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Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly; Apr 20, 1981
"Buy silver
at $1.29r'u!ice:'
"lluy silver" urged economist loon accounts, nnd life insurance
Jerome~·. Smith in the early 1970's. policies.
flnck then silver wns selling nl$1.29 Ile then lnys out on inveatment
an ounce. 11rogrem designed tosnfc11unrdyour
A fow yenrs Jntcr, early in 1973, he nssets. It Includes:
wnrned of the impending Arnb oil
embargo just months before it uctu· • 4 lnflntlon proof portfolios.
nlly happened. In June, 1977, he Hccommendntions for the useofsil·
gnve 11 mnjor recommendation for ver nnd gold - along with plnti·
11old nt $128. !lorry Browne wrote, num, diumonds, nnd numismnlic
"The Immense profits mode by my· coins. Ills advice varies nccording
self und (my) renders ... ore due, in lo the size of your portfolio.
forge pnrt, to Jerome Smith's truil·
blazing." • 3 fundnmcntol rules for estnb·
Jerome Smith isn't olwoys right, llshlng n nexlble portfolio de·
to be sure; but he obviously hos o signed to weather Inflation cycles.
superb trock record. Now, Mr. Smith
warns that lhe role of inflation will •The one type of collectible he
doub/e(and then some), ond that ail· recommends above nil others for
ver will enter on historic new bull liquidity ond opprcclatlon.
He explolns why he believes this $16 bringa you o 3-mont!\ (6-laaue)
historic price rise In silver Is lnev· Introductory Subscription to the
ilnble ... whot will trigger il ... und Silver & Gold Report plus 11 free
who! will happen with other invest· bonus copy of the interview with
ments such ns stocks, bonds, Swiss Jerome Smith. 30-dny uncondl·
francs, bnnk deposits, savings nnd tlonnl money-back guarantee.

Sliver & Gold Report, P.O. Box 325, Newtown, CT U.S.A. 06470 BA72 ;
11 I I year 124 iBBuea) Regular Subacriplion, ptua Jerome Smith Interview, plua 4 I
I extra lssuea: $96.
11 I 3monlh•16 iuuea) Introductory Subecriplion, plu• honua copy orJerome Smith ••
Interview: Just$15.
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I NOTE: 30·day unrondi;ional, Silvc~<.'..'.'.'.d Re~~

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