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1) Name some entrepreneurs who made their mark on your country?

Catherine Mahugu (The co-founder of Soko).
Kelvin Macharia (The sunrise tracking).
These were both listed by Forbes among the most promising 30 young

2) Do you think they were only seeking money?

To my point of view, they were not only seeking money but also trying to make
the world a better place by analyzing the problems that society faced and come
up with better solutions to make it more interesting.
For example: Kelvin’s idea arose from the issue that his relative’s car was jacked
and he had nothing to do, but wait maybe till by chance the police found it or any
other person. So as a way to go for such a case he decided to invent a system that
would help in solving the future carjacks in a simple manner and short time just by
tracking it.
Talking also about Catherine, she and her co-founder (Ella Peinovich) are both
said to have passion in artisanship and women empowerment. And a time they
got to know that craftswomen were selling their products and generated only 10%
of the intended income which was hectic to them. It was from there that they
decided to use their skills and talents in technology to set-up an online shopping
system for the artisan products (Soko) and help the burdened craftswomen.

3) What do you think could be one big problem they faced while trying to start
a business in your country?
Both of the business operated using technology and by then little did our
citizens know about it. I therefore think that this was a challenge for them as it
always took them great effort to convince their customers who were new to such
systems that would operate on air. It always required giving more details about
how this will simplify things and besides that there was limited access to
technology by then.
For Soko this challenge can even be worse because for you to convince an
African that he or she would buy something he just saw on internet in those
times, it sounded like conning.

4) What distinguished these people from others?

The distinction is always the same for every entrepreneur who made it, the
capability to analyze the opportunity and the ability to operate the risk of running
that business. Because in life you have some people without that ability to identify
the opportunity, others can identify opportunities but too skeptical at running it.
But Catherine and Kelvin made it to the top and ran the risk of turning the
opportunity into an operating institution (business).

5) Do you think these entrepreneurs have done something for their countries?
Yes, these entrepreneurs have contributed a lot on their country’s economic
Firstly, they were able to create job opportunities to more than thousands of
their fellow citizens thereby elevating their personal development and country’s
well-being at large.
Secondly, these firms pay taxes from generated income and this will be a
government revenue. From such revenue the government is able to finance all
projects hence the country’s development at large.
Lastly but not the least, since these entities were established as solution to
arising issues, their presence handled most of them out thereby improving the
citizens way of living like in terms of security hence pros to the most of the
country’s population.


Student number: 223001151. On: 07/04/2023

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