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English practical exam report

How To Decorate a Table cloth

Created By:

Azril Yuriko abdi/3

Galuh Munamarisa Dyah Ayuning/12

Muhamad Jalu Bintang Pamungkas/18

Naurah Luthfiyah/24

Rafael Samudra/27




English practical exam report
How To Decorate a Table cloth

Created By:

Azril Yuriko abdi/3

Galuh Munamarisa Dyah Ayuning/12

Muhamad Jalu Bintang Pamungkas/18

Naurah Luthfiyah/24

Rafael Samudra/27





The report entitled "HOW TO MAKE A TABLECLOTH" was ratified and approved on the:

Day: ...............................................................
Date: ...............................................................

Approved by :

Kepala SMPN 1 SUKODONO Guru Pembimbing


NIP. 19710112 199702 1 002 NIP. 19640618 198803 2 009


Praise be to the presence of God Almighty because of His grace the work of the English
Report Text entitled “REPORT TEXT HOW TO MAKE A TABLECLOTH” can be completed.
Thanks are conveyed to:

1. Mr. Edy Purwanto, S.Pd., M.M. as the principal at SMPN 01 SUKODONO

2. Mrs. yun fridewati, S.Pd. as supervising teacher
3. And class IX C friends who have helped and supported the completion of this report

The author hopes that this Report Text can be useful to add insight and knowledge and
can be understood by anyone who reads it. If the report that has been prepared can be useful for
the author himself and those who read it.

An apology is also conveyed if there are mistakes in words that are less pleasing in
writing the text of this report.



TITLE PAGE................................................................................................................................II
VALIDITY SHEET.....................................................................................................................III
LIST OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................V
LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................................................................VI
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Benefit................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Purpose...............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II CONTENT.............................................................................................................3
2.1 How to Make a Tablecloth.................................................................................................3
2.2 Materials You'll need..........................................................................................................3
2.3 Steps to Follow...................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER III CLOSING ............................................................................................................5
3.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................5
3.2 Suggestion..........................................................................................................................5

Picture 1.1 Embroidery ...................................................................................................................8
Picture 1.2 Embroidery ...................................................................................................................8
Picture 1.3 Embroidery ...................................................................................................................8
Picture 1.4 Embroidery ...................................................................................................................8
Picture 1.5 Embroidery ...................................................................................................................8
Picture 1.6 Embroidery ...................................................................................................................8


1.1 Background

Tablecloth is one of the decoration elements that cannot be overlooked when wanting to
make the table look more attractive and pleasing to the eye. Tablecloth also serves to protect the
table surface from scratches or possible stains. Making a tablecloth is not difficult, it can even
become a fun activity to do with family or friends.

In making a tablecloth, several materials can be used, such as fabric, bamboo fiber,
raffia, or even recycled materials such as plastic bottles or used fabrics. In addition, in choosing
the motif or pattern of the tablecloth, it can be adjusted to the room theme or atmosphere to
create a more harmonious atmosphere.

In this chapter, the steps in making a simple but still beautiful and functional tablecloth
will be explained. Hopefully, this information is useful for those of you who want to try making
your tablecloth at home.

1.2 Benefit

The purpose of this report is to provide information about tablecloth making and the
embroidery techniques used in the tablecloth-making process. This report will also explain the
steps that need to be followed in making tablecloths as well as provide a practical guide for
readers who want to try making tablecloths by embroidering their own.

1.3 Purpose

1. Improved Creative Skills

The process of making and embroidering tablecloths involves designing and selecting patterns
and arranging the color and texture of the cloth. Creative skills can be improved by creating
unique and attractive designs. By developing creative skills, one can produce tablecloths that suit
personal tastes and express personality through the work of one’s hands.

2. Development of Embroidery Skills

Embroidery is a decorative technique that involves the use of threads and needles to decorate
fabrics. Through table cloth making and embroidery activities, one can develop embroidery
skills. This embroidery skill is not only useful in making tablecloths but can also be applied in a
variety of other creative projects, such as decorating clothes, bags, or wall hangings.

3. Increased Concentration and Accuracy

The process of embroidering cloth requires high concentration and precision. When
embroidering, one needs to focus on each stitch of the needle and ensure that the thread is neatly
placed in the desired pattern. These activities can help improve a person's concentration and
accuracy skills, which in turn can be useful in everyday life, such as work or study.

4. Improves Hand Skills and Hand-Eye Coordination

Tablecloth making and tablecloth embroidery involve using hands to hold the tool and make
subtle movements. Through these activities, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination can be
improved. Good hand skills and coordination are useful in a variety of other activities, including
writing, drawing, or doing work that requires manual skill.

5. Get Unique Artwork and Personalize the Room

By creating tablecloths and embroidering them, one can produce works of art that are unique and
personal. Tablecloths made with one's own hands have sentimental value and become a
representation of one's expertise and creativity. The tablecloth can be used to beautify your home
or as a special gift for loved ones.


2.1 How to make a tablecloth:

Tablecloths are a great way to add elegance and style to your dining table. Making a
tablecloth is easy and requires only basic sewing skills. Follow these simple steps to create a
custom tablecloth for your home.

2.2 Materials you'll need:

- Fabric (cotton, linen, or polyester blend)

- needle and thread

- Scissors

- Pins

- embroidery hoop

2.3 Steps to follow:

1. Preparation and Planning

a. Determine the tablecloth design to be developed. Choose motifs or patterns that match the
preferences and styles of room decorations.
b. Measure the table covered by the tablecloth. Make sure you have accurate measurements so
that the tablecloth will fit and cover the table well.
c. Choose a suitable fabric for tablecloths. Factors such as color, texture, and resistance of the
fabric to stains or wrinkles.

2. Fabric Cutting
a. A size table was used as a guide to cut the fabric to the desired size. Add a small spare to
each side of the edge seams.
b. A sharp fabric cutter was used and the fabric was carefully cut to obtain a clean edge.

3. Tablecloth Basic Work

a. Fold the edge of the fabric approximately 1 cm inward and sew using a zigzag or straight
stitch. This prevented the fabric from curling and provided a neat seam.
b. The same is true for all sides of the tablecloth so that the edges of the fabric are well

4. Compilation of Embroidering Patterns
a. Use a special pencil for fabric or embroidery pencil to mark the pattern on the tablecloth.
Ensure that the markings are light and easy to remove when embroidering is performed.
b. If you are unsure about your embroidery skills, you can use simple patterns, such as stripes,
simple flowers, or geometric shapes that are easy to follow.

5. Thread and Needle Preparation

a. Choose a thread that matches the design and color of the tablecloth. Ensure that the thread is
strong enough and suitable for embroidering on the fabric you are using.
b. The needle was carefully read. Ensure that the thread is not too long or too short.

6. Embroidery Technique
a. Start embroidery from one corner of the tablecloth or the part you choose. Straight or
piercing stitches were used to follow the marked pattern.
b. Techniques such as straight stitch stitches, back stitch stitches, chain stitch stitches, or other
embroidery techniques, according to the design and effect desired.
c. The thread tension is kept consistent so that the stitches are neat and even. Avoid threads
that are too tight or loose.
d. Continue embroidery until the entire pattern or design is complete.

7. Tablecloth Completion
a. After finishing embroidery, check for loose threads or overlapping. The thread is cut and
tied neatly so that it is invisible.
b. Repeat the steps for cutting and stitching the edges as before to ensure that the edges of the
tablecloth remain neat.
c. If desired, other decorations or accessories can also be added to the tablecloth, such as
ribbons, lace, or beads.

8. Finishing
a. Iron the tablecloth at a temperature according to the type of cloth used. This will even out
the tablecloth and make it look neat.
b. After ironing, the tablecloth is ready to be used to cover the table or to be decorated in the
room according to your wishes.

Keep in mind that these steps are only general guidelines, and you can adapt them according to
your preferences and creativity in tablecloth making and embroidery.


3.1 Conclusion

In the process of making tablecloths and embroidering tablecloths, several conclusions can be
drawn. The following conclusions were drawn from this study:

1. Tablecloth making and tablecloth embroidery involve skill and creativity. This process
allowed us to create tablecloths that are unique according to personal preferences.

2. The selection of the right material is very important for making tablecloths. The selection of
quality fabrics for the desired design will affect the final result of the tablecloth.

3. It is necessary to plan a tablecloth design. Drawing a sketch or creating a pattern on the

fabric before embroidering helps produce a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing tablecloth.

4. The embroidery technique is an important skill in tablecloth making. Using the correct
technique, such as straight stitches, rhombus stitches, or double stitches, will provide better

5. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the details and cleanliness of the embroidery
process. Neat stitches and securely tied threads will ensure that the tablecloth has a good
appearance and is long-lasting.

6. The tablecloth finishing process included cleaning, drying, and ironing. This is important to
ensure that the tablecloth is free of dirt and wrinkles and to improve its shape and appearance.

3.2 Suggestion
Several suggestions can be made based on the discussion in this report

1. Learn embroidery techniques at greater depths. In addition to the basic techniques, many
advanced embroidery techniques can improve the skills and abilities to make tablecloths.

2. Explore creativity in tablecloth design. Try combining fun shapes, patterns, and colors to
create a tablecloth that is unique and reflects one's personality.

3. Explore the different types of fabrics and threads available in the market. Each type of
fabric and thread has different characteristics, so choose the one that best suits the needs of the
tablecloth that you will be making.

4. Practice regularly. The more you practice, the more proficient you will become at
embroidery and tablecloth-making. Do not be afraid of trying new techniques and experiments
with different designs.

5. Use available resources, such as books, online tutorials, or courses, to continuously improve
your knowledge and skills in tablecloth-making and embroidery.

By applying the above conclusions and suggestions, you will be able to create beautiful and
unique tablecloths using embroidery techniques. Good luck and cell

enjoys your creations.


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Picture 1.1 Embroidery Picture 1.2 Embroidery Picture1.3 Embroidery

Picture 1.4 Embroidery

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