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Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Trendy is a new line of skin-care products which use seeds,

flowers, and fruits as the main ingredients. Look forward to a
flawless and radiant skin after consuming Trendy Super food.
They are now available in pharmacies and Trendy Shops after
the official launching last week. As an introductory offer, the
products are given 15% discount off their original price.

1. The skin-care products are

A sold in supermarkets.
B for external use only.
C plant based.

New Delhi, India- About 330 million people in India are being
affected by drought, as the country reels from severe water
shortages which also result in crop losses to poor farmers. A bad
drought has hit the population after two consecutive years of
weak monsoons. High temperatures have hit parts of eastern,
central and southern India in recent weeks, causing a great
number of deaths reported from heatstroke.
(Adapted from The Guardian)

2. From the newspaper extract above we know that

A the current drought was worse than the previous year.
B farmers are still able to use wells to water their crops.
C there are no fatalities although the temperatures are high.

Are you over 20 years old?
Do you have a family history of early heart diseases?
Are you obese?
Then, you should go for blood screening to know your cholesterol levels in the blood.

3. Which of the following is true?

A You need to check your cholesterol level every year after the age of 20.
B You should go for blood screening if you have one or more symptoms.
C You must go and check your blood to know if you have any diseases.

Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in the Malaysian Sabah District of

North Borneo was founded in 1964, to rehabilitate orphan orangutans. In the
wild, orangutan babies stay with their mothers for up to six years while they
are taught the most important skill they need to survive in the forest, which is
climbing. At Sepilok a buddy system is used to replace a mother’s teaching. A
younger ape will be paired up with an older one to help them to develop the
skills they need.

4. A young orangutan needs its mother

A if it were to survive in the jungle.
B to become its buddy.
C for only the first year of its life

Staying Safe Online

Avoid posting any personal information online – like your address,

email address or mobile number.
Think carefully about what you want to say online or before
pictures or videos of yourself.
Never give out your passwords.
Do not accept friend requests from unknown people.

Do not meet up with people you have met online. Tell your
parents about it.

5. It is important to follow the advice on online safety

A so cyber bullies will not be interested.
B to avoid you from making online friends.
C for precaution against cyber-crimes.

Thursday – A girl found unconscious in her room was immediately taken to the
hospital by her parents who thought she was just under the pressure of studying
for examinations. However, the doctors had another explanation. They
suspected that she had an eating disorder. She had reached to a very bad stage
in which she had not consumed any food at all.

6. Which of the following statements is true?

A The girl has starved herself.
B Doctors had the same opinion as the parents.
C The girl was so stressed that she passed out.

Online shopping is very convenient because you save time and energy. However,
to avoid disappointment in things that you have bought, Mr. Ken, the President of
Consumers Associations has some advice for inexperienced buyers. Special offers
can be misleading so, buyers must do a thorough checking of the products that
they are buying. It is important to be cautious all the time.

7. Which of the following statements is true about the notice?

A Shopping online can save a lot of money because shoppers can stay at home
during offers.
B Shoppers need precautions when buying things from the comfort of their home.
C Mr. Ken advised new online shoppers to avoid buying too many products.

Nursing Home Resorts

We offer our best services in taking care of the elderly. We assist
and provide care to all, even independent ones. They can stay
healthy and comfortable in calm, cool environment, home away
from home. Contact us at 010-3338888 (Ms. Adeline) or 011-333
8833 (Ms. Diana) for further details. We are professionally trained
and trusted people whom you need in supporting your loved ones.

8. Which of the following statements is true?

A Assistance and care will be provided for everyone who stays there.
B The nursing home provides places with good ambience for the occupants.
C The elderly patients will be taken care well by the nurses at the home.


Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark
the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10 MARKS)

There is a wealth of knowledge available if anyone is (0) willing to tap
into the world of Internet. You can find almost anything you want; from how to do
something, to books that you can (9) for free. You can also watch various
videos on places around the world, exercises, motivational talks and entertainment
programmes, among others.

In addition, having the Internet is very (10) because you can carry
out tasks without leaving the house. You can shop and pay your bills. If you want to
travel, you can buy plane tickets to any city and book hotels of your choice. If you
choose not to have a (11) job, you can work from home. Work can be done
from the comfort of your home whilst taking care of your children! By using
e-mails, you can send letters and documents that can (12) their destination
within seconds.

Cooking should be fun if you are adventurous in trying new recipes

(13) all parts of the world. Famous chefs and housewives share ways of
preparing various food which you can follow (14) . There are also steps in
making handicrafts which can be worth (15) for a hobby or to earn extra
(16) , you will find plenty of ideas if you wish to redecorate your house or
to do landscaping for the house. You can also learn a new language or just indulge
in a relaxing game. It is no wonder you can just sit in front of the computer for hours!

Despite the great benefits, it is (17) to have a little control over the
amount of time that you spend on the Internet. Instead, try to spend more time on
activities such as (18) for walks or meeting friends to increase contact time
with the real world.

0. A ready B willing C wanting D preparing

9. A buy B read C watch D write
10. A good B exciting C convenient D interested
11. A well-paid B permanent C lasting D fixed
12. A reach B arrive C receive D come
13. A from B for C at D by
14. A nicely B correctly C easily D strictly
15. A seeking B watching C trying D tried
16. A Despite B Although C Yet D Furthermore
17. A clever B wise C great D logical
18. A taking up B discussing in C coming into D going out


You are going to read an extract from a story. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

“Anyway, I have confirmed a few things, Mr. Holmes. I knew that someone had
entered the house cautiously. Nothing in the house has been tampered with, and the
Professor assures me that nothing was missing. Hence, the motive for robbery has
been ruled out. Then, there was this very important piece of evidence which was
clasped in the right hand of his dead personal assistant. “
Stanley Hopkins took out a small packet from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a
golden pincenez, with two broken ends of black silk cord dangling from the end of it.
“Willoughby Smith had excellent sight,” he added. “There can be no question that
this was snatched from the face of the

Sherlock Holmes took the pince-nez and examined them with great interest. He
placed them on his nose, endeavoured reading through them, went to the window
and stared up the street with them, looked at them most minutely in the full light of
the lamp, and finally, he sat at the table and wrote some notes on a sheet of paper,
which he tossed across to Stanley Hopkins.
“That’s the best I can do for you,” he said. “It may prove to be of some use.”
The astonished detective read aloud what was written on the paper which seemed to
be an advertisement. It mentioned of a search for a well-dressed lady with a
description of her face and her short-sightedness.

Holmes smiled and explained.

“I think, it’s just very simple,” said he. “It would be difficult but these are a remarkable
pair of glasses. That they belong to a woman, I infer from their delicacy, and also, of
course, from the last words of the dying man. As to her being a person of refinement
and well dressed, they are, as you perceive, handsomely mounted in solid gold.
Such a person will not be sloppy and poorly dressed. You will find that the clips are
too wide for your nose, showing that the lady’s nose was very broad at the base.
This sort of nose is usually a short and coarse one, but there can be a number of
exceptions. My own face is a narrow one, and yet I find that I cannot get my eyes
into the centre of these glasses. Therefore the lady’s eyes are set very near to the
sides of the nose.” “It’s marvellous!” cried Hopkins, in great admiration. “To think that
I had all that evidence all this time!”

“Do you have anything more to tell us about the case?”
“Nothing, Mr. Holmes. I think that you now know probably more than I do. We have
had inquiries made as to any stranger seen on the country roads or at the railway
station. We have heard of none. It really beats me that no one could suggest the
motive of the killing.”
“If it is not asking too much, could you and your friend come with me tomorrow, Mr.
Holmes? A train from Charing Cross to Chatham will leave at six in the morning, and
we should reach Yoxley Old Place at around nine.”

“Then we shall be ready for it. The case certainly has made me curious, and I shall
be glad to help you solve it. Well, it’s almost one o’clock already! We better sleep for
a bit. I guess you can make yourself comfortable on the sofa there, near the
fireplace. Then, in the morning, let me give you a cup of coffee before we go.”

The next morning, we travelled to Chatham. While waiting for a horse carriage for our
transport, we managed to get some breakfast, and so we were all ready for business
when we finally arrived at our destination. A constable met us at the garden gate who
reported to Hopkins that there was no progress in the case and nobody had seen
any stranger at the station.

Adapted from: The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
(From The Return of Sherlock Holmes)

19. In paragraph 1, an investigation was carried out to solve

A a burglary case.
B a kidnapping.
C a murder case.
D a theft.

20. In paragraph 2, what is meant by the sentence, “Willoughby Smith had excellent sight.”?

A He did not need to wear glasses.

B He was wearing a pair spectacle.
C He would have a good future.
D He agreed with someone’s opinion.

21. Who was Stanley Hopkins?

A A police constable.
B A friend of the dead man.
C A police detective.
D A private investigator.

22. Where did they find the evidence?

A In the room with the body.

B In one of the palms of the dead person.
C On the floor near the dead man.
D In the pocket of the dead person.

23. In paragraph 10, the idiom ‘beats me’ means

A I think…
B I hope….
C I don’t know….
D I see!

24. “I guess you can make yourself comfortable on the sofa there, near the fireplace.” What
does it infer?

A The guest should settle for the night on the sofa.

B The guest could spend the night at the house.
C The guest should not go home yet.
D The guest was welcomed to sit on the sofa.

25. How did the three men go to Yoxley Old Place?

A They had to ride horses.

B They boarded the six o’clock train to Chatham.
C They took the train to Chatham and then walked.
D They took a train and then a horse carriage.

26. How do you think Mr. Holmes would go about in solving the case?

A He was told that strangers had not been seen in town, so he might search Yoxley
Old Place because he thought the murderer would still be hiding somewhere.
B He had already suspected that a woman was involved, so he would get one of the
professor’s house-helpers to admit to the murder.
C He would ask questions to the Professor and later, he would accuse him of killing
his own personal assistant.
D He knew that the pince-Nez belonged to someone and he would go about
searching for their owner.



You are going to read an article on the advantages and disadvantages of a study group.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the
one which fits each gap (27 – 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need
to use. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Do You Need a Study Group?

Studies are an essential part of a student’s daily life. It is important to be able to

perform well in school as well as in major examinations set by the ministry.
Therefore, there is a need to study effectively. One way to do this is by joining a
study group in which students meet to discuss about a particular subject or report
their findings. 27.

Students who choose to study in a group will be more motivated. Some of

these students can work best with others. 28. As such, they also look
forward to learning and discussing material with other members. It will also make
them more accountable as members should be counting on each other to study.

Studying in a group can provide better learning and understanding. Some

students learn better if they hear and say things in order to learn concepts. Study
groups are a great environment to promote that type of learning. It is an opportunity
to better understand a topic by having discussions and explanations.

Learning should be fun and interesting. Revising alone for a long time can
make one feels tired and bored. 29. It can also be less stressful as when
studying individually, one has to focus on all subjects, most probably within limited

A true test in knowing if a student understands a concept or not is if he or she

is able to explain it to someone else. 30. In addition, interacting with other
members of the group during discussions and also when making decisions can help
in enhancing their communicative skills.

There are also disadvantages of group studying. Studying in a group can be

a problem as each member may have a different level of understanding. If these
students have difficulties in understanding certain concepts, they may not be able to
keep up with the other members of the group. 31.

A study group can make inefficient decision. Depending on the size of the
group, it can be incredibly difficult to coordinate a time and place suitable for
everyone. If meetings keep getting rescheduled or cancelled, then it is better to just
start studying alone. As the priority of a study group is studying, some members can
be distracting by talking about irrelevant topics or gossips. 32.

Students should know which is the best way for them to study. Before joining
a study group, they should choose one that spends its time studying and not just
having it as a platform to socialise. It is about practicing for a real-world as two
heads are better than one which can benefit them in the long run of life.

A It is possible that they would prefer to sleep.

B This happens when the study group is reviewing more advanced concepts.

C Therefore, meetings can be a waste of precious time.

D They derive energy from being around other people.

E Students can gain many advantages if group study is adhered to accordingly.

F Some of these students will enjoy talking about themselves.

G In a group, studying is not so much of a burden as it is shared.

H At the same time these students can boost their self-confidence.



We interviewed six students about what unhealthy lifestyle means to them. Read the texts
below and answer the questions that follow.

A - Sharon, 17 years old D – Yvonne, 16 years old

An unhealthy lifestyle means many people If people do not have good management of
who are overweight and obese. They eat their daily activities, they can be leading an
what they want, whenever they want even unhealthy lifestyle. Their routine can cause
though it is late into the night. They have stress which is bad for their health. I think
large portions of food in one serving or busy people should know their priority and
choose to eat fast food and sweet manage time well so they can relax and get a
delicacies which can contribute to their relief from the tension of everyday life.

B - Kelvin, 14 years old E - Freddie, 17 years old

If you are a smoking teenager, it means you Living an unhealthy lifestyle can mean
are having an unhealthy lifestyle. Many of people who do not care to improve on their
these teenagers are aware of the harmful personal health and overall well-being.
effects of cigarettes, yet they still choose to Stress, eating unhealthily, lacking in
do so. They should know better! It’s difficult physical exercises or insufficient sleep can
to quit once you get addicted to it. be contributing factors of the lifestyle.
Therefore, people must change and
consider aspects of a healthy lifestyle which
include good nutrition, daily exercise, and
adequate sleep, as advised by some health

C - Donna, 15 years old F - David, 16 years old

I think having a sedentary lifestyle is an If people are not active, they are leading
unhealthy way of life. I suggest people unhealthy lifestyles. They can go cycling or
should limit their time for watching just go for brisk walks. People who do some
television, playing computer games or physical workouts at least three times a
chatting with friends. week will certainly gain some health


Which paragraph (A-F) describe the following experiences on unhealthy

lifestyle? Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Statements Paragraphs

33. I’m getting fat because I like to eat cakes and doughnuts.

34. I know it is harmful to my health but I just got hooked after

trying to feel the experience.

35. I feel so stressful because I have so many things to do at

school and at home.

36. My friend and I are trying to be in good physical shape so

every evening, we go to a nearby park to exercise.


Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

What We Know About Unhealthy Lifestyle

Those who ignore to take care of their own health should start to think about changing certain
(37)of their bad habits

Many people have jobs that keep them (38) for most of the day.

Food is an important factor for people to maintain an ideal weight so they should at least
try to control the (39)that they consume whenever they sit down to eat.

At the end of the day, people must make time to relax and get (40) rest
in bed.



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