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Fami Hair and Beauty


UV20398 Provide facial skin care

Outcome 1 Be able to prepare for facial skin care treatments

f. Describe salon requirements for preparing yourself, the client

and work area
As a therapist, I should always be presented with good personal
hygiene, clean professional uniform, no heavy makeup, no
jewellery, hair should be tied back, and wear sensible shoes. I
should always ensure that hygiene and safety is carried out
throughout the treatment. In order to avoid any cross-infections
disposable gloves should be worn.
Prior to treatment, I should spend at least 20 minutes on
consulting my client. The consultation would help me understand
my client’s medical history, background, and suitability for
treatment. I would always need to manage my client’s
expectations, which includes giving them realistic expectations,
projected cost, duration and frequency of treatment and after
The work area should be cleaned and tidied up before and after
every treatment. This is to make sure I provide a conducive,
comfortable and hazard-free environment for the health and
safety of both the client and ourselves as therapists. I should make
sure that the room ventilation is sufficient, temperature of 16
degrees Celsius should be maintained, there is nothing abstracting
fire exits, there is not spills, lighting is subdued prior to treatment,
blankets and bed protective sheets are in place, treatment gown
has been laid folded on the bed, each shelf of the trolley is lined
with protective sheets, a pillow is in place, all machines/ lights
(i.e.: magnifying lamp is working etc.) and all required products to
carry out a facial has been prepared on the trolley.
h. Describe different consultation techniques used to identify
treatment objectives

Building a client profile by giving the client realistic expectations

and their treatment plan. The consultation should last a minimum
of 20 minutes and should include each level of protocols from
understanding the client’s medical history, patch test (if required)
to indicate treatment suitability (i.e.: dyes etc.), analyse client’s
skin types (oily, normal, combination or dry), skin conditions
(sensitive, dehydrated, mature tec.), as well as pre and post
treatment advice. In the case of contra-indications, clients would
need to provide a medical referral letter either from a General
Practitioner or a Dermatologist.
In addition, it is pivotal for the therapist to maintain confidence, is
positive, remains a good posture, welcoming of questions,
explains in depth of the procedure, smile, remain professionalism
(client/therapist privacy), is attentive to any queries, concerns that
the client may have. It is very important to continuously reassure
the client about the whole procedure providing them a peace of

I can assess the skin manually/ physically by touching the area. i

will be able to identify on the texture and firmness. Another
method is by visual, whereby we are able to examine if the client
has any contra-indications, some skin condition would prevent a
client from having a facial (i.e.: furuncle (boil), impetigo (crusting
of skin/ inflammation), herpes simplex (cold sores), herpes zoster
(shingles), conjunctivitis (eye infection), sty, ringworm, scabies,
severe eczema and psoriasis), while others would restrict the
treatment (avoiding the area of the condition).

Apart from visual technique of identifying contra-indications, this

technique would allow us to understand the skin better by
assessing the pore size of the client’s skin. Oilier skin-types
generally exhibit larger pores. Larger pores are a sign of the
increased production of sebum (by the sebaceous gland at the
root of each hair follicle) and the passage of that sebum onto the
surface of your skin. Very dry skin may not exhibit any pores at all;
the pores do exist, but they are not dilated.

Once the assessment has been completed it is important to record

note them on the face map, this would include any notes on milia,
wrinkles, enlarged pores, broken capillaries etc. This record
technique would allow us as therapist to refer to previous
treatments and systematically keep track on the progress of each
client. Also, keeping a record would allow us to cater our
treatments to client’s area of concern, whether is it wrinkles,
enlarged pores, lack of elasticity etc.

I. State the importance of carrying out a detailed skin analysis

It is extremely important as it would enable me to identify the

condition and skin type of the client, asses the reaction of the
patch test, determine the suitability of the treatment, and to
avoid any adverse reactions. In terms of a facial i would need to
find out if the client has any form of allergies to the product being
used. Also, if the wrong skin type is identified the client may
develop issues or ineffectiveness from the treatment.
Some clients may have contra-indications that would prevent then
or restrict them from getting a treatment. For example, if the
client has some sort of skin disease, if not unidentified the
condition might worsen from the treatment. Therefore, clients
with contra-indications needs to provide a medical referral from
their GP/ dermatologist.

The method of skin assessment is as follows:

 First cleanse the skin with a gentle soap-free cleanser that

rinses away completely. Be sure to remove any traces of
makeup. Do not tone your skin as this may affect the
appearance of the pore openings and skin texture.
 Leave the skin to allow pH levels to normalize.
 Inspect with a magnifying lamp. Look for the visibility or
absence of pore openings, as this will generally signify the skin-
 Does it feel tight and dry due to the lack of any moisturizer
being applied after cleansing?
 Or is the skin visibly oily and / or oily to the touch?
 Lastly, note down the findings on the face map and include any
notes on a record card.
Once this has been completed, we will be able to consult the
client with the type of products we will be using for the treatment
and share some key points of our findings. Most importantly never
forget to give the client a few compliments on their current skin
condition and our advice is only to further improve their current
j. Describe how to select products, tools and equipment to suit
client treatment needs, skin types and conditions

A good rule of thumb is to use oil-based products for dryer skin

and water-based products for oilers skins. This applies to
everything from cleanser, makeup remover, massage oil/creams,
moisturisers etc. In terms of acne skin, there are certain products,
which are now recognized as irritants to acne. These are products
which contain petroleum jelly, lanolin and some vegetable oils.
There are specifically designed lotions, which are spirit-based in a
chemical formulation to prevent infections. Therefore, if the client
is suffering from acne it is best to avoid any of the mentioned
Products that are used for facial: make-up remover, cotton buds
to remove mascara, cleansers, exfoliants, toners, masks (setting
(towards oily skin), non-setting (dry/ combination skin)),
moisturisers (creams for dryer skins and lotions for oilier skins),
massage creams/oils (thicker consistency for dryer skin).

Tools and equipment used for a facial: damped cotton wool,

tissue, hot towels, facial sponges, spatulas, mask brushes,
magnifying lamp, metal palette, comedones extractor (only when

Skin Types

1) Oily Skin

-Cleanser: Water Based (lighter consistency)

-Toner: with mild astringent action (i.e.: orange flower, low

alcohol 3-20%). This helps to close the pores and balance up the

-Moisturiser: Lotion (Oil-free moisturisers, high water content,

lighter consistency)

-Clay setting mask: These are natural ingredients which absorb

waste and draws out deep down impurities and tightening. These
can be stimulating or soothing depending on the choice of
ingredients, but generally these are more suitable for oilier skins

2) Normal Skin

-Cleanser: Water Based

-Toner: with mild astringent action (i.e.: orange flower, low

alcohol 3-20%). This helps to close the pores and balance up the

-Moisturiser: Lotion (Oil-free moisturisers, high water content,

lighter consistency)

3) Dry Skin

-Cleanser: Oil based (more greasy, richer)

– Freshener (the mildest form of toners i.e.: rose water): Very low
alcohol up to 3%. Humectants help to keep the moisture in the
upper layers of the epidermis by preventing it from evaporating.

-Moisturiser: Cream (Oil-based, creamy consistency)

-Paraffin Wax Mask: This mask is beneficial for dry, dehydrated

and ageing skins since it is hydrating and allows the penetration of
nourishing creams.

4) Combination Skin

–Cleanser: Water based

-Toner: with mild astringent action (i.e.: orange flower, low

alcohol 3-20%). This helps to close the pores and balance up the

-Moisturiser: Lotion (Oil-free moisturisers, high water content,

lighter consistency)

Skin Conditions
1) Sensitive

-Hypoallergenic products (preferably a cream cleaner and not a

foam one)

-Freshener to keep the moisture in the upper layers of the

epidermis by preventing it from evaporating. Anything low alcohol
would be good for sensitive skin as high alcohol content agitates
the skin.

2) Dehydrated

-Cream Cleaner/ Oil-based

-Freshener to keep the moisture in the upper layers of the

epidermis by preventing it from evaporating.

-Paraffin Wax Mask: This mask is beneficial for dry, dehydrated

and ageing skins since it is hydrating and allows the penetration of
nourishing creams.

3) Mature

-Freshener to keep the moisture in the upper layers of the

epidermis by preventing it from evaporating.

-Eye creams to help minimise the appearance of crow’s feet and

fine lines.

-Paraffin Wax Mask: This mask is beneficial for dry, dehydrated

and ageing skins since it is hydrating and allows the penetration of
nourishing creams.

Outcome 2 Be able to provide facial skin care treatments

h. State how to communicate and behave in a professional

Always smile, make eye contact, and enthusiastically greet clients.
It's crucial to sell yourself and win the client's trust in your
professional and technical knowledge when speaking, build a
professional rapport with the client, ascertain the needs of the
client, and promote the services and treatments. Be patient, pay
close attention, and refrain from interrupting the customer while
they are speaking. Even if certain technical information might not
seem difficult, it is advisable to check with the client to make sure
they have comprehended everything. Non-verbal communication,
often known as body language, is one of the communication
techniques that can help you deal with customers professionally.
Understanding how to read a client's behaviour, including their
voice, eyes, and facial expressions, is crucial. To communicate in a
professional manner, I need to be enthusiastic and polite, speak
clearly and smile. I should have a positive attitude when speaking
to the client and reassure them where necessary so they feel
comfortable. I should use good language, no swearing or slang as
well my tone should be appropriate and on an understandable
pace. My behaviour should professional manner by looking
presentable, arriving on time (allowing time to set up for
treatments etc) and being organised for the daily schedule. Being
a therapist, I must explain the treatment to the client to make sure
that client understood the treatment properly. Prior to the
treatment I have to explain the benefits of this to client along with
the limits, that could be explaining what Is included and excluded
from the package the client chooses. This way I can ensure about
not having any conflict as well as chance client might buy other
service too also client’s cooperation is highly important for the
best result of a treatment.

j. State the importance of positioning yourself and the client

correctly throughout the treatment
Correct posture enables you to work longer and prevents muscle
fatigue, aches and pains. Proper ergonomics would also mean
higher efficiency and accuracy when working on a client.
 Ensure the couch is in a central position for ease of movement.
 Ensure equipment is easily accessible and the lamp is
positioned so that there are no shadows and the area is clearly
 Ideally you want to be able to see the machine and adjust the
controls easily.
 The magnifying lens should be parallel to the area being
treated, with adequate working space between the lamp and
the client enabling tweezer and hand movement without
touching the lens.
 Gas lift pumps can help ensure you are sitting at the correct
 Hydraulic couches allow the practitioner to adjust the height
and position accordingly to achieve optimum positioning and
posture protection.
 Aim to keep your feet flat and even on the floor and not cross
your legs. Placing your feet on the wheels of your stool can
affect balance and prove dangerous.
 It is important, if you are right-handed to sit on the right-hand
side of the client, likewise, if you are left- handed place
yourself on the left- hand side of the couch whenever possible.
 Try to relax and ensure that your neck and shoulders are stress
 Remember to change your position as well as couch and stool
heights when working on different areas of the body.
 Always move the client into a position that is comfortable for
both the client and yourself to ensure the most effective
 To aid accurate insertions, position yourself so that the wrist
and elbow are aligned with the direction of the hair.
 Occasionally you may need to lean on the client, use your body
weight lightly and be as considerate as possible.

k. State the importance of using products, tools, equipment and

techniques to suit client’s treatment needs, skin type and
it is important to use suitable tools and equipment’s to meet
clients’ expectations. I have to use quality tools as it can be helpful
to enhance the results as well as I can save time with quality. Tools
must be used in way that no harm for me or the client so I must
maintain the tools and check before use for treatment. Choosing
the correct tools and equipment’s help to improve the customer
service. Treatment techniques must meet the standard of health
and safety regulation. I must be flexible to adjust treatment style
as long as it is safe. Treatment can be altered as per client’s
preference, medical test results and doctor’s guidelines. Clients
skin condition plays a crucial role in treatment for facial care so a
therapist must analysis the skin prior to decide a treatment,
different skin condition must be handled with adopted style. For
example, I cannot use a product contain oil-based products for oily
skin as it will not be suitable for client’s skin whereas same
product could be used for client having dry change in
product also effect the technique of treatment.

I. Describe how treatments can be adapted to suit client

treatment needs, skin types and conditions

The first step in a professional facial treatment would be client

consultation. The client consultation is the like a pre-screening for
the patient to ensure they are suited to the treatment. During a
client consultation, your client will fill out some forms concerning:

 Their personal information, including name and age

 Lifestyle choices such as diet, alcohol and smoking habits, etc
 Medical conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and diabetes

Let the client know to be as honest as possible to ensure they

receive the most suitable treatment plan. Skin conditions such as
eczema might mean they are not a suitable candidate for a facial
treatment. Use your client consultation time to understand what
your client wants to achieve from the treatment. The most crucial
part of a client consultation is that your client should sign the
paperwork stating that they understood the information you
delivered. Once the consultation is done, I can understand the
demand of a client and treatment will suit them better.

Skin Analysis is an essential part of a professional facial treatment.

Through skin analysis, you can determine and understand the
client’s skin condition (blackheads, acne, ageing, whiteheads,
dehydration, sun damage, dehydration) and choose the right
Skin Analysis is an essential part of a professional facial treatment.
Through skin analysis, you can determine and understand the
client’s skin condition (blackheads, acne, ageing, whiteheads,
dehydration, sun damage, dehydration) and choose the right
products. After analysis of skin type and condition it will become
easy for me as a beautician to chose a product and a useful
treatment method to adopt to fulfil client needs. Treatment
adaptation also effected by age, clients demand as well as any
medical issues etc.

n. State the importance of completing the treatment to the

satisfaction of the client

It is crucial to complete a treatment to client’s satisfaction. The

return-rate of the client is depended on each treatment every
time and therefore each treatment is just as important as the first.
If the client is dissatisfied, some may not say anything and just not
return but might write a bad review either on Google where your
business is listed or sites in which they have bought the treatment
from i.e.: Treat well. This would vent off potential clients and this
is not a good sign as clients return equals to income. Some clients
would make a scene and complain to management and that
wouldn’t look good on the therapist. Also, if the therapist takes
pride in their job, they would always incline to delivering a great
treatment fulfilling client’s expectations. When it comes to
understanding each individual client, it is important to recognise
that everyone will have different personalities and lifestyles that
will suit different colours, styles and lengths. As well as discussing
client preference, it is also necessary to use professional
judgement. Understanding an individual’s personality style and
adapting your service to suit this is important. It can be a good
exercise to study the different personality types to ensure you are
offering your clients the best tailor-made service to suit their
personality and requirements. Age is often irrelevant when
considering this, if a client has an outgoing personality, they will be
drawn to bold, bright colours and nail art techniques that draw
attention. A shy, introverted personality will most likely be drawn
to a natural style.

o. State the importance of completing treatment records

When clients return to their favourite salon, they expect to be

treated with special attention. They look forward to being
attended by a trusted specialist who remembers which treatments
they like, what products to avoid using for health reasons, and any
small details. It is crucial to complete treatment records because
therapist is able to look back at records and keep track on the
client’s progress and past treatments or if there are any allergies.
Also, if there happens that another therapist does the treatment
the next time then they are able to refer to previous treatment
records. Well-kept records support you as a therapist in delivering
a high standard of care to your clients. They maintain a reliable
history of important information relating to your clients’ health,
treatments and relevant events, rather than relying on memory.

Well maintained records will help your therapist insurance to

gives the best possible defence if someone should make a
complaint or a claim against you. They will confirm your account
of the facts. Furthermore, they can also help to discredit false
allegations against me or my company. They are your legal
evidence of what happened – and sometimes equally importantly
– what did not happen. If no record is made of an event, a court
could deem that it didn’t take place. In litigation proceedings, it’s
often not so much a case of the client’s word against the
therapist’s word but rather the client’s word against the
therapist’s records. Legal professionals working with insurers may
well decide on the chances of defending a case successfully from
looking at the client’s complaint and the therapist’s records rather
than interviewing the therapist in person. If something were to
happen me to prevent me from continuing to provide treatment
for your clients, your client records would be of great benefit to
the next treating therapist to ensure continuity of appropriate

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