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Any, no, none – quantifiers

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps with no, any, none or anything, anybody, anywhere, nothing, nobody, nowhere.

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1 We didn't hear anybody the night of the event.

Correct answer: anything

➪ We use anything, anybody, anywhere in negative sentences and questions.

2 There were no witnesses who could testify.

➪ We use no + noun in sentenes with a positive verb, and we use any + noun in negatives
and questions. No= not a or not any
➪ There were no witnesses ... = There weren't any witnesses ...
3 We didn't go anywhere . We stayed at home.

➪ We use nothing, nobody, nowhere with positive verbs and anything, anybody,

anywhere in negative sentences and questions. Nothing, nobody, nowhere = not
anything, not anybody, not anywhere.
➪ We didn't go anywhere.= We went nowhere.

4 Nobody will tell me what to do. I'm an independent person.

➪ We use nothing, nobody, nowhere with positive verbs.

5 Did you have any visitors last Sunday?

➪ We use any + noun in negatives and questions.

6 A: How many visitors did you have? B: None . I was alone all day.

➪ We use none as a pronoun, i.e. not followed by a noun. We use none to replace

countable or uncountable nouns.
➪ None = no visitors.

7 A: Who visited you last Sunday? B: Nobody . I was alone all day.

➪ We use nothing, nobody, nowhere with positive verbs (or when there is no verb).
➪ Note that in sentence number 6, we use none because none is a pronoun that
replaces a noun (visitors). But in this sentence we don't have a noun to replace, so we use
nobody which means 'no person'.

8 None of the suspects have been publicly named.

➪ We can also use none of the/my/Tom’s/etc. + noun to mean 'zero of

9 I'm sorry, but it's too late. There is nothing we can do now.

➪ We use nothing, nobody, nowhere with positive verbs. Nothing= not anything.
➪ There is nothing we can do now.= There isn't anything we can do now.

10 Please, ask. I'm here to answer any questions you might have.

➪ We can use any + noun in affirmative sentences when it means ‘one or some, but it is
not important which’.
➪ I'm here to answer any questions you might have. (=It doesn't matter which questions.)

Exercises: 1 2 3

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