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Coupon Code # are mrt wt re) + Goto “Add Book’option inside App, select "Add ook using Coupon code’ option App # sist Add Book Option # ara za 4 = Fe. ‘ay "Coupon Code" #1 a7 aa « Enter the Coupon code on this page in the box. “Add Book using Coupon Code "Select *# « Click Redeem Now, Redeem Now Button = + Now you can watch the videos in this App- ava ar @ Chapter #1 Video Solution DELUGE (N) ag, Hera An overflowing of the lang 3 by water Eg:- + The police received a deluge of complaints. + Soon the stream turned into a deluge duc to the heavy rain CHASE (V)/ (N) te ar to run after someone or something £g:- + The police caught him after a high-speed chase. * The lion chased the deer. EMBELLISH (V) aa to make (something) more ADORN (V) appealing or attractive, to decorate £g:- + He embellished the Christmas tree. * He embellished the article with colourful illustrations. Wy ap \ REPROBATE (N)/(Adj) azn, sfirart a person who behaves in a P sepRrae(ny morally wrong way LOTHARIO (N) 8 a reprobate, By: © 1 do not like him beeause h + Many actors turn libertine when they become successful NIGHTMARE (N) yer, ag JT A dream that is se unpleasant Eg:- + Our journey turned into a nightmare. + The nightmare awakened me around midnight, REVERIE (N) nut tai # ci} Daydream, the condition At oer of being pleasantly lost in thought Egi- + Her reverie passed quickly. + [was lost in a reverie and missed the bus. PASS OUT (V) aera er to faint Eg: + He passed out due to heat. HEARTLESS (Adj) aaaeria Lacking feeling, cruel UNSYMPATHETIC (Adj) Fg:- + He was so heartless that he made fun of the poor. + The government turned unsympathetic to public opinion. sia A man who amuses people py acting silly and telling jokes JESTER (N) JOKESTER (N) fg:- + The jester made us laugh heartily. * You are such a jokester. i NT (10) Vi MAMMOTH (N) / (Adj) fT, sire! Behemoth, Humon, Huge, Enormous, €°Us, Plephantine, Gighntis + Ifaced a mammoth problem. + The demand was humongous and the supply was iautiag nt ANT (Adj marker, 7241, Having a ple: oe oe hal eae spicy taste omtand PALATABLE (Adj) i Bq: + The chilly paneer is piquant + These dishes are palatable. ] HATS OFF strane wet A gesture in which remove your hat and hoy your head to thank oro" show respect to someone 5g! = Eg:- + Hats off to your courage, my dear, * Hats off to Delhi Police for catching such a notorious eriminal STANDING OVATION, =a thex sae, A period of prolonged wg cet aera? applause during which the mami mi wri crowd or audience rise tg their feet Eg:- + His performance received a standing ovation MS ion cocoa gave a standing ovation. CAPSIZE (V) ze IF To turn over upside down TURN TURTLE (V) £g:- + A big wave capsized the boat * Three villagers were on board when the boat capsized TAXIDERMY (N} sie #1 ari _—«The art of preparing, 4 Jaq cat a stuffing and mounting. er aa the skins of animals with at wat lifelike effect ‘ £:- + This mounted head of a lion is a cruel product of taxidermy: | * Taxidermy was in demand when hunting was legal LAPIDARIST (N) vafireere Acutter, polisher or engraver of precious stones usually other than diamonds Eg * Llove the designs made by this lapidarist. TODDLE (V) aeae ‘To walk with short, ent da vrs unsteady steps like a qen-aaa 2} Young child Eg:- + He toddled around after two pegs. BLISS (N) wr ori A feeling of great ReevARr en happiness and excitement EUPHORIA (N) Eg:- + The first six months of marriage were sheer bliss. + My father was in eestasy when I passed the exam. + Iwas in a state of euphoria when I won the match. SUMPTUOUS (Adj) Quant, we Very expensive, rich, or impressive Eg:- + Thad a sumptuous dinner. BELLIGERENT (Adj) 57% Engaged in a war or fight BELLICOSE (Adj) QUARRELSOME (Adj) Eg:- * He is in a belligerent mood. = His bellicose behaviour turned his friends into foes. + He becomes quarrelsome after drinking. SLITHER (V) forarera To move by sliding your entire body SKID (V) SLIDE (V) Eg:- + She slithered and fell down. + Ifyour tires start to skid, ease up on the brakes. + It will slide on the slippery ground. at der wet The art of making CALLIGRAPHY (N) beautiful handwriting calligraphy. kt i sowept Very happy or excite og] EXULTANT (Adj) cere feeling or Showing cox f Kk Iwas exultant at the news of my selection, gg + was © r yore, avec, Very unpleasant to se NASTY (Adj) awe smell or taste a Eg:- + This coffee has a nasty taste. ABUSIVE (Adj) meh wu, af Characterized by wrong oy VITRIOLIC (Adj) wg wal a improper use or action Bg:- * Good manners ban abusive language. * The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the minister. | OBSTINATE (Adj) fret Refusing to change your behaviour or ideas Stubborn, adamant, headstrong, obdurate Eg:- * The baby is obstinate. TURN A BLIND EYE (V) vr we, To refuse to show that you IGNORE (V) area a hear or see something or ni someone 4g + The police usually turn a blind eye to beggary. w+ * Governments cannot turn a blind eye to the public opinion. = a Join Our YouTube Channel KD Live & ATTN Neat Mami‘for free live classes ANXIOUS (Adj) STRESSED (Adj) Eg- + Parent + You gj JEALOUS (Adj) a ENVIOUS (Adj) GREEN-EYED MONSTER (N) GREEN WITH ENVY (Idiom) GREEN EYED (Adj) ALL EARS (Idiom) ATTENTIVE (Adj) CAUTIOUS (Adj) CAREFUL (Adj) GINGERLY (Adj) VIGILANT (Adj) PACIFY (Idiom) MOLLIFY (V) ASSUAGE (V) ALLEVIATE (V) CALM DOWN VANISH INTO THIN AIR fre, aa (Idiom) VANISH (V) DISAPPEAR (V) EPHEMERAL (Adj) EVANESCENT (Adj) TRANSIENT (Adj) el ED Campus STEROL) “om stressed (Praca Ver) OFFLINE COACHING COTS Pend Afraid or nervous especially about what may happen re naturally anxious for their children. fecling or showing envy + Green-eyed monster strikes a woman the moment she sees her husband talking to another woman. + He turned green with envy when he saw my result. shes Alert, vigilant 1 amall ears when you speak. ‘The officers were vigilant throughout the night. wa arr To make (someone) less angry + I tried to pacify him but he was very angry. + Her smile mollified me To stop being visible, not lasting long Bg:- + We chased the thief but he vanished into thin air. + Don't compromise for ephemeral pleasure. Daa | awa, tet By an extremely shor. _| cS acloseshave NARROW 7 slim margin sermmrnonr nO ESCAPE ase) : BY A HAIR'S BREADTH gyrase) BY A WHISKER pyeqgq PQ" * The batsman had a close call He had a narrow escape wher vi BY A NARROW fell near him. te ee MARGIN jpuraeey + The car crashed near me and I hag CLOSE CALL yeas narrow escape. hada CLOSE SHAVE opirase = SPLENDID (Adj) WER, HT very great SUPERB (Adj) 4g: + The Taj Mahal s @ splendid mona r + I congratulated him for hi OUTSTANDING (Adj) poriaanen: is outstanding | MAGNIFICENT (Adj) PERFECT (Adj) vas, freras Perfectly clean, having no flaw or error } IMMACULATE (Adj) IMPECCABLE (Adj) _—_‘g:- * She has an impeccable character. FLAWLESS (Adj) + Your performance was immaculate. 3 FAULTLESS (Adj) SPIC AND SPAN “ MUCKY (Adj) a Dirty, messy SOILED [V) Fg: + Don’t wear this soiled shirt. GRUBBY (Adj) + [hate the grimy look of this building GRIMY (Adj) ¥ ~ GIVE UP (Phrasal Verb) a= 21 Surrender SURRENDER (Adj) YIELD (V) Eg: + Our enemies showed the white Bag 70 SHOW THE WHITE when our army surrounded ther fem PLAG (Idiom) all the sides. : + I won't yield unless I win. CAPITULATE (V) RELINQUISH (V) GIVE UP (V) campus OFFLINE & LIVE COACHING abs Pea eee NEETU SINGH os KD Vocabularies from ‘Roots' ten Words ‘ Cea a ey ent eee fore Great Gees peered Egoist Selfish Concerned with only leans | ‘oneself Egotist ‘t'as in ‘talk’, One who loves talking |S} a3 aren about oneself, boastful gocentric centred around —_|One who limits oneself to inf aa at Ego ‘self. one’s own needs. lates aren, za /Egomania ‘Mania’ means _| Extreme selfishishness jawatue mad lt, self (3) ‘obsession’ (HTH) |Alter ego ‘Alter’ means ‘the |The other side of one's latte a gaa Wey other’, jpersonality ora trusted |aooy ateq lfriend. Ego trip — ‘An act or course of anit art at aha action that enhances and] satisfies one’s ego. [Loquacious i [One who talks too much, largit garrulous talkative Soliloquy ‘Soli’ means ‘The act of talking to eae A ard eH / ‘single/ alone’ oneself lever (oer) \Loqua ISomniloquist |‘Somna’ means One who talks in sleep. [st aig Y am Ft sleep (7%) Speech (ar) iWin quence = Art of making forceful | svt - gaat Bt a speech, Articulation, | aren Oratory. Elocution |— ‘Art of public speaking. |uray 9 at eT IMonotogue | Mono-‘one' (yw) _|A long speech. eran wet | EE Preto eens preerats Seer or ory Cree! ey other part ete et fof huge appetite, le, 'Vore gourmand To cat (a7) Ito cat something quickly IDevour because you are very nungry aoe Taste (good food) oF drink a Jand enjoy itto the full raya ty e [Herbivore | Herb’ means that eats plants — ‘Vegetation’ (771A) Carnivore | ‘Carni’ means that eats flesh — ‘Flesh’ (#18) IGraminivere |Gramin' means — |That cats grass larama ‘Grass’ (7) Frugivore 'Frug’ means ‘That eats fruits eral ‘Fruits’ (FO) |Voracious Having great appetite | arate ya amy ‘Omni Omaivore | vore’ means to eat|that eats both plants and|aatera Lan (=) ci) flesh. lomnipotent | Potential’ means [One who is all powerful. |adufaaan ‘capacity’ (4777) (Omnipresent |'Present’ means —|Onewho is present every adage | (aafera) where: [Omniscient | Scintia means one who knows all Laat knowledge’ (Omnibus A public vehicle designed [ast arate aaaa| to cary large number of Zi roe ro Carni [Carnal bodily, sexual erie: Flesh (77) Incarnate to take bodily form aaa eat Caco Bad, [Cacophony | Phony’ means harsh sound. ae Sart evil (arr) ‘sound’ (aft) cacophanspt ‘Philia' means ‘love' lone who loves hearing [st saw wal 13 harsh sound. at art Te FL Ce 5S " 7 manic |'SPecta'means to |the obsession of staring gfira fai 31H see! (#erar) Jat something which is | 24 gerq at WER a repulsive, aco, ‘ 7 graphy |'graphy'means | bad spelling or bad hava wit a ae ‘writing’ (aa) hand-writing, Peon Words prernreant reer reer eran feet other part Cen in Hindi Caco Bad, |Cacclogy ‘logy’ means ‘studly'|a bad choice of words. ferra wai a 44 evil (Wr) CIE) Cacodemon ‘demon’ means __ Jan evil spirit lee sare ‘spirit’ (Were) Cacodemon- |'Mania'means _|thatia controlled byan [yz aren # 7a 4 maniac obsession (77%) evil spirit. \Cacoethes ‘Ethos' means An insatiable desire. A ‘character( ata) \Cacoderma ‘Derma’ means Bad skin. ara art 'skin’ (=) Caconym nym’ means An errorneous name. [afeqyt =H ‘name’ (74) |Cacodontia ‘Donto' means Bad teeth. ars sia ‘teeth’ (3) Cacohydro- | Hydro’'means _|Fearofcontaminated — [fa sii @ =u phobia ‘water! (art) water. ‘Phobia' means fear (=) Cacodorous | ‘Odour means [Bad smell, malodorous [giw ‘smell, (74) Cacogen. “gen! means [An antisocial person. —|srarenfser aa ‘producer’ (Fria) Mal Malpractice ‘Misconduct Ted a (Fee a |Bad (aT) [w WeRt) Malfeasance Wrong doing or rere are ( Pe misconduct. ae TE RX) |Maleficence the act of committing red ards ST harm or evil Malafide |fid-faith( fava) _|In bad faith trea Te Malady Disorder/ disease. etre /Maladroit ‘Adroit' means Lacking skill. leer al FHT ‘skilled!’ (74) Maleontent = |‘Content'means _| Not satisfied. ora ‘satisfied'(AT2) Malformed |Abnormally formed. saa wa 8 TT eat KD Publication (i9)) Renee Tag of this reer ee haart etfs) cece in tie aeen as inadequately nourished. |rasifer Ma! aa) |walodorous [Odour means Bad smell. ahr jaune) [peel ‘gmelt’ (7H) i impudently bold et ae lene Treat’ means (*al7 |To treat cruelly ae ata ay ba ae) — a very bad, of poor quality [aga qu, ait asain ‘Loqua' means JOne who talks in sleep |i he Wa gy Se speech (45) = - a 5 . to sho walks in sleep. |i zy ‘Somnambuliet |/Amble’means to One w a ‘walk leisurely’ or stroll (2m) : |Somnolent eon heavy with Pi & aif iSomna =z Sleep) [Insomnia sleeplessness fiz @ afea Dyssomnia A difficulty in falling) a 9 aisq asleep, or in remaining 4 sleeping Mypersomnia Excessive sleepiness. | arate iq aq [Hyposomnia Inadequate sleep arma ae Insomnia The condition of being | ai 4 sam a unable to sleep at fea [Parasomnia ‘Any of the several ae Ben ya sleep disorders até st [Semisomnia A chronic state of low-[agr aH a ay grade exhaustion caused | 2 by too ite or fit sleep. | 7 a aa ue Somnambulism Walking in sleep aie 8 wert Somnambulist Someone who walks in | =z 8 aenaM hs sleep Pomel! Ofor pertainingto _|an a wae sleep or dreams. - waif Somniloquism —- cs - Talking in sleep aie 3 an wa ‘Somniloquist — Someone who talks aig F agaert while asleep ape Somnolence ail The state of being Fit Ht SRT ce, eeekcs Words erence Rrra Meaning Boon porate! Bacar Cokes PO TECre calli Calligraphy |'Graphy' means |Theartof beautiful hand [yer w= ert een Beautiful ‘writing’ (=a) writing, Callipedia | Paidos' means | the desire to bear a beget seat tr ret ‘child’, (71) beautiful child. at Ter Calliphony [Phony means [Beautiful oreiegant |x mal ‘sound. (*afi) sound, euphony Dipso Dipsomania |'Mania’ means __ [an uncontrollable ara at era |Alcohotic ‘obsession’ (77m) |craving for alcoholic drinks (9) drinks Dipsophobia | Phobia’ means _|fear of alcoholic drinks gaa @ = ‘fear’. (32) Gamy Monogamy | Mono’ means ‘one’ [Practice of keepingone |ma face wa Marriage (mH) life partner. Bigamy ‘BY’ means two’ [Practice of keeping two [zt fare a7 ca) life partners (Misogamist | ‘Misien’ means |One who hates lardt A aR eA hate’ (7977) marriages. aren Philogamist | Phil’ means Tove’ One who loves marriages.|amal @ aK ATT (am) [ater Endogamy | Endo’ means Marriage withina (ari dae = fe ‘internal’ specific group especially x edt ee internal’ (oF) Fees [Rae a ae er Exogamy “Exo! means Marriage out of a specific [aaa yz is favre ‘external! (Ie) group especially required 13 aex art aT fey custom, Hypergamy |'Hyper'means [Marriage inan higher [ana a sea wifes ‘more! (are) caste or social group. | ret Hypogamy | Hypo’ means tess’ |Marriage in a lower caste | sry] 8 8 wiv (@m) lor social group. at eet act Opsigamy ‘Opsi means Tate’ |Marriage late in ife. [x 4 =a CO, Demo [Demophilia _|'Philia' means Tove’ [A fondness for crowd. —_|sitg AH People [Demophobia |'Phobia'means __|A hatred for people site a aE ear’ Demagogue | 'Agogos’ means ‘to |A leader who can hts a ae " Ciget arc) influence people by false ser lead! Cae AT) | Cine end provaiaea, [oe arr Aten Aa [Demophilia_—_| ‘Philia' means ‘love'|A fondness for crowd. | stg 9H ne 21 PCE Phobia’ means fear’ Demo [Demophobia JA hatred for people tr People fpemagogue | Agagos’ means Yo |Alleader who can 8 Ty ead’ (394 eI) influence people by alae |= lse B claims and promises, — |™"% ay Hine a Mak [Demotics lepartment of lknowledge related to the lcare and culture of the lpeople (sociology), Demography The study of populatic birth, marriages,” | ora mortality, health ete. Democracy | Cracy’ means ‘rule’ /Rule of the people aaa (7) Pandemic |Pan'means ‘all’ A discase that spreads fre fea) lover the whole worl |e oneeag Epidemic ‘Bpi' means ‘upon/ |A widespread disease — framaay above (FR) laffecting many people ) Endemic ‘Endo’ means in’ |disease found in a " (are) particular group oe Child (Childish. foolish carl aor (childlike innocent lee ae Brain-child | Brain- fear the idea or invention of a est ata a) a particular person [Alter [Alternate happening one after the fax sex w (era) other a [alternative [substitute — Alter [altruist ‘True’ means ‘W=27' Jone who is devoted to {rivet aa a) the welfare of others, philanthrope, good Samaritan, benevolent, kind [Alteration Ja small change ity wee ern |Astronomy —_— ‘Nomy’ means {the scientific study of the | writ fa any ‘arrangement’ Sun, Moon, Stars ete. epee |Astrology ‘Logy’ means the study of effects of [rift wea shite fie) ‘Study’ stars on life, people and 4 events “ crs hate Words rere asad eee Meaning prea sas) Ceara Chace buen laster Disaster Dis is used to make|event that causes a lot of |zarét Jstar and the word negative |demage Iheavenly Astronaut ‘naut’ means ‘Ship’ |a person who travels to. |afafet 2it object (ae 7 or ‘Sail’ space sfrifere FS) [Dexter Dexterous deh, efficient, adept, past|aqzret [Right hand master, veteran (afer #1) |Ambidextrous |‘Ambi' means ‘both [one who can use both [at et wat # FT we know Gri) Ihands equally well at that right hand is more efficentthan our left hand ‘Ambi |Ambiguous hhavingmorethan one |srtwei, a= both [possible meaning ‘ambivalent having or chowing two |r @t aHa H Tat very different feelings (such |-z apt + arem-arem as love and hate) about ; someone or something at | "TTT FFM {the same time |Adroit |Adroit skilled and clever lee Right hand Sinister [Sinister [seeming evil or ora Gar Left hand Jdangerous, ominous, inauspicious lAvi Aviary |place where birds are set waiters fen birds kept [=ren &1 Aviarist Jone who keeps birds in [>t ware a @1 jan aviary Avi fAviculture | Culture’ means rearing of birds fraitorars birds growing or rearing falco) [Avicide ‘Cide’ means Killing killing of birds waht a wea (wn) (Aviation the designing, building [far ar a ert jand flying of aircratt [ay fara scanfe \Aviator Pilot lear ers ATT lovi loviparous |Parous'means species that lay eggs | siast Fog lproducing (‘tat Fe) |Vivi (Viviparous species that give birth to |s} warfa farq = Alive young ones Lara ef 1 ST (eR) DTT Noein om os) ag Meaning of Meaning of th rok! Gren where bees are reared |} tyyraep ered [api Bees rs T heans: rearing of bees es Iture' me 7 IApieuiture | Cure rowing (mT) = “cde means Filing [kalling of bees art tee lapicide fem ja person who treats the fect [Sif =r Podia Podiatrist lend their ailments aie Le a ‘a person who treats the: it ot ci ° Chiropodist [Chio’meaXs and their ailments. hands (#7) (Chiropodist is an old |term for Podiatrist) ‘mancy' means Palmistry eaten faa [Chiro Jontromancy | divination of a hand |particular kind (7m) (seat A) ‘Clast’ 70 one who does not follow fete fei eon [conoclast ‘Clas!’ means social norms, bohemian [symbol ‘break! (AEM) lneterodox (xriee) Table very famous fae Teonography | graply' means fuse of symbols and | ytas far ‘writing’ images to represent idees| [Pre Prelude ‘Lude' means Play’ |the introductory part of al fet =rea a fea Before care (mee we) book oraplay, probgue |e gear a af Precede Cede'means go’ _|to go before a ea aA [Precedent fa similar action or event [Rai yen fra that had happened ara ren wd before ea |Precept |A predecided rule for arent Sale FR action or behaviour Prenatal ‘nat means birth (37)| before birth aay Preempt to prevent something [qe a a et from happening by ame taking action to stop it J — Preface [A written introduction to [yeaa Pr ja book q eludice — [Judiee’ means _|a strong unreasonable [fret ofr 1% Judge’ feeling of not liking ofa vat ae someone or something | pag (aed 4M) fared erat) Sa Pema Words Pcrenrast) Perera pee ott itera Cee Pre _ [Presume ‘assume’ means —_|to suppose Before (er?) Seg CHITA Prescient ‘Scientia’ means [having foreknowledge of ‘Knowledge’ events [ante lantecedent | Cede’ means go’ |an event that goes before iit wen ah fat a we another er [Antenuptial | ‘nuptial’ means: [Before marriage frre Ta ‘marriage lAntedate to go or come before time [awa @ 44 afea ora Epi Epilogue ‘logue’ means [A specch at the endofa [Frama a azm % aia ‘on'or ‘after’ Speech (7771) beaks oF: play a8 aren Ter, sae Epitome ‘tome’ means ‘book’ |a perfect example aat zeet (fara) Epigraph graph’ means —_| A short phrase or sreryaften writing (ferea) | sentence on a statue or | freretear aa yee Jas an introduction to a a book Sea, Aes ud Delude to cheat, or mislead, to | stan @a1 |game or play beguile (aam) \yudic Playful ae Ludicrous foolish, moron, idiotic [aaa a sym Symbiotic | ‘Bio’ means living [Things that live together | westeht together (#74)} |thing (fa) Lib Liberty [frecdom, emancipation | arard ljree(iam) lraberate to set free ae FT Liberal not strict St et STA SIA BI] Libertine ‘one who indulges veatirerdt in sensual pleasure ‘without regards to moral principles lAnthropo Anthropology | Logy’ means the science ofhuman — aE Human ‘study! (31777) beings. Ce Being (177) lyacanthrope |Misien' means [One who hates mankind | mraz hate! (THA) [Anthropoid | 'Podia' means leg One of the higher renga, faetall, ex primates (that have feet like human beings) rroeraa ee) rreentn k aban eae ieee Ps oad SLi (os5 |All Indis Pan Pe ; =e [Sensitive to all visible encza) —_fpanchromatic | vor" means | ours of the spectrum colour (2) = Pease! Grate of great noise and| Fandementum| Demon’ mean a ate of ereat nodes anda aR ay ‘monster (UG) /mayhem, uproar. ————< od |The belief that god exists lartvararz Panthelom |e eee @ Y Jin all natural things | rail the gods worshipped [mit aa Bea ‘Pantheon fby a particular nation — fam ep 3, Ww ee pcople/ a group ot [eye © orm powerful people aR ee 7 Fule"|A form of government — [wa Pantisoeraey [Oraey'means TC), oy gs all are equal ee (mr) in social position and FER # ag, responsibility. ee Wee a we i ‘resin’ means The continuation in [enti andl a Panmnesia ay (memory ofall mental Ferg = ‘Memory’ ( impression (Amnesia’ means oss of memory) (Panophobia | Phobia’ means ‘fear’ [Generalized fear laa tai & et (@) [Panoptic ‘optic’ means ‘eye’ |Wide view law ate (sta) Panorama la view over a wide area of afigra land Pantomime | Mime'- ‘qe afta’ [Expressing one's ie ae thoughts through movement and lexpressions of face and hands and not words Crypto ‘Cryptography | graphy’ means ithe process of writing or |™ig-eiet Hidden ‘writing! (frre) —_|Feading secret messages (fom Gn) jor codes lenerypt ico change (information) [ag-e4 1 fe a from one form to another |zqcz = @ copecially tohide its | meaning Cryptology | Togy’ means ‘Study'|the study of codes or the |=pgfet™ art of writing and solving a them ‘ryptonym | ‘nym’ means 'Name'a secret name aa aH (AR) cer ates) NU icc cr arms eta tay pri renee Gauss Geen Pseudo |Pseudonym =| ‘Num’ means la fictitious or false name | gu 7THy STH ‘Name’ Ca) Jgencrally assumed by an lauthor. Dura [Durability [Quality of staying stung and [Rear Long Lasting in govd condition over a (are) long period of time [Endure ito continue to exist fe wet, wea lin the same state or |condition, to tolerate [Durative (denoting or relating to |Frene ‘continuing action [Durable [staying strongandin [fears |good condition over a long period of time lIndurate physically or morally arate hardened Fid \Confide totell (something that [zs wart {trust or Faith is secret or private) to (acm) | someone you trust (Confidant [A man whorn you confidein [ware (JE) Confidante a woman who is & eras fren trusted friend Fidelity the quality or state of | Fret, ware [being faithful or loyal, foyalty.. ‘Fiddle fa dishonest way of Serer getting money Fideism Belief in faith rather | sTeare than reasons Fideist fone who is a follower of | areararét fideism Fiduciary relating to or involving — | fagara-aatit trust (Confident fui of conviction or faith |Faxeareaypt Diffident Not confident fret fewara # act et Bonafide ‘Bona’ means ‘good [real or genuine enfin, anata Infidel [a person who does not raaftre, ft Farah ae believe in a certain religion |r fayera at [xan Fidget [to move inarestiess or [um fk a gat ew nervous way (Confidential [secret or private POU 27 prereiertad aT verre Tr aad Ee: oe ett ao othe? DOT ee ee eee Benevolent "Vol means Wis! |r rthrope, benignant, Wei ay good (rm) [benign (sr) - prayer that asks for [afar ‘diction’ means, "= blessing, benison Benediction [diction mec ag |x’ blessings b words! (= FT a) : pressing aries, Gray penieor, 3 cind and benevolent kul peniense fa person who benefits [arund [Beneficiary lor will benefit from [something 7 7 fea [someone who helps = occhetar [Racirnews [ie peaen tow pate a infiuences Ce): | 022 EEE AY = fawoman who helps [ea aie |Beneta another person, group, | a7} as letc., by giving money aie INota bene | Nota’ means Note [Note well hem & | Equi Equidistant equally distant eae) [equal [Equilibrium Stability fem ] Equanimity Icalm emotions when | Idealing with problems or pressure (Equate to say or think that two |@qat arm Ithings are equal or the | lsame /Equipoise ‘Poise’ means ja state of equilibrium = [agar ‘balance’ (AIT) | |Equivocal ‘Vocal’ is related to |able to be understood TS ‘Voice’ jin more than one way, lambiguous Uni IUnivocal Vocal is related having only one meaning |wars, W #4 One Voice’ ull [Unique fone of its kind, unusual | sifgeta faze lAmbulant fable to walk about, not |qert-fret #159 confined to bed ey (am) Ny aa at mambulist fone who walks on a tight |i % rope Noctambulist | octa’ means IX sleep walker, Fe ven ‘night’ (zr) somnambulist 4 qeban eet Perambulator [A pram, a baby carriage 5 Persea Words ener ty rerrrg renee meaning formed Bears Cheer lami Amity friendship Freon [Amiable iiiendly [amicable (co-operative lAmicide ‘cide’ means killing [Killing of a friend razon (era) [Amorous aving or showing laa watira a strong feelings of sexual ‘aol attraction or love Phare ae inimical ‘In’ makes a ‘word’ |harmful, hostile pranks, gon negative Hen [Amicus curiae curiae’ means _|Friend of the court Tarra Fa ‘Court! (=4eaea) Nat INatality birth rate pare early [Nascent has just come into sarehiee existence Renaissance [Re means again’ |rebirth, new gowthof fyi: 3 (Fr) activity oF interest. INative relating to the country or [is place of birth Nativism Ihe policy of protecting the [ya Frateat = attarn| interest of native citizens. | xem & fet Sot ‘Solitude the state of being alone | |earatya lone Soliloquy ‘Loqua' means Speaking one’s thoughts evar ‘speech’ aloud to oneself Desolate ‘Alone and Unhappy| sae a set Soloist [A musician who performs|gy aq a 7a Jalone saat aK att ret free Isolate [to put someone or rarer a something separate from lother people or things Solitary [done alone without others |syeten Loqua Eloquent effective in speaking [araag Speech and expressing views, articulate, orator, one who has gift of the gab Loquacious falkative, garrulous, a fargit man of many words (Circumlocution | circum’ means ound-about way of [aut-fra at at 7 ‘ga fon a speaking, beating about ara the bush. Perr cians eens) ra cr ao Paneer aa other part boast . r 0 os : atful speech or Ee a ee ‘Grand’ means ane .__|Grandiloquence ; a oa aan Iuan origt Ran Speec! tence | magna’ m intratiaee [Magnilognenc |g ee ae conversation between jon | Inter means {interlocution parlaee two the art of speaking without triloquism moving your lips and of le ven making it look as if your a voice is coming from a puppet or another person ready and willing to do as IPtiant Compliant told [Flexible (orate) to describe (someone or Little |Belittle something) as little or \C are) unimportant very bad or wrong in a Rage Outrageous way that causes anger Janger (T=) ; = to attnact, mesmerize, Witch iBewiteh enchant |Cage) = |Witchcraft poreery” [Seer = | Very big, mammoth huge, antic pacnay |e behemoth, humungous, ICorrect Incorrigible mot able to be corrected cat) or changed Fall ‘Infallible not capable of being wrongs Teri 3 3a \(Prer) or making mistakes are lann |Anniuty ‘gratuity’ means Annual allowance jar stat Year (re) ‘allowance’ (a1) Biannual ‘bi’ means ‘two’ (3)|twice a year fae 2 aR Biennial once in two years fo aa A ee ‘Superannuated retired [eal Fg N Neo Nuptiaa taco Monat, |Neo Wuptial | treo" means ‘new’ |Newly married Ferg we nae rn) [_——_ |r Antenuptial ani’ means relating to events before [fare me ee _| efore' (Tet) a marriage rsd Meaning Eos Cc eer Ineo Neonatal ‘Nat’ means birth of, relating to, anew — [aaa Ferg 8 watt New eau) lborn baby Neoeracy "Gracy means Tule’ |government by the new [74 @ aeprada wa) Gre) lor inexperienced a Neologism la new word oF expression| waefiiay 77% Neomorph | ‘Morph’ means Jorma structure that is not] 7weT ay ae) derived from a similar| structure in an ancestor Neophyte ‘phuta’'means |apersonwho hes just |-ifefemn ‘class’ (74) storted learaing or doing something, green horn, tyro, novice, callow Neogamist | gamy’ means [A person recently married |=aferates ‘marriage’ Phin Philanderer | ‘Ander’ means ‘male’ |A man who is involved in | fear Love (xe) jcasual lovemaking Audiophilia | Audio’ means [Love for loud sound. aa watt & uta ‘Souna’ (=F) aa [Photophilia | Photo’ means ‘light’ |Love for light, growing: Wert & fee avs best is strong light (of a | sath dart a dee plant) a ae (fet da = fare was ==) Plutophilic ‘Puuto’is the Greek god|A person who loves aot = aa of wealth (57 # Raa} wealth, Phobia [Acrophobia __|'Acro' means Fear of height Sag asa Fear ‘height’ (Sa) androphobia | ‘Ander’ means Fear of men qa S wa ‘man’ (37) |Gynaecophobia | 'Gynae' means Fear of women Risers 1 7 ‘women’ (Hea) [Acousticopho-| Accostic’ means —_|Fear of sound ah a va [bia Sound (8477) |Anthrophobia | Anther'' is a part of \Fear of flowers set B St [flower (Ee #7 TT) lArithmopho-|'Arithmo’ has come |Fear of mathematics or |=fura & "a [bia from ‘Arithmetics' |number (fara) Anglophobia | ‘Anglo’ means Fear of English or things | sisi @ Fa ‘English’ (sti) _ [Rated to English perso ge (se TTS Nessa werner eens) Eis Corny Co Cone foe Xenophobia perio pra ‘Xeno! means Fear of anything strange foreign’ (Pret) or |r foreign rE eer: ‘Strange’ (fates) [arachnophe- aeaeR nea Fear of spiders Icacophobia | Caco’ means ‘ugly’ |Fear of ugliness RD Chromophobial Civomo' means Fear of colour ‘colour’ (#71) [Demophobia [‘Demo' means Fear of people ‘people’ (=) i ia | 'Gamy' means Fear of marriage Poot Gametophobi any anne ‘Haematopho- | ‘Haemoglobin’ is in |Fear of blood bia ‘blood’ (a) |Helmintho- ‘Helmithes' includes|Fear of insects |phobia Insects (iz) Hydrophobia | FHydro'means _|Fear of water ‘water’ (ara) ‘Kinesophobia | ‘Kineso' comes __|Fear of speed [from ‘kinetic energy (speed) (7ft) Microphobia | 'Micro’ means ‘very’ |Fear of microscopic small (ye) things Monophobia | 'Mono’ means ‘one’ |Fear of being alone (eH) Neophobia — |'Neo' means new" | Fear of changes lafate aa (7) [Necro Necropsy ‘Opisa' means Autopsy, postmortem fgg Tite [Dead (ya) seeing (3771) Necromancer | ‘mancy’ means one who communicates |} yq aii dae divination (nferey ay Jwith the dead it Necrocraey racy’ means ‘ule’ A government under a Can) dead leader See hon Words poring ose ILustre Lustrous erent) eet ta reer) Beas oes eee Ishine, bright eine rine, bright [Pactcimetse es not interesting or Linaciatd lexciting, dull, tedious, ldrudgerous. [Lucent flowing Elucidate to bring light upon something Fury Infuriate to make someone very [frat at aan ear Anger (71) angry, cnrage Furore great anger or excitement [stam 1 oral [Gener Tricenarian — | ‘Trice’ means ‘three’|a person who is between |39 ait 39 74 & Generation (a) 20 and 39 years old oa ary auf (ie) (Gener Quadragenar- | Quadri means |a person who is betweenla) atx 49 34 Fay Generation fian four’ (1) |40 and 49 years old lest wet (ae (Quinquage-_ |‘Quin’ means five’ [a person who is between|50 six 59 4% ara narian Cie 50 and 59 years old — [Sexagenarian |'Sexa’ means ‘six’ |a person who is between|60 2ix 69 Ti & (ew) [60 and 69 years old ata an weet Septuagenar- |'Septa’means a person who is between|70 siz 19 a4 > ian ‘Seven’ (#0) 7O.and 79 years old | ra a st Octogenarian |'Octa’ means Eight'|a person who is between|so site 99 a4 ata cara) B0and 89 yearsold | a1 ah, INonagenarian | ‘Nona’ means ‘Nine’|a person who is between|90 ai 99 ai i) 190 and 99 years old Lata ar Saft ‘Centenarian |'Centa' means ja person who is between}100 or 109 7H ‘century’ (#) 100 and 109 years old | ity apt cater (Chrono Chronology | logy’ means study |theorderinwhich a series |ransi @ ufza a4 Time (e773) lof events happened Latest Chronic (of a disease or a \aretenterer [problem] that continues {for a long time [Chronicle la written record of hfreiieer Seas aT historical events in the srg fata lorder in which they happened fate Synchronous |'syn' means same’ |of the same time herrea (aa) [Asynchronous of different time sem-srert aaa Chronometer |'meter’ means instrament that Ferret aed arr at instrumert:(#7) __ | measures time “glot’ means tongue’| Jone who knows many languages Mr lot f . Poly Pe (0) os lpraciion of maging os Many ey, ‘gamy many persons pore ‘marriage'( 7A) 5 cans practice of keeping aT ap Polyandry ‘andy! m > many husbands 2 aan oa veya ‘gut = lwives: ~ pore ‘woman’ (Hf) hyn archy 'archy’ means rule’ |raled by many a Sachtincane — josaing in banal aay [Polymorphic |‘morpho'n different forms RS a See cana |accuring iv weed ay /Polydemic ene regions and among their > people’ (=) people rH a a = la person who knows ‘Lingua Linguist several foreign languages | “e™ ava S Language [A student of Linguistics | 77152 apy Bilingual ‘bi’ means two’ (@) |of two languages Sean ja shared language of 5 a yangus: Francs. jcommunication used at bai) by speakers of different |" 754i aq, languages Laie Biopsy ‘Opsia’ means lexamination of living | Say aie [Living thing ‘seeing’ (#71) cells _ - (ia) Biology ‘logy’ means Study of living beings |aiq aa ‘study’ (arr) [Archy or | Anarchy ‘An’ makes a word |a situation in which aaa Cracy ‘negative’ there is no government Rule (77) or people do not obey rules and laws ‘Heirachy ‘heir' means —__|A system that has many [eR WOR descendants (27a)|levels from the lowest te the highest Matriarchy | mairi’ means 2 social system in which n syst gat ‘mother’ (ai) power and control are in| the hands of the mother. Patriarchy | Patri’ means @ social system in which | Rigaar father’ (fen) Power and control are in. the hands of the father. Monarehy ‘Monarch’ means [Ruled by king TST a WA ‘king’ (aan) Xenocracy xeno! means ruled by foreigners or fait ar faeel foreign’ (Fareit) foreign forces eT ee Pec Words en erra st freer Meaning ater ence! creer ail erent larchy or |Thearchy "Theo' means ‘god/ |ruled by gods leat Fare eT Cracy religion’ (fe7/'r4) Rule (71797) |Theocracy ruled by priests bree |Adhocracy ‘Adhoc' means [a system of flexible and [art threat informal informal organization and |zena we zee 2 (sritrenfen) management in place of |apranfte wart rigid bureaucracy. Androcracy |'Anciro'means _ a social system ruled by [quai ‘men’ (7a) rae. Gynaecocracy ['Gynac' means __ |a social system ruled by |afeeri ‘women’ (afer) _|women. aristocracy | ‘Aristocrat' means [Ruled by clite or noble | acter high class person |clase Cat) [Autocracy ‘Auto’ means Self |rulcd by one person who |emda ae ener ree has complete power Barbarocracy |'Barbaric' means [ruled by cruel people jag ‘cruel’ () Plutocracy _|Plutois the Greek |ruled by rich people ert anit & err lgod of wealth (#74) ler Bureaucracy | bureaucrat’ means |ruled by bureaucrats/ | }reatt government servant|government servants Caan [Democracy | ‘Demo’ means ruled by people rater ‘people’ (tt) IGerontocracy | 'Geronio' means ‘old [ruled by old people gat ari & are |people’ (Fe FT) era [Kieptocracy | Klepto' means _|ruled by thieves Se = am TRA ‘thief (AR) IMediacracy | Mediais press’ [government by the media |riifear @ Gra eat Coretta) IMobocracy or | ‘Mob! means ‘angry |ruled by angry crowd | tga Ochlocracy —_| crowd’ (34 *) Polycracy ‘Poly’ means ‘many'|government by many — fag & GIT RFT (#8) rulers Psephocracy | psepho'means ruled by elected sa GAA Be BH Be ‘election’ (yaa) _|candidates [ofan a arr a |Snobocracy "snobbish means _|ruled by snobbish people Prater @ ET RAT ‘hard to Please’ (rar) PCTS Sei sy ACS Meaning of the ad ped other part f ‘Archy or |Pornocracy | Porn’ means ruled by prostitutes \Cracy ‘prostitute’ (47a) Rule (3777) ruled by government of toe. [Pigment gives g ies ° colour to our skin certain skin tone (ei BeA) aa aTere Filimeans own [killing of one's own child [are way ap Killing child’ (ot T=) = is 1 illing of a foctus/ Foeticide [foetus is unborn’ killing of — aby (7) [unborn baby ‘Neo' means new’ |killingofanewly born | yf}. Neonaticide 0" means | pa rant aha (71) & 'Nat' a ee means ‘birth’ (7) Infanticide | Infant' means [killing of an infant a ‘baby’ (RTI) /Matricide ‘Matri' means killing of one’s own — ‘mother’ (a1) cotter Patricide ‘Patri’ means [killing of one’s own fa father’ (Fra) father: Fratricide | Fratri' means killing of one’s own 7 brother’ (*18) brother Mariticide | Marital’ relates to _|killing of one's own. la a eer ‘marriage’ (rt) _|busband Regicide ‘Regime’ means ‘rule’ killing of the king a Cu) Genocide Genes relates to _|killing of all the people of [ua fadu 7a = ‘race’ (71) la particular race Lat st een ‘Homicide ‘homo sapiens’ _|killing of a person entiea t Rea means human beings! (474) |Geronticide | Geronto'means old _|killing of an old man qe safer at tT |people (¥é cr) Senteide | Senile’ means ‘very [killing of an old man [aga # = aR | ald person who has = lost his memory eal due to old age’ Parricids Pari mn le Pani has come from |killing of one’s own rara—firat te barents' (a1d\-fyen) |parents Nepoti 1 7 poticide | ‘Nepos' means killing of one's own ats Ht Be ‘Nephew’ (‘ritn) _ |nephew EY 2 oo Seen Rermtrant peers reer ped ieee Siew ia Coca! ence icide Siblicide ‘Sibl’ has come from |killing of one’s own sister |= ste =a = Killing ‘siblings’ Cag-aea) |9r brother em |Femicide |femni has come from feed FT Bea "Femate' (fe) lGynaecide | Gynae' means lling of a woman lafecen at zea ‘women'(#fe) Omnicide ‘Omni means ‘all’ | killing of all life or all ast say aot a (an) fnumen life est cent Populicide | Populi has come _ [killing of people, rari i eer \from Population’ |massacre (sem) Xenocide ‘xeno’ means killing of a foreigner fateh at een foreign’ (fart) Vaticide ‘Vatis' means [killing ofa prophet or |sturagél #7 wear ‘prophet pope (Chronocide | ‘Chrono’ means __|wasting of time aaa at argh ‘time! (377) [Urbicide Urbi' has come from |killing of the city or lerex i en AT TET turban’ (et) lviclence against the city |= fear feet Avicide ‘Avi means ‘bird’ killing of a bird reat a oem (vat) |Apicide ‘Api’ means ‘bees’ killing of a bee ret St Fea Crprea) [Canicide ‘Canine’ means ‘dog’ |killing of a dog ga et eT Caen) Felicide Feline’ means ‘cat |killing of a cat Facet at Feat family! (Freeh) Herbicide ‘Herb’ means grass'|a chemical substance| ar-taré tui AR ron cio oe [Lupicide ‘Lupine’ means ‘wolf |killing of a wolf ee a eT Gite 'vulpicide "Valpine' means fox’ |killing of a fox aid at eT (airs) IPyro Pyre ja heap of logs of wood on| fam Fire which a dead body is burt Pyrotechnics | ‘Technique’ means |The art of making’ firework | yard aah twas ‘method’ (Farae) pad Peers Words ud Deer Geko! erin ean other part lobsessive desire to set ‘mania’ means ai things on fire lobsession (7) phobia means —_|fear of fire ‘fear’ (70 _ pags [ne a an ec ‘Writing’ (fare) |of decorating wood or Weting leather by burning a Jdesign on the surface jwith a heated metal ; instrument for ‘Meter’ means fan ini adn Pyrometer [rctrument" (3). |measuring high aq temperature “Archaic means ‘very]the scientific study of | eamea S Logy Aer OO the past based on tools, Study pottery ete 7 he study of human ‘Ethnology ‘Btho' has come from |the study ae Strat ay ‘enthic' (race) (71) |races Sa se Bthol BioThas cone from |the study of animall sara age ial ‘ethics’ (behaviour) |behaviour with emphasis| =n ‘es i (37aR) Jon the behavioral pattern] TARR ipotent Having great strength - [Magnipoten Having re berate iloquent ‘Using high flown or aaa peagatlogy ombesticlanguage | Tl Say [Fort Fortitude Strength of character arf = T Strength Rortity to make strong haa aa (arr eontaean ‘a strong and large — a building, castle i Fortification a strong and large leaat | ‘building, castle | Fort fa strong building al Effort the physical or mental lag | strength needed to do something Spect Spectacle something that is Rar as, aT | to look impressive to look at i) Spectacles glasses sem 4 Spectacular very impressive to see aq} wae, | UR Inspect to look at something |frtqu et carefully in order to gather information Introspect examine one's own idea [syeufetem 4 or feelings Loar Paka Pena Words Berd eet) cerns prenurar tas orurd Ries tas okie poeta spect Inspector [Someone whose job rite to look is to officially inspect (aA) something Perspective the ability to see after something is a reasonable way Retrospect | retro’ means ‘past’ Jan act of seeing or reat at FZ AAT TPA: lor ‘back’ \viewing the past rect Prospect a mental picture ofa future [xara lor anticipated event, the possibility or likelihood of} some future event Spectate to be a spectator eves 8A [especially at a sporting - jevent Patri |Patrimony ‘Mony' means property inherited from aq arate Father (f¥a1) ‘status’ (Aa) father Patricide cide meant ‘killing’ |Killing of father \fageear (eam) | Patriarchy ‘archy’ means rule _|society where father \fagerat care) rules [Matri, Matricide ‘cide’ means kitting |killing of mother paere | Mother (*) (ea) Matriarchy — |archy'means rule [Society where mother frrqeea Car) jrules Hydro Hydrate to make something take |aaqaT a7 Water (afi) in water [Dehydrate —_|de means ‘opposite'|to make something lose |Wafaéra et water Hydrophobia | phobia’ means ‘fear’ |fear of water aa Se Hydrophilia | 'philia’ means ‘love' |tendency to absorb fluid [aq erat at vata Arbor |Arboreal, living in trees Le at WA ae Tree (75) Auto Autonomy | 'Nomy' means the right of a person to [ramet Self (74) arrangement govern his own affairs by deciding his own arrangement. Autocracy ‘cracy’ is rule Ruled by one person who heeeista 7 camera) has complete power Automatic without external control [eraferd KD Publication PST lof ar exci ing to the body [aries Corp Corporal |__—— a dead body va [Body (3%) |Corpse dead body/ all the aa Corpus lwritten material of a Fay, particular kind Tat/rotund/obese — Corpulent to make some thinga —lamprs Incorporate | in'means 3100 part or body of ar to cut up a bead body/ |=, Sect Dissect plant in order to study OTE (Cut apart one of the part eis (aren) ‘Section —_ = lTransect trans’ means ‘across cut across stor a ay (maT) is) ‘Manu’ means ‘by |old book or document | Faiapy Script Manuscript | Manu’ met w)_ |that was written by hand ie waite hand’ (#1) d = ; ‘after’ [Extra message that islyq a (fram) Jostscript | Post’ means ‘fier’ Joana at the endofe tic Ue (# aR) a By Scripture fs religious writings wi-dafea dq Ce Coordinate {to organize different ae ar ie hy things or people so that h a thar they may work together Cooperative helpful ear Copulation sexual intercourse eit \Coexist ‘exist’ means ‘to be’ |to live together eet ST (eH) 3 Coincident | Incident’ means __|occuring together ear aaa Bk ¢ ‘happening’ (7eA) jer =) |Cohabit ‘habitat’ means to live together a BE ary ‘home' (Frart) Sent Sensation ja fecling that is caused [xjaea To feel (mee) by something affecting ama) your body part Sensual connected with sexual fang pleasure Consent to agree to something agate 8 enne: the ability to think or act [yrarare leoasatioas 4 in @ reasonable way nai onal causing a feeling of great |aTetat ——— lement pens) Words irtertey oH Pex rrr Perey SS East other part reper Vol Malevolent ‘Mal’ means ‘bad’ |showing a desire to harm\zami 7 I A. Desire (3) (iat) others bart Benevolent | ‘Bene’ means good |one who wants good to |r a wen =A (ar) be done to others kone Involuntary [n' means ‘not’ —_|done without desire | ¥ifarn [Volition ithe power to choose lant arma lanything wellingly Volunteer la person who agrees to fein do something without being forced or paid to do it Path Pathogen ‘gen' means ‘born’ or|Micro-organism that Disease or [produced (HWA) —_|eauises disease feel - V* Pathology —_| logy’ means ‘study’ |the scientific study of |i fat diseases Psychopath |'Psychy' means _|Mentally ill lates =a a dio ‘mind’ (7 feta) Pathy Sympathy —_|'Sym' means ise capecity of eharines Frees Feelings together’ (72) _ {the feelings of others Empathy "em means ‘put —_|the ability to imagine | 5121 feel oi I into! how another person gata at SERRA is feeling so as to understand him [eae |Antipathy ‘anti’ means dislike ol ‘against’ (% FES) : causing on to feel pity, [evita Pathetic fey DELHI POLIC CONSTABLE / HEAD - CONSTABLE ‘BY RENOWNED OFFLINE FACULTY OF CLM D PET MRSC cM ee wrt ‘Logy' means Renny ge es Science of sound Study of airborne organisms Science or study of gliding Dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas Study of the atmosphere Study of navigation through air or space Science of air pressure; art of ballooning ‘The comparative study of primitive peoples Study of plant nutrition and soil yields Study of agricultural soils Study of productivity of land Study of scientific farming Study of grasses Study of the structure of the body Science of teaching adults Study of winds Study of blood flow and lymphatic system Anthropobiology Study of human biology SL) Words 1 Acoustics 2 Aerobiology 3 Aerodonetics 4 Aerodynamics 5 Aerology 6 Aeronautics 7 Aerostatics 8 Agriology 9 Agrobiology 10 Agrology 11 Agronomics 12 Agronomy 13 Agrostology 14 Anatomy 15 Andragogy 16 Anemology 17 Angiology 18 19 Anthropology 20 Apiology 21 Arachnology Study of development of man Study of bees Study of spiders cB) ‘study’ (‘Logy' #1 24 @ aterm!) eee vafi-faar wa % om Get ae 1 er Se Tarefen a fam a, ‘et fee ty | Cte ER ie su 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45, 46 47 48 OS) ‘Archaeology Archology Areology Arthrology Astheniology Astrology Astronomy Astrophysics Audiology Barology Bibliology Biology Botany Brontology Cacogenics Cardiology Carpology Cartography Catacoustics Chemistry Chirography Chirology Chiropodist Chiropody Chronology Chrysology Climatology ere ew ey Remureubsece Excavation and study of carly det fart civilization Science of the origin of aeER wl seta aT AA government Study of Mars Tira We aT SOTA Study of joints siel a sere Study of diseases of weakening #8 7a ait gem afta Ti and aging a Aer The study of effects of stars on waifrra= life, people and events The scientific study of stars aie and heavenly objects Study of behaviour of waite thfrat interstellar matter Study of hearing erm fers Study of gravitation apart fear Study of books or Bible fear a age HT TTT Study of life sia fear Study of plants arena fara Scientific study of thunder Saw am date ae Study of racial degeneration Weta WH HT SUT Study of the heart wat far Study of fruit wet car fer The science of making maps Wea aA a fea and globes Science of echoes or reflected 9 4 1 Wafta eattat ar faa sounds Study of properties of weet Soi a eT substances Study of handwriting or See Ser penmanship Study of hands wat a rer A specialist in care for hand wa fae and feet, Old term for podiatrist Medical science of limbs wa © St a fafereer fara ‘The order in which a series of Weast & fea eA eH events happened Study of precious metals aint gat at ae Study of climate Way ST 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7 72 oe ‘Cosmology Cryptology Cynology cytology Dactylography Dactylology Demography Demology Dendrology Dermatology Diplomatics Edaphology Embryology Endocrinology Endocrinology Entomology Entozoology Eremology Exgology Ergonomics Eschatology Ethnogeny Ethnology Ethology Meaning in English ne universe y of codes 01 are and solving them Scientific study of dogs The study of cells ‘The study of fingerprints study of sign language of vital and social Study of tl ‘Study statistic data . Study of human behaviour Study of trees study of skin Science of deciphering ancient wy cal sit wat a FRR writings and texts ‘The study of relationship between living things and their surroundings Study of soils Study of human settlement Study of embryos Study of glands Study of hormones ‘The study of insects Study of parasites that live inside larger organisms Study of deserts Study of effects of work on humans Study of people at work Study of death and final judgement after that Study of origins of races or ethnic groups Study of origin of races The study of animal behaviour with emphasis on the behavioral patter; naturally Er the art n that occurs era rerawseen wens faa agfatt wea gat wr aa apa, aniferent fear sifert & Fret ay wie AIM ET ate srraiferet UP HSER ST spy Fa FT eR aral-fara vaftfeedeee) fest fe a ae Una ae aT ae wa-fram Tiedt A ae oraeareat ate fea ag viel & sige wt a Usiiferat ar ser Urea aI sez aa aS wal ar ae RTT TA tha a sae rag 7a ait al wm fataia ania agi at sefa a eT 7e-fart ser ferara aif at ouaen Wr or cain ei, Ta TRE @ gant ot ag arn aH ara Yaar B ERs sl 75 16 17 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 o7 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Words Etiology Etymology Eulogy Euthenics Gastroentero- logy Gastronomy Genealogy Genesiology Genetics Geogony Geology Geoponics Gerocomy Gerontology Graminology Hagiology Heliology Helminthology Hematology Hepatology Herpetology Hierology Hippology Histology Horticulture Hydrogeology Hyetology Hypnology Ichthyology Iconology ROEEE Ee eres rere eee Study of causes of diseases Study of words from their root A speech or writing to praise someone especially who has died Scicnce concerned with improving living conditions aor Study of stomach and We a aid daft fae aT intestines a Study of fine dining Sa BI aT STIR Study of descent of families dyvaet #1 arr Study of reproduction and Tarr ait agaist a ae heredity Study of heredity amgafern frat Study of formation of the earth yeat # fri a1 sors Study of history of the earth = -q-+eTe ‘Study of agriculture aft a Serr Study of old age Foren He Study of diseases related to gern we sot eh ae old age faa Study of grasses Wa Hl HE Study of saints al a eR Science of the sun iw far Study of worms aig a err Study of blood TF aE Study of liver fark A eR Study of reptiles and wigs Sk saat a eT amphibians Science of sacred matters vfea seat an far The study of horses Wel a aa ‘The study of tissues aie faa Study of gardening amar a ser Study of ground water Fae Hr ETT Science of rainfall amt at fara Study of sleep; study of aig a wees eT hypnosis Study of fishes ae faa Study of icons, cultural history yeftei a ser or history of visual arts 106 107 108 109 110 qi 112 113 1g 115 116 17 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Words Kinetics. Laryngology Lexicography Lexicology Linguistics Lithology Melittology/ Apicology Metallurgy Meteoritics Meteorology Mineralogy Mycology Neology Neonatology Nephrology Neurology Nosology Numerology Numismatics Odontology Oenology Olfactology Oncology Ophiology Ophthalmology Omithology Orology Orthodontist Orthoepy Meaning in English Study of forces producing oF changing motion study of throat ; Art of compiling dictionary study of words and their meanings Study of languages Study of rocks Study of bees Study of alloying and treating metals ‘The study of meteors Study of weather Study of minerals Study of funguses Coining of a new word or phrase Study of newborn babies Study of kidney Study of nervous system Study of classification of diseases Study of numbers Study of coins Study of structure and diseases of tecth Study of wines Study of the sense of smell Study of cancerous cells or tumours Study of snakes Study of eye and eye diseases One who checks eye sight Study of light Study of birds Study of mountains A doctor of bone and teeth Study of Correct Pronunciation oon uf Sat A qo Tel eT AR A a sara—fersrt Ent FI ae rynfradl 1 ap Fase 2in oTgsit aI, Ted a eT Tha at sayfa ar sre wait far arate ster 7 Va Aan a ae sti a1 te act at SEAT ey STATA vail fas verel a ser veel ua sere ar elect we ar aT UTA SL 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Words Orthography Orthopaedist Osphresiology Osteology Otology Otorhinolary- ngology Pacdiatrist Paedology EREw aN Study of spellings One who specialises in discascs related to bones Study of the sense of smell Study of bones Study of the car Study of car, nose and throat One who specialises in diseases related to children ‘Study of children’s behaviour and development Paidonosology/ Study of children’s diseases pediatrics Palaeontology Pathology Pedagogy Pedology Petrology Pharmacology Pharyngology Philately Philosophy Phonology Podiatrist Podiatry Psephology Psychology Quack Radiology Rhinology Seismology Study of fossils Study of diseases Study of teaching Study of soils cretus po ttt cal eh aim fit wa at sayfa el ATT sip a arr Tar IOP TAR, ArH ote TA aT art ar fez aret ferme a oreTere Fas ara a ae sharee at a 7 far Re eT We feat Study of rocks, their structure =r #1 SETA and composition Study of drugs Study of the throat Study of postage stamps Science of knowledge or wisdom Study of speech sounds ‘The branch of medicine concerned with the feet Study and treatment of sai ae Wet Bl A om fore a ert aH ETT amar tardy a sera & faa a fae wm err sik disorders of the foot; chiropody 3q=7 Statistical study of elections and trends in voting Study of mind ‘One who pretends to have skills of a doctor Study of X-rays and their medical applications Study of nose diseases Study of earthquakes We fae wifes girerers eiset wat ait sat fafa argent #1 size safeer a fara qera-ferart

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