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2023 Majors Catalog of Doctoral Program for International Students

院系、专业及研究方向 授课语言 语言要求 学习期限 学费 元/年
School, Majors, and Research 院系、专业及研究方向 导师姓名 Teaching Language Academic 备注
School, Majors, and Research Direction Name of Supervisor Fees Notice
Direction Language Requirement Years Yuan/ Year
001.哲学学院 001 School of philosophy
 010100哲学  010100.Philosophy
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 兰久富 Lan Jiufu
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 鲁克俭 Lu Kejian
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 罗松涛 Luo Songtao
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 沈湘平 Shen Xiangping
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 吴向东 Wu Xiangdong
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 徐克飞 Xu Kefei
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 杨耕 Yang Geng
  01马克思主义哲学   01.Marxist Philosophy 周凡 Zhou Fan
  02中国哲学   02.Chinese philosophy 李祥俊 Li Xiangjun
  02中国哲学   02.Chinese philosophy 强昱 Qiang Yu
  02中国哲学   02.Chinese philosophy 田智忠 Tian Zhizhong
  02中国哲学   02.Chinese philosophy 许家星 Xu Jiaxing
  02中国哲学   02.Chinese philosophy 章伟文 Zhang Weiwen
  03外国哲学   03.Foreign Philosophy 韩震 Han Zhen
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  03外国哲学   03.Foreign Philosophy 李红 Li Hong
  03外国哲学   03.Foreign Philosophy 唐热风 Tang Refeng
  04逻辑学   04.Logic 郭佳宏 Guo Jiahong
  05伦理学   05. Ethics 田海平 Tian Haiping
  05伦理学   05. Ethics 王楷 Wang Kai
  06美学   06.Aesthetics 刘成纪 Liu Chengji
  07宗教学   07.Religious Studies 徐文明 Xu Wenming
  07宗教学   07.Religious Studies 张百春 Zhang Baichun
  08.Philosophy of Science and
  08科学技术哲学 李猛 Li Meng
  09.History of Scientific thought and
  09科学思想史与科学社会史 董春雨 Dong Chunyu
history of Society
  09.History of Scientific thought and
  09科学思想史与科学社会史 刘孝廷 Liu Xiaoting
history of Society
  10政治哲学   10.political philosophy 吴玉军 Wu Yujun
002.经济与工商管理学院 002 Business School
 020100理论经济学  020100.Theoretical Economics
  01不设方向   01.No professional research directions 蔡宏波 Cai Hongbo
  01不设方向   01.No professional research directions 何浩然 He Haoran refer to Recruit students for
admission 98000 for 3 Theoretical Economics
  01不设方向   01.No professional research directions 胡海峰 Hu Haifeng English 3
information of years (International Development)
  01不设方向   01.No professional research directions 孙运传 Sun Yunchuan the program English-taught program.
  01不设方向   01.No professional research directions 魏浩 Wei Hao
  01不设方向   01.No professional research directions 郑飞虎 Zheng Feihu
 020105世界经济  020105.World Economics
  01.International Finance and Financial
  01国际金融和金融市场 胡海峰 Hu Haifeng
  02.International Trade and International
  02国际贸易与国际投资 魏浩 Wei Hao Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02.International Trade and International
  02国际贸易与国际投资 郑飞虎 Zheng Feihu
  03国际贸易   03.International Trade 蔡宏波 Cai Hongbo
 020204金融学  020204.Finance
  02.Corporate financing Theory and
  02公司融资理论与政策 胡海峰 Hu Haifeng Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  03.Capital Markets and Corporate
  03资本市场与公司财务 崔学刚 Cui Xuegang
 120200工商管理  120200.Business Administration
  01企业管理   01.Enterprise Management 焦豪 Jiao Hao
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02会计学   02.Accounting 崔学刚 Cui Xuegang
  03人力资源管理   03.Human resource management 许志星 Xu Zhixing
004.教育学部 004 Faculty of Education
 040101教育学原理  040101.Educational Principle
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01教育社会学   01.Sociology of Education 王曦影 Wang Xiying
 040102.Curriculum and Teaching
Methodology Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01数学教育   01.Mathematics Education 綦春霞 Qi Chunxia
 040103教育史  040103.History of Education
  01外国教育史   01.History of Western Education 李子江 Li Zijiang Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01外国教育史   01.History of Western Education 王晨 Wang Chen
 040104比较教育学  040104.Comparative Education
  01.Comparative Studies on Educational
  01教育政策与管理比较研究 马健生 Ma Jiansheng
Policy and Management
  02.Comparative Studies on Basic
  02基础教育比较研究 姜英敏 Jiang Yingmin
  03.Comparative Studies on Higher Chinese
  03高等教育比较研究 谷贤林 Gu Xianlin
  03.Comparative Studies on Higher
  03高等教育比较研究 林杰 Lin Jie Chinese: Chinese-taught Recruit students for
HSK5 195 program: 32300 Comparative Education
David English: refer per year; (Educational Leadership and
David Andrew 3
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy Andrew to admission English-taught Policy) English-taught
Turner information of program: 98000 program.
the program for 3 years
Lauren Ila Lauren Ila
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy
Misiaszek Misiaszek
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy 高益民 Gao Yimin
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy 黄宇 Huang Yu
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy 刘宝存 Liu Baocun
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy 刘敏 Liu Min
  04教育领导与政策   04.Educational leadership and policy 滕珺 Teng Jun
 040106高等教育学  040106.Higher Education
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01教育政策与管理   01.Education policy and administration 洪成文 Hong Chengwen
 040108.Vocational and Technical
  01职业教育基本理论与教学改   01.Basic Theory of Vocational
李兴洲 Li Xingzhou
革 Education and Teaching Reform
  02职业教育基本理论与政策研   02.Basic Theory of Vocational Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
和震 He Zhen
究 Education and Policy Study
  03职业教育基本理论与专业建   03.Basic Theory of Vocational
赵志群 Zhao Zhiqun
设 Education and Study Program Construction
 040109特殊教育学  040109.MEd(Special Education)
  01.Psychology and Education of Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01学习障碍儿童心理与教育 张树东 Zhang Shudong
Children with Learning Disabilities
 040110教育技术学  040110.Educational Technology
  01. Advanced Technologies for
  01先进学习技术 蔡苏 Cai Su
  01. Advanced Technologies for
  01先进学习技术 李艳燕 Li Yanyan
LearningAdvanced Technologies for
  01先进学习技术 卢宇 Lu Yu
LearningAdvanced Technologies for
  01. English
  01先进学习技术 张婧婧 Zhang Jingjing
  01. Advanced Technologies for Chinese: Chinese-taught Recruit students for
  01先进学习技术 赵国庆 Zhao Guoqing HSK5 195 program: 32300 Educational Technology
  01. Advanced Technologies for
  01先进学习技术 郑兰琴 Zheng Lanqin English: refer per year; (Advanced Learning
  02.Interdisciplinary and creative 3
  02跨学科与创新教育 董艳 Dong Yan Chinese/English to admission English-taught Technology) English-taught
education information of program: 98000 program.
the program for 3 years
Chinese: Chinese-taught Recruit students for
HSK5 195 program: 32300 Educational Technology
English: refer per year; (Advanced Learning
to admission English-taught Technology) English-taught
  03人工智能教育应用   03.Artificial Intelligence in Education 余胜泉 Yu Shengquan Chinese/English information of program: 98000 program.
the program for 3 years
  04.Learning Development and
  04学习发展与智慧教育评价 李玉顺 Li Yushun Chinese/English
Assessment of Smart Education
  05知识科学与工程   05.KnowledgeScience and Engineering 黄荣怀 Huang Ronghuai Chinese/English
  06.Assessment of science and
  06科学与技术教育测评 王晶莹 Wang Jingying Chinese
technology education
 0401Z1教师教育  0401Z1.Teacher Education
  01.Teacher Education Policy and
  01教师教育政策与实践 裴淼 Pei Miao
  01.Teacher Education Policy and
  01教师教育政策与实践 桑国元 Sang Guoyuan Chinese: Chinese-taught
  01.Teacher Education Policy and Recruit students for Teacher
  01教师教育政策与实践 宋萑 Song Huan English HSK5 195 program: 32300
Practice Education (Teacher
  01.Teacher Education Policy and English: refer per year;
  01教师教育政策与实践 叶菊艳 Ye Juyan 3 Education Policy & Practice)
  01.Teacher Education Policy and to admission English-taught
  01教师教育政策与实践 赵萍 Zhao Ping English-taught program.
Practice information of program: 98000
  02.Teacher Professional Development the program for 3 years
  02教师专业发展与领导力 李琼 Li Qiong Chinese/English
and Leadership
  03.Comparative Study of Teacher
  03比较教师教育研究 朱旭东 Zhu Xudong Chinese/English
 0401Z2互联网教育  0401Z2.The Internet and Education
  01智能学习系统设计与多模态   01. Intelligent Learning System Design Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
武法提 Wu Fati
学习分析 & Multimodal Learning analytics
 0401Z3.Educational Policy and
Educational Law
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01.Educational Strategy and
  01教育战略与教育政策 薛二勇 Xue Eryong
Educational Policy
 120403.Educational Economics and
Recruit students for
  01教育管理学   01.Educational Administration 蔡永红 Cai Yonghong Chinese/English Chinese: Chinese-taught
Educational Economics &
  01教育管理学   01.Educational Administration 楚江亭 Chu Jiangting English HSK5 195 program: 32300
Administration (Educational
English: refer per year;
  01教育管理学   01.Educational Administration 毛亚庆 Mao Yaqing Chinese 3 Administration &
to admission English-taught
  01教育管理学   01.Educational Administration 余凯 Yu Kai Chinese/English information of Innovation) English-taught
program: 98000
  01教育管理学   01.Educational Administration 朱志勇 Zhu Zhiyong Chinese/English the program for 3 years
  02教育经济学   02.Economics of Education 杜屏 Du Ping Chinese
  02教育经济学   02.Economics of Education 杜育红 Du Yuhong Chinese
005.法学院 005 Law School
 030100法学  030100.Science of Law
  01基础理论法学   01.Theoretic Law 柴荣 Chai Rong
  01基础理论法学   01.Theoretic Law 梁迎修 Liang Yingxiu
  01基础理论法学   01.Theoretic Law 夏扬 Xia Yang
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 黄晓亮 Huang Xiaoliang
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 蒋娜 Jiang Na
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 卢建平 Lu Jianping
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 彭新林 Peng Xinlin
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 苏明月 Su Mingyue
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 王秀梅 Wang Xiumei
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 王志祥 Wang Zhixiang
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 吴沈括 Wu Shenkuo

Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300

  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 张磊 Zhang Lei
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 赵军 Zhao Jun
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 赵书鸿 Zhao Shuhong
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 郑延谱 Zheng Yanpu
  02刑法学   02.Criminal Jurisprudence 周振杰 Zhou Zhenjie
  03民商法学   03.Civil Law and Commercial Law 林艳琴 Lin Yanqin
  03民商法学   03.Civil Law and Commercial Law 薛虹 Xue Hong
  04诉讼法学   04.Science of Procedure Laws 何挺 He Ting
  04诉讼法学   04.Science of Procedure Laws 雷小政 Lei Xiaozheng
  04诉讼法学   04.Science of Procedure Laws 冷罗生 Leng Luosheng
  04诉讼法学   04.Science of Procedure Laws 史立梅 Shi Limei
  04诉讼法学   04.Science of Procedure Laws 王超 Wang Chao
  04诉讼法学   04.Science of Procedure Laws 印波 Yin Bo
  05国际法学   05.International Law 邢爱芬 Xing Aifen
  05国际法学   05.International Law 邢钢 Xing Gang
  07.Constitutional Law and
  07宪法学与行政法学 刘培峰 Liu Peifeng
Administrative Law
  09经济法学   09.Economic Law 袁达松 Yuan Dasong
009.体育与运动学院 009 College of P.E. and Sports
 040301.Humane and Sociological Science
of Sports
  01体育运动心理学   01.Sports Psychology 殷恒婵 Yin Hengchan
  02学校体育学   02.School Physical Education 胡惕 Hu Ti
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  03体育经济学   03.Sports Economics 王兆红 Wang Zhaohong
  04武术与民族民间体育理论与   04.Research on the Theory and Practice
吕韶钧 Lv Shaojun
实践研究 of Wushu and National Folk Sports
  05体育产业   05.Sports Industry 张瑞林 Zhang Ruilin
 040302.Human and Sociological Science
of Sports
  01运动生理与神经生物学   01.Sports Physiology and Neurobiology 侯莉娟 Hou Lijuan
  01运动生理与神经生物学   01.Sports Physiology and Neurobiology 孙丽娜 Sun Lina
  02.Exercise Biochemistry and Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02运动生物化学与代谢性疾病 张靓 Zhang Jing
Metabolic Disease
  03.Sports and Physical Fitness
  03运动与体质健康促进 唐东辉 Tang Donghui
  03.Sports and Physical Fitness
  03运动与体质健康促进 甄志平 Zhen Zhiping
  04.Sports Medicine & Health
  04运动医学与慢病管理 任园春 Ren Yuanchun
 040303.Theory of Sports Pedagogy and

Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300

  01.Track and Field Teaching and
  01田径教学与训练 孙璞 Sun Pu
  02篮球教学与训练   02.Basketball Teaching and Training 李笋南 Li Sunnan Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  03足球教学与训练   03.Football Teaching and Training 王长权
  04运动能力促进与运动表现提   04.Promotion of Athletic Ability and
刘天彪 Liu Tianbiao
升 Sports Performance
010 School of Chinese Language and
 040102.Curriculum and Teaching
Methodology Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  02语文课程论   02.Chinese Curriculum Theory 张秋玲 Zhang Qiuling
 050101文艺学  050101.Theory of Literature and Art
  01中西比较诗学   01. Comparative Poetics 方维规 Fang Weigui
Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  02中国文化与诗学   02.Chinese Culture and Aesthetics 姚爱斌 Yao Aibin
  03文艺美学   03.Literary Aesthetics 陈太胜 Chen Taisheng
 050102.Linguistics and Applied
Linguistics Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  01句法学与语义学   01.Syntax and Semantics 张和友 Zhang Heyou
 050103汉语言文字学  050103.Chinese Character Study
Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  01现代汉语史   01.History of Modern Chinese 刁晏斌 Diao Yanbin
 050104中国古典文献学  050104.Chinese Ancient Classics
  01.Studies and Collation on Chinese Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  01文学古籍整理与研究 魏崇武 Wei Chongwu
Classical Texts
 050105中国古代文学  050105.Ancient Chinese Literature
  01.Studies on the Literature of Tang and
  01唐宋文学研究 马东瑶 Ma Dongyao
Song Dynasty
  02.Studies on the Literature of Yuan, Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  02元明清文学研究 杜桂萍 Du Guiping
Ming and Qing Dynasty
  02.Studies on the Literature of Yuan,
  02元明清文学研究 李小龙 Li Xiaolong 210分及以上;2.博士毕业
Ming and Qing Dynasty
 050106.Modern and Contemporary
Chinese Literature
  01中国现代文学   01.Modern Chinese Literature 黄开发 Huang Kaifa
  01中国现代文学   01.Modern Chinese Literature 刘勇 Liu Yong
Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  01中国现代文学   01.Modern Chinese Literature 沈庆利 Shen Qingli
  02中国当代文学   02.Contemporary Chinese Literature 熊修雨 Xiong Xiuyu
  02中国当代文学   02.Contemporary Chinese Literature 张莉 Zhang Li
  03儿童文学   03.Children’s Literature 张国龙 Zhang Guolong
 050108.Comparative Literature and World
  01.Western Literature and Sino-Western
  01西方文学与中西比较文学 刘洪涛 Liu Hongtao
Comparative Literature Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  01.Western Literature and Sino-Western
  01西方文学与中西比较文学 姚建彬 Yao Jianbin
Comparative Literature
  03比较文学   03.Comparative Literature 曹顺庆 Cao Shunqing
 0501Z1中国民间文学  0501Z1.Chinese Folk Literature
  01中国民间文学   01.Chinese Folklore 万建中 Wan Jianzhong Chinese HSK5 210 3 32300
  01中国民间文学   01.Chinese Folklore 杨利慧 Yang Lihui
011 School of Foreign Languages and
 050201英语语言文学  050201.English Language and Literature
  01.Contemporary Western Literary
  01当代西方文论与英语小说 王楠 Wang Nan
Theory & English Novel
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  04.Studies on the Translation of Chinese Wang
  04典籍翻译研究 王广州
Classical Works Guangzhou
  05翻译史研究   05.Studies on Translation History 李文婕 Li Wenjie
 050202俄语语言文学  050202.Russian Language and Literature
  01.Russian Language & Linguistic
  01俄语语言学及语言文化学 刘娟 Liu Juan
Cultural Studies Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02.Russian-Soviet Literature & Literary
  02俄苏文学及文学批评 张冰 Zhang Bing
 050205日语语言文学  050205.Japanese Language and Literature
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  03日语语言学   03.Japanese Linguistics 刘玲 Liu Ling
 050211.Linguistics and Applied
Linguistics in Foreign Languages
  03语篇语言学   03.Text Linguistics 苗兴伟 Miao Xingwei
  03语篇语言学   03.Text Linguistics 杨庆云 Yang Qingyun
  05.Language Education and Teacher
  05外语教育与教师教育 陈则航 Chen Zehang
Education Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  08社会语言学   08.Sociolinguistics 刘永厚 Liu Yonghou
  08社会语言学   08.Sociolinguistics 杨庆云 Yang Qingyun
  09认知语言学   09.Cognitive Linguistics 王德亮 Wang Deliang
  10语言的量化研究   10.Quantitative Studies of Language 王德亮 Wang Deliang
  11话语分析   11.Discourse Analysis 王德亮 Wang Deliang
012.历史学院 012 School of History
 060100考古学  060100.Archaeology
  01.Scientific and Technological
  01科技考古(天文考古) 武家璧 Wu Jiabi Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
Archaeology (Archaeoastronomy)
  02文化遗产与博物馆学   02.Cultural Heritage and Museology 杜水生 Du Shuisheng
 060200中国史  060200.History of China
  01.History of Chinese Historiography
  01中国史学思想史 汪高鑫 Wang Gaoxin
  02中国史学史   02.Chinese Historiography 周文玖 Zhou Wenjiu
  03历史文献学(含中华传统文   03.Historical philology((including
姜海军 Jiang Haijun
化) Chinese traditional culture)
  04先秦史   04.History of Early China 晁福林 Chao Fulin
  04先秦史   04.History of Early China 黄国辉 Huang Guohui

Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300

  04先秦史   04.History of Early China 罗新慧 Luo Xinhui
  05.History of Sui and Tang Dynasties
  05隋唐史(含敦煌学) 赵贞 Zhao Zhen Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
(including Dunhuang Studies)
  06易学文化   06.Yijing Culture 张涛 Zhang Tao
  07.Academic and Intellectual History
  07中国学术思想史 李锐 Li Rui
of China
  08中国近代文化史   08. Cultural History of Modern China 李帆 Li Fan
  08中国近代文化史   08. Cultural History of Modern China 张昭军 Zhang Zhaojun
  09中国近代政治史   09. Political History of Modern China 邱涛 Qiu Tao
  10. Political History of Modern &
  10中国现当代政治史 张皓 Zhang Hao
Contemporary China
  11中华民国史   11.The History of the Republic of China 林辉锋 Lin Huifeng
 060300世界史  060300.History of the World
  01.Historical Theory and Foreign
  01史学理论及外国史学史 董立河 Dong Lihe
  02.Comparative History: Ancient China
  02中外古史比较研究 蒋重跃 Jiang Chongyue
and the World
  03世界上古史   03.Ancient World History 杨共乐 Yang Gongle
  04埃及学与埃及史   04.Egyptology and Egyptian history 王海利 Wang Haili
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  05西欧中古史(含前近代基督   05.Medieval History(including pre-
刘林海 Liu Linhai
教史) modern Christianity)
  06英国史   06.British History 郭家宏 Guo Jiahong
  07.Russian Modern and
  07俄国史(含苏联时期) 张建华 Zhang Jianhua
Contemporary History
  08.Japanese History(including East
Asian History & Oriental Diplomacy 陈奉林 Chen Fenglin
017 College of Nuclear Science and
 070202.Particle Physics and Nuclear
  01重离子核物理   01.Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics 张丰收 Zhang Fengshou Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  04核天体物理   04.Nuclear Astrophysics 何建军 He Jianjun
 082703.Nuclear Technology and
  02先进功能材料、先进能源材   02.Advanced Functional
华青松 Hua Qingsong Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
料 Materials,Advanced Energy Materials
  06核探测器   06.Radiation Detector 苏俊 Su Jun
 082704.Radiation and environmental
  01.Radiation Physical Analysis and
  01辐射物理分析及其应用 程建平 Cheng Jianping
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01.Radiation Physical Analysis and
  01辐射物理分析及其应用 刘圆圆 Liu Yuanyuan
  02X射线光学   02.X-ray Optics 孙天希 Sun Tianxi
019.化学学院 019 College of Chemistry
 070301无机化学  070301.Inorganic Chemistry
  01.Synthesis of Nano Composite
  01纳米复合材料的制备及电化 Yue Wenbo
Materials and Electrochemical Properties 岳文博
  02.Inorganic Supramolecular Assembly
  02无机超分子组装化学 闫东鹏 Yan Dongpeng
  03.Application of Separation Membrane
  03分离膜材料与应用 贾志谦 Jia Zhiqian
  04.Inorganic Materials
  04无机材料化学;超分子化学 马淑兰 Ma Shulan
Chemistry;Supermolecular Chemistry
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  05.Rare Earth Doped Optical Functional
Materials; Inorganic Organic Composite 呼凤琴 Hu Fengqin
Optical Functional Materials
  06功能分子材料   06.Functional Molecular Materials 孙豪岭 Sun Haoling
  07无机新能源材料及电、磁等   07.Research on Inorganic New Energy
孙根班 Sun Genban
性能研究 Materials, Electrical and Magnetic Properties
  08.Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic
Applications of nano single-atom Catalytic 李治 Li Zhi
 070302分析化学  070302.Analytical Chemistry
  01光谱/质谱分析检测新方法研   01.New Methods for Spectroscopic /
那娜 Na Na
究 Mass Spectrometry Detecting Analysis
  02.Analytical Chemistry;Brain Nerve
  02分析化学;脑神经分析化学 江迎 Jiang Ying
Analytical Chemistry
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  03.Electrochemistry and
  03电化学及电分析化学&脑化学 Electroanalytical Chemistry & Brain Mao Lanqun
Chemistry Detection and Regulation
  04基于纳米限域通道的电分析   04.Electroanalytical Chemistry Based
蒋亚楠 Jiang Yanan
化学 on Nanoconfined Channels
 070303有机化学  070303.Organic Chemistry
  01金属有机化学   01.Organometallic Chemistry 胡少伟 Hu Shaowei
  01金属有机化学   01.Organometallic Chemistry 自国甫 Zi Guofu
  02.Chemical Biology, Bioorganic
Chemistry, Organic Molecules and Nucleic 卢忠林 Lu Zhonglin
  03超分子组装,超分子材料化   03.Supramolecular Assembly,
龚汉元 Gong Hanyuan
学 Supramolecular Materials Chemistry
  04有机光功能材料   04.Optical Functional Organic Materials 杨清正 Yang Qingzheng
  05不对称催化   05.Asymmetric Catalysis 侯国华 Hou Guohua

Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400

  06超分子手性组装及发光功能   06.Supramolecular Chiral Assembly and
江华 Jiang Hua
材料 Luminescent Functional Materials
  07生物有机化学   07.Bioorganic Chemistry 邢国文 Xing Guowen Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  08.Methodology of Organic Synthesis;
Synthesis of Natural Product ;Synthesis of 赵常贵 Zhao Changgui
  09.Organometallic Chemistry and
  09金属有机合成与催化 王文光 Wang Wenguang
  10.Transition-metal Catalysis and
  10过渡金属催化与有机合成 段新方 Duan Xinfang
Organic Synthesis
  11.Design and Synthesis of Fluorescent
  11荧光诊疗探针分子的设计合 Diagnosis and Treatment Probe Molecules
牛丽亚 Niu Liya
成基于组装的光动力治疗体系 Based on Assembled Photodynamic Therapy
  12功能化有机共轭分子;配位   12.Functionalized Organic Conjugated
柯贤胜 Ke Xiansheng
化学 Molecules; Coordination Chemistry
 070304物理化学  070304.Physical Chemistry
  01催化反应机理   01.Catalytic Reaction Mechanism 方德彩 Fang Decai
  02.Theoretical and Computational
  02光化学及光生物过程的理论 Simulation of Photochemical and
和计算模拟;新材料制备和奇异拓 Photobiological Processes;Preparation of 方维海 Fang Weihai
扑态研究 New Materials and Study on Singular
Topological States
  03理论化学   03.Theoretical Chemistry 邵久书 Shao Jiushu
  04电化学   04.Electrochemistry 范楼珍 Fan Louzhen
  05.Graphene / Two-dimensional
  05石墨烯/二维材料 刘楠 Liu Nan
  06.Kinetics of Condensed Matter
Chemistry ; Ultrafast Spectroscopy and 宛岩 Wan Yan
  07光电纳米材料与光电生物检   07.Optoelectronic Nanomaterials and
李运超 Li Yunchao
测 Photoelectric Biological Detection
  08.Single Molecule Physical
Chemistry;High Resolution Scanning Probe 郭静 Guo Jing
  09光化学与光生物   09.Photochemical and Photobiology 陈雪波 Chen Xuebo
  10高精度量子化方法的开发与   10.Development and Implementation of
李晨阳 Li Chenyang
实现 High-precision Quantization Method
  11.Nonlinear Optical Crystal Materials; Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
Solid Functional Materials and Inorganic 陈玲 Chen Ling
Structure Chemistry
  12.Thermoelectric Materials; Inorganic
  12热电材料;无机固体功能材 Solid Functional Materials; Inorganic
吴立明 Wu Liming
料;无机结构化学及固体理论化学 Structural Chemistry and Solid Theoretical
  13化学发光和生物发光的理论   13.Theoretical Studies of
刘亚军 Liu Yajun
研究 Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence
  14生物体系的动力学模拟与量   14.Dynical Simulation of Biological
高靓辉 Gao Jinghui
子计算 Systems & Quantum Computation
  15.Theoretical Computational
  15理论及计算化学 崔刚龙 Cui Ganglong
  15.Theoretical Computational
  15理论及计算化学 李振东 Li Zhendong
  15.Theoretical Computational
  15理论及计算化学 申林 Shen Lin
  15.Theoretical Computational
  15理论及计算化学 朱重钦 Zhu Zhongqin
  16.Physical Chemistry, Theory and
Computational Chemistry, Computational 龙闰 Long Run
Materials Science
  17化学动力学,自由基及激发   17.Chemical Kinetics, Free Radicals
苏红梅 Su Hongmei
态化学 and Excited State Chemistry
 070305高分子化学与物理  070305. Polymer Chemistry and Physics
  01功能高分子   01.Functional Polymer 董永强 Dong Yongqiang
  01功能高分子   01.Functional Polymer 汪辉亮 Wang Huiliang
  02高分子结构与性能   02.Structure and Properties of Polymer 李林 Li Lin
  03.Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
  03聚合物光伏材料与器件 薄志山 Bo Zhishan
of Polymer
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  04有机光电器件   04.Organic Photoelectric Devices 徐新军 Xu Xinjun
  05.Synthesis of Organic Molecules or
Conjugated Polymers & Applications in 李翠红 Li Cuihong
Organic Solar Cells
  06聚合物结晶;聚合物结构与   06.Polymer Crystallization, Structures
霍红 Huo Hong
性能 and Properties of Polymers
 0703Z1.Medicinal Chemistry and
Molecular Engineering
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01放射性药物化学   01.Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry 崔孟超 Cui Mengchao
  01放射性药物化学   01.Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry 张俊波 Zhang Junbo
022.环境学院 022 School of Environment
 083001环境科学  083001.Environmental Science
  01.Environmental Assessment, Planning
  01环境评价、规划与管理 李晓文 Li Xiaowen
and Management
  01.Environmental Assessment, Planning
  01环境评价、规划与管理 田欣 Tian Xin
and Management
  02流域水环境过程   02.Watershed Environmental Process 刘海飞 Liu Haifei
  02流域水环境过程   02.Watershed Environmental Process 刘瑞民 Liu Ruimin
  02流域水环境过程   02.Watershed Environmental Process 欧阳威 Ou Yangwei
  03.Urban Ecological Simulation and
  03城市生态模拟与管理 陈彬 Chen Bin
  03.Urban Ecological Simulation and
  03城市生态模拟与管理 刘耕源 Liu Gengyuan
  03.Urban Ecological Simulation and
  03城市生态模拟与管理 毛建素 Mao Jiansu
  03.Urban Ecological Simulation and
  03城市生态模拟与管理 孟凡鑫 Meng Fanxin
  03.Urban Ecological Simulation and Chinese: Chinese-taught Recruit students for
  03城市生态模拟与管理 田欣 Tian Xin HSK5 195 program: 41400 Environmental Science
English: refer per year; (Environmental Science and
  03.Urban Ecological Simulation and English/Chinese 3
  03城市生态模拟与管理 张力小 Zhang Lixiao to admission English-taught Engineering) English-taught
Management information of program: 98000 program.
  04.Diagnosis and Remediation of Soil the program for 3 years
  04土壤污染诊断与修复 赵烨 Zhao Ye
  05.Watershed Ecological Process and
  05流域生态过程与湿地健康 刘强 Liu Qiang
Wetland Health
  05.Watershed Ecological Process and
  05流域生态过程与湿地健康 邵冬冬 Shao Dongdong
Wetland Health
  06环境污染化学   06.Environmental Pollution Chemistry 陈静 Chen Jing
  06环境污染化学   06.Environmental Pollution Chemistry 郭学军 Guo Xuejun
  06环境污染化学   06.Environmental Pollution Chemistry 王飞 Wang Fei
  07.Ecosystem Restoration, Planning and
  07生态系统恢复与规划管理 石建斌 Shi Jianbin
  07.Ecosystem Restoration, Planning and
  07生态系统恢复与规划管理 战金艳 Zhan Jinyan
  08湿地生态环境   08.Wetland Ecological Environment 易雨君 Yi Yujun
  09水生态系统管理   09.Water Ecosystem Management 易雨君 Yi Yujun
  11.Resources and Environmental
  11资源与环境系统分析 田欣 Tian Xin
Systems Analysis
 083002环境工程  083002.Environmental Engineering
Chinese: Chinese-taught Recruit students for
  01水质控制工程与环境生物技   01.Water Quality Control Engineering HSK5 195 program: 41400 Environmental Science
冯成洪 Feng Chenghong
术 and Environmental Biotechnology English: refer per year; (Environmental Science and
English/Chinese 3
  01水质控制工程与环境生物技   01.Water Quality Control Engineering to admission English-taught Engineering) English-taught
黄海鸥 Huang Haiou information of program: 98000 program.
术 and Environmental Biotechnology
the program for 3 years
  02大气污染控制   02.Air Pollution Control 田贺忠 Tian Hezhong
029.艺术与传媒学院 029 School of Arts and Communication
 130100艺术学理论  130100.Art Theory
  01.Comparison of Chinese and foreign
  01中外艺术比较研究 甄巍 Zhen Wei
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  02书法史论   02.Calligraphy history 邓宝剑 Deng Baojian Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  03.Artistic creation of digital theater
  03数字化剧场艺术创作研究 肖向荣 Xiao Xiangrong
 130300.Studies of Drama, Film and
  01.Research on film culture and
  01电影文化与传播研究 黄会林 Huang Huilin
  02.Film and television theory and
  02影视理论与批评研究 周星 Zhou Xing
  03纪录电影研究   03.Documentary research 张同道 Zhang Tongdao
  04电影史学研究   04.The study of film history 王宜文 Wang Yiwen
  05中国电影研究   05.Chinese film research 陈晓云 Chen Xiaoyun
  06电影美学与批评   06.Film aesthetics and criticism 史可扬 Shi Keyang
  07电影文化研究   07.Film culture research 路春艳 Lu Chunyan Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  08电影创意研究   08.Film creative research 田卉群 Tian Huiqun
  09亚洲电影研究   09.Asian movie research 张燕 Zhang Yan
  10影视产业研究   10.Film industry research 宋维才 Song Weicai
  11.Research on television and new
  11电视与新媒体艺术研究 张智华 Zhang Zhihua
  12传媒艺术研究   12.Media art research 杨乘虎 Yang Chenghu
  13.Digital media art and industry
  13数字媒体艺术与产业研究 周雯 Zhou Wen
  14.Digital content and entertainment
  14数字内容与娱乐研究 冯应谦 Feng Yingqian
030.水科学研究院 030 College of Water Sciences
 081500水利工程  081500.Hydraulic Engineering
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 郝增超 Hao Zengchao
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 刘海军 Liu Haijun
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 潘成忠 Pan Chengzhong
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 庞博 Pang Bo
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 彭定志 Peng Dingzhi
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 孙文超 Sun Wenchao
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 王红瑞 Wang Hongrui
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 王会肖 Wang Huixiao
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 徐宗学 Xu Zongxue
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 杨胜天 Yang Shengtian Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 鱼京善 Yu Jingshan
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 赵长森 Zhao Changsen
  01水文学及水资源   01.Hydrology and water resources 左德鹏 Zuo Depeng
  02.Groundwater Sciences and
  02地下水科学与工程 丁爱中 Ding Aizhong
  02.Groundwater Sciences and
  02地下水科学与工程 滕彦国 Teng Yanguo
  02.Groundwater Sciences and
  02地下水科学与工程 翟远征 Zhai Yuanzheng
  02.Groundwater Sciences and
  02地下水科学与工程 左锐 Zuo Rui
Engineering Cheng
  03流域科学与工程   03.Watershed Sciences and Engineering 程红光
  03流域科学与工程   03.Watershed Sciences and Engineering 付永硕 Fu Yongshuo
  03流域科学与工程   03.Watershed Sciences and Engineering 郝芳华 Hao Fanghua
 083001环境科学  083001.Environmental Science
  01环境科学   01.Environmental Science 李剑 Li Jian
  01环境科学   01.Environmental Science 孙寓姣 Sun Yujiao Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01环境科学   01.Environmental Science 王红旗 Wang Hongqi
  01环境科学   01.Environmental Science 王静 Wang Jing
 083002环境工程  083002.Environmental Engineering
  01环境工程   01.Environmental Engineering 卞兆勇 Bian Zhaoyong
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01环境工程   01.Environmental Engineering 豆俊峰 Dou Junfeng
  01环境工程   01.Environmental Engineering 郑蕾 Zheng Lei
 0830Z1.Groundwater Sciences and
  01.Groundwater Sciences and
  01地下水科学与工程 陈海洋 Chen Haiyang Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01.Groundwater Sciences and
  01地下水科学与工程 胡立堂 Hu Litang
  01.Groundwater Sciences and
  01地下水科学与工程 岳卫峰 Yue Weifeng
035.中国基础教育质量监测协同创新 035 Collaborative Innovation Center of
中心 Assessment for Basic Education Quality
 040100教育学  040100.Education
  01教育测量、评价与统计 杨涛 Yang Tao
Measurement,Evaluation and Statistics
  01教育测量、评价与统计 张丹慧 Zhang Danhui
Measurement,Evaluation and Statistics
  01教育测量、评价与统计 张生 Zhang Sheng
Measurement,Evaluation and Statistics Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  01教育测量、评价与统计 赵茜 Zhao Qian
Measurement,Evaluation and Statistics
  02.Curriculum Assessment and
  02学科素养测评与提升 李小红 Li Xiaohong
  02.Curriculum Assessment and
  02学科素养测评与提升 李佑发 Li Youfa
 040200心理学  040200.Psychology
  01心理测量   01.Psychometrics 陈平 Chen Ping
  01心理测量   01.Psychometrics 温红博 Wen Hongbo
  02.Children and Adolescent
  02儿童青少年心理评价与促进 边玉芳 Bian Yufang
Psychological Assessment and Improvement Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02.Children and Adolescent
  02儿童青少年心理评价与促进 郭筱琳 Guo Xiaolin
Psychological Assessment and Improvement
  02.Children and Adolescent
  02儿童青少年心理评价与促进 李燕芳 Li Yanfang
Psychological Assessment and Improvement
036.社会学院 036 School of Sociology
 030300社会学  030300.Sociology
  01社会学   01.Sociology 尉建文 Wei Jianwen
  01社会学   01.Sociology 张网成
  01社会学   01.Sociology 赵炜 Zhao Wei
  02人类学   02.Anthropology 高丙中 Gao Bingzhong Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02人类学   02.Anthropology 韩俊魁 Han Junkui
  02人类学   02.Anthropology 刘夏蓓 Liu Xiabei
  02人类学   02.Anthropology 色音 Se Yin
  04.Social Management and Social
  04社会管理与社会政策 谢琼 Xie Qiong
  04.Social Management and Social
  04社会管理与社会政策 朱耀垠 Zhu Yaoyin
037.新闻传播学院 037 School of Journalism & Communication
 050300新闻传播学  050300.Journalism and Communication
  01.Digital Governance, Network
  01数字治理、网络传播 李韬 Li Tao
  02.Media Integration and Cultural
  02媒体融合与文化创新 秦艳华 Qin Yanhua
  03.Digital Publishing and Culture
  03数字出版与数字人文 万安伦 Wan Anlun
  04.Theory and Practice of Digital Image
  04数字影像传播理论与实务 王长潇 Wang Changxiao
  05计算传播学   05.Computational Communication 吴晔 Wu Ye
  06网络新媒体与互联网治理   06.New Media and Internet Governance 徐敬宏 Xu Jinghong
  07.New Media and Risk Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300 博士毕业论文必须用中文
  07新媒体与风险传播、国际传 书写
Communication, International 周敏 Zhou Min

  08. Political Communication,
  08政治传播、传播心理 闫文捷 Yan Wenjie
Psychology of Communication
  09智能传播   09.Intelligent Communication 张洪忠
  10电影与视觉文化   10.Film and Visual Culture 姜申 Jiang Shen
  11媒介生产与消费   11.Media Production and Consumption 丁汉青 Ding Hanqing
  12.Evolution and Development of New
  12新媒体演进与发展 宋素红 Song Suhong
  13传播学;媒介技术与社会发   13.Communication Research,Media
杨雅 Yang Ya
展 Technology and Society
038.心理学部 038 Faculty of Psychology
 040200心理学  040200.Psychology
  01.Foundamental Psychology and
  01基础心理学与认知神经科学 陈宝国 Chen Baoguo
Cognitive Neuroscience
  01.Foundamental Psychology and
  01基础心理学与认知神经科学 徐鹏飞 Xu Pengfei
Cognitive Neuroscience
  01.Foundamental Psychology and
  01基础心理学与认知神经科学 张学民 Zhang Xuemin
Cognitive Neuroscience
  01.Foundamental Psychology and
  01基础心理学与认知神经科学 甄宗雷 Zhen Zonglei
Cognitive Neuroscience
  01.Foundamental Psychology and
  01基础心理学与认知神经科学 周可 Zhou Ke
Cognitive Neuroscience
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 陈英和 Chen Yinghe
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 方晓义 Fang Xiaoyi
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 黄四林 Huang Silin
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 寇彧 Kou Yu
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 林崇德 Lin Chongde
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 林丹华 Lin Danhua Chinese HSK5 195 3 32300
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 蔺秀云 Lin Xiuyun
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 刘霞 Liu Xia
  02发展心理学   02.Developmental Psychology 杨春亮 Yang Chunliang
  03人格与社会心理学   03.Personality and Social Psychology 蒋奖 Jiang Jiang
  03人格与社会心理学   03.Personality and Social Psychology 刘力 Liu Li
  03人格与社会心理学   03.Personality and Social Psychology 王芳 Wang Fang
  04. Psychological Statistics and
  04心理统计与测量学 刘红云 Liu Hongyun
  05教育与学校心理学   05.Educational and School Psychology 李虹 Li Hong
  05教育与学校心理学   05.Educational and School Psychology 刘儒德 Liu Rude
  05教育与学校心理学   05.Educational and School Psychology 伍新春 Wu Xinchun
  05教育与学校心理学   05.Educational and School Psychology 杨秀杰 Yang Xiujie
  05教育与学校心理学   05.Educational and School Psychology 姚梅林 Yao Meilin
  06临床与咨询心理学   06.Clinical and Counseling Psychology 韩卓 Han Zhuo
  06临床与咨询心理学   06.Clinical and Counseling Psychology 王建平 Wang Jianping
  06临床与咨询心理学   06.Clinical and Counseling Psychology 徐慰 Xu Wei
039.地理科学学部 039 Faculty of Geographical Science
 070501自然地理学  070501.Physical Geography
Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  02土壤侵蚀与水土保持   02. Soil erosion and conservation 符素华 Fu Suhua
 0705Z1自然资源  0705Z1.Natural Resources

Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400

  01.Land Resources Evaluation and
  01土地资源与区域发展 黄庆旭 Huang Qingxu
Regional Development Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  01.Land Resources Evaluation and
  01土地资源与区域发展 赵文武 Zhao Wenwu
Regional Development
040.人工智能学院 040 School of Artificial Intelligence
 081200.Computer Science and
  01.Data Science and Knowledge
  01数据科学与知识工程 别荣芳 Bie Rongfang
  01.Data Science and Knowledge
  01数据科学与知识工程 党德鹏 Dang Depeng
  02.Virtual Reality and Augmented Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  02虚拟现实与增强现实 武仲科 Wu Zhongke
  03.Computer Vision and Affective Huang
  03计算机视觉与情感计算 黄永祯
Computing Yongzhen
  03.Computer Vision and Affective
  03计算机视觉与情感计算 余先川 Yu Xianchuan
 990200人工智能  990200.Artificial Intelligence
  01.Fundamental Theory of Artificial
  01人工智能基础理论 王川 Wang Chuan
Intelligence Chinese HSK5 195 3 41400
  02教育智能技术   02.Educational Intelligence Technology 余胜泉 Yu Shengquan
  03媒体智能技术   03.Media Intelligence Technology 王醒策 Wang Xingce
046 School of International Chinese
Language Education
 050102.Linguistics and Applied
  01对外汉语教学   01.Teaching Chinese to foreigners 李春雨 Li Chunyu
  01对外汉语教学   01.Teaching Chinese to foreigners 宋志明 Song Zhiming HSK6 240 院组织的面试。本专业接
Chinese 3 32300
HSKK高级65 受新汉学计划、孔子学院
  01对外汉语教学   01.Teaching Chinese to foreigners 徐彩华 Xu Caihua 奖学金生、中国政府奖学
  01对外汉语教学   01.Teaching Chinese to foreigners 杨泉 Yang Quan

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