DenimoTech Mill Versus Siefer and Supatron

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Difference between Supatron, Siefer and DenimoTech Mills:

Supatron and Siefer have the same mill design for many industries, whereas DenimoTech only operate in
bitumen industry (Bitumen Emulsion, Polymer modified emulsion for road, oil and bitumen coating

Their own words: Agricultural chemistry, biotechnology, bitumen, chemistry, paints and coatings,
pet food, cosmetics & pharmaceutics,
food, paper & recycling industry

We have a different approach and process inside the mill. Take a look at the Siefer and Supatron which
have a cone as a rotor, which means it is sort of a dissolver, grinder, and then a very small hear shear mill
area. I mean they can take big particles and make them smaller. And they describe the different stages. For
example, three stages. Coarse, Medium coarse and fine. The rotor teeth do not go into the stator teeth,
which means when they describe 0,3-millimeter gap, the medium has to pass the gap as a nozzle.

The PMB mill from DenimoTech below, only have fine hear shear milling. Gap distance is 2-4 millimeters,
but in essence is has -3mm millimeter gap as the product has to pass up and down between teeth before is
pushed to next stage, but it has six stages and the medium (PMB) is forced to move between all stages.
Every mill is designed to a certain and narrower capacity to ensure that energy used by the motor is
absorbed in the milling process. For example, our 40 MTPH mill, only has a working area of 20-40 MTPH,
whereas Siefer have 6 MTPH to 120 MTPH in the same mill head.

As PMB process typically already have polymer granulates dispersed into the bitumen before it enters the
mill, the granulates are already softened, and do not need a coarse grinding. We believe in this process the
DenimoTech design is better as it distributes and forces the softened granulates to be absorbed in the
bitumen to create a very fine distribution. This process happens inside the mill and not afterwards as we
think the milling process Siefer and Supatron mills does.

DenimoTech mills does not work as pumps, as Siefer and Supatron does, they use energy in their design to
pump as well. Our mills do create a natural outgoing pressure, but do not create suction. Therefore, we will
need a feeding pump for the mill.

Denimo TECH A/S Haandvaerkervangen 12, 5792 Aarslev, Fyn - Denmark, CVR/VAT no: 35227458
Tlf.: + 45 63 90 50 00 - e-mail:
When we talk about high shearing, we talk about how much time do we have per m3 of flow to disperse
shear energy into the medium. (The slower the flow the more the shearing per m3 of product) These
tolerances and sizing of mill heads and rotor stators has been developed together with the chemical
company Akzo Nobel, many years ago to find the right balance.

Please see above how DenimoTech rotor/stator and mill house is designed.

In essence when Supatron and Siefer talk about gap distance of (0,3 mm), DenimoTech has a negative gap
distance of (-3mm) which forces the medium between teeth with 3000 Rounds per minute.

Denimo TECH A/S Haandvaerkervangen 12, 5792 Aarslev, Fyn - Denmark, CVR/VAT no: 35227458
Tlf.: + 45 63 90 50 00 - e-mail:

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