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CN SSeS SS ITJEE | NEET | FOUNDATIONS. Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Sample Paper 1. SECTION - A 20 MARKS (Gelect and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the question 1-20) A.The graph below shows the variation of average pressure exerted by blood as blood Select the correct observation(s}: flows in the body. (@) Only) () Both (I) ond (i) 22 (© Both () and (il) (@) Both (I) and (VY) 1 a _2oo- 6 2. Student performed the following activitu: He 3 took 3 mil of sodium sulphate solution in a foe conical flask (or test tube) and added 3 ml £ . barium chloride solution. 3 2 bso E Testtsbeholder S z tase rod bos a BS ello 3 3 ‘A student analyzed the above graph and nae noted the following ‘observations: (D The force exerted by blood on walls of Na;S0, solution orteries is greater than in veins. - | anne lel tcd on-welinek He noted down the following observations: veins is greater than in arteries. ideretfy X Yard EP = REE |G, z (li) Syetolic proccure ie the presoure of Observation | Chemical equation of blood in the artery during contraction of |__| feaction taking place ventricles. © Nowstlechange | Na;SOyay + BaCang (Wppiastollc pressure is the pressure of |G) 7 BAS ag + 2NOC the products | blood in the veins during relaxation of formed are ventricles. | setibtein water | | [| observation CChernical equation of pee reacton ting place (©) /Awhite Na,SOgiqq) + BaClyo9) deere met. |'efeatt®,* mace | sodium chloride is. formed arbor sulphate is soluble ime (© | Awhite Ne,50 oq) + BaClyo9) precpemect | sfonde « aNactee barium sulphate is formed ee tod | Chonidetsouble inwener of barium sulphate and sodium chloride | formed as both J > BaSO gig + 2NaChs are insoluble in | water i 3. Colonies of yeast fail to multiply in war but multiply in sugar solution. Identify reason for this. (@ Sugar solution provides nutrition (b) Water provides nutrition (© Sugar solution provides moisture (@) Both (b) and (¢) 4. Human urine smell of ammonia if allowed to stand for sometime because: (@) it gets decomposed into ammonia by bacteria (&) ammonia is absorbed (© it gets decomposed into area by the action of bacteria (@ it reacts with ammonia 1 5. A stduent studied the following graph: 607 xo Women Relative 407) MBE op Wer <50 5059 6069 7079 >80 ‘Serum uric acid (mg/d) After studuing the above graph, a student noted down the following observations: () The serum uric acid level is same for both men and women for risk below 10: () Serum uric acid level should be under 8.0 mg/dl for both men and women for relative risk below 10. (lll) The normal serum uric acid level is more for women and less for men for the same relative risk. (V)The normal serum uric acid level is more for men and less for women for the same relative risk. Select the correct statement(s): @ Only (i) (©) Both (lt) and (ill) (d) Both (1) and (ll) 1 (b) Both (1) and (Iv) 7. Prism ABC is positioned in various directions with BC serving as its base. As depicted in the figure, a small white light beam is incident on the prism. Which of the following situations, after dispersion, has the third colour from the top match the sky's colour? ik 9. A student arranged the following apparatus ® for finding the focal length and hence power of a convex lens. Conver tens B c © 7 Tobatey 8. Figure shows a ray of light as it travels from medium A to medium B. 020. Refractive index of medium B relative to °° medium A is: coro} 08 of ed sbrdedrath i The approximate value of power of the lens OF @ 2 is: 1 (@)+15D (b) - 15D ©+67D @-67D 1 10. The graph between power dissipated and current flowing is drawn below: 40 30: 25: 10; 0 0 5 10 Current (A) From the graph, the resistance is calculated ‘and equal to: (@ 10 Ohm (© 20hm Power (W) (b) 5 Ohm (@) 10hm 1 14. The normal diastolic blood pressure in a normal healthy adult human is: (@ 80mm Hg () 60 mm Hg (©) 90mm Hg (@) 120mm Hg 1 12. Observe the reaction shown: (= )-)-O Will Y dissolve in an organic solvent or not? (a) Yes (b) No (© Insufficient information @ Soluble sometimes 1 13. The oxide formed in the reaction shown below dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid. ‘Oxide of x The oxide formed also turns a solution of red Uitrmus blue. What is the element 'X"? (@) Metal (®) Non-metal (©) Metattoid (@ None ofthese 1 14, The thickness of blood capillaries (@) 4 cell thick (b) 10 cells thick (© 100 cells thick (d) 100,000 cells thick i 415, Select the incorrect statement (s): () Arteries carry blood away from the heart to different body organs () Arteries have thin, elastic walls. (ll) Veins collect blood from different body organs and bring it back to heart. (W)Veins have thick walls. (@) Both (I) and (il) (b) Both (I) and (IV) (© Both (and (I) (d) Both (W) and (i) 1 16. Which of the following is not an example of abiotic factors of an ecosystem? (@) Temperature (b) Rainfall (© Wind (@) Bacteria 1 Q_ no 17 to 20 are Assertion - Reasoning based questions. These consist of two statements ~ Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: (@ Both A and R are true and R is the correct, explanation of A (©) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct, explanation of A. (© Ais true but Ris false @) Ais false but Ris true 17. Assertion (A): Carbon forms —_ strong bonds with other elements making these compounds exceptionally stable. Reason (R}: The formation of strong bonds by carbon is due to its small size. 1 418. Assertion (A): Electrical impulses are used by neurons to transmit messages across the junction. Synapse refers to the intersection or space between ‘two points. Neurotransmitters are released as chemicals when an electrical signal reaches its terminal. i Reason (R): 49. Assertion (A): Positive phototropism —_ is defined as a movement toward light. The auxin diffuses toward the sunny side of the shoot when sunlight hits a particular side of the plant. Cells are stimulated to grow longer by auxin concentration, and a stem that is bent toward the sun is produced. 1 20. Assertion (A): The flow of energy in an ecosystem is irectional. Green plants in a terrestrial ecosystem capture about 10% of the energy of sunlight that falls on their leaves. 1 SECTION - B ( 21 to 26 are very short answer questions) 21. Every day, Ayush enjoys cold beverages, chocolates, and sweets. He has toothache. After each meal and after indulging in sweets, his science teacher instructed him to brush his teeth, Reason (R): Reason (R): ie (A) How are teeth harmed by eating sweets and chocolate? (®) Brushing your teeth helps to protect against tooth decay. Justify. 2 22, Rahul took the following elements: CaHe, CoH2, CzHp, CyHa, Which two compounds could belong to the same homologous series? Give reason for your answer. 2 23. (A) Define dispersion of light. How does a prism disperse white light? (8) Which colour bends the most and the least? 2 24, Define parasitic nutrition. Name two organisms having parasitic mode of nutrition. 25. How does trait get expressed? oR Why do all the gametes formed in human females have an X chromosome? 26. The chromosome number of zygote, embryonal cells and adult of a particular organism is always constant. How is the constancy maintained in these three stages? OR Justify why the male reproductive system is called “urinogenital system”. 2 SECTION -C ( 27 to 23 are short answer questions) 27. The values of current | flowing in a given resistor for the corresponding values of potential difference V across the resistor are given below: I@mperes) | 05/10 20) 3.0 40 V(Volts) 16 3.4 G7 10.2 13.2 Plot a graph between V and | and also calculate the resistance of that resistor. 3 28. My mom baked a cake but the cake did not rise as she had forgotten to add an important ingredient. (A) Which ingredient has she forgotten to ‘add that would have made the cake soft and fluffy? Give reason and chemical equation, if any. (B) Write two other uses of this compound. OR Dry pellets of a base ‘x’ when kept in ‘open absorbs moisture and turns sticky. The compound is also formed by chlor- alkali process. Write the chemical name and formula of X. Describe chlor-alkali process with balanced chemical equation. Name the type of reaction that occurs when Xs treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. Write the chemical equation. 3. ZUMARKS 29, Mohan had been complaining of frequent weight loss, leg pain, and frequent urination. He went to the doctor right away. The physician determined that Mohan had high blood sugar levels. To keep his blood sugar levels within the normal range, he should watch what he eats and exercise frequently. (A) Identify the illness he has and the hormone whose shortage is to blame for it (8) Name the gland that secretes it and describe this hormone's purpose. (©) Describe how the human body controls the amount and timing of this hormone's secretion. 30. In the formation of the compound A,B, atoms of A lose one electron each while atom of B gained two electrons. Show the formation of the compound A,B and write the nature of bond present. Predict any two properties of AB. 34. A person A has only B chromosomes in all its gametes. On the other hand, another person Chas chromosome D in half of gametes and chromosome E in another half of gametes. When chromosomes B and D combi during fertilization, a female zygote results. (On the other hand, combination of B and E chromosomes produces a male zygote. What are chromosomes B, D and E? Give reason for your answer. 3 32. Answer the following: (A) Why does a ray passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror retraces its path? (©) Draw the given diagram in your answer book and complete it for the path of a ray of light after passing through the lens. A > 2F oF xe r F y Prifcipol (Focus) oxi k 33. What do you understand by biological magnification? Which trophic —_ level organisms would have highest concentration of chemicals? Give reasons for your answer. 3 SECTION - D (Qno. 34 t0 36 are tong answer questions) 15 MARKS. 34, State what happens when: (A) Gypsum is heated at 373 K (©) Blue crystals of copper sulphate are heated (©) Excess of carbon di through lime water (©) Zinc granules are heated with sodium hydroxide solution (© ities HCL is aided to sodlum bycrogan ide gas is passed carbonate 35. Sita studied in her class about vegetative propagation in Science class. But she had some doubts which she wanted to clear. , What is vegetative propagation? List with brief explanation three advantages of practicing this process for growing some tupes of plants. Select two plants from the following which are grown by this process: Banana, Wheat, Mustard, Jasmine, Gram. OR Name the reproductive parts of an angiosperm. Where are these parts located? Explain the structure of its female reproductive parts with the help of a labelled diagram. 5 36. A student fixes a sheet of white paper on @ drawing board. He places a bar magnet in its centre. He sprinkles some iron filings uniformly around the bar magnet. Then he taps the board gently and observes that the iron filings arrange themselves in a particular pattern. (A) Why do the iron filings arrange in a pattern? (B) What do the lines along which the iron filings align represent? (©) What does the crowding of iron filings at the end of the magnet indicate? (0) List the properties of magnetic field lines. OR ‘AB is @ current carrying conductor in the plane of the paper as shown in figure. A eR eee B (®) State the rule to find direction of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor. (©) Draw a diagram showing the pattern of magnetic field. (0) Given r, > ra, where will the strength of the magnetic field be larger? Give reasons for your answer. S SECTION-E Tans, (or 71 2 onc end qi 783 apa ea striae temens ta) ‘37. During a chemical reaction both the form ‘and composition of matter are changed. Old substances are converted to new substances, Which have unique physical and chemical properties of their own. Chemical reactions can be double displacement reactions which have the general form: AB+CD-> AD +CB Here AB and CD are usually aqueous ionic compounds (or acids) consisting of aqueous ions (A* and B°, Ct and O°). When a double displacement reaction occurs, the cations ‘and anions switch partners, resulting in the formation of two new ionic compounds AD and CB, one of which is in the solid state. This solid product is an insoluble fonic compound called a precipitate 4 ‘Aand Care Cations (Positive ions) Band D are Anions (Negative ions) Double Displacement Reaction (A) When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through a blue solution of copper sulphate, a black precipitate of copper sulphide is obtained and the sulphuric acid so formed remains in the solution. What type of reaction is this? Explain. (@) What happens when reaction occurs between pota: nitrate? m iodide and lead (It) OR (B) Two metals X and Y form the salts XSO, and Y,SO, respectively. The solution of salt XSO, is blue in colour whereas that of Y,S0,)s colourless. When barium chloride solution is added to XSO, solution, then a white precipitate Z is formed along with a salt which turns the solution green. ‘And when barium chloride solution is ‘added to Y,SO, solution, then the same white precipitate Z is formed along with colourless common salt solution. Identify X,YandZ. 38. Total internal reflection is defined as the phenomenon which occurs when the light rays travel from 0 more optically denser medium to a less optically denser medium. Consider a ray of light passing from a medium of water to that of air. Light ray will be refracted at the junction separating the two media, Since it passes from a medium of a higher refractive index to that having a lower refiactive index the refracted light ray bends away from the normal. At a specific angle of incidence, the incident ray of light is refracted in such a way that it passes along the surface of the water. This particular ‘angle of incidence is called the critical angle as shown in the figure below. When the angle of incidence is greater than the ertical angle, the incident ray is reflected back to the medium. We call this phenomenon total internal reflection. An application of this ‘phenomenon is found in optical fibres. An optical fibre consists of (Q) Core - Thin glass center of the fiber where the light travels. (2) Cladding - Outer optical material surrounding the core that reflects the light back into the core (3) Buffer coating- Plastic coating that protects the fiber from damage and moisture The core has higher refractive index than the cladding. When the incident ray falls on the cladding, it suffers total internal reflection as the angle formed by the ray is greater than the eritical angle. Outer Jacket Primary Buffer Coating of Non Refracting material refracting material (Glass) (Plosti) Cladding core Entering ight Emerging ight (A) How will the speed of light change when light is incident on cladding of an optical fibre? (©) The speed of light in a certain material is 50% ofits speed in a vacuum, What is the refractive index of this material? (©) Whenever light travels from one medium to another, what is the angle of refraction? OR (©) What are the two conditions for total internal reflection of light? 39. We all are aware of the heating effects of electric current. The heat is produced in a conductor due to the collision of electrons in the conductor. Have you ever wondered about the amount of heat generated during the flow of current through a wire and the parameters ‘and conditions it is based upon? It was the English physicist James Prescott Joule who discovered in 1840 that the ‘amount of heat per sécond that develops in a Wire carrying a current is proportional to the electrical resistance of the wire and the square of the current. He determined that the heat evolved per second is equivalent to the electric power absorbed, or the power loss. (A) How is the heat produced in a resistor related to ‘I, "R’ ond t according to Joule's law of heating? (®) Find the heat energy produced in resistance of 5 © when 3 A current flows through it for 2 minutes. (©) Two conducting wires of the same material and of equal lengths ond equal diameters are first connected in series and then in parallel in © cireult across the same potential difference. What is the ratio of heat produced in series and parallel combination? or (©) If the heat produced in each second in @ 8 Ohm resistance is 800 J, find the difference across the resistar.

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