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S+can(modal verb)+infinitive verb+C

Can es un verbo modal
Al ser un verbo modal no ponemos el infinitivos
después de este.
-Lo vamos a usar para hablar de habilidades o
capacidades, de cosas que podemos realizar.
-La forma negativa en la que la vamos a usar es
cannot o can’t.
-También lo vamos a usar para pedir permiso o
Can I have another piece of cake please?
He can’t stay out until noon.
She cannot come in, because she’s not invited.
-Incluso lo vamos a utilizar para ofrecimientos y
Can I help you with your bag?
-Lo vamos a usar para hechos verdaderos.
Too much time in front of a screen can lead to
Studying too hard can be a problem for young
En cuanto verbo modal, “can” no se conjuga
como los verbos regulares. (Be able to)
-I think I can unlock the door with this key (Creo
que puedo abrir la puerta con esta llave
-I was able to unlock the door with the key (Pude
abrir la puerta con la llave [pasado, hablando de
un momento concreto]).
-In the future I will be able to speak English
fluently (En el futuro seré capaz de hablar inglés
con soltura [futuro]).
Could es el pasado de can.
La forma negativa es couldn’t
When I was younger I could speak three languages
I could read music when I was at university
When he was a child he couldn't play any instruments
John couldn't fix his computer
He can climb up that tree.

It can rain tomorrow.

It can rain tomorrow.

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