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1. Read the following text carefully!


There was a lot of work of science which were contributed by Islam. First, It is
Islam’s contribution in Astronomy. By the moon, Muslims determine the beginning
and the end of the months in their lunar calendar. By the sun the Muslims calculate
the times for prayer and fasting. It is also by means of astronomy that Muslims can
determine the precise direction of the Qiblah, to face the Ka'bah in Makkah, during
prayer. Muslim astronomers also invented instruments such as the quadrant and
astrolabe, which led to advances not only in astronomy but in oceanic navigation,
contributing to the European age of exploration.
Next in Geography, Quran encourages people to travel throughout the earth to see
God's signs and patterns everywhere. In 1166, Al-Idrisi, the well-known Muslim
scholar who served the Sicilian court, produced very accurate maps, including a world
map with all the continents and their mountains, rivers and famous cities. Al-
Muqdishi was the first geographer to produce accurate maps in color.
Muslim had also contributed to Mathematics field. Muslim mathematicians excelled
in geometry, as can be seen in their graphic arts, and it was the great Al-Biruni (who
excelled also in the fields of natural history, even geology and mineralogy) who
established trigonometry as a distinct branch of mathematics. Other Muslim
mathematicians made significant progress in number theory.
Other significant contributions were made in medicine field, such as IbnSina'sKitab
al-Shifa' (Book of Healing), and in public health. IbnSina, better known to the West as
Avicenna, was perhaps the greatest physician until the modern era. His famous book,
Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb, remained a standard textbook even in Europe, for over 700
years. IbnSina's work is still studied and built upon in the East.
Translate :


Ada banyak karya ilmu yang disumbangkan oleh Islam. Pertama, Kontribusi Islam
dalam Astronomi. Dengan bulan, umat Islam menentukan awal dan akhir bulan dalam
kalender lunar mereka. Di bawah matahari umat Islam menghitung waktu untuk sholat
dan puasa. Selain itu, melalui astronomi umat Islam dapat menentukan arah kiblat yang
tepat, untuk menghadap Ka'bah di Mekah, selama sholat. Astronom Muslim juga
menemukan instrumen seperti kuadran dan astrolab, yang menyebabkan kemajuan tidak
hanya dalam astronomi tetapi juga navigasi samudra, berkontribusi pada era eksplorasi
Selanjutnya dalam Geografi, Alquran mendorong orang untuk melakukan perjalanan
ke seluruh bumi untuk melihat tanda dan pola Tuhan di mana-mana. Pada tahun 1166,
Al-Idrisi, cendekiawan Muslim terkenal yang bertugas di istana Sisilia, menghasilkan
peta yang sangat akurat, termasuk peta dunia dengan semua benua dan gunung, sungai,
serta kota-kota terkenalnya. Al-Muqdishi adalah ahli geografi pertama yang
menghasilkan peta berwarna yang akurat.
Muslim juga telah berkontribusi di bidang Matematika. Matematikawan Muslim unggul
dalam geometri, seperti yang dapat dilihat dalam seni grafis mereka, dan Al-Biruni yang
hebat (yang juga unggul di bidang sejarah alam, bahkan geologi dan mineralogi) yang
menetapkan trigonometri sebagai cabang matematika yang berbeda. Ahli matematika
Muslim lainnya membuat kemajuan signifikan dalam teori bilangan.
Kontribusi penting lainnya dibuat di bidang kedokteran, seperti Kitab al Shifa '(Kitab
Penyembuhan) IbnSina, dan dalam kesehatan masyarakat. IbnSina, lebih dikenal di Barat
sebagai Ibnu Sina, mungkin adalah tabib terhebat sampai era modern. Bukunya yang
terkenal, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb, tetap menjadi buku teks standar bahkan di Eropa, selama
lebih dari 700 tahun. Karya IbnSina masih dipelajari dan dibangun di Timur.

2. Vocabulary

List down difficult words in the passage!

Difficult words Meaning
1. calculate 1. menghitung
2. encourages 2. mendorong
3. contributed 3. berkontribusi
4. excelled 4. unggul
5. established 5. didirikan

3. Please answer the question below!

1. How does astronomy help Muslim’s life?
Astronomy contributes a lot in muslim’s life. By the moon,
Muslims determine the beginning and the end of the months in
their lunar calendar. By the sun the Muslims calculate the times
for prayer and fasting. It is also by means of astronomy that
Muslims can determine the precise direction of the Qiblah, to face
the Ka'bah in Makkah, during prayer.

2. What did Muslim astronomers invented that contributed to

European exploration
Muslim astronomers ainvented instruments such as the quadrant
and astrolabe, which led to advances not only in astronomy but in
oceanic navigation, contributing to the European age of

3. What did Muslim scholar contributed to Geography?

Al-Idrisi, the well-known Muslim scholar who served the Sicilian
court, produced very accurate maps, including a world map with
all the continents and their mountains, rivers and famous cities.
Al-Muqdishi was the first geographer to produce accurate maps
in color.
4. What did graphic art show us?
and it was the great Al-Biruni (who excelled also in the fields of
natural history, even geology and mineralogy) who established
trigonometry as a distinct branch of mathematics. Other Muslim
mathematicians made significant progress in number theory
5. Who establish trigonometry?
6. What did Ibnu Sina famous for?
His famous book, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb, remained a standard
textbook even in Europe, for over 700 years.
7. What is Ibnu Sina’s contribution to medical world?
IbnSina, better known to the West as Avicenna, was perhaps the
greatest physician until the modern era .
1. Read the following text carefully!


Since Islam respects woman, woman is recognized by Islam as a full and equal
partner of man in the procreation of humankind. He is the father; she is the mother,
and both are essential for life. Her role is not less vital than his. By this partnership
she has an equal share in every aspect; she is entitled to equal rights; she undertakes
equal responsibilities, and in her there are as many qualities and as much humanity
as there are in her partner. To this equal partner- ship in the reproduction of human

She is equal to man in bearing personal and common responsibilities and in

receiving rewards for her deeds. She is acknowledged as an independent personality,
in possession of human qualities and worthy of spiritual aspirations. Her human
nature is neither inferior to nor deviant from that of man, therefore, both are
members of one another.

She is equal to man in the pursuit of education and knowledge. Islam, which is a
religion that gives freedom of the seeking of knowledge upon Muslims, makes no
distinction between man and woman. Almost fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad
declared that the pursuit of knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim male and
female. This declaration was very clear and was implemented by Muslims
throughout history.

She is entitled to freedom of expression as much as man is. Her sound opinions are
taken into consideration and cannot be disregarded just because she happens to
belong to the female sex. It is reported in the Qur'an and history that woman not only
expressed her opinion freely but also argued and participated in serious discussions
with the Prophet himself as well as with other Muslim leaders

Islam grants woman equal rights to contract, to enterprise, to earn and possess
independently. Her life, her property, her honors are as sacred as those of man. If she
commits any offence, her penalty will be no less or more than of man's in a similar
case. If she is wronged or harmed, she will get due compensations equal to what a
man in her position would get

Translate :


Karena Islam menghormati perempuan, maka perempuan diakui oleh Islam sebagai
mitra yang seutuhnya dan sejajar dengan laki-laki dalam prokreasi umat manusia. Dia
adalah ayahnya; dia adalah ibu, dan keduanya penting untuk kehidupan. Perannya tidak
kalah pentingnya dari dia. Dengan kemitraan ini dia memiliki bagian yang sama dalam
setiap aspek; dia berhak atas hak yang sama; dia melakukan tanggung jawab yang
sama, dan di dalam dirinya ada banyak kualitas dan kemanusiaan sebanyak yang ada
pada pasangannya. Untuk kemitraan yang setara dalam reproduksi umat manusia.
Dia setara dengan pria dalam memikul tanggung jawab pribadi dan bersama dan dalam
menerima penghargaan atas perbuatannya. Dia diakui sebagai kepribadian yang
mandiri, memiliki kualitas manusiawi dan memenuhi aspirasi spiritual. Sifat
kemanusiaannya tidak lebih rendah atau menyimpang dari sifat manusia, oleh karena
itu, keduanya adalah anggota satu sama lain.

Dia setara dengan pria dalam mengejar pendidikan dan pengetahuan. Islam, yang
merupakan agama yang memberikan kebebasan mencari ilmu kepada umat Islam, tidak
membedakan pria dan wanita. Hampir empat belas abad yang lalu, Muhammad
menyatakan bahwa pengejaran ilmu adalah kewajiban setiap pria dan wanita Muslim.
Deklarasi ini sangat jelas dan diimplementasikan oleh umat Islam sepanjang sejarah.

Dia berhak atas kebebasan berekspresi seperti halnya pria. Pendapatnya yang masuk
akal dipertimbangkan dan tidak dapat diabaikan hanya karena dia kebetulan termasuk
dalam jenis kelamin perempuan. Diberitakan dalam Alquran dan sejarah bahwa wanita
tidak hanya mengungkapkan pendapatnya dengan bebas tetapi juga berdebat dan
berpartisipasi dalam diskusi serius dengan Nabi sendiri serta dengan para pemimpin
Muslim lainnya.
Islam memberi wanita hak yang sama untuk kontrak, perusahaan, untuk mendapatkan
penghasilan. dan memiliki secara mandiri. Hidupnya, hartanya, kehormatannya sama
sucinya dengan kehidupan manusia. Jika dia melakukan pelanggaran apa pun,
hukumannya tidak akan kurang atau lebih dari hukuman pria dalam kasus serupa. Jika
dia dirugikan atau dirugikan, dia akan mendapatkan kompensasi yang setara dengan apa
yang didapat pria dalam posisinya

2. Vocabulary

List down difficult words in the passage!

Difficult words Meaning

1. partnership 1. kemitraan
2. deeds 2. Perbuatan
3. inferior 3.3.menurunkan
4. deviant 4. Menyimpang
5. Pursuit 5. pengejaran
3. Please answer the question below!

How does Islam treat women? List down in the space provided
1. Woman is recognized by Islam as a full and equal partner of man in the
procreation of humankind
2. Woman equal to man in bearing personal and common responsibilities and
in receiving rewards for her deeds .
3. Woman is equal to man in the pursuit of education and knowledge .
4. Woman equal rights to contract, to enterprise, to earn and possess

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