you into these game-changing companies early, before Wall Street takes notice and the
big money is made. This is how our readers have grabbed more than 137 double-digit winners since 2011.

As proud as I am of these wins, I simply can’t stress this enough: they pale in comparison to the profits this $3 billion
Mari-Pharma company will make over the next decade.

The reason is simple:

1. It’s just a matter of time before the FDA approves this company’s epilepsy treatment and signals to the world that
medical marijuana isn’t just a fad and Big Pharma decides to come in.
2. Its 60 patents throughout the industry will give it a monopoly-like position for years in a treatment sector that’s
worth more than $190 billion.

The One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire will bring you all the details and also get you in on the
ground floor of what could be the greatest stock-buying opportunity of the 21st century.

Again, the report is yours absolutely free…just for giving GameChangers a try.

In addition, your free report will lay the foundation for every new game-changer I will bring you in the months ahead…

…along with our philosophy of investing in game-changing companies and breakthrough technologies that are turning
whole industries upside down and richly rewarding investors along the way.

In each monthly issue, we will guide you to the most promising game-changer opportunities before they enter their
hyper-growth stage…before they become front-page news…and before the big money is made.

And just as you’ve seen here, we’ll not only break down their technologies, revenue streams, and profit potential but
also crunch the numbers and dig into the market size and growth potential.

And we’ll show you why each one could become the next Apple, which has grown more than 1,989% over the past 10
years or the next Amazon which has provided 2 913% gains over the same time period or the next Netflix which

years… or the next Amazon, which has provided 2,913% gains over the same time period… or the next Netflix, which
handed investors a 4,149% payday.

The moment you agree to give us a try, you'll get immediate access to the special report The One Stock That Could
Make You a Marijuana Millionaire…along with our complete portfolio of game-changing recommendations, which

The data-driven marketing company whose proprietary cloud-based marketing systems could double investors’
money again in 2017.
The home security juggernaut that’s reinvented not only how to remotely monitor and manage security systems
but also how to connect everything from your lights, thermostat, shades, and solar system directly to your

The Internet security firm whose 100% operational accuracy could make all websites virtually hack-proof.

The wealth management company whose behind-the-scenes technology is already making 200 other wealth
management companies wealthier.
The breakthrough medical devices used for treating heart disease that could hand you $10 to $1 gains over the
next 10 years.

The Uber of business payments whose proprietary technologies and growing global network could bypass
MasterCard’s 2359% gains to date.

Together, they offer you the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of these radical innovators right at the beginning of
their hyper-growth stage where their potential rewards are enormous.

This is how we’ve handed our readers more than 137 double-digit winners since 2011—all by spotting the trends early
and identifying these radical innovators light-years ahead of Wall Street.

The thanks I have received from my readers over the years has been truly humbling. Rosemary K. wrote me personally
to say...

“I’m up a total of $21,489 in less than one year! Thanks for your help in making money for me. Keep up
the great work!”

New member D. Murphy is equally glad he joined.

“I have only been with GameChangers for a short time, but am already up approximately 32% on the
stocks I’m in.”

Bill M. wrote to say that he used the money from one trade to book a cruise… while Larry L. used the profits from one
trade to pay for a trip to Europe.

Longtime subscriber J. Gaydos also wrote me to say how our advanced forecasts and timely recommendations have
helped him secure his family’s future.

“I just want to say THANK YOU all for helping me with your investments ideas over the past few years. I
have been able to increase my wealth as I near retirement.”

Today’s buy alert offers you a sneak preview of the kind of complete analysis and recommendations we’ll bring you
when you join us.

Here’s what you’ll receive the

moment you become a member
First, you’ll receive a welcome email with your private login and password to our VIP GameChangers
subscribers-only website, where you’ll find our current portfolio, monthly issue, and archives of all prior issues,
updates, alerts, and special reports.

Once you’ve logged in you’ll gain instant access to your free copy of The
One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire that includes
my full research on this incredible opportunity, including my buy, hold, and
sell prices.

Then you’ll begin to receive one to three winning picks every month
sent directly to you via email—all ground-floor opportunities (just like The
One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire profiled here)

One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire profiled here)
that are not only disrupting their industries but also light-years ahead of
their closest competition.
You’ll also receive weekly updates on our recommendations, so you can stay a step ahead of Wall Street.

Because the markets change daily, I will send you a Flash Alert via email or text whenever breaking news
impacts any of our recommendations, along with complete buy, hold, or sell instructions to protect your wealth
and maximize your profits.

For the past six years, I’ve helped tens of thousands of Americans like you invest and grow rich in many of the most
profitable stocks of our time. All of them got started by accepting a risk-free copy of my most recent research report…
along with a risk-free membership.

On that fair-and-square basis, GameChangers has become one of the most profitable investment advisories in America.
Judging by our 137+ double-digit winners over the past six years, our advice is paying off in droves.

I’m betting that you’ll see similar results. Our 100% money-back guarantee promises just that.

A Special Price for Regular Investors Who Want

to Own the Next Apple, Amazon, Netflix, or Tesla
My mission here at GameChangers has been and always will be to help regular investors like you get in on the ground
floor of Wall Street’s most profitable opportunities. That’s why I launched GameChangers in the first place.

And while my colleagues have told me that I could easily charge $10,000 a year for GameChangers given my track
record, that would go against my goal of helping regular investors like you get in on the ground floor of these early-stage
companies that make insider and institutional investors multimillionaires.

That’s why I’ve made it possible for new subscribers to join me at a shockingly low 27 cents a day—that comes to $99
a year and $400 off the regular price—but this special discount comes with just one catch.

You see, GameChangers is for investors who truly want to own the next Apple, the next Amazon, or the
next Tesla and are willing to act on my recommendations.

If you are willing to invest in my recommendations, then you will enjoy the great profits my advisory has
brought others and you will never invest any other way.

However, if you can’t take the action required to accept your free copy of The One Stock That Could
Make You a Marijuana Millionaire or take advantage of my $400 discount, chances are you won’t be
able to take the action necessary to profit when I instruct you to purchase or sell these opportunities, and
I would be remiss in accepting you as a new member.

That’s why you’ll need to decide TODAY to grab the 27-cents-a-day price.

The reason I have set this up this way is because in investing, as in life, you simply don’t get a second chance. If you
missed out on grabbing Apple, Amazon or Tesla and the life-changing gains they would have handed you, then you
know what I mean.

If you have the foresight to say yes today, all you need to do is click the “Join Now” button below and I’ll send you your
FREE copy of The One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire, lock in your $400 discount, and begin
your 27-cents-a-day trial subscription.

I’ve made it so easy, convenient and risk-free for you to give GameChangers a free try, there’s really no way you can
lose here.

That’s because…

If You’re Not 100% Delighted,

You Get Every Penny Back
I hope that you have enjoyed reading about The One Stock That Could Make
You a Marijuana Millionaire and will consider investing in it. It’s truly the real deal
and a sneak preview of the kind of recommendations we will bring you when you
join us.

Our ultimate goal is to win you as a member for life, so we will return your money
if for any reason we fail to meet your expectations right up to the last day of your

That’s why you can join us today with complete confidence knowing
that you will receive a 100% refund within the first 30 days of your
membership if you are dissatisfied for any reason at all.

But you’ll have to make your decision today.

The opportunity to invest in The One Stock That Could Make You a Marijuana Millionaire, before its price really takes
off, may not last long.

So if you want to get in on the ground floor and profit with us, then I urge you to accept my guarantee and savings offer
today without hesitation.

BOTTOM LINE: The early birds really do make the most money when it comes to investing.

Just click here or on the button below and you can be one of them.

When you do, you’ll go to a secure order form where you can review everything we’ve talked about, download your free
report, and begin your trial subscription.

In closing, I want to thank you for learning today about the big money our top marijuana stock will make you,and I look
forward to welcoming you as a new subscriber.


Hilary Kramer
Editor, GameChangers

P.S. I simply can’t stress this enough:

Once this $3 billion company gets FDA approval for its epilepsy medicine, it’s going to leapfrog to the forefront of the
Mari-Pharma industry—all thanks to its 60 patents that for treating everything from Alzheimer’s to cancer to post
traumatic stress.

To me, this is an investment that’s destined to make millionaires out of many early shareholders.

Click the button below to download your free copy of The One Stock that Will Make You a Marijuana Millionaire and
you can be one of them.


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“ Give me 30 days and I’ll prove you can get

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To take the exciting first success tool ever.
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“ When Doug D’Anna’s first two ideas made me

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— Michael Lombardi
Lombardi Publishing

Dear Friend,
I’m about to publish the most important book in my company’s 17-year history, and I’d
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Why? Because I am convinced that it will change your life—as it has mine—for the better,
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The book is called The New Science of Getting What You Want and it’s written by one of
America’s top marketing gurus, Doug D’Anna.
As you’ll see, the book not only contains the same two ideas that made my firm more
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own life.
In this special preview, Doug will show you how you not only can identify and pursue the
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You’ll discover how you can let the light of success shine into your life. You’ll learn how
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When it comes to getting what you want in life, you’ll find The New Science of Getting
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I urge you to take this golden opportunity to try all of Doug’s time-proven life-changing
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Michael Lombardi

Lombardi Publishing

“ Give me 30 days and I’ll prove you

can get everything you want
in life using my easy
life-changing strategies.
“ If I’m right you’ll get my new book for one-tenth
what I charge for an hour’s consultation.

“ If I’m wrong— just throw away the invoice and

send the book back without paying a dime.

Either way, I’m going to give you two great

success tools to keep as my “thank you”
for daring to live your dreams with me.
—Doug D’Anna, Author ”
The New Science of

The first step in getting what FREE You

you want begins Right NOW for 30 Days Want

My name is Doug D’Anna. While it
may be new to you, it’s a household name
Doug D’Anna
to America’s top marketing companies.
As one of the country’s top marketing consul-
tants, my words and strategies have generated well Best
over $100 million in sales.
As a result, I’ve been hired by every major
publishing company in America, including Forbes, Secrets In Charge
Prevention, Men’s Health, and Personal Finance— of America’s
just to name a few— to help increase their
Greatest Achievers
These companies have not only waited as long
In Control


(Over, please…)
I graduated from college at 26 years’ old
with a degree in Speech, nobody would hire

“ There’s no question in my
mind that you have within
you the power to live your
me. After 18 months searching for a job,
the only work I could find was writing ads
part-time for a local seafood restaurant for
just $6.25 an hour—barely enough to pay
dreams. After all, for the small room I rented from my brother.
you already have the That’s when I swore to myself that I was
most important part— not going to let others dictate my income
your dreams!
” or my future…and I began my quest to
learn everything I could about getting others
to do what I wanted and making my dreams
come true.
What I learned over the years has helped me
as two years to contract for my marketing services not only become a millionaire marketer but has
but, combined, have paid me millions of dollars also allowed me to spend more quality time with
for my expertise. my family and live life on my own terms.
My success didn’t come overnight, mind you.
When new clients ask me what Many times during the past two decades I found
makes me worth the money, myself curled up in a fetal position, wondering
my answer is simple… where my next dollar would come from.
But in time, I learned not only how to scientifi-
My strategies move people to take direct cally influence others to get what I wanted but
action in their lives. I have used this knowledge also help those around me achieve a higher level
to sell more products and services than virtually of success in their own lives.
every other marketing consultant on the planet. These are the life-changing strategies I’m going
Of course, I didn’t start out at the top. When to share with you over the next seven days that

“ I’m living proof that anybody can get what they want
in life by simply following Doug D'Anna’s strategies.
I first met Doug in 1987 after the stock He was right and I haven't looked
market crashed and my company's back since.
sales headed south. When Doug Today, my business generates seven
called with a few ideas to turn things figures. I live in the greatest city of
around I was skeptical at first because all, San Diego. And have the freedom
he was young and had no publishing to do what I want, when I want.
experience. Yet, something compelled
me to put his strategies in play. And I Had I not taken that critical step that
immediately saw results. Doug encouraged me to years ago, I
might still be working as a "marketing
As sales increased my confidence and guy" at another company making
Ron Jackson
outlook on life turned positive to the $60K a year---instead of living life on President
point that I decided to leave that job my own terms as I do today.
and start my own publishing business.
I know Doug always credits me with
As Doug put it, "You've already proven giving him his start, but the truth is he
you can make money for others, now started me down the path of success…
why not make money for yourself!"

and I can't thank him enough.
will transform your life for the better forever. Life- want is the master key to getting it. Toward that
changing strategies I guarantee will enable you to: end, I will teach you proven communications
strategies that will get others to say “yes” to
• Attract others to your way of thinking
in order to earn more money, enjoy
virtually anything you want, whether they’re
family, friends, or business acquaintances.
greater happiness, and achieve
Most importantly, you’ll realize that it’s never
your goals
too late to “go for it” because, with the secrets
• Get 100% cooperation from difficult
and negative people even after Before I started using Doug’s
they’ve said “no”
strategies I just made a living,
• Unleash the awesome power of
your subconscious to control the now I make real money.
actions and the attitudes of others

• Project confidence and power at

first sight by making others feel
good about themselves
“ I don’t care what kind
of business you’re in,
you always need some
sort of edge. Doug
• Never again feel intimidated by
dictator-like employers, rude
D’Anna has given me
the confidence and the
coworkers, or obnoxious salespeople tools to compete with
larger firms and win
• Remove the hidden roadblocks to
your personal success and tap into
business that I never
thought possible.
your unused assets Before I started using
Doug’s strategies I just W.F.
• Crystallize your thinking and use
your new focus to achieve your
made a living, now I Wilmington, NC.

innermost desires
Feel and be unstoppable 24 hours a day.
make real money.

If you want to change careers, you’ll discover that I am about to reveal, you’ll find that you’re
how to make yourself the perfect candidate for any just seven days away from getting the life of your
position. If you want to lose weight, you’ll learn dreams.
how to stay on track once and for all. If you want You will also learn that…
to date someone special, you’ll discover how to
make yourself irresistible to the opposite sex. “It’s your birthright
You will learn new methods for dealing with
people you never imagined. You will learn, for to go after whatever
example, how people act and react with complete
predictability and how to make human nature you want in life—
work for you.
Once you learn to use this knowledge, as I’ll and Get It!”
show you, you will be able to get what you want
from others with an uncanny inevitability— You need not apologize for the fact that you
whether it’s a raise, a sale, a discount, or a date want to be successful. Nor need you be shy about
with the love of your life.
(Over, please…)
You will also learn that asking for what you

How I discovered
going after what you want.
Contrary to what society tells you, satisfying

The New Science of

your own desires is NOT selfish. You were born
to achieve greatness, not to live your life with your
dreams bottled up inside.

Getting Success—no matter how you measure it—

is the goal of life! It’s truly your birthright.

What You
And that, my friend, is the just first principle
that The New Science of Getting What You Want
teaches you.
Once you learn how to apply this principle

Want to your own life, as I’ll show you, the barriers to

your success will vanish, you’ll make daily
progress toward your goals and you’ll never again

or over a quarter of a century, I have been be denied in your quest to get whatever you want
directly involved in the scientific testing of in life.
hundreds of national advertisements; the goals
of which were to not only understand what moves
people but to move them to take direct action in
their lives.
As a result of studying the outcomes of these
marketing “tests,” I learned which thoughts, words
“ It’s never too late to
“go for it” because,
with the secrets that
and approaches worked like magic to attract atten- I’m going to share
tion, gain interest, build desire and move people to with you, you’re
take action in my favor with an uncanny inevitability.
As a result, I created my own success database
just 30 days
and have used this knowledge to not only generate away from
over $100 million in sales but also achieve my life’s living the
biggest dreams.
As you’ll read here, these simple but powerful life of your

strategies have already helped countless men
and women across America live the lives they’ve
always dreamed of.
For instance…Kevin used these strategies to rise
from an X-ray tech to one of the leading emergency So let me ask you …
room physicians in California… Todd was able to
grow his sales territory from zero to $6 million… ■ Are you willing to go beyond
while Adam was able to not only break the chains your doubts and fears?
that were holding him back personally and profes-
sionally but now live life on his own terms. ■ Are you serious about finally
With The New Science of Getting What You Want, getting what you want?
you too can begin to live your life’s greatest dreams.
It’s already helped achievers like you soar to new ■ Would you like to start living
heights of success. And I guarantee that it will work your dreams today?
for you, too.
Best of all, you can see the difference it can If so, I’ll gladly send you a FREE 30-day preview
make in your life—FREE for 30 days—by simply copy of The New Science of Getting What You
returning the Free Trial Certificate on page 19. Want. The best part is, you don’t have to send
me a dime. Just return the enclosed Free Trial
Certificate on the inside back cover.
Why am I willing to send you
my new book to preview— “
When I first met Doug D’Anna,
I was struggling at a new job

FREE? and making little headway.

But, because of his unique
strategies, I've been able to
The answer is simple.
Long ago, I promised myself when I reached
turn everything around--
the top of my field I would help other people personally and professionally.
realize their own dreams as others have helped Before, nothing I
me along the way. did ever worked
As you will discover when your free preview and my boss was
beginning to lose
copy arrives, nobody gets what they want
faith. Then Doug
in life without first getting help from showed me how
other people. I could make the
Donald Trump was fortunate to get a helping biggest difference
hand from his father. Dr. Phil was catapulted to simply by chang-
stardom thanks to Oprah. And, as you’ll recall, ing my attitude
Ed Sullivan launched The Beatles in America. and approach to
Without the help I’ve received along the way, I my work. Now, Adam Wade
would never have risen to the top of my field. Or my work SELLS Boston, MA
be in the position to help you get what you want. and nearly every
project I work on is not just a
I speak, for example, of my “helpers” like Ron
home run but a grand slam!
Jackson, who gave me my first consulting contract
in 1987, when I had virtually no experience. Because of Doug, I regularly beat
Then there’s Willy Cahill, my Judo coach, who company goals by 40% or more and
taught me how to win with class, lose with dignity now have outside clients coming to
and, the most important lesson of all, why you me with work! I've spent my whole
must learn how to lose first before you can ever life with my face in books and my
learn to win. butt in a chair, but I've never learned
as much from any college--even
Another of my “helpers” is Michael Lombardi,
Boston University--than I have from
a multimillion-dollar newsletter and book publisher

Doug D’Anna.
who has created an entire publishing division
around my success strategies—all at his own
There are countless others who have unselfishly
helped me build the life of my dreams over the
past two decades. And now that I’ve reached the
The New Science of

for 30 Days
pinnacle of my career; it’s my turn to give some-
thing back.
Sending you a FREE preview copy of The New You See page 19
Science of Getting What You Want is my way
of thanking those who gave me a helping hand
Want for details!
Doug D’Anna
(Over, please…)

“ When everyone else had doubts about

my abilities, Doug was one of the few
that told me to continue believing in
myself, that I could do it!
I followed some of Doug's suggestions and since
then have graduated from medical school,
completed my residency, and am now a clinical
instructor at a prestigious residency program, the
CEO of two successful medical corporations and
have physicians working for me! I now have
everything I have wanted in my life, all of the
Dr. Kevin Schmidt, DO material wealth that I never expected, and most

Bakersfield, CA of all, my happiness.

a long the way and fulfilling a promise I made friend, you will continue to be disappointed.
myself years ago. As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you
As you will see when your FREE preview copy can, you can. If think you can’t, you can’t.”
arrives, I will take you by the hand and show you And it’s so true.
step by step the powerful life-changing success For example, when I graduated from college
secrets that helped me achieve the most exciting and couldn’t find an advertising agency to hire
dreams of my life, beginning with … me after 18 months, I labored over giving up
my dream.
How to unleash the driving But the moment I opened my mind to the
force that Guarantees possibilities of starting my own agency—and
then hiring myself—I turned that small seafood
you will get what you want restaurant into my first account and haven’t
Is there really a “driving force” inside of you looked back since.
that guarantees success? As you’re about to discover, opening your
And that is why you must open
your mind to the possibility that you
really can get what you want. And
that you do, in fact, deserve to have
“ Copywriter and master motivator Doug D'Anna
has personally transformed our business by showing
us how to connect the dots between the problems
it all! our customers face and the solutions our products
Of course, I know that this does- provide. The end result has been hundreds of
n’t sound revolutionary. But the thousands of new customers worth over $20 million.
truth is that the biggest obstacles that Doug gives you the tools to see the available means of
stand between you and getting what persuasion in any given situation and the confidence
you want are the limitations that you
place on yourself.
And if you continue to let your
and strategies to make things happen.
Walter Pearce
President, KCI Communications

disappointments rule your life, my
mind to success is as easy as opening the drapes
on a sunny day and simply the enjoying the sun-
shine that’s yours for the taking.
Yet, if you choose to keep the curtain of possi-
bilities closed, you’ll never see the light of success
or feel its all-encompassing warmth.
I can tell you that, in my own life, opening my
mind to success was the all-important turning
point. It can be a huge turning point for you, too,
simply by saying to yourself “I’m open to getting
what I want” and taking 30 days to explore my
As you’ll see, opening your mind to success
is as effortless as opening a curtain in your own
home—only the rewards are much greater.
“ I am in the packaging industry
selling to manufacturers of just about
everything you can imagine, and it
is a very competitive business with
Go ahead and return your Free Trial Certificate many competitors.
now. You’ve got nothing to lose. By doing so,
you will unleash a powerful driving force inside "You need to have an edge or
special way of selling your customers
of you that will guarantee your ultimate success.
to succeed in the business. Thanks
And it’s all because you will have taken a to Doug D'Anna's strategies, I was
specific action toward removing the biggest able to grow my territory from zero
obstacles that lie between you and getting what

to $6 million in two years.
you want.
T.E., Milwaukee, WI

“ I promise to
teach you the
success secrets
want comes from outside of yourself — and not
from within.
So, as a critical first step, I will teach you how
to build a rock-solid foundation of belief in your-
you wish someone self that will propel you relentlessly toward your
life’s greatest dreams—no matter what you desire.
had taught you When you come under my wing, you will no
years ago, longer go through life hoping for the best. I will

but never did.

And the very first thing you will learn is this:

That you already have the

(Over, please…)

In Charge
ability to get what you want
locked inside you, and all and FREE
you need are the right Turn to
strategies to bring it out.
In Control page 17
Tragically, society conditions you from a young and see!
age to believe that the key to getting what you
show you the simple strategies that will forever
eliminate the “I can’ts,” “maybes,” and “should
haves” and other negative
thoughts that have been

“ We needed to desperately
raise $1,000 for our boys
and girls club in Cergy,
France. Thanks to Doug’s
sabotaging your ability to
get what you want.
With The New Science
of Getting What You Want
at your side, you will wake
selling techniques; we raised
up each morning on fire;
$5,000 plus endorsements fearless, certain and secure
worth $5,000 more. in the knowledge that you

Merci Beaucoup, Doug! have the power and focus
Oliver Lette to achieve everything
Paris, France you’ve always wanted.
Your doubts will
vanish. Your worries will
disappear. And your life will take on an excite-
ment you never thought possible before, as you
make daily progress toward your goals.

“ As a business development specialist,

my job is to turn startups around and
close big strategic deals. Using Doug’s
For the first time in your life, you’ll “know”
deep inside that you truly have what it takes
to achieve your life’s biggest dreams. What a
strategies, I’ve been able to not only wonderful feeling that will be!
create strategic alliances I hadn’t
And you’ll learn all this just in the first chapter!
thought of before but also enjoy more
personal satisfaction from my own life.
Charles Jadallah
Redwood City, CA
” You will discover the
Master Key
to achieving your dreams
Of course, opening your
mind to success is just the

“ Using Doug D’Anna’s strate-

gies I was able to transform
our failed marketing efforts
into revenue generating
first step in getting what you
want. All by itself, this
powerful principle will take
you 50% down the road to
achieving whatever you want.
profit centers--all in less than However, to actually reach
30 days. I learned a lot your destination, you’ll need
from Doug, and I’m glad to to transform your powerful

have him in my corner. new belief into action.
Andy Russo That’s where The New
Framingham, MA Science of Getting What You
Want is unlike any other
book or audio course that’s
ever been published.
In fact, it’s the only success tool that I know of
that not only reaffirms your faith in yourself but
also shows you the right actions to take in order
to realize your dreams.
Tragically, most people fail to get what they
“ Using Doug’s tools I was able to break
the shackles of life that were keeping
me from the success I knew I deserved.
want in life because they end up taking the wrong Today, I live life without a net and
path. After all, if you want to take the plane to with an unstoppable sense of direction

success why would you board the flight to failure? and self-reliance.

Yet, millions of people unwittingly end up V. A., Germantown, TN

doing just that.
And it’s all because they simply took the
No other outcome is possible.
When you think that just one of my ideas
can help you avoid years of trial, error,

“ Nobody reaches the top

alone. And sending
you a free preview copy
frustration and turmoil, I can’t think of why
you wouldn’t want to take a sneak preview.
Just return the enclosed Free Trial Certificate
of The New Science and we’ll get started.
of Getting What You You will learn how to
Want is my way of
thanking those who gave
me a helping hand Identify
along the way.
” and Pursue
whatever you
wrong actions, worked for the wrong people, in
the wrong career, and said the wrong things but
want in life
didn’t know it! There’s no question in my mind that you have
The whole time, they felt like they were within you the power to live your dreams. After
moving forward only to find themselves years later all, you already have the most important part—
stuck in a box! And if that’s how you feel now, your dreams.
here’s some good news. All you need is a plan to get there. And that’s
With The New Science of Getting What You
Want at your side, you’ll never again feel trapped (Over, please…)
in your career or in your life.
Individually, the strategies contained in my
book have made me one of the top marketing 7 FREE
consultants in the country. Together, they have
not only improved the lives of thousands of Best Learn more on
success-seeking people like you but also generated Success page 18!
millions of dollars along the way.
Mark my words—when you apply them to you
life, as I’ll show you how, you’ll be able to put of America’s
your strong belief to work immediately and move Greatest Achievers
relentlessly forward to achieve your goals.

“ I’ll never forget the day Doug D'Anna came into my real
estate office. We were putting together a group of salespeople
to target apartment buildings when the lead man in the group
discounted the idea of prospecting and cold calling.
"However, to show how effective cold calling techniques were,
Doug offered to do a live role play and in just four calls not only
landed an appointment but ultimately landed the listing as well.
What Doug showed me was that the best way to get business is
Tony Gabb to simply pick up the phone and get it. Thanks to Doug, I’ve

San Carlos, CA painted all my phones green.

what The New Science of Getting What You

Want offers you. The invaluable success strategies
You will learn how to
that took me two decades of trial and error to
discover will now be yours. Model the Success
You’ll learn how you can easily get what you of top achievers
want by first becoming totally clear about what
you desire—and then focusing your energies like When I identified my goal of becoming a top
a laser beam to achieve it. marketing consultant, the pathway to success
became totally clear: To study and model the
You learn why you must prioritize your dreams strategies, business practices, and success skills
first, and then how to accomplish them one by of America’s top marketing gurus.
one. You’ll also learn why taking “baby steps”
will move you faster toward your dreams than As a result of that life-changing revelation,
trying to take one giant leap. I scientifically developed a complete set of model-
ing strategies that anyone can use to achieve
You’ll learn that the path to getting what you success, accomplishment, and achievement in
want isn’t a straight line. You’ll also learn how to their own personal lives.
react to the twists, turns, hills and detours as you
continue to follow the path
to achieving your dreams.
Most importantly, when
you follow the simple path I
map out here, you are going
to find yourself moving
“ For over a decade I had been
dreaming of landing the biggest
client in my industry. Doug's
approach not only gave me the
toward your goals like a
confidence but also the strategy
kindergartener on a treasure
hunt— having a whole lot to make this dream come true.
of fun! Today, I'm not only designing
advertisements for this client on
All in anticipation
a regular basis but have used
of the great things Doug's methods to land all the
that lie ahead for you!

major players.
--L.H., Germantown, MD

After all, who better to show you the way than
those who have walked down the path to success
before you? And that’s exactly what my strategies
do for you.
“ Doug D'Anna has been an incredible
source of inspiration to over 100 at-risk
youth enrolled in our Police Activities
As you’ll see, The New Science of Getting Programs. He has given our kids the
What You Want reveals the step-by-step success confidence to not only lift themselves
strategies that will eliminate years of trial and up from failure to success in sports
error. but also in their school work as well.
You’ll discover why top achievers set perfor- Thanks to Doug's guidance we've
mance goals and not outcome goals, and how to
use this knowledge to get what you want. You’ll
been able to achieve our goals of
discover ingenious ways to motivate yourself and transforming troubled teens and
those around you. children into successful, confident,
Most importantly, you’ll discover the major and respectful law-abiding

difference between those who realize their dreams individuals.
and those who spend their lives just dreaming
about them— how to execute your plan and make
Director, Police Activities League
success happen in your life.
If there’s just one
strategy that you learn
during your free-trial
period, this would be
it. And the reason is
quite simple: Those
who get what they
“ As I regularly tell my
athletes, there is no failure
in getting knocked down.
want do so because Everybody gets knocked
they put their plans down. You only fail if don’t
into action; those get back up. Doug D'Anna
who never see their
shows you how to get back
dreams materialize

spend the rest of up…and win.
their lives planning. Willy Cahill
You can get the United States Olympic/Paralympics Judo Coach
ball rolling today— 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004
right now—and put
your plans into effect
by simply returning the Free Trial Certificate and
The New Science of
accepting your FREE preview copy of The New
Science of Getting What You Want.
Mark my words—once you master the skill of Getting for 30 Days
execution you are going to see your life change in
many wonderful ways. You’ll begin your days
unstoppable, knowing inside that you have the You See page 19
belief, the strategy, and the ability to make what-
ever you want happen in your life.
Want for details!
Doug D’Anna
(Over, please…)
In short, you will be given all the knowledge

You will know the you need to control the actions and attitudes of
others in the pursuit of your greatest dreams.

RIGHT Ways You Will Learn the RIGHT

Words for Any Given Situation
to get anyone Obviously, if you seriously desire to get what
you want, you’re going to need to do one thing:
Ask for it!
to do anything As you’ll discover, The New Science of Getting
What You Want is the only success tool of its
You will also learn that success is a two-way kind that gives you both the right strategies AND
street that involves other people. the right words to makes things happen in your life
As the great motivational speaker Zig Ziglar in a variety of situations.
says, “You can get anything you want in life if you Here’s why:
help enough other people get what they want.”
Over the past two decades, I have been privy
And in The New Science of Getting What You to the results of hundreds of advertising and mar-
Want, I will show you how to identify what others keting tests. I have seen not only which thoughts,
want with pinpoint accuracy and how to use this words, and phrases move people to take action,
knowledge to pursue your biggest dreams. but also which ones don’t.
You’ll be shown
master-level persua-

sive techniques that
will persuade others
Doug’s strategies have not
to your way of think- only helped me see through
ing as they help the fog surrounding a
others achieve their problem but also cut to
breakthrough solutions that
You’ll learn how
everyone you meet have given me a mammoth
in life—from your competitive edge over my

children to your closest competition.
company’s cashier to
its CEO—has a set of
Peter Radsliff
Director of Product Development & Marketing
predictable behaviors,
Monster Cable Products, Inc.
and how to use their
thoughts and beliefs
to influence them in your favor. As a result, I can tell you—with scientific
You will learn how to use what I call “The certainty—what you need to say to not only
Colombo Technique” that will not only build negotiate a raise…get a lower interest rate on
instant rapport but also put you in a favorable a mortgage… buy a car at a huge discount…
light. and more…
You will learn how to make yourself totally …but also develop a charismatic communica-
irresistible to others and attract good people into tion style that will help you win the hearts and
your life. Most importantly, you will learn how to minds of virtually everyone around you.
diffuse the negativity of others so that nothing Toward that end, I will teach you dozens of
stands in your way. “hidden persuaders” you never knew existed to
command attention, change
minds, and influence virtually
everyone you meet.
And once you learn how to
master these persuaders, as I’ll
show you, you will never again
be denied in your pursuit of
“ Send for your free trial
copy today, and I will
your dreams.
take you by the hand
and show you the
However, the powerful life-changing
most important secrets that helped
Success me achieve the most
exciting dreams
I will teach you
of my life.

is this…
Surprisingly, it’s the very first
secret that I already shared with you:
You were born to achieve greatness and not
to live your life with your dreams bottled up Turn this The New Science of
page to find
As I have learned over the years, the #1 reason Getting
people fail to get what they want in life is because out more! What
they refuse to believe they can get it. They refuse
to believe that they are worthy or deserving of You

their biggest dreams.

You don’t have to live a life of regret! for 30 Days
By simply pulling back the curtain of possibili-
ties and trying the simple strategies I offer you, Doug D’Anna

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I guarantee it!
And the best part is that you risk nothing for Best
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Once you apply my strategies to your life, I’m of America’s and
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(Over, please…)

So what are you
“ Doug’s genuinely positive attitude
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over into my own life. Spend
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just five minutes with him and Whether you realize it or
I guarantee you'll not only walk not, a moment of decision
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opportunity to achieve the
in yourself but also with the tools
secrets of success…and finally

that will ensure your success.
go out get what you want in life.
Lindsay Frost In fact, I’ll never forget the
day that I made the decision to
open the curtain of possibilities
and let the light of success shine into my life.
That’s the day I looked at my part-time copy-
Best of all, writing job as the first of many accounts that now
include Forbes, Prevention, Men’s Health, and
it’s yours to try other multimillion-dollar firms.
Who knows, maybe today will be the defining

FREE day in your life. The day you set your sights on
getting what you want…and letting me show you
how to get there.

for 30 Days
Why not take the next step with me? You’ve
got nothing to lose except the guiding hand that
I offer you in friendship and success.
As I said, the most important step in getting How can you say no?
what you want is the very first one: Your decision Put that big dream back into your life today.
to “go for it.” Seize this opportunity and get what you want.
You can take that first step today—this very You deserve it. Return the enclosed Free Trial
moment—-by simply returning the enclosed Free Certificate today.
Trial Certificate and accepting your 30-day FREE You’ll be glad you did.
preview copy.
And the best part is, you don’t even have All good wishes,
to send me a dime.
That way you don’t have to say “yes” or “no”
until after you’ve explored my strategies…and
have seen the difference they make in your
own life.
Doug D’Anna
If after 30 days you don’t see the results I’ve
promised here, you can return your copy with no
P.S. Remember: The pathway to getting what you
obligation to pay for anything.
want begins with the first step. You can take
Naturally, I couldn’t make an offer like this if it now by returning the Free Trial Certificate
my strategies didn’t work. On the contrary, they and unleashing the driving force inside you
have helped tens of thousands of men and women that guarantees your success. As your
like you take direct action in the pursuit of their reward, I’ll send you two FREE success
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And now it’s your turn to get what you want. decide.

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Make no mistake about it, your ignore your instincts and keep your emotions from
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With this success tool at your side, you’ll never long run than making a poor choice.
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running from 750 to over 3,000;

And on top of that, he was the only advisor I know of to…

Forecast the beginning of our most recent bull market in 2009 —

during the depths of the recession… correctly declaring the market
would rise from 6,600 and hit 10,000….

Along the way, hundreds of his trades have simply knocked it out of the park…  

426% on Canopy Growth

351% on Advanced Micro Devices


252% on Penn Virginia Corp.

180% on InterDigital Wireless, Inc.

180% on Applied Materials


Of course, none of this is by accident either. As a former CIA economic analyst,

Mark has close contacts at the White House, world money centers, and on Wall
Street. That’s an advantage no other investment advisor I know of possesses.

So, it’s no surprise that he’s won numerous investing awards and made his readers
rich. Not only through his five investment advisories, but also through his 25 books
— too many to mention here.   

In fact, he’s been so right on the money, the US government uses his work on Gross
Output as a new economic indicator to measure the overall output of our economy.
It’s the only time in the last 50 years that the government has added a new indicator
like this.

As if that weren’t impressive enough, Publisher and former Presidential candidate

Steve Forbes said Mark “should get the Nobel prize in economics.”

With these credentials, you can see how the Fast Money Alert trading service has
handed investors 121 double- and triple-digit winners over the past five years —
with gains as high as 508%.

The other reason for Fast Money Alert’s incredible success is co-editor Jim Woods.

If Jim’s name sounds familiar, it’s because you may have heard of one of the books
he co-authored several years ago: “Billion Dollar Green: Profit from the Eco
Revolution.” Not only has he had the good fortune to see “Billion Dollar Green”
become one of the best-selling books on the subject, but he’s also seen many of the
forecasts revealed in this book play out — making readers a fortune. 
But Jim’s no one-trick pony. As a 20-year veteran of the markets, he’s had a long
career as a broker, hedge fund trader, and financial writer.

As a result, he’s contributed articles to just about every major financial publication
in America, including MarketWatch, Street Authority,,, Main Street Investor, and Townhall Finance.

All because his forecasts have been so accurate and his trades make money. Here
are just a few examples:

248% on Beyond Meat

241% on Planet Fitness

201% on Red Hat


199% on Schlumberger

179% on Intel

Just to name a few…

Together, through their Fast Money Alert trading service, Jim and Mark have
handed investors an incredible 121 double- and triple-digit winners over the past
five years.

Before we begin our $1 million giveaway, let me walk you through a few of last
year’s big market winners where the fast money piled in and the stock prices went
through the roof.

Then I’ll have Mark and Jim explain why these stocks were so profitable.

There was Novocure, for example, that jumped 144%…

Then there was Epizyme, which mushroomed 197%…

Another stock the fast money piled into was Arvinas, which rose 233%… 

Then there was Palomar Holdings, which soared 183%…

Let’s not forget Lattice Semiconductor. That juggernaut jumped 187%…

These are just a few examples of the kinds of profits investors enjoyed last year
when the fast money jumped in and pushed stock prices higher.

In a moment, Mark and Jim will explain why… and then they’ll connect the dots to
the stocks that they see will be the big breakout winners for 2020, including giving
you their names and stock symbols so you can add them to your holdings right way.

Again, remember, at the end of this broadcast, we’ll be giving away $1 million in
cash credit you can use toward investing in any of their top trades for 2020 — so be
sure to stay tuned…

Before we get started, if you have any questions for Mark or Jim during the
broadcast, please email them to us at We
will do our best to get your questions answered on air during this broadcast.

For the questions we can’t answer during this broadcast, we’ll be sure to respond to
your emails after the presentation and make certain all your questions are answered.

Without further ado, here are Mark and Jim.


Thanks for that great introduction, Roger. We can’t wait to tell you about our top
trades for 2020 as we see them all doubling our readers’ money in the next 12

All thanks to a great economy… incredible economic growth… the lowest

unemployment in history… and business and consumer spending that’s just going
through the roof.


And that doesn’t include the tax cuts that have spurred economic growth and will
continue to boost the economy in 2020.

So if you thought last year was awesome, my friend, this year will be even better
— as the Trump tax cuts, deregulation, and business and consumer spending
continue to send the markets higher.

Let me begin by telling you about our two top picks in the semiconductor sector.
We see them both doubling in the next 12 months.

In fact, the first is up 80% over the past 12 months, and the second is up 60% — all
thanks to eight positive earnings surprises in a row. We see these juggernauts
continuing to gain momentum in 2020, as increasing sales and earnings continue to
add to their bottom line.

If you can add them to your holdings now, you could be looking at similar gains.
Here’s why…


Before you give our viewers the names and symbols for these two stocks, can we
back up for a minute and tell our viewers about the secret to your trading success?

After all, you’ve handed your readers 121 double- and triple-digit winners in five
years? That’s huge.


Well, without getting too technical, our secret is fairly simple. We’re momentum
traders. You see, we don’t buy stocks early, at the bottom before their price begins
to accelerate. We jump in AFTER the fundamentals kick in, the big money sees its
potential, and the price takes off.

That’s the opposite of how most traders operate. They’re always trying to buy low
and sell high. There’s a lot of risk there because…

1. You never really know where the bottom is, and

2. Few people, if any, ever sell at the top. 

Isn’t that the truth. Just when you think you’ve hit a bottom, it falls further. And
you don’t know if the stock will rise — because it may not have the earnings or
sales growth to push up the prices.


Exactly… Years ago, I had a trading service called “The Turnaround Trader” and
we found it almost impossible to make money. That’s why you are better off
trading stocks that are already rising — you know they are already making money,
because the fast money is pouring into them and they have the sales and earnings
growth to support their rise. 


We have found trading this way is the smartest, safest, and most profitable move
you can make with your money.

There’s a reason for this…

When you are riding the market’s momentum higher, it’s almost impossible for you
to lose money, as rising earnings continue to keep stock prices rising.

On the upside, by owning the market leaders, you’re virtually guaranteed to own
the biggest profit makers in the fastest-growing sectors.


Our approach is similar to Newton’s first law of motion that states that an object in
motion tends to stay in motion. The same law is at work here. Stocks that are
rising tend to keep rising. 


This is why Novocure jumped 144%, Epizyme mushroomed 197%, Arvinas rose
233%, Palomar Holdings soared 183%, and Lattice Semiconductors jumped 187%.
These companies had established their growth, the fast money saw this, and it
started piling into these stocks — pushing the prices higher.

All of our top 10 trades for 2020 follow the same fast money formula.


Can you tell our viewers what you mean by “Fast Money”?


Simply put, the fast money is when the institutional investors, pension funds, and
large money managers see a stock beginning to take off — and pile in to catch the

When our system sees the fast money piling in, it issues a buy signal — and we
catch the ride up with the big boys.


Now let’s take a look at those two new trades in the semiconductor sector, so you
can see how it applies. 

They both remind me of the 37% stock profits and 285% option profits we made in
our Alibaba trades.
The first company is ANSYS, ticker symbol ANSS. It specializes in engineering
simulations. That’s a fancy technical term for making sure that your product will
deliver as promised and will work as advertised.


As you can see from the major holders, the fast money loves this stock…

With Vanguard taking a $2 billion position and Blackrock talking three quarters of
that. All thanks to 18% revenue growth and four double-digit positive earnings
surprises in a row. We see this company’s price continuing to rise, as increasing
sales and earnings add to the company’s bottom line.

How did you find ANSYS… and your other 121 double- and triple digit-winners,
for that matter?


The secret to our success is our proprietary Fast Money stock screening tool that
allows us to technically identify which stocks across all sectors have the greatest
sales, market share, and earnings momentum.

As a result, we’ve been able to buy them just as the fast money pours in and the
stock prices take off. 

Over the past five years it has continued to prove itself out, delivering not only 121
double- and triple-digit returns but also gains as high as 508%.


How does it work?


Without getting too technical, it works by charting Relative Strength over the entire
universe of publicly traded stocks. Here, we are screening for companies whose
share prices are trending higher relative to the rest of the market. It’s like panning
for gold by sifting through the dirt to spot the nuggets.

All this is in search of the “sweet spot” that shows a rising stock with incredible
momentum that will continue to rise higher. 

Unlike some technical traders who use 14-day time periods to calculate a stock’s
Relative Strength, we have developed a system that gives us more accurate
readings on which stocks are truly trending higher. This advantage gives us the “in-
the-know” intelligence that the fast money is about to pile into a stock and push its
price higher.
In other words, our system sorts through a mountain of market data and sounds a
“red alert” when it zeros in on the next stock to break out.


If you look at the ANSYS chart again, towards the bottom, you can see our buy
signal at work. This is why we’ve made that trade, as we can see that it’s set to
continue its upward trajectory.


That’s also how we identified Zebra Technologies Corporation, ticker symbol

ZBRA — our second trade in the semiconductor sector that we are banking on 30%
to 50% gain in the stock and 100% to 500% in the option.

Like ANSYS, it’s also up (60% over the past 12 months) thanks to four positive
earnings surprises in a row and nearly $2 billion in gross profit.

And just like ANSYS, the fast money loves this stock, too, with all the major
players like Vanguard and Blackrock in on this to the tune of $1 billion each!

And if you look again at the Zebra Technologies chart, you can see that our
indicator shows that this stock continues to have the upward momentum to go even


In other words, you invest in confirmed money makers right as the fast money
starts pouring in and the stock prices really take off. 


That’s it… and the profits can be quite amazing.

Let me give you a few examples of our system at work. That way you and our
viewers will see how we’ve been able to profit from the market’s momentum over
and over.

Before I do, I want to point out something that is very special to our system.

We don’t only take a position in the stocks that are going up… We also buy options
on them.  Together, this gives us a one-two punch that most investors miss out on.


Can you explain that for a moment?


Let me take that one…

When our screener sees that a stock is going up and recommends a buy, it only
makes sense to buy options on the stock to supercharge our returns. If we know the
stock is going up, why not gain some extra profit by buying the option too?


It’s almost like doubling down on your bet. 



That is exactly what we are doing. We are doubling down on our trades, and the
profits can be quite exhilarating.

Take, for example. It’s a Chinese company that, in many ways, is part
Craigslist, part, part Zillow.

In July 2017, our screener forecast a huge breakout coming in the next few weeks.
The result handed our readers a 31% profit on the stock side and a 506% profit on
the option side before we cashed out. 

As you can see, you get a small gain in the stock and a huge gain in the option.


Can you explain why your option profits are so much greater?


In a word, leverage. For example… If you were to buy 100 shares of a stock at $50
per share, you would pay $5,000. However,  you could control those same 100
shares of stock by purchasing a $5 call option. So, for a total of $500, or 1/10th of
what you’d pay to buy the shares, you’d control them until the option expires. So
far, so good?


Absolutely, and now you have less money at risk with the option play.


So let’s say the stock price rises 48% to $75. Your gain on the stock is $2,500. Not
bad. However, the gain on the option might increase to $16 for a return of around
329%. Your $500 option play now returned $1,645.

So you end up getting 65% of the profit ($1,645 vs $2,500) at 1/10th the cost.
That’s how we use options to supercharge our returns.

I use that as an example because these are the exact profits we made in our
AngloGold trades, as our stock position gained 43% while our options handed us
329% profits.

See what I mean?

Here are a few more examples of our leveraged approach at work.

Take a look at this next chart. While Raytheon only gave us 10% stock gains, our
options play on the same stock more than quadrupled our money, with a 301%

This is also how we made a 285% profit in our Alibaba options as the stock moved
up just 37% — all in less than six weeks, I might add.

This is also how we captured a supercharged 248% gain in our Beyond Meat
options while the stock handed us 39% profit in just two weeks.
All thanks to our Fast Money system that:

1. Identifies stocks going up on strong buying momentum, and…

2. Supercharges our gains by buying options on the same stocks.


So this is how your readers have banked 121 double- and triple-digit returns in only
five years — by buying both the stock and the option.  


Exactly. Because our newest picks follow the same profit profile, we are expecting
these stocks to potentially rise 30% to 50% and the options to add on another 100%
to 500% in the next nine weeks or so.

That said, let me tell you about the rest of our trades for 2020…


Let me stop you right there for a moment. We are getting a ton of questions from
viewers. Why don’t we answer a few of them now before taking a look at your
newest opportunities.

Rodrigo writes…

Mark, I’m a big fan and a member of your other services. I really like the idea of
capturing the sweet spot of these gains and the one-two punch of buying options.
How much do you suggest I invest in one of your trades?


Whatever you feel comfortable with. REMEMBER, investing always involves risk,
so never invest more than you can afford to lose.


We would start small, see the results, and go from there. As the wins pile up, then
you may want to think about increasing your investment if you are comfortable
with that.


That’s great advice whether you’re trading stocks and options or holding for the
long term. Get to know the system first… and never bet the farm.




Our next question is from Julie. She writes…

You mentioned earlier in the broadcast that your system can double your money
every nine weeks. How does that work? 


Let me begin by saying that nine weeks is the average holding period for our 121
double- and triple-digit winners. However, some trades we’ve cashed out in as little
as eight days… and then there are a few others we held for as long as a year.

For example, we cashed out of our options for 506% gains in 10 weeks and
cashed out of our stock gains in 11 weeks.

Then again, we cashed out of our Raytheon options for 301% gains in less than two
weeks and our stock holdings in four weeks for a 10% profit.


Sounds good. Our next question is from Ernie. He writes…

I see how you buy when momentum builds up, but when do you cash out and take
your profits?


That’s a great question. We cash out when the relative strength indicator we use
stalls, the stock price slips, and momentum begins to reverse lower. That’s when we
take our profits and move on to our next opportunity.


If I am hearing you correctly, you buy when momentum strengthens and sell when
it weakens.

Because you don’t buy at the low, you don’t risk the bottom falling out. Because
you don’t try to sell at the tippy top, which few people ever hit, you don’t risk a
reversal of profits either. So the stock could go higher after you sell, but you’ll take
your gains when you can get them.


Exactly… again, just like the Relative Strength chart shows. We buy when stocks
are trending higher relative to the market, and we sell when that trend slows or

But remember, in between we make some great profits. 

506% on…

329% on AngloGold…

308% on Match Group…

301% on Raytheon…

And so on…


This is truly exciting stuff. But I need to shift gears for a second…

As you can imagine, I’ve received numerous questions about our $1 million
giveaway to invest in our next trades. I’ll explain everything when we wrap up the
broadcast, including how you can use a portion of this money toward Mark and
Jim’s top 10 trades for 2020.

Let’s take a look at them now. Mark, can you begin by giving us a panoramic
overview of what you expect in 2020… and connect the dots to your top picks? 


You bet. Let me begin by saying that we expect our stock and option profits to
match — and even exceed — the big profits we made in the past few years. 

Like ANSYS and Zebra Technologies, which I named earlier, we expect them to
deliver stock gains of 30% to 50% and option profits of 100% to 500%.

The reason is simple: this economy is red-hot. Hotter than ever before, which is
why the stock market continues to break records — all thanks to tax cuts and
regulation reform.

Which is why jobs are coming back to the country and why the outlook for 2020
couldn’t be brighter.

Business and consumer spending, along with government spending, all continue to
grow.  Investments in equipment and infrastructure continue to create jobs across
the country.

All of this has resulted in increased corporate profits — which is why the stock
market continues to go up and up.

And get this — even CNN reports that the Trump economy could keep the Dow
rising in 2020!

And Kiplinger’s economic outlook confirms what we are saying as well, with GDP
moderating to a growth rate right around 2%…

Job gains rising at 150,000 per month, while business spending continues to rise…

I’d like to point out that consumer sentiment continues to strengthen too… This
chart tells the whole story — anything over 90 is very strong.

Put it all together, and you have millions of people working and earning more
money. And as millions of people feel more confident about the future, the very
first thing they want is a better place to live… and a home to call their own. 

So it’s no surprise the housing market will continue to stay hot, as household
income hits its highest level ever.

This brings me to the second big sector where we see a huge opportunity: The
housing sector.

In fact, we see a major opportunity there. Thankfully, most analysts are blind to
what’s going on in the housing market. That’s because they tend to focus on today’s
headlines — who’s broken the law, who’s making money, whoever’s making
headlines — and not on the underlying trends that will affect your financial future.


Which is nuts, I might add, because this economy is red-hot!

In fact, our momentum indicator sees a golden period for homebuilding stocks over
the next six months. It’s all because homebuilding stocks typically bottom out near
the end of October and then rise through the end of April. Twenty years of data
show that the sector has risen 18.3%.

Our data show this situation repeating itself again this year, thanks to rising
incomes, lower mortgage rates, and improving affordability.

That’s why the fast money is piling into three homebuilding-related stocks as we


The three stocks we have targeted in this sector are already on

the move. As you’ll see, each one is at the tipping point of a
breakout… and completely detailed in our Fast Money 2020
profit forecast that we’ll be sending our viewers at the end of
the broadcast. It’s called the Fast Money 2020 Playbook: 10
Best Trades for the Next 12 Months

If you can snag them at our buy price, you could see 30% to
50% or more on the stock side in nine weeks or less, and option
profits that could rise as high as 500%.

For these reasons, we’re going to run through these opportunities quickly, so that
you can get them at our buy price, and use your portion of our $1 million giveaway
to take a position in these top picks.

Jim, why don’t you walk everyone through our first home building trade?


Love to…

As you’ll see, this one has winner written all over it. In a way, it reminds me of the
big 31% stock and 506% option profits we made in — only this one is in
the home sector. Once you see our full write-up on this, you’ll agree…

The first company we like is a leading manufacturer of building materials, supplies,

and components for professional homebuilders, subcontractors, and consumers.
The stock already has a ton of momentum behind it: up 136% in the last year.

It’s no wonder. Over the past 12 months, the company has delivered four positive
earnings surprises in a row — all double-digit surprises, from 22% to 47%.

Talk about fast money piling in.

So it’s no surprise that eleven top analysts have raised the company’s expectations
for 2020.  Nor is it a surprise that together, the 20 top institutional and mutual fund
holders own over $1 billion worth of shares.

Vanguard, Blackrock, JP Morgan — they’re all in on this deal. That’s because they
see what we see: the company’s stock jumping 30% to 50% — maybe even
doubling — in the next nine weeks.


If we can go back to the chart on this one again, Roger, you can see the relative
strength indicator, below the stock chart, showing momentum continuing to build.
Again, that’s why we are recommending this trade right now… and why you can
trade along with us with complete confidence.

In your FREE copy of our Fast Money 2020 Playbook: 10 Best

Trades for the Next 12 Months, we’ll send you the name, symbol,
and strike price for the option on this trade. We’ll send it out
immediately at the end of the broadcast so that you can get all the
details to invest in the stock before it breaks out to the upside again.

We’ll also give you an inside look at our second favorite stock in this sector. It’s
another building supplier that’s also on a tear, up 51% over the past 12 months,
thanks to 10% revenue growth.

Again, the fast money institutional investors and mutual fund investors are all in
here too. And so are we, forecasting a 30% to 50% bump in the next nine weeks.
That doesn’t include the huge bump we see coming from our option plays on the
same stock.

You have FMR… Bank of America… Blackrock… and other fast money players all
lined up to get in on this one.

And you can see from the chart, the stock is already in motion, up 51% over the
past 12 months… and right at the tipping point of another breakout.  


We have a third pick in this sector that you’ll find in your free copy of our Fast
Money 2020 Playbook: 10 Best Trades for the Next 12 Months that we’ll send to
you at the end of this broadcast. Like all of our 2020 trades, it, too,
should deliver 30% to 50% on the stocks — perhaps even 100%…
with option profits that could triple that.


Before you continue, I want our viewers to know that, at the end of the broadcast,
in addition to the stocks, symbols, and strike prices on the options for these trades,
your free copy of the Fast Money 2020 Playbook also includes an inside look at
their complete Fast Money Alert trading system that you, too, can use to spot fast-
moving stocks that can double your money in nine weeks. I’ll tell you how you can
claim your FREE copy in a moment…

For now, I’m going to have Mark and Jim give us a sneak preview of the other
sectors and stocks they are targeting for 2020.


Thanks, Roger… As I mentioned prior to the broadcast, we like the medical

devices sector a lot… and our viewers should too!

It’s outperforming not only the Dow, but also the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq — all
thanks to developments in wireless technology, smaller devices, and computing
power that have solidified their role in the healthcare industry.

The chart really tells the whole story…

You can see with your own eyes how this sector is outperforming all the indexes.

In fact, analysts see global medical device sales increasing to $595 billion by 2024.
Our top two stocks in this sector are shining like supernovas. The first is up 201%
in the last year on 57% revenue growth and 87% dividend growth.


Wow, that’s incredible. What’s driving the growth?


Surprisingly, it’s the rise in the economy along with consumer spending.


Consumer spending? How is that possible?


Easy… you see, when people have more money to spend, they tend to spend on

This company has the most sought-after beauty treatments that make people look
and feel years younger… which is how the company generated over $138 million
last year and is on track to grow its earnings another 10% this year.

All of which could hand you another 201% gains next year.


The second medical device company we like is up 54% in the last year on 20%
earnings and revenue growth, and we see the company having another breakout
year in 2020.

Here’s why: this company is a world leader in developing heart valve technologies.
That’s why the fast money has piled on here too, with Blackrock, State Street, and
FMR all taking $1 billion-plus positions.

In your Fast Money 2020 Playbook, we’ll go into greater detail on why our stock
and option combination here could hand you a total gain of 100% to 500%. 


We also see big profits ahead in the semiconductor and defense sectors. 

Our top picks in those sectors have rewarded investors with 12-month gains from
49% to 92%.  We see these companies continue to pile on the profits.

Here’s why:

First, powering demand in the semiconductor sector are advances in artificial

intelligence, which we expect to grow at a compounded annual rate of almost 50%.
That’s just one reason semiconductors will be one of the most profitable sectors in

The growth of 5G and IoT, or the Internet of Things, technologies worldwide

should generate healthy long-term demand for our top companies’ hardware and
fiber-optic components.

This is why our top trade in the 5G sector is up 80% in 12 months on 27% revenue
growth, why it has delivered three positive earnings surprises in a row, and why the
analysts see the company generating annual earnings growth of 50%.

For these reasons, we see the company jumping at least 30% in the next couple of
months, and we see our option trades at least doubling your money. 

As the Fast Money 2020 Playbook points out, this is another opportunity that the
fast money has already started piling in to. As you can see, all the major players are
in on this one too, including Blackrock… State Street… Goldman Sachs. Together,
they have backed up the truck to the tune of billions of dollars.

In your Fast Money 2020 Playbook: 10 Best Trades for the Next
12 Months, you’ll get our complete trading information so you
can profit here along with us… plus you’ll get an inside look at
two additional semiconductor juggernauts that we’re banking on
for 30% to 50% stock gains and 100% to 500% option profits. 

We’re also excited about the big money that will be made in the
defense and aerospace sectors. 


It’s hard not to be, as the defense budget increases by 5% to $7.18 billion in 2020
and then by another 4% a year for the next four years after that!


A big chunk of that money will be spent securing our government, Defense
Department, and corporate computers from cyberattacks — not only from state-
sponsored aggressors but also from criminal networks outside our borders. 
The fast money is flowing into one company in particular… one that provides
network, firewall, application, cloud, and end-point security in an all-in-one bundle.
Again, all the big money players have backed up the truck here: Vanguard,
Blackrock, State Street… all to the tune of $6 billion.

I’m not surprised. The company is not only growing its revenues by 20% quarterly,
but it’s also growing its earnings by 35% — which is why the stock price is up 50%
over the past 12 months.

After four double-digit earnings surprises in a row, we see the company equaling
that growth over the next 90 days when earnings come out.

Again, if you focus on the Relative Strength indicator below the stock chart, you
can see how our system selected this trade and why it’s set to continue its rise in the
next 12 months.


Our 2020 Fast Money Playbook  also brings you an inside look at another
company we have targeted in this sector — one that works directly with the U.S.
military to dominate the battlefield.


How do they do that… with drones and satellites?


Partially. By integrating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) with
mobile intelligence and networked weaponry. Ultimately, giving our troops the
training and tools to win the battlefield of the future.

What’s on the screen will give you an idea of the kind of

technology this company possesses, and how it will give
our troops battlefield superiority for years to come.

That’s why we’ve already seen big gains in the company’s stock, up 55% over the
past 12 months on 12% sales growth and 23% earnings growth.

We’re expecting even bigger numbers as the military increases defense spending.
I’d like to tell you more, but I’ve just gotten the signal from
Roger that we’re running out of time. Let me finish by saying
you’ll get the full details in your FREE Fast Money 2020
Playbook: 10 Best Trades for the Next 12 Months we’ll be
sending in a few moments.

In it, you’ll get the full story on each one of our homebuilding,
medical devices, and defense trades, along with the complete
breakdown of how our Fast Money Alert system can double
your money every nine weeks.


Plus, you’ll also receive $1,000 in cash credit you can use toward any of these
stocks, as part of our $1 million giveaway.


Thank you, Mark and Jim.

I want to thank you for showing us how your Fast Money system works and giving
us an inside look at your top trades for 2020.

I know our viewers have many more questions — especially about your Fast
Money investments. But we’re running short on time. I want to apologize to those
whose questions we weren’t able to answer on the air.

But not to worry. We’ll respond to your emails after this presentation and ensure
your questions are answered.

With that said…

We’ve come to the point in the summit that I know many of you have been waiting
for — our $1 Million Giveaway and how you can claim a portion of that money to
use toward your first trade with Mark and Jim.


Before you wrap this up, I’d like to take a few moments to explain why 2020 will
be a great year for our trades and for you to take advantage of our $1 million


But only a few moments…


I’ll be quick… 


The economy is red-hot. The result will continue to drive the stock market higher
— all thanks to tax cuts and regulation reform.

As I mentioned earlier, consumer spending, business spending, and government

spending continue to grow. Investments in equipment and infrastructure continue to
create jobs across the country.

All of this has resulted in increased corporate profits — which is why the stock
market continues to go up and up.

You’ll find the same factors that handed us 31% stock gains and 506% option
profits in… 43% stock gains and 329% option profits in AngloGold… and
109% stock profits and 308% option profits in Match Group are repeating
themselves in our newest picks.

As you’ll see in your FREE Fast Money 2020 Playbook: 10 Best

Trades for the Next 12 Months, all of our new trades are at the
tipping point of a BIG breakout that could send their stock prices
up from 30% to 50% while their accompanying option plays could
rise 100% to 500%. That’s why 2020 will be a great year for our
trades and for you to put our system to work. We look forward to
you joining us…


Thank you, Mark and Jim. 

As their publisher, I know the only way you will see how well their trades will
work is for you to see for yourself.

That’s why, as part of our $1 million giveaway, we are going to give each of our
viewers $1,000 cash credit that you can use toward any of their recommendations
when you join us. 

That’s almost like trading with house money. That’s how much we here at Eagle
Financial Publications believe in their system… and that their newest trades will
hand you money-doubling gains every nine weeks.

There’s just one catch.

This giveaway is strictly limited to the first 1,000 people who sign up. My CFO has
seen to that!

Which is why, if you like the approach Mark and Jim have spelled out here, I
would suggest you send your RSVP immediately.

During the past four weeks, more than 300,000 Eagle Financial members have
expressed an interest in following their trades. So there’s a good chance that all
1,000 memberships will sell out quickly — just like they did when we opened this
up to new members back in 2014.

However, this time around we’re offering new members $1,000 cash credit to use
toward their new trades. 

For these reasons, if you’ve always wanted to seize the kinds of profits Mark and
Jim’s Fast Money Alert trades have handed investors over the past five years, I
would suggest you send your RSVP immediately, because thousands are viewing
this special presentation right now.

Combined with our Second-Year-FREE guarantee — which I’ll explain in a

moment — I wouldn’t put off joining too long, because we expect the 1,000 spots
to go very quickly.  

All you need to do to get started now is to click the button


But before you go, I want to thank you for attending our Fast Money $1
Million Giveaway, celebrating last year’s success with us, and learning Mark
and Jim’s top trades for 2020.

Here at Eagle and Fast Money Alert, we know when it comes to investing, you
have many choices among systems and advisors to follow. As the publisher of Fast
Money Alert, I know that you are only as good as your last recommendation.

If you are willing to invest 10 minutes a week following their trades, you, too, can
double your money every nine weeks.

Today’s presentation offers you a sneak preview of the kind of opportunities and
profits we’ll bring you when you join us.

In addition to your $1,000 credit, here’s what you can expect to receive as a Charter

First, you’ll receive a welcome email with a transcript of this

presentation, along with your private login and password to our Fast
Money Alert members-only website, where you’ll find our current
trades, prior updates, alerts, and special reports.

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll gain instant access to your free
copy of the Fast Money 2020 Playbook: 10 Best Trades for
the Next 12 Months… Mark and Jim’s complete Fast Money
trading system that includes an inside look at their 2020 trades
and why each of them has the potential to deliver double-your-
money profits in just nine weeks.

Then you’ll begin to receive two to three new opportunities every

month, sent directly to you via email or text the moment we identify
them — again, all potential 100% to 500% winners.

You’ll also receive weekly updates on our recommendations, so you

can stay a step ahead of Wall Street and maximize your profits.

We will send you a Flash Alert via email or text whenever breaking
news impacts any of our recommendations, along with complete buy,
hold, or sell instructions to protect your wealth and maximize your

You’ll also receive our “Second-Year-FREE Guarantee.” If we fail

to deliver 24 double- or triple-digit gains in the next 12 months, I will
give you a second year of service absolutely FREE.

So, here’s how to get $1,000 toward your first trade.

Since you’re still tuned in to our broadcast, I can tell you’re ready to profit from our
Fast Money Alert service and receive a $1,000 cash credit you can use toward your
first trade.

I also know you can see that Fast Money Alert is a different kind of service… one
that will hand you double- and triple-digit gains in both stocks and options almost
every nine weeks.  

As such, we have priced our new advisory accordingly to reflect this incredible

That’s why a year’s subscription to Fast Money Alert regularly costs $1,995.

However, as part of our Fast Money $1 Million Giveaway, I’ll give you a $1,000
cash credit that you can use toward your first trade with us.

As a result, you’ll pay just $995 for a full year’s worth of Fast Money trades.

There’s just one catch. You need to say yes today. If you can’t act quickly to take
advantage of our $1,000 cash credit, or our Second-Year-FREE Guarantee,
chances are you won’t follow our system or act quickly when we send you a buy or
sell alert.

If that is the case, my Fast Money Alert service is not for you. We would be remiss
in our obligation to you if we were to accept you as a member.
Fast Money Alert is for traders who want to ride the upward momentum in stocks
and double down with options, who are willing to act quickly on Mark and Jim’s
trades, and cash out quickly.

Remember, we have only 1,000 spaces available, and those spots may be gone
in the next 24 hours.

That’s why I urge you to grab our $1,000 cash credit to join us here at Fast
Money Alert before the opportunity is gone.

All I ask in return is that you give us 10 minutes a week to show you how you can
double your money every nine weeks in our stock and option trades.

When you consider that we will also guarantee you will receive 24 double- or
triple-digit winners in your first year, each with the potential to double your money
every nine weeks, how can you possibly say no?

So, what do you say?

Trust your instincts and give it a shot.

See for yourself how Fast Money Alert can put you on the path to $1 million in

And then decide.

I guarantee it will be the best financial decision you make this year.

Just click the button below to join now.

When you do, you’ll go to a secure order form where you can review everything
we’ve talked about. Then you’ll be able to download your free copy of our Fast
Money 2020 Playbook: 10 Best Trades for the Next 12 Months and begin your

In closing, I want to thank you for investing your time in attending the Fast Money
$1 Million Giveaway, and I look forward to welcoming you as a new member to
Fast Money Alert.
I’m Roger Michalski for Eagle Financial Publications, and thanks again for joining

From: InvestorPlace Dividend Insights

Subject: Oil Time-Bomb to Blindside U.S. Investors
Date: April 19, 2015 at 6:01 PM

Fellow Investor,

The new era of cheap oil will soon hit a brick wall and there is simply no stopping it. The chain
reaction is about to affect your income, your investments, and your future wealth.

Here’s why…

The great U.S. fracking boom that pushed oil prices to all-time lows, pulled the rug out from
under the Saudis, and sent the Russian ruble crashing is entering a bold new phase—one that’s
about to create a supply and demand squeeze of epic proportions and send oil prices
skyrocketing in the months and years ahead.

Tragically, most analysts are blind to what’s going on.

That’s because they tend to focus on feel-good stories about just over $2-a-gallon gas and
simply can’t see the “fracking bust” that’s about to affect every investment you own now and for
years to come.

But if you look closely, you can see the collapse taking place right before your eyes…

American oil drillers who made a bundle from oil fracking are now shutting down oil rigs at
the fastest pace since 2009, as $50-a-barrel crude prices make it impossible for them to

This is why Schlumberger laid off 9,000 oil workers the first week in January and why CNN
Money is reporting that the industry could see 20,000 more layoffs by June 2015.

The Dallas Federal Reserve’s projections are even more ominous—that lower oil prices
will result in 125,000 oil-related layoffs in 2015.

With Newsweek reporting that…


With Newsweek reporting that…

“U.S. shale industry will need to bring 2,500 wells into service every year to sustain
the output—of 1 million barrels a day—of [just] one of its main oil reserves, in North

…you can begin to see how the global oil glut that’s driven gas prices to six-year lows will
reverse quickly as the oil fracking and drilling industries come to a screeching halt.

The reason is simple:

It will take years for the downsized fracking industry to rebound from today’s layoffs, sold-off
equipment, and lack of investment even as oil prices rise.

This is why Saudi Arabia has increased its oil output to 9.8 million
barrels a day—to put U.S. frackers out of business, take back
control of global oil markets, and push oil prices back toward
$150 a barrel or more.

I’m not the only one taking notice…

As Reuters recently reported, “[Saudi Arabia] is trying to squeeze U.S. shale

oil—which requires higher prices to remain competitive with conventional
production—out of the market.”

And the Saudis are using their $750 billion in reserves to win the global price war with the U.S. to
do just that—push oil prices so low as to put the frackers out of business.

The implications will transform our country, our economy, and your future wealth…as oil jumps to
$75, then $100, then $150 a barrel—or more—and the era of cheap oil comes to a dramatic halt.

What Will Happen to Your Money When the

Fracking and Drilling Industries Finally Go
I’m Richard Band, and in my 30 years of covering
Wall Street I’ve never been so worried about
Meet Richard Band
America’s oil infrastructure as I am today. The Conservative
Investor’s Best Friend
You should be worried too. —Whose Safe, Sane,
and Systematic
Despite the fact that U.S. crude prices are at their Approach Has Beaten
lowest in six years…despite the fact that oil the S&P 500 by 42%
Since January 2000.
storage is building up at a historic pace… and
despite the fact that oil prices have fallen 51% In a world of investing advisories that
since June of 2014, everything is not OK. come and go every year, Richard Band’s
Profitable Investing has stood the test of
The oil fracking industry—which helped the U.S. time for the past 30 years—and not by
chasing the hot stocks. He’s beaten the
become one of the world’s largest oil producers,
market by 42% by investing not only
drove oil prices down from $145 a barrel in 2008 ahead of the trends but also in Wall
to $50 a barrel today, and helped lead America Street’s safest income producing stocks.

to $50 a barrel today, and helped lead America Street’s safest income producing stocks.
out of the 2008 recession—is about to become a
Band, who graduated magna cum laude
victim of its own success. from Yale in 1973, has not only received
SIPA’s Best Financial Newsletter Award
The long-term results are going to be disastrous four times but has also been quoted in
for our country, our economy, and your future The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek,
wealth. Forbes, Readers Digest, and the
Financial Times of London—all as a
result of his market-beating forecasts and
You need only connect the dots to see what’s
about to take place…
For these reasons, he’s become one of
1. With crude oil today sitting at $50 a barrel, the most popular speakers at annual
97% of America’s oil drillers are losing investing conferences around the
country, which is why tens of thousands
money. That’s because the cost of
of investors rely on his proven, timely,
producing oil from fracking averages $80 a and profitable advice as do hedge fund
barrel. managers that follow his picks closely.
In addition, he is also the author of two
bestselling investment books, including
2. As a result, many small shale producers
Contrary Investing, which was named
are going bankrupt as larger companies cut “Best Investment Book of the Year” by
drilling budgets, shut down wells, and lay The Stock Trader’s Almanac (1986), for
off workers by the thousands. which he also received accolades from
Barron’s. His 1990 version, Contrary
Investing for the 1990s, was also well
3. The chain reaction is about to make received by the financial community and
hundreds of drilling projects economically was featured as a main selection by the
unfeasible and bring the U.S. oil exploration Fortune book club.
industry to a grinding halt. Richard is a self-proclaimed “Thrifty New
Hampshire Yankee,” who won’t invest a
OPEC’s Secretary-General Abdalla El-Badri said dollar unless it’s a shoo-in to make him
that the failure of U.S. producers to maintain $2 to $5. As a veteran financial analyst
production will cause oil prices to jump as high as with more than 35 years of experience,
Richard takes his fiduciary relationship
$200 a barrel.
with his readers seriously.

This is why the Saudis aren’t decreasing their

production, but increasing it, for one reason and one reason alone: to bankrupt the greatest
threat to their oil dominance—America’s oil fracking industry.

And we’ve already started to see the first wave of bankruptcies as plummeting oil prices cause
these companies to crater.

Since February of 2014 eight well-known drilling and fracking operations have already filed for
bankruptcy protection, including Tuscany International Holdings, Lexico Resources
International Corp., Global Geophysical Services and Buccaneer Energy Limited just to
name a few.

With oil prices almost 37% below what most oil frackers and drillers can turn as a decent profit,
we expect that not only will bankruptcies increase, but investment in drilling and production will
decrease, as $50barrel oil will make finding new reserves and maintaining U.S. oil production
prohibitive for years to come.

Surprisingly, it’s for similar reasons that the 2008 subprime sell-off was triggered, sending the
U.S. economy into one of the greatest recessions in history: Debt!

You see, the mountain of debt that drillers ran up to finance the shale boom is estimated to be
over $500 billion in highly leveraged loans.

That’s not only 16% of the U.S. high-yield market but nearly 2/3 of the $1.6 trillion in annual
investment required to provide the world with energy.

With oil companies unable to generate the revenues to service

their debt, not only will bankruptcies increase but also new
investment will plummet as the mountain of debt drillers have
piled up will soon take out the weakest oil companies as oil prices continue to fall.

Which is why the oil drilling industry is rapidly downsizing to save itself when the oil debt bubble
inevitably bursts.

Just look:

In November 2014, Reuters reported that plunging oil prices sparked a drop of almost 40%
in new oil well permits.

U.S. drillers scrapped 93 drilling rigs in the last quarter of 2015 and lost another 17 the first
week in January. That’s the biggest oil rig drop since 2009.

As a result, America won’t have the drilling and fracturing infrastructure in place to meet
future oil demand as growth in emerging markets like India and China outpaces supply.

So when OPEC’s secretary-general says that “the failure of U.S. producers to maintain
production will cause oil prices to jump as high as $200 a barrel,” he’s looking at the same
dangerous and ominous scenarios I’m sharing with you here.

The bottom line is this:

In a world that’s relied on U.S. oil production to keep oil prices low, the repercussions will be
quite dramatic. Not just for consumers, mind you, but for every industry and all investors that
have profited from falling oil prices.

Tragically, most investors have no clue what’s going on here…or that the Saudis are waging a
price war against the American oil industry…or about the effect this will have on their homes,
their investments, and their retirement when the day of reckoning arrives.

However, if you act immediately on the recommendations I’m going to share with you here, you’ll
be able to turn this crisis into substantial wealth as oil prices ultimately reverse course and catch
most investors napping.

Why Ignoring This Forecast Will

Have Serious Consequences
I realize that you may find this extreme forecast hard to believe—especially now with oil prices at
all-time lows, the stock market near all-time highs, and the economy apparently expanding.

However, over the past 30 years I have earned a reputation as one of Wall Street’s most

accurate economic forecasters.

Over the years, I’m proud to say that my oil and

energy calls have stacked up gains for my Beware of the Falling
readers of 3,406% in Buckeye Partners, 350% in Knife!
Enterprise Products Partners, 1,129% in Exxon Where Fortunes Will Be
Mobil, 957% in Jennison Utility Fund, and 1,269% Lost When Oil Prices
in ONEOK, but my complete roster of firsts and Skyrocket
winning forecasts have been just as accurate and
To see how rising oil prices will shake the
foundations of our economy, you need
only to remember back to when oil stocks
FIRST to forecast Chrysler’s rebirth in
jumped from $56 a barrel in January of
1982, collecting 482% profits in less than 2007 to $138 a barrel on June 30th 2008.
one year.
Not only did the S&P 500 lose 12% but a
FIRST to zero in on “The Great Bond Boom
number of industries fell on hard times.
of 1987,” doubling readers’ money in less
than two years. High oil costs not only hurt airlines and
FIRST to warn readers to “cut back your other transportation companies but
squeezed the profits of other industries
holdings” just four weeks before the market as well—from semiconductor equipment
crashed in 1987. makers who use fuel to make plastic
FIRST to alert readers to the global components to energy-intensive industrial
privatization boom in 1992, handing companies such as DuPont and Alcoa to
the agricultural sector, which is heavily
readers quick profits of 82% and 114% in dependent on fuel oil and fertilizers.
Portugal Telecom and New Zealand
Telecom, respectively, in just 15 months. As a result, prices rose across the board
as consumer spending plummeted—all of
FIRST to get in on the ground floor of the
which resulted in rising inflation and
1996 real estate boom—with my top pick millions of job losses.
handing my readers 126% gains in 16
Auto sales plunged; airlines grounded
planes, and both industries laid off
FIRST to call the technology shakeout in workers, as did manufacturers as higher
1999, warning readers to get out of Internet prices for both food and fuel reduced
stocks, sparing them losses of 50% to 80%. demand.
FIRST to forecast the real estate boom of And that’s not even the half of it.
2000 with my REIT-rich portfolio handing
investors 24% returns, compared with the Most Americans don’t realize this, but
11% of U.S. oil goes into the making of
NASDAQ, which lost 21%.
everyday products like plastics, rubber,
FIRST to identify the gold boom of 2003, and synthetic materials from
guiding investors to 51% and 37% gains in antihistamines to antiseptics, baby
my top stocks. strollers to bandages, clothing to credit
cards, garbage bags to golf balls,
FIRST to forecast the income stock boom
shampoo to shaving cream, and
of 2006-2007 handing investors 102% profit everything in between. Which is why
on Brazil’s Unibanco and a tidy 121% gain rising oil prices can be so damaging to
on Chesapeake Energy. the economy, as we saw in 2008.
FIRST to call the 2009 stocks turnaround How bad can it get?
that would send both the Dow and
international markets to new heights, In 2008, as oil prices rose…
bagging 65% gains in MGM…74% in the Continental grounded 67 planes
China index fund…133% in the Australia and laid off 3,000 workers
fund…77% in Brazil. General Motors closed two U.S.

fund…77% in Brazil. General Motors closed two U.S.

assembly plants
FIRST to forecast huge profits for select
Chrysler let over 12,000 people go
health care firms when Obamacare fears Hewlett-Packard laid off 24,600
decimated health care stocks, with my top workers
pick up 90%. Citigroup laid off 50,000 workers
AT&T chopped 17,000 workers
FIRST to call a reversal of fortune for
Merck cut over 6,000 jobs, as did
Microsoft in 2012 when the pundits said the American Airlines and Dow
company was dead and Apple would rule Chemical
tech for years to come. Today MSFT has Demand for new homes
collapsed, resulting in even more
gained 46% and Apple is only now catching layoffs
up. Americans saw their net worth
decline $1.7 trillion in 90 days!
I mention none of this to brag, but only to show
you firsthand the accuracy of my track record so To protect your wealth, you must avoid
any company whose corporate earnings
that you’ll take my oil forecast seriously. will fall as the price of oil rises. The
That’s the whole reason I’ve sent you this special following five companies could suffer the
report at my own expense—to biggest losses just like they did in 2008.

1. Warn you away from this dangerous But they’re not the only ones you should
avoid like the plague. These are just five
situation we see unfolding and to of the 25 companies I’ve identified that
you should jettison now while their profits
Show you how to protect your wealth and keep it are still intact—before oil prices jump
growing in the months and years ahead. past $100 a barrel.

For these reasons I’m urging you to stay away That’s why I suggest you sell these
stocks now and send for this special
from tech stocks, utilities, and muni bonds. report I’ve just completed for my
REITS will also take a beating as rising oil Profitable Investing readers—Where
prices will cut directly into their profits and Fortunes Will Be Lost: 25 Big-Name
send their stocks plummeting. Stocks to Sell Now.

It names 25 stocks I’ve identified that will

All while accumulating stocks that are locked into be the biggest victims of rising oil prices
profit from rising oil prices. Surprisingly, these are and see their profits disappear.
the very same companies that Wall Street has
In the meantime, sell the stocks below
been ignoring at all costs—oil companies.
and read on to discover the biggest profit-
takers of rising oil prices.
Where the Big Money Con-Way Inc. (NYSE: CNW)
Will Be Made Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL)
Intrepid Potash (NYSE: IPI)
United Continental Holdings
Here at Profitable Investing, we believe the secret (NYSE: UAL)
Winnebago Industries (NYSE:
to making money in all markets and at all times is
to spot the trends early and invest in the direct
path of growth—where the laws of supply and This special bonus
FREE report will be
demand are begging to make you richer.
yours through this
exclusive introductory
For these reasons, if you can add a few of our top offer but only if you act
oil stocks to your holdings now, you could see quickly.
your holdings rise 100%, 200%, 300%, or more as
oil prices reverse course and these companies’
profits explode like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

Here’s the best part:

Thanks to the oil sell-off, these companies represent the best values on Wall Street and you’ll be
buying them at a fraction of their future value. That’s why today’s low oil prices are offering you a
giant window of opportunity you simply cannot ignore. If you are serious about capturing your
share of the new oil boom that lies ahead, here are three simple rules for picking the big winners.

1. Buy Oil Services Survivors

When oil prices rise, the profits of oil services companies (such as drillers and frackers) will
explode. The reason is simple. Their profits grow with every barrel of oil they pump out of the

When the dust of low oil prices finally settles, only the strongest oil services companies will be
left standing, and they will have the oil market all to themselves.

These are companies to buy right now.

Here’s why:

As oil prices rise, demand will far outstrip supply—since building new drillers and oil rigs is a
multi-year investment. With fewer companies in the sector, day rates will soar along with the
profits of our top-rated service companies.

The last time oil prices skyrocketed (1999-2008), our top services company rose 327%, turning a
$10,000 investment into as much as $42,700.

Only this time around, the profits will be even greater as there will be fewer oil service companies
in business to meet the demand.

2. Buy Dominant Integrated Oil Companies with Global Market Share NOW

Their participation in all phases of oil exploration, transportation, and distribution means they will
profit from both rising energy demand and higher prices. Their stock prices will gain in another
way as well—as oil prices rise, inflation follows, and these companies have a long history of
delivering solid inflation-beating growth as well.

While the oil collapse may have halved their stock prices, their Gibraltar-sized finances have
allowed them to continue to deliver powerful growth and high-dividend income no matter what’s
going on in the overall market.

Here’s what you’ll love the most:

Our top picks here are all dividend-raising juggernauts with

payout ratios as high as 38%, yields as high as 5%, and regular
dividend increases as high as 10% over a decade.

In fact, if you had purchased our number one pick 10 years ago, the yield on your original
investment would now be 11.5% on cost—even as the cost of oil has plummeted.

For these reasons, our picks have the potential to double in price as sharply rising oil prices
trigger a three-fold increase in their profits—while handing you a rich and rising income stream
over the next decade.

over the next decade.

3. Buy Our Top Pipeline Transportation Companies As Well

These companies are the toll-takers of the energy industry on which both drillers and refiners
depend for their profits when oil prices are rising and falling.

How can this be? Because their profits aren’t tied to oil prices.

They make money by charging set fees for transporting oil and natural gas from the drillers to
refiners and for storing both oil and natural gas.

With Cohen and Steers estimating that the U.S. will spend over $130 billion by 2020 adding
16,400 miles of new gas transmission mainlines, 6,600 miles of new gas laterals, and 165,000
miles of new gas gathering lines, you couldn’t ask for a better time to own them, for a number of

1. Their fees will rise with every barrel of oil and cubic foot of natural gas that runs through
these new lines;
2. They’re set up as Master Limited Partnerships. As such they must send investors as much
as 90% of their income—90% of that is tax-deferred;
3. They deliver high yields; and
4. The drop in oil prices has unfairly sent their share prices lower, as most investors lump
pipeline companies in the same mental file bin as drilling companies.

That’s why we’re targeting annual total returns of 100% or more over the next few years as
global oil and natural gas consumption rises and the U.S. evolves from a natural gas importer to
an exporter.

In a moment, I will introduce my top pipeline play that’s not only risen 103% since 2009, but
continued to rise in the face of collapsing oil prices, and has delivered a rich and rising 5.6%

Here’s What Makes This a Can’t-Lose Situation

for the Investor Who Takes Action Now
The oil companies in our current portfolio are so strong they not only have survived the oil
downturn but also have the financial wherewithal to continue to pay annual dividends of up to 5%
like clockwork.

A few of them are so strong that they have actually raised their dividends 25% in the face of
declining oil profits!

If these companies can do this while oil prices have collapsed, you can only imagine how high
they will fly when oil prices ultimately reverse themselves and rise higher.

Our gains in…

Buckeye Partners +3,406%

ONEOK Partners +1,269%
Exxon Mobil +1,129%

Exxon Mobil +1,129%

Magellan Midstream Partners +1,070%
Enterprise Products Partners +349%
Vermillion Energy +172%

….prove just that.

While I can’t give you the exact day oil prices will rise from $50 to
$75 or $100 to $150 a barrel or more, I can tell you this: These
companies’ rich dividends will not only pay you to wait but also
richly reward you for your patience with gains of 100%, 200%, 300%, or more.

When you add everything up, there’s really no way you can lose—you’ll own Wall Street’s most
profitable oil companies…companies whose fortunes will continue to grow as the industry
constricts…and oil prices inevitably rise and pay you along the way!

Long Term, a $5,000 Investment in Our

Top Oil Stocks Could Jump to $25,000
With oil prices jumping 8% in January, time may be running out on this opportunity to get in on
the ground floor of the coming rise in oil prices.

Once this upward direction becomes clear, hedge fund and mutual fund managers who wouldn’t
touch oil stocks with a 10-foot pole six months ago will dive into our positions and bid our
holdings higher—just as they have in the past with gains of 3,406% in Buckeye Partners and
1,129% in Exxon Mobil so far.

That’s why if you can get into our top stocks at today’s prices, you not only could get a five-fold
pop in your money but also lock in a rising source of oil-backed income that could hand you 15%,
20%, or even 30% in annual future dividends for every $1 that you invest now—before most
investors wake up to what’s going on.

Since 2000, my readers have not only beaten the market by 42%, as verified by the independent
Hulbert’s Financial Digest, but also earned a documented total return of 1,518% since inception.

And without the nerve-wracking volatility so many investors needlessly accept. We’ve done this
for over 30 years by:

1. Providing our readers specialized firsthand

stock research along with the specific
investment ideas and action to take based
on the latest market events.
2. Targeting financially solid companies in
undervalued sectors with long histories of
not only paying rising dividends but also
making investors rich.
3. Owning “best-in-class” stocks within these
4. Adjusting our holdings to outperform the

And while our goal is to make at least 10% per

year on our total portfolio over the long haul—
often 20% or more in particularly good years—
we’ve done far better than that.

All thanks to our unwavering focus on safety, income, and growth, which has protected our
readers’ money while outperforming the markets by a country mile.

That is why I’m recommending you adjust your holdings to include these oil stocks—because we
here at Profitable Investing see them as being the biggest profit-takers for the next 12 to 18
months and strongly urge you to follow suit.

Let Me Send You This FREE Report to Get

It’s called 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices and in it you’ll find a
panoramic overview of the coming oil boom along with an in-depth look at
our five biggest profit-takers for the next 12 months.

As you’ll see, each one of our oil service, pipeline, and integrated oil
companies is perfectly positioned to fully exploit the supply/demand
squeeze for oil that is headed our way when prices rise

What’s more, your FREE COPY OF 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices will not only lay
the foundation for every recommendation I’ll bring you in the months and years ahead but also
provide you with an inside look at our proven method of investing in trend-riding, best-in-class
companies—companies that are not only growing their sales and earnings but also have the
financial wherewithal to increase and maintain dividend payments.

This is how we’ve beaten the market by 42% since 2000—and directly in the face of two wealth-
destroying market crashes—and how we plan to continue to keep our readers’ money safe and
growing in all markets and at all times.

Best of all, 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices is yours free for simply accepting a no-risk
trial of my Profitable Investing advisory.

In the meantime, allow me to give you a quick overview of our top oil stocks…

Profit-Taker #1

When oil prices rise, oil services companies outperform the market by a country mile. Now is the
time to purchase the survivors of the oil shakeout, as they will dominate this industry and could
easily double in price over the next 18 to 24 months.

In fact, as I write this, our first profit-taker (Schlumberger Limited: SLB) is using its $7.5 billion
cash hoard to not only buy up drilling operations around the world for pennies on the dollar but
also richly rewarding investors with a—get this—25% quarterly dividend increase.

In other words, what they are doing now is building what Warren Buffett calls a "deep moat" in
the oil services sector on two fronts:

the oil services sector on two fronts:

1. Keeping competitors at bay by increasing its market share, and

2. Luring investors away from its competitors with huge dividends to increase its capital and
acquire additional assets.

The result will turbo-charge the company’s profits when oil prices rise, and it will ultimately
dominate the drilling industry in the same way that Apple dominates smartphones and tablets.

For these reasons, we believe that the company’s previous 18-month 327% gains, made during
the a past upcycle when oil prices skyrocketed (January of 1999 to June of 2008), will pale in
comparison to what is headed this company’s way—as it will ultimately control the drilling sector
for years to come.

But please don’t buy it yet.

Please wait for your free copy of 5 Biggest Profit Takers of Rising Oil Prices. With oil prices
extremely volatile right now, I want you to have my most recent buy price on this one. As I have
seen so often, a target price and a little patience can add 20% to 30% to your total return.

Profit-Taker #2

As oil prices begin to rise, it’s hard to beat our best-in-class integrated oil
companies. The reason is simple.

That’s due to their armored-car like finances; they’re among the safest
stocks you can own for the long term—thanks to their generous dividends,
fat earnings, and historical growth.

Which is why I strongly urge you to add our top-rated integrated oil
company to your holdings now. You see, even as oil prices have fallen 50% over the past 12
months, the company’s stock price has continued to rise—handing investors total returns of
nearly 6%.

If it can do this in an investing environment where 99 out of 100 oil companies are losing their
shirts, you can only imagine how high this stock will jump as oil prices rise. During the last big
upcycle from January 1999 to June 2008, this company’s stock price shot up a whopping 142%.
We see the same situation presenting itself now.

Here’s the best part.

With the company’s 4.1% dividend, you’ll be paid to wait.

For these reasons, I urge you to back up the truck here while oil prices remain low and Wall
Street is looking the other way. I wouldn’t wait either. Over the past 30 days four top analysts
have revised earnings upward. Now is the time to add this to your holdings before oil prices rise,
and Wall Street catches on and bids your holdings higher.

Download your free copy of 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices to learn more about
Profit-Taker #2.

Profit-Taker #3

If you’re looking for one all-weather investment that will hand you money-doubling gains and

If you’re looking for one all-weather investment that will hand you money-doubling gains and
rising income when oil prices are rising or falling, you can look no further than oil and gas
pipeline companies.

That’s because they occupy the sweet spot in America’s energy infrastructure because they don’t
just deliver oil and natural gas from oil fields to processing plants and refiners; they deliver
income and profits to investors.

They are, quite simply, the toll-takers of America’s energy infrastructure and get paid for every
barrel of oil and cubic foot of natural gas they transport along America’s 2.5 million miles of
onshore and offshore pipelines.

This is why our top pipeline company has risen 103% on 24% earnings growth as oil prices have
fallen more than 51% since June 2014—all while delivering a 5.6% annual yield.

And because this company is set up as a Master Limited Partnership, that 5.7% dividend they’re
going to pay you is handing you a tax-equivalent yield that’s approaching double digits.

So it’s no wonder that a top analyst raised his 2015 earnings estimate for this company in the
past 60 days or that it’s expected to outperform the industry by $10-to-$1 in the next quarter or
that Wall Street’s 20 top institutional and mutual fund investors own millions of shares worth
billions of dollars.

It’s all because they see exactly what we do—a long-term buy-and-hold oil play, not only one with
a long history of dividend growth but one that has handed investors more than 100% through the
boom-and-bust years of 2000 and 2008.

You couldn’t ask for a better time to own this one, too, as they’re building two new lynchpin
pipelines to transport crude in the rich Delaware basin and just received U.S. approval to export
crude—all while their Canadian crude-by-rail terminal and million dollar storage facility is set to
open mid-year.

Together, this will add millions of dollars of revenues to its coffers

—the majority of which will be handed directly to shareholders—
thanks to the company’s 100% payout ratio.

Profit-Taker #4

With rising oil prices about to hit the U.S. economy like a kick to the stomach, the chain reaction
will push the dollar lower and inflation higher in 2015. For that reason, you would be wise to add
a number of select international stocks to your holdings —especially those located in resource-
rich economies.

And it’s all because, higher crude prices are a boon to these resource-rich economies. Higher oil
prices stimulate production, investment, consumer spending, employment, and wages in those

Which is why owning this major integrated oil company is like winning the Triple Crown of
thoroughbred racing, making a hat trick in ice hockey, or hitting a triple-double in basketball.

That’s because:

1. As a foreign-based multinational in resource-rich countries, the company profits as rising


1. As a foreign-based multinational in resource-rich countries, the company profits as rising

oil prices automatically boost the fortunes of the entire economy.
2. As an integrated oil company, it profits directly from every penny rise both in the price of oil
and the price of gasoline.
3. As a result, the chain reaction will not only lead to higher sales and earnings and higher
capital gains but even higher dividend payouts.

Talk about a triple winner!

When you factor in the company’s 6% yield and the CEO’s No. 1 priority of maintaining and
expanding on the company’s dividend you can begin to understand why I’m telling my readers to
“back up the truck” on this one—especially now.

You see, as oil prices surged 8% from mid-January through mid-February, the company’s stock
price jumped 15%. We expect to see the same kinds of capital gains as oil prices continue to
surge higher.

Again, while I can’t tell you the exact day oil prices will jump from $50 to $75 or $100 a barrel or
more, I can tell you this: An investment now could easily double in the next 18 to 24 months as
the drilling industry downsizes, the oil glut evaporates, and demand increases.

With four consecutive earnings surprises in a row—even as oil prices cratered—it’s no wonder
that for this company, three top analysts revised its 2015 earnings higher.

This is what makes this profit-taker such a can’t-miss play.

I’m not the only one who feels this way.

20 of the biggest Wall Street insiders, institutional investors, and mutual

fund managers have quietly accumulated millions of shares worth billions of
dollars. I highly suggest you join them before oil prices skyrocket.

You’ll find full details in your FREE copy of 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising
Oil Prices.

Profit-Taker #5

For investors who prefer mutual funds to individual stocks, our top-performing ETF provides you
with a grand-slam profit opportunity as well.

Here’s why:

1. Its holdings include 10 best-in-class oil services and integrated oil companies—including
the ones we own here at Profitable Investing.
2. It promises a 2.56% dividend yield.
3. It’s growing, with its earnings at close to 10%.
4. During the last oil upcycle (July 2008-March 2008) it rose 270%.

Because of the strength of its holdings, its price is down just 26% from its all-time highs—as oil
prices have slid more than 50% in the last 9 months!

From today’s level, I’m not only projecting a total return (dividends plus price gain) of 15% to 20%
in the short term as oil prices turn around but also money-doubling gains similar to the last

in the short term as oil prices turn around but also money-doubling gains similar to the last

This Is How We’ve Earned an Average

Gain of 1,232% on Our Select Oil and
Energy Investments to Date…
… and why I urge you to send for your free copy of 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices
before oil prices reverse course and Wall Street again bids our holdings higher.

If you choose to take a wait-and-see approach—trust me—by the time oil prices rise, you will
have missed the ground floor of this great opportunity and the money-doubling gains we see
headed your way over the next 18 to 24 months.

However, if you choose to take action now, you’ll not only get paid to wait as oil prices rise but
also grab the same kind of triple-digit gains our best-in-class oil stocks delivered during the last

Wall Street’s institutional investors know this, Warren Buffett knows this, Carl Icahn knows this,
and now you know this.

That’s why I urge you to send for your free copy of my report 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil
Prices. I want you to have it for two reasons:

1. Because it’s the best way I know to make sure you truly understand the enormous wealth-
building opportunity at hand, and
2. To introduce you to the kind of wealth-building opportunities I will bring you each month as
a reader of my Profitable Investing advisory.

As you’ll see, my current subscribers have already profited from the companies that I’m going to
introduce to you and are now squarely positioned to reap more wealth and opportunity from the
dramatic changes now unfolding.

As a new subscriber, you, too, can count on me to be at your side every month to alert you to the
trends sweeping the world, and to connect the dots to the companies most likely to profit.

Subscribing means that you’ll also receive, on a regular monthly basis, my current market
commentary along with updates on our current recommendations and advance "stock watch"
alerts on stocks that we’re planning to sell as well as those about to join our buy list.

Those who have been with me from the beginning have not only beaten the market by 42% over
the past 15 years but have also more than quadrupled their money in our select oil and energy
investments. All of them got started by accepting my most recent profit forecast along with a risk-
free subscription to Profitable Investing.

Now it’s your turn.

I Guarantee You’ll Grow 25% Richer in Six

or You Won’t Pay a Dime

or You Won’t Pay a Dime

Naturally, there’s no way in the world I could make this kind of guarantee if I weren’t convinced
beyond a doubt that our select oil and energy plays’ previous average gains of 1,232% were just
a sneak preview of the wealth-building opportunities that lie ahead.

That’s why, if any of my recommendations don’t deliver on the kind of dividends and growth I’ve
outlined over the next six months, you can cancel and get all your money back.

No questions asked. Plus you can keep all the issues and free
reports I sent you FREE for simply giving Profitable Investing a
fair try.

On this simple fair-and-square basis, Profitable Investing has become one of the most respected
and profitable investment advisories in America. Once you join us, you’ll see why. Plus, you’ll see
how my recommendations have handed my readers $10-for-$1 gains since inception.

I’m betting that it will do the same for you. And my 100% money-back guarantee offers you a
great opportunity to see for yourself—without risking a dime.

Special Introductory 60% Discount

By simply saying "yes" to my risk-free offer today, you’ll not only get in on the ground floor of this
exciting new boom…

…but you’ll also receive a full year’s worth of Profitable Investing at the special introductory rate
of $99—a 60% savings off the regular rate of $249.

Your special discount price includes your free copy of 5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices,
12 monthly issues of Profitable Investing, access to my private website, and my twice weekly
updates delivered straight to your inbox.

In this bargain, you’ll also receive two additional free reports that I’ve written to help you continue
to take advantage of the dramatic changes now unfolding:

Free with Your One-Year Subscription

5 Biggest Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices
In it you’ll find a panoramic overview of the coming oil boom along with an
in-depth look at our five biggest profit-takers for the next 12 to 18 months.

As you’ll see, each one of our oil service, pipeline, and integrated oil
companies is perfectly positioned to fully exploit the supply/demand squeeze
for oil that is headed your way when prices rise. Plus, I’ll give you our current
buy price on each one of them, so you can maximize your profits along with
us. . And it’s yours free, with your risk-free trial subscription to Profitable Investing.

Feeding Frenzy for Food Stocks
If you think food prices are high now, just wait until oil prices jump. That’s
because the world food supply is 100% fuel- and transportation-dependent.
So when oil prices rise, food prices always follow.

Our top-performing ETN may be the biggest profit-taker of all. REASON:

This fund tracks the futures prices of corn, soybeans, and wheat. So as corn
futures rise, so will your profits. According to my research, there’s a good
chance we could see a 20% to 30% rally in this ETN as oil prices move up.

That’s not the only food/fuel play we’re adding to our holdings either. We’ve spotted a number of
huge profit opportunities throughout the food chain—both on the food processing side and on the
consumption side This special report will bring you not just seven ways to profit from rising food
and oil prices, but the seven safest ways.

Profits You Can Bank On
As oil prices rise, our three top-rated Canadian, Australian, and British
banking stocks are virtually assured to double your money. And it’s all
because higher crude prices are a boon to these resource-rich economies.

As a result, higher oil prices stimulate not only production, investment,

employment, and wages in those countries but also consumer spending.
The chain reaction means more home purchases, more car purchases, and
—more important—more consumer loans and profits for banks.

As you’ll read in your FREE copy of Profits You Can Bank On, our three top banks are at the
same place in the consumer spending cycle that Wells Fargo, Citibank, and Bank of America
were at in 2009—before they handed investors 552%, 421%, and 408% gains, respectively.

Full details in your FREE report: Profits You Can Bank On.

But when you join me for two years, you’ll save $290 and get 24 monthly issues for only $189,
plus these additional free wealth-building reports:

Get Two More Reports FREE with Your

Two-Year Subscription
21 Best-in-Class Income Stocks to Own Now
Here at Profitable Investing, we pride ourselves on bringing our readers the
best-in-class income stocks, funds, and Master Limited Partnerships on the
planet. This is why Profitable Investing has become the top choice for
income investors.

It’s also why only 21 made our “best-in-class” list…and why if you’re

It’s also why only 21 made our “best-in-class” list…and why if you’re
currently retired or will be soon, you’ll find our 2015 best-in-class report
couldn’t have come at a better time as many big name dividend stocks simply don’t have the
sales and earnings growth to maintain their payouts—but ours do.

And in your FREE copy of 21 Best-in-Class Income Stocks to Own Now I’ll introduce you to all of
them—all rock-solid income plays with long histories of delivering a rising source of income in all
markets and at all times.

Best of all, get it free as a new subscriber bonus for simply accepting a no-risk trial subscription
to Profitable Investing.

Accelerated Retirement Strategies
My single most-requested report, Accelerated Retirement Strategies, reveals
my proven strategy for making up for lost time, retiring faster with more
money, and growing your wealth faster than inflation.

In it, you’ll discover how to double your savings rate without cutting into your

If you’re close to retiring or already retired, this is “must” reading. Those who have been following
my strategies have increased their wealth 1,518% over the past 30 years. Once you put my time-
proven accelerated retirement strategies to work for you, you’ll see how you, too, can enjoy
similar returns and retire years earlier.


Where Fortunes Will Be Lost​25 Big-Name Stocks to

Sell Now

Over the past 12 months, these stocks have become increasingly overvalued
and should soon begin a downward slide that will continue for years.
Investors who think they’re buying bargains will be in for the shock of their
lives. My advice: Get out now while the getting is good.

In your free copy of 25 Big-Name Stocks to Sell Now, I’ll give you a panoramic overview of the 25
big-name stocks that are headed for trouble. I’ll explain why you should avoid them at all costs.

It’s yours free, as a bonus, for simply accepting this risk-free invitation in the next 48 hours.

When you consider that you can cancel at any time during the first six months and receive a full
refund, why not sign up for two years and get all five of my wealth-building reports FREE before
you make your final decision?

As your reward, you’ll learn how you can take advantage of the greatest economic shift the world
has ever seen… and grab your share of the great income boom that lies ahead.

I guarantee it will be the most profitable risk-free decision you’ll make in your life. You have my

Yours for Profitable Investing,

Richard E. Band
Editor, Profitable Investing

P.S. If you’ve read this far and have decided not to send for your free copy of 5 Biggest
Profit-Takers of Rising Oil Prices and accept a no-risk trial subscription to Profitable
Investing, please consider this:

With the oil-drilling sector collapsing, the U. S. oil infrastructure won’t be able to
ramp up supply as global demand grows. The chain reaction will not only trigger a
spike in the price of oil but also push up the sales, earnings, and share prices of our
best-in-class oil stocks whether you own them or not.

That’s why the time to buy these companies is now—while oil prices are still low and Wall Street
is clearly looking the other way.

With their high yields and rock-solid financials, there’s no way you can lose as you’ll be paid
handsomely for every penny rise in both crude oil and gasoline that’s headed your way.


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Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

From: Cabot Wealth Network (


Date: Thursday, October 4, 2018, 11:04 AM PDT

Having trouble viewing this email? View this email on the web.

December 4, 2018

The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

“Last year, it doubled our money four times. This
year, we’re expecting to double that.”
Tim Lutts, Cabot Marijuana Investor

Dear Reader,

This morning, our “Marijuana Master Key” identified two new high­
profit marijuana plays.  

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

We’re expecting each one to double our money again.

Please buy them now.

They’re the closest thing to a sure bet I can promise you.

Since we launched Cabot Marijuana Investor in August last year, we’ve

doubled our readers’ money four times with our Master Key picks.

Not only that, but our readers also are sitting on average gains of 121% from our
pot picks. 

In other words, marijuana investors who have been following our

recommendations doubled their money on virtually all of our picks—all thanks to
our Master Key to Marijuana Profits. 

Today, I’m going to give you an inside look at our newest recommendations and
how you can use this simple tool to amass a fortune in this $50 billion-a-year

But first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Tim Lutts. You may not know my name, but there’s a very good
chance you’ve heard about my flagship investment advisory, Cabot Growth

After all, we’ve been publishing it from Salem, Massachusetts, for 48 years.
During that time, we’ve not only earned top rankings from the Specialized
Information Publishers Association but have also doubled our readers’ money
over 200 times.

Over the past four decades, our ability to spot high-profit growth companies
before Wall Street does has handed our readers many hefty returns.

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

Over the years, we’ve been able to apply this Master Key to large-cap stocks, mid-
cap stocks, small-cap stocks, and ADRs with market-beating results.  

As a result, many in the financial industry consider our Master Key the most
scientifically advanced stock-picking system that's ever been developed.

All thanks to our momentum-focused stock-picking approach my father, our

founder, Carlton Lutts, created nearly 50 years ago.

It works by:

1. scientifically identifying the big trends—where the forces of supply and

demand are driving a sector higher, and

2. connecting the dots to the companies that lie in the crossroads.

That’s how we’ve been able to identify the fastest-growing stocks across the
fastest-growing sectors. We’ve been able to do that before their stock prices take
off so you can buy them early.

Since we’ve applied our Master Key to marijuana stocks, we’ve made nothing but
money there too. 

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

Our two newest pot plays possess the same profit profile as our previous winners.
That’s why I want you to add them to your holdings right away.

But first, there's a reason why you need to invest in the marijuana sector and why
it could hand you life-changing gains in the next five years.

$50 Billion Opportunity That’s Up for Grabs
I am not the only that’s saying this. 

Four top-rated investment banks—including Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and

Ackrell Capital—are saying the same thing: The recreational marijuana market
could grow to $50 billion by 2026.

The shift from illegal to legal marijuana is going to make early investors rich. 
This chart from Cowen and Company tells the whole story.

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

That’s because these upstarts are going to go from ZERO income to millions
virtually overnight as users grow, consumption rises, and new upstarts build their

This is why our portfolio of marijuana stocks has doubled in 12 months—and will
continue to multiply as more and more states legalize weed and even more profits
roll in.

As I write this, states are racing to legalize marijuana. A quick look at the map
below will show you the boom in the making as state after state legalizes pot.

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

The reason is simple: The potential tax revenue is too big and too important to
ignore. According to Frontier Financial Group, total medical and adult use
cannabis tax revenue will exceed $2 billion in the next two years.

It’s already an engine for creating jobs as pot shops pop up around the country.

According to USA Today, over 120,000 people are already working directly in the
nation’s homegrown marijuana industry, tending plants, trimming leaves and
selling cannabis products to eager consumers. 

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

That’s nearly three times the number of coal miners in the U.S.!

According to Zip Recruiter, the total number of marijuana industry job posts
increased by 445% in 2017, compared to an increase of just 18% in the prior  year.

Our data also shows that the cannabis industry is growing more rapidly
than some of today’s fastest­growing fields. Year­over­year growth of job
posts in the cannabis industry is outpacing both tech (254% growth) and
healthcare (70% growth)—by some reports, there are 14% more legal
marijuana workers than there are dental hygienists in the U.S.

This explosive growth can be compared directly to the beginning of the tech
industry, when Apple and Microsoft were startups—before they grew 37,757% and

If you had had bought Apple back then and held on to it, every $10,000 invested
would be worth $3,775,700 today. The same amount in Microsoft would be worth

Ironically, few people saw the potential in these tech startups in the beginning.
But you can do yourself a favor by investing in an industry with similar potential.

But you must be careful.

Not Every Investor Will Be a Winner
Just as with the tech industry back in the day, a lot of investors will get burned.

Just ask everyone who climbed aboard the Green Cures Botanical Distribution,
United Cannabis and OWC Pharmaceutical Research bandwagons.

They’ve already lost 99%, 93% and 58%, respectively, from their all-time highs.

Truth is, the big pot frenzy of the past two years was a lot like the tech revolution
of the 1990s. It’s a hot industry with millions of investors throwing money at just
about anything marijuana-related to catch a piece of the profits.

That’s why a lot of people lost a lot of money over the past two years. They hopped
on the wrong pot stocks and got burned.

If investors had run these stocks through our Master Key, none of them would
ever have purchased those stocks in the first place.

Here’s why:

All 10 of our proprietary momentum indicators have been mathematically

constructed to identify how well a company is growing its market share,

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

how fast its earnings and cash flow are multiplying, and whether the
company has the financial wherewithal to maintain a high level of

Just like our large-cap, small-cap, mid-cap and technology picks, for a marijuana
startup to qualify for our buy list, it too must rank high across all 10 of our

This is why we never owned Green Cures Botanical Distribution, United

Cannabis and OWC Pharmaceutical Research—or hundreds like them. Because
we could see, beyond doubt, they did not have the earnings, sales, branding or
market share to survive the long term.

This is why we’ve doubled our readers’ money four times in less than 12 months,
why our average stock gain is 121%, and why our two newest picks are on target to
double our readers’ money again in the next 12 months.  

The Ultimate Secret to Making Money In
Marijuana Stocks  

If you want to make money in marijuana stocks, you have to know what you are
buying—and then buy the best.

Using our Master Key as your guide, here’s where you need to place your bets:

1. Marijuana Producers 
Think farmers like Cargill, Blue Diamond Growers, Driscoll’s and Del Monte
Foods—only the companies we’re thinking of grow marijuana. 

2. Ancillary Products
We’re referring to manufacturing companies that produce pipes, papers,
vapes and packaging paraphernalia that serve the industry.

3. Branded Marijuana Products 

Think companies like Budweiser, Hershey’s and Cheerios, whose brand

name sets them apart from the rest—only these will be marijuana-branded

4. Medical Marijuana Products     

Think pharmaceutical companies like Amgen and Genentech that develop

cannabis-based drugs designed to treat everything from arthritis pain to

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

The key to harvesting the biggest profits is pinpointing which companies will
become the Amazons and Apples of the industry while avoiding all the

This is how we’ve been able to double our readers’ money four times in the past 12
months while so many early marijuana investors got burned.

I’ll introduce you to our newest picks in a moment.

Why 2018 Will Be a Miracle Year for
Marijuana Stocks  

The momentum for legalization is growing—and opening up new markets for

marijuana sales.

Already Oklahoma voted to legalize medical marijuana—making it the 30th state

to do so—22 years after California became the first state to legalize medical

What’s more, early this year, Vermont became the ninth state to legalize
recreational marijuana. Later this year, Michigan is set to vote on legalizing
recreational pot, while this November, Utah will vote on whether to legalize
medical marijuana.

The momentum continues to grow.

Press reports indicate that New Jersey’s legislature may soon legalize pot sales as
well, while Connecticut and New York are also considering legalizing pot, and big-
name politicians including Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris are
backing bills to legalize pot. 

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The biggest reason 2018 will be a miracle year for marijuana stocks comes from
our neighbors to the north—Canada. 

That’s because the Canadian parliament voted to legalize recreational marijuana

by more than a two-to-one margin.

Do you realize what this means?

It marks the beginning of a G-20 group of industrial nations legalizing

recreational pot. The impact is starting to be felt around the world. Even Mexico,
home of the biggest drug cartels, is considering legalization.

Here’s why Canada’s legalization will be huge for our stocks:

1. Their nationalization allows for something U.S. companies can’t get—

financing for growing operations. So unlike U.S. pot cultivators that are

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

mostly cash-run enterprises,

Canadian companies not only can
raise money from investors but
also list their stocks on the stock

So it’s no wonder one of our

newest recommendations has
jumped 113% year to date. As
you’ll read in a moment, that’s
just the beginning of the rocket
ride that is heading your way.

2. Canadian legislation brings

with it the opportunity to legally export pot to other countries.

Already more than a dozen countries have legalized medical marijuana. The
Czech Republic, Germany, Australia and New Zealand are just a few of the
countries that are importing legal pot.

According to the Canadian Broadcast Company, a dozen more countries are

moving to legalize medical marijuana.  

As a result, the cannabis industry is poised for big growth in North America and
around the world—with analysts forecasting legal pot sales will skyrocket from
$9.2 billion to $47 billion in 10 years. That’s a rise of 422%!

So it’s no wonder NBC News calls legal pot “the biggest investment opportunity
since the dot-com boom of the turn of the century.” Forbes calls it “the best
ground-floor opportunity we've seen since the early days of the Internet.”  The
Chicago Tribune calls it “the fastest-growing industry in the world.”

Fact is, the amount of marijuana sold each year is on track to become even bigger
than big data, online retail and ride sharing—think bigger than Lyft and Uber. 

This is why many of Wall Street’s biggest mutual funds, including Vanguard and
Fidelity, have been investing in marijuana stocks hand over fist—all while one of

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

our top plays has been included in the Russell 2000 Index.

And the investment rush continues ….

According to data from cannabis advisory firm

Viridian Capital Advisors, marijuana businesses
raised $4.3 billion through the end of last month.

That’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the

investment that’s coming your way on October 17.  That’s when Canada’s legal pot
market opens for business, more investment capital hops aboard, and we see sales
and earnings in our stocks soar.

The bottom line is this: 2018 is the year pot prohibition comes to an end and Wall
Street takes control. And the profits you can make will be enormous.

And that brings us to my two newest picks—and the profit opportunity that will
send their stock prices into outer space.

Their Profits Could Soar 900% or More!
Since we launched Cabot Marijuana Investor last year, we’ve doubled our
readers’ money four times—with average gains of 121%.

Our two new picks are now offering you the same potential—maybe even more.

The first is a winner three ways.

Not only is this company a (1) marijuana

grower, but it also has a line of (2)
branded products from which they
already profit from in the (3) medical
marijuana sector.

When Canada opens up to recreational

sales on October 17, you’re going to see
the company’s sales, earnings and stock
price take off.

Already the company produces 3,600 kg of cannabis per year in a 50,000 sq. ft.
facility. A new 250,000 sq. ft., state-of-the-art greenhouse will be operational by
this summer. And another 1 million sq. ft. greenhouse facility should be
completed in December.

When these expansions are finished, hold on to your hat—they will have close to
1.3 million square feet of greenhouse and be capable of producing 108,000 kg of
cannabis per year.

That’s not even half the good news!

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

You see, while edible cannabis won’t be legalized in October (only smokable
products will be available), it will be in 2019. Which is why the company has
already signed a breakthrough deal with a national brewery to create a line of
marijuana-infused products.

The opportunities are going to be huge.  

Fact is, edibles are the next big thing for pot

According to Arcview Market Research,

California consumers consumed more than
$180 million worth of marijuana-infused
food and drinks in 2017. That comes to 10%
of the state’s cannabis sales.

You need only extrapolate the number of

Canadian sales of edibles to see the kind of
windfall this will be for the company.

When you consider that

Canada's parliamentary budget officer
projects annual pot sales to be nearly $6
billion, you can easily see edibles and
beverage sales being $600 million. If this
company can capture just 5% of that market, you’re looking at a cash infusion of
$30 million come 2019!

Given the national brand and footprint of this partner, I may be low in my

You could only imagine what a $30 million cash influx could do for the company’s
$3 stock price—especially when you consider the company’s current sales are
roughly $3 million a year.

Of course, I can’t promise this company will jump 900%.

But I can say this: I wouldn't be surprised to see hedge funds begging to pay $6,
$10, or even $15 per share for this company come October 17. 

But you have to move fast ... once recreational pot becomes legal in Canada, you
could see this stock start to move.  

Once it does, mark my words, it's going to jump, so you need to get in now. 
I’ll tell you how in a moment.

But first let me tell you about our second pick and why it’s set to
double again in 2018.

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

I suggest you get in that as well.

The company is set to become the Big Marijuana of this cannabis industry.

When I say BIG, I mean it.

The company has interests in marijuana businesses in six U.S. states,

encompassing eight cultivation facilities, five processing facilities and 46 potential

For example:

• In Florida, the company has 200,000 square feet of cultivation facilities—

which have been producing since April 2017—and licenses for up to 30
dispensaries. And it plans to open dispensaries in Tampa, Orlando, West
Palm Beach and Deerfield Beach over the next year.

• In New York, the company has 39,500 square feet of cultivation facilities
and four dispensaries scheduled to open between now and the third quarter
of 2019.

• In Massachusetts (the Colorado of the East), the company has 36,000

square feet of cultivation facilities, a Boston dispensary scheduled to open in
this quarter and locations for two more dispensaries secured.     
• In Vermont, the company has 6,900 square feet of cultivation facilities and
one of only five licenses in the state, with one dispensary open now and
another proposed in Colorado, which includes both a cultivation facility in
Denver and a dispensary in Breckenridge. In Denver the company also has
an interest in the Green Solution, with one cultivation facility and 16
dispensaries. And in New Mexico, the company has an interest in Reynold
Greenleaf, a management services company.

It is precisely this national footprint that allows you to profit as more and more
states legalize recreational marijuana.

As a result, the company reminds us of Altria Group, America’s largest tobacco

producer and one of six companies referred to as Big Tobacco. 

Since Altria went public in the 1970s, its stock price has risen 7,209%. A $10,000
stake bought back then and held long term would be worth more than $729,000

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

I see the same profit growth here—especially as we are on the ground floor of the
marijuana boom. If last year’s 106% gains are any indication of what’s headed
your way, now is not the time to be sitting on your hands.

To help you get in on the ground floor, I've put together

a special report titled The Master Key to
Marijuana Profits that will give you all the details on
these two companies, including their names and stock
symbols, of both companies.

This report is yours absolutely free. All I ask is that you

give my Cabot Marijuana Investor a risk-free try.

If you’ve never seen Cabot Marijuana Investor, it’s

the first and only cannabis advisory that focuses
squarely on this $50 billion-a-year industry. 

Our goal is to get you into marijuana’s breakout leaders—before Wall Street takes
notice and before the companies grow into the Apples, Microsofts and Netflix’s of
the cannabis industry.

As a reader, every month I will take you on a tour of North America’s most
profitable cannabis companies. I will walk you through their grow houses,
manufacturing facilities, retail locations, pharmaceutical products and profit

Just as important, I will steer you away from those companies like Green Cures
Botanical Distribution, United Cannabis and OWC Pharmaceutical Research
whose operations we believe won’t stand the test of time. After all, the only
marijuana companies that are worth your money are those that are increasing
their market share, revenue and earnings.

This is how our readers have doubled their money four times in the past 12
months and why the average profit on our picks is 121%.

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll add our two newest recommendations to your
holdings now. Because once the bandwagon buying begins, you could miss their
next 100% rise.    

The Master Key to Marijuana Profits will not only bring you the full story

of one of these stocks but also a complete and thorough analysis of the top
marijuana stocks we are investing in now. 

They’re growers, dispensaries, and pharmaceutical and food companies that could
become the Amazon, Netflix and Microsoft of the marijuana industry. All are
companies that are on track to hand you long-term gains of 300% , 500%, 900%
or more.  

Again, the report is yours absolutely free just for giving Cabot Marijuana

Investor a try.

Here’s What You’ll Like Best About
Cabot Marijuana Investor  

1. It’s published by Cabot—Wall Street’s leading investment and
research advisory for 48 years.  In a world where hundreds of
investments advisories come and go each year, Cabot has stood the test of
time for nearly five decades. 

As a result, more than 300,000 investors around the world count on our
institutional-level research and independent, unbiased—and, most
important of all, profitable—investing advice to help them build their wealth
safely and systematically.

The secret to our success is simple: We take seriously our responsibility to

bring you the best research, analysis and recommendations on the planet.
We know you will be investing your life’s savings in our recommendations,
and we don’t want to let you down.  

2. You’ll gain complete access to Cabot time­tested, Master Key
stock­picking approach—the same approach that’s doubled investors’
money 200 times over the past 48 years—applied directly to the marijuana

Since we launched this service in August of last year, we’ve already doubled
our readers’ money four times while handing investors average gains of

3. You’ll receive our monthly private briefings. They’re global in

scope, full of detailed technical and fundamental analysis.   The only way to
describe our private briefings is to compare them to the economic forecasts
issued by major research firms like Gartner and PricewaterhouseCoopers. 

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

Each issue will bring you institutional-level profit profiles of the companies
leading this growing industry and instructions on how to assemble them to
add them to your holdings, along with a panoramic overview of recent and
upcoming events that will affect your money.

If you have already profited from our Cabot Growth Investor, Cabot Small­

Cap Confidential, Cabot Top Ten Trader, Cabot Options Trader, or
Cabot Emerging Markets Investor advisories, then you already know we
bring you the highest level of profitable research on Wall Street. 

If you are new to Cabot, today’s presentation offers you a sneak preview of
the kind of complete economic analysis and investment recommendations
we’ll bring you when you join us.

4. You’ll receive regular updates and portfolio adjustments. As I
regularly remind my readers, in order to beat the market, you must regularly
adjust your holdings to make sure the stocks you own not only are in the
fastest-rising sectors but also are leading those sectors through increasing
sales and earnings. The same can be said when it comes to building a
portfolio of marijuana stocks.

That’s why you can count on us to send you regular updates, as market
conditions can dictate immediate changes to your holdings.

5. You’ll receive complete access to our private website. As a
member, you’ll receive 24/7 access to our private website, which features the
most recent updates and alerts, your FREE special reports and forecasts,
and our archive of our past issues and reports—all fully accessible by you
with a click of a mouse.

As soon as I receive your RSVP, you'll get access to the FREE report,  read
your first issue, and add our two newest picks to your holdings before they

6. You’ll have our investor relations department at hand to
answer all your questions. We know how important it is to make the
right decisions with your money. That’s why we have brought aboard new
full-time customer service representatives committed solely to Cabot
Marijuana Investor.

If you have any questions concerning our recommendations or portfolio

adjustments, they will be here to take your calls from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern time every day the market is open.

Of course, just as with our other publications, you can always write me
personally and get a written response within 48 hours. It’s all part of the
special attention you will receive that comes with your membership.

7. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you won’t risk a dime For
more than four decades, the Cabot organization has earned not only the

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

trust of the professional investment community but that of its readers as

well. Frankly, we wouldn’t have been around this long if we didn’t deliver
quality research, analysis, and, most important, results.

If you ever feel that Cabot Marijuana Investor is not delivering on this

promise, just let us know and we will send you a no-questions-asked 100%
refund at any time during your 30 day free trial.

The moment you agree to give us a try, you'll get immediate access to the special
report, The Master Key to Marijuana Profits, which will give you the full
details on the two pot plays I’ve told you about so far.

They’re just the beginning of the financial windfall that is headed your way.
That’s why we launched Cabot Marijuana Investor 12 months ago and why
I’ve made it possible for you to get in on the ground floor of these opportunities
without risk.

The big money is being made now. I’ve made it so easy, convenient,
inexpensive  and risk-free to profit from this boom that there is nothing to stand
in your way.

Here's the best part:

If you are one of the first 1,000 people to say yes today …

You’ll Receive a 100% No­Risk Subscription
to Cabot Marijuana Investor  

In the bargain, you’ll receive a free copy of The Master Key to Marijuana


Then every month, I will send you my newest private briefing, featuring new
opportunities that have been handpicked using our time-proven Master Key. 
I’ll send you regular updates on all of our positions, along with up-to-the-minute
intelligence that will affect our investments.

Any time new developments affect our holdings, I’ll send you a special email or
text message outlining our strategy and the specific actions we want you to take.

If you have read this far, you can tell that Cabot Marijuana Investor is a
different kind of service—one that not only focuses squarely on this $50 billion-a-
year industry but also brings you institutional-level research that’s doubled
readers’ money more than four times since we started publishing it 12 months ago
—with average gains of 121% per recommendation.

I don’t want you to miss out.

That’s why we have decided to keep the Cabot Marijuana Investor at the

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

lowest cost possible. 

That’s been our goal here at Cabot for the past 48 years: to help you and every
other American achieve their financial dreams and live richer than they ever
imagined—at a price all can afford.  

Which is why we charge only a shockingly low $397 for a one-year membership.
However, if you are one of the 1,000 people who respond today, you will be able to
join us for just $39.97 per month and lock in the low price for as long as you’re a

That comes to just a little over $1 a day and a fraction of what you’d pay for your
daily Starbucks. 

With our 100% money-back guarantee, that’s quite a bargain, considering you can
cancel at any time during the next 30 days and get all your money back while
locking in our lowest price now.

And no matter what you decide, you keep your free copy of The Master Key to
Marijuana Profits.

Naturally, I couldn’t offer you such a strong guarantee if I didn’t believe that
Cabot Marijuana Investor will deliver as promised. Considering that we’ve
already doubled our readers’ money four times over the past 12 months and we’re
just getting started, I know you won’t be disappointed.

When you add everything up, there’s no way you can lose.

All for just pennies a day, you get:

• A free copy of The Master Key to Marijuana Profits
• The next 12 months of Cabot Marijuana Investor
• 100% money­back guarantee

So what are you waiting for?

Marijuana is going to become a $50 billion-a-year industry with or without you. 

Cabot Marijuana Investor will show you how you can get in front of the tidal
wave of investment.

I just can’t make it any easier, more convenient, more affordable, or more risk-
free for you to try Cabot Marijuana Investor.

Just click here to lock in your savings and secure your spot before all the spaces
are taken. 

Welcome aboard,

Yahoo Mail - The Master Key to Marijuana Profits

Timothy Lutts
Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Cabot Marijuana Investor

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Introducing a Bold New Way to Make Money in This Market

Lightning Fast Pro ts

Those who’ve followed my system have already banked
1,186% annualized returns in the face of the pandemic.
Here’s why the system works and how it’s guaranteed to
hand you 7% to 10% pro ts every two days

Hilary Kramer, Editor, 2-Day Trader


Welcome to my Lightning Fast Profits trading summit.

I’m Hilary Kramer and I’m a renowned professional stock and options

I love the speed. I love the thrill. And, of course, I love the MONEY!

That’s why I’ve been trading for over 30 years — respected throughout Wall
Street and making millions not only for myself, but for my clients,
subscribers, and readers as well.

If my name sounds familiar, you may be one of the millions who have seen
my market commentaries in the Wall Street Journal… The New York Post…
Bloomberg…  Reuters… or Forbes.

Or read one of my best-selling investment books, Ahead of the Curve or The

Little Book of Big Profits from Small Stocks or my most recent book,
GameChangers Investing, which hit #1 on Wall Street Journal’s and
Amazon’s bestseller’s list.  

Or you may have seen me on Fox News as a commentator for more than 20
years as well as a columnist there… or my regular appearances on CBS,
CNN, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Reuters, Bloomberg, and Forbes.

That’s because I am the one they call on to explain not just what’s happening
in the market… but I know how to connect the dots to where the big money
is being made.

Over the years, I’ve taught thousands of thrilled investors around the country
how to trade both stocks and options for hedge fund-like profits.

To be specific, my recommendations have generated more than 800 double-

and triple-digit winners over the past 10 years… with annualized gains of
over 1,000%.

I mention this not to boast, but only to give you some background on the
effectiveness of my investing and trading systems.

In this brief video, you’ll learn the same trading rules that I’ve been using for
the past 12 months that have handed my readers over 1,000% in documented
annualized gains.

Rules that I created to profit from the volatility in the marketplace.

Rules that have turned $10,000 into $233,000, and have increased our new
members money 5x over in the last 60 days — all in the face of this global

What’s more, you’ll discover how you can use these same rules to grab 7% to
10% gains, and even as high as 50% gains, every two days and multiply your
profits with every successive trade.

Before I share them with you, I want to say that we would never have had
this breakout success if I hadn’t continually changed strategy with the times. 

For example…

In the second half of the 1990s I made changes in my trading

system to take advantage of economic expansion and a sense of
moving toward a “New Economy”…

In the 2000s I reworked my system to profit from the boom in the

tech sector…

In the 2010s I adjusted my system to profit from the big growth

in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and self driving cars.

That’s how I’ve been able to hand my readers over 800 double- and triple-
digit winners since June 1, 2010.

Last year, I reconfigured my system to profit from increased volatility in the

market — like we’re seeing now.

Boy, have these new rules paid off!

Since July of last year, we’ve been able to make our members a bundle with
annualized gains over 1,000%. Those profits even take into account the
massive collapse in the markets caused by COVID-19.

I mention none of this to brag.

But only to back up the fact that if you don’t change with the times, you
will continue to make the wrong trades at the wrong time… and lose
your shirt in the process.

But, if you can make the simple adjustments I will share with you in today’s
summit, you’ll realize more gains out of this crazy market than you can

Just as we have…      

Again, thanks to our new rules, we were able to turn one $10,000 trade into
more than $233,000 by continuously compounding our returns.  

And — despite the coronavirus — we are on our way to doing it again, taking
advantage of the adjustments we have made to our trading system that profits
from the volatility.

Here’s a quick rundown of the profits we’ve made since February: 50%, 33%,
31%, 30%, 28%, 27%, 21%, 21%, 16%, 14%, 13%

And these gains came every two days!

My new Lightning Fast Profits rules for trading will make it possible for you
to profit with us no matter what the market throws at you.  
Before I spell them out, it’s important that we look at how the market has
changed since February 20, 2020 — because everything that happened before
that is irrelevant.

You see, the stock market of 2020 isn’t going to look like the one in 2008,
1999, or 1932. 

The financial system is not on the verge of collapse… the real estate market
hasn’t imploded… the tech sector did not disintegrate… and we have not
been thrust into another great depression. 

What we have is far different — and potentially far more profitable for
traders who understand what is about to take place — and dangerous for
those who don’t see the handwriting on the wall.    

Let me explain…

You see, this pandemic has not only shuttered many of the world’s
businesses, but has also put millions out of work — while upending the oil,
automotive, and manufacturing markets.

Restarting the economy is NOT going to move the economy forward in a

straight line, but in fits and starts. How can it not? Just connect the dots.

With unemployment at its highest level since the Great Depression,

Americans are broke — so they can’t spend — which means manufacturers
are sitting with their machines idle and suppliers have only received a small
portion of what they have ordered.

That’s different from any of the past sell-offs and recessions.

As a result, the days are long gone when you could expect the market to head
straight up over the next few years.

Yes, it may go up over the next decade when a vaccine is found and herd
immunity protects the rest of us. But, in the short term, you’re looking at
extreme volatility with every earnings, consumer spending, unemployment,
and housing report that is published.

For these reasons…

If you continue to trade the way you did prior to COVID-19, you will find the
stock market a better place to lose a fortune than to make one. The market is
too temperamental. The swings are too big. The risks are too great for those
who have not adjusted their strategy to this new reality.

With my Lightning Fast Profits rules by your side, volatility will become
your best friend.

You’ll bank your profits with every big swing — up or down.

So when you see the market drop 1000 points or rise 500 points the next day,
you won’t need to fear what will happen the following day, because you will
see it as another big payday — profiting from the ups and downs that are in
your future.

This is why our members are smiling all the way to the bank with annualized
gains of 1,186%, as most investors and traders have handed all of their 2019
profits back to the market.

Once you implement our rules, you’ll grab 7% to 10% nearly every two days,
with gains as high as 50%, simply by following these rules.

I realize that may be hard for you to believe right now — especially if
you’ve been trading for some time and have taken some big losses over
the past 90 days.

That’s understandable. A lot of traders feel that way at first — especially if

you’ve lost money since the first of the year. Trying something new can be
It’s not your fault, really. That’s because you tend to stick with what has
worked, instead of stepping outside of your comfort zone to look at the
markets in a new light.

When you do, you’ll see what we see: an opportunity that is simply begging
to make you richer. 

Of course, I know that the only way you will believe me is if you actually
make that same kind of profits we have. This is why I’ll even give you a
$1,000 cash credit to put my system to work. I’ll spell everything out in a

Once you see my system at work, you’ll see how it can make you as much as
50% richer almost every two days just as it has for my current members.

Before I get to my first rule, if you have any questions along the way, please
email me at I will do my best to
answer them during our time together.

For those questions I can’t get to live on the air, I’ll make sure your question
is answered via email.

That said, let’s move on to rule No. 1. It may be the most important rule of all
to make money in this market.

RULE No. 1: Trade the trends, not the stocks.


When it comes to options trading, the possibilities are unlimited. There are
over 3,000 stocks, and dozens of options you could trade on each of those

Together, you’re looking at close to 100,000 options that you could trade
daily. Trying to pick a winning option on a winning stock can be like finding
a needle in a haystack.
That’s insane. Unless you’re extremely lucky, there’s no way you can follow
that many stocks and options, and profit on a consistent basis.  

But you can follow the trends and make a whole lot of money along the way.

The reason is simple: most individual stocks tend to rise and fall with the

For example, it doesn’t always matter what Apple, Facebook, or Google did
that day; in most cases, it was the rising or falling market that pushed their
stock up or down.

Here are everyday examples you can relate to…  

Unemployment falls, stocks go up…

Interest rates rise, stocks go down…

Housing starts fall, stocks go down…

Consumer spending rises, stocks go up…

Business spending goes down, stocks go down…


I’m not telling you anything you haven’t seen before.

The news cycle, and the economic reports, tend to drive the markets up and
down more than any news on individual stocks that only come out during
earnings season.

And by trading the trends… (AND THIS IS IMPORTANT) You can catch
and profit from the momentum in the entire market — rather than try to
bank on the fortunes of one option on one of 3,000 stocks.

Truth is, in our post-COVID-19 market, trying to trade options on individual

stocks, and make money, would be like trying to hit a single number on a
roulette wheel. The odds are 37 to 1 that you’ll win.

But when it comes to trading options on the trends, the way we do, your odds
of winning are better than 2 to 1.

How can that be? Because the trends can only go in two directions: up and

If you trade the trends like I do, you’ve increased your odds of winning on
every big swing in the market.

If you can see that trading the trends is the best way to profit in this market,
your next move is clear. This brings me to…

RULE No. 2: Trade only Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs).

You see…

ETFs were built for just one reason: so that you can profit from the big
swings and momentum in the markets on both the upside and downside.

If you remember nothing else from today’s summit, let this be it. 

If you want to profit from the big swings in the market, the surest way to do
this is through exchange-traded funds…

Specifically, these six:

SPY—the ETF that tracks the S&P 500 index…

QQQ—the ETF that tracks the Nasdaq index…

IBB—the ETF that tracks the biotech sector…

XLU—the ETF that tracks the utilities sector…

XLV — the ETF that tracks the health care sector, and…

VXX—the ETF that tracks volatility in the market.

Why these six ETFs?


1. They are the most predictable…

2. They offer the highest profit return, and, more importantly…

3. They all profit from the big swings in the market, on both the
upside and the downside.

Let me give you a few post-COVID-19 examples, so you can see how these
two rules together can make you so much money. 

On March 25, when gloom around the hospitals started to recede, we grabbed
a 28% gain in our XLV options.

On March 31, when tech stocks ran out of steam at the end of the quarter, we
grabbed a 21% gain in our QQQ options.

On April 14, when earnings season started, we grabbed a 50% gain in our
SPY options.

On April 21, when the Fed talked bond yields down again, we grabbed a 21%
gain in our XLU options.

On April 30, when it was clear technology stocks were invincible, we

grabbed a 14% gain in our QQQ options.

On May 5, when the market got a little ahead of itself, we grabbed a 28%
gain in our SPY options.

In each of these cases, we were able to grab the option at the apex of the
opportunity and cash out before the option expired — all in just two days.

There are many other winning trades I could share with you, but you would
see the same thing: a stock market event that pushes these index ETFs up or

Each one represents a profit opportunity that you can take advantage of with
a few clicks of a mouse.

Before I go on, I can see in my email inbox that I have a few questions…

The first comes from Doug from California. Let me read it to you. “I like the
idea of trend trading. I can see the benefit of sticking with ETFs… but I am
unsure of which index and which options I’m supposed to buy. How do you
do that?”

Doug, that is a great question. I’m glad you asked. Because the system,
which is a complex algorithm we developed and have used over the past year,
does just that: selects both the index ETF and the option.

It’s the prime reason why our members have seen 1,186% annualized gains in
the past 12 months.
Without getting too technical, here’s how it works…

My system is able to bring you these profits thanks in part to the proprietary
ETF triple-charting algorithm that it uses to identify the trend, the ETF and
the timing.

Here’s why it’s different and better than the other systems out there.

Most option trading systems look at volume, but that doesn’t give you the big
picture. Volume tells you the interest in a stock, but not whether the stock is
going to break to the upside or the downside.

Other systems combine volume with moving averages over 50, 100, or 200
days, but that approach is flawed as well, as it only looks backward… not

This is why most traders lose money trading options: they are looking
backward, instead of forward.

As we developed our options trading system, we found that every sector

surge has a signature — a signature you can read before the market breaks

That’s why we concentrated our efforts toward trading sectors.

As we discovered, the signature is brief; it occurs a few days ahead of the

breakout — and it can be tricky to read, especially when the markets are flat.
But when volatility begins to spike, it rings like a grandfather clock at noon.

That’s because our system works by charting unusual trends on these six
ETFs, looking for the signature that shows a sector is set to break out to the
upside or the downside.

Here’s the best part.

Not only does our system select the index, but it also selects the option, using
a proprietary algorithm we developed that gives us at least 70% chance of
paying off.

With a 74% win ratio to date, it continues to prove itself.

As for selecting the right timing, that leads me to…

RULE No. 3: Only trade two days before the option expires.

This rule is critical to making money in this market — and it’s really the
master key to success.

Let me explain…

Over two years ago, we could see how the market was hit with extreme
volatility. I put my team to work looking for new ways to profit from it. That
quest brought us to ETFs.

We also found that by buying options on ETFs two days before they expire,
we can…

1. Get in on the apex of the opportunity and then cash out before the
options expire…

2. Grab quick gains of 7% to 10% or more every two days, and…

3. Beat the market on virtually every trade.

And it was so predictable.

Let me show you…

Take a look at our options expiration calendar.


See how every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are grayed out?

The gray squares are the weekly expiration dates of the SPY ETF, along with
the VXX ETF that expires every Friday. See the red squares? Those mark the
expiration dates of the QQQ, IBB, XLU and XLV ETFs we trade.

Those dates are published for the entire year.

Our system turns that knowledge into quick profits.

As I pointed out earlier, our system works by charting unusual trends on

these six ETFs — looking for the signature that shows a sector is set to break
out to the upside or the downside.

It zeroes in on the ETFs that are set to expire in two days, giving us a
predictable trading window. All thanks to our forward-looking algorithm that
can best be compared to the echo that a radar emits.

But rather than tell us where a plane is, our system scans for the forward-
looking echo signature that signals a sector is set to break to the upside or the
downside in the next two days.

So, we know not only which ETFs will break out, but also the exact day and
time to collect our profits. It’s right there in that calendar. Our documented
1,186% annualized returns prove that it works.

Hold on… I see that I’m getting a number of questions…

Peter wants to know: “Where did you get this trading calendar? Is that
something you created?”

No, Peter. The expiration dates are published by the indexes. Our system
simply taps into that information in order to select the right option.

Let’s see…

Mike writes, “How does your system zero in on the right ETF that is set to

Again, Mike, that comes back to a forward-looking algorithm that can best be
described with the radar analogy I mentioned earlier.

But, again, instead of telling you where a plane is, our system scans for the
signature of a sector that’s set to break to the upside or the downside in the
next two days.

Here’s another question…

Lee writes, “If I am following you correctly, your trend-tracking system spots
the trend and selects the right ETF, the buy price, and the sell date all at the
same time. Is that right?”

Yes, that is pretty much it, because you are buying the option two days before
it expires.

That’s what makes it so revolutionary… it automatically selects the ETF, the

option, and the strike price. Unlike with other trading systems, we already
know when to get out before the option expires. So the profits are almost
built into the trade right from the beginning.

In a way, our two-day trading window is like the red zone on a football field.
When you’re just 20 yards away from the end zone, you have greater odds of
scoring. Our two-day window works the same way for us.
This is how my system spotted an opportunity in the XLU (utilities index) on
February 28 as the market started bouncing up and down from the COVID-19

Which is why we bought the XLU put options at $1.96 on February 28 and
cashed out later in the day for a 27% profit.

Here’s another example…

When our system saw that a Bernie Sanders presidency was no longer a
threat to the healthcare status quo, the trend was easy to spot. We bought the
XLV options on March 4 for $4.05, selling them for a 13% gain the same

Here’s another example…

Only 21 days later 2-Day Trader signaled that the medical system would
weather the outbreak and we did it again. This time we bought the XLV
options on March 25 for $5.75, selling them for $7.40 the same day for a
28% gain.

Here’s one more…

When 2-Day Trader saw that tech stocks had come too far on quarterly
rebalancing, we bought QQQ put options on March 31 for $6.93, selling
them for $8.43 the same day for a 21% gain.

Here’s the best part:

We banked these gains with the same simple buy-and-sell trading instructions
you will find in my GameChangers and Value Authority advisories.

The only — and I repeat, the only — difference is that you will bank these
profits in roughly two days.

That’s why we call our system the 2-Day Trader. We think you’ll call it a
dream come true for profiting in our post-COVID-19 market, as it’s designed

1. Help you profit from the big swings in the market, and…

2. Allow you to trade fewer positions for faster, more predictable

profits in this highly volatile market.

In fact…

During one stretch, our traders were able to turn $10,000 into $233,000 by
taking advantage of our quick trades and reinvesting their wins into the next

And lest you think this a fluke… our new traders who joined us deep into the
sell-off are on their way to grabbing these kinds of gains as well.

Those who joined us mid-March not only grabbed four big wins in a row, but
have also been able to turn $1,000 into $5,016 by rolling their wins into the
next trade as you can see from this chart.

And those that invested $10,000 earned $50,164 — including winners and
losers, as you can plainly see.

Just imagine earning 5x your investment during this crazy pandemic market.

Here’s another question, from Scott, who writes: “I like how you concentrate
on just six ETFs… I also like how your program squeezes the trading time
into two days… but does this guarantee that every trade will be a winner?”
Scott, I don’t want to mislead you. No trading system is 100% foolproof. So I
can never promise that we won’t lose on a trade.

But when our trades do work out, you can grab some very nice quick gains. If
they don’t, and we see the momentum is not going our way, we move quickly
to take the smallest possible loss.

And the nice thing is, with a 74% win ratio, we’re able to bounce back very
quickly when we do take a loss. Remember the chart I just showed you…
new members have already mushroomed $1,000 into $5,016 and $10,000
into $50,164 in just 60 days — and that’s including our trades that lost

That’s what makes my 2-Day Trader system one of the most powerful
options trading services on Wall Street.

It’s all because 2-Day Trader limits risk by only playing options on six ETFs,
two days before they expire, four days at most. The result can give us 7% to
10%, even as high as 50%, gains on the upside while limiting our losses on
the downside.

That’s something that no other system I know of can do.

Here’s a question from Tom, who writes: “How many trades does the 2-Day
Trader generate? If I sign up, what can I expect?”

Let’s take a look at that trading calendar again.


As I mentioned earlier, the gray squares are the weekly expiration dates of
the SPY ETF — every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When you add them
up, you are looking at approximately 12 potential trades per month for a total
of 144 trades per year.

Then, the red squares represent the weekly expiration dates of the QQQ, IBB,
VXX, XLU and XLV ETFs we trade. And those five give you a total of 20
trades a month for a total of 240 trades per year.

When you add all of that together, you’re looking at approximately 384
trades a year. 

But WAIT! Those are just potential 2-Day trading opportunities.

You see, just because there are about 384 ETF trading possibilities a year, it
doesn’t mean that we will be making that many trades.

On the contrary, we will only issue a trade when our 2-Day system identifies
a forward-looking signature and issues a trade signal.

Because our system eliminates roughly 90% of those 384 trades, you’re
looking at receiving three to four trades each month. And it’s all because the
predictive trading signature we are looking for does not present itself on
every ETF option.
With each one of your trades, you’ll get clear buy and sell recommendations
and easy-to-follow instructions to get the trade right every time.

Again: Our typical profit target? 7% to 10% during our two-day trading

Here’s the best part:

My 2-Day Trader system does all the work for you:

Identifying the correct ETF, strike price, and profit window,


Giving you easy-to-execute instructions that are emailed directly

to your inbox, along with a text sent to your cell phone.

And we do this without requiring you to memorize any complicated trading

strategies, sit in front of your computer 24/7, or try to time the market.

Frankly, the only work you have to do is click the “buy” or “sell” buttons on
your online brokerage account, and then bank your profits.

Should you accept my invitation to join me at the end of today’s presentation,

I’ll gladly give you $1,000 toward your first trade. That’s how convinced I
am that my 2-Day Trader system will deliver predictable profits of 7% to
10% every two days.

Here’s what you’ll like best about 2-Day Trader…

1. You can take your 2-Day profits and spend them on a nice house,
travel around the world, or a special night out…

2. You can reinvest them, supercharge your profits, and retire with
more money than you could imagine.

The choice is yours…

But by doing so, you can turn these small wins into big profits.

Let me explain…

If you are familiar with my other trading services, you know that I’m a big
believer in turning small wins into big profits.

Tragically, that isn’t what most traders do. 

They try to hit home runs with every trade, and they often strike out. They
lose big sums when they should be taking small profits — all because they
got too greedy.

That’s one reason 9 out of 10 traders lose money when trading options.

Had these traders simply taken small profits and reinvested them, as we do,
they could have gotten richer systematically — without risking their futures
on unsafe trades.

I learned this lesson more than 20 years ago when I got my MBA at the
Wharton School. 

I was able to use that knowledge to become a millionaire by the age of 30, a
multimillionaire by the age of 35, and to retire by the age of 37.

All by taking small profits, reinvesting them, and letting the power of
compounding work for me.

My 2-Day Trader is perfect for that, because you can take our average 7% to
10% two-day gains and supercharge them by reinvesting your profits…
instead of pocketing them.

Take a look at this chart.

There you’ll see with your own eyes how we turned $10,000 into $233,000.

All by focusing on small wins. 

That’s a 2,330% increase!

And get this: None of these documented trades were 250%, 500%, or 1,000%

Yet, by rolling the small profits from each trade into the next, we were able to
turn $10,000 into over $233,000.

As I mentioned earlier, those who joined us after the big sell-off began are
smiling all the way to the bank too — having almost tripled their money by
reinvesting their four big wins in a row in less than 30 days.
So, when I suggest that my 2-Day Trader system can turn small wins into big
profits, I mean it… because it’s truly the path to long-term wealth.

Here’s the best part:

I’ve made it so simple, anyone can profit from it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve
never traded options before, if you’re an experienced trader, if you have a net
worth of $1 million, or if you only have a few thousand dollars to trade.

2-Day Trader is geared toward regular folks like you, everyday Americans
who want to add a few short-term option trades to their long-term holdings
and grow their portfolio a lot quicker.

So, there’s no guesswork. You get specific buy and sell instructions just as
you do in my other advisories.

Simply put, 2-Day Trader tells you which options to buy, what to pay, when
to sell, and which new trades you can roll your profits into.

In fact, the only “work” on your part is to read my trading instructions, call
your broker, or use your online brokerage account when it’s time to sell, and
bank your profits.

My next question comes from Katherine. She writes… “How much can I
expect to make each month by following your trades?”

That’s a great question, Katherine.

The answer depends on how much you commit to each trade and the profits it
generates. As I’ve mentioned, our goal is to make at least 7% to 10% every
two days. If you can commit $10,000 to your first trade, you’re looking at
potentially earning $1,000 on your first win. A $50,000 stake could put
$5,000 in your pocket.

However, I would not recommend beginning with $50,000. 

I would recommend that you get comfortable with this new approach and
work your way up to bigger trades as your confidence increases.

The fact is, because we are trading options, you can start with as little as
$100 and see your wealth compound and grow.

For example, you already saw how one initial $10,000 investment turned into

All in less than 12 months.

Again, how much you make each month depends on how much you commit
to each trade and the profits it generates.

I’ve woven everything you’ll need to start trading into your

FREE Lightning Fast Profits Blueprint that you’re eligible
to receive FREE of charge at the end of this broadcast. That
way, you’ll see our system at work with your own eyes…
and see how much you want to commit to your first trade.

In it, you’ll discover…

How our proprietary 2-Day Trader works in all

markets and at all times.

How it can deliver 7% to 10% gains in as little as two days.

Real-world examples of winning trades.

How to string together a series of winning trades in rapid-fire


In addition, your free report will lay the foundation for every ETF options
trade I will bring you in the weeks ahead… along with our complete options
trading philosophy for quick, short-term profits.

As you can imagine, I’ve received numerous questions about receiving

$1,000 toward your first trade with me.  
I’ll explain everything when we wrap up the broadcast.

Before I do, I want to share why now is the perfect time to sign up for 2-Day

Let me begin by saying…

We are approaching earnings season — when market volatility ramps up,

stocks tend to jump the most, and my 2-Day Trader technology lights up like
a Christmas tree.

Judging by the action we’re seeing in the markets, 2-Day Trader has
identified a handful of trades that are about to surprise us on the upside —
along with a few that will deliver investors a gut punch.

We’re going to grab some quick trading profits as these sectors swing up and

So, when I say that now is the perfect time to subscribe to 2-Day Trader, I
mean it.

Of course, I know that the only way you will see how well my 2-Day Trader
advisory will work for you is to subscribe to the service.

That’s why I’m going to give you a $1,000 cash credit that you can use
toward your first trade.

I also know that once you see your profits pile up, you won’t trade any other
way, and I will win you as a member of my investing circle for life.

But there’s a catch… only 200 people will be selected to join right now.

There’s an old saying that too many cooks spoil the broth; that same principle
is at work when it comes to options trading.

You see, as we built our system, we discovered the optimum number of

options traders following our system that will give us the highest percentage
of consistent profits. In other words, too many traders trying to squeeze into
our trades could make it difficult for you to grab our gains.

That’s why we can only open the door to 200 more new memberships at this

For these reasons, if you like the 2-Day Trader approach I’ve spelled out
here, our 1,186% annualized returns we’ve banked in the face of this
COVID-19 crisis, and the exclusivity that comes with being a member, I
would suggest you send your RSVP immediately since thousands are
viewing this special presentation right now.

With my Second-Year-FREE-Guarantee — which I’ll explain in a moment

— and the $1,000 cash credit for joining, I wouldn’t put off joining too long.
We expect the 200 spots to go very quickly.  

All you need to get started is to click the button below right now.

But, before you go, I want to thank you for attending my presentation,
and learning about my Lightning Fast Profits rules for options trading
and my 2-Day Trader system.

I know when it comes to trading, you have many choices of systems and
advisors to follow. I know that, as a hedge fund manager and trader, you are
only as good as your last trade.

I also know there are options trading services out there that promise 1,000%
to 10,000% returns overnight.

Those are not realistic, and we are not them. We aim for conservative plays
that can hand you 7% to 10% gains every two days… trades that can
compound and deliver real wealth over time.
If you are willing to invest 10 minutes a week, patient enough to make 7% to
10% on each trade, and willing to follow my simple trading instructions to a

Then you, too, can begin to string together a series of winning trades like
these in quick succession and catapult yourself to millionaire status in no
time at all.

Today’s presentation offers you a sneak preview of the kind of trading profits
we’ll bring you when you join us.

In addition to your $1,000 credit, here’s what you can expect to receive as a
new member.

First, you’ll receive a welcome email with a transcript of this

presentation, along with your private login and password to our
2-Day Trader subscribers-only website, where you’ll find our
current trades, prior updates, alerts, and special reports.

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll gain instant access to your

free copy of Lightning Fast Profits Blueprint… my
complete ETF options trading system report that includes
every secret, strategy, and technique I employ.

Then you’ll begin to receive 3 to 4 trades every month, sent

directly to you via email or text the moment we make them — all
potential double-digit winners right at the tipping point of a

You’ll also receive timely updates on our recommendations, so

you can stay a step ahead of Wall Street and maximize your

I will send you a Flash Alert via email or text whenever

breaking news impacts any of our trades, along with complete
buy, hold, or sell instructions to protect your wealth and
maximize your profits.
You’ll have access to our private website reserved exclusively
for our members. With the click of a mouse, you can always
access our most recent trade alerts, FREE special reports and
forecasts, and an archive of our past alerts and trades.

You’ll also have your own personal investor relations staff on

call during market hours. Should you have any questions
concerning our trades or your service, my investor relations staff
will be here to take your calls every day the market is open from
9am to 5pm Eastern time.

You’ll also receive my Second-Year-FREE-Guarantee.

If we fail to deliver 20 WINNING options trades in your
first year, I will give you a second year of service
absolutely FREE.

So, here’s how to get $1,000 toward your first trade.

Since you’re still tuned in to my broadcast, I can tell you’re ready to take me
up on my 2-Day Trader service and receive a $1,000 cash credit you can use
toward your first trade.

I also know you can see that 2-Day Trader is a different kind of trading
service… one that profits from market volatility, which is rare in the trading

One that can bring you thousands of dollars every month in trading profits…
one that’s been proven to turn $10,000 into over $233,000.

All by simply stacking your trades as you have seen here.

As such, we have priced our new advisory accordingly to reflect this

incredible value.

That’s why a year’s subscription to 2-Day Trader regularly costs $2,495.

However, as part of a special introductory offer, I’ll give you a $1,000 cash
credit that you can use toward your first trade.
As a result, you’ll pay just $1,495 for a full year’s worth of trades.

There’s just one catch. You need to say YES TODAY!

If you can’t act quickly to take advantage of my $1,000 cash

credit, or my Second-Year-FREE-Guarantee, chances are you
won’t follow my system or act quickly when I send you a buy or
sell alert.

If that is the case, my 2-Day Trader service is not for you. I would be remiss
in my obligation to you if I accepted you as a member.

2-Day Trader is for investors who want to profit from quick moves in the
market and are willing to act quickly on my recommendations.

Remember, we are accepting only 200 new members, and those spots
may be gone in the next 24 hours… so don’t delay too long. Grab this
special price and join me here at 2-Day Trader today.

All I ask in return is that you give me 10 minutes a week to show you how
you can make up to 50% on every trade from trading options on ETFs using
my simple system.

When you consider that I will also guarantee you 20 winning trades in your
first year, how can you possibly say no?

So, what do you say?

Trust your instincts and give it a shot.

See for yourself how my 2-Day Trader system can put you on the path to $1
million wealth.

And then decide.

I guarantee it will be the best financial decision you make this year.
Just click the button below to join now or call us at 1-800-374-8808.

When you do, you’ll go to a secure order form where you

can review everything we’ve talked about. Then you’ll be
able to download your free copy of my Lightning Fast
Profits Blueprint and begin your membership.

In closing, I want to thank you for investing your time in

attending my Lightning Fast Profits presentation, and I
look forward to welcoming you as a new member to 2-Day

I’m Hilary Kramer, and, if you join me today, the opportunity to turn $10,000
into $50,000 in a few short months is just a click or phone call away.

Thanks again for joining us and may God bless you, your family, and
Su bje c t : Fw: A Private Invitation from Louis Navellier

Fr o m : Doug D'Anna (


Dat e : Sunday, May 23, 2010 3:39 PM

­­­­­ Forwarded Message ­­­­
From: "" <>
Sent: Sun, May 23, 2010 10:33:09 AM
Subject: A Private Invitation from Louis Navellier

~  S p e c i a l   I n v i t a t i o n  ~
Fellow Investor,

Each time this year, I invite a handful of investors to join the exclusive Retirement
Club. In addition to your many FREE member benefits, you will also receive a
FREE subscription to my award­winning Blue Chip Growth Letter.

Please R.S.V.P by May 24th! If we don’t hear from you by then, we will extend
your invitation to another member candidate.

Louis Navellier
Founder, The Retirement Club


We hope this timely investing advice is valuable to you. As you know the markets move fast and conditions change frequently. So
please check the current issue for the most recent advice.

To make sure you received the most recent updates, please tell us if your email has changed by visiting here:

If you would rather not receive actionable investing advice from InvestorPlace Media experts, you can let us know by visiting­1&
We will honor your request within 7­10 days.

InvestorPlace Media, LLC.
700 Indian Springs Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601

Copyright (c) 2010 InvestorPlace Media, LLC.
All rights reserved.

05/23/2010 1:33PM


Thank you for subscribing to Please note that we cannot be liable 
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Please read this personal invitation carefully...

It Names the 5 Top Investment
Opportunities for 2018 Reserved
Exclusively for Our Members
t's no fluke that you have been chosen to receive this exclusive invitation. Your name was
given to me as an investor who deserves to be a part of one of the largest private wealth-
building organizations in the world.

Should you accept my invitation to join us, you'll be in good company; the majority of our
members are already retired and the rest are on their way. Let me share with you our core
values so you can see if we're for you.

First, we believe the purpose of retirement investing is to build wealth and create
income—and never to chase hot stocks. Our #1 Rule is to never lose money. This is why the
only opportunities we will ever introduce you to are financially solid companies with long
histories of creating million-dollar retirement wealth.

Second, we believe that earnings growth is—and has always been—the master key to
profitable investing. If you feel otherwise, most likely The Retirement Club is not for you. Our
22-year track record for beating the market by $4-to-$1 proves beyond doubt that as earnings
rise, the stock price follows.

Third, we believe there's no substitute for a systematic investing approach. Your future is
too important to leave to guesswork. Over the years, we have found the path to million-dollar
wealth is paved with well-run companies at the beginning of their earnings growth cycle. Our
documented 19% annual average returns prove beyond doubt there is no better or safer method
for building wealth than our systematic approach.

If you share these three basic investing values, then The Retirement Club could be for you.

Let Me Introduce Myself


I'm Louis Navellier, founder and chief

investment strategist of The Retirement Club. If
you're not familiar with my name, you may have The Retirement Club
heard about the investment advisory I write, the Mission Statement
Blue Chip Growth Letter. I'm proud to say that
my advisory has helped more ordinary investors • The Retirement Club is a private
join the ranks of millionaires than any other wealth-building organization
advisory that I know of. dedicated to investors of all ages
seeking to build wealth through the
But I wasn't born a millionaire. My family was ownership of stocks.
far from wealthy, and I was considered a geek.
The only way I could attend college was by • The Retirement Club is dedicated to
taking out student loans and working part-time. helping investors make better
Because I was a math major, I was fascinated not investment decisions, reduce financial
only by current financial theories but also by risks, and improve the quality of our
how one could actually build wealth through the members' lives.
ownership of stocks.
• The Retirement Club provides a
As a result, I started to dabble—experiment, if wide range of FREE benefits to our
you will—by taking modern portfolio theory and members.
overlaying it with key fundamentals. After four
years, the end result was the creation of These benefits include access to our
something that never existed before: a whole members-only Web site; our monthly
new, and scientifically proven, way to build Blue Chip Growth Letter; our Web-
wealth in stocks. based PortfolioGrader Pro stock
evaluation service; and regular
Over the years, my Blue Chip Growth system not regional meetings. Join The
only changed my life from that of a struggling Retirement Club risk-free today.
college student to that of a Wall Street
millionaire...but also helped thousands of
investors like you not only build and multiply their wealth but also fulfill their million-dollar

I'm proud to say that my system portfolios have handed my members 4,806% profits over 22
years. To put that in dollar terms, a $25,000 investment would now be worth $1,226,500. A
$50,000 stake would be worth $2,453,000. I mention this not to boast but merely to give you a
sneak preview of what membership in The Retirement Club could mean to you.

You Will See Your Wealth Grow Right Way

How can I be so sure? Because as a member you will begin to enjoy the same kind of market-
beating returns that our Retirement Club members have enjoyed for years. The kind of
investing success that will give you the kind of wealth, freedom, and lifestyle that you've been
dreaming about.

Here are just a few of the investments we sold last year for incredible

• Canadian Natural Resources: +206.99%

• Valero Energy Corporation: +222.33%
• Imperial Oil: +166.95%
• Hess Corporation: +53.85%
• Occidental Petroleum: +231.40%
• TXU Corporation: +160.07%
• Alcon: +100.44%
• EnCana Corporation: +39.15%
• ConocoPhillips: +73.92%
• Rockwell Collins: +12.90%

Again, these are just our realized gains. We're still sitting on sizable profits in Apple (+221%),
America Movil (+265%), Brookfield Asset Management (+123%) and Chicago Mercantile
Exchange (+82%). In fact, as of this writing, I'm proud to say that Retirement Club members
are sitting on 45 winners out of 51 positions. Not only are nearly 90% of our recommendations
winners, but their average gain is nearly 40%.

Of course, when it comes to investing, nobody bats 1,000. On the downside, the six companies
in the red are off an average of 5.8%. Frankly, that's what our Blue Chip Growth system does
with scientific precision: It limits your losses on the downside (Rule #1) while building and
compounding your wealth on the upside.

When you consider that 90% of our recommendations are winners, our annual average gain is
nearly 40%, and our losers have been held on average to can begin to see why The
Retirement Club is so popular with investors that once they join, they seldom let their
membership lapse.

Once you join us (view for membership details), you'll see why. You'll not only own a portfolio
full of double-digit gainers that work together systematically to build your wealth...but also
feel—perhaps for the first time in your investing life—that your investments will finally hand
you the financial independence you've been striving for. Let me show you what I mean.

Where the Big Money

Will Be Made in 2007
Here at The Retirement Club we have found that the secret to creating $1 million wealth is

1. Identify major market earnings trends.


2. Buy the companies that lie in the crossroads.

This is why companies like Canadian Natural Resources (+206%), Valero (+222%) and
Imperial Oil (+166%) were so profitable for us in 2006. They were riding the earnings trends of
higher oil prices. This is also why our current holdings Apple (+221%), America Movil
(+265%), Brookfield Asset Management (+123%) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange (+82%)
are continuing to pile on the profits for us.

These companies—along with the rest of our 51 current holdings—are simply riding their own
earning trends within their own sectors. This year, we're counting on five exciting new earnings
trends to help us continue to build our wealth 50% to 75%.

Let me tell you about these trends now, and then I'll introduce to you the five top opportunities
we're recommending now. As you'll now learn, the big moneymaker for 2007-2008 will be
made in the energy sector—but not with the integrated oil companies and the refineries as last
year. The big money will be made in oil drillers and alternative energy technologies.

You'll be pleased to know that we also see big opportunities in commercial real estate. In fact,
our top company has already seen its earnings skyrocket 278% while the stock's price is up
50% over the past year.

We're also seeing signs of explosive growth in the financial services sector. As you'll see in this
year's profit forecast, our two top stocks in this sector are well on their way to handing you
50% gains in the next six months.

Finally, you'll be surprised to learn we're right smack-dab in the midst of a worldwide travel
and tourism boom. If you missed the big move in drug stocks in the 1980s, or the tech
revolution of the 1990s, or the oil boom of the past six years, you'll find my top pick to be one
of those rare opportunities that could hand you a decade's worth of profits in 18 to 24 months.

5 Top Investment Opportunities for 2007

If you've read this far, it means that you're as excited about membership in The Retirement
Club as I am about our 2007 recommendations. It also means that you now realize that if you
invest in companies that are riding the trends and growing their earnings, you simply can't help
but safely build your wealth.

Frankly, this is how our members have been able to achieve triple-digit returns over the past 20
years while most investors have averaged 4% to 5% a year. In fact, as I write this, Club
members are not only profiting from our top-five recommendations but are also heading toward
50% gains by midyear.

Please don't think that you're too late for the train. You're not. These companies are not only
slowly building momentum now...but are also fully described in our just-published Retirement

Club 2007 Profit Guide.

I'd gladly send you a free copy along with our new members' Welcome Kit on a strictly no-
obligation free-trial basis. That way you can see for yourself—and decide on your own terms—
if membership in The Retirement Club is truly for you.

Before everything arrives, let me give you a sneak preview of the opportunities that are headed
your way.

An Opportunity Just Begging

to Make You Richer

What Our
Members Say
"Your recommendations have netted
me more than $200,000 profit
in a year's time."
—S.H., Burlington, MA

"I started making money from day

one...what I like most about the Blue
Chip Growth service is that it gives
me strong stocks that move."
—J.N., Edgartown, MA

"From $800,000 to $1.5 million

in two years."
—D.O., Conroe, TX

"Thanks to your selections, my

self-directed IRA grew by 65%!"
—T.N., Los Angeles, CA

"I have doubled and tripled several

stocks in roughly 5 months."
—L.S., Williamsburg, VA

Add your name to this list!

Click here for details about joining

It's not often that you find an opportunity that

could turn a $10,000 investment into $17,000 in The Retirement Club.
six months...$37,000 in a year...and $53,000 in
three years. Such opportunities are as rare as
trumpeter swans.

Yet, this one company could be our biggest moneymaker for 2007. Thankfully the analysts are
missing this one by a country mile. That's because they are so focused on the residential real
estate housing collapse, they simply can't see as we do the opportunities that are forming in
commercial real estate.

In fact, since the residential real estate market "cooled off," our top company's quarterly
earnings have skyrocketed 278%. So it's no wonder that the stock is up 50% over the past 12
months and up 100% over the past two years. And it's also no wonder why my Retirement Club
members are smiling all the way to the bank—as the Fed just held interest rates for the fourth
time in a row.

You see, if this company can make profits hand-over-fist in a rising interest rate environment,
imagine the kind of profits to be made as interest rates continue to level out and then fall.

You needn't take my word that select REITs are begging to make you richer. As The Wall
Street Journal recently reported...

"Real estate investment trusts are up more than 30% year-to-date, and the real-estate mutual
funds that invest in them are hitting home runs...

"REIT mergers and acquisitions have hit a record $117 billion in 2006, according to the
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, soaring from $30 billion for the past
two years combined."

As you'll see in your free profit forecast, this is just the beginning. Owning our top
recommendation is like having your cake and eating it too. After all, the company has posted
278% earnings growth during the past year, handing investors better than 50% gains. AND
YET the company trades at barely 15 times earnings.

If you know of a better opportunity that could hand you 50% profit in the next six months, let
me know. Otherwise, buy this one with both hands. Join us now to get the full details on this
wealth-building opportunity.

Where Profits Are Snowballing

As I mentioned earlier, we're seeing signs of explosive growth in the financial services sector.
Our two top stocks in this sector are well on their way to handing you 50% gains in the next six

As you'll see in your free report, the first company is not only one of the
world's biggest financial services firms, it is also the kind of company
that will profit as the stock market rises in 2007. In fact, as I write this,
the company's quarterly earnings growth is up an outstanding 256%.

It's no wonder, with the Dow skyrocketing to new all-time highs, that investors are feeling
more confident and flexing their financial muscles. As a result, the company's financial services
products are simply in the right place at the right time, from investment and commercial
banking to asset and wealth management, from consumer real estate loan products to
investment alternatives.

I'll be the first to admit that I never recommend banks when the yield curve (the difference
between short-term and long-term interest rates) is inverted. However, this company is more
than just a bank, it's a financial juggernaut led by the top talent on Wall Street. Over the past 12
months, investors have already banked 43% gains.

However, as more and more positive earnings roll in and consumers gain more confidence,
even these respectable gains could look like chump change as throngs of investors bid this one
higher and higher. You'll find the full details, including the stock symbol and our proprietary
buy and sell prices, in your free forecast.

Another Overlooked Opportunity

Retirement Club Members
Are Profiting from Right Now
With the travel and tourism sector in the midst of a world boom, a number of hotel properties
will emerge as take-it-to-the-bank winners. Our top company in this sector is the largest hotel
REIT in the U.S., owning more than 100 luxury and upscale hotels.

A quick look at its income statement and you'll see why I'm advising members to back up the
truck on this one. Last year, the company not only generated more than $4 billion in sales, but
also banked nearly $1 billion in gross profit. I'm not surprised. After all, the company's
quarterly earnings growth (YOY) has exploded 262% and has rewarded investors with 40%
gains over the past year.

Yet even these returns pale in comparison to what lies ahead, because this traditional growth
stock will soon become a favorite investment for dividend-oriented investors. The reason is
simple: The company just declared a quarterly dividend of 20 cents per share—an increase of
three cents, or nearly 18%, over its previous quarterly dividend.

Thankfully, with Wall Street's geniuses again looking the other way on this one, you can still
add this profit play to your holdings before prices explode. My advice: Buy this one now,
before the next reporting period, and you could be looking at a quick 30% to 40% quarterly

gain. You'll get the full details in your Retirement Club 2007 Profit
Forecast. Click here now to get your FREE copy.

How to Profit from the HD TV Revolution

Unless you don't already own an high definition (HD) television, you may not know that
plasma and LCD HD big screen TVs are simply flying off the shelves. The situation is
presenting you with a ground floor opportunity to share in the profits.

In fact, third quarter sales from plasma TVs rose 45% compared to a year ago, totaling some
2.3 million units. LCD television sales rose even higher for the 3rd quarter, rocketing up an
incredible 99% from the year before.

The reason behind the explosion comes down to one thing: the high definition, as-if-you-were-
there HD experience. The same experience you get at the movies—only in your own home.

As you'll discover in your free, members-only 2007 profit forecast, the big money will be made
in HD programming, the big reason why consumers buy plasma and LCD TVs are flying off
the shelves.

Simply put, satellite TV offers the greatest number of HD channels you can get—three times
more than its closest cable TV competitors. So it's no wonder the company not only made
investors 50% richer this year but is growing its quarterly earnings by—hold on to your hat—

This situation can only get better. Why? All over the nation local and regional cable companies
are losing market share to this satellite upstart because they can offer nearly three times the HD
programming for 30% less than the cable companies.

This means even bigger earnings increases in the months and years ahead. If you are serious
about catching the next wave of the HD TV revolution, I strongly suggest you add a few shares
to your holdings right away.

Benefit from One of the Most Powerful

Global Trends I’ve Seen in Years
If there is just one of my profit plays that you should add to your holdings, this should be it.
Why? Because this company is destined to profit from one of the most powerful global trends
I’ve seen in years.

Most American’s don’t realize this, but we’re on the verge of a global broadband boom the
likes of which could easily rival the big tech boom of the late 1990s. The reason is
simple: The world is about to go from high-speed communications to hyper-speed


And the massive industry growth we saw when internet companies switched from slow motion
dial-up connections to phase one broadband is about to be repeated again—with much faster
connections and on a global scale.

As you’ll learn in your free report, our top recommendation is not only the fourth-largest phone
company in the U.S. with tons of room to grow, but it also spans the globe with its high-
capacity broadband fiber-optic network.

According to our research, the number of U.S. broadband subscribers should double in the next
five years. That growth should pale in comparison to that we see happening in China and

This is just one reason why the company has rewarded investors with 140% gains over the past
two years and could repeat this performance—and then some—over the next two.

I’m not alone in my thinking here. Analysts at UBS, Stifel Nicolaus, and CIBC have all
upgraded their ratings on this one.

But you better hurry. Once this company’s next earnings report comes in, you’re going to
see its stock price take off. Get in now you before the rest of the world catches on to this
trend and you could easily double your money in 2007.

In all, your Retirement Club 2007 Profit Forecast (yours online instantly) will bring you the
five best stocks for 2007—high-growth companies, all terrific buys waiting for you now.

Best Of All, It's Yours Free Along with

These 8 Exclusive Member Benefits
As a Retirement Club member, you'll receive an array of Free benefits reserved only for

A Special Thank You

and Welcome to
The Retirement Club
Dear Member Candidate,

Welcome to The Retirement Club...and

thank you for taking a few minutes to
evaluate our values, member benefits, and
economic outlook.

The Retirement Club was founded with one

simple goal in mind: to help our members
safely and systematically build a $1 million
portfolio in the world's highest-quality,
fastest-growing blue chip stocks.

Our members include teachers, policemen,

firefighters, factory workers, attorneys, and
other hardworking Americans like you who
want to safely build their wealth but don't
know how.

I'm proud to say that those who have

followed our recommendations from the
beginning have more than achieved their
million-dollar goals. A $25,000 investment
following our system would now be worth

I'm also proud to say that our new

members, who joined within the last few
years, are well on their way, with double—
even triple-digit gains in Canadian Natural
Resources (+206%), Valero Energy Corp.
(+222%), Apple (+221%), and America
Movil (+265%)—just to name a few.

If you'd value the opportunity to enjoy

similar investing success, I've made it
possible for you try a six-month, no-risk
subscription membership for 50% off the
regular price.

As part of this special new member offer,

you'll receive these FREE benefits for six
months: our monthly Blue Chip Growth
Letter, access to our Web-based

• FREE Member Benefit #1—Investment

Expertise: The same time-proven PortfolioGrader Pro stock evaluation
investing expertise and strategy that has service, and, of course, our Retirement Club
handed investors 4,806% cumulative gains 2007 Stock Forecast. That way you can see
since 1985...that has beaten the S&P 500 for yourself on your own terms if The
by nearly $3-to-$1...simply making many Retirement Club is right for you. Click here
of my readers rich. to view the R.S.V.P. form today.
• FREE Member Benefit #2—Monthly Sincerely,
Advisory: A 12-month subscription to our
members-only investment advisory, Blue
Chip Growth Letter—alone valued at $299,
featuring Louis Navellier's monthly market Christopher Marett, Executive Director
summary; current buy, hold, and sell The Retirement Club
advice; stock updates; and most- sought-
after economic analysis and review. P.S. Your free member benefits and
Currently, 45 (90%) of our 51 positions are forecast reports are described below.
winners, with an average profit per stock of
nearly 40%. Given the strength of this
market, this year's top 5 stocks could do even better.

• FREE Member Benefit #3—PortfolioGrader Pro: Unlimited 24/7 access to my

multimillion-dollar PortfolioGrader Pro stock evaluation service. Just enter the symbol and
you'll not only get my complete rankings, you'll also find whether I think you should buy, sell
or hold.

• FREE Member Benefit #4—Admission to Member Meetings: Free admission to

Navellier's Retirement Club member meetings around the country. Each year, I travel to both
coasts and two Midwestern states to meet with members to discuss our investments and answer
your questions. As a member, you can attend free of charge.

• FREE Member Benefit #5—Web Site Access: Unlimited 24/7 access to our Web site.
Continuing updates on the recommendations you've read about here, plus my newest
recommendations and updated sell list, so you can reposition your portfolio to take full
advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.

• FREE Member Benefit #6—Personal Hotline: Louis Navellier's personal hotline. Every
Saturday and/or whenever the market moves up or down by 100 points—Louis records a
personal telephone hotline with specific buy, sell and hold instructions for you to act on. As a
member, you'll gain not only gain access to these recorded calls, but also be able to view the
transcript immediately online.

• FREE Member Benefit #7—Investor Education: An ongoing financial education that will
help you make better, smarter, and more profitable investment decisions. Every month, I'll

bring you the facts, depth, and analysis you need to make more profitable investment choices.
And between issues, I'll bring you up-to-the-minute news and announcements about all your
investments so you can make the most profitable moves.

• FREE Member Benefit #8—Peace of Mind: Valuable peace of mind when it comes to the
safety of your investments. That's because we only invest in the bluest of the blue chip stocks—
companies with strong earnings momentum that are expanding their earnings growth some
40% to 50%. That's the greatest safety cushion you could ask for.

You'll also receive something far more personal than you could ever find in an investment
advisory: our organization's commitment to helping you systematically build your million-
dollar retirement dream.

For nearly two decades now, we've helped tens of thousands of investors like you do just that.
Those who've been with us from from the beginning have beaten the S&P 500 by $3-to-
$1...while those who started last year more than doubled their money in our top stocks. All of
them got started by simply accepting a risk-free trial membership like the one I'm offering you

Now it's your turn. And I've made it so easy, convenient, and risk-free for you to give The
Retirement Club a free try, there's nothing to stand in the way of the wealth you deserve. Just
click here now to get started.

Join Risk-Free for Six Months

and Then Decide
Our membership guarantee is simple: If during your first six months you don't feel our
recommendations are helping you grow 50% richer every six months, we'll gladly refund your
membership dues. Your membership is risk-free, click here for details.

No questions asked. If you ultimately decide we're not for you, keep all the members-only
special reports free of charge as our "thanks" for simply accepting a trial membership.

On this fair-and-square basis, The Retirement Club has become one of the most respected and
largest wealth-building organizations in America. Once you join us, you'll see why.

Special New-Member 50% Discount

When you consider that our organization is one of the few that's consistently beaten the market
by $3-to-$1, you would think that it would cost an arm and a leg to join The Retirement Club.
But when I tell you how little it costs to join, and that you can sign up for half that, you'll be
truly amazed. In fact, a one-year (12-month) membership is $299.

But, for a limited time, you can join us for just $149.
You save $150. That's just a smidgen over $12 a month
and a steal of a deal, considering our $1 million track
record. Included in this bargain price, you'll also receive three additional bonus
reports that we've written to help you continue to take advantage of the dramatic
changes now unfolding...but when you join me for two years, you'll save $220
and get 24 monthly issues of Blue Chip Growth Letter for only $279, plus a total
of six additional complimentary wealth-building reports.

When you consider that you can cancel at any time during the first six months and receive a
full refund, why not sign up for two years and get all six of my wealth-building reports before
you make your final decision? That way you'll automatically lock in our best member price for
two years and get all six special reports before you give us your final yes or no.

How can you say no? Trust your instincts and seize this major wealth-building opportunity
today. Click here to join The Retirement Club at no risk right now. I guarantee that it will be
one of the most profitable decisions you'll ever make.


Louis Navellier
Founder, The Retirement Club

P.S. Get this extra FREE bonus report when you respond in 14 days. It's called Why the Next 12
Months Could Make Your Retirement Years. This exclusive members-only report, not for sale
at any price, identifies two new wealth-building trends along with the stocks my report says are
likely to profit. Click here for details.


~ R.S.V.P.
YES! I'd like to
join The
Retirement Club
on a no-risk, free trial basis. Please sign me up for the
membership package I've selected below and give me
INSTANT access to the first of my many Special
Reports, The Retirement Club 2007 Profit Forecast,
available online now.

Your Retirement Club membership includes:

• FREE Investment Expertise (beats the S&P 500 by $3-to-$1)
• FREE one- or two-year subscription to our members-only Blue Chip Growth Letter
• FREE 24/7 access to PortfolioGrader Pro stock evaluation services
• FREE access to Louis Navellier's Personal Hotline
• FREE 24/7 access to members-only Web site
• FREE admission to regional membership meetings
• FREE continuing education via special alerts and e-mail alerts
• 100% Membership Guarantee

Two years for just $279 (reg. $499). You receive all the membership benefits listed above,
including 24 issues of Blue Chip Growth. Plus the following 6 free reports:
• The Retirement Club 2007 Profit Forecast
• 3 Top Energy Stocks to Buy Now
• How to Play Defense and Profit:
10 Stocks to Buy Now
• 10 Top Megatrend Stocks for 2007 and Beyond
• How to Cash In On the New Dividend Stock Boom
• The Earnings Advantage

One year for just $149 (reg. $299). You receive all the membership benefits listed above,
including 12 issues of Blue Chip Growth. Plus the following 3 free reports:
• The Retirement Club 2007 Profit Forecast
• 3 Top Energy Stocks to Buy Now
• How to Play Defense and Profit: 10 Stocks to Buy Now

Special Bonus:
Reply within 14 days and receive this extra free report:
Why the Next 12 Months Could Make Your Retirement
Years with our compliments. This report identifies two
new wealth-building trends along with the stocks my
report says are likely to profit.

Your Membership Guarantee

I want you to be completely satisfied with your Retirement Club membership—from its
ease of use to the profits that you earn. Take a full six months to make up your mind about
our worth to you. If you're ever dissatisfied, just give us a call to cancel anytime in that
period—even the very last day—for a full and prompt refund of everything you've paid.
Keep all the newsletter issues you've received up to that point. Keep all of your special
introductory reports. All with my compliments and heartfelt thanks for giving The
Retirement Club a fair try. Then, later, if you're ever unhappy after the first six months, just
say so. I'll promptly send you a full refund for the balance of your membership term.

—Louis Navellier, Founder

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* Last Name

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