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School of Management and Commerce

Mallards University
Maisammaguda, Dulapally,


This is to certify that this internship report submitted to School of Management and
Commerce, Mallareddy University, Hyderabad, is a bona-fide record of work done
by “THUMMA NIVEDITHA” under my supervision from “04-04-23” to “04-07-

Signature of the External Examiner Signature of the Supervisor

Dr.M. Vasavi
(Assistant Professor)

Signature of the Head of the department

Dr.G. Nirmal
(Associate Professor)

School of management and Commerce,

Mallareddy University

Place: Hyderabad
Date: 10-06-23


This is to declare that this report has been written by me. No part of the report is
plagiarized from other sources. All information included from other sources have
been duly acknowledged. I aver that if any part of the report is found to be
plagiarized, I shall take full responsibility for it.

Signature of the student

Thumma Niveditha

I opted for this particular topic named “Recruitment & Selection” because recruitment and
selection procedures have taken a dramatic change in the industry. Human resource is responsible
for giving birth to human embalmers. The core function of an organization is Recruitment and
Selection because the organization doesn’t want to be a bad recruiter by selecting manpower that
might have the potential to spoil the long earned goodwill or corporate image and also incur heavy
recruitment costs on them. Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting
qualified people for a job at an organization or firm.

Selection on the other hand, is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications
to fill jobs in an organization. The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate
who would meet the requirements of the job in an organization best, to find out which job applicant
will be successful, if hired. The objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the number and
quality of employees that can be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goals and

Recruitment, Selection and retention are critical to organizational success. They enable companies
to have performing employees who are satisfied with their jobs, thus contributing positively to the
organization. Effective recruitment is therefore not only the first step towards organizational
excellence, but is important cost control mechanisms as well. The study researches the spectrum
of recruitment methodologies followed in a Edtech Company towards developing a unique model,
propose suggestion that would reduce costs, time to recruit, be effective and help overall
organizational interests.



1 Abstract 4

2 Introduction 6-11

3 Reporting Period 12

4 Accomplishments and work 13


5 Plans for the rest the semester 14

6 Conclusion 15

7 References 16


Historical Development of Recruitment & Selection

In the earliest stages of an intervention, recruitment decisions often get made on the basis of who
is standing in the right place at the right time with the right look on his/her face. As the situation
matures, we have to think more carefully about picking the right people for longer-term roles
including middle and senior management. The integrity of the recruitment and selection process
helps to ensure sustainability by building a strong and balanced team, demonstrating the
Organization’s neutrality, promoting its good name and serving as an example for partners. You
may find that one of the first roles you need to fulfill is a HR administrator to help achieve these

Here are the major stages in this cycle:

1. Defining the Requirement: Decide what vacancy you have. If you need to fill a new role
quickly you might find it helpful to adapt one of the models provided here:
 Task analysis: Draw up a detailed list of tasks that the person will have to do. This
helps in determining the qualities and qualifications genuinely required for the job.
 Job description: produce an outline of the broad responsibilities (rather than detailed
tasks) involved in the job.
 Person specification: decide what skills, experience, qualifications and attributes
someone will need to do the job as defined in the task analysis and job description.
2. Attracting applications: your file of previous applicants can be a good place to start.
 Advertising: phrase your announcement in a way that makes clear what the job
involves and the type of person needed. Avoid any stipulations, which could be seen
as discriminatory
 Application Form: a well-designed form can elicit information about the person's
ability and willingness to do the job. Do not ask for irrelevant information. Make it
clear on the form that applicants should consider the points in the job description and
person description when applying

 Background information: provide applicants with clear, up-to-date and accurate
information about the organization, its work, its priorities and the job. Clearly indicate
the closing date for applications and the short listing and interview dates.
3. Selection: Select your candidate. Be objective and unbiased. Choose the person who best
fits your person specification.
 Short listing: assess applications on the basis of the person specification (standard
forms can be very helpful at this stage). Guard against bias and discrimination - ensure
that you select for interview those who match the specifications, regardless of age, sex,
race etc, and that the specifications are not themselves discriminatory.
 Interviews: Interview your short-listed candidates. Remember that your job is not only
to assess the best candidate for the job, but also to create a great impression of your
4. Candidate assessments: The interview will provide you with some information but check
it out before offering a job. Ways in which you could do this include:
 Ask the candidate to show you examples of previous work, do a presentation, a case
study, some tests or full assessment. Tests can be done before the interview or after the
interview. It depends on the number of candidates being interviewed and the type of
 Taking up references: You must have the specific permission of the applicant to do so,
particularly if you wish to contact their current employer. If you need them quickly, try
5. Making a Job Offer: If you think you have found the right candidate, it’s time to make
the job-offer. For your successful candidate:
 Prepare and send the appropriate documentation
 Make up the employee's personnel file; and arrange the induction plan.
6. Induction: Help your new recruit to settle in quickly and become productive as soon as


INNOMATICS RESEARCH LABS is a pioneer in “Transforming Career and Lives” of

individuals in the Digital Space by catering advanced training on IBM Certified Data Science,
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Full Stack Development, Amazon Web
Services (AWS), DevOps, Microsoft Azure, Big data Analytics, and Digital Marketing. We are
passionate about bridging the gap between learning and real-time implementation, so empowering
individuals to be industry-ready and help firms in reaping huge benefits is our primary goal.

Headquarters Region- Asia-Pacific (APAC)

Founded Date- July 29, 2018

Founders- Kalpana Katiki Reddy, Vishwanath Nyathani

Legal Name- Zeominds IT solutions Pvt. ltd

Employees- 200+ Employees

Our vision is to invade and make India a Hub for Artificial intelligence and analytics. Apart from
being the most credible education institute for career transformation, we aim to become the best
training institute with experts from different domains like Banking, Insurance, Retail, Health Care,
and Manufacturing. Communicating with the industry experts and explaining the value data
science brings to the Organization for better decision making; demonstrate how methodologies
can be applied and optimize opportunities, innovate new and better tools.

We are established on a mission that encapsulates individuals in excelling through real-time
approaches and the great promise to business in finding the best prospects who can set a benchmark
to improve the quality of the businesses. With more than 40 affiliated trainers hailing from top-
notch companies.
We provide the best learning experience in current trending technologies through facilitators who
are continuous learners with the highest potential and empower others to do the same. Our practical
approach encapsulates individuals in excelling through real-time strategies and the great promise
to businesses in finding the best prospects who can set a benchmark to improve the quality of the
businesses. The mission involves
1. Developing the state-of-the-art benchmark in data science,
2. Transforming all fields, professions, and sectors through the application of data science.
“INNOMATICS” is the best Edtech company Recognized and rewarded by Times of India as
the Best Training Institute in Hyderabad for Data Science & Digital Marketing Training.

Employee Recruitment and Selection Policy

Policy & Purpose

Our employee recruitment and selection policy describes our process for attracting and selecting
external job candidates.

We are committed to our equal opportunity policy at every selection stage. Hiring teams should
aim for a well-planned and discrimination-free hiring process.


This recruitment and selection policy applies to all employees who are involved in hiring for our
company. It refers to all potential job candidates.

Policy elements

Generally, hiring teams could go through the following steps:

1. Identify need for an opening
2. Decide whether to hire externally or internally
3. Review the job description and compose a job ad
4. Select appropriates sources (external or internal) for posting the opening
5. Decide on the selection stages and possible timeframe
6. Review resumes in company database/ATS
7. Source passive candidates
8. Shortlist applications
9. Proceed through all selection stages
10. Run background checks
11. Select the most suitable candidate
12. Make an official offer Stages may overlap.

Hiring managers may remove/add steps as appropriate. The first four stages are mandatory in every
hiring process.

Posting jobs internally

Hiring managers can post a job opening internally before starting recruiting external candidates. If
they decide to post internally, they can: Set a deadline for internal applications Communicate their
opening through newsletters, emails, word-of-mouth or an Applicant Tracking System’s automated
emails. Hiring managers can create job ads based on full job descriptions of each role. Job ads
should be clear and accurately represent the open position.

Employee selection stages

Our company has a standard hiring process that may be tweaked according to a role’s requirements.
Our standard process involves: Resume screening Phone Screening Assignment Interview Hiring
managers may choose to add/remove stages depending on the role they’re hiring for. For example,
they can add the following selection stages/methods: Assessment centers Group Interviews
Competency/Knowledge or other selection tests the stages of resume screening and interview are

Interview feedback

Recruiters/ hiring managers should always inform candidates they interviewed that they decided
to reject them. Leaving candidates in the dark can be damaging to our employer brand. Also, we
encourage hiring managers to send interview feedback to candidates. They should first though
check with HR to make sure they won’t invite legal action. Being brief, respectful and keeping
feedback job-related are the general rules for writing feedback emails to candidates.

Revoked offers

In case when a formal has to be revoked, the hiring manager and human resources department
should draft and sign an official document. This document should include a legitimate reason for
revoking the offer. Legitimate reasons include: Candidate is proved to not be legally allowed to
work for our company at a specific location Candidate has falsified references or otherwise lied
about a serious issue Candidate doesn’t accept the offer within the specified deadline (deadline
must have been included in the offer letter) Hiring managers and HR must notify the candidate
formally as soon as possible

Internship Period: (3 months) 04-04-2023 - 04-07-2023

No of weeks covered by the report: 2months (04-04-2023 to 09-06-2023)

Role: HR-Recruiter


Human resource management involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect
or influence the people, or human resources, who work for the organization. In modern years,
amplified concentration has been devoted to how organizations manage Human Resources. This
augmented focus comes from the comprehension that an organization’s employees facilitate an
organization to attain its goals and the management of these human resources is vital to an
organization’s success.

The above mentioned Recruitment Process of HR personnel is the steps involved in my 3months
internship as a HR-recruiter in Innomatics Research Labs.

As of now I have completed my 2months of internship in the 1st and 2nd week of internship my HR
executive has explained me the company polices and procedure and at my initial days I was totally
given training on how the recruitment process takes place in an Edtech company and started
identifying the required candidates for the particular job role through internal and external sources.
And in rest of the period I was performing the following tasks.

Posting the job post and keep a constant update for the same, Recruit and manage potential
candidates from various online as well offline sectors, Revert recruiting emails to potential
candidates, Keep an update on incoming resumes and recruitment forms, Set up an interview for
the incoming resumes and candidates through phone, video, and in-person, Prepare interview tests
for applicants, such as numerical, language, and logical reasoning tests, Advertise job openings on
the company’s website page, social media, job boards, etc, Send shortlists of selected candidates
to the hiring manager


My plan for the rest of the semester is to gain practical knowledge on how the human resource
division of an organization operates and coordinates its activities to ensure smooth functioning of
the organization at all levels by ensuring right numbers of people are available at the right time to
do the right job and to gain a valuable work experience, a path towards future career, new skills
and connections, as well as industry experience and confidence. According to me an internship is
an opportunity to test drives a career without making any serious commitments.


An internship is a short-term work experience that a student gets with an organization immediately
after they become a graduate or during their graduation. Through this HR internship I will be
getting a real exposure to an office environment and get to learn various HR activities and soft
skills such as communication skills, presentation skills, real problem solving, and more. It can also
be considered as a trailer for me before entering into the big corporate world.

Taking an internship helps to learn about the work environment, but it also helps you learn about
yourself. You will have a much clearer idea of your own strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes.
Most importantly, knowing that you have hands-on experience will give you far more confidence
when it comes to job seeking and interviews. It was a very enlightening experience for me as I got
to learn many new things through this study.


1. Human Resource and Personnel Management- William Wrether

2. K. Aswathappa (1997), “Human Resources and Personnel Management” Tata McGraw- Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi- 110 001.


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