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Many modern-day archaeologists now believe that Machu Picchu served as a royal
estate for Inca emperors and nobles. Others have theorized that it was a religious
site, pointing to its proximity to mountains and other geographical features that the
Incas held sacred.

The real purpose for the building of Machu Picchu is not clear, it remains a mystery
and is open to speculation. There are many theories but few among the most
plausible. The most common conclusion from experts on Inca history and
archaeologists is that it was built first and foremost as a retreat for the Inca and his
family to worship natural resources, deities and specially the Sun, Inti. In reality
things do not have one single purpose and Machu Picchu had a multiplicity of uses
and significance.

The Inca city of Machu Picchu is, without a doubt, a true work of architecture and
engineering. Despite having few tools, thanks to their knowledge, the Incas managed
to create hundreds of terraces that held up the walls of granite, a particularly hard
material. Hundreds of men pushed the heavy rocks up the steep mountain side.
Structures at Machu Picchu were built with a technique called “ldquo ashlar.” Stones
are cut to fit together without mortar. Thanks to their drainage system, these walls
remain solid long after their construction, which demonstrates the ingenuity of this

Other theories about how Machu Picchu was built and used for.

Richard Burger, Lucy Salazar-Burger and John Lowe, archaeologists specializing in

the central Andes, argue that Machu Picchu was a "panaca." Panacas were royal
retreats for Inca rulers. According to this theory, Machu Picchu was a luxurious
estate where the king and his entourage could hunt, entertain and host Inca nobles
and foreign aristocrats. Lowe, Burger and Salazar-Burger base their claims on
archaeological evidence such as masonry, settlement size and the lack of an
economic infrastructure. The functionality of the architecture reveals that three
classes of people frequently inhabited Machu Picchu: royalty, nobles and servants. It
is speculated that Inca royalty spent summer months in Machu Picchu away from the
frigid Cusco evenings.
Us as a group also believe the theories that Machu Picchu was a city of the elite. It
had a large house for the king, houses of the priests and many other buildings which
accommodated the bureaucrats. The city had temples and schools as well. Now
there comes a twist to this mighty empire during the 16th Century. The Spanish
people invaded Peru. They saw a rich land of treasure and prosperity. They
continued their loot through the different cities of Inca and took their prizes. The
Incas could not stand the modern warfare of the Spanish. But they wanted to protect
their culture and treasure from the foreigners. So they decided to abandon the rich
town of Machu Picchu leaving no trails behind. All the paths were covered and no
one thought of climbing those mountains and exploring for more wealth. The city of
gold was hidden for centuries.

Machu Picchu special ceremony

reopens after eight-month Covid closure

Machu Picchu, also known as the Lost City of the Incas, is about 2,430 meters high.
It is the remains of the ancient civilization of the Incas. Located high in the mountains
in Peru. South America being surrounded by many countries Whether it's Ecuador,
Colombia, Brazil or Bolivia, and it's also part of the Andes Mountains. The highlight
of Peru is its pre-Columbus archaeological heritage. and buildings of the Inca Empire
that attracts tourists to flow into this country.

This place was the sacred site of the leader of the Inca Empire. which was
deteriorated by the Spanish invasion in the 16th century, then hundreds of years
later It was discovered by Hiram Bingham, an American archaeologist. However,
there was no clear evidence that invaders had entered this realm. But evidence from
many ancient documents suggests that Its name is "Huayna Picchu" (Huayna
Picchu) or "Picchu" (Picchu). The reason why this city is desolate This may have
been due to a smallpox epidemic.

Machu Picchu is now one of the 7 wonders of the world. It is also home to
endangered species. There are tourists visiting this place. to come and watch the
sunrise in the morning and be amazed by the wonders More than 10,000 people
build this man-made city every year from Machu Picchu to Lima (Lima), the largest
city. and is the capital of Peru.

Of course, this is the center of Peru. There must be many things to attract tourists.
And one of them is El Circuito Magico del Agua. All 13 fountains in the Parque de la
Reserva were built in 2007 at a cost of $13 million.

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