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Class- X Time- 3:00 hrs.
Subject-MATHEMATICS Max Marks: 80
General Instructions:
This question paper contains five sections A,B,C,D and E
1. Section A: (1 – 20) MCQs questions are of 1 mark each.
2. Section B: (21 – 25) Very short type questions are of 2 marks each.
3. Section C: (26 – 31) Short type questions are of 3 marks each.
4. Section D: (32 – 35) Long type questions are of 5 marks each.
5. Section E: (36 – 38) Case Study Based questions are of 4 marks each.
6. All questions are compulsory. However internal choice has been provided in section B, C, D
and E.
7. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π= 7 wherever required if not stated.

3 2 2 3
1. LCM of 2 X 3 and 2 X 3
(a) 23 (b) 33 (c) 23 X 33 (d) 23 X32
2. Find the smallest irrational number which should be added to( 4 - √5) to get a rational
number is
(a) (√4 – 5) (b) -√5 (c) ( 4 - √5) (d) √5.
3. The graph of y = p(x) is given. The no of zeroes
(a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4.

4. Which of the following is not an irrational number

(a)(3 + √5) (b) √5√2 (c) √3√27 (d) √36√2
5. The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x + 43x + 222 are:
(a) both equal (b) one positive one negative
(c) both negative (d) both positive.
6. If p is a prime number and p divides k2, then p divides
(a) 2k2 (b) k (c) 3k (d) none of these
7. The degree of the remainder when a cubic polynomial is divided by a quadratic polynomial
(a) ≤ 1 (b) ≥ 1 (c) 2 (d) ≥2
8. The decimal expansion of the rational number 1250
will terminate after
(a) one decimal place (b) two decimal places (c) three decimal places (d) four decimal places
9. If one of the zero of the quadratic polynomial (α-1)x2 + αx +1 is -3, then value of α is
−𝟐 𝟐 𝟒 𝟑
(a) 𝟑
(b) 𝟑
(c) 𝟑 (d) 𝟒 .
𝟐 𝟑 𝟓 𝟒
10. If 𝒙
+ 𝒚
=13 and 𝒙 - 𝒚
= -2, then x + y equals
𝟏 −𝟏 𝟓 −𝟓
(a) (b) (c) (d)
𝟔 𝟔 𝟔 𝟔
11. The pair of linear equations (3k +1)x +3y–5=0 and 2x–3y+5=0 have infinite number of solutions.
Then the value of k is
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d)-1.
12. The pair of equations x+y-40=0 and x-2y+14=0 have
(a) a unique solution (b) exactly two solutions (c) infinitely many solutions (d) no solution
13. The points at which the graph lines of the equations ax+by=0 and ax-by=0 intersect is
(a) (a,0) (b) (b,0) (c) (0,0) (d) (a,b).
2+√5 2−√5
14. Quadratic equation whose two roots are 2
, 2 is
(a) 8x2 -4x-1=0 (b)4x2+8x+1=0 (c) 4x2+8x-1=0 (d) 4x2-8x-1=0
2 2
15. Which of the following is a solution of the quadratic equation x -b = a(2x-a)?
( a) a+b (b) 2b-a (c) ab (d) 𝑏
16. If the equation x2 +4x+k=0 has real and distinct roots, then
(a) k ≤ 4 (b) k < 4 (c) k > 4 (d) k ≥ 4
17. The distance of the point (-3,4) from the x-axis is
(a) 3 units (b) - 3 units (c) 4 units (d) 5 units
18. If ( , 4) is the midpoint of the line segment joining the points A(-6,5) and B (-2,3), then the value
of a is
(a)-8 (b) 3 (c) -4 (d) 4.

Assertion (A) Reason(R) Type Questions:

Direction: In the questions 19 and 20, Assertion (A) is followed by a statement Reason (R).
Choose the correct option from the followings:
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (B) are true and Reason is a correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (B) are true but Reason is not a correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion (|A) is true and Reason (B) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason is (B) true.
19. Assertion (A): If 5 divides k2 then 5 also divides k, where k is a positive integer.
Reason (R): Let p be a prime number, if p divides a2, then p divides a, where’ a’ is a positive
20. Assertion (A): The distance of the point (1.1) from the origin is 2 unit .
Reason (R): Distance between two points is given by root of sum of square of the differences in

21. Write the HCF of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number.
22. Write down the quadratic polynomial whose zeros are 3 + √5 and 3- √5.
23. Find c if the system of equations cx + 3 y + 3 – c=0and 12 x + c y – c = 0 has infinitely many
24. Find a value of p so that lines represented by 3x – 4y + 7 =0and px + 3 y – 5 = 0 are parallel.
Find the total number of point (s) of intersection of the line 2x + 3y + 5 = 0 with the x-axis.
25. For what value of k, the equation 9x2+ 6k x + 4 = 0 has equal roots?
Write the discriminant of quadratic equation 3√3x2+ 10 x+ √3= 0.

26. What is the smallest number which when increased by 6 becomes divisible by 36, 63 and 108?
27. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial p(x)= 4x2- 8kx + 8x-9 is negative of the other, then the find
the value of k.
If sum of the squares of zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 – 8x+ k is 40 then find the value of k.

28. Solve for x and y by any suitable method: a (x + y) + b(x -y) =a² - ab +b2 and
a(x + y)–b(x – y) =a² + ab +b².
Solve the pair of linear equations by any suitable method 119x- 381y=643 and
381x- 119y=143.
29. Solve for x: (a + b) ²x²– 8(a² - b²)x – 20(a-b)²=0
30. If the point C(-1, 2) divides internally the line segment joining A( 2,5 ) and B (x, y ) in the ratio
3:4, find the coordinates of B.
31. Point P divides the line segment joining the points A(-1, 3) and B (9, 8) such that AP/ PB=k /7.
If p lies on the line x – y + 2= 0. Find the value of k.

32. If A(-2,1), B(a,0), C(4,b) and D(1,2) are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD, find a values of a
And b. Hence find the length of its sides
33. If 2 is a root of equation x²+kx+12=0 and the equation x²+kx+q=0 has equal roots, find the value
of q.
If the roots of the quadratic equation (a-b) x² + (b-c)x+(c-a)=0 are equal, prove that 2a=b+c.
34. Two pipes running together can feel at tank in your 11 9 minutes. If one pipe takes 5 minutes
more than the other to fill the tank separately, find the time in which each pipe would fill the
tank separately.
Natasha is x years old and her mother is x² years old, when her mother becomes 11x years old,
Natasha becomes x² years. Find their present ages.
35. Draw the graph of the equations 2y-x=8, 5y-x=14 and y-2x=1. Hence, find the coordinates of the
triangle formed by these three lines.

Case Study Based Questions:
Direction: Solve any three sub questions from each question:
36. Mr Ramesh is the librarian of a school. He recently he recently ordered 480 Physics books and 100
Chemistry books. He wants to arrange them in stacks in shelves in such a way that each stack has
the same number of books. At the same time, he also wants these books to occupy the least surface
Based on the above information, answer the following question.

(i) Calculate the number of books in each stack which will take the least surface area?
(a) 40 (b) 60 (c) 20 (d)80
(ii) What will be total number of stacks?
(a) 27 (b) 29 (c) 39 (d)49
(iii) What are the common prime factors of 480 and 100?
(a) 2, 3, 5 (b) 2,11, 5 (c) 2, 5 (d) None of these.
(iv) Calculate the LCM of 100 and 480.
(a) 24000 (b) 4800 (c) 800 (d) 90
37. Karan was enjoying a motorboat ride on a river. He observed that the speed of the boat
Increased while going downstream and decreases while going upstream. He found out from the
boatman that the speed of the motorboat is 10 km/h and the speed of the stream is 5 km/h.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.

(i) The speed of the motor boat in downstream is
(a)10 km/h (b) 15 km/h (c) 20 km/h (d) 5 km/h
(ii)The speed of the motor boat in upstream
(a)15 km/h (b) 10 km/h (c) 5 km/h (d) 20 km/h
(iii) The motor boat 45 km downstream what is the time required to cover it
(a)3 km/h (b) 5 km/h (c) 6 km/h (d) 10km/h
(iv) Motor boat can drow at 6 km hour in still water it goes 500m against a stream in 15 minutes
then the speed of the stream is
(a)4 km/h (b) 6km/h (c) 10km/h (d) 8 km/h
38. Students of class 10th are having their Sports day on a rectangular shaped playground. 12 lines are
drawn along the length and along the breadth of the rectangular shaped playground, 200 potatoes are
kept at the distance of 1 meter from each other. A student, Raju has been told to post a yellow flag on
the 5th line at the distance of 1/10thof the breadth of the playground. Sanju has posted a blue flag on
the 11th line at a distance of 1/8th of the breadth. At last Anushka has posted her green flag exactly
halfway between the line segments joining the two flags.

Based on the given situation, answer the following question:

(i) The coordinates of the spot where Raju has posted his yellow flag is

(a) (5, 20) (b) (20, 5) (c) (4, 10) (d) (8, 20)
(ii) The coordinates of the spot where Sanju has posted his blue flag
(a)(10, 25) (b) (11, 20) (c) (11, 25) (d) (12, 31)
(iii) The distance between the blue flag and the yellow flag is
(a)√51 units (b) √61units (c) √71units (d) √81units
(iv) The distance between the yellow flag and the green flag is
(a)√61/2 units (b) √51/2 units (c)√71/2 units (d) √81/2 units

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