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Introduction: Mr. Forassassi: Good evening and welcome to this special edition of AI
News, where we discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on our society. Today, we
have three distinguished guests with us who will share their views on the subject.
From left to right, we have Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX; Stephen Hawking,
theoretical physicist and cosmologist; and Fei Fei Li, a renowned expert in AI and
machine learning. Welcome, everyone.

Question 1 for Elon Musk: Mr. Forassassi: Elon Musk, what do you think about AI?
Can it be useful in your companies?

Elon Musk: Yes, I believe AI can be useful in certain areas, such as automating the
building of Tesla cars or making precise calculations for space exploration. However,
we must be cautious about the potential risks associated with AI.

Follow-up question for Elon Musk: Mr. Forassassi: For you, what are the benefits and
risks of AI, and in what measure are they useful?

Elon Musk: The benefits of AI are clear, but the risks can be significant if we don't
control it properly. AI could end up trying to control the world, making it a bigger
threat than nuclear weapons. We need to ensure that AI is narrow, serving humans in
specific activities. As Stephen Hawking has pointed out, we need to focus on
developing controllable AI and ensure that we take advantage of the potential
benefits while avoiding the potential problems.

Positive intervention from Stephen Hawking: Stephen Hawking: I agree with Elon that
we need to be cautious about AI and conduct more research to avoid potential risks.
However, I also believe that AI can provide significant benefits, such as assisting
people with disabilities. It's important to find the right balance between the benefits
and the risks.

Question 2 for Stephen Hawking: Mr. Forassassi: Stephen Hawking, for you, are AI
beneficial for humans?
Stephen Hawking: Yes, AI can be beneficial for humans if we use it wisely. We need
to ensure that AI remains at the service of humans and that it doesn't replace us but
helps us improve.

Follow-up question for Stephen Hawking: Mr. Forassassi: In 2015, you signed a letter
like Elon Musk. What is your recommendation?

Stephen Hawking: My recommendation is to call for more research on how to avoid

potential problems associated with AI and take advantage of its potential benefits.
We need AI developers and researchers to tune more towards developing
controllable AI. The European Parliament recommends regulations for overseeing the
creation of robots and AI, including safety measures and electronic personalities to
ensure that robots remain at the service of humans.

Question 3 for Stephen Hawking: Mr. Forassassi: On what are the benefits and risks,
or how do we need to use them?

Stephen Hawking: As I mentioned before, AI can be both beneficial and harmful. The
key is to prioritize the safety of humans and to make sure that AI is under our
control. We need to develop safe AI systems with built-in safety switches to avoid the
potential risks associated with AI. In addition, it's crucial to have regulations and
oversight to ensure that AI is used for the benefit of humanity and not against it.

Positive intervention from Fei Fei Li: Fei Fei Li: Can I say something ? I agree with
Stephen Hawking that we need to focus on developing controllable AI. As an expert
in AI and machine learning, I believe that we can harness AI to address many of the
world's most pressing problems. But we need to ensure that AI is designed with
ethics and transparency in mind.

Commentator: Thank you, Fei Fei Li. Now, let's turn to you

Question for Fei Fei Li: Mr. Forassassi: Fei Fei Li, do you think AI is good in everyday
life? Do you think Chat GPT is dangerous for studies?

Fei Fei Li: I believe that AI can be good in everyday life, as long as it is used
responsibly. Chat GPT can be dangerous for studies because it can lead to students
relying too much on AI rather than working independently. As a university professor,
I think it's important to use AI in a way that helps students learn

Elon Musk: I agree with Fei Fei Li that AI can be useful when used in the right way.
However, I also think that we need to be careful about the way we use it. We need to
ensure that we're not overly reliant on AI, and that we don't give it too much power.
In the case of chat GPT, it's important to recognize its limitations and use it as a tool
for learning, not as a replacement for actual studying and critical thinking.

Commentator: Thank you, Fei Fei. It's clear that AI is a complex and multifaceted
topic, with both benefits and risks. As we move forward with the development of AI,
we need to consider its impact on society and ensure that we use it in a way that
benefits humanity. Thank you to our guests for their insightful contributions to this
important discussion. That's all for today on AI NEWS.

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