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Dear Respondent,

The questionnaire is with respect to Factors affecting the impact of e-service quality on
customer satisfaction in the Sri Lankan banking sector.

The collected information from this questionnaire will only be used for academic purposes to
fulfill the requirements of the Master of Business Administration program conferred by the
University of the west of England All information will treat as strictly confidential.

Your cooperation in this exercise is highly appreciated.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dinesh Nadeeshan
The collected information on this questionnaire will only be used for academic purposes and
will be kept confidential. Your cooperation in this exercise is highly treasured.
Please tick the Appropriate Box

State your gender?

Male Female

Select the age category to which you belong

18 – 25 Years 26-35 Years 36-45 Years Above 45 Years

State your years of experience with CEB

Below 1 year 1 - 3 years 3 – 5 years Above 5 years

Level of your employment

Senior Managerial
Own business
None of the above

Level of income
Below 50,000
Between 50,000 – 100,000
Between 100,000 – 200,000
Between 200,000 – 300,000
Between 300,000 – 400,000
Above 400,000

How often do you deal with this company?

Please refer the statements and indicate your agreement with respect to the statements.

Section 1- Website Design

Disagree –
Disagree - 1

Agree nor

Agree - 4

Agree - 5

1.1 The information on the website is
pretty much what I need to carry out my
1.2 The website displays a visually
pleasing design.
1.3 The website has no difficulties with
making a payment online.
1.4 The website labels are easy to
1.5 The website has interactive features,
which help me accomplish my task.

Section 2 – Customer Service

Disagree – 2
Disagree - 1

Agree nor

Agree - 4

Agree - 5


2.1 The online banking provides a

telephone number to reach the company.
2.2 The online banking has customer
service representatives available online.
2.3 The online banking offers the ability
to speak to a live person if there is a
2.4. The online banking provides me
with convenient options for returning
2.5. The online banking offers a
meaningful guarantee.

Section 3 – Security

Disagree –
Disagree - 1

Agree nor

Agree - 4

Agree - 5

3.1. I feel safe in my transactions with
the online banking.
3.2. The online banking has adequate
security features.
3.3. This site protects information about
my credit card.
3.4. I trust the online s banking hop to
keep my personal information safe.
3.5. I trust the website administrators
will not misuse my personal

Section 4 – Fulfillment
nor Disagree -
Neither Agree
Disagree – 2
Disagree - 1

Agree - 4

Agree - 5


4.1. The service is delivered by the time

promised by the company.
4.2 This online shop website makes
items available for delivery within a
suitable time frame.
4.3 It quickly delivers what I need.

4.4. I can fulfil my financial

requirements without visiting the branch
but in the same quality.
4.5. The overall quality of the service
provided by this online shop is

Section 6 – Customer Satisfaction

Disagree –
Disagree - 1

Agree nor

Agree – 4

Agree - 5

5.1. Overall. my purchase experience
with this online shop is excellent.
5.2. My overall feelings toward this
online banking are very satisfied.
5.3. I will make more transactions
through this online banking in the
5.4. I will increase purchases through
this online banking.
5.5. I say positive things about this
online banking to other people.
Thank you!

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