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We will study numbers in the fol-

lowing groups:

1) 1 & 2 (Naat)

2) 3 to 10 (number Mudaf/Mudaf
ilaihi [plural]) (number is f if thing
counted is m and m if counted is

3) 11 to 19 (In book 2)

4) 20 to 99

5) 100 & up

Different changes need to be

noted in all of these groups.
For 1 and 2 it’s the object first and then the
For 1 and 2 it’s the object first and then the
3 to 10 number first then object.
3 - 10 When you count a masculine ob-
ject we use a feminine number. Oppos-
ites come together in numbers. If
madood is masculine adad will be fem-
inine. [In this lesson]
‫اﻟ َﻣ ْﻌدُو ُد‬ ‫اﻟﻌَ َد ُد‬
If madood is (f) adad will be (m)
[will study in lesson 20]
The madood (Thing counted) must be a
plural noun for numbers 3 to 10.
Mudaf number can have fatha, dhumma,
kasra depending on what’s before it but it
cannot take tanween or al
mudaf can be marfoo,
mansoob or majroor
depending on how its
used in the sentence.

mudaf ilaihi is plural mudaf has no al and

and majroor no tanween
1 and 2 (Naat Manoot) – from 3 number comes
first (Mudaf mudaf) noun that comes after is
mudaf ilaihi + madood is always jamu (plural)
adad will be muanath if madood is muzakkar or
adad will be muzakkar if madood is muanath
Reminder: When we use 1 and 2 it has to be a naat
manoot relationship. From 3 – 10 its is mudaf
mudaf ilaihi and adad and madood are opposite.
The opposites attract.
Whenever there is naat
manoot you translate
naat first and manoot
later eg one pen as op-
posed to pen one
We know Ahmad is the fiel and it is marfoo – so Ahmad
was the one who sat. The mudaf number is majroor be-
cause of maah so the mudaf numbers can decline with
fatha kasra dhumma etc. marfoo form of madarisayne
(majroor) is madurasoona
Zarat is tawtanithi so we look for a femin-
ine noun. The number has a fatah as it is
the action that was taken
The number can take fatah, dhumma, kasra
depening on what position it is taking. Here it is
Fatha coz it is mafoolun bi hi
Khabr mukaddam, mubtada muakkhar wa hua
mudaf mudaf ilaihi

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