Template Narrative Report

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Biglang Awa St., Corner Catleya St., EDSA, Caloocan City





SUB-TOPIC/S: 3.1. What is meant by Good Life?

3.2. Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics

3.3. Materialism

3.4. Hedonism

3.5. Stoicism


Here is a list of what you need to remember as you go through this lesson. After this lesson, you should
be able to:

1. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical standards;
2. Explain Aristotle’s concept of good life; and
3. Define good life using own words.


The reporter will ask questions that was based on the previous lesson.


Photo Activity

Direction: Each student will choose 1 photo below which they believe symbolizes a good life.

Direction: To have a preview of how you can have a good life, watch the short film below. After which,
answer the processing questions.

Video 1: The Cook (life lessons)


Processing Questions:

What life lesson have you learned from the short film?

Does the winner show some characteristics of an individual having a good life?


 Aristotle
Aristotle is a Greek philosopher known for his work “Nicomachean Ethics” where he identified
that the highest good for human beings is Eudaimonia –happiness. Aristotle’s idea of a good life is
living a well and happy life. Thus, he argues that living well and having a happy life doesn’t mean just
acquiring things or living in pleasure. Good life for Aristotle is realizing our potential to cultivate and
exercise it to fullest- this in turn lead us to the greatest fulfillment of our true nature. In addition,
Aristotle claimed that to live well one must be morally virtuous, healthy, live comfortably, have good
friends, is respectable and knows how to exercise his/her unique abilities and capabilities.

 Emrys Westacott
Emrys Westacott is a philosophy professor at Alfred University and an author of several
philosophy books. In 2018, he wrote an article entitled “What is the Good Life?” where he identified the
different meanings of good life or living well. According to Westacott, a good life or living well can be
understand in several ways – by knowing the essence of moral life; the life of pleasure; the fulfilled life;
the meaningful life; and the finished life.

The Moral Life - an individual with a good life is said to have a moral life. For Westacott, good
life or living well can be attained by living morally – adhering to the norms and standards of
society. A person is said to be good and moral if he or she possesses and practices most of the
important virtues such as: kindness, generosity, truthfulness, loyalty, and courage. Most
importantly, he or she doesn’t only pursuing his/her own pleasure but also spent time in pursuing
things that could benefit the society.

The Life of Pleasure – Westacott agreed that a good life is a pleasurable life. However, he
emphasized that indulging excessive pleasure will eventually lead him or her to degeneracy.
Thus, eating and drinking excessively can cause us health problems that will limit the span of
pleasure that we may experience. Westacott describes a person with a good life as a person that
feels good and has lots of good and happy experiences.

The Fulfilled Life – Westacott’s definition of a good life as fulfilled life is anchored in the
philosophy of Aristotle. Thus, a fulfilled life is a life in which an individual have the chance to
pursue his or her calling by maximizing his or her potential without harming others.

The Meaningful Life – this concept or idea refers to the happiness felt by people who found
their purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life. As stated by Westacott, a good life can also be
understood by having a meaningful life in which an individual finds their meaning in life through
their passion, work, and or family.

The Finished Life - refers to achieving your dream life. Thus, Westacott claimed that a good life
can be defined as finished life where your passion, joy, significance and potential are realized
and yours dreams were fulfilled.
However, Westacott argued that no one can tell if a person really live a good life until
that person dies. This is because a person can appear to be happy and live a fine life, however,
when he or she dies, revelations of what his or her true identity will unfold.

In conclusion, Westacott defined a good life as both desirable and admirable in most if
not all of the virtues and morals given above.

 The Role of Technology in Achieving Good Life

Technology plays a huge role in achieving a good life due to the following:

o technology is one of the highest expressions of human potentials or activities;

o technology alone is a means of achieving good life because the main aim of its creation is to
improve society’s life;
o technology allows us to thrive and flourish if we desire; and
o Using technology in a virtuous way can help us flourish and live a good life.

All of us wanted a good life and pursuing it entails a lot of hard work. Hard work is not
only evident physically and intellectually but also in values. In addition, a person living a good life is
also known to be virtuous and moral.


Direction: Submit a maximum of 2-pages reflection of your stand about good life and ways on how to attain or
experience good life.


Content – 30 %
Analysis – 35 %
Flow of Ideas – 20 %
Grammar – 15 %

TOTAL = 100 %
3.3. Role of Science and Technology in the Developing World in the 21st Century


The questions was based on the previous lesson.


4 pics and 1 word

Direction: Below are four pics linked by one word. Work out what the word is, from a set of letters given
below the pictures.












1. Determine the role of science and technology in the 21st developing world

2. Explain how science and technology benefits the society

3. appreciate the role of science and technology in the developing world in the 21st Century.


Role of Science and Technology in the Developing World in the 21st Century
Ø Development in science and technology are fundamental altering the way people live,
connect, communicate and transaction, with profound effects on economic

Ø According to LEE ROY CHETTY (2012), science and technology are key drives to
development. There have been a drastic changes not only in the conception of human
flourishing but also to actual human condition.

Science and Technology as a solution to the following problems:


People in the 21st century are able to combat life-threatening disease.

Even though they are in two separate regions of the world, they are able to interact with each other.


In the context of teaching and learning alone, technology has infused classrooms with digital learning
tools such as computers and hand-held gadgets, and has made a significant contribution to rapid


Technology has improved the production of several crops, which has benefited farmers greatly.
Agriculture is frequently technologically advanced.

To save money and increase yields, farmers and others utilize science and technology to collect data,
analyze efficiency, monitor growth and quality, and many more.


Technology has become so advanced that it now offers free internet calls on social media. People just
need an active internet connection to make video/voice calls from Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook,
Skype, etc. Clearly, technology has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals communicate with
one another.

Science and technology have made it easier for people to communicate with other people across the
world. It also ensures that the communication is quicker and that more people remain connected.

· Infinite Discovery

it helped researchers achieve the goal of creating objective experiments and improving their ability to
observe. Allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions

Ø To promote technological advance, developing countries should invest in quality

education for youth, continuous skills training for worker and managers and should
ensure that knowledge is shared as widely as possible across society. The state of
science and technology determines the socioeconomic progress of a country.

· Effects of Science and Technology in 21st Century

Technology affects almost everything we do today and influence our plan for the future. Nowadays,
technology is virtually in all sectors. It is an important part of life. Technology advancement has a lot of
impact on the quality of life.

One of the main reasons that contributed to the significant technology development experienced in this
century: Competition between the different world super powers.

Direction: On your paper, write an insight or argument about the question "How do you imagine our
society today, if we not able to innovate with the science and technology?" Share it with class

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